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The central shaft of the catalytic core of ATP synthase, the γ subunit consists of a coiled-coil structure of N- and C-terminal α-helices, and a globular domain. The γ subunit of cyanobacterial and chloroplast ATP synthase has a unique 30–40-amino acid insertion within the globular domain. We recently prepared the insertion-removed α3β3γ complex of cyanobacterial ATP synthase (Sunamura, E., Konno, H., Imashimizu-Kobayashi, M., and Hisabori, T. (2010) Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 855–865). Although the insertion is thought to be located in the periphery of the complex and far from catalytic sites, the mutant complex shows a remarkable increase in ATP hydrolysis activity due to a reduced tendency to lapse into ADP inhibition. We postulated that removal of the insertion affects the activity via a conformational change of two central α-helices in γ. To examine this hypothesis, we prepared a mutant complex that can lock the relative position of two central α-helices to each other by way of a disulfide bond formation. The mutant obtained showed a significant change in ATP hydrolysis activity caused by this restriction. The highly active locked complex was insensitive to N-dimethyldodecylamine-N-oxide, suggesting that the complex is resistant to ADP inhibition. In addition, the lock affected ϵ inhibition. In contrast, the change in activity caused by removal of the γ insertion was independent from the conformational restriction of the central axis component. These results imply that the global conformational change of the γ subunit indirectly regulates complex activity by changing both ADP inhibition and ϵ inhibition.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent rotation of F1-ATPase γ subunit was observed in Vmax conditions at low viscous drag using a 60-nm gold bead (Nakanishi-Matsui, M., Kashiwagi, S., Hosokawa, H., Cipriano, D. J., Dunn, S. D., Wada, Y., and Futai, M. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 4126–4131). The Arrhenius slopes of the speed of the individual 120° steps and reciprocal of the pause length between rotation steps were very similar, indicating a flat energy pathway followed by the rotationally coupled catalytic cycle. In contrast, the Arrhenius slope of the reciprocal pause length of the γM23K mutant F1 was significantly increased, whereas that of the rotation rate was similar to wild type. The effects of the rotor γM23K substitution and the counteracting effects of βE381D mutation in the interacting stator subunits demonstrate that the rotor-stator interactions play critical roles in the utilization of stored elastic energy. The γM23K enzyme must overcome an abrupt activation energy barrier, forcing it onto a less favored pathway that results in uncoupling catalysis from rotation.F-ATPase (FoF1), consisting of the catalytic sector F13β3γδϵ) and the transmembrane proton transport sector Fo (ab2c10), synthesizes or hydrolyzes ATP coupled with proton transport (for reviews, see Ref. 16). As Abrahams et al. (7) discovered in the first high resolution x-ray structure, a critical feature of the F1-ATPase is the inherent asymmetry of the three β subunits in different conformations, βTP, βDP, and βE, referring to the nucleotide bound in each catalytic site, ATP, ADP, or empty, respectively. A rotational mechanism has been firmly established mostly based on direct observation in single molecule experiments of the behavior of the rotor complex ϵγc10, relative to the stator complex α3β3δab2 (reviewed in Ref. 1). ATP hydrolysis-dependent rotation of the γ and ϵ subunits in purified bacterial F1 (8, 9), the ϵγc10 complex in detergent solubilized FoF1 (1013), and the ϵγc10 complexin FoF1 in lipid bilayers (14) were shown experimentally by single molecule observations using fluorescent actin filament as a probe. Relative rotation of the single copy Fo a subunit was also shown in F0F1, which was immobilized through the ring of ∼10 c subunits, suggesting that the rotor and stator are interchangeable mechanical units (14). ATP synthesis by F-ATPase is believed to follow the reverse mechanism of ATP hydrolysis because mechanically induced rotation of the γ subunit in immobilized F1 in the presence of ADP and Pi results in net ATP synthesis (15, 16). There remain many questions about the mechanism of coupling between catalysis and transport via mechanical rotation. In particular, the mechanism of coupling H+ transport to rotation of the subunit c10 ring is still not well understood (4).In