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Prasinophytes form a paraphyletic assemblage of early diverging green algae, which have the potential to reveal the traits of the last common ancestor of the main two green lineages: (i) chlorophyte algae and (ii) streptophyte algae. Understanding the genetic composition of prasinophyte algae is fundamental to understanding the diversification and evolutionary processes that may have occurred in both green lineages. In this study, we sequenced the chloroplast genome of Pyramimonas parkeae NIES254 and compared it with that of P. parkeae CCMP726, the only other fully sequenced P. parkeae chloroplast genome. The results revealed that P. parkeae chloroplast genomes are surprisingly variable. The chloroplast genome of NIES254 was larger than that of CCMP726 by 3,204 bp, the NIES254 large single copy was 288 bp longer, the small single copy was 5,088 bp longer, and the IR was 1,086 bp shorter than that of CCMP726. Similarity values of the two strains were almost zero in four large hot spot regions. Finally, the strains differed in copy number for three protein‐coding genes: ycf20, psaC, and ndhE. Phylogenetic analyses using 16S and 18S rDNA and rbcL sequences resolved a clade consisting of these two P. parkeae strains and a clade consisting of these plus other Pyramimonas isolates. These results are consistent with past studies indicating that prasinophyte chloroplast genomes display a higher level of variation than is commonly found among land plants. Consequently, prasinophyte chloroplast genomes may be less useful for inferring the early history of Viridiplantae than has been the case for land plant diversification.  相似文献   

The Korean Hanwoo cattle have been intensively selected for production traits, especially high intramuscular fat content. It is believed that ancient crossings between different breeds contributed to forming the Hanwoo, but little is known about the genomic differences and similarities between other cattle breeds and the Hanwoo. In this work, cattle breeds were grouped by origin into four types and used for comparisons: the Europeans (represented by six breeds), zebu (Nelore), African taurine (N'Dama) and Hanwoo. All animals had genotypes for around 680 000 SNPs after quality control of genotypes. Average heterozygosity was lower in Nelore and N'Dama (0.22 and 0.21 respectively) than in Europeans (0.26–0.31, with Shorthorn as outlier at 0.24) and Hanwoo (0.29). Pairwise FST analyses demonstrated that Hanwoo are more related to European cattle than to Nelore, with N'Dama in an intermediate position. This finding was corroborated by principal components and unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Using genome‐wide smoothed FST, 55 genomic regions potentially under positive selection in Hanwoo were identified. Among these, 29 were regions also detected in previous studies. Twenty‐four regions were exclusive to Hanwoo, and a number of other regions were shared with one or two of the other groups. These regions overlap a number of genes that are related to immune, reproduction and fatty acid metabolism pathways. Further analyses are needed to better characterize the ancestry of the Hanwoo cattle and to define the genes responsible to the identified selection peaks.  相似文献   

Clostridium cellulolyticum is a model mesophilic anaerobic bacterium that efficiently degrades plant cell walls. The recent genome release offers the opportunity to analyse its complete degradation system. A total of 148 putative carbohydrate‐active enzymes were identified, and their modular structures and activities were predicted. Among them, 62 dockerin‐containing proteins bear catalytic modules from numerous carbohydrate‐active enzymes' families and whose diversity reflects the chemical and structural complexity of the plant carbohydrate. The composition of the cellulosomes produced by C. cellulolyticum upon growth on different substrates (cellulose, xylan, and wheat straw) was investigated by LC MS/MS. The majority of the proteins encoded by the cip‐cel operon, essential for cellulose degradation, were detected in all cellulosome preparations. In the presence of wheat straw, the natural and most complex of the substrates studied, additional proteins predicted to be involved in hemicellulose degradation were produced. A 32‐kb gene cluster encodes the majority of these proteins, all harbouring carbohydrate‐binding module 6 or carbohydrate‐binding module 22 xylan‐binding modules along dockerins. This newly identified xyl‐doc gene cluster, specialised in hemicellulose degradation, comes in addition of the cip‐cel operon for plant cell wall degradation. Hydrolysis efficiencies determined on the different substrates corroborates the finding that cellulosome composition is adapted to the growth substrate.  相似文献   

