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Kelp forests are highly productive and species‐rich benthic ecosystems in temperate regions that provide biogenic habitat for numerous associated species. Diverse epifaunal communities inhabit kelp sporophytes and are subject to variations in the physical environment and to changes experienced by the kelp habitat itself. We assessed seasonal variations in epifaunal invertebrate communities inhabiting giant kelps, Macrocystis pyrifera, and their effects on this seaweed. Six seasonal samplings were conducted over a year at an upwelling‐dominated site in northern‐central Chile where physical conditions are known to fluctuate temporally. More than 30 taxa were identified, among which peracarid crustaceans stood out in both diversity and abundance. Species richness and abundance differed among sporophyte sections (holdfast and fronds) and throughout the year. The frond community was dominated by two grazers (the amphipod Peramphithoe femorata and the isopod Amphoroidea typa), while suspension feeders, grazers, and omnivores (the amphipod Aora typica, the isopod Limnoria quadripunctata, and polychaetes) dominated the holdfasts. Abundances of the dominant species fluctuated throughout the year but patterns of variation differed among species. The most abundant grazer (P. femorata) had highest densities in summer, while the less abundant grazer (A. typa) reached its peak densities in winter. Interestingly, the area of kelp damaged by grazers was highest in autumn and early winter, suggesting that grazing impacts accumulate during periods of low kelp growth, which can thus be considered as ‘vestiges of herbivory past.’ Among the factors determining the observed seasonal patterns, strong variability of environmental conditions, reproductive cycles of associated fauna, and predation by fishes vary in importance. Our results suggest that during spring and early summer, bottom‐up processes shape the community structure of organisms inhabiting large perennial seaweeds, whereas during late summer and autumn, top‐down processes are more important.  相似文献   

The persistence of floating seaweeds, which depends on abiotic conditions but also herbivory, had previously been mostly tested in outdoor mesocosm experiments. In order to investigate if the obtained mesocosm results of high seaweed persistence under natural environmental conditions and under grazing pressure can be extrapolated to field situations, we conducted in situ experiments. During two summers (2007 and 2008), Macrocystis pyrifera was tethered (for 14 d) to lines in the presence and absence of the amphipod Peramphithoe femorata at three sites (Iquique, Coquimbo, Calfuco). We hypothesized that grazing damage and seaweed persistence vary among sites due to different abiotic factors. By incubating the sporophytes in mesh bags, we were either able to isolate (grazing) or exclude (control) amphipods. To test for a mesh bag artifact, a set of sporophytes was incubated without mesh bags (natural). Mesh bags used to exclude herbivores influenced sporophyte growth and physiological performance. The chlorophyll a (Chl a) content depended largely on grazers and grazed sporophytes grew less than natural and control sporophytes within the two summers. A decrease in Chl a content was found for the sites with the highest prevailing irradiances and temperatures, suggesting an efficient acclimation to these sea surface conditions. Our field‐based results of sporophyte acclimation ability even under grazing pressure widely align with previous mesocosm results. We conclude that M. pyrifera and other temperate floating seaweeds can function as long‐distance dispersal vectors even with hitchhiking mesoherbivores.  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera is a widely distributed, highly productive, seaweed. It is known to use bicarbonate (HCO3?) from seawater in photosynthesis and the main mechanism of utilization is attributed to the external catalyzed dehydration of HCO3? by the surface‐bound enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CAext). Here, we examined other putative HCO3? uptake mechanisms in M. pyrifera under pHT 9.00 (HCO3?: CO2 = 940:1) and pHT 7.65 (HCO3?: CO2 = 51:1). Rates of photosynthesis, and internal CA (CAint) and CAext activity were measured following the application of AZ which inhibits CAext, and DIDS which inhibits a different HCO3? uptake system, via an anion exchange (AE) protein. We found that the main mechanism of HCO3? uptake by M. pyrifera is via an AE protein, regardless of the HCO3?: CO2 ratio, with CAext making little contribution. Inhibiting the AE protein led to a 55%–65% decrease in photosynthetic rates. Inhibiting both the AE protein and CAext at pHT 9.00 led to 80%–100% inhibition of photosynthesis, whereas at pHT 7.65, passive CO2 diffusion supported 33% of photosynthesis. CAint was active at pHT 7.65 and 9.00, and activity was always higher than CAext, because of its role in dehydrating HCO3? to supply CO2 to RuBisCO. Interestingly, the main mechanism of HCO3? uptake in M. pyrifera was different than that in other Laminariales studied (CAext‐catalyzed reaction) and we suggest that species‐specific knowledge of carbon uptake mechanisms is required in order to elucidate how seaweeds might respond to future changes in HCO3?:CO2 due to ocean acidification.  相似文献   

