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Intraguild interactions in aphid parasitoids   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We reviewed the literature on aphid parasitoids to determine the occurrence, nature and outcome of intraguild interactions. Intraguild interactions were described for larval, pupal and adult aphid parasitoids and by the type of natural enemy (fungus, predator, or parasitoid). They appear to be prevalent in most aphid parasitoid systems and, except for parasitoid-parasitoid interactions, they are mostly asymmetric, with aphidophagous predators and pathogens killing parasitoids. The limited experimental evidence from field studies is insufficient to provide a comprehensive pattern of the consequences of intraguild interactions for aphid parasitoid populations in general and, more specifically, for the efficacy of biological control. However, because intraguild interactions are widespread in aphid-natural enemy communities and mostly detrimental to aphid parasitoids, we conclude that intraguild interactions have a primary effect in driving fluctuations in aphid parasitoid populations. Drawing on case studies, we further argue that intraguild interactions can substantially alter the effectiveness of aphid parasitoids as biological-control agents.  相似文献   

Intraspecific host discrimination is frequently found in solitary parasitoids, but interspecific host discrimination, where female parasitoids recognize hosts already parasitized by females of other species, is rare. This particular behaviour appears to be adaptive only under specific circumstances. In this paper, we quantified intraspecific host discrimination in Anaphes n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an endoparasitoid of the eggs of Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and interspecific host discrimination toward eggs parasitized by Anaphes sordidatus (Girault), a sympatric species competing for the same resource in similar habitats. To examine host discrimination, choice experiments were used where the females had to choose between different categories of eggs (unparasitized, parasitized by Anaphes n. sp. or A. sordidatus). Superparasitism and multiparasitism were avoided in experiments where the female had a choice between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by the same female, by a conspecific or by a female A. sordidatus. When all hosts available were parasitized, conspecific superparasitism occurred more often than self-superparasitism or multiparasitism. These results indicated that females Anaphes n. sp. were capable of self-, conspecific and interspecific discrimination. Self-discrimination followed recognition of an external marking while interspecific discrimination occurred mostly after insertion of the ovipositor. Interspecific discrimination could result from the recent speciation of these species and could be associated with a genotypic discrimination. This behavior appears to be adaptive because of the competition for common hosts between the two parasitoid species.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found that soybean fields could be supplemented with refrigerated eggs of Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) to enhance parasitism. As a part of a study to evaluate the effect of host egg refrigeration on parasitism, host acceptance behavior and interspecific larval competition between Gryon japonicum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) and Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) were studied in multiparasitized unrefrigerated and refrigerated eggs. O. nezarae showed complete host acceptance behavior when offered refrigerated host eggs that were preparasitized by G. japonicum. Adult emergence rate of O. nezarae was 43 and 74% when the interval between the first and second oviposition was 0 and 4 days, respectively, and was not different between refrigerated and unrefrigerated eggs. Refrigeration did not change host acceptance behavior of G. japonicum, but adult emergence declined from 80% in unrefrigerated eggs to 37% in refrigerated eggs that were pre-parasitized by O. nezarae on the same day. No negative effects of refrigeration on sex ratio, adult longevity, and adult size of the both parasitoids were found. Generally host egg refrigeration did not negatively affect host acceptance behavior of the both parasitoids on preparasitized eggs or larval competition between the two parasitoids in multiparasitized host eggs with exceptions in the development time and emergence rate of G. japonicum. Therefore, host egg refrigeration may not interrupt interactions between the parasitoid populations in the field.  相似文献   

Interspecific competitive interactions can occur either between adult parasitoids searching/exploiting hosts (extrinsic competition) or between parasitoid larvae developing within the same host (intrinsic competition). Understanding how interspecific competition between parasitoids can affect pest suppression is important for improving biological pest control. The purpose of this work was to review both extrinsic and intrinsic competition between egg parasitoid species. These are organisms that are often candidates for biological control programs due to their ability to kill the pest before the crop feeding stage. We first reviewed the literature about interspecific competitive abilities of adult parasitoids in terms of comparative host location strategies highlighting which ecological and behavioral factors are likely to shape extrinsic competition. Then we focused on the interspecific competitive interactions between immatures developing within the same host taking into account which factors play a key role in the outcome of intrinsic competition. Finally we conclude stressing on the need to elucidate the overall competitive interaction that parasitoid species may experience in the field in order to enhance biological control success.  相似文献   

