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We have examined the cytoplasmic components (FliH, FliI and FliJ) of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus, plus the cytoplasmic domains (FlhAC and FlhBC) of two of its six membrane components. FliH, FlhAC and FliJ, when overproduced, caused inhibition of motility of wild-type cells and inhibition of the export of substrates such as the hook protein FlgE. Co-overproduction of FliH and FliI substantially relieved the inhibition caused by FliH, suggesting that it is excess free FliH that is inhibitory and that FliH and FliI form a complex. We purified His-FLAG-tagged versions of: (i) export components FliH, FliI, FliJ, FlhAC and FlhBC; (ii) rod/hook-type export substrates FlgB (rod protein), FlgE (hook protein), FlgD (hook capping protein) and FliE (basal body protein); and (iii) filament-type export substrates FlgK and FlgL (hook-filament junction proteins) and FliC (flagellin). We tested for protein-protein interactions by affinity blotting. In many cases, a given protein interacted with more than one other component, indicating that there are likely to be multiple dynamic interactions or interactions that involve more than two components. Interactions of FlhBC with rod/hook-type substrates were strong, whereas those with filament-type substrates were very weak; this may reflect the role of FlhB in substrate specificity switching. We propose a model for the flagellar export apparatus in which FlhA and FlhB and the other four integral membrane proteins of the apparatus form a complex at the base of the flagellar motor. A soluble complex of at least three proteins (FliH, FliI and FliJ) bind the protein to be exported and then interact with the complex at the motor to deliver the protein, which is then exported in an ATP-dependent process mediated by FliI.  相似文献   

FliJ, a 17-kDa protein, is a soluble component of the Salmonella type III flagellar protein export system that has antiaggregation properties and several other characteristics that suggest it may have a chaperone-like function. We have now examined this protein in detail. Ten-amino-acid scanning deletions covering the entire 147-amino-acid sequence were tested for complementation of a fliJ null strain; only the first and last deletions complemented. A few of the deletions, especially towards the C terminus, exerted a dominant negative effect on wild-type cells, indicating that they were actively interfering with function. Two truncated versions of FliJ, representing its N- and C-terminal halves, failed to complement and were not dominant. We tested for FliJ self-association by several techniques. Size-exclusion chromatography (Superdex 200) indicated an apparent molecular mass of around 50 kDa, which could reflect either multimerization or an elongated shape or both. Multiangle light scattering gave a peak value of 20 kDa, close to the molecular mass of the monomer. Analytical ultracentrifugation gave evidence for weak self-association as a trimer or tetramer. It was known from previous studies that FliJ interacts with the N-terminal region of FliH, a negative regulator of the ATPase FliI. Using both truncation and deletion versions of FliJ, we now show that it is its C-terminal region that is responsible for this interaction. We also show that FliJ interacts with the soluble cytoplasmic domain of the largest membrane component of the export apparatus, FlhA; although small deletions in FliJ did not interfere with the association, both truncated versions failed to associate, indicating that a substantial amount of the central region of the FliJ sequence participates in the association. We present a model summarizing these multiple interactions.  相似文献   

Interactions among several components of the flagellar export apparatus of Salmonella were studied using affinity chromatography, affinity blotting, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The components examined were two integral membrane proteins, FlhA and FlhB, and two soluble components, FliH and the ATPase FliI. Affinity chromatography and affinity blotting demonstrated a heterologous interaction between FlhA and FlhB but not homologous FlhA-FlhA or FlhB-FlhB interactions. Both FlhA and FlhB consist of N-terminal transmembrane domains and C-terminal cytoplasmic domains (FlhA(C) and FlhB(C)). To study the interactions among the cytoplasmic components (FlhA(C), FlhB(C), FliH, and FliI), FRET measurements were carried out using fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) as donor and tetramethylrhodamine-5- (and 6-) isothiocyanate (TRITC) as acceptor. To reveal the nature of the binding interactions, measurements were carried out in physiological buffer, at high salt (0.5 M NaCl) and in 30% 2-propanol. The results indicated that FlhA(C) could bind to FlhB(C) and both FlhA(C) and FlhB(C) could bind to themselves. Both FlhA(C) and FlhB(C) bound to FliH and FliI. Several in-frame deletion mutants of FliH were examined and found to have only minor effects of decreased binding to FlhA(C) and FlhB(C); deletions in the interior of the FliH sequence had a greater effect than those at the N terminus. The FliI mutants examined bound FlhA(C) and FlhB(C) about the same as or slightly more weakly than wild-type FliI. FliH bound more weakly to FliI carrying the N-terminal double mutation R7C/L12P than it did to wild-type FliI, confirming the importance of the N terminus of FliI for its interaction with FliH.  相似文献   

During flagellar morphogenesis in Salmonella typhimurium, the flagellum-specific anti-sigma factor FlgM is exported out of the cells only after completion of hook assembly. In this study, we examined the export of the flagellar proteins, FlgD (hook capping protein), FlgE (hook protein), FlgK and FlgL (hook-filament junction proteins), FliD (filament capping protein), and FliC (flagellin), before and after completion of hook assembly. Like the FlgM protein, the FlgK, FlgL, FliD, and FliC proteins are exported efficiently only after completion of hook assembly. On the other hand, the FlgD and FlgE proteins are exported efficiently before, but poorly after, hook completion. These results indicate that the export properties are different between these two groups and that their export order exactly parallels the assembly order of the hook-filament structure. We propose that the substrate specificity switching occurs in the flagellum-specific export apparatus upon completion of hook assembly.  相似文献   

