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Orotate (OA) is a precursor of pyrimidine nucleotides and is widely used in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Although various microorganisms have been used for OA production, the production efficiency needs to be further improved for industrial application. In this study, we engineered Escherichia coli native metabolism for efficient OA production. The entire pathway was divided into the downstream OA synthesis, the midstream aspartate/glutamine supply, and the upstream glycolysis modules. First, the downstream module was optimized by disrupting pyrE to block OA consumption and release the feedback inhibition, and tuning expression of the biosynthetic genes. Second, the midstream pathway was enhanced by increasing the supply of the precursors and the cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). More importantly, we observed that pyrE disruption may lead to metabolic disorder as indicated by the accumulation of large amount of acetate. This problem was solved by reducing the flux of glycolysis. With these efforts, the final strain produced 80.3 g/L OA with a yield of 0.56 g/g glucose in fed-batch fermentation, which are the highest titer and yield reported so far. This work paves the way for industrial production of OA and represents as a good example of modulating cell metabolism for efficient chemical production.  相似文献   

Up to now cell-culture based vaccine production processes only reach low productivities. The reasons are: (i) slow cell growth and (ii) low cell concentrations. To address these shortcomings, a quantitative analysis of the process conditions, especially the cell growth and the metabolic capabilities of the host cell line is required. For this purpose a MDCK cell based influenza vaccine production process was investigated. With a segregated growth model four distinct cell growth phases are distinguished in the batch process. In the first phase the cells attach to the surface of the microcarriers and show low metabolic activity. The second phase is characterized by exponential cell growth. In the third phase, preceded by a change in oxygen consumption, contact inhibition leads to a decrease in cell growth. Finally, the last phase before infection shows no further increase in cell numbers. To gain insight into the metabolic activity during these phases, a detailed metabolic model of MDCK cell was developed based on genome information and experimental analysis. The MDCK model was also used to calculate a theoretical flux distribution representing an optimized cell that only consumes a minimum of carbon sources. Comparing this minimum substrate consumption flux distribution to the fluxes estimated from experiments unveiled high overflow metabolism under the applied process conditions.  相似文献   

The architecture of plant metabolism includes substantial duplication of metabolite pools and enzyme catalyzed reactions in different subcellular compartments. This poses challenges for understanding the regulation of metabolism particularly in primary metabolism and amino acid biosynthesis. To explore the extent to which amino acids are made in single compartments and to gain insight into the metabolic precursors from which they derive, we used steady state (13) C labelling and analysed labelling in protein amino acids from plastid and cytosol. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is a major component of green tissues and its large and small subunits are synthesized from different pools of amino acids in the plastid and cytosol, respectively. Developing Brassica napus embryos were cultured in the presence of [U-(13) C]-sucrose, [U-(13) C]-glucose, [U-(13) C]-glutamine or [U-(13) C]-alanine to generate proteins. The large subunits (LSU) and small subunits (SSU) of Rubisco were isolated and the labelling in their constituent amino acids was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Amino acids including alanine, glycine and serine exhibited different (13) C enrichment in the LSU and SSU, demonstrating that these pools have different metabolic origins and are not isotopically equilibrated between the plastid and cytosol on the time scale of cellular growth. Potential extensions of this novel approach to other macromolecules, organelles and cell types of eukaryotes are discussed.  相似文献   

聚球藻7942混养培养中碳代谢与能量利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察聚球藻7942在混养条件下的能量利用效率,分别以葡萄糖和乙酸为碳源开展了聚球藻7942的混养培养研究,并在此基础上利用代谢通量分析方法对聚球藻7942混养条件下的碳代谢和能量利用进行了探讨。结果表明:葡萄糖和乙酸均能促进藻细胞生长,且乙酸促进藻细胞生长的作用更为明显;葡萄糖利用可明显增加藻细胞糖酵解途径中碳代谢流量,而乙酸利用则导致糖酵解途径中碳代谢流量减小,两种有机碳源均增加了柠檬酸循环中碳代谢流量;有机碳源导致藻细胞光化学效率下降,而葡萄糖较之乙酸降低藻细胞光化学效率更为明显。虽然混养条件下光能的贡献率要小于光自养,但基于能量的细胞得率和能量转换率均高于光自养,光自养和以葡萄糖、乙酸为碳源的混养中基于ATP生成的能量转换效率分别为6.81%、7.43%和8.77%。  相似文献   