Epigenetic modification, especially DNA methylation, can play an important role in mediating gene regulatory response to environmental stressors and may be a key process affecting phenotypic plasticity and adaptation. Parasites are potent stressors with profound physiological and ecological effects on their hosts, yet it remains unclear how parasites influence host methylation patterns. Here, we used a well‐studied host–parasite system, the guppy Poecilia reticulata and its ectoparasitic monogenean Gyrodactylus turnbulli to gain mechanistic insight into the dynamics of DNA methylation in host–parasite interactions. To explore this, we quantitatively measured genome‐wide DNA methylation in guppy skin tissue using reduced representation bisulphite sequencing and characterized differential methylation patterns in guppies during distinct phases of infection. We identified 365, 313, and 741 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between infected and control fish in early infection, peak infection and recovery phases, respectively. The magnitude of the methylation difference was moderate in DMRs, with an average of 29% (early infection), 27% (peak infection) and 30% (recovery) differential methylation per DMR. Approximately 50% of DMRs overlapped with CpG islands, and over half of the DMRs overlapped with gene bodies, several of which encode proteins relevant to immune response. These findings provide the first evidence of an epigenetic signature of infection by ectoparasites and demonstrate the changing relationship between epigenetic variation and immune response in distinct phases of infection.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSP)are essential molecular chaperones that play important roles in the stress stimulation of insects.Bemisia tabaci,a phloem feeder and invasive species,can cause extensive crop damage through direct feeding and transmission of plant viruses.Here we employed comprehensive genomics approaches to identity HSP superfamily members in the Middle East Asia Minor 1 whitefly genome.In total,we identified 26 Hsp genes,including three Hsp90,17 Hsp70,one Hsp60 and five sHSP (small heat shock protein)genes.The HSP gene superfamily of whitefly is expanded compared with the other five insects surveyed here.The gene structures among the same families are relatively conserved.Meanwhile,the motif compositions and secondary structures of BtHsp proteins were predicted.In addition,quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that the expression patterns of BtHsp gene superfamily were diverse across different tissues of whiteflies.Most Hsp genes were induced or repressed by thermal stress (40℃)and cold treatment (4℃)in whitefly.Silencing the expression of BtHsp70-6 significantly decreased the survival rate of whitefly under 45℃.All the results showed the Hsps conferred thermo-tolerance or cold-tolerance to whiteflies that protect them from being affected by detrimental temperature conditions.Our observations highlighted the molecular evolutionary properties and the response mechanism to temperature assaults of Hsp genes in whitefly.  相似文献   

Pullorum is a bacterial disease that threatens the modern poultry industry. Over the years, research on this topic has focused mainly on its epidemiology, whereas the hosts’ genetic basis of infection is still vague. In order to identify chickens’ genes associated with pullorum, we sequenced 300 New Pudong chicken by double digest genotyping‐by‐sequencing. We obtained 1 527 953 SNPs for a genome‐wide association analysis, which identified 43 genome‐wide significant markers. Most of the significant SNPs were in the interval of 57.7–59.0 Mb on chromosome 5. The gene set enrichment analysis suggests a potential manner for bacterial infection and remaining inside the host. This work provides basic data for the purification, prevention and treatment of pullorum disease.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that speciation‐with‐gene‐flow is more likely when the consequences of selection for population divergence transitions from mainly direct effects of selection acting on individual genes to a collective property of all selected genes in the genome. Thus, understanding the direct impacts of ecologically based selection, as well as the indirect effects due to correlations among loci, is critical to understanding speciation. Here, we measure the genome‐wide impacts of host‐associated selection between hawthorn and apple host races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae), a model for contemporary speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. Allele frequency shifts of 32 455 SNPs induced in a selection experiment based on host phenology were genome wide and highly concordant with genetic divergence between co‐occurring apple and hawthorn flies in nature. This striking genome‐wide similarity between experimental and natural populations of R. pomonella underscores the importance of ecological selection at early stages of divergence and calls for further integration of studies of eco‐evolutionary dynamics and genome divergence.  相似文献   