contrast, there is considerably more information on the mechanism of coupling catalysis to γ and ϵ subunit rotation. Observations of γ subunit rotation in the catalytic F1 sector are consistent with Boyer''s binding change model (17); thus coupling between the chemistry and rotation can be assessed by studies of the soluble F1, and these findings relate to the mechanism of the entire ATP synthase complex. The γ subunit rotates relative to the α3β3 hexamer in distinct 120° steps. A 120° rotation step consisting of pause and rotation substeps appears to correspond to the hydrolysis of one ATP, assuming that three ATP molecules are hydrolyzed per 360° revolution (18). Additional pauses observed at low ATP concentrations are attributed to the “ATP waiting” dwell (19). Yasuda et al. (19) and Shimabukuro et al. (20) further resolved that each 120° step occurred in two substeps: an 80° substep whose onset was dependent upon the Mg·ATP concentration, and a 40° substep, which was not affected by substrate concentration (19). The pause before the 80° substep, the ATP waiting dwell became shorter with increasing [Mg·ATP]. In contrast, the pause duration before the 40° rotation step was modulated by the slow hydrolysis rate of ATPγS2 or by the catalytic site mutant βE190D (in the Bacillus PS3 F1), which was found to significantly increase the length of the catalytic dwell (20). These data together indicate that the dwell before the 40° step is the “catalytic dwell” (20) and defines the order of the substeps during the 120° rotation step observed in high Mg·ATP concentrations (21).In this paper, we address the question of when the rate-limiting step of steady state catalysis occurs, with respect to the rotational behavior. Pre-steady state analysis of the burst kinetics of ATP hydrolysis at nearly Vmax conditions demonstrated that the rate-limiting transition state occurs after the reversible hydrolysis/synthesis step and before release of phosphate (Pi) (22, 23). The rate-limiting step is likely associated with a rotation step because a γ-β cross-linked enzyme is still able to undergo the initial ATP hydrolysis, but the rotation-impeded enzyme is unable to release Pi (23). Significantly, the kinetics of steady state hydrolysis can only be assessed when the Mg·ATP concentration is high enough to fill all three catalytic sites. The only model consistent with these data is one that involves all three catalytic sites. During each 120° catalytic cycle, one site binds ATP, a different site carries out reversible hydrolysis/synthesis, and the third site releases product Pi and ADP (22, 23).Steady state analyses, which take advantage of a particular γ subunit mutation γM23K (24), are consistent with this model. Replacement of the conserved γMet-23 with lysine causes an uncoupling between catalysis and γ subunit rotation caused by altered interactions between γ and β subunits (25). Importantly, Al-Shawi and Nakamoto (26) and Al-Shawi et al. (25, 27) found that the γM23K mutation strongly affected the rate-limiting transition state of steady state ATP hydrolysis and ATP synthesis. The slope of the Arrhenius plots and thus the energy of activation were significantly increased in the mutant enzyme. Several second site suppressor mutations, mostly in the γ subunit (28, 29) but also in the β subunits (30, 31), were genetically identified because they restored coupled ATP synthesis. Significantly, all were in the γ-β interface. Thermodynamic analyses found that the second site suppressors generally compensated for the primary γM23K mutations by reducing the increased activation energy (25, 27, 31). Although most of the second site mutations were found distant from the γM23K site, the x-ray crystal structures (7) suggested that γM23K may directly interact with conserved βGlu-381. As expected, replacement of βGlu-381 with aspartate also suppressed the uncoupling effects of γM23K (31).To identify the rate-limiting transition state step in the rotational behavior, we analyzed the temperature dependence of the γM23K mutant in Vmax conditions observed in single molecule experiments. Interestingly, direct observation of this mutant using the micron-length actin filaments did not detect differences in the rotation behavior at room temperature (9). In contrast, we find in the data presented here that there is dramatic effect of the mutation on the temperature dependence of the length of the catalytic dwell or pause between the 120° rotation steps. This is likely because of two factors: first, we used a bead small enough not to invoke a drag on the rotation (32), and second, the temperature dependence of the rate of the rotation steps is critical for the analyses of the mechanism.