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Submerged macrophytes play a key role in maintaining a clear‐water phase and promoting biodiversity in shallow aquatic ecosystems. Since their abundance has declined globally due to anthropogenic activities, it is important to include them in aquatic ecosystem restoration programs. Macrophytes establishment in early spring is crucial for the subsequent growth of other warm‐adapted macrophytes. However, factors affecting this early establishment of submerged macrophytes have not been fully explored yet. Here, we conducted an outdoor experiment from winter to early spring using the submerged macrophytes Potamogeton crispus and Vallisneria spinulosa to study the effects of shading, nutrient loading, snail herbivory (Radix swinhoei), and their interactions on the early growth and stoichiometric characteristics of macrophytes. The results show that the effects strongly depend on macrophyte species. Biomass and number of shoots of P. crispus decreased, and internode length increased during low light conditions, but were not affected by nutrient loading. P. crispus shoot biomass and number showed hump‐shaped responses to increased snail biomass under full light. In contrast, the biomass of the plant linearly decreased with snail biomass under low light. This indicates an interaction of light with snail herbivory. Since snails prefer grazing on periphyton over macrophytes, a low density of snails promoted growth of P. crispus by removing periphyton competition, while herbivory on the macrophyte increased during a high density of snails. The growth of V. spinulosa was not affected by any of the factors, probably because of growth limitation by low temperature. Our study demonstrates that the interaction of light with snail herbivory may affect establishment and growth of submerged macrophytes in early spring. Macrophyte restoration projects may thus benefit from lowering water levels to increase light availability and making smart use of cold‐adapted herbivores to reduce light competition with periphyton.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits reflect individual and community ecological strategies. They allow the detection of directional changes in community dynamics and ecosystemic processes, being an additional tool to assess biodiversity than species richness. Analysis of functional patterns in plant communities provides mechanistic insight into biodiversity alterations due to anthropogenic activity. Although studies have consi‐dered of either anthropogenic management or nutrient availability on functional traits in temperate grasslands, studies combining effects of both drivers are scarce. Here, we assessed the impacts of management intensity (fertilization, mowing, grazing), nutrient stoichiometry (C, N, P, K), and vegetation composition on community‐weighted means (CWMs) and functional diversity (Rao's Q) from seven plant traits in 150 grasslands in three regions in Germany, using data of 6 years. Land use and nutrient stoichiometry accounted for larger proportions of model variance of CWM and Rao's Q than species richness and productivity. Grazing affected all analyzed trait groups; fertilization and mowing only impacted generative traits. Grazing was clearly associated with nutrient retention strategies, that is, investing in durable structures and production of fewer, less variable seed. Phenological variability was increased. Fertilization and mowing decreased seed number/mass variability, indicating competition‐related effects. Impacts of nutrient stoichiometry on trait syndromes varied. Nutrient limitation (large N:P, C:N ratios) promoted species with conservative strategies, that is, investment in durable plant structures rather than fast growth, fewer seed, and delayed flowering onset. In contrast to seed mass, leaf‐economics variability was reduced under P shortage. Species diversity was positively associated with the variability of generative traits. Synthesis. Here, land use, nutrient availability, species richness, and plant functional strategies have been shown to interact complexly, driving community composition, and vegetation responses to management intensity. We suggest that deeper understanding of underlying mechanisms shaping community assembly and biodiversity will require analyzing all these parameters.  相似文献   

