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The crystal structures of Streptomyces diastaticus No. 7 strain M1033 xylose isomerase (SDXyI) have been analysed and refined at 0.19nm. The crystal space group is I222, with unit cell dimensions of a=9.884 ran, b=9.393nm and c=8.798nm. Based on the coordinates of the Streptomyces rubiginosus xylose isomerase (SRXyI), the initial model of SDXyl was built up by the dose packing analysing and R-factor searching and refined by PROLSQ to a final R-factor of 0.177 with the rms deviations of bond lengths and bond angles of 0.001 9nm and 2.1°, respectively. No significant global conformation change existed between SRXyI and SDXyI except the local conformation in the active site.  相似文献   

P A Rice  A Goldman  T A Steitz 《Proteins》1990,8(4):334-340
By exhaustive structural comparisons, we have found that about one-third of the alpha-helix-turn-beta-strand polypeptides in alpha-beta barrel domains share a common structural motif. The chief characteristics of this motif are that first, the geometry of the turn between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is somewhat constrained, and second, the beta-strand contains a hydrophobic patch that fits into a hydrophobic pocket on the alpha-helix. The geometry of the turn does not seem to be a major determinant of the alpha-beta unit, because the turns vary in length from four to six residues. However, the motif does not occur when there are few constraints on the geometry of the turn-for instance, when the turns between the alpha-helix and the beta-strands are very long. It also occurs much less frequently in flat-sheet alpha-beta proteins, where the topology is much less regular and the amount of twist on the sheet varies considerably more than in the barrel proteins. The motif may be one of the basic building blocks from which alpha-beta barrels are constructed.  相似文献   

Shukla A  Guptasarma P 《Proteins》2004,57(3):548-557
We show that residues at the interfaces of protein-protein complexes have higher side-chain energy than other surface residues. Eight different sets of protein complexes were analyzed. For each protein pair, the complex structure was used to identify the interface residues in the unbound monomer structures. Side-chain energy was calculated for each surface residue in the unbound monomer using our previously developed scoring function.1 The mean energy was calculated for the interface residues and the other surface residues. In 15 of the 16 monomers, the mean energy of the interface residues was higher than that of other surface residues. By decomposing the scoring function, we found that the energy term of the buried surface area of non-hydrogen-bonded hydrophilic atoms is the most important factor contributing to the high energy of the interface regions. In spite of lacking hydrophilic residues, the interface regions were found to be rich in buried non-hydrogen-bonded hydrophilic atoms. Although the calculation results could be affected by the inaccuracy of the scoring function, patch analysis of side-chain energy on the surface of an isolated protein may be helpful in identifying the possible protein-protein interface. A patch was defined as 20 residues surrounding the central residue on the protein surface, and patch energy was calculated as the mean value of the side-chain energy of all residues in the patch. In 12 of the studied monomers, the patch with the highest energy overlaps with the observed interface. The results are more remarkable when only three residues with the highest energy in a patch are averaged to derive the patch energy. All three highest-energy residues of the top energy patch belong to interfacial residues in four of the eight small protomers. We also found that the residue with the highest energy score on the surface of a small protomer is very possibly the key interaction residue.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant human triosephosphate isomerase (hTIM) has been determined complexed with the transition-state analogue 2-phosphoglycolate at a resolution of 2.8 A. After refinement, the R-factor is 16.7% with good geometry. The asymmetric unit contains 1 complete dimer of 53,000 Da, with only 1 of the subunits binding the inhibitor. The so-called flexible loop, comprising residues 168-174, is in its "closed" conformation in the subunit that binds the inhibitor, and in the "open" conformation in the other subunit. The tips of the loop in these 2 conformations differ up to 7 A in position. The RMS difference between hTIM and the enzyme of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of sleeping sickness, is 1.12 A for 487 C alpha positions with 53% sequence identity. Significant sequence differences between the human and parasite enzymes occur at about 13 A from the phosphate binding site. The chicken and human enzymes have an RMS difference of 0.69 A for 484 equivalent residues and about 90% sequence identity. Complementary mutations ensure a great similarity in the packing of side chains in the core of the beta-barrels of these 2 enzymes. Three point mutations in hTIM have been correlated with severe genetic disorders ranging from hemolytic disorder to neuromuscular impairment. Knowledge of the structure of the human enzyme provides insight into the probable effect of 2 of these mutations, Glu 104 to Asp and Phe 240 to Ile, on the enzyme. The third mutation reported to be responsible for a genetic disorder, Gly 122 to Arg, is however difficult to explain. This residue is far away from both catalytic centers in the dimer, as well as from the dimer interface, and seems unlikely to affect stability or activity. Inspection of the 3-dimensional structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, which has a methionine at position 122, only increased the mystery of the effects of the Gly to Arg mutation in the human enzyme.  相似文献   