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is a rotary molecular machine with a subunit stoichiometry of α3β3γ1δ1ε1. It has a robust ATP-hydrolyzing activity due to effective cooperativity between the three catalytic sites. It is believed that the central γ rotor dictates the sequential conformational changes to the catalytic sites in the α3β3 core to achieve cooperativity. However, recent studies of the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 F1-ATPase have suggested that the α3β3 core can intrinsically undergo unidirectional cooperative catalysis (T. Uchihashi et al., Science 333:755-758, 2011). The mechanism of this γ-independent ATP-hydrolyzing mode is unclear. Here, a unique genetic screen allowed us to identify specific mutations in the α and β subunits that stimulate ATP hydrolysis by the mitochondrial F1-ATPase in the absence of γ. We found that the F446I mutation in the α subunit and G419D mutation in the β subunit suppress cell death by the loss of mitochondrial DNA (ρo) in a Kluyveromyces lactis mutant lacking γ. In organello ATPase assays showed that the mutant but not the wild-type γ-less F1 complexes retained 21.7 to 44.6% of the native F1-ATPase activity. The γ-less F1 subcomplex was assembled but was structurally and functionally labile in vitro. Phe446 in the α subunit and Gly419 in the β subunit are located on the N-terminal edge of the DELSEED loops in both subunits. Mutations in these two sites likely enhance the transmission of catalytically required conformational changes to an adjacent α or β subunit, thereby allowing robust ATP hydrolysis and cell survival under ρo conditions. This work may help our understanding of the structural elements required for ATP hydrolysis by the α3β3 subcomplex.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is a molecular motor in which the γ subunit rotates inside the α3β3 ring upon adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. Recent works on single-molecule manipulation of F1-ATPase have shown that kinetic parameters such as the on-rate of ATP and the off-rate of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) strongly depend on the rotary angle of the γ subunit (Hirono-Hara et al. 2005; Iko et al. 2009). These findings provide important insight into how individual reaction steps release energy to power F1 and also have implications regarding ATP synthesis and how reaction steps are reversed upon reverse rotation. An important issue regarding the angular dependence of kinetic parameters is that the angular position of a magnetic bead rotation probe could be larger than the actual position of the γ subunit due to the torsional elasticity of the system. In the present study, we assessed the stiffness of two different portions of F1 from thermophilic Bacillus PS3: the internal part of the γ subunit embedded in the α3β3 ring, and the complex of the external part of the γ subunit and the α3β3 ring (and streptavidin and magnetic bead), by comparing rotational fluctuations before and after crosslinkage between the rotor and stator. The torsional stiffnesses of the internal and remaining parts were determined to be around 223 and 73 pNnm/radian, respectively. Based on these values, it was estimated that the actual angular position of the internal part of the γ subunit is one-fourth of the magnetic bead position upon stalling using an external magnetic field. The estimated elasticity also partially explains the accommodation of the intrinsic step size mismatch between Fo and F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein driven by ATP hydrolysis. Among molecular motors, F1 exhibits unique high reversibility in chemo-mechanical coupling, synthesizing ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate upon forcible rotor reversal. The ε subunit enhances ATP synthesis coupling efficiency to > 70% upon rotation reversal. However, the detailed mechanism has remained elusive. In this study, we performed stall-and-release experiments to elucidate how the ε subunit modulates ATP association/dissociation and hydrolysis/synthesis process kinetics and thermodynamics, key reaction steps for efficient ATP synthesis. The ε subunit significantly accelerated the rates of ATP dissociation and synthesis by two- to fivefold, whereas those of ATP binding and hydrolysis were not enhanced. Numerical analysis based on the determined kinetic parameters quantitatively reproduced previous findings of two- to fivefold coupling efficiency improvement by the ε subunit at the condition exhibiting the maximum ATP synthesis activity, a physiological role of F1-ATPase. Furthermore, fundamentally similar results were obtained upon ε subunit C-terminal domain truncation, suggesting that the N-terminal domain is responsible for the rate enhancement.