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A major challenge in the field of protein-protein docking is to discriminate between the many wrong and few near-native conformations, i.e. scoring. Here, we introduce combinatorial complex-type-dependent scoring functions for different types of protein-protein complexes, protease/inhibitor, antibody/antigen, enzyme/inhibitor and others. The scoring functions incorporate both physical and knowledge-based potentials, i.e. atomic contact energy (ACE), the residue pair potential (RP), electrostatic and van der Waals' interactions. For different type complexes, the weights of the scoring functions were optimized by the multiple linear regression method, in which only top 300 structures with ligand root mean square deviation (L_RMSD) less than 20 A from the bound (co-crystallized) docking of 57 complexes were used to construct a training set. We employed the bound docking studies to examine the quality of the scoring function, and also extend to the unbound (separately crystallized) docking studies and extra 8 protein-protein complexes. In bound docking of the 57 cases, the first hits of protease/inhibitor cases are all ranked in the top 5. For the cases of antibody/antigen, enzyme/inhibitor and others, there are 17/19, 5/6 and 13/15 cases with the first hits ranked in the top 10, respectively. In unbound docking studies, the first hits of 9/17 protease/inhibitor, 6/19 antibody/antigen, 1/6 enzyme/inhibitor and 6/15 others' complexes are ranked in the top 10. Additionally, for the extra 8 cases, the first hits of the two protease/inhibitor cases are ranked in the top for the bound and unbound test. For the two enzyme/inhibitor cases, the first hits are ranked 1st for bound test, and the 119th and 17th for the unbound test. For the others, the ranks of the first hits are the 1st for the bound test and the 12th for the 1WQ1 unbound test. To some extent, the results validated our divide-and-conquer strategy in the docking study, which might hopefully shed light on the prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein docking algorithms typically generate large numbers of possible complex structures with only a few of them resembling the native structure. Recently (Duan et al., Protein Sci, 14:316-218, 2005), it was observed that the surface density of conserved residue positions is high at the interface regions of interacting protein surfaces, except for antibody-antigen complexes, where a lesser number of conserved positions than average is observed at the interface regions. Using this observation, we identified putative interacting regions on the surface of interacting partners and significantly improved docking results by assigning top ranks to near-native complex structures. In this paper, we combine the residue conservation information with a widely used shape complementarity algorithm to generate candidate complex structures with a higher percentage of near-native structures (hits). What is new in this work is that the conservation information is used early in the generation stage and not only in the ranking stage of the docking algorithm. This results in a significantly larger number of generated hits and an improved predictive ability in identifying the native structure of protein-protein complexes. RESULTS: We report on results from 48 well-characterized protein complexes, which have enough residue conservation information from the same 59 benchmark complexes used in our previous work. We compute conservation indices of residue positions on the surfaces of interacting proteins using available homologous sequences from UNIPROT and calculate the solvent accessible surface area. We combine this information with shape-complementarity scores to generate candidate protein-protein complex structures. When compared with pure shape-complementarity algorithms, performed by FTDock, our method results in significantly more hits, with the improvement being over 100% in many instances. We demonstrate that residue conservation information is useful not only in refinement and scoring of docking solutions, but also helpful in enrichment of near-native-structures during the generation of candidate geometries of complex structures.  相似文献   

Most scoring functions for protein-protein docking algorithms are either atom-based or residue-based, with the former being able to produce higher quality structures and latter more tolerant to conformational changes upon binding. Earlier, we developed the ZRANK algorithm for reranking docking predictions, with a scoring function that contained only atom-based terms. Here we combine ZRANK's atom-based potentials with five residue-based potentials published by other labs, as well as an atom-based potential IFACE that we published after ZRANK. We simultaneously optimized the weights for selected combinations of terms in the scoring function, using decoys generated with the protein-protein docking algorithm ZDOCK. We performed rigorous cross validation of the combinations using 96 test cases from a docking benchmark. Judged by the integrative success rate of making 1000 predictions per complex, addition of IFACE and the best residue-based pair potential reduced the number of cases without a correct prediction by 38 and 27% relative to ZDOCK and ZRANK, respectively. Thus combination of residue-based and atom-based potentials into a scoring function can improve performance for protein-protein docking. The resulting scoring function is called IRAD (integration of residue- and atom-based potentials for docking) and is available at http://zlab.umassmed.edu.  相似文献   

