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葱属根茎组8种21居群植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对葱属根茎组Allium sect.Rhiziridium的8种21个地方居群的核型进行研究,以期为解决该组的种间亲缘关系和物种进化机制提供依据。贺兰韭A.eduardii和阿拉善韭A.flavovirens2个种的核型以及辉韭A.strictum的六倍体核型均属首次报道。研究结果表明:贺兰韭A.eduardii、阿拉善韭A.tlavovirens、北韭A.lineare、蒙古韭A.mongolicum和滩地韭A.oreoprasum的各居群均为二倍体,核型类型为Stebbins的2A型;韭A.tuberosum和野韭A.ramosum的各个居群均为四倍体,核型类型为2A型:辉韭A.Jtrictum的4个居群均为六倍体,核型类型为2B型。通过研究可以得出如下推论:(1)该组植物中存在着大量的多倍体或多倍体系列,染色体数目变化与物种进化具有密切相关性,多倍化可能是根茎组植物核型进化的重要机制之一;(2)随体染色体多为st或t染色体,均位于短臂末端;(3)可以认为辉韭是以增加倍性来克服该物种扩大新的生存空间所带来的困难;(4)现今栽培的韭可能是由野生的二倍体韭和四倍体韭经过长期人工驯化而来的,现今栽培的三倍体韭可能是二倍体韭和四倍体韭杂交而来,并且以无性繁殖方式保存三倍体类群的存在。  相似文献   

百合科山韭小孢子发生及雄配子体发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片对葱属植物山韭(Allium senescens L.)的小孢子发生及雄配子体形成进行了研究.结果表明:山韭花药具4个药室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞组成,属分泌型绒毡层.小孢子母细胞减数分裂的胞质分裂为连续型.成熟花粉为二胞型,偶见三胞型.在小孢子母细胞减数分裂和单核小孢子中出现许多异常行为,如染色体拖曳,落后染色体和后期桥,以及产生微核等,这可能是导致花粉败育的原因之一.  相似文献   

Local adaptation within and among populations may have an impact on processes ranging from speciation to the evolution of mixed breeding systems and dispersal strategies. It is also one potential factor that could favor the production of asexual over sexual propagules. This field experiment tested whether asexually produced bulbils of Allium vineale demonstrate local adaptation to the parental microsite at the scale of natural dispersal from the parent (5, 25, 50, 100, and 1000 cm). Both "home' and randomly chosen "away' genotypes were planted at each location to determine the relative performance of the "home' genotype. Overall, bulbil performance declined with distance from the parent. In particular, "home' bulbils outperformed "away' bulbils at a distance of 25 cm from the parent, indicating that local adaptation has occurred at the scale of natural dispersal in this species. The variance in propagule performance also increased at farther distances from the parent, indicating that the predictability of offspring performance decreases with distance. Fine-scale local adaptation within the range of seed dispersal in this population may be one factor favoring asexual reproduction in Allium vineale.  相似文献   

Eighteen representative species were selected from all the nine sections of Chinese Allium on the basis of the classification of morphology and cytotaxonomy. The trnK and rpL16 gene fragments of chloroplast DNA were amplified from 18 species by PCR method. The two cpDNA fragments were digested by 26 restriction enzymes, and 303 polymorphic restriction sites were found, of which 163 were informative. The restriction site data were analyzed with PAUP (version 3.1.1) and MEGA (version 1.01) as well as PHYLIP. As a result, the genus Allium could be classified into six subgenera. The recognition of Sect. Anguinum in the Flora of China is reasonable, Sect. Rhizirideum, Sect. Haplostemon and Sect. Cepa are not monophyletic. The infrageneric system of this genus was also discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Eighteen representative species were selected from all the nine sections of Chinese Allium on the basis of the classification of morphology and cytotaxonomy. The trnK and rpL16 gene fragments of chloroplast DNA were amplified from 18 species by PCR method. The two cpDNA fragments were digested by 26 restriction enzymes, and 303 polymorphic restriction sites were found, of which 163 were informative. The restriction site data were analyzed with PAUP (version 3.1.1) and MEGA (version 1.01) as well as PHYLIP. As a result, the genus Allium could be classified into six subgenera. The recognition of Sect. Anguinum in the Flora of China is reasonable, Sect. Rhizirideum, Sect. Haplostemon and Sect. Cepa are not monophyletic. The infrageneric system of this genus was also discussed.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of three local populations of Allium fasciculatum Rendle were analyzed. The karyotype of the population from Dagze of Xizang was 2n=2x=20=4m+10sm +4T+2t(2SAT), the one from Xiangcheng of Sichuan was 2n=2x=20=10sm+6t(2SAT)+4T, and the one from Lixian of Siehuan was 2n=2x=20=6m+10sm+2t (2SAT)+2T. Although there were differences in karyotypes among the three populations, they were very similar in morphological characters, except that plants in the Dagze population were lower. The karyotype of the Lixian population is considered to be a primitive one that has evolved into the more asymmetrical karyotypes of the Dagze population and Xiangcheng population by structural aberration. In the genus Allium, only four species, A. fasciculaturn, A. decipiens Fisch., A. kujukense Vved. and A. cheloturm Wendelbo. have so far been found to have the basic chromosome number of x=10. According to karyotype characters and the distribution pattern of these four species, the basic number x = 10 may have different origins. At least that of A. fasciculatum is different from that of the other three species and might have originated the latest. A. fasciculatum was similar to A. hookeri Thwaites (the latter has x=11) in karyotypical and morphological characters. Therefore, they are considered to have originated from a common extinct ancestor that had the basic number of x = 10.ey words Allium;A.fasciculatum Rendle;Karyotype differentiation  相似文献   