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase (FOF1) of Escherichia coli couples the translocation of protons across the cytoplasmic membrane to the synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP. This nanomotor is composed of the rotor c10γϵ and the stator ab2α3β3δ. To study the assembly of this multimeric enzyme complex consisting of membrane-integral as well as peripheral hydrophilic subunits, we combined nearest neighbor analyses by intermolecular disulfide bond formation or purification of partially assembled FOF1 complexes by affinity chromatography with the use of mutants synthesizing different sets of FOF1 subunits. Together with a time-delayed in vivo assembly system, the results demonstrate that FOF1 is assembled in a modular way via subcomplexes, thereby preventing the formation of a functional H+-translocating unit as intermediate product. Surprisingly, during the biogenesis of FOF1, F1 subunit δ is the key player in generating stable FO. Subunit δ serves as clamp between ab2 and c10α3β3γϵ and guarantees that the open H+ channel is concomitantly assembled within coupled FOF1 to maintain the low membrane proton permeability essential for viability, a general prerequisite for the assembly of multimeric H+-translocating enzymes.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase from Escherichia coli is a prototype of the ATP synthases that are found in many bacteria, in the mitochondria of eukaryotes, and in the chloroplasts of plants. It contains eight different types of subunits that have traditionally been divided into F1, a water-soluble catalytic sector, and Fo, a membrane-bound ion transporting sector. In the current rotary model for ATP synthesis, the subunits can be divided into rotor and stator subunits. Several lines of evidence indicate that is one of the three rotor subunits, which rotate through 360 degrees. The three-dimensional structure of is known and its interactions with other subunits have been explored by several approaches. In light of recent work by our group and that of others, the role of in the ATP synthase from E. coli is discussed.  相似文献   

Analyzing the direction of F1-ATPase subunit γ rotation, its shape and non-random distribution of surface residues, a mechanism is proposed for how γ induces the closing/opening of the catalytic sites at β/α interfaces: by keeping contact with the mobile domain of subunits β at the ‘jaw’ (D386, the seven consecutive hydrophobic residues and D394/E395), rotating γ works as a screw conveyer within the barrel of (α,β)3. Mutations of the conveyer contacts are predicted to inhibit. Rotating wheel cartoons illustrate enzyme turnover and conformational changes. Steric clashes, polar interactions and also substrate limitations lead to specific stops. Because it is constructed as a stepper, γ prevents uncoupling at high energy charge.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli ATP synthase (F0F1) couples catalysis and proton transport through subunit rotation. The ϵ subunit, an endogenous inhibitor, lowers F1-ATPase activity by decreasing the rotation speed and extending the duration of the inhibited state (Sekiya, M., Hosokawa, H., Nakanishi-Matsui, M., Al-Shawi, M. K., Nakamoto, R. K., and Futai, M. (2010) Single molecule behavior of inhibited and active states of Escherichia coli ATP synthase F1 rotation. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 42058–42067). In this study, we constructed a series of ϵ subunits truncated successively from the carboxyl-terminal domain (helix 1/loop 2/helix 2) and examined their effects on rotational catalysis (ATPase activity, average rotation rate, and duration of inhibited state). As expected, the ϵ subunit lacking helix 2 caused about ½-fold reduced inhibition, and that without loop 2/helix 2 or helix 1/loop 2/helix 2 showed a further reduced effect. Substitution of ϵSer108 in loop 2 and ϵTyr114 in helix 2, which possibly interact with the β and γ subunits, respectively, decreased the inhibitory effect. These results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal domain of the ϵ subunit plays a pivotal role in the inhibition of F1 rotation through interaction with other subunits.