代谢工程在微生物法生产番茄红素中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄红素作为强抗氧化剂因具有防癌与抗癌等多种生理功能而广受关注。本文综述了代谢工程在微生物法生产番茄红素中的应用,主要讨论了代谢工程方法在扩展构建新的代谢流、增强番茄红素合成代谢流,阻断竞争支路来提高番茄红素代谢流等方面的应用。  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the metabolism for most efficient cell growth can be realized by a combination of two types of elementary modes. One mode produces biomass while the second mode generates only energy. The identity of the four most efficient biomass and energy pathway pairs changes, depending on the degree of oxygen limitation. The identification of such pathway pairs for different growth conditions offers a pathway-based explanation of maintenance energy generation. For a given growth rate, experimental aerobic glucose consumption rates can be used to estimate the contribution of each pathway type to the overall metabolic flux pattern. All metabolic fluxes are then completely determined by the stoichiometries of involved pathways defining all nutrient consumption and metabolite secretion rates. We present here equations that permit computation of network fluxes on the basis of unique pathways for the case of optimal, glucose-limited Escherichia coli growth under varying levels of oxygen stress. Predicted glucose and oxygen uptake rates and some metabolite secretion rates are in remarkable agreement with experimental observations supporting the validity of the presented approach. The entire most efficient, steady-state, metabolic rate structure is explicitly defined by the developed equations without need for additional computer simulations. The approach should be generally useful for analyzing and interpreting genomic data by predicting concise, pathway-based metabolic rate structures.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell cultures typically exhibit an energy inefficient phenotype characterized by the consumption of large quantities of glucose and the concomitant production of large quantities of lactate. Under certain conditions, mammalian cells can switch to a more energy efficient state during which lactate is consumed. Using a metabolic model derived from a mouse genome scale model we performed flux balance analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells before and after a metabolic switch from lactate production (in the presence of glucose) to lactate consumption (after glucose depletion). Despite a residual degree of freedom after accounting for measurements, the calculated flux ranges and associated errors were narrow enough to enable investigation of metabolic changes across the metabolic switch. Surprisingly, the fluxes through the lower part of the TCA cycle from oxoglutarate to malate were very similar (around 60 µmol/gDW/h) for both phases. A detailed analysis of the energy metabolism showed that cells consuming lactate have an energy efficiency (total ATP produced per total C‐mol substrate consumed) six times greater than lactate producing cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 660–666. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two new concepts, "Limitation Potential" and "Constraint Limitation Sensitivity" are introduced that use definitions derived from metabolic flux analysis (MFA) and metabolic network analysis (MNA). They are applied to interpret a measured flux distribution in the context of all possible flux distributions and thus combine MFA with MNA. The proposed measures are used to quantify and compare the influence of intracellular fluxes on the production yield. The methods are purely based on