The present papar is a report on cytotaxonomical studies of Allium Sect. Caloscordum(Liliaceae)from China. Six populations of A. neriniflorum and A.tubiflorum were introduced from Shaanxi,Hebei(Beijing),Liaoning and Heilongjiang.Based on the introduction and cultivated experiment, the authors made a karyotype analysis and a morphological comparison of the six populations. The results are as follows. Except the population 5 (Baihuashan,Beijing),which was found to be tetraploid 2n=4x=32,all the populations were dipliod 2n=2x=16. There were two types of satellites: terminal and intercalary. The basic number,the karyotypes as well as the types of satellites in Sect. Caloscordum were the same as those in the other sections of Allium. In the populations 1, 2, 3 and 4(Daheshan,Jinxia County,Liaoning;Taikang County, Heilongjiang; Chengde to Huaqing, Hebei; Liulimao, Huairou,Beijing.), the sixth pair of chromosomes had a pair of intercalary satellites,the mean length of pedicels is about 7 cm and the plant had no two-growth cycle.In the populations 6 (Xianyunei, Huashan, Shaanxi): the eighth chromosome pair had a pair of terminal satellites, the pedicel was shorter,with the mean length 2.39 cm,and the plant had two-growth cycle. In the tetraploid population 5; fourteenth and sixteenth chromosome pairs both had a pair of terminal satellites,the mean length of pedicel was 2.39 cm and the plant had the two-growth cycle.According to the results,the authors keep Sect. Caloscordum in the genus Allium and recognize two species in China in the section; the populations 1, 2, 3 and 4 belong to A.neriniflorum,and the populations 5 and 6 to A.tubiflorum.Our observation on dissecting ovary showed that there were 2~11 ovules per locule;the diploid populations mainly had 5 ~6 ovules per locule,while the tetraploid ones mainly had 4 ovules per locule.Therefore, the number of ovules per locule is not a reliable character for classifiction but it may be useful in distinguishing diploid from tetraploid.However,we consider that the satellite type,the pedicel length and whether the plant has two-growth cycle are the diagnostic features for the species of Sect.Caloscordum.  相似文献   

The new species of Allium L. , A. maowenense J. M. Xu, from Sichuan Province is described in this paper. It is similar to A. eusperma Airy-Shaw, but differs from the latter by white flowers and filaments about 2 times longer than tepals. The present paper also reports the karyotype of the new species. The karyotypic formula was K (2n) = 2x = 16 = 14m +2st (2SAT) with one pair of intercalary satellites, which sometimes were not found clear-ly. The karyotypic asymmetry belongs to Stebbins’ 2A type.  相似文献   

青海南部太白韭4居群的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了葱属太白韭青海4个居群的染色体数目和核型。结果如下,居群1:2n=2x=16=12m+2sm+2st(2SAT),居群2:2n=2x=16=14m+2st(2SAT);居群3:2n=4x=32=24m+4sm+4st(4SAT),居群4:2n=2x=16=14m+2st(2SAT)+Bs(0-2)。并讨论了多倍体和B染色体形成与分析。  相似文献   