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase is highly sensitive to changes in the redox state, and yet the mechanisms of its redox sensitivity remain unclear. We have explored the possible involvement of S-glutathionylation of the catalytic α subunit in redox-induced responses. For the first time, the presence of S-glutathionylated cysteine residues was shown in the α subunit in duck salt glands, rabbit kidneys, and rat myocardium. Exposure of the Na,K-ATPase to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) resulted in an increase in the number of S-glutathionylated cysteine residues. Increase in S-glutathionylation was associated with dose- and time-dependent suppression of the enzyme function up to its complete inhibition. The enzyme inhibition concurred with S-glutathionylation of the Cys-454, -458, -459, and -244. Upon binding of glutathione to these cysteines, the enzyme was unable to interact with adenine nucleotides. Inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase by GSSG did not occur in the presence of ATP at concentrations above 0.5 mm. Deglutathionylation of the α subunit catalyzed by glutaredoxin or dithiothreitol resulted in restoration of the Na,K-ATPase activity. Oxidation of regulatory cysteines made them inaccessible for glutathionylation but had no profound effect on the enzyme activity. Regulatory S-glutathionylation of the α subunit was induced in rat myocardium in response to hypoxia and was associated with oxidative stress and ATP depletion. S-Glutathionylation was followed by suppression of the Na,K-ATPase activity. The rat α2 isoform was more sensitive to GSSG than the α1 isoform. Our findings imply that regulatory S-glutathionylation of the catalytic subunit plays a key role in the redox-induced regulation of Na,K-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Subunit ɛ of bacterial and chloroplast FOF1-ATP synthase is responsible for inhibition of ATPase activity. In Bacillus PS3 enzyme, subunit ɛ can adopt two conformations. In the “extended”, inhibitory conformation, its two C-terminal α-helices are stretched along subunit γ. In the “contracted”, noninhibitory conformation, these helices form a hairpin. The transition of subunit ɛ from an extended to a contracted state was studied in ATP synthase incorporated in Bacillus PS3 membranes at 59°C. Fluorescence energy resonance transfer between fluorophores introduced in the C-terminus of subunit ɛ and in the N-terminus of subunit γ was used to follow the conformational transition in real time. It was found that ATP induced the conformational transition from the extended to the contracted state (half-maximum transition extent at 140 μM ATP). ADP could neither prevent nor reverse the ATP-induced conformational change, but it did slow it down. Acid residues in the DELSEED region of subunit β were found to stabilize the extended conformation of ɛ. Binding of ATP directly to ɛ was not essential for the ATP-induced conformational change. The ATP concentration necessary for the half-maximal transition (140 μM) suggests that subunit ɛ probably adopts the extended state and strongly inhibits ATP hydrolysis only when the intracellular ATP level drops significantly below the normal value.  相似文献   

MgADP inhibition, which is considered as a part of the regulatory system of ATP synthase, is a well-known process common to all F1-ATPases, a soluble component of ATP synthase. The entrapment of inhibitory MgADP at catalytic sites terminates catalysis. Regulation by the ε subunit is a common mechanism among F1-ATPases from bacteria and plants. The relationship between these two forms of regulatory mechanisms is obscure because it is difficult to distinguish which is active at a particular moment. Here, using F1-ATPase from Bacillus subtilis (BF1), which is strongly affected by MgADP inhibition, we can distinguish MgADP inhibition from regulation by the ε subunit. The ε subunit did not inhibit but activated BF1. We conclude that the ε subunit relieves BF1 from MgADP inhibition.  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - Proton-translocating Fo?F1-ATPase/synthase that catalyzes synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP is commonly considered to be a reversibly functioning complex. We have...  相似文献   