FliH is a regulatory component for FliI, the ATPase that is responsible for driving flagellar protein export in Salmonella. FliH consists of 235 amino acid residues, has a quite elongated shape, exists as a homodimer and together with FliI forms a heterotrimer. Here, we have investigated the structural properties of the FliH homodimer in further detail. Like intact His-tagged FliH homodimer, fragment His-FliH(N2) (consisting of the first 102 amino acid residues of FliH), exhibited anomalous elution behavior in gel filtration chromatography; the same was true of His-FliH(C1) (consisting of amino acid residues 119-235), but to a much lesser degree. Thus the elongated shape of FliH appears to derive primarily from its N-terminal region. A deletion version of N-His-FliH, lacking amino acid residues 101-140, does not dimerize and so we were able to establish the gel filtration properties of an almost full-size monomeric form; it also exhibited anomalous elution behavior. We performed trypsin proteolysis of the FliH homodimer and subjected the cleavage products to gel filtration chromatography. FliH was degraded by trypsin and a contaminating protease into two stable fragments: FliH(Prt1) (missing both the first ten and the last 12 amino acid residues), and FliH(Prt2) (missing both the first ten and the last 63 amino acid residues); however, substantial amounts remained undigested even after 24 hours. Under native conditions, both FliH(Prt1) and FliH(Prt2) co-eluted with undigested His-FliH from the gel filtration column, indicating that the fragments exist as a hybrid dimer with intact FliH. These results suggest that the two subunits within the dimer differ in their proteolytic susceptibility. No heterotrimer was observed by gel filtration chromatography when His-FliI was mixed with either His-FliH/FliH(Prt1) or His-FliH/FliH(Prt2) hybrid dimers. A hybrid dimer of FliH and His-FliHDelta1 (lacking the first ten amino acid residues) retained the ability to form a complex with His-FliI. In contrast, hybrid dimers consisting of FliH and either His-FliH(W223ochre) or His-FliH(V172ochre) failed to complex to His-FliI, demonstrating that the C-terminal region of both FliH monomers within the FliH dimer are required for heterotrimer formation.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized spontaneous mutants with defects in the 147-amino-acid Salmonella protein FliJ, which is a cytoplasmic component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. These mutants, including ones with null mutations, have the ability to form swarms on motility agar plates after prolonged incubation at 30 degrees C; i.e., they display a leaky motile phenotype. One mutant, SJW277, which formed significantly bigger swarms than the others, encoded only the N-terminal 73 amino acids of FliJ, one-half of the protein. At 30 degrees C, overproduction of this mutant protein improved, to wild-type levels, both motility and the ability to export both rod/hook-type (FlgD; hook capping protein) and filament-type (FliC; flagellin) substrates. At 42 degrees C, however, export was inhibited, indicating that the mutant FliJ protein was temperature sensitive. Taking advantage of this, we performed temperature upshift experiments, which demonstrated that FliJ is directly required for the export of FliC. Co-overproduction of FliJ and either of two export substrates, FliE or FlgG, hindered their aggregation in the cytoplasm. We conclude that FliJ is a general component of the flagellar export apparatus and has a chaperone-like activity for both rod/hook-type and filament-type substrates.  相似文献   

Most of the structural components of the flagellum of Salmonella typhimurium are exported through a flagellum-specific pathway, which is a member of the family of type III secretory pathways. The export apparatus for this process is poorly understood. A previous study has shown that two proteins, about 23 and 26 kDa in size and of unknown genetic origin, are incorporated into the flagellar basal body at a very early stage of flagellar assembly. In the present study, we demonstrate that these basal body proteins are FliP (in its mature form after signal peptide cleavage) and FliR respectively. Both of these proteins have homologues in other type III secretion systems. By placing a FLAG epitope tag on FliR and the MS-ring protein FliF and immunoblotting isolated hook basal body complexes with anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody, we estimate (using the FLAG-tagged FliF as an internal reference) that the stoichiometry of FliR is fewer than three copies per basal body. An independent estimate of stoichiometry was made using data from an earlier quantitative radiolabelling analysis, yielding values of around four or five subunits per basal body for FliP and around one subunit per basal body for FliR. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-FLAG antibody and gold–protein A suggests that FliR is located near the MS ring. We propose that the flagellar export apparatus contains FliP and FliR and that this apparatus is embedded in a patch of membrane in the central pore of the MS ring.  相似文献   