The relationship between the thermal stability of proteins and rates of unfolding and refolding is still an open issue. The data are very scarce, especially for proteins with complex structure. Here, time-dependent denaturation-renaturation experiments on Thermus thermophilus, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio sp. I5 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenases (IPMDHs) of different heat stabilities are presented. Unfolding, as monitored by several methods, occurs in a single first-order step with half-times of approximately 1 h, several minutes, and few seconds for the thermophilic, mesophilic, and psychrotrophic enzymes, respectively. The binding of Mn*IPM (the manganese complex of 3-isopropylmalate) markedly reduces the rates of unfolding; this effect is more prominent for the less stable enzyme variants. Refolding is a two-step or multistep first-order process involving an inactive intermediate(s). The restoration of the native structure and reactivation take place with a half-time of a few minutes for all three IPMDHs. Thus, the comparative experimental unfolding-refolding studies of the three IPMDHs with different thermostabilities have revealed a close relationship between thermostability and unfolding rate. Structural analysis has shown that the differences in the molecular contacts between selected nonconserved residues are responsible for the different rates of unfolding. On the other hand, the folding rates might be correlated with the absolute contact order, which does not significantly vary between IPMDHs with different thermostabilities. On the basis of our observations, folding rates appear to be dictated by global structural characteristics (such as native topology, i.e., contact order) rather than by thermodynamic stability.  相似文献   

M. Singer  J. Stireman 《Oecologia》2001,129(1):98-105
The use of multiple host-plant species by populations of insect herbivores can result from a variety of possible ecological and behavioral mechanisms. An understanding of the foraging mechanisms determining polyphagy in relation to local ecological conditions is therefore essential to understanding the evolutionary ecology of polyphagy. Here, we evaluate patterns of host-plant use by the polyphagous caterpillar Grammia geneura (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in relation to host-plant availability and foraging tactics of individuals. Field surveys of caterpillar feeding and plant abundance carried out across several sites, seasons, and years showed that: (1) G. geneura consistently preferred forbs to grasses and woody plants, (2) forb-feeding was opportunistic, supporting the idea that caterpillars sample locally available host-plants, and (3) there were consistent patterns of host-plant use that were not explained by host-plant availability (electivity). An independent set of 7-h observations of 11 caterpillars showed that electivity for a subset of caterpillar-host associations could be explained by variation in the probability of initiating feeding and the average duration of feeding bouts on different hosts but not by variation in the probability of encountering different hosts, thus providing a behavioral basis for the observed variation in host-plant use. The use of detailed foraging tactics by larvae to explain host-plant use at the population level is a novel contribution of this study.  相似文献   

Pioneer species are fast-growing, short-lived gap exploiters. They are prime candidates for neutral dynamics because they contain ecologically similar species whose low adult density is likely to cause widespread recruitment limitation, which slows competitive dynamics. However, many pioneer guilds appear to be differentiated according to seed size. In this paper, we compare predictions from a neutral model of community structure with three niche-based models in which trade-offs involving seed size form the basis of niche differentiation. We test these predictions using sowing experiments with a guild of seven pioneer species from chalk grassland. We find strong evidence for niche structure based on seed size: specifically large-seeded species produce fewer seeds but have a greater chance of establishing on a per-seed basis. Their advantage in establishment arises because there are more microsites suitable for their germination and early establishment and not directly through competition with other seedlings. In fact, seedling densities of all species were equally suppressed by the addition of competitors' seeds. By the adult stage, despite using very high sowing densities, there were no detectable effects of interspecific competition on any species. The lack of interspecific effects indicates that niche differentiation, rather than neutrality, prevails.  相似文献   

