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Long-term field studies have revealed considerable behavioural differences among groups of wild Pan troglodytes. Here, we report three sets of cladistic analyses that were designed to shed light on issues relating to this interpopulation variation that are of particular relevance to palaeoanthropology.In the first set of analyses, we focused on the proximate cause of the variation. Some researchers have argued that it is cultural, while others have suggested that it is the result of genetic differences. Because the eastern and western subspecies of P. troglodytes are well differentiated genetically while groups within the subspecies are not, we reasoned that if the genetic hypothesis is correct, the phylogenetic signal should be stronger when data from the eastern and western subspecies are analysed together compared to when data from only the eastern subspecies are analysed. Using randomisation procedures, we found that the phylogenetic signal was substantially stronger with in a single subspecies rather than with two. The results of the first sets of analyses, therefore, were inconsistent with the predictions of the genetic hypothesis.The other two sets of analyses built on the results of the first and assumed that the intergroup behavioural variation is cultural in nature. Recent work has shown that, contrary to what anthropologists and archaeologists have long believed, vertical intergroup transmission is often more important than horizontal intergroup transmission in human cultural evolution. In the second set of analyses, we sought to determine how important vertical transmission has been in the evolution of chimpanzee cultural diversity. The first analysis we carried out indicated that the intergroup similarities and differences in behaviour are consistent with the divergence of the western and eastern subspecies, which is what would be expected if vertical intergroup transmission has been the dominant process. In the second analysis, we found that the chimpanzee cultural data are not only comparable to a series of modern human cultural data sets in terms of how tree-like they are, but are also comparable to a series of genetic, anatomical, and behavioural data sets that can be assumed to have been produced by a branching process. Again, this is what would be expected if vertical inter-group transmission has been the dominant process in chimpanzee cultural evolution.Human culture has long been considered to be adaptive, but recent studies have suggested that this needs to be demonstrated rather than assumed. With this in mind, in the third set of analyses we investigated whether chimpanzee culture is adaptive. We found the hypothesis that chimpanzee culture is adaptive was supported by an analysis of data from the Eastern African subspecies, but not by an analysis of data from the eastern and western subspecies.The results of our analyses have implications for the number of subspecies in Pan troglodytes, the relationship between hominin taxa and Palaeolithic industries, and the evolution of hominin cognition and behaviour.  相似文献   

We present a new method to assess the personalities of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Using individually generated bipolar constructs, experienced observers rated the personalities of chimpanzees on a five-point scale. Each observer chose a subset of his/her own constructs and we performed a separate factor analysis on each set of ratings. The analyses indicate four factors: dominance, sociability, machiavellianism, and anxiety. We propose that this factor structure will be useful in the development of a single rating instrument with which to assess the personalities of captive chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Mating and consequently reproductive success in male vertebrates are predominantly determined by intermale competition and female mate choice. Their relative importance however, is still poorly understood. We investigated the interrelationship between male dominance rank — a formal indicator of male competitive ability — female mate choice, and male mating success in a multimale-multifemale group of captive chimpanzees. In addition, we examined the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success determined by genetic paternity analysis over a 13-yr period in the same captive population. We related the frequencies of sociosexual behaviors to the female anogenital swelling stage and female fertile phase as determined by urinary and fecal progestogen analysis. Rates of behaviors in both sexes increased with increasing intensity of female swelling, but they were not influenced by the timing of the fertile phase. Male mating success was clearly related to male dominance rank, with high-ranking males performing the overwhelming majority of copulations. This was mainly due to both rank-related rates of male soliciting behavior and intermale aggressiveness during the period of well-developed female anogenital swelling. Although females solicited copulations mainly from the high-ranking males and thus expressed a mate choice based on rank, their overall contribution in initiating copulations and thus influencing male mating success was low. The data on paternity from the population, which always contained 4 adult males, revealed that -males sired the majority (65%) of offspring. We conclude, that male dominance rank is an important determinant of male mating and reproductive success in captive (and presumably wild) chimpanzees and that female mate choice is of minor importance in modulating male reproductive outcome.  相似文献   

In the wild, female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are subject to male aggression that at times can be prolonged or particularly violent. There are no reports of cooperative retaliation to such aggression, a strategy observed in the congeneric Pan paniscus, from the wild despite >4 decades of detailed behavioral study across a number of populations and its occurrence among captive female chimpanzees. If the reports from captivity represent an inherent capacity, then the absence of similar reports from wild populations suggests that females may be able to form coalitions only under appropriate ecological and demographic conditions. During a study of male and female aggressive interactions among chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest, Uganda, wild adult female chimpanzees sometimes formed coalitions with one another to retaliate against male aggression. This may be possible because these females tend to be more gregarious than in other populations of East African chimpanzees, as other studies of the same population have suggested; the extent and variation of female chimpanzee social strategies may, therefore, need reconsideration. Further, my observations strengthen the argument that at least some of the differences between chimpanzees and bonobos may be more of degree than of kind.  相似文献   