Four unstable malorientations in a chain quadrivalent, as well as maloriented bivalents, were studied in fixed prometaphase I pollen-mothercells from an interchange heterozygote of Allium triquetrum. The relative frequencies of these malorientations, in cells from pollen sacs of different developmental ages, suggest that maloriented bivalents, on the average, reorient before maloriented quadrivalents; and that, similarly, there are differences in the timing of reorientation amongst the four types of maloriented quadrivalents. — Further, the proportion of anaphase I cells derived from alternate orientation in the interchange quadrivalent is lower than expected in pollen sacs with a high percentage of cells in mid-anaphase; but higher than expected in pollen sacs in which relatively few cells have as yet proceeded into anaphase, and also in those in which most cells have already passed through anaphase. Arguably, these data are a direct outcome of the differential behavior of unstable maloriented quadrivalents in the preceeding prometaphase.  相似文献   

葱属植物棱叶薤的形态性状与核型特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新疆不同地理位置分布的葱属植物棱叶薤的形态性状以及核型特征进行了研究,结果表明:鳞茎、株型、叶形等43个形态性状在3个棱叶薤居群之间不存在差异,而株芽、叶色、叶长、单株叶片数、小花数目、花序高度、花葶长度等19个性状在3个棱叶薤居群之间存在显著或极显著差异。采集自乌鲁木齐红旗水库居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=2x=16=12m+4sm;塔城阿西尔乡巴尔鲁克山居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=3x=24=18m+3sm+3st;裕民巴旦杏保护区居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=4x=32=28m(4SAT)﹢4sm。棱叶薤居群内形态性状和倍性稳定,居群间存在形态性状分化,同时还存在二倍体、三倍体、四倍体的倍性分化。居群间染色体结构组成和相对长度组成也存在差异。核型类型均为2A型。  相似文献   

Populations of Allium vineale commonly include individuals with very different allocation patterns to three modes of reproduction: sexual flowers, aerially produced asexual bulbils, and belowground asexual offsets. If selection is currently acting to maintain these different allocation patterns there must be a genetic basis for variation in allocation to these three reproductive modes. In addition, negative genetic correlations between reproductive traits would imply evolutionary trade-offs among reproductive strategies. We evaluated the heritability of these allocation patterns by growing 16 clones from a single population in the greenhouse at two levels of fertilization. Bulb mass and the mass and number of bulbils, offsets, and flowers were used as response variables, in addition to the proportion allocated to each reproductive mode. We found evidence of substantial heritable variation in allocation to sexual reproduction and in allocation within the two modes of asexual reproduction, indicating high sensitivity of these allocation patterns to natural selection. We also found evidence of strong negative genetic correlations between bulbil and flower traits, as well as between bulbil and offset traits, with one group of genotypes allocating greater resources to aerial asexual bulbils and the second group allocating more resources to belowground asexual offsets and aerial flowers. Phenotypic plasticity in allocation to above- vs. belowground asexual reproduction and sexual vs. asexual aerial reproduction was limited, indicating that plants are unlikely to change reproductive mode in response to nutrient availability. Together, then, we have demonstrated strong heritability for, and trade-offs in, the reproductive allocation patterns within this plant population.  相似文献   

中国西南葱属10种20居群的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用常规压片法,对采自中国西南地区的10种20个居群葱属(Allium L.)植物的根尖有丝分裂中期进行了观察,10种葱属植物分别为峨眉韭(Alliumomeiense)、多星韭(A.wallichii)、大花韭(A.macranthum)、韭(A.tubero—sum)、高山韭(A.sikkimense)、天蓝韭(A.cyaneum)、西川韭(A.xichuanense)、野黄韭(A.rude)、野葱(A.chrysanthum)和真籽韭(A.eusperma)。供试类群中,核型类型为2A、2B和2c,其中2c为首次报道;染色体基数为7、8、11;5个种中存在多倍体,其中天蓝韭的5倍体居群为首次报道;6个种存在随体杂合现象。通过观察发现峨眉韭的核型不对称性与海拔高度存在相关性;四倍体大花韭的核型演化伴随着st染色体短臂的断裂和丢失。结合核型、形态学和繁育制度等特征,对部分类群的进化和组一级分类等级及其归属问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Embryo development of Zhangqiu green onion conforms to the Asterad type and goes through the following stages: proembryo, globular, ellipsoidal, laterally concave, stick-shaped, and curved and mature. The persistent synergid is present until the late globular stage of embryogenesis. Endosperm development of Zhangqiu green onion follows the nuclear pattern. Endosperm cell formation begins at both the micropylar end and the chalazai end of the embryo sac when the embryo is in the late globular stage. Due to the anticlinal wall formation, a layer of free nuclei becomes a layer of “open cells” which lack the inner periclinat wall. The open cells undergo cell division periclinally, and a layer of complete cells is cut off outside and a new layer of open cells inside. The subsequent cell divisions give rise to the endosperm cells centripetally until those from the opposite of the embryo sac meet. The first anticlinal walls arise from the cell plates without phragmoplasts between the free nuclei in interphase. The first periclinal walls are formed by normal cytokinesis. When a few layers of endosperm cells are formed at the micropylar end and the chalazal end of the embryo sac, free cells are present in the central vacuole.  相似文献   