Diagenesis was studied in DNA obtained from Siberian permafrost (permanently frozen soil) ranging from 10,000 to 400,000 years in age. Despite optimal preservation conditions, we found the sedimentary DNA to be severely modified by interstrand crosslinks; single- and double-stranded breaks; and freely exposed sugar, phosphate, and hydroxyl groups. Intriguingly, interstrand crosslinks were found to accumulate approximately 100 times faster than single-stranded breaks, suggesting that crosslinking rather than depurination is the primary limiting factor for ancient DNA amplification under frozen conditions. The results question the reliability of the commonly used models relying on depurination kinetics for predicting the long-term survival of DNA under permafrost conditions and suggest that new strategies for repair of ancient DNA must be considered if the yield of amplifiable DNA from permafrost sediments is to be significantly increased. Using the obtained rate constant for interstrand crosslinks the maximal survival time of amplifiable 120-bp fragments of bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA was estimated to be approximately 400,000 years. Additionally, a clear relationship was found between DNA damage and sample age, contradicting previously raised concerns about the possible leaching of free DNA molecules between permafrost layers.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to shift temperature regimes in most agricultural areas with temperature changes expected to impact yields of most crops, including rice. These temperature‐driven effects can be classified into point stresses, where a temperature event during a sensitive stage drives a reduction in yield, or seasonal warming losses, where raised temperature is thought to increase maintenance energy demands and thereby decrease available resources for yield formation. Simultaneous estimation of the magnitude of each temperature effect on yield has not been well documented due to the inherent difficulty in separating their effects. We simultaneously quantified the magnitude of each effect for a temperate rice production system using a large data set covering multiple locations with data collected from 1995 to 2015, combined with a unique probability‐based modeling approach. Point stresses, primarily cold stress during the reproductive stages (booting and flowering), were found to have the largest impact on yield (over 3 Mg/ha estimated yield losses). Contrary to previous reports, yield losses caused by increased temperatures, both seasonal and during grain‐filling, were found to be small (approximately 1–2% loss per °C). Occurrences of cool temperature events during reproductive stages were found to be persistent over the study period, and within season, the likelihood of a cool temperature event increased when flowering occurred later in the season. Short and medium grain types, typically recommended for cool regions, were found to be more tolerant of cool temperatures but more sensitive to heat compared to long grain cultivars. These results suggest that for temperate rice systems, the occurrence of periodic stress events may currently overshadow the impacts of general warming temperature on crop production.  相似文献   

AimsPostpartum blues is thought to be related to hormonal events accompanying delivery. We investigated whether blues-like symptoms depend on the rate of the decline of hormones, by comparing the behavioral consequences of an abrupt versus a gradual decline of gonadal hormones in an animal model.MethodsFemale rats were treated with estrogen and progesterone for 23 days, administered either by injections or by subcutaneously implanted tubes filled with hormones. A gradual hormone decline was achieved by discontinuation of the injections; and rapid decline by removal of the tubes. Control groups received either a continued treatment or no hormones. In the period following the decline the stress-reactivity was tested with an acoustic startle test on 3 consecutive days, and anxiety behavior with an open-field test on the 2nd day. The Hypothalamus-, Pituitary-, Adrenal-axis (HPA-axis) response to stress was measured by assessing the corticosterone levels and hypothalamic c-fos expression stress-response at the 4th day.Key findingsThe rapid decline of hormones induced an increased startle response lasting for two days, and increased anxiety-like behavior in the open field. This was not found in the gradual-decline and control groups. The HPA-axis response to stress was decreased in all hormone-treated animals.SignificanceThis animal study suggests that: 1) abrupt rather than gradual hormonal changes induce increased stress-reactivity and anxiety-like behavior; 2) postpartum blues may result from differences in the capacity to adapt to the changes of gonadal hormones; 3) Recovery of pregnancy-induced diminished HPA-axis response is independent of the postpartum hormone kinetics.  相似文献   

We tested whether food availability, thermal environment and time of year affect torpor use and temperature selection in the large mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) in summer and winter. Food-deprived bats were torpid longer than bats offered food ad libitum. Bats placed in a gradient of low (0 degrees C-25 degrees C) ambient temperatures (T(a)) spent more time in torpor than bats in a gradient of high (7 degrees C-43 degrees C) T(a)'s. However, we did not observe seasonal variations in the use of torpor. Moreover, even when food deprived in winter, bats never entered prolonged torpor at T(a)'s characteristic of their natural hibernation. Instead, bats preferred shallow torpor at relatively high T(a), but they always maintained a difference between body and ambient temperatures of less than 2 degrees C. Calculations based on respirometric measurements of metabolic rate showed that food deprived bats spent less energy per unit of time in torpor than fed individuals, even when they entered torpor at higher T(a)'s. We conclude that T(a) likely serves as a signal of food availability and daily torpor is apparently an adaptation to unpredictable changes in food availability, such as its decrease in summer or its increase in winter. Thus, we interpret hibernation to be a second step in the evolution of heterothermy in bats, which allows survival in seasonal environments.  相似文献   