Following the accidental introduction and spread of the invasive polyphagous agricultural pest Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), the two European egg parasitoids Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) have been investigated for inundative biological control. Since the competititve outcome between the two generalist parasitoids is difficult to predict, intrinsic competition was investigated with a time-course development study. Both species readily oviposited in H. halys eggs containing eggs and early instar larvae of the competitor, but oviposition decreased when eggs contained late instar larvae and pupae. Ooencyrtus telenomicida offspring emergence from multiparasitized eggs was significantly lower than that from rearing controls, independent of the order of parasitization. Anastatus bifasciatus offspring emergence was not influenced by the presence of O. telenomicida when it parasitized as the first species, but emergence was decreased after oviposition in eggs containing O. telenomicida larvae and pupae. There was no indication that O. telenomicida can act as a facultative hyperparasitoid of A. bifasciatus. These results suggest that A. bifasciatus is the superior intrinsic competitor and no or minor negative implications for A. bifasciatus are expected if released in combination with O. telenomicida.  相似文献   

1. Competition between parasitoid species may be a key factor in the community dynamics of plant–herbivore-parasitoid systems and is an important consideration in the selection and management of effective biological control agents. 2. Interspecific competition can occur between adult parasitoids searching for hosts (extrinsic competition) and between multiple parasitoid larvae developing within a single host individual (intrinsic competition). A model system comprising the lepidopteran pest Heliothis virescens and two key hymenopteran endoparasitoids, Microplitis croceipes and Cardiochiles nigriceps, was employed to explore parasitoid host-location strategies and the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic competitive interactions between parasitoid species. 3. The less specialised of the two parasitoids, M. croceipes, was found to have a shorter hatching time and to dominate intrinsic competition, except when its oviposition followed that of the more specialised parasitoid, C. nigriceps, by 16 h or more. This interval corresponded to the differential in hatching time between the two species. 4. Cardiochiles nigriceps, however, displayed superior host-searching efficiency that may compensate for its disadvantage in intrinsic competition. This parasitoid was more effective at detecting host infestation sites via airborne odours and at locating and attacking early instar host larvae than was M. croceipes.  相似文献   

The omnivorous predators Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) are important biological control agents of pests on tomato crops. In this study, potential intraguild predation (IGP) interactions between the two species were investigated on tomato. We examined: (a) the within plant distribution of both species in the field, (b) the within plant distribution of each predatory species when co-occurred at high densities on tomato caged plants, (c) their behavioral interactions when enclosed in experimental arenas and (d) the development young and old nymphs of M. pygmaeus when enclosed together with N. tenuis adults. Results revealed that the two predators showed a different distribution pattern on the plants, with N. tenuis exploiting mostly the upper part, whereas M. pygmaeus were mostly observed on the 5th to the 7th leaf from the top. However, when the predators co-occurred, N. tenuis or M. pygmaeus individuals were recorded with increased numbers on the lower or the higher part of the plant, respectively. In the presence of N. tenuis adult young nymphs of M. pygmaeus completed their development to the adult stage, when alternative prey (lepidopteran eggs) was present on the plant, however failed to reach adulthood in the absence of alternative prey. A high percentage of the dead nymphs found with their body fluids totally sucked indicating predation by N. tenuis. However, large 4th instar nymphs of M. pygmaeus were much less vulnerable to N. tenuis than younger. The behavior of N. tenuis was affected by the presence of M. pygmaeus, but at a rate similar to that when two individuals of N. tenuis were enclosed together. Contacts between the predators were recorded in a similar frequency in mono- and heterospecific treatments, whereas aggressive behavior was not observed. This study shows that intraguild interactions between M. pygmaeus and N. tenuis occur but are not intensive. The potential implications of the outcomes for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The gall‐forming midge Rhopalomyia californica was exposed experimentally to parasitism and predation during only the egg stage, during only the larval stage, during neither stage, or during both stages. 2. The combined action of natural enemies that attack during both the egg stage and the larval stage led to the lowest number of midges and total insects (midges + parasitoids) in the next generation, and the highest percentage parasitism. 3. The larval parasitoid killed a large fraction of hosts without producing new parasitoid offspring, while there is some indication that the egg parasitoid on its own tended to produce the most parasitoid offspring. The contrasting implications of host mortality versus parasitoid production for biological control are discussed. 4. Exposure to larval parasitoids resulted in a reduction in the number of egg parasitoid offspring produced, but exposure to the egg parasitoid did not affect the number of larval parasitoid offspring produced significantly.  相似文献   

