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We studied a collection of 746 chromosome rearrangements all induced by the activity of members of the P family of transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster. The chromosomes ranged from simple inversions to complex rearrangements. The distribution of complex rearrangement classes was of the kind expected if each rearrangement came about from a single multibreak event followed by random rejoining of chromosome segments, as opposed to a series of two-break events. Most breakpoints occurred at or very near (within a few hundred nucleotide pairs) the sites of preexisting P elements, but these elements were often lost during the rearrangement event. There were also a few cases of apparent gain of P elements. In cases in which both breakpoints of an inversion retained P elements, that inversion was capable of reverting at high frequencies to the original sequence or something close to it. This reversion occurred with sufficient precision to restore the function of a gene, held-up-b, which had been mutated by the breakpoint. However, some of the reversions had acquired irregularities at the former breakpoints that were detectable either by standard cytology or by molecular methods. The revertants themselves retained the ability to undergo further rearrangements depending on the presence of P elements. We interpret these results to rule out the simplest hypotheses of rearrangement formation that involve cointegrate structures or homologous recombination. The data provide a general picture of the rearrangement process and its possible relationship to transposition.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) copy number variation modulates heterochromatin formation and influences the expression of a large fraction of the Drosophila ge-nome. This discovery, along with the link between rDNA, aging, and disease, high-lights the importance of understanding how natural rDNA copy number variation arises. Pursuing the relationship between rDNA expression and stability, we have discovered that increased dietary yeast concentration, emulating periods of dietary excess during life, results in somatic rDNA instability and copy number reduction. Modulation of Insulin/TOR signaling produces similar results, indicating a role for known nutrient sensing signaling pathways in this process. Furthermore, adults fed elevated dietary yeast concentrations produce offspring with fewer rDNA copies demonstrating that these effects also occur in the germline, and are transgenera-tionally heritable. This finding explains one source of natural rDNA copy number variation revealing a clear long-term consequence of diet.  相似文献   

Published data on chromosome numbers of Salmonoidei are summarized. The existence of homologous variation of chromosome number in different phyletic lines of this suborder is substantiated. It is suggested that the origin of homologous series is related to major genome rearrangements (simultaneous fusion of several chromosomes).  相似文献   

Ectopic recombination between interspersed repeat sequences generates chromosomal rearrangements that have a major impact on genome structure. A survey of ectopic recombination in the region flanking the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster identified 25 transposon-mediated rearrangements from four parallel experiments. Eighteen of the 25 were generated from females carrying X chromosomes heterozygous for interspersed repeat sequences. The cytogenetic and molecular analyses of the rearrangements and the parental chromosomes show: (1) interchromosomal and intrachromosomal recombinants are generated in about equal numbers; (2) ectopic recombination appears to be a meiotic process that is stimulated by the interchromosomal effect to about the same degree as regular crossing over; (3) copies of the retrotransposon roo were involved in all of the interchromosomal exchanges; some copies were involved much more frequently than others in the target region; (4) homozygosis for interspersed repeat sequences and other sequence variations significantly reduced ectopic recombination.  相似文献   

A Yeast Artificial Chromosome Clone Map of the Drosophila Genome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
H. Cai  P. Kiefel  J. Yee    I. Duncan 《Genetics》1994,136(4):1385-1401
We describe the mapping of 979 randomly selected large yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones of Drosophila DNA by in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes. Eight hundred and fifty-five of the clones are euchromatic and have primary hybridization sites in the banded portions of the polytene chromosomes, whereas 124 are heterochromatic and label the chromocenter. The average euchromatic clone contains about 211 kb and, at its primary site, labels eight or nine contiguous polytene bands. Thus, the extent as well as chromosomal position of each clone has been determined. By direct band counts, we estimate our clones provide about 76% coverage of the euchromatin of the major autosomes, and 63% coverage of the X. When previously reported YAC mapping data are combined with ours, euchromatic coverage is extended to about 90% for the autosomes and 82% for the X. The distribution of gap sizes in our map and the coverage achieved are in good agreement with expectations based on the assumption of random coverage, indicating that euchromatic clones are essentially randomly distributed. However, certain gaps in coverage, including the entire fourth chromosome euchromatin, may be significant. Heterochromatic sequences are underrepresented among the YAC clones by two to three fold. This may result, at least in part, from underrepresentation of heterochromatic sequences in adult DNA (the source of most of the clones analyzed), or from clone instability.  相似文献   