The class II major histocompatibility molecules HLA-DR are formed by the association of a single DR alpha chain with two nonallelic DR beta chains. In DR3 cells one DR beta chain is severalfold more abundant than the other. We have studied the mechanism that controls the differential expression of these DR beta genes. We determined the amino-terminal sequences of the two expressed DR beta chains. Comparison of these sequences with the nucleotide sequences of the DR3B1 and DRB3a genes indicates that the abundant chain is the B1 gene product. Supporting this conclusion, an informative mutant, 9.4.3, was found to have lost the abundant beta chain and beta 1 mRNA. This mutant expresses normal cell surface levels of the DR beta 3 chain and exhibits no significant dosage compensation of its beta 3 chain. The unchanged level of DR beta 3 dimer on the cell surface suggests that free DR alpha chains are not the limiting factor in the surface expression of the beta 3 chain and, further, that the differential regulation of the surface expression of the two DR beta chains occurs at a step prior to DR assembly. Quantitation of DR beta mRNAs by locus-specific oligonucleotide probes showed that beta 1 mRNA is 4.5-fold more abundant than beta 3 mRNA, strongly indicating that the greater surface expression of DR beta 1 is a direct consequence of greater beta 1 mRNA abundance.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific trade-offs are thought to facilitate coexistence between species at small spatial scales. The discovery-dominance trade-off, analogous to a competition-colonisation trade-off, is considered an important structuring mechanism in ant ecology. A trade-off between species' ability to discover food resources and to dominate them may explain how so many species apparently dependent on similar resources can coexist. 2. The discovery-dominance trade-off is thought to be broken by invasive species in enemy-free space or territorial species whose activity is fuelled by domination of carbohydrate resources. It may also be mediated by factors such as temperature and habitat structure. 3. We investigate the generality and form of the discovery-dominance relationship in an experiment using habitats of contrasting complexity across three continents. In addition, to assess how widespread the discovery-dominance trade-off is, we conducted a systematic review combining all empirical studies (published and from our experiment). 4. From our own fieldwork and meta-analyses of available studies, we find surprisingly little empirical support for the trade-off, with results indicating that mean effect sizes were either not significantly different from 0 or significantly positive. The trade-off was only detected in studies with parasitoids present. Additionally, experimental data from simple and complex habitats within each continent suggest that simple habitats may facilitate both food resource discovery and dominance. 5. We conclude that the discovery-dominance trade-off is the exception, rather than the rule. Instead, these abilities were commonly correlated. Real food resources provide many axes along which partitioning may occur, and discovery-dominance trade-offs are not a prerequisite for coexistence.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of a brief pulse (60-minute) of three full spectrum light intensities (1000, 500 and 30 lux) and two green light intensities (1000 and 500 lux) administered between 0200 and 0300 hrs. Ten participants were involved in this repeated measures study. Each participant experienced one condition every week for five weekends. Sessions began at 1800 hours and ended at 0600 hours the following day. Outside of the 60-minute exposure period, each session was spent in 30 lux white light. Oral temperature, salivary melatonin, cognitive performance and subjective mood were sampled throughout the sessions. Analysis revealed that all of the experimental light conditions significantly reduced salivary melatonin concentrations immediately following the pulse. This effect was not maintained beyond the duration of the light pulse. There was no significant effect on oral temperature. There were also no significant effects on cognitive performance and subjective mood, though some positive trends were observed. These results argue that brief, moderate intensity, pulses of either green or full spectrum light are sufficient to suppress the normal nocturnal rise in melatonin. However, the level of suppression obtained does not translate into significant improvement in cognitive performance or subjective mood.  相似文献   