Though many nonhuman primates possess a laryngeal sac, the great apes are unique in their great size. Though an enlarged sac probably arose in their common ancestor, its functional adaptations remain a matter of debate. Its development in extant great apes is likely to provide valuable information to clarify the issue. We used magnetic resonance imaging to examine the development of the laryngeal sac in 3 living chimpanzees, age 4 mo–5 yr, and identified 2 distinct growth phases of the sac. A gradual growth of the sac in early infancy results in a configuration so that it occupies the ventral region of the neck; many adult nonhominoid primates having a sac show the configuration. The subsequent rapid expansion of the sac in late infancy causes the final configuration in chimpanzees, wherein the sac expands into the pectoral, clavicular, and axillary regions. The latter phase possibly arose at latest in the last common ancestor of extant great apes and contributed to the evolution of the enlarged sac, despite the later evolutionary diversification in adult sac anatomy and growth. As many studies have advocated, the enlarged sac probably plays a role in vocalization in adults. However, physiological modifications in the laryngeal region during infancy are likely to provide valuable information to evaluate the functional adaptations of the enlarged sac in the great apes.  相似文献   

A central issue in socioecology is the nature of the relationship between an organism's environment and its social structure. In chimpanzees, the fission-fusion social system is thought to minimize feeding competition for primary dietary components: ephemeral, dispersed patches of ripe fruit. Intragroup feeding competition is thought to force individuals into small parties. Informal observations in the Sonso region of the Budongo forest had suggested that in this habitat, food supply was such that feeding competition was less important in determining grouping patterns than elsewhere. We used data collected on food supply and party sizes over a 4-year period to investigate this suggestion. In accord with theoretical expectation, sizes of foraging parties fluctuated with the size of food patches. However, party sizes showed either negative or no relationship with habitat-wide measures of food abundance. Likewise party sizes showed little relationship to overall measures of food dispersion. For important dietary items, both fruit and leaves had patchy distributions, though the degree of clumping was not strong, and fruit was not more clumped than leaves. Generally, abundant food appeared to be less patchy, and chimpanzees appeared to use more patches as food became more abundant rather than forming larger parties. We suggest that both dispersal and abundance need to be considered when investigating the impact of food supply on grouping patterns, and that the importance of food as a factor in determining chimpanzee grouping patterns declines with increasing levels of abundance.  相似文献   

We review terms that describe the levels of group structure in Pan paniscus.We discuss points of confusion that result from unclear definition of terms, which could lead to inaccurate intra- and interspecific comparisons. We recommend terms that are applicable to captive populations.  相似文献   

We tested whether chimpanzee handedness could be characterized as either unidimensional or multidimensional when considered across multiple measures of hand use. We determined for each of 6 different tasks in a sample of 105 captive chimpanzees hand preferences, and subjected the individual hand preference scores to a factor analysis. Five of the 6 tasks loaded on two separate factors that accounted for 54% of the variance. To assess population-level handedness, we calculated handedness indices for the loadings on each factor, for the item loadings across all factors, and for all tasks including ones that did not load on any factor. There is significant population-level right handedness for all 4 indices, which suggests that chimpanzee handedness is multidimensional and not task specific.  相似文献   

Via a field study of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, we found that their diets are seasonally similar, but diverge during lean seasons. Bwindi chimpanzees fed heavily on fruits of Ficus sp., which were largely ignored by the gorillas. Bwindi gorilla diet was overall more folivorous than chimpanzee diet, but was markedly more frugivorous than that of gorillas in the nearby Virunga Volcanoes. During 4 mo of the year Bwindi gorilla diet included more food species than that of the chimpanzees. Three factors in particular—seasonal consumption of fibrous foods by gorillas, interspecific differences in preferred fruit species, and meat consumption by chimpanzees—contributed to dietary divergence between the two species. When feeding on fruits, gorillas ate Myrianthus holstii more frequently than chimpanzees did, while chimpanzees included more figs in their annual diet. Chimpanzee diet included meat of duikers and monkeys; gorilla frequently consumed decaying wood.  相似文献   

Surplus chimpanzees live in research laboratories where they will likely remain for the rest of their lives. An alternative to laboratory housing is an outdoor enclosure in a warm climate. Before construction, researchers should conduct a vegetation survey because chimpanzees use vegetation daily. Chimp Haven, Inc. is developing a chimpanzee sanctuary in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, and we conducted a vegetation survey at the site to 1) characterize the abundance and structure of vegetation; 2) identify plants with utility as food, nesting material, or tools; 3) determine the abundance and distribution of useful vegetation; and 4) identify any possibly hazardous vegetation. We established 48 plots, quantified the woody vegetation, and identified potentially useful and hazardous plant species from the published literature. Vegetation at the site was secondary growth from logging of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), the most abundant tree. Other abundant trees included oak (Quercus spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and maple (Acer spp.). Small plants (1–9.9 m tall) constituted 95% of all vegetation. Forty-one of 64 plant species have edible vegetative parts, while 35 species have edible reproductive parts. We identified 55 potential nesting trees by size (dbh ≥ 25 cm) and 4 species used as tools by captive great apes. Useful vegetation was concentrated in areas with topographic relief or in a floodplain, while flat areas with fields had less. We recommend that the floodplain be cropped for fruit and browse and enclosures encompass areas with relief and fields, creating a diverse habitat.  相似文献   

We list the animal species, mushrooms and honey, which are consumed by bonobos (Pan paniscus)in the Ikela region (Lilungu), Republic of Zaire, and compare these data with those obtained from other populations of bonobos: Lomako, Yalosidi, and Wamba. Lilungu bonobos consume earthworms more regularly than bonobos do at other localities. They also eat larvae, termites, and ants, but they probably do not consume invertebrates as regularly as chimpanzees do. Lilungu bonobos ate a squirrel and a chiropteran. We report our detailed observations of bonobo foraging, feeding and manipulating foods, including washing some items and complicated handling operations. We note intra- and intergroup differences in the consumption of specific foods and in the way they are handled by the females.  相似文献   

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