B. T. Wakimoto  M. G. Hearn 《Genetics》1990,125(1):141-154
The light (lt) gene of Drosophila melanogaster is located at the base of the left arm of chromosome 2, within or very near centromeric heterochromatin (2Lh). Chromosome rearrangements that move the lt+ gene from its normal proximal position and place the gene in distal euchromatin result in mosaic or variegated expression of the gene. The cytogenetic and genetic properties of 17 lt-variegated rearrangements are described in this report. We show that five of the heterochromatic genes adjacent to lt are subject to inactivation by these rearrangements and that the euchromatic loci in proximal 2L are not detectably affected. The properties of the rearrangements suggest that proximity to heterochromatin is an important regulatory requirement for at least six 2Lh genes. We discuss how the properties of the position effects on heterochromatic genes relate to other proximity-dependent phenomena such as transvection.  相似文献   

Chromosome Rearrangements in CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for selecting unlinked duplications of a part of the X chromosome of C. elegans is described. Five such duplications have been identified. One of them, Dp (X;V)1, is translocated to linkage group V, where it suppresses crossing over along the left half of linkage group V. Dp(X;V)1 homozygotes grow slowly and are sterile. The other four duplications are associated with chromosome fragments, as observed cytologically by fluorescence microscopy, and tend to be lost. Their frequency of loss is higher in strains homozygous for a mutation that promotes nondisjunction of X chromosomes. The recombination frequencies between two of these duplications and the X have been measured: the frequencies are at least 50 times less than for X-X recombination in the same region. The duplications may prove useful as balancers of recessive lethal mutations.  相似文献   

Chromosome Rearrangements in DICTYOSTELIUM DISCOIDEUM   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

We have adapted a bacterial CRISPR RNA/Cas9 system to precisely engineer the Drosophila genome and report that Cas9-mediated genomic modifications are efficiently transmitted through the germline. This RNA-guided Cas9 system can be rapidly programmed to generate targeted alleles for probing gene function in Drosophila.  相似文献   

We describe an adaptation of φC31 integrase–mediated targeted cassette exchange for use in Drosophila cell lines. Single copies of an attP-bounded docking platform carrying a GFP-expression marker, with or without insulator elements flanking the attP sites, were inserted by P-element transformation into the Kc167 and Sg4 cell lines; each of the resulting docking-site lines carries a single mapped copy of one of the docking platforms. Vectors for targeted substitution contain a cloning cassette flanked by attB sites. Targeted substitution occurs by integrase-mediated substitution between the attP sites (integrated) and the attB sites (vector). We describe procedures for isolating cells carrying the substitutions and for eliminating the products of secondary off-target events. We demonstrate the technology by integrating a cassette containing a Cu2+-inducible mCherry marker, and we report the expression properties of those lines. When compared with clonal lines made by traditional transformation methods, which lead to the illegitimate insertion of tandem arrays, targeted insertion lines give more uniform expression, lower basal expression, and higher induction ratios. Targeted substitution, though intricate, affords results that should greatly improve comparative expression assays—a major emphasis of cell-based studies.  相似文献   

Previously we described highly unstable mutations in the yellow locus, induced by the chimeric element and consisting of sequences from a distally located 1A unique genomic region, flanked by identical copies of an internally deleted 1.2-kb P element. Here we show that a sequence, which is part of the yellow 1A region, can be transmitted to the AS-C by successive inversion and reinversion generated by yellow- and AS-C-located P elements. The chimeric element contains a regulatory element from the 1A region that specifically blocks yellow wing and body enhancers and simultaneously stimulates yellow expression in bristles. These results suggest that P-element-generated chimeric elements may play a certain role in rapid changes of regulatory regions of genes during evolution.  相似文献   

Analyses of evolution and maintenance of quantitative genetic variation depend on the mutation models assumed. Currently two polygenic mutation models have been used in theoretical analyses. One is the random walk mutation model and the other is the house-of-cards mutation model. Although in the short term the two models give similar results for the evolution of neutral genetic variation within and between populations, the predictions of the changes of the variation are qualitatively different in the long term. In this paper a more general mutation model, called the regression mutation model, is proposed to bridge the gap of the two models. The model regards the regression coefficient, γ, of the effect of an allele after mutation on the effect of the allele before mutation as a parameter. When γ = 1 or 0, the model becomes the random walk model or the house-of-cards model, respectively. The additive genetic variances within and between populations are formulated for this mutation model, and some insights are gained by looking at the changes of the genetic variances as γ changes. The effects of γ on the statistical test of selection for quantitative characters during macroevolution are also discussed. The results suggest that the random walk mutation model should not be interpreted as a null hypothesis of neutrality for testing against alternative hypotheses of selection during macroevolution because it can potentially allocate too much variation for the change of population means under neutrality.  相似文献   