Host-parasite interactions between whiteflies and their parasitoids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is relatively little information available concerning the physiological and biochemical interactions between whiteflies and their parasitoids. In this report, we describe interactions between aphelinid parasitoids and their aleyrodid hosts that we have observed in four host-parasite systems: Bemisia tabaci/Encarsia formosa, Trialeurodes vaporariorum/E. formosa, B. tabaci/Eretmocerus mundus, and T. lauri/Encarsia scapeata. In the absence of reported polydnavirus and teratocytes, these parasitoids probably inject and/or produce compounds that interfere with the host immune response and also manipulate host development to suit their own needs. In addition, parasitoids must coordinate their own development with that of their host. Although eggs are deposited under all four instars of B. tabaci, Eretmocerus larvae only penetrate 4th instar B. tabaci nymphs. A pre-penetrating E. mundus first instar was capable of inducing permanent developmental arrest in its host, and upon penetration stimulated its host to produce a capsule (epidermal in origin) in which the parasitoid larva developed. T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci parasitized by E. formosa initiated adult development, and, on occasion, produced abnormal adult wings and eyes. In these systems, the site of parasitoid oviposition depended on the host species, occurring within or pressing into the ventral ganglion in T. vaporariorum and at various locations in B. tabaci. E. formosa's final larval molt is cued by the initiation of adult development in its host. In the T. lauri-E. scapeata system, both the host whitefly and the female parasitoid diapause during most of the year, i.e., from June until the middle of February (T. lauri) or from May until the end of December (E. scapeata). It appears that the growth and development of the insects are directed by the appearance of new, young foliage on Arbutus andrachne, the host tree. When adult female parasitoids emerged in the spring, they laid unfertilized male-producing eggs in whiteflies containing a female parasitoid [autoparasitism (development of male larvae utilizing female parasitoid immatures for nutrition)]. Upon hatching, these male larvae did not diapause, but initiated development, and the adult males that emerged several weeks later mated with available females to produce the next generation of parasitoid females. Thus, the interactions that exist between whiteflies and their parasitoids are complex and can be quite diverse in the various host-parasitoid systems.  相似文献   

The parasitoid wasp Spalangia cameroni and the predatory beetle Pseudoophonus rufipes have long been studied for use as biological control agents against the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata, particularly in citrus fruit orchards. Nevertheless, these two species of natural enemies, when competing for a common resource, may experience intraguild predation (IGP) interactions. These possible interactions, affecting parasitism and predation, have been evaluated in the present work, under laboratory conditions, through potential changes in functional response. Regarding host/prey density, both natural enemies, when acting alone, showed a type II functional response. Nevertheless, due to IGP, S. cameroni, in the presence of P. rufipes, showed a higher fertility rate and a type III functional response. The parasitism behaviour of S. cameroni was affected by the presence of the predator, reducing the host handling time. Conversely, the parasitism rate of S. cameroni did not vary in the presence of P. rufipes but the degree of superparasitism decreased and led to an increased fertility rate and an increasingly female‐biased sex ratio. Meanwhile, the predatory efficiency of P. rufipes was not affected by the presence of S. cameroni but discrimination between parasitised and unparasitised pupae of C. capitata, with a preference for the latter, was reported for this predator species. Our results suggest that in biological control programmes, the use of only one of these species is recommended at low infestation levels, whilst at high densities of the pest, the combination of both natural enemies seems to be the most appropriate strategy.  相似文献   