A protein-protein docking procedure traditionally consists in two successive tasks: a search algorithm generates a large number of candidate conformations mimicking the complex existing in vivo between two proteins, and a scoring function is used to rank them in order to extract a native-like one. We have already shown that using Voronoi constructions and a well chosen set of parameters, an accurate scoring function could be designed and optimized. However to be able to perform large-scale in silico exploration of the interactome, a near-native solution has to be found in the ten best-ranked solutions. This cannot yet be guaranteed by any of the existing scoring functions. In this work, we introduce a new procedure for conformation ranking. We previously developed a set of scoring functions where learning was performed using a genetic algorithm. These functions were used to assign a rank to each possible conformation. We now have a refined rank using different classifiers (decision trees, rules and support vector machines) in a collaborative filtering scheme. The scoring function newly obtained is evaluated using 10 fold cross-validation, and compared to the functions obtained using either genetic algorithms or collaborative filtering taken separately. This new approach was successfully applied to the CAPRI scoring ensembles. We show that for 10 targets out of 12, we are able to find a near-native conformation in the 10 best ranked solutions. Moreover, for 6 of them, the near-native conformation selected is of high accuracy. Finally, we show that this function dramatically enriches the 100 best-ranking conformations in near-native structures.  相似文献   

Murphy J  Gatchell DW  Prasad JC  Vajda S 《Proteins》2003,53(4):840-854
Two structure-based potentials are used for both filtering (i.e., selecting a subset of conformations generated by rigid-body docking), and rescoring and ranking the selected conformations. ACP (atomic contact potential) is an atom-level extension of the Miyazawa-Jernigan potential parameterized on protein structures, whereas RPScore (residue pair potential score) is a residue-level potential, based on interactions in protein-protein complexes. These potentials are combined with other energy terms and applied to 13 sets of protein decoys, as well as to the results of docking 10 pairs of unbound proteins. For both potentials, the ability to discriminate between near-native and non-native docked structures is substantially improved by refining the structures and by adding a van der Waals energy term. It is observed that ACP and RPScore complement each other in a number of ways (e.g., although RPScore yields more hits than ACP, mainly as a result of its better performance for charged complexes, ACP usually ranks the near-native complexes better). As a general solution to the protein-docking problem, we have found that the best discrimination strategies combine either an RPScore filter with an ACP-based scoring function, or an ACP-based filter with an RPScore-based scoring function. Thus, ACP and RPScore capture complementary structural information, and combining them in a multistage postprocessing protocol provides substantially better discrimination than the use of the same potential for both filtering and ranking the docked conformations.  相似文献   



Many important cellular processes are carried out by protein complexes. To provide physical pictures of interacting proteins, many computational protein-protein prediction methods have been developed in the past. However, it is still difficult to identify the correct docking complex structure within top ranks among alternative conformations.  相似文献   

Protein docking using spherical polar Fourier correlations   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Ritchie DW  Kemp GJ 《Proteins》2000,39(2):178-194
We present a new computational method of docking pairs of proteins by using spherical polar Fourier correlations to accelerate the search for candidate low-energy conformations. Interaction energies are estimated using a hydrophobic excluded volume model derived from the notion of "overlapping surface skins," augmented by a rigorous but "soft" model of electrostatic complementarity. This approach has several advantages over former three-dimensional grid-based fast Fourier transform (FFT) docking correlation methods even though there is no analogue to the FFT in a spherical polar representation. For example, a complete search over all six rigid-body degrees of freedom can be performed by rotating and translating only the initial expansion coefficients, many unfeasible orientations may be eliminated rapidly using only low-resolution terms, and the correlations are easily localized around known binding epitopes when this knowledge is available. Typical execution times on a single processor workstation range from 2 hours for a global search (5 x 10(8) trial orientations) to a few minutes for a local search (over 6 x 10(7) orientations). The method is illustrated with several domain dimer and enzyme-inhibitor complexes and 20 large antibody-antigen complexes, using both the bound and (when available) unbound subunits. The correct conformation of the complex is frequently identified when docking bound subunits, and a good docking orientation is ranked within the top 20 in 11 out of 18 cases when starting from unbound subunits. Proteins 2000;39:178-194.  相似文献   



Atomic Solvation Parameters (ASP) model has been proven to be a very successful method of calculating the binding free energy of protein complexes. This suggests that incorporating it into docking algorithms should improve the accuracy of prediction. In this paper we propose an FFT-based algorithm to calculate ASP scores of protein complexes and develop an ASP-based protein-protein docking method (ASPDock).  相似文献   