J. Ehrlich  D. Sankoff    J. H. Nadeau 《Genetics》1997,147(1):289-296
An important problem in comparative genome analysis has been defining reliable measures of synteny conservation. The published analytical measures of synteny conservation have limitations. Nonindependence of comparisons, conserved and disrupted syntenies that are as yet unidentified, and redundant rearrangements lead to systematic errors that tend to overestimate the degree of conservation. We recently derived methods to estimate the total number of conserved syntenies within the genome, counting both those that have already been described and those that remain to be discovered. With this method, we show that ~65% of the conserved syntenies have already been identified for humans and mice, that rates of synteny disruption vary ~25-fold among mammalian lineages, and that despite strong selection against reciprocal translocations, inter-chromosome rearrangements occurred approximately fourfold more often than inversions and other intra-chromosome rearrangements, at least for lineages leading to humans and mice.  相似文献   

Ciliated protists rearrange their genomes dramatically during nuclear development via chromosome fragmentation and DNA deletion to produce a trimmer and highly reorganized somatic genome. The deleted portion of the genome includes potentially active transposons or transposon-like sequences that reside in the germline. Three independent studies recently showed that transposase proteins of the DDE/DDD superfamily are indispensible for DNA processing in three distantly related ciliates. In the spirotrich Oxytricha trifallax, high copy-number germline-limited transposons mediate their own excision from the somatic genome but also contribute to programmed genome rearrangement through a remarkable transposon mutualism with the host. By contrast, the genomes of two oligohymenophorean ciliates, Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium tetraurelia, encode homologous PiggyBac-like transposases as single-copy genes in both their germline and somatic genomes. These domesticated transposases are essential for deletion of thousands of different internal sequences in these species. This review contrasts the events underlying somatic genome reduction in three different ciliates and considers their evolutionary origins and the relationships among their distinct mechanisms for genome remodeling.  相似文献   

In ~3% of Neurospora crassa rearrangements, part of a chromosome arm becomes attached to the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) at one end of chromosome 2 (linkage group V). Investigations with one inversion and nine translocations of this type are reported here. They appear genetically to be nonreciprocal and terminal. When a rearrangement is heterozygous, about one-third of viable progeny are segmental aneuploids with the translocated segment present in two copies, one in normal position and one associated with the NOR. Duplications from many of the rearrangements are highly unstable, breaking down by loss of the NOR-attached segment to restore normal chromosome sequence. When most of the rearrangements are homozygous, attenuated strands can be seen extending through the unstained nucleolus at pachytene, joining the translocated distal segment to the remainder of chromosome 2. Although the rearrangements appear genetically to be nonreciprocal, molecular evidence shows that at least several of them are physically reciprocal, with a block of rDNA repeats translocated away from the NOR. Evidence that NOR-associated breakpoints are nonterminal is also provided by intercrosses between pairs of translocations that transfer different-length segments of the same donor-chromosome arm to the NOR.  相似文献   

RecA and its ubiquitous homologs are crucial components in homologous recombination. Besides their eukaryotic nuclear counterparts, plants characteristically possess several bacterial-type RecA proteins localized to chloroplasts and/or mitochondria, but their roles are poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the role of the only mitochondrial RecA in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Disruption of the P. patens mitochondrial recA gene RECA1 caused serious defects in plant growth and development and abnormal mitochondrial morphology. Analyses of mitochondrial DNA in disruptants revealed that frequent DNA rearrangements occurred at multiple loci. Structural analysis suggests that the rearrangements, which in some cases were associated with partial deletions and amplifications of mitochondrial DNA, were due to aberrant recombination between short (<100 bp) direct and inverted repeats in which the sequences were not always identical. Such repeats are abundant in the mitochondrial genome, and interestingly many are located in group II introns. These results suggest that RECA1 does not promote but rather suppresses recombination among short repeats scattered throughout the mitochondrial genome, thereby maintaining mitochondrial genome stability. We propose that RecA-mediated homologous recombination plays a crucial role in suppression of short repeat-mediated genome rearrangements in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

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