TM0077 from Thermotoga maritima is a member of the carbohydrate esterase family 7 and is active on a variety of acetylated compounds, including cephalosporin C. TM0077 esterase activity is confined to short‐chain acyl esters (C2–C3), and is optimal around 100°C and pH 7.5. The positional specificity of TM0077 was investigated using 4‐nitrophenyl‐β‐D ‐xylopyranoside monoacetates as substrates in a β‐xylosidase‐coupled assay. TM0077 hydrolyzes acetate at positions 2, 3, and 4 with equal efficiency. No activity was detected on xylan or acetylated xylan, which implies that TM0077 is an acetyl esterase and not an acetyl xylan esterase as currently annotated. Selenomethionine‐substituted and native structures of TM0077 were determined at 2.1 and 2.5 Å resolution, respectively, revealing a classic α/β‐hydrolase fold. TM0077 assembles into a doughnut‐shaped hexamer with small tunnels on either side leading to an inner cavity, which contains the six catalytic centers. Structures of TM0077 with covalently bound phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and paraoxon were determined to 2.4 and 2.1 Å, respectively, and confirmed that both inhibitors bind covalently to the catalytic serine (Ser188). Upon binding of inhibitor, the catalytic serine adopts an altered conformation, as observed in other esterase and lipases, and supports a previously proposed catalytic mechanism in which Ser hydroxyl rotation prevents reversal of the reaction and allows access of a water molecule for completion of the reaction. Proteins 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sapunova  L. I.  Lobanok  A. G.  Parakhnya  E. V.  Kazakevich  I. O. 《Microbiology》2003,72(3):352-355
The study of the xylose/glucose isomerase–containing Arthrobacter sp. B-5 cells immobilized in cobalt hydroxide gel showed that immobilization increases the substrate affinity of the enzyme, its thermo- and pH-optima of action and stability, and makes the addition of stabilizing cobalt ions to the isomerization medium unnecessary.  相似文献   

Proteins are generally classified into four structural classes: all-alpha proteins, all-beta proteins, alpha + beta proteins, and alpha/beta proteins. In this article, a protein is expressed as a vector of 20-dimensional space, in which its 20 components are defined by the composition of its 20 amino acids. Based on this, a new method, the so-called maximum component coefficient method, is proposed for predicting the structural class of a protein according to its amino acid composition. In comparison with the existing methods, the new method yields a higher general accuracy of prediction. Especially for the all-alpha proteins, the rate of correct prediction obtained by the new method is much higher than that by any of the existing methods. For instance, for the 19 all-alpha proteins investigated previously by P.Y. Chou, the rate of correct prediction by means of his method was 84.2%, but the correct rate when predicted with the new method would be 100%! Furthermore, the new method is characterized by an explicable physical picture. This is reflected by the process in which the vector representing a protein to be predicted is decomposed into four component vectors, each of which corresponds to one of the norms of the four protein structural classes.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the a subunits of tryptophan synthase from ten different microorganisms were aligned by standard procedures. The alpha helices, beta strands and turns of each sequence were predicted separately by two standard prediction algorithms and averaged at homologous sequence positions. Additional evidence for conserved secondary structure was derived from profiles of average hydropathy and chain flexibility values, leading to a joint prediction. There is good agreement between (1) predicted beta strands, maximal hydropathy and minimal flexibility, and (2) predicted loops, great chain flexibility, and protein segments that accept insertions of various lengths in individual sequences. The a subunit is predicted to have eight repeated beta-loop-alpha-loop motifs with an extra N-terminal alpha helix and an intercalated segment of highly conserved residues. This pattern suggests that the territory structure of the a subunit is an eightfold alpha/beta barrel. The distribution of conserved amino acid residues and published data on limited proteolysis, chemical modification, and mutagenesis are consistent with the alpha/beta barrel structure. Both the active site of the a subunit and the combining site for the beta 2 subunit are at the end of the barrel formed by the carboxyl-termini of the beta strands.  相似文献   