The diatom genera Licmophora and Fragilaria are frequent epiphytes on marine macroalgae and can be infected by intracellular parasitoids traditionally assigned to the oomycete genus Ectrogella. Much debate and uncertainty remains about the taxonomy of these oomycetes, not least due to their morphological and developmental plasticity. Here, we used single‐cell techniques to obtain partial sequences of the parasitoids 18S and cox2 genes. The former falls into two recently identified clades of Pseudo‐nitzschia parasites temporarily named OOM_1_2 and OOM_2, closely related to the genera of brown and red algal pathogens Anisolpidium and Olpidiopsis. A third group of sequences falls at the base of the red algal parasites assigned to Olpidiopsis. In one instance, two oomycete parasitoids seemed to co‐exist in a single diatom cell; this co‐occurrence of distinct parasitoid taxa not only within a population of diatom epiphytes, but also within the same host cell, possibly explains the ongoing confusion in the taxonomy of these parasitoids. We demonstrate the polyphyly of Licmophora parasitoids previously assigned to Ectrogella (sensu Sparrow, 1960) and show that parasites of red algae assigned to the genus Olpidiopsis are most likely not monophyletic. We conclude that combining single‐cell microscopy and molecular methods is necessary for their full characterisation.  相似文献   

Aggression by top predators can create a “landscape of fear” in which subordinate predators restrict their activity to low‐risk areas or times of day. At large spatial or temporal scales, this can result in the costly loss of access to resources. However, fine‐scale reactive avoidance may minimize the risk of aggressive encounters for subordinate predators while maintaining access to resources, thereby providing a mechanism for coexistence. We investigated fine‐scale spatiotemporal avoidance in a guild of African predators characterized by intense interference competition. Vulnerable to food stealing and direct killing, cheetahs are expected to avoid both larger predators; hyenas are expected to avoid lions. We deployed a grid of 225 camera traps across 1,125 km2 in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, to evaluate concurrent patterns of habitat use by lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and their primary prey. We used hurdle models to evaluate whether smaller species avoided areas preferred by larger species, and we used time‐to‐event models to evaluate fine‐scale temporal avoidance in the hours immediately surrounding top predator activity. We found no evidence of long‐term displacement of subordinate species, even at fine spatial scales. Instead, hyenas and cheetahs were positively associated with lions except in areas with exceptionally high lion use. Hyenas and lions appeared to actively track each, while cheetahs appear to maintain long‐term access to sites with high lion use by actively avoiding those areas just in the hours immediately following lion activity. Our results suggest that cheetahs are able to use patches of preferred habitat by avoiding lions on a moment‐to‐moment basis. Such fine‐scale temporal avoidance is likely to be less costly than long‐term avoidance of preferred areas: This may help explain why cheetahs are able to coexist with lions despite high rates of lion‐inflicted mortality, and highlights reactive avoidance as a general mechanism for predator coexistence.  相似文献   

Davidia involucrata Baill, also known as the dove‐tree, is a living fossil and an endangered species currently restricted to the mountains of southwestern and central China. It has a beautiful and innovative trait of high horticultural value: two white bracts covering the flower caputila. Here, we report on the chromosome‐scale genome of this species using single‐molecule real‐time long reads and chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) techniques. This species has a larger genome size of 1,169 Mb and contains relatively more genes (42,554) than the closely related species Camptotheca acuminata (397 Mb and 31,825 genes). Both species shared one recent whole genome duplication before their divergence. The expansion of the repetitive elements after their divergence contributed greatly to the increase in the genome size of the dove‐tree. Photosynthesis‐related genes were almost absent or showed reduced expression in the bracts of the dove‐tree, while defence‐ and chemical‐related genes increased greatly, highlighting the important roles of the bracts in protecting flowers and attracting pollinators. The effective population size of the dove‐tree continuously decreased during the climate changes of the Quaternary. Such climate sensitivity should be fully considered in conservation efforts for this relict endangered species in the context of continuous climate warming in the future.  相似文献   



Predicting which newly arrived species will establish and become invasive is a problem that has long vexed researchers. In a study of cold temperate oak forest stands, we examined two contrasting hypotheses regarding plant functional traits to explain the success of certain non‐native species. Under the “join the locals” hypothesis, successful invaders are expected to share traits with resident species because they employ successful growth strategies under light‐limited understorey conditions. Instead, under the “try harder” hypothesis, successful invaders are expected to have traits different from native species in order to take advantage of unused niche space.


