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In this paper, we investigate the benefits that organisations can reap by using “Cloud Computing” providers to augment the computing capacity of their local infrastructure. We evaluate the cost of seven scheduling strategies used by an organisation that operates a cluster managed by virtual machine technology and seeks to utilise resources from a remote Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider to reduce the response time of its user requests. Requests for virtual machines are submitted to the organisation’s cluster, but additional virtual machines are instantiated in the remote provider and added to the local cluster when there are insufficient resources to serve the users’ requests. Naïve scheduling strategies can have a great impact on the amount paid by the organisation for using the remote resources, potentially increasing the overall cost with the use of IaaS. Therefore, in this work we investigate seven scheduling strategies that consider the use of resources from the “Cloud”, to understand how these strategies achieve a balance between performance and usage cost, and how much they improve the requests’ response times.  相似文献   

A crèche is an aggregation of chicks outside nesting territories, within chicks continue to be fed only by their own parents. Several adaptive functions of crèching have been proposed, the most frequent being a reduction in predator pressure. Using an evolutionary stable strategy approach based on the computation of individuals' fecundity, we examined which regime of aerial and terrestrial predation is likely to favour the evolution and stability of the crèching strategy (CS) in gulls. Our results confirm the hypothesis that habitat instability associated with high levels of terrestrial predation favours the evolution and maintenance of crèching behaviour. Moreover, our results suggest that a low aggressiveness against predators may be a pre-adaptation to a CS. In contrast, the high synchronisation often observed in crèching species does not favour the evolution of a crèching behaviour and is thus probably under selection pressures different from those modelled here.  相似文献   

Cluster computing is receiving exponential popularity as a choice for high performance computing. This is mainly due to its effective cost performance ratio. Resource management systems (RMS) are the key component to manage the resources of clusters efficiently and have a very vital role in the performance of distributed parallel systems especially a job scheduling module. In this paper, we have empirically evaluated four resource management systems (SGE, TORQUE, and MAUI Scheduler and SLURM) with special focus on job scheduler component. These schedulers have been evaluated on a more comprehensive set of metrics such as throughput, CPU, memory and network utilization. Experiments were carried out on three different size testbeds with a range of scheduler configurations such as FCFS, Backfilling, Fair share and SJF scheduling techniques.  相似文献   

The multi-tier implementation has become the industry standard for developing scalable client-server enterprise applications. Since these applications are performance sensitive, effective models for dynamic resource provisioning and for delivering quality of service to these applications become critical. Workloads in such environments are characterized by client sessions of interdependent requests with changing transaction mix and load over time, making model adaptivity to the observed workload changes a critical requirement for model effectiveness. In this work, we apply a regression-based approximation of the CPU demand of client transactions on a given hardware. Then, we use this approximation in an analytic model of a simple network of queues, each queue representing a tier, and show the approximation’s effectiveness for modeling diverse workloads with a changing transaction mix over time. Using two case studies, we investigate factors that impact the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed performance prediction models. Experimental results show that this regression-based approach provides a simple and powerful solution for efficient capacity planning and resource provisioning of multi-tier applications under changing workload conditions.
Qi ZhangEmail:

A reciprocal relationship exists between the cytochrome P-450 content and delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity in adult rats. In young rats the basal delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity is higher and the cytochrome P-450 content is lower compared with the adult rat liver. Administration of allylisopropylacetamide neither induces the enzyme nor causes degradation of cytochrome P-450 in the young rat liver, unlike adult rat liver. Allylisopropylacetamide fails to induce delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase in adrenalectomized-ovariectomized animals or intact animals pretreated with successive doses of the drug, in the absence of cortisol. The cortisol-mediated induction of the enzyme is sensitive to actinomycin D. Allylisopropylacetamide administration degrades microsomal haem but not nuclear haem. Haem does not counteract the decrease in cytochrome P-450 content caused by allylisopropylacetamide administration, but there is evidence for the formation of drug-resistant protein-bound haem in liver microsomal material under these conditions. Phenobarbital induces delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase under conditions when there is no breakdown of cytochrome P-450. On the basis of these results and those already published, a model is proposed for the regulation of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction in rat liver.  相似文献   

When the brain is in its noncognitive “idling” state, functional MRI measurements reveal the activation of default cortical networks whose activity is suppressed during cognitive processing. This default or background mode is characterized by ultra-slow BOLD oscillations (∼0.05 Hz), signaling extremely slow cycling in cortical metabolic demand across distinct cortical regions. Here we describe a model of the cortex which predicts that slow cycling of cortical activity can arise naturally as a result of nonlinear interactions between temporal (Hopf) and spatial (Turing) instabilities. The Hopf instability is triggered by delays in the inhibitory postsynaptic response, while the Turing instability is precipitated by increases in the strength of the gap-junction coupling between interneurons. We comment on possible implications for slow dendritic computation and information processing.  相似文献   