the stoichiometry of the network and constraints that are given from irreversible fluxes. In contrast to metabolic control analysis (MCA), within this approach no information about the kinetic mechanisms are needed. A limitation potential (LP) is defined as the reduction of the reachable (theoretical) maximum by a measured flux. Measured fluxes that strongly narrow the reachable maximum are assumed to be limiting as the network has no ability to counterbalance the restriction due to the observed flux. In a second step, the sensitivity of the reduced maximum is regarded. This measure provides information about the necessitated changes to reach higher yields. The methods are applied to interpret the capabilities of a network based on measured fluxes for a L-phenylalanine producer. The strain was examined by a series of experiments and three flux maps of the production phase are analyzed. It can be shown that the reachable yield is drastically reduced by the measured efflux into the TCA cycle, while the oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway only plays a secondary role on the reachable maximum.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux analysis of cultured hepatocytes exposed to plasma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hepatic metabolism can be investigated using metabolic flux analysis (MFA), which provides a comprehensive overview of the intracellular metabolic flux distribution. The characterization of intermediary metabolism in hepatocytes is important for all biotechnological applications involving liver cells, including the development of bioartificial liver (BAL) devices. During BAL operation, hepatocytes are exposed to plasma or blood from the patient, at which time they are prone to accumulate intracellular lipids and exhibit poor liver-specific functions. In a prior study, we found that preconditioning the primary rat hepatocytes in culture medium containing physiological levels of insulin, as opposed to the typical supraphysiological levels found in standard hepatocyte culture media, reduced lipid accumulation during subsequent plasma exposure. Furthermore, supplementing the plasma with amino acids restored hepatospecific functions. In the current study, we used MFA to quantify the changes in intracellular pathway fluxes of primary rat hepatocytes in response to low-insulin preconditioning and amino acid supplementation. We found that culturing hepatocytes in medium containing lower physiological levels of insulin decreased the clearance of glucose and glycerol with a concomitant decrease in glycolysis. These findings are consistent with the general notion that low insulin, especially in the presence of high glucagon levels, downregulates glycolysis in favor of gluconeogenesis in hepatocytes. The MFA model shows that, during subsequent plasma exposure, low-insulin preconditioning upregulated gluconeogenesis, with lactate as the primary precursor in unsupplemented plasma, with a greater contribution from deaminated amino acids in amino acid-supplemented plasma. Concomitantly, low-insulin preconditioning increased fatty acid oxidation, an effect that was further enhanced by amino acid supplementation to the plasma. The increase in fatty acid oxidation reduced intracellular triglyceride accumulation. Overall, these findings are consistent with the notion that the insulin level in medium culture presets the metabolic machinery of hepatocytes such that it directly impacts on their metabolic behavior during subsequent plasma culture.  相似文献   