ATTRACT: protein-protein docking in CAPRI using a reduced protein model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zacharias M 《Proteins》2005,60(2):252-256
Protein-protein complex structures have been predicted for CAPRI Rounds 3 and 5 using a reduced protein model. Proteins are represented by up to 3 pseudoatoms per amino acid. The docking approach termed ATTRACT is based on energy minimization in translational and rotational degrees of freedom of one protein with respect to another protein. The reduced protein model allows one to perform systematic docking minimization of many thousand start structures in reasonable computer time. Flexibility of critical surface side-chains can be accounted for by a multiple conformational copy approach. The multicopy approach allows simultaneous adjustment of side-chain conformations and optimization of translational and rotational degrees of freedom of one protein with respect to the partner during docking. For 3 (Targets 8, 14, and 19) out of 5 CAPRI targets, the approach resulted in predictions in close agreement with experiment [root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of backbone atoms within 10 A of the protein-protein interface < 1.8 A]. The comparison of predicted and experimental structures of the CAPRI targets indicates that besides local conformational changes (e.g., changes in side-chain conformations), global conformational changes of the protein backbone can be critical for complex formation. These conformational changes not accounted for during docking are a likely reason for the unrealistic predictions in 2 cases (Targets 9 and 18).  相似文献   

Li Y  Cortés J  Siméon T 《Proteins》2011,79(11):3037-3049
Systematic protein-protein docking methods need to evaluate a huge number of different probe configurations, thus leading to high computational cost. We present an efficient filter-ray casting filter (RCF)-that enables a notable speed-up of systematic protein-protein docking. The high efficiency of RCF is the outcome of the following factors: (i) extracting of pockets and protrusions on the surfaces of the proteins using visibilities; (ii) a ray casting method that finds aligned receptor pocket/probe protrusion pairs without explicit similarity computations. The RCF method enables the integration of systematic methods and local shape feature matching methods. To verify the efficiency and the accuracy of RCF, we integrated it with a systematic protein-protein docking approach (ATTRACT) based on a reduced protein representation. The test results show that the integrated docking approach is much faster. At the same time, it ranks the lowest ligand root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) (L_rms) solutions higher when docking enzyme-enzyme inhibitor complexes. Consequently, RCF not only enables much faster execution of systematic docking runs but also improves the qualities of docking predictions.  相似文献   

Pierce BG  Hourai Y  Weng Z 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24657
Computational prediction of the 3D structures of molecular interactions is a challenging area, often requiring significant computational resources to produce structural predictions with atomic-level accuracy. This can be particularly burdensome when modeling large sets of interactions, macromolecular assemblies, or interactions between flexible proteins. We previously developed a protein docking program, ZDOCK, which uses a fast Fourier transform to perform a 3D search of the spatial degrees of freedom between two molecules. By utilizing a pairwise statistical potential in the ZDOCK scoring function, there were notable gains in docking accuracy over previous versions, but this improvement in accuracy came at a substantial computational cost. In this study, we incorporated a recently developed 3D convolution library into ZDOCK, and additionally modified ZDOCK to dynamically orient the input proteins for more efficient convolution. These modifications resulted in an average of over 8.5-fold improvement in running time when tested on 176 cases in a newly released protein docking benchmark, as well as substantially less memory usage, with no loss in docking accuracy. We also applied these improvements to a previous version of ZDOCK that uses a simpler non-pairwise atomic potential, yielding an average speed improvement of over 5-fold on the docking benchmark, while maintaining predictive success. This permits the utilization of ZDOCK for more intensive tasks such as docking flexible molecules and modeling of interactomes, and can be run more readily by those with limited computational resources.  相似文献   

Accommodating backbone flexibility continues to be the most difficult challenge in computational docking of protein-protein complexes. Towards that end, we simulate four distinct biophysical models of protein binding in RosettaDock, a multiscale Monte-Carlo-based algorithm that uses a quasi-kinetic search process to emulate the diffusional encounter of two proteins and to identify low-energy complexes. The four binding models are as follows: (1) key-lock (KL) model, using rigid-backbone docking; (2) conformer selection (CS) model, using a novel ensemble docking algorithm; (3) induced fit (IF) model, using energy-gradient-based backbone minimization; and (4) combined conformer selection/induced fit (CS/IF) model. Backbone flexibility was limited to the smaller partner of the complex, structural ensembles were generated using Rosetta refinement methods, and docking consisted of local perturbations around the complexed conformation using unbound component crystal structures for a set of 21 target complexes. The lowest-energy structure contained > 30% of the native residue-residue contacts for 9, 13, 13, and 14 targets for KL, CS, IF, and CS/IF docking, respectively. When applied to 15 targets using nuclear magnetic resonance ensembles of the smaller protein, the lowest-energy structure recovered at least 30% native residue contacts in 3, 8, 4, and 8 targets for KL, CS, IF, and CS/IF docking, respectively. CS/IF docking of the nuclear magnetic resonance ensemble performed equally well or better than KL docking with the unbound crystal structure in 10 of 15 cases. The marked success of CS and CS/IF docking shows that ensemble docking can be a versatile and effective method for accommodating conformational plasticity in docking and serves as a demonstration for the CS theory—that binding-competent conformers exist in the unbound ensemble and can be selected based on their favorable binding energies.  相似文献   