NW Yang  LL Ji  GL Lövei  FH Wan 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41189
Destructive host-feeding is common in hymenopteran parasitoids. Such feeding may be restricted to host stages not preferred for oviposition. However, whether this is a fixed strategy or can vary according to resource levels or parasitoid needs is less clear. We tested the trade-off between host feeding and oviposition on two whitefly parasitoids under varying host densities. Females of two aphelinid parasitoids, Eretmocerus hayati and Encarsia sophia were exposed to nine different densities of their whitefly host, Bemisia tabaci, in single-instar tests to identify their functional response. Mixed-instar host choice tests were also conducted by exposing whiteflies at four densities to the parasitoids. We hypothesized that the parasitoid females can detect different host densities, and decide on oviposition vs. host-feeding accordingly. The results showed that both Er. hayati and En. sophia females tended to increase both oviposition and host-feeding with increased host density within a certain range. Oviposition reached a plateau at lower host density than host-feeding in Er. hayati, while En. sophia reached its oviposition plateau at higher densities. At low densities, Er. hayati parasitized most on first and second (the optimal ones), and fed most on third nymphal instars (the suboptimal one) of the whitefly host as theory predicts, while at high densities, both parasitism and host-feeding occurred on first and second instars which are preferred for oviposition. En. sophia parasitized most on third and fourth (the optimal ones), while fed on first instars (the suboptimal one) at low densities, and utilized third and fourth instars for both at high densities. In conclusion, oviposition vs. host-feeding strategy of parasitoid females was found to vary at different host densities. The balance between reserving optimal hosts for oviposition or using them for host-feeding depended on parasitoid life history and the availability of host resources.  相似文献   

烟粉虱两种寄生蜂生物学特性及寄主竞争关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
室内比较了寄生烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的两种寄生蜂——丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa和浅黄恩蚜小蜂En. sophia的生物学特性,并研究了以烟粉虱为寄主时两种寄生蜂间的竞争关系。结果表明:两者的后足胫节长度间无显著差异。浅黄恩蚜小蜂的产卵器及卵均长于丽蚜小蜂的,但浅黄恩蚜小蜂的待产卵量显著少于丽蚜小蜂。浅黄恩蚜小蜂检测寄主所花时间短于丽蚜小蜂,但检查圈数显著多于丽蚜小蜂,产卵时间以丽蚜小蜂所花时间为多。以4龄初期的烟粉虱为寄主时,丽蚜小蜂的卵期为48 h,而浅黄恩蚜小蜂24 h即完成卵期的发育。后者的蛹历期也显著短于丽蚜小蜂的蛹历期。丽蚜小蜂由卵到成虫的总发育历期比浅黄恩蚜小蜂的要长72 h左右。一头丽蚜小蜂与一头浅黄恩蚜小蜂组合后的总产卵量为14.0粒,略高于两头丽蚜小蜂组合的总产卵量(10.2粒),显著高于两头浅黄恩蚜小蜂组合的产卵量(9.5粒);两种蜂组合的处理中被寄生寄主体内的着卵量为1.73粒,显著高于单独一种蜂组合中被寄生寄主的着卵量,后两者分别为1.29和1.39粒。在寄主竞争情况下,在被两种蜂均寄生的寄主体内丽蚜小蜂和浅黄恩蚜小蜂产入的卵量分别为1.21和1.43粒,显著高于仅被一种蜂寄生的寄主体内的对应蜂种的卵量,后者分别为1.06和1.19粒。结果提示两种蜂均能识别对方的存在,且浅黄恩蚜小蜂表现出更强的竞争能力。  相似文献   

