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 高渗透性甘油促分裂原激酶信号转导途径(high osmolarity glycerol mitogen activated protein kinase signaling transduction pathway,HOG-MAPK)是调控酿酒酵母对外界高渗透压胁迫环境应答的主要途径,促分裂原蛋白激酶Hog1p(MAPK Hog1p)是其中的关键性作用因子.在高渗透压刺激时,MAPK Hog1p接受信号被特异性激活并进入核内,调控相关胁迫应答基因的表达,并介导该时期细胞周期的阻滞,从而增强细胞对外界不利环境的适应能力.对胁迫条件下酿酒酵母中MAPK Hog1p作用机制的进一步研究,有利于更深入地了解哺乳动物体内逆境激发促分裂原蛋白激酶途径的功能和调控机制.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的功能基因组进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提高工业酿酒酵母对高浓度代谢产物及原料中的毒性底物等环境胁迫因素的耐受性,对提高工业生产效率具有重要的意义。乙酸是纤维素原料水解产生的主要毒性副产物之一,其对酵母细胞的生长和代谢都具有较强的抑制作用,因此,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的研究可为选育优良菌种提供理论依据。近年来,通过细胞全局基因表达分析和代谢组分析,以及对单基因敲除的所有突变体的表型组研究,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的分子机制有了更多新的认识,揭示了很多新的与乙酸毒性适应性反应和乙酸耐性提高相关的基因。综述了近年来酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的基因组规模的研究进展,以及在此基础上构建乙酸耐性提高的工业酵母菌的代谢工程操作。结合本课题组的研究,对金属离子锌在酿酒酵母乙酸耐性中的作用进行了深入分析。未来对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机理的认识及改造将深入到翻译后修饰和合成生物学等新的水平,所获得的认知,将为选育可高效进行纤维素原料生物转化、高效生产生物燃料和生物基化学品的工业酿酒酵母的菌株奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Acetic acid, an inhibitor released during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic feedstocks, has previously been shown to negatively affect the kinetics and stoichiometry of sugar fermentation by (engineered) Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. This study investigates the effects of acetic acid on S. cerevisiae RWB 218, an engineered xylose-fermenting strain based on the Piromyces XylA (xylose isomerase) gene. Anaerobic batch cultures on synthetic medium supplemented with glucose–xylose mixtures were grown at pH 5 and 3.5, with and without addition of 3 g L−1 acetic acid. In these cultures, consumption of the sugar mixtures followed a diauxic pattern. At pH 5, acetic acid addition caused increased glucose consumption rates, whereas specific xylose consumption rates were not significantly affected. In contrast, at pH 3.5 acetic acid had a strong and specific negative impact on xylose consumption rates, which, after glucose depletion, slowed down dramatically, leaving 50% of the xylose unused after 48 h of fermentation. Xylitol production was absent (<0.10 g L−1) in all cultures. Xylose fermentation in acetic –acid-stressed cultures at pH 3.5 could be restored by applying a continuous, limiting glucose feed, consistent with a key role of ATP regeneration in acetic acid tolerance.  相似文献   

Specific growth rates (μ) of two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae decreased exponentially (R 2>0.9) as the concentrations of acetic acid or lactic acid were increased in minimal media at 30°C. Moreover, the length of the lag phase of each growth curve (h) increased exponentially as increasing concentrations of acetic or lactic acid were added to the media. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of acetic acid for yeast growth was 0.6% w/v (100 mM) and that of lactic acid was 2.5% w/v (278 mM) for both strains of yeast. However, acetic acid at concentrations as low as 0.05–0.1% w/v and lactic acid at concentrations of 0.2–0.8% w/v begin to stress the yeasts as seen by reduced growth rates and decreased rates of glucose consumption and ethanol production as the concentration of acetic or lactic acid in the media was raised. In the presence of increasing acetic acid, all the glucose in the medium was eventually consumed even though the rates of consumption differed. However, this was not observed in the presence of increasing lactic acid where glucose consumption was extremely protracted even at a concentration of 0.6% w/v (66 mM). A response surface central composite design was used to evaluate the interaction between acetic and lactic acids on the specific growth rate of both yeast strains at 30C. The data were analysed using the General Linear Models (GLM) procedure. From the analysis, the interaction between acetic acid and lactic acid was statistically significant (P≤0.001), i.e., the inhibitory effect of the two acids present together in a medium is highly synergistic. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 171–177. Received 06 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 21 September 2000  相似文献   

乙酸是木质纤维素类生物质水解液中的常见毒性抑制物,选育乙酸耐受性好的酿酒酵母菌株,有利于高效利用木质纤维素类生物质,发酵生产生物燃料和生物基化学品.目前对酿酒酵母抗逆性的研究多集中在转录水平,但对转运RNA (Transfer RNA,tRNA)在耐受性中的作用研究较少.在对酿酒酵母抗逆性研究过程中发现,一些转运RNA...  相似文献   