This study represents an ANN based computational scheming of physical, chemical and biological parameters at flask level for mass multiplication of plants through micropropagation using bioreactors of larger volumes. The optimal culture environment at small scale for Glycyrrhiza plant was predicted by using neural network approach in terms of pH and volume of growth medium per culture flask, incubation room temperature and month of inoculation along with inoculum properties in terms of inoculum size, fresh weight and number of explant per flask. This kind of study could be a model system in commercial propagation of various economically important plants in bioreactors using tissue culture technique. In present course of study the ANN was trained by implementing MATLAB neural network. A feed-forward back propagation type network was created for input vector (seven input elements), with single hidden layer (seven nodes) and one output unit in output layer. The ‘tansig’ and ‘purelin’ transfer functions were adapted for hidden and output layers respectively. The four training functions viz. traingda, trainrp, traincgf, traincgb were randomly selected to train four networks which further examined with available dataset. The efficiency of neural networks was concluded by the comparison of results obtained from this study with that of empirical data obtained from the detailed tissue culture experiments and designated as Target set (mean fresh weight biomass per culture flask after 40 days of in vitro culture duration). Efficiency of networks for better training initialization was judged on the basis of comparative analysis of ‘Mean Square Error at zero epoch’ for each network trained in which the least error at initial point was observed with trainrp followed by traincgb and traincgf. A comparative assessment between experimental target data range obtained from wet lab practice and all trained network output range for the efficiency of trained networks for least deviation from target range revealed the output range of network ‘trainrp’ was closest to the empirical target range while least comparison was worked out from network ‘traincgb’ which had output range more than the target decided and ultimately showed meaningless result.  相似文献   

The life history of the nematode parasites of domestic ruminants usually involves the development and survival of free-living stages on pasture. The pasture is, therefore, the site of deposition, development and transmission of nematode infection and meteorological factors affecting the pasture will affect the parasites. Recently Thomas and Starr (1978) discussed an empirical technique for forecasting the timing of the summer wave of gastro-intestinal parasitism in North-East England in the lamb crop using meteorological data and in particular estimates of the duration of surface wetness. This paper presents an attempt to model surface wetness and the temperature limitation to nematode development.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 8–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Rocking disposable bioreactors are a newer approach to smaller-scale cell growth that use a cyclic rocking motion to induce mixing and oxygen transfer from the headspace gas into the liquid. Compared with traditional stirred-tank and pneumatic bioreactors, rocking bioreactors operate in a very different physical mode and in this study the oxygen transfer pathways are reassessed to develop a fundamental mass transfer (kLa) model that is compared with experimental data. The model combines two mechanisms, namely surface aeration and oxygenation via a breaking wave with air entrainment, borrowing concepts from ocean wave models. Experimental data for across the range of possible operating conditions (rocking speed, angle, and liquid volume) confirms the validity of the modeling approach, with most predictions falling within ±20% of the experimental values. At low speeds (up to 20 rpm) the surface aeration mechanism is shown to be dominant with a of around 3.5 hr−1, while at high speeds (40 rpm) and angles the breaking wave mechanism contributes up to 91% of the overall (65 hr−1). This model provides an improved fundamental basis for understanding gas–liquid mass transfer for the operation, scale-up, and potential design improvements for rocking bioreactors.  相似文献   

The regulatory mechanism of state transitions was studied in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C.r.) wild type (WT) as well as mutant strains deficient in the photosystem I (PSI) or the photosystem II (PSII) core. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements were obtained on instantly frozen cells incubated beforehand in the dark in aerobic or anaerobic conditions which leads to state 1 (S1) or state 2 (S2). WT data contains information on the light-harvesting complex (LHC) connected to PSI and PSII. The mutants' data contain information on either LHCII-LHCI-PSI or LHCII-PSII, plus information on LHC antennas devoid of a PS core. In a simultaneous analysis of the data from all strains under S1 or S2 conditions a unified model for the excited state dynamics at 77 K was created. This yielded the completely resolved LHCII-LHCI-PSI and LHCII-PSII dynamics and quantified the state transitions. In WT cells the fraction of light absorbed by LHCII connected to PSII decreases from 45% in S1 to 29% in S2, while it increases from 0% to 16% for LHCII connected to PSI. Thus (16/45 =) 36% of all LHCII is involved in the state transition. In the mutant strains deficient in the PSI core, the red most species peaking at 716 nm disappears completely, indicating that this far red Chl pigment is located in the PSI core. In the mutant strain deficient in the PSII core, red shifted species with maxima at 684 and 686 nm appear in the LHCII antenna. LHCII-684 is quenched and decays with a rate of (310 ps)? 1.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of cellulose by cellulase enzymes has been studied in a stirred batch reactor at 50°C. A kinetic model has been devised by which the behaviour of such a reaction could be described. The model has been developed on the basis of shrinking particle theory and Langmuir isotherm concept. The applicability of the model has been tested by comparing the experimental results for diverse reaction systems, obtained in the present study or taken from the literature, and those predicted from the model. The degree of agreement was within ±2–11%.  相似文献   