A procedure developed to separate the homodimeric and heterodimeric mannose-binding lectins from bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum L.) and ramsons (Allium ursinum L.) also enabled the isolation of stable lectin-alliinase complexes. Characterization of the individual lectins indicated that, in spite of their different molecular structure, the homomeric and heteromeric lectins resemble each other reasonably well with respect to their agglutination properties and carbohydrate-binding specificity. However, a detailed analysis of the lectin-alliinase complexes from garlic and ramsons bulbs demonstrated that only the heterodimeric lectins are capable of binding to the glycan chains of the alliinase molecules (EC Moreover, it appears that only a subpopulation of the alliinase molecules is involved in the formation of lectin-alliinase complexes and that the complexed alliinase contains more glycan chains than the free enzyme. Finally, some arguments are given that the lectin-alliinase complexes do not occur in vivo but are formed in vitro after homogenization of the tissue. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract The floral biology of Tricyrtis affinis was investigated and compared with that of four species of Tricyrtis which had been reported by the author. The flower opens for two days and is protandrous as in T. latifolia, T. flava , and T. ohsumiensis. The primary pollinators of T. affinis were Bombus diversus diversus and Amegilla sp., which were not different from those of the previous species although the shape and the color of the T. affinis flower are somewhat different from the others. The whole perianth of T. affinis absorbs UV light fairly well, and the large purple spotted area near the base absorbs it markedly well. The UV absorption pattern of the T. affinis flower is similar to that of T. latifolia. T. affinis is also self-compatible, like the others, and seeds obtained by self-pollination germinated well. Pollination of T. affinis is characterized by a refined system.  相似文献   

 Mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation in the cultigens leek, kurrat and prei-anak is limited compared to that of their wild relatives in the Allium ampeloprasum complex. The phylogenetic relationships among these cultigens and their wild relatives is quite close, with the majority of the species clustering within one mitochondrial clade. The presence in leek of an extra-mitochondrial genetic element was noted. Analysis of crossability showed that all species were interfertile with leek. It is suggested that the genetic variation present within the A. ampeloprasum complex could be exploited in order to broaden the genetic basis of leek. Received: 14 August 1996 / Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination biology of Heloniopsis orientalis was investigated in the lowlands of south central Japan. The receptive stigma emerges from the perianth before the opening of the perianth, and anther dehiscence is late about two days for perianth opening. The flower therefore is protogynous even though no insects visit the unopen flowers. Receptivity of the stigma is maintained for about 8 days, and even the 10 day-old flower can produce seeds. Self-pollination may be rather common in H. orientalis , which is self-compatible, in particular in the flowers which open on days unfavorable for insect activity. Many species of Diptera and Hymenoptera forage on the flowers, and almost any insect can be their pollinator. Long life, self-compatibility of the flowers, and many kinds of pollinators seem to be factors favoring H. orientalis , which blooms in very early spring when the pollinator supply is unstable but which nevertheless bears many seeds.  相似文献   

基于trnK基因的葱属植物分子系统研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在形态和细胞分类研究的基础上选择产于中国的9组47种葱属植物(含外类群5种),运用PCR方法扩增叶绿体trnK基因,选择26种限制性内切酶对PCR扩增片段进行了RFLP分析.结果表明:trnK基因的PCR产物在各分类群间几乎不存在长度变异,约为2 520 bp,PCR扩增片段酶切后,共得到247个变异位点,其中信息位点201个.运用PAU P 4.0 B 10.0和M EGA 3.1软件进行分析,构建葱属系统发育的D o llo和W agner最简约(M P)树及邻接(N J)树.分析表明:(1)宽叶组类群组成比较自然的单系群,洋葱组和葱组也各自形成独立分枝,表明这3个组的划分是比较自然的.多籽组和合被组在本次分析中形成1个单系群,表明这2个组具有较密切的亲缘关系.而粗根组、根茎组和单生组的划分是不自然的,需进一步研究后作适当的调整.粗根组的类群在trnK基因的RFLP分析中,得到很好的分辨,可按其染色体基数分为3个大的类群.(2)中国葱属植物可以划分为6个亚属的新等级,在各亚属下可以再分组.(3)本文还对葱属的种间亲缘、进化关系等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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