以一株由自然界筛选获得的能够利用糖质原料直接产L-丝氨酸的谷氨酸棒杆菌Corynebacterium glutamicum SYPS-062为研究对象,考察了一碳单元循环中的辅因子—叶酸和维生素B12对菌株生长、蔗糖消耗及L-丝氨酸生成的影响,同时对处于对数生长期的菌株进行了代谢流量分析。结果发现,添加扰动因子叶酸和维生素B12对磷酸戊糖途径(HMP)碳流影响较大,碳源主要用于细胞生长及合成能量,而流向目的产物L-丝氨酸的碳流减少。同时在添加维生素B12时,增大了G3P节点的L-丝氨酸合成途径的分流比,但造成三羧酸循环(TCA)的流量不足,需要大量回补,从而限制了产物合成速率的进一步提高。  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(16):3061-3076.e6
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Consumers’ demand of leaner meat products is a challenge. Although betaine and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have the potential to decrease porcine adipose tissue, their mode of action is poorly understood. The aim of the study was to determine the lipolytic effect of betaine and CLA in the adipose tissue of Iberian pigs. Adipose tissue explants from five pigs (38 kg BW) were prepared from dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue samples and cultivated for 2 h (acute experiments) or 72 h (chronic experiments). Treatments included 100 µM linoleic acid (control), 100 µM trans-10, cis-12 CLA, 100 µM linoleic acid + 1 mM betaine and 100 µM trans-10, cis-12 CLA + 1 mM betaine (CLABET). To examine the ability of betaine or CLA to inhibit insulin’s suppression of isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis, test medium was amended with 1 µM isoproterenol ±10 nM insulin. Media glycerol was measured at the end of the incubations. Acute lipolysis (2 h) was increased by CLA and CLABET (85% to 121%; P < 0.05) under basal conditions. When lipolysis was stimulated with isoproterenol (1090%), acute exposure to betaine tended to increase (13%; P = 0.071), while CLA and CLABET increased (14% to 18%; P < 0.05) isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis compared with control. When insulin was added to isoproterenol-stimulated explants, lipolytic rate was decreased by 50% (P < 0.001). However, supplementation of betaine to the insulin + isoproterenol-containing medium tended to increase (P = 0.07), while CLABET increased (45%; P < 0.05) lipolysis, partly counteracting insulin inhibition. When culture was extended for 72 h, CLA decreased lipolysis under basal conditions (18%; P < 0.05) with no effect of betaine and CLABET (P > 0.10). When lipolysis was stimulated by isoproterenol (125% increase in rate compared with basal), CLA and CLABET decreased glycerol release (27%; P < 0.001) compared with control (isoproterenol alone). When insulin was added to isoproterenol-stimulated explants, isoproterenol stimulation of lipolysis was completely blunted and neither betaine nor CLA altered the inhibitory effect of insulin on lipolysis. Isoproterenol, and especially isoproterenol + insulin, stimulated leptin secretion compared with basal conditions (68% and 464%, respectively; P < 0.001), with no effect of CLA or betaine (P > 0.10). CLA decreased leptin release (25%; P < 0.001) when insulin was present in the media, partially inhibiting insulin stimulation of leptin release. In conclusion, betaine and CLA produced a biphasic response regarding lipolysis so that glycerol release was increased in acute conditions, while CLA decreased glycerol release and betaine had no effect in chronic conditions. Furthermore, CLA and CLABET indirectly increased lipolysis by reducing insulin-mediated inhibition of lipolysis during acute conditions.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux maps developed from 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C MFA) are effective tools for assessing the response of biological systems to genetic or environmental perturbations, and for identifying possible metabolic engineering targets. Experimental treatments were designed to distinguish between temperature effects prior to, and during incubation in vitro , on primary metabolism in developing soybeans. Biomass accumulation increased with temperature as did carbon partitioning into lipids. The flux through the plastidic oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (pglP) relative to sucrose intake remained fairly constant [∼56% (±24%)] when cotyledons were transferred from an optimum growth temperature to varying temperatures in in vitro culture, signifying a rigid node under these conditions. However, pglP flux ranged from 57 to 77% of sucrose intake when growth temperature in planta varied and were cultured in vitro at the same temperature (as the plant), indicating a flexible node for this case. The carbon flux through the anaplerotic reactions catalysed by plastidic malic enzyme (meP), cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase and the malate (Mal) transporter from the cytosol to mitochondrion varied dramatically with temperature and had a direct influence on the carbon partitioning into protein and oil from the plastidic pyruvate (Pyr) pool. These results of the in vitro culture indicate that temperature during early stages of development has a dominant effect on establishing capacity for flux through certain components of central carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