AimTo evaluate the computation time efficiency of the multithreaded code (G4Linac-MT) in the dosimetry application, using the high performance of the HPC-Marwan grid to determine with high accuracy the initial parameters of the 6 MV photon beam of Varian CLINAC 2100C.BackgroundThe difficulty of Monte Carlo methods is the long computation time, this is one of the disadvantages of the Monte Carlo methods.Materials and methodsCalculations are performed by the multithreaded code G4Linac-MT and Geant4.10.04.p02 using the HPC-Marwan computing grid to evaluate the computing speed for each code. The multithreaded version is tested in several CPUs to evaluate the computing speed according to the number of CPUs used. The results were compared to the measurements using different types of comparisons, TPR20.10, penumbra, mean dose error and gamma index.ResultsThe results obtained for this work indicate a much higher computing time saving for the G4Linac-MT version compared to the Geant4.10.04 version, the computing time decreases with the number of CPUs used, can reach about 12 times if 64CPUs are used. After optimization of the initial electron beam parameters, the results of the dose simulations obtained for this work are in very good agreement with the experimental measurements with a mean dose error of up to 0.41% on the PDDs and 1.79% on the lateral dose.ConclusionsThe gain in computation time leads us to perform Monte Carlo simulations with a large number of events which gives a high accuracy of the dosimetry results obtained in this work.  相似文献   

A mechanism for proton pumping is described that is based on chemiosmotic principles and the detailed molecular structures now available for cytochrome oxidases. The importance of conserved water positions and a step-wise gated process of proton translocation is emphasized, where discrete electron transfer events are coupled to proton uptake and expulsion. The trajectory of each pumped proton is the same for all four substrate electrons. An essential role for the His-Tyr cross-linked species is discussed, in gating of the D- and K-channels and as an acceptor/donor of electrons and protons at the binuclear center.  相似文献   

We present random walk models for the diffusive motion of lipid probe molecules in a lipid bilayer and calculate the diffusion constants for probes spanning the entire bilayer and for probes extending through one lipid layer only. The stiffness of such molecules can explain the observed value of 2/3 for the ratio of these diffusion constants.  相似文献   

A coevolutionary model is developed of the interaction between a host and an internal parasitoid, where the outcome of parasitism depends upon the extent to which individual hosts invest in resistance mechanisms and individual parasitoids in countermeasures (virulence). The host and parasitoid are assumed to have coupled population dynamics (of Nicholson–Bailey form) and to be composed of a series of asexual clones with different levels of resistance and virulence. Investment in resistance and virulence mechanisms is assumed to be costly. The model has two main outcomes. First, if resistance is relatively costly compared to virulence, the host may be selected not to invest in resistance mechanisms despite parasitoid investment in virulence, in effect trading off the risks of parasitism against the savings in costs. A number of cases which appear to correspond to this result have been reported. Second, for most other feasible parameter values, an arms race occurs between host and parasitoid, until effective resistance becomes so costly that the host abandons defence. This abandonment is followed by a reduction in parasitoid virulence and the cycle begins again. These cycles may explain reports of persistent additive genetic variation in resistance and virulence, and may also contribute towards population dynamic stability.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoscintigraphic approach could provide a viable non-invasive alternative for the diagnosis of deeply situated tuberculomas. We have evaluated this in a rabbit model constructed to give a characteristic localized tubercular lesion, with complimentary morphological, histological and antigenic profiles. 131I-anti Myobacterium bovis (BCG) antibody was shown to localize at the lesion, where as 131I-bovine serum albumin and 99mTc-red blood cell scans were negative. The clearance of intradermally-injected tuberculous antigen could be traced into ascending lymph nodes using 131I-anti M. bovis (BCG) antibody.  相似文献   

Expansins were first identified as cell wall-loosening proteins; they are involved in regulating cell expansion, fruits softening and many other physiological processes. However, our knowledge about the expansin family members and their evolutionary relationships in fruit trees, such as apple, is limited. In this study, we identified 41 members of the expansin gene family in the genome of apple (Malus × Domestica L. Borkh). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that expansin genes in apple could be divided into four subfamilies according to their gene structures and protein motifs. By phylogenetic analysis of the expansins in five plants (Arabidopsis, rice, poplar, grape and apple), the expansins were divided into 17 subgroups. Our gene duplication analysis revealed that whole-genome and chromosomal-segment duplications contributed to the expansion of Mdexpansins. The microarray and expressed sequence tag (EST) data showed that 34 Mdexpansin genes could be divided into five groups by the EST analysis; they may also play different roles during fruit development. An expression model for MdEXPA16 and MdEXPA20 showed their potential role in developing fruit. Overall, our study provides useful data and novel insights into the functions and regulatory mechanisms of the expansin genes in apple, as well as their evolution and divergence. As the first step towards genome-wide analysis of the expansin genes in apple, our results have established a solid foundation for future studies on the function of the expansin genes in fruit development.  相似文献   

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