Minnesota, USA.


We examined these two theories using 109 native and 11 non‐native plants in 68 oak forest stands. We focused on traits related to plant establishment and growth, including specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio (C:N), wood density, plant maximum height, mycorrhizal type, seed mass and growth form. We compared traits of native and non‐native species using ordinations in multidimensional trait space and compared community‐weighted mean (CWM) trait values across sites.


We found few differences between trait spaces occupied by native and non‐native species. Non‐native species occupied smaller areas of trait space than natives, yet were within that of the native species, indicating similar growth strategies. We observed a higher proportion of non‐native species in sites with higher native woody species CWM SLA and lower CWM C:N. Higher woody CWM SLA was observed in sites with higher soil pH, while lower CWM C:N was found in sites with higher light levels.


Non‐native plants in this system have functional traits similar to natives and are therefore “joining the locals.” However, non‐native plants may possess traits toward the acquisitive end of the native plant trait range, as evidenced by higher non‐native plant abundance in high‐resource environments.

The nautilus, commonly known as a “living fossil,” is endangered and may be at risk of extinction. The lack of genomic information hinders a thorough understanding of its biology and evolution, which can shed light on the conservation of this endangered species. Here, we report the first high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of Nautilus pompilius. The assembled genome size comprised 785.15 Mb. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that transposable elements (TEs) and large-scale genome reorganizations may have driven lineage-specific evolution in the cephalopods. Remarkably, evolving conserved genes and recent TE insertion activities were identified in N. pompilius, and we speculate that these findings reflect the strong adaptability and long-term survival of the nautilus. We also identified gene families that are potentially responsible for specific adaptation and evolution events. Our study provides unprecedented insights into the specialized biology and evolution of N. pompilius, and the results serve as an important resource for future conservation genomics of the nautilus and closely related species.  相似文献   

The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) has a rich and complicated vocal repertoire. However, different populations use similar and common types of signals. We studied physical features of one of these types, “vowels,” in three Russian populations: the White Sea population (European North), the Chukotka population (the Bering Sea, Chukotka), and the Okhotsk Sea population (Russian Far East) as well as in four summer aggregations of the White Sea belugas over several years in duration. The pulse repetition rate (PRR) at half of the duration of the signal was measured. We found that the PRR of “vowels” collected in the same summer aggregation during different years is stable in time but varies between locations. The degree of variation corresponds with the geographic distance between different locations. Significant differences were discovered between populations separated by thousands of kilometers, and to a lesser extent, between summer aggregations inhabiting different bays of the White Sea. The variation in PRR between the locations can be caused by the divergence of signals owing to the accumulation of random errors during transmission of these signals from generation to generation, which progressed independently in different summer aggregations and populations.  相似文献   

Perennial grasses are promising candidates for bioenergy crops, but species that can escape cultivation and establish self‐sustaining naturalized populations (feral) may have the potential to become invasive. Fertile Miscanthus × giganteus, known as “PowerCane,” is a new potential biofuel crop. Its parent species are ornamental, non‐native Miscanthus species that establish feral populations and are sometimes invasive in the USA. As a first step toward assessing the potential for “PowerCane” to become invasive, we documented its growth and fecundity relative to one of its parent species (Miscanthus sinensis) in competition with native and invasive grasses in common garden experiments located in Columbus, Ohio and Ames, Iowa, within the targeted range of biofuel cultivation. We conducted a 2‐year experiment to compare growth and reproduction among three Miscanthus biotypes—”PowerCane,” ornamental M. sinensis, and feral M. sinensis—at two locations. Single Miscanthus plants were subjected to competition with a native grass (Panicum virgatum), a weedy grass (Bromus inermis), or no competition. Response variables were aboveground biomass, number of shoots, basal area, and seed set. In Iowa, all Miscanthus plants died after the first winter, which was unusually cold, so no further results are reported from the Iowa site. In Ohio, we found significant differences among biotypes in growth and fecundity, as well as significant effects of competition. Interactions between these treatments were not significant. “PowerCane” performed as well or better than ornamental or feral M. sinensis in vegetative traits, but had much lower seed production, perhaps due to pollen limitation. In general, ornamental M. sinensis performed somewhat better than feral M. sinensis. Our findings suggest that feral populations of “PowerCane” could become established adjacent to biofuel production areas. Fertile Miscanthus × giganteus should be studied further to assess its potential to spread via seed production in large, sexually compatible populations.  相似文献   