Question: Is plant diversity in fragmented semi‐natural grasslands related to present and historical landscape context? Location: Southern Sweden. Methods: Plant diversity was described at 30 semi‐natural grassland sites in terms of total and specialist plant species richness at the site and species density at different scales (0.5–10 m2). These measures are commonly used to assess conservation value of semi‐natural grasslands. Landscape context was measured as contemporary connectivity to other semi‐natural grasslands, historical connectivity 50 years ago, amount of linear elements potentially suitable for dispersal (road verges, power line clearings), and amount of forest (inverse of the openness of the landscape). Results: The diversity measures were generally correlated with each other, implying that species richness in a subset of the grassland can predict the total richness. Plant species density at three scales (0.5 m2, 10 m2 and total) was related to the landscape context using an information theoretic approach. Results showed that total species richness increased with increased size of grasslands, contrary to earlier diversity studies in semi‐natural grasslands. Larger grasslands were more heterogeneous than smaller grasslands, and this is a likely reason for the species‐area relationship. Heterogeneity was also of high importance at the smaller scales (0.5 m2, 10 m2). With increased amount of forest, total species richness increased but species density on 10 m2 decreased. There was no influence of connectivity in either the contemporary or the historical landscape, contrary to previous studies. Conclusions: Grassland size and heterogeneity are of greater importance for plant diversity in semi‐natural grassland, than grassland connectivity in the landscape.  相似文献   

The evolution of host range drives diversification in phytophagous insects, and understanding the female oviposition choices is pivotal for understanding host specialization. One controversial mechanism for female host choice is Hopkins’ host selection principle, where females are predicted to increase their preference for the host species they were feeding upon as larvae. A recent hypothesis posits that such larval imprinting is especially adaptive in combination with anticipatory transgenerational acclimation, so that females both allocate and adapt their offspring to their future host. We study the butterfly Pieris rapae, for which previous evidence suggests that females prefer to oviposit on host individuals of similar nitrogen content as the plant they were feeding upon as larvae, and where the offspring show higher performance on the mother's host type. We test the hypothesis that larval experience and anticipatory transgenerational effects influence female host plant acceptance (no‐choice) and preference (choice) of two host plant species (Barbarea vulgaris and Berteroa incana) of varying nitrogen content. We then test the offspring performance on these hosts. We found no evidence of larval imprinting affecting female decision‐making during oviposition, but that an adult female experience of egg laying in no‐choice trials on the less‐preferred host Be. incana slightly increased the P. rapae propensity to oviposit on Be. incana in subsequent choice trials. We found no transgenerational effects on female host acceptance or preference, but negative transgenerational effects on larval performance, because the offspring of P. rapae females that had developed on Be. incana as larvae grew slower on both hosts, and especially on Be. incana. Our results suggest that among host species, preferences are guided by hard‐wired preference hierarchies linked to species‐specific host traits and less affected by larval experience or transgenerational effects, which may be more important for females evaluating different host individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

1. Moths (Lepidoptera) are the major nocturnal pollinators of flowers. However, their importance and contribution to the provision of pollination ecosystem services may have been under‐appreciated. Evidence was identified that moths are important pollinators of a diverse range of plant species in diverse ecosystems across the world. 2. Moth populations are known to be undergoing significant declines in several European countries. Among the potential drivers of this decline is increasing light pollution. The known and possible effects of artificial night lighting upon moths were reviewed, and suggest how artificial night lighting might in turn affect the provision of pollination by moths. The need for studies of the effects of artificial night lighting upon whole communities of moths was highlighted. 3. An ecological network approach is one valuable method to consider the effects of artificial night lighting upon the provision of pollination by moths, as it provides useful insights into ecosystem functioning and stability, and may help elucidate the indirect effects of artificial light upon communities of moths and the plants they pollinate. 4. It was concluded that nocturnal pollination is an ecosystem process that may potentially be disrupted by increasing light pollution, although the nature of this disruption remains to be tested.  相似文献   

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