A major goal of evolutionary biology is to identify the genome‐level targets of natural and sexual selection. With the advent of next‐generation sequencing, whole‐genome selection components analysis provides a promising avenue in the search for loci affected by selection in nature. Here, we implement a genome‐wide selection components analysis in the sex role reversed Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli. Our approach involves a double‐digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq) technique, applied to adult females, nonpregnant males, pregnant males, and their offspring. An FST comparison of allele frequencies among these groups reveals 47 genomic regions putatively experiencing sexual selection, as well as 468 regions showing a signature of differential viability selection between males and females. A complementary likelihood ratio test identifies similar patterns in the data as the FST analysis. Sexual selection and viability selection both tend to favor the rare alleles in the population. Ultimately, we conclude that genome‐wide selection components analysis can be a useful tool to complement other approaches in the effort to pinpoint genome‐level targets of selection in the wild.  相似文献   

Traditional selection for sow reproductive longevity is ineffective due to low heritability and late expression of the trait. Incorporation of DNA markers into selection programs is potentially a more practical approach for improving sow lifetime productivity. Using a resource population of crossbred gilts, we explored pleiotropic sources of variation that influence age at puberty and reproductive longevity. Of the traits recorded before breeding, only age at puberty significantly affected the probability that females would produce a first parity litter. The genetic variance explained by 1‐Mb windows of the sow genome, compared across traits, uncovered regions that influence both age at puberty and lifetime number of parities. Allelic variants of SNPs located on SSC5 (27–28 Mb), SSC8 (36–37 Mb) and SSC12 (1.2–2 Mb) exhibited additive effects and were associated with both early expression of puberty and a greater than average number of lifetime parities. Combined analysis of these SNPs showed that an increase in the number of favorable alleles had positive impact on reproductive longevity, increasing number of parities by up to 1.36. The region located on SSC5 harbors non‐synonymous alleles in the arginine vasopressin receptor 1A (AVPR1A) gene, a G‐protein‐coupled receptor associated with social and reproductive behaviors in voles and humans and a candidate for the observed effects. This region is characterized by high levels of linkage disequilibrium in different lines and could be exploited in marker‐assisted selection programs across populations to increase sow reproductive longevity.  相似文献   

Milk production traits, such as 305‐day milk yield (305MY), have been under direct selection to improve production in dairy cows. Over the past 50 years, the average milk yield has nearly doubled, and over 56% of the increase is attributable to genetic improvement. As such, additional improvements in milk yield are still possible as new loci are identified. The objectives of this study were to detect SNPs and gene sets associated with 305MY in order to identify new candidate genes contributing to variation in milk production. A population of 781 primiparous Holstein cows from six central Washington dairies with records of 305MY and energy corrected milk were used to perform a genome‐wide association analysis (GWAA) using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip (777 962 SNPs) to identify QTL associated with 305MY (< 1.0 × 10?5). A gene set enrichment analysis with SNP data (GSEA‐SNP) was performed to identify gene sets (normalized enrichment score > 3.0) and leading edge genes (LEGs) influencing 305MY. The GWAA identified three QTL comprising 34 SNPs and 30 positional candidate genes. In the GSEA‐SNP, five gene sets with 58 unique and 24 shared LEGs contributed to 305MY. Identification of QTL and LEGs associated with 305MY can provide additional targets for genomic selection to continue to improve 305MY in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana, is presumed to be panmictic across vast regions of North America. We examined the extent of panmixia by genotyping 3,650 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in 1975 individuals from 128 collections across the continent. We found three spatially structured subpopulations: Western (Alaska, Yukon), Central (southeastern Yukon to the Manitoba–Ontario border), and Eastern (Manitoba–Ontario border to the Atlantic). Additionally, the most diagnostic genetic differentiation between the Central and Eastern subpopulations was chromosomally restricted to a single block of SNPs that may constitute an island of differentiation within the species. Geographic differentiation in the spruce budworm parallels that of its principal larval host, white spruce (Picea glauca), providing evidence that spruce budworm and spruce trees survived in the Beringian refugium through the Last Glacial Maximum and that at least two isolated spruce budworm populations diverged with spruce/fir south of the ice sheets. Gene flow in the spruce budworm may also be affected by mountains in western North America, habitat isolation in West Virginia, regional adaptations, factors related to dispersal, and proximity of other species in the spruce budworm species complex. The central and eastern geographic regions contain individuals that assign to Eastern and Central subpopulations, respectively, indicating that these barriers are not complete. Our discovery of previously undetected geographic and genomic structure in the spruce budworm suggests that further population modelling of this ecologically important insect should consider regional differentiation, potentially co‐adapted blocks of genes, and gene flow between subpopulations.  相似文献   