乙酸是生物质乙醇发酵过程中酵母细胞面临的重要抑制剂之一,对细胞生长及发酵性能有强烈的抑制作用。增强酵母菌对乙酸胁迫的耐受性对提高乙醇产率具有重要意义。用分别带有完整絮凝基因FLO1及其重复序列单元C发生缺失的衍生基因FLO1c的重组表达质粒分别转化非絮凝型工业酿酒酵母CE6,获得絮凝型重组酵母菌株6-AF1和6-AF1c。同时以空载体p YCPGA1转化CE6的菌株CE6-V为对照菌株。与CE6-V相比,絮凝酵母明显提高了对乙酸胁迫的耐受性。在0.6%(V/V)乙酸胁迫下,6-AF1和6-AF1c的乙醇产率分别为对照菌株CE6-V的1.56倍和1.62倍;在1.0%(V/V)乙酸胁迫下,6-AF1和6-AF1c的乙醇产率分别为对照菌株CE6-V的1.21倍和1.78倍。可见絮凝能力改造能明显提高工业酿酒酵母的乙酸胁迫耐受性及发酵性能,而且FLO1内重复序列单元C缺失具有更加明显的效果。  相似文献   

The Gpr1 protein of the ascomycetous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica belongs to the poorly characterized Gpr1/Fun34/YaaH protein family, members of which have thus far only been found in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes. Trans-dominant mutations in the GPR1 gene result in acetic acid sensitivity of cells at low pH. Moreover, Gpr1p is subjected to phosphorylation at serine-37 in a carbon source-dependent manner. Here we show that several mutations within the ORFs of the GPR1 orthologues of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, YCR010c (ATO1) and YNR002c (ATO2), also trans-dominantly induce acetic acid hypersensitivity in this yeast. We demonstrate that the C-termini of mutated Gpr1p, Ycr010cp and Ynr002cp are necessary for the triggering of acetic acid sensitivity. Phosphorylation of Y. lipolytica Gpr1p was also affected by several mutations. Data further suggest that Gpr1p exists in an oligomeric state.  相似文献   

Several genes for vacuolar amino acid transport were reported in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but have not well been investigated. We characterized AVT1, a member of the AVT vacuolar transporter family, which is reported to be involved in lifespan of yeast. ATP-dependent uptake of isoleucine and histidine by the vacuolar vesicles of an AVT exporter mutant was lost by introducing avt1? mutation. Uptake activity was inhibited by the V-ATPase inhibitor: concanamycin A and a protonophore. Isoleucine uptake was inhibited by various neutral amino acids and histidine, but not by γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate, and aspartate. V-ATPase-dependent acidification of the vesicles was declined by the addition of isoleucine or histidine, depending upon Avt1p. Taken together with the data of the amino acid contents of vacuolar fractions in cells, the results suggested that Avt1p is a proton/amino acid antiporter important for vacuolar compartmentalization of various amino acids.  相似文献   

Abstract Independently discovered mutations which alter cyclic-AMP dependent protein kinase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are analysed in relation to trehalose and glycogen storage. The defective trehalose and glycogen accumulation in strains which bear the glc1 mutation results from abnormal activation of trehalase by a protein kinase which has partially lost its cAMP dependence. Cells bearing the bcy1 mutation produce an altered protein kinase due to extremely low levels of the cAMP-binding protein. This altered kinase activates trehalase, resulting in low trehalose contents in these cells. In cell-free extracts of control strains (S288C and 7Q-2D), which produce normal levels of glycogen and trehalose, the enzyme trehalase is mainly found in an inactive, cryptic form. Each of the haploid strains containing one of the mutant genes (glc1, glc4-1 and bcy1) is defective in both trehalose and glycogen accumulation and exhibits low activation ratios of trehalase by protein kinase. Genetic complementation experiments clearly establish that the bcy1 mutation involves a different gene to that altered by the glc1 mutation, since the resulting diploid behaved normally. Strain AM9-10D, previously classified as wild-type (normal for bcy1 ), is defective in the accumulation of trehalose and glycogen and exhibits almost all trehalose in the active form.  相似文献   