The current climate crisis demands replacement of fossil energy sources with sustainable alternatives. In this scenario, second-generation bioethanol, a product of lignocellulosic biomass fermentation, represents a more sustainable alternative. However, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot metabolize pentoses, such as xylose, present as a major component of lignocellulosic biomass. Xylose isomerase (XI) is an enzyme that allows xylose consumption by yeasts, because it converts xylose into xylulose, which is further converted to ethanol by the pentose-phosphate pathway. Only a few XI were successfully expressed in S. cerevisiae strains. This work presents a new bacterial XI, named GR-XI 1, obtained from a Brazilian goat rumen metagenomic library. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the bacterial origin of the gene, which is related to Firmicutes XIs. After codon optimization, this enzyme, renamed XySC1, was functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae, allowing growth in media with xylose as sole carbon source. Overexpression of XySC1 in S. cerevisiae allowed the recombinant strain to efficiently consume and metabolize xylose under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) are responsible for catalyzing the proper oxidation and isomerization of disulfide bonds of newly synthesized proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, it is shown that human PDI (PDIA1) dimerizes in vivo and proposed that the dimerization of PDI has physiological relevance by autoregulating its activity. The crystal structure of the dimeric form of noncatalytic bb′ domains of human PDIA1 determined to 2.3 Å resolution revealed that the formation of dimers occludes the substrate binding site and may function as a mechanism to regulate PDI activity in the ER.  相似文献   

许伟  严明  欧阳平凯 《生物工程学报》2011,27(12):1690-1701
近年来,随着发展低碳经济的迫切需要,可再生资源利用研究方兴未艾,其中,构建充分利用木质纤维素水解产物木糖生产乙醇的重组菌成为研究热点.木糖异构酶由于不需要辅酶,成为构建利用木糖重组酵母的首选途径.文中对近年来木糖异构酶的研究进展进行了综述.首先介绍了木糖异构酶的基本性质、序列、结构和功能特性,然后对其耐热机理进行了总结归纳;重点阐述了基于序列及结构进行的酶分子改造研究,包括底物特异性改造、热稳定性改造等;同时,结合作者的研究经历,对如何提高嗜热木糖异构酶在常温下的活性进行了探讨.最后,对木糖异构酶的研究进展进行了总结和展望,对基于结构改善木糖异构酶催化活性及构建新型高效利用木糖生产乙醇的重组菌具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