为提高琥珀酸放线菌Actinobacillus succinogenes CGMCC1593厌氧发酵产丁二酸的水平。研究了以葡萄糖为C源,发酵液中不同氧化还原电位(VORP)对A.succirtogenes CGMCC1593生长和代谢产物分布的影响。结果表明:菌体生长和丁二酸积累的较佳VORP分别为-220mV和-270mV;利用代谢流分析法,比较VORP在-220mV和-270mV时发酵对数生长期(8h)和稳定期(20h)的代谢通量分布,以及发酵过程中磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)、丙酮酸(Pyr)节点,NADH通量分配的变化,由此得出在VORP为-270mV时,NADH总通量和丁二酸方向代谢通量增幅明显。在发酵过程中,通过降低VORP至-270mV,使丁二酸的产率从70%提高到85%。  相似文献   

Adaptive metabolic behavior of photoautotrophic microorganisms toward genetic and environmental perturbations can be interpreted in a quantitative depiction of carbon flow through a biochemical reaction network using isotopic non‐stationary 13C‐metabolic flux analysis (INST 13C‐MFA). To evaluate 13C‐metabolic flux maps for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, an original experimental framework was designed allowing rapid, reliable collection of high‐quality isotopomer data against time. It involved (i) a short‐time 13C labeling injection device based on mixing control in a torus‐shaped photobioreactor with plug‐flow hydrodynamics allowing a sudden step‐change in the 13C proportion in the substrate feed and (ii) a rapid sampling procedure using an automatic fast filtration method coupled to a manual rapid liquid nitrogen quenching step. 13C‐substrate labeling enrichment was controlled through the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration in the pulsed solution. First results were obtained from steady‐state continuous culture measurements allowing the characterization of the kinetics of label incorporation into light‐limited growing cells cultivated in a photobioreactor operating at the maximal biomass productivity for an incident photon flux density of 200 µmol m?2 s?1. 13C label incorporation was measured for 21 intracellular metabolites using IC‐MS/MS in 58 samples collected across a labeling experiment duration of 7 min. The fastest labeling rate was observed for 2/3‐phosphoglycerate with an apparent isotopic stationary state reached after 300 s. The labeling rate was consistent with the optimized mixing time of about 4.9 s inside the reactor and the shortest reliable sampling period assessed at 5 s. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 3030–3040. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fluxes in central carbon metabolism of a genetically engineered, riboflavin-producing Bacillus subtilis strain were investigated in glucose-limited chemostat cultures at low (0.11 h(-1)) and high (0.44 h(-1)) dilution rates. Using a mixture of 10% [U-(13)C] and 90% glucose labeled at natural abundance, (13)C-labeling experiments were carried out to provide additional information for metabolic flux balancing. The resulting labeling pattern in the proteinogenic amino acids were analyzed by two-dimensional [(13)C, (1)H] nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. To account rigorously for all available data from these experiments, we developed a comprehensive isotopomer model of B. subtilis central metabolism. Using this model, intracellular carbon net and exchange fluxes were estimated on the basis of validated physiological data and biomass composition in combination with 2D NMR data from 45 individual carbon atom spectra in the amino acids. Glucose catabolism proceeded primarily via glycolysis but pentose phosphate pathway fluxes increased with increasing growth rate. Moreover, significant back fluxes from the TCA cycle to the lower part of glycolysis via the gluconeogenic PEP carboxykinase were detected. The malic enzyme reaction, in contrast, was found to be inactive. A thorough statistical analysis was performed to prove the reliability of the isotopomer balance model and the obtained results. Specifically, a chi(2) test was applied to validate the model and the chi-square criterion was used to explore the sensitivity of model predictions to the experimental data.  相似文献   

Injury from a severe burn or trauma can propel the body into a hypermetabolic state that can lead to the significant erosion of lean muscle mass. Investigations describing this process have been somewhat limited due to the lack of adequate experimental models. Here we report the use of a perfused rat hindquarter preparation to study the consequences of a moderate burn injury (approximately 20% total body surface area), with or without the addition of exogenous insulin (12.5 mU/mL), on the fluxes of major metabolites across the isolated skeletal muscle. The metabolic flux data was further analyzed using metabolic flux analysis (MFA), which allows for the estimation of the impact of these conditions on the intracellular muscle metabolism. Results indicate that this model is able to capture the increased rate of proteolysis, glutamine formation, and the negative nitrogen balance associated with the burn-induced hypermetabolic state. The inclusion of exogenous insulin resulted in significant changes in several fluxes, including an increase in the metabolism of glucose and the flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, as well as a reduction in the metabolism of glutamine, alanine, and leucine. However, insulin administration did not affect the nitrogen balance or the rate of proteolysis in the muscle, as has been suggested using other techniques. The use of the perfused hindquarter model coupled with MFA is a physiologically relevant and experimentally flexible platform for the exploration of skeletal muscle metabolism under catabolic conditions, and it will be useful in quantifying the specific metabolic consequences of other therapeutic advances.  相似文献   

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