One of the motive forces for F1-ATPase rotation is the conformational change of the catalytically active β subunit due to closing and opening motions caused by ATP binding and hydrolysis, respectively. The closing motion is accomplished in two steps: the hydrogen-bond network around ATP changes and then the entire structure changes via B-helix sliding, as shown in our previous study. Here, we investigated the opening motion induced by ATP hydrolysis using all-atom free-energy simulations, combining the nudged elastic band method and umbrella sampling molecular-dynamics simulations. Because hydrolysis requires residues in the α subunit, the simulations were performed with the αβ dimer. The results indicate that the large-scale opening motion is also achieved by the B-helix sliding (in the reverse direction). However, the sliding mechanism is different from that of ATP binding because sliding is triggered by separation of the hydrolysis products ADP and Pi. We also addressed several important issues: 1), the timing of the product Pi release; 2), the unresolved half-closed β structure; and 3), the ADP release mechanism. These issues are fundamental for motor function; thus, the rotational mechanism of the entire F1-ATPase is also elucidated through this αβ study. During the conformational change, conserved residues among the ATPase proteins play important roles, suggesting that the obtained mechanism may be shared with other ATPase proteins. When combined with our previous studies, these results provide a comprehensive view of the β-subunit conformational change that drives the ATPase.  相似文献   

The interaction of the nucleotide-binding subunit B with subunit F is essential in coupling of ion pumping and ATP synthesis in A1AO ATP synthases. Here we provide structural and thermodynamic insights on the nucleotide binding to the surface of subunits B and F of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 A1AO ATP synthase, which initiated migration to its final binding pocket via two transitional intermediates on the surface of subunit B. NMR- and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as ITC data combined with molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleotide bound subunit B and nucleotide bound B-F complex in explicit solvent, suggests that subunit F is critical for the migration to and eventual occupancy of the final binding site by the nucleotide of subunit B. Rotation of the C-terminus and conformational changes in subunit B are initiated upon binding with subunit F causing a perturbation that leads to the migration of ATP from the transition site 1 through an intermediate transition site 2 to the final binding site 3. This mechanism is elucidated on the basis of change in binding affinity for the nucleotide at the specific sites on subunit B upon complexation with subunit F. The change in enthalpy is further explained based on the fluctuating local environment around the binding sites.  相似文献   

Why Is the Mechanical Efficiency of F1-ATPase So High?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The experimentally measured mechanical efficiency of the F1-ATPase under viscous loading is nearly 100%, far higher than any other hydrolysis-driven molecular motor (Yasuda et al., 1998). Here we give a molecular explanation for this remarkable property.  相似文献   

F-type ATP synthases are rotary nanomotor enzymes involved in cellular energy metabolism in eukaryotes and eubacteria. The ATP synthase from Gram-positive and -negative model bacteria can be autoinhibited by the C-terminal domain of its ϵ subunit (ϵCTD), but the importance of ϵ inhibition in vivo is unclear. Functional rotation is thought to be blocked by insertion of the latter half of the ϵCTD into the central cavity of the catalytic complex (F1). In the inhibited state of the Escherichia coli enzyme, the final segment of ϵCTD is deeply buried but has few specific interactions with other subunits. This region of the ϵCTD is variable or absent in other bacteria that exhibit strong ϵ-inhibition in vitro. Here, genetically deleting the last five residues of the ϵCTD (ϵΔ5) caused a greater defect in respiratory growth than did the complete absence of the ϵCTD. Isolated membranes with ϵΔ5 generated proton-motive force by respiration as effectively as with wild-type ϵ but showed a nearly 3-fold decrease in ATP synthesis rate. In contrast, the ϵΔ5 truncation did not change the intrinsic rate of ATP hydrolysis with membranes. Further, the ϵΔ5 subunit retained high affinity for isolated F1 but reduced the maximal inhibition of F1-ATPase by ϵ from >90% to ∼20%. The results suggest that the ϵCTD has distinct regulatory interactions with F1 when rotary catalysis operates in opposite directions for the hydrolysis or synthesis of ATP.