A good model to experimentally explore evolutionary hypothesis related to enzyme function is the ancient‐like dual‐substrate (βα)8 phosphoribosyl isomerase A (PriA), which takes part in both histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor and related organisms. In this study, we determined the Michaelis–Menten enzyme kinetics for both isomerase activities in wild‐type PriA from S. coelicolor and in selected single‐residue monofunctional mutants, identified after Escherichia coli in vivo complementation experiments. Structural and functional analyses of a hitherto unnoticed residue contained on the functionally important β → α loop 5, namely, Arg139, which was postulated on structural grounds to be important for the dual‐substrate specificity of PriA, is presented for the first time. Indeed, enzyme kinetics analyses done on the mutant variants PriA_Ser81Thr and PriA_Arg139Asn showed that these residues, which are contained on β → α loops and in close proximity to the N‐terminal phosphate‐binding site, are essential solely for the phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase activity of PriA. Moreover, analysis of the X‐ray crystallographic structure of PriA_Arg139Asn elucidated at 1.95 Å herein strongly implicates the occurrence of conformational changes in this β → α loop as a major structural feature related to the evolution of the dual‐substrate specificity of PriA. It is suggested that PriA has evolved by tuning a fine energetic balance that allows the sufficient degree of structural flexibility needed for accommodating two topologically dissimilar substrates—within a bifunctional and thus highly constrained active site—without compromising its structural stability.  相似文献   

Production of a xylose isomerase (XI) with high tolerance to the inhibitors xylitol and calcium, and high activity at the low pH and temperature conditions characteristic of yeast fermentations, is desirable for a simultaneous isomerization/fermentation process for cellulosic ethanol production. A putative XI gene (xylA) from the marine bacterium Fulvimarina pelagi was identified by sequence analysis of the F. pelagi genome, and was PCR amplified, cloned, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The rXI was produced in shake flask and fed‐batch fermentations using glucose as the growth substrate. The optimum pH for rXI was approximately 7, although activity was evident at pH as low as 5.5. The purified rXI had a molecular weight in 160 kDA, a Vmax of 0.142 U/mg purified rXI, and a KM for xylose in the range of 1.75–4.17 mM/L at pH 6.5 and a temperature of 35°C. The estimated calcium and xylitol KI values for rXI in cell‐free extracts were 2,500 mg/L and >50 mM, respectively. The low KM of the F. pelagi xylose isomerase is consistent with the low nutrient conditions of the pelagic environment. These results indicate that Ca2+ and xylitol are not likely to be inhibitory in applications employing the rXI from F. pelagi to convert xylose to xylulose in fermentations of complex biomass hydrolysates. A higher Vmax at low pH (<6) and temperature (30°C) would be preferable for use in biofuels production. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1230–1237, 2016  相似文献   

An alpha-helix and a beta-strand are said to be interactively packed if at least one residue in each of the secondary structural elements loses 10% of its solvent accessible contact area on association with the other secondary structural element. An analysis of all such 5,975 nonidentical alpha/beta units in protein structures, defined at < or = 2.5 A resolution, shows that the interaxial distance between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is linearly correlated with the residue-dependent function, log[(V/nda)/n-int], where V is the volume of amino acid residues in the packing interface, nda is the normalized difference in solvent accessible contact area of the residues in packed and unpacked secondary structural elements, and n-int is the number of residues in the packing interface. The beta-sheet unit (beta u), defined as a pair of adjacent parallel or antiparallel hydrogen-bonded beta-strands, packing with an alpha-helix shows a better correlation between the interaxial distance and log(V/nda) for the residues in the packing interface. This packing relationship is shown to be useful in the prediction of interaxial distances in alpha/beta units using the interacting residue information of equivalent alpha/beta units of homologous proteins. It is, therefore, of value in comparative modeling of protein structures.  相似文献   

Mutans streptococci glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosyl transfer from sucrose to a glucan chain. We previously identified an aspartyl residue that participates in stabilizing the glucosyl transition state. The sequence surrounding the aspartate was found to have substantial sequence similarity with members of alpha-amylase family. Because little is known of the protein structure beyond the amino acid sequence, we used a knowledge-based interactive algorithm, MACAW, which provided significant level of homology with alpha-amylases and glucosyltransferase from Streptococcus downei gtfI (GTF). The significance of GTF similarity is underlined by GTF/alpha-amylase residues conserved in all but one alpha-amylase invariant residues. Site-directed mutagenesis of the three GTF catalytic residues are homologous with the alpha-amylase catalytic triad. The glucosyltransferases are members of the 4/7-superfamily that have a (beta/alpha)8-barrel structure and belong to family 13 of the glycohydralases.  相似文献   