1. The relationships between parasitoid egg load, size, and age (3–72 h) for Trichogramma minutum, T. platneri, and T. pretiosum, reared from two factitious hosts, Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella, were evaluated to test the hypothesis that 24‐h egg load can be used to estimate the fecundity of Trichogramma parasitoids. 2. Egg load increased in relation to female age over the first 3 days of adult life for all three Trichogramma species to a mean egg storage capacity of 46.7 eggs for T. minutum, 41.1 for T. pretiosum, and 35.7 for T. platneri. At 24 h of age, T. minutum had matured enough eggs to fill 67% of its storage capacity, in comparison with 74% for T. pretiosum and 91% for T. platneri. There was a positive relationship between egg load and parasitoid size for all ages of the three Trichogramma species reared from both hosts (with the exception of T. platneri at 3 h post emergence), accounting for 14–69% of the variance in egg load. 3. The potential fecundity, realised (3 day cumulative) fecundity, and oviposition rate (potential fecundity/longevity) of T. platneri were all related linearly to size‐dependent variation in 24‐h egg load, but only the realised fecundity of T. pretiosum, and none of the reproductive characteristics of T. minutum. It is suggested that 24‐h egg load may not be an accurate measure of egg storage capacity in parasitoids and should be used cautiously to represent fecundity. 4. The potential fecundity of seven Trichogramma species reared from E. kuehniella varied from 55 to 150, but neither potential fecundity nor oviposition rate was related significantly to egg load (represented by eggs laid during first 24 h). Selection to avoid egg depletion in the attack of gregarious hosts appears most likely to account for the variation in potential fecundity among Trichogramma species.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Biological Control: Benefits and Risks . Edited by Heikki M. T. Hokkanen and James M. Lynch. Insect life-cycle polymorphism: Theory, evolution and ecological consequences for seasonality and diapause control . H. V. Danks (ed.), 1994.  相似文献   

1. We investigated spatial dynamics in two specialist larval parasitoids, Cotesia melitaearum and Hyposoter horticola , attacking the Glanville fritillary butterfly, Melitaea cinxia , in Finland.
2. Presence of C. melitaearum in a host larval group significantly reduced the rate of parasitism by H. horticola (18 vs. 33% in groups with and without C. melitaearum ), but there was no significant reverse effect. The parasitism rates at the level of local populations showed a similar trend.
3 Hyposoter horticola females moved frequently among larval groups, whereas C. melitaearum females often spent several days at a single larval group. In agreement with these behavioural observations about movements within populations, H. horticola was found to have a higher colonization rate of host populations than C. melitaearum .
4. At the within-population level, C. melitaearum tended to occupy large larval groups in the centre of the host population, whereas H. horticola parasitized also small and more isolated (peripheral) larval groups, especially in the presence of C. melitaearum . At the metapopulation level, host population size had a significant positive effect on the presence of local populations of both parasitoid species, but isolation had a significant negative effect on the presence of C. melitaearum only.
5. These results suggest that C. melitaearum is a superior competitor, but an inferior disperser to H. horticola , which facilitates the co-existence of the two species both at the level of local populations and at the level of a metapopulation.
6. Data from a 50-patch network showed a decline in the number of host populations from 34 to 13 in 4 years. This decline caused a near-extinction of the superior competitor, but inferior disperser, C. melitaearum , whereas the abundance of the inferior competitor, but superior disperser, H. horticola , remained relatively constant, in agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model.  相似文献   