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits (α, β, and γ) with cytoplasmic N and C termini. Our previous work revealed that two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the β subunit, βCys-43 and βCys-557, are Cys-palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant βC43A/C557A exhibit normal surface expression but enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced channel open probability. Although the α subunit is not palmitoylated, we now show that the two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the γ subunit are palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant γC33A, γC41A, or γC33A/C41A exhibit reduced activity compared with wild type channels but normal surface expression and normal levels of α and γ subunit-activating cleavage. These mutant channels have significantly enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced open probability compared with wild type ENaCs. Channel activity was enhanced by co-expression with the palmitoyltransferase DHHC2 that also co-immunoprecipitates with ENaCs. Secondary structure prediction of the N terminus of the γ subunit places γCys-33 within an α-helix and γCys-44 on a coil before the first transmembrane domain within a short tract that includes a well conserved His-Gly motif, where mutations have been associated with altered channel gating. Our current and previous results suggest that palmitoylation of the β and γ subunits of ENaCs enhances interactions of their respective cytoplasmic domains with the plasma membrane and stabilizes the open state of the channel. Comparison of activities of channels lacking palmitoylation sites in individual or multiple subunits revealed that γ subunit palmitoylation has a dominant role over β subunit palmitoylation in modulating ENaC gating.  相似文献   

The conserved residue Gly47 of the chloroplast ATP synthase ε subunit was substituted with Leu, Arg, Ala and Glu by site-directed mutagenesis. This process generated the mutants εG47L, εG47R, εG47A and εG47E, respectively. All the ε variants showed lower inhibitory effects on the soluble CF1(-ε) Ca^2 -ATPase compared with wild-type ε. In reduced conditions, εG47E and εG47R had a lower inhibitory effect on the oxidized CF1(-ε) Ca^2 -ATPase compared with wild-type ε. In contrast, εG47L and εG47Aincreased the Ca^2 -ATPase activity of soluble oxidized CF1(-ε). The replacement of Gly47 significantly impaired the interaction between the subunit ε and γ in an in vitro binding assay. Further study showed that all ε variants were more effective in blocking proton leakage from the thylakoid membranes. This enhanced ATP synthesis of the chloroplast and restored ATP synthesis activity of the reconstituted membranes to a level that was more efficient than that achieved by wild-type ε. These results indicate that the conserved Gly47 residue of the ε subunit is very important for maintaining the structure and function of the ε subunitand may affect the interaction between the ε subunit, β subunit of CF1 and subunit Ⅲ of CF0, therebyregulating the ATP hydrolysis and synthesis, as well as the proton translocation role of the subunit Ⅲ of CF0.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Escherichia coli was isolated in which Gly-48 of the mature ε-subunit of the energy-transducing adenosine triphosphatase was replaced by Asp. This amino acid substitution caused inhibition of ATPase activity (about 70%), loss of ATP-dependent proton translocation and lowered oxidative phosphorylation, but did not affect proton translocation through the F0. Purified F1-ATPase from the mutant strain bound to stripped membranes with the same affinity as the normal F1-ATPase. Partial revertant strains were isolated in which Pro-47 of the ε-subunit was replaced by Ser or Thr. Pro-47 and Gly-48 are predicted to be residues 2 and 3 in a Type II β-turn and the Gly-48 to Asp substitution is predicted to cause a change from a Type II to a Type I or III β-turn. Space-filling models of the β-turn (residues 46–49) in the normal, mutant and partial revertant ε-subunits indicate that the peptide oxygen between Pro-47 and Gly-48 is in a different position to the peptide oxygen between Pro-47 and Asp-48 and that the substitution of Pro-47 by either Ser or Thr restores an oxygen close to the original position. It is suggested that the peptide oxygen between Pro-47 and Gly-48 of the ε-subunit is involved either structurally in inter-subunit H-bonding or directly in proton movements through the F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

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