The protein FkpA from the periplasm of Escherichia coli exhibits both cis/trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) and chaperone activities. The crystal structure of the protein has been determined in three different forms: as the full-length native molecule, as a truncated form lacking the last 21 residues, and as the same truncated form in complex with the immunosuppressant ligand, FK506. FkpA is a dimeric molecule in which the 245-residue subunit is divided into two domains. The N-terminal domain includes three helices that are interlaced with those of the other subunit to provide all inter-subunit contacts maintaining the dimeric species. The C-terminal domain, which belongs to the FK506-binding protein (FKBP) family, binds the FK506 ligand. The overall form of the dimer is V-shaped, and the different crystal structures reveal a flexibility in the relative orientation of the two C-terminal domains located at the extremities of the V. The deletion mutant FkpNL, comprising the N-terminal domain only, exists in solution as a mixture of monomeric and dimeric species, and exhibits chaperone activity. By contrast, a deletion mutant comprising the C-terminal domain only is monomeric, and although it shows PPIase activity, it is devoid of chaperone function. These results suggest that the chaperone and catalytic activities reside in the N and C-terminal domains, respectively. Accordingly, the observed mobility of the C-terminal domains of the dimeric molecule could effectively adapt these two independent folding functions of FkpA to polypeptide substrates.  相似文献   

Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) has been proposed as a target for drug design. TIMs from several parasites have a cysteine residue at the dimer interface, whose derivatization with thiol-specific reagents induces enzyme inactivation and aggregation. TIMs lacking this residue, such as human TIM, are less affected. TIM from Entamoeba histolytica (EhTIM) has the interface cysteine residue and presents more than ten insertions when compared with the enzyme from other pathogens. To gain further insight into the role that interface residues play in the stability and reactivity of these enzymes, we determined the high-resolution structure and characterized the effect of methylmethane thiosulfonate (MMTS) on the activity and conformational properties of EhTIM. The structure of this enzyme was determined at 1.5A resolution using molecular replacement, observing that the dimer is not symmetric. EhTIM is completely inactivated by MMTS, and dissociated into stable monomers that possess considerable secondary structure. Structural and spectroscopic analysis of EhTIM and comparison with TIMs from other pathogens reveal that conformational rearrangements of the interface after dissociation, as well as intramonomeric contacts formed by the inserted residues, may contribute to the unusual stability of the derivatized EhTIM monomer.  相似文献   

The effect of insertion of lactic acid (Lac) residues into peptide helices has been probed using specifically designed sequences. The crystal structures of 11-residue and 14-residue depsipeptides Boc-Val-Val-Ala-Leu-Val-Lac-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Val-Lac-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (3), containing centrally positioned Lac residues, have been determined. The structure of an 11-residue peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (2), analog of a which is an amide previously determined Lac-containing depsipeptide, Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Lac-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe I. L. Karle, C. Das, and P. Balaram, Biopolymers, Vol. 59, (2001) pp. 276-289], is also reported. Peptide 1 adopts a helical fold, which is stabilized by mixture of 4-->1 and 5-->1 hydrogen bonds. Peptide 2 adopts a completely alpha-helical conformation stabilized by eight successive 5-->1 hydrogen bonds. Peptide 3 appears to be predominately alpha-helical, with seven 5-->1 hydrogen bonds and three 4-->1 interaction interspersed in the sequence. In the structure of peptide 3 in addition to water molecules in the head-to-tail region, hydration at an internal segment of the helix is also observed. A comparison of five related peptide helices, containing a single Lac residue, reveals that the hydroxy acid can be comfortably accommodated at interior positions in the helix, with the closest C=O...O distances lying between 2.8 and 3.3 A.  相似文献   

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