Consumer–resource interactions with intraguild predation (IGP) were studied in a spatial setting (i.e., predators catch prey and individuals reproduce within local neighborhoods only). Pair approximation (a method for deriving ordinary differential equations that approximate the dynamics of a community that interacts in a lattice environment) was used to study the effect of spatially structured species interactions. An individual-based computer simulation was used to extend the study to a case with spatially variable resource densities. The qualitative results of the pair approximation model were similar to those of the corresponding non-spatial model. However, the spatial model predicted coex((istence over a wider range of parameters than the non-spatial model when intraguild prey are nutritionally valuable to intraguild predators. Spatially heterogeneous resource distributions and spatially structured interaction could overturn the qualitative predictions of non-spatial models.  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoids in the genera of Encarsia and Eretmocerus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) are important biological control agents of whiteflies, and some of them not only parasitize hosts but also kill them with strong host‐feeding capacity. Two whitefly parasitoid species, Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus melanoscutus were examined to determine if mating and host density affected their host feeding and parasitism. The whitefly host, Bemisia tabaci, was presented to these two wasp species in densities of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 third‐instar nymphs per clip cage. Mated whitefly parasitoid females fed on more hosts than unmated females under a range of host densities (under all six host densities for En. sophia; under the densities of 40 nymphs or more for Er. melanoscutus). Meanwhile, mated females parasitized more whitefly nymphs than unmated females under all host densities for both species. With increase of host density, mated or unmated Er. melanoscutus females killed more hosts by host feeding and parasitism. Mated En. sophia females killed more hosts by host feeding with increase of host density, whereas unmated females did not parasitze whitefly nymphs at all. Our results suggest that only mated female parasitoids with host‐feeding behavior should be released in crop systems to increase their bio‐control efficiency.  相似文献   

The outcome of intraguild predation among natural enemies can have significant ramifications for herbivore suppression and biological control. Manipulating habitat complexity may alter the strength of intraguild predation, since changes in habitat complexity are often associated with concomitant changes in natural enemy abundance. Using a combination of greenhouse and field experiments, we determined if asymmetric intraguild predation by a pervasive generalist predator, the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), disrupts important parasitoids in a collard, Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae), agroecosystem. The effect of habitat complexity on this interaction was assessed by conducting field experiments in a simple, collard monocrop and a more complex, collard‐white clover intercrop. Neither the density of adult parasitoids nor the percentage parasitism of caterpillars was affected when S. invicta abundance was manipulated. Solenopsis invicta reduced the survival of the diamondback moth larvae, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) by 26% and 42% in greenhouse and field experiments, respectively, but there was no preference of S. invicta for parasitized or unparasitized caterpillars. An increase in habitat complexity significantly affected the abundance of both S. invicta and parasitoids, but had no overall effect on their interaction. The results of this study suggest that although S. invicta is an intraguild predator of parasitoids because it preys upon parasitized caterpillars, the action of S. invicta may not compromise overall biological control. This study's findings are important, because they suggest that the presence and conservation of multiple natural enemies may result in sustained pest suppression in agroecosystems, even complex systems containing many species of natural enemies including strong intraguild predators such as S. invicta.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(4):885-891
Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) acts as a facultative hyperparasitoid of Gryon japonicum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) sympatric parasitoid of Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). A longer period of host egg exploitation by both parasitoid species would be beneficial for O. nezarae, while G. japonicum tends to be successful when the parasitoids have only a short exploitation period. We demonstrated the interspecific competition by measuring parasitism in nine combinations of host densities (10, 20, and 40 eggs) and exploitation times (1, 3, and 5 days). To reflect the gregarious-solitary dichotomy of the two species, three O. nezarae and one G. japonicum mated females were compared in addition to a one-to-one competition design. We found that O. nezarae was the better competitor when exploitation time was longer than 1 day, irrespective of host density. Total parasitism rate and progeny emergence of O. nezarae were 1.6–2.8 and 4.7–7.3 times higher than for G. japonicum in three-to-one competition design, respectively. Although G. japonicum females were more effective in host finding (as shown by their higher per capita rate of parasitism when exploitation time was short), their progeny suffered high mortality from the larval interspecific competition inside multiparasitized host eggs. These results suggest that gregarious O. nezarae is the superior competitor when host eggs are available for longer period of time while solitary G. japonicum is superior when host resources are available for only a limited time.  相似文献   

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