The Chinese Taihu pig breeds are an invaluable component of the world's pig genetic resources, and they are the most prolific breeds of swine in the world. In this study, the genomes of 252 pigs of the six indigenous breeds in the Taihu Lake region were sequenced using the genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing approach. A total of 950 million good reads were obtained using an Illumina Hiseq2000 at an average depth of 13× (for SNP calling) and an average coverage of 2.3%. In total, 122 632 indels, 31 444 insertions, 44 056 deletions and 455 CNVs (copy number variants) were identified in the genomes of the pigs. Approximately 2.3% of these genetic markers were mapped to gene exon regions, and 25% were in QTL regions related to economically important traits. The KEGG pathway or GO enrichment analyses revealed that genetic variants assumed to be large‐effect mutations were significantly overrepresented in 22 SNP, 56 indel, 26 insertion, 28 deletion and three CNV gene sets. A total of 343 breed‐specific SNPs were also identified in the six Chinese indigenous pigs. The findings from this study can contribute to future investigations of the genetic diversity, population structure, positive selection signals and molecular evolutionary history of these pigs at the genome level and can serve as a valuable reference for improving the breeding and cultivation of these pigs.  相似文献   

Enhancing climate resilience and sustainable production for animals in harsh environments are important goals for the livestock industry given the predicted impacts of climate change. Rapid adaptation to extreme climatic conditions has already been imposed on livestock species, including those exported after Columbus's arrival in the Americas. We compared the methylomes of two Creole cattle breeds living in tropical environments with their putative Spanish ancestors to understand the epigenetic mechanisms underlying rapid adaptation of a domestic species to a new and more physiologically challenging environment. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing was used to assess differences in methylation in Creole and Spanish samples and revealed 334 differentially methylated regions using high stringency parameters (P‐value <0.01, ≥4 CpGs within a distance of 200 bp, mean methylation difference >25%) annotated to 263 unique features. Gene ontology analysis revealed candidate genes involved in tropical adaptation processes, including genes differentially hyper‐ or hypomethylated above 80% in Creole samples displaying biological functions related to immune response (IRF6, PTGDR, FAM19A5, PGLYRP1), nervous system (GBX2, NKX2‐8, RPGR), energy management (BTD), heat resistance (CYB561) and skin and coat attributes (LGR6). Our results entail that major environmental changes imposed on Creole cattle have had an impact on their methylomes measurable today, which affects genes implicated in important pathways for adaptation. Although further work is needed, this first characterization of methylation patterns driven by profound environmental change provides a valuable pointer for the identification of biomarkers of resilience for improved cattle performance and welfare under predicted climatic change models.  相似文献   

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