Compartmental systems can be represented by direct graphs in which each node corresponds to a generating function and each arm to a transfer generating function. A homomorphism is established between a compartmental system and this representation, in analogy with that obtained through the use of the Laplace transformation. From the values obtained experimentally in a given compartment, through the solution of a difference equation, the generating function for the corresponding node can be calculated and the graph of the system can be built up within the degrees of freedom of the model. From the graph it is possible to calculate the transfer generating function between any two connected nodes, the mean permanence time in a given node, the mean transit time between two nodes, and their precursor-successor order.  相似文献   

Computational docking methods are valuable tools aimed to simplify the costly process of drug development and improvement. Most current approaches assume a rigid receptor structure to allow virtual screening of large numbers of possible ligands and putative binding sites on a receptor molecule. However, inclusion of receptor flexibility can be of critical importance since binding of a ligand can lead to changes in the receptor protein conformation that are sterically necessary to accommodate a ligand. Recent approaches to efficiently account for receptor flexibility during docking simulations are reviewed. In particular, accounting efficiently for global conformational changes of the protein backbone during docking is a still challenging unsolved problem. An approximate method has recently been suggested that is based on relaxing the receptor conformation during docking in pre-calculated soft collective degrees of freedom (M. Zacharias, Rapid protein-ligand docking using soft modes from molecular dynamics simulations to account for protein deformability: binding of FK506 to FKBP, Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 54 (2004) 759-767). Test applications on protein-protein docking and on docking the inhibitor staurosporine to the apo-form of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A catalytic domain indicate significant improvement of docking results compared to rigid docking at a very modest computational demand. Accounting for receptor conformational changes in pre-calculated global degrees of freedom might offer a promising route to improve systematic docking screening simulations.  相似文献   

Protein-protein complex, composed of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues, can be divided into hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid network structures respectively. In this paper, we are interested in analyzing these two different types of networks and find that these networks are of small-world properties. Due to the characteristic complementarity of the complex interfaces, protein-protein docking can be viewed as a particular network rewiring. These networks of correct docked complex conformations have much more increase of the degree values and decay of the clustering coefficients than those of the incorrect ones. Therefore, two scoring terms based on the network parameters are proposed, in which the geometric complementarity, hydrophobic-hydrophobic and polar-polar interactions are taken into account. Compared with a two-term energy function, a simple scoring function HPNet which includes the two network-based scoring terms shows advantages in two aspects, not relying on energy considerations and better discrimination. Furthermore, combing the network-based scoring terms with some other energy terms, a new multi-term scoring function HPNet-combine can also make some improvements to the scoring function of RosettaDock.  相似文献   

The computation of surface correlations using a variety of molecular models has been applied to the unbound protein docking problem. Because of the computational complexity involved in examining all possible molecular orientations, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) (a fast numerical implementation of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)) is generally applied to minimize the number of calculations. This approach is rooted in the convolution theorem which allows one to inverse transform the product of two DFTs in order to perform the correlation calculation. However, such a DFT calculation results in a cyclic or "circular" correlation which, in general, does not lead to the same result as the linear correlation desired for the docking problem. In this work, we provide computational bounds for constructing molecular models used in the molecular surface correlation problem. The derived bounds are then shown to be consistent with various intuitive guidelines previously reported in the protein docking literature. Finally, these bounds are applied to different molecular models in order to investigate their effect on the correlation calculation.  相似文献   



Protein-protein docking for proteins with large conformational changes was analyzed by using interaction fingerprints, one of the scales for measuring similarities among complex structures, utilized especially for searching near-native protein-ligand or protein-protein complex structures. Here, we have proposed a combined method for analyzing protein-protein docking by taking large conformational changes into consideration. This combined method consists of ensemble soft docking with multiple protein structures, refinement of complexes, and cluster analysis using interaction fingerprints and energy profiles.  相似文献   

The net laxity of the knee is a product of individual ligament structures that provide constraint for multiple degrees of freedom (DOF). Clinical laxity assessments are commonly performed along a single axis of motion, and lack analyses of primary and coupled motions in terms of translations and rotations of the knee. Radial basis functions (RBFs) allow multiple DOF to be incorporated into a single method that accounts for all DOF equally. To evaluate this method, tibiofemoral kinematics were experimentally collected from a single cadaveric specimen during a manual laxity assessment. A radial basis function (RBF) analysis was used to approximate new points over a uniform grid space. The normalized root mean square errors of the approximated points were below 4% for all DOF. This method provides a unique approach to describing joint laxity that incorporates multiple DOF in a single model.  相似文献   

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