The study of cultured strains has a long tradition in protistological research and has greatly contributed to establishing the morphology, taxonomy, and ecology of many protist species. However, cultivation‐independent techniques, based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, have demonstrated that natural protistan assemblages mainly consist of hitherto uncultured protist lineages. This mismatch impedes the linkage of environmental diversity data with the biological features of cultured strains. Thus, novel taxa need to be obtained in culture to close this knowledge gap. In this study, traditional cultivation techniques were applied to samples from coastal surface waters and from deep oxygen‐depleted waters of the Baltic Sea. Based on 18S rRNA gene sequencing, 126 monoclonal cultures of heterotrophic protists were identified. The majority of the isolated strains were affiliated with already cultured and described taxa, mainly chrysophytes and bodonids. This was likely due to “culturing bias” but also to the eutrophic nature of the Baltic Sea. Nonetheless, ~ 12% of the isolates in our culture collection showed highly divergent 18S rRNA gene sequences compared to those of known organisms and thus may represent novel taxa, either at the species level or at the genus level. Moreover, we also obtained evidence that some of the isolated taxa are ecologically relevant, under certain conditions, in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Most emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses originating from wildlife among which vector‐borne diseases constitute a major risk for global human health. Understanding the transmission routes of mosquito‐borne pathogens in wildlife crucially depends on recording mosquito blood‐feeding patterns. During an extensive longitudinal survey to study sylvatic anophelines in two wildlife reserves in Gabon, we collected 2,415 mosquitoes of which only 0.3% were blood‐fed. The molecular analysis of the blood meals contained in guts indicated that all the engorged mosquitoes fed on wild ungulates. This direct approach gave only limited insights into the trophic behavior of the captured mosquitoes. Therefore, we developed a complementary indirect approach that exploits the occurrence of natural infections by host‐specific haemosporidian parasites to infer Anopheles trophic behavior. This method showed that 74 infected individuals carried parasites of great apes (58%), ungulates (30%), rodents (11%) and bats (1%). Accordingly, on the basis of haemosporidian host specificity, we could infer different feeding patterns. Some mosquito species had a restricted host range (An. nili only fed on rodents, whereas An. carnevalei, An. coustani, An. obscurus, and An. paludis only fed on wild ungulates). Other species had a wider host range (An. gabonensis could feed on rodents and wild ungulates, whereas An. moucheti and An. vinckei bit rodents, wild ungulates and great apes). An. marshallii was the species with the largest host range (rodents, wild ungulates, great apes, and bats). The indirect method substantially increased the information that could be extracted from the sample by providing details about host‐feeding patterns of all the mosquito species collected (both fed and unfed). Molecular sequences of hematophagous arthropods and their parasites will be increasingly available in the future; exploitation of such data with the approach we propose here should provide key insights into the feeding patterns of vectors and the ecology of vector‐borne diseases.  相似文献   

Around the world, several pest tephritids are extending their ranges from warm tropical or Mediterranean climates into cooler temperate regions. The ability to tolerate climatic diversity is uncommon among insects, and understanding the population phenology drivers of such species across different parts of their range will be critical for their management. Here, we determined the role of temperature versus fruit availability on the population phenology of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni. Using a field site located at the subtropical/temperate interface, with host fruits continuously available, we monitored the development times and abundance of B. tryoni, a species which has invaded temperate Australia from the tropics. From fruit samples held at ambient and controlled conditions, the abundance of emerging flies was highly variable among collection dates, but the variance did not reflect the observed changes in temperature. For most samples, the survival rate of flies in a field site was lower than predicted by a day‐degree population model fitted with mean daily field temperatures. The development time of the immature stage in the field was prolonged, presumably due to cooler ambient conditions, but the fitted day‐degree population model consistently over‐predicted estimated development times. Our results indicate that at the subtropical/temperate interface, the decline in B. tryoni populations during winter is only partly driven by temperature and host availability. We classify B. tryoni as a climate generalist, which likely employs physiological as well as behavioural mechanisms to achieve broad climatic tolerance ranges.  相似文献   

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