肖银  胡芸  张梁  石贵阳 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2065-2072
【目的】筛选与酵母乙酸耐受性状紧密相关的微卫星分子标记。【方法】以两株表型差异菌株YHA和YLA作为亲本构建F2代菌株共计160株,选取15个微卫星位点通过PCR方法在40株子代中扩增产物,利用SPSS 11.5软件分析耐酸性状与微卫星序列间的相关性。【结果】找到3个与乙酸耐受性性状相关的微卫星位点,其中位点14P2与酵母乙酸耐受性状有极显著的正相关性(P<0.01),15P2和15P3与酵母乙酸耐受性具有显著的负相关性(P<0.01和P<0.05);此外对于微卫星位点14P2,耐酸亲本YHA在该位点的基因片段(344 bp)在子代耐酸菌株中出现频率达到70.6%,而不耐酸亲本YLA的基因片段(331 bp)在子代不耐酸菌株中出现的频率达91.3%。【结论】微卫星14P2的等位基因在子代菌株中的遗传具有明显的偏好性,该微卫星位点与某种耐酸基因存在一定的连锁遗传,为酵母分子标记辅助育种提供了有价值的遗传标记。  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the mechanism by which yeast programmed cell death (PCD) occurs, we investigated whether and how proteasome activity changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells undergoing PCD as a result of treatment with acetic acid (AA-PCD). We show that proteasome activation starts 60 min after AA-PCD induction, with a maximum at 90 min, and decreases at 150 min. Moreover, cell survival measurements carried out in the absence or presence of MG132, which inhibits proteasome function, show that the inhibition of proteasome activity partially prevents AA-PCD, thus indicating that a transient proteasome activation is needed for AA-PCD to occur.  相似文献   

摘要:YPK1是酵母中和哺乳动物蛋白激酶SGK同源的一种丝氨酸∕苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)生理调节中有重要的作用,和酵母细胞壁的完整性、细胞骨架中肌动蛋白极性、细胞内吞作用、细胞在氮源缺乏和营养条件调节下细胞内部的翻译情况密切相关。【目的】为了深入研究YPK1蛋白激酶的细胞功能以及在细胞信号传导中的作用,【方法】我们构建了过量表达YPK1的高拷贝质粒,研究了过量表达YPK1的酵母细胞在盐胁迫条件下的生长情况,【结果】发现过量表达YPK1会导致酵母细胞对盐胁迫高度敏感,并且这种敏感性依赖于TOR1的存在。【结论】我们的研究结果首次初步揭示YPK1与细胞盐胁迫应答的关系,并初步证明YPK1的功能充分发挥需要TOR1的参与。  相似文献   

Kim S  Shah K 《FEBS letters》2007,581(6):1209-1216
Using a chemical genetic approach, we identified four novel physiological substrates of Hog1 kinase (Krs1, Tdh3, Hsp26, and Shm2). These substrates suggest plausible mechanisms for actin reorganization, cell cycle arrest and regulation of protein synthesis observed upon osmotic stress. We further show that the human homolog of Shm2 (SHMT1) is a novel physiological substrate of p38 MAP kinase in vitro and in vivo. Down-regulation of its enzymatic activity was observed following p38-mediated phosphorylation revealing a potential cancer-modulating property of p38 MAP kinase. This screen has uncovered several novel Hog1 substrates that provide new avenues for investigation into the mechanism of osmoadaptation by this kinase.  相似文献   


Sko1 plays a key role in the control of gene expression by osmotic and oxidative stress in yeast. We demonstrate that the decrease in chronological lifespan (CLS) of hog1Δ cells was suppressed by SKO1 deletion. sko1Δ single mutant cells were shown to have a longer CLS, thus implicating Sko1 in the regulation of their CLS.  相似文献   

在外界因素处理下,细胞将启动一系列保护措施以适应各种环境改变,磷酸化调节是蛋白功能调节的主要方式. 为了探讨酵母细胞中Pil1的磷酸化与细胞压力抵抗的关系,实验应用Pil1突变细胞检测在过氧化氢或热处理后细胞的生长情况,用免疫印记法检测热处理后Pil1的表达. 结果表明,相比野生细胞,Pil1突变细胞对抗过氧化氢和热的能力强,热处理后 Pil1的磷酸化水平增高, Pil1的丝氨酸273对于其磷酸化发生至关重要.  相似文献   

Du L  Su Y  Sun D  Zhu W  Wang J  Zhuang X  Zhou S  Lu Y 《FEMS yeast research》2008,8(4):531-539
Formic acid disrupts mitochondrial electron transport and sequentially causes cell death in mammalian ocular cells by an unidentified molecular mechanism. Here, we show that a low concentration of formic acid induces apoptosis-like cell death in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with several morphological and biochemical changes that are typical of apoptosis, including chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, externalization of phosphatidylserine, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrion destruction. This process may not be dependent on the activation of Yca1p, the yeast caspase counterpart. In addition, the cell death induced by formic acid is associated with ROS burst,while intracellular ROS accumulate more rapidly and to a higher level in the YCA1 disruptant than in the wild-type strain during the progression of cell death. Our data indicate that formic acid induces yeast apoptosis via an Yca1p-independent pathway and it could be used as an extrinsic inducer for identifying the regulators downstream of ROS production in yeast.  相似文献   

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