The MS ring of the flagellar basal body of Salmonella is an integral membrane structure consisting of about 26 subunits of a 61-kDa protein, FliF. Out of many nonflagellate fliF mutants tested, three gave rise to intergenic suppressors in flagellar region II. The pseudorevertants swarmed, though poorly; this partial recovery of motile function was shown to be due to partial recovery of export function and flagellar assembly. The three parental mutants were all found to carry the same mutation, a six-base deletion corresponding to loss of Ala-174 and Ser-175 in the predicted periplasmic domain of the FliF protein. The 19 intergenic suppressors identified all lay in flhA, and they consisted of 10 independent examples at the nucleotide level or 9 at the amino acid level. Since two of the nine corresponded to different substitutions at the same amino acid position, only eight positions in the FlhA protein have given rise to suppressors. Thus, FliF-FlhA intergenic suppression is a fairly rare event. FlhA is a component of the flagellar protein export apparatus, with an integral membrane domain encompassing the N-terminal half of the sequence and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. All of the suppressing mutations lay within the integral membrane domain. These mutations, when placed in a wild-type fliF background, had no mutant phenotype. In the fliF mutant background, mutant FlhA was dominant, yielding a pseudorevertant phenotype. Wild-type FlhA did not exert significant negative dominance in the pseudorevertant background, indicating that it does not compete effectively with mutant FlhA for interaction with mutant FliF. Mutant FliF was partially dominant over wild-type FliF in both the wild-type and second-site FlhA backgrounds. Membrane fractionation experiments indicated that the fliF mutation, though preventing export, was mild enough to permit assembly of the MS ring itself, and also assembly of the cytoplasmic C ring onto the MS ring. The data from this study provide genetic support for a model in which at least the FlhA component of the export apparatus physically interacts with the MS ring within which it is housed.  相似文献   

Most flagellar proteins of Salmonella are exported to their assembly destination via a specialized apparatus. This apparatus is a member of the type III superfamily, which is widely used for secretion of virulence factors by pathogenic bacteria. Extensive studies have been carried out on the export of several of the flagellar proteins, most notably the hook protein (FlgE), the hook-capping protein (FlgD), and the filament protein flagellin (FliC). This has led to the concept of two export specificity classes, the rod/hook type and the filament type. However, little direct experimental evidence has been available on the export properties of the basal-body rod proteins (FlgB, FlgC, FlgF, and FlgG), the putative MS ring-rod junction protein (FliE), or the muramidase and putative rod-capping protein (FlgJ). In this study, we have measured the amounts of these proteins exported before and after hook completion. Their amounts in the culture supernatant from a flgE mutant (which is still at the hook-type specificity stage) were much higher than those from a flgK mutant (which has advanced to the filament-type specificity stage), placing them in the same class as the hook-type proteins. Overproduction of FliE, FlgB, FlgC, FlgF, FlgG, or FlgJ caused inhibition of the motility of wild-type cells and inhibition of the export of the hook-capping protein FlgD. We also examined the question of whether export and translation are linked and found that all substrates tested could be exported after protein synthesis had been blocked by spectinomycin or chloramphenicol. We conclude that the amino acid sequence of these proteins suffices to mediate their recognition and export.  相似文献   

The flagellar proteins FlgN and FliT have been proposed to act as substrate-specific export chaperones, facilitating incorporation of the enterobacterial hook-associated axial proteins (HAPs) FlgK/FlgL and FliD into the growing flagellum. In Salmonella typhimurium flgN and fliT mutants, the export of target HAPs was reduced, concomitant with loss of unincorporated flagellin into the surrounding medium. Gel filtration chromatography of wild-type S. typhimurium cell extracts identified stable pools of FlgN and FliT homodimers in the cytosol, but no chaperone-substrate complexes were evident. Nevertheless, stable unique complexes were assembled efficiently in vitro by co-incubation of FlgN and FliT with target HAPs purified from recombinant Escherichia coli. The sizes of the chaperone-substrate complexes indicated that, in each case, a chaperone homodimer binds to a substrate monomer. FlgN prevented in vitro aggregation of FlgK monomers, generating a soluble form of the HAP. Recombinant polypeptides spanning the potentially amphipathic C-terminal regions of FlgN or FliT could not complement in trans the chaperone deficiency of the respective flgN and fliT mutants, but efficient flagellar assembly was restored by homodimeric translational fusions of these domains to glutathione S-transferase, which bound FlgK and FlgL like the wild-type FlgN. These data provide further evidence for the substrate-specific chaperone function of FlgN and FliT and indicate that these chaperones comprise common N- and C-terminal domains mediating homodimerization and HAP substrate binding respectively. In support of this view, the flgN mutation was specifically complemented by a hybrid chaperone comprising the N-terminal half of FliT and the C-terminal half of FlgN.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagella, unlike eukaryotic flagella, are largely external to the cell and therefore many of their subunits have to be exported. Export is ATP-driven. In Salmonella, the bacterium on which this chapter largely focuses, the apparatus responsible for flagellar protein export consists of six membrane components, three soluble components and several substrate-specific chaperones. Other flagellated eubacteria have similar systems. The membrane components of the export apparatus are housed within the flagellar basal body and deliver their substrates into a channel or lumen in the nascent structure from which point they diffuse to the far end and assemble. Both on the basis of sequence similarities of several components and structural similarities, the flagellar protein export systems clearly belong to the type III superfamily, whose other members are responsible for secretion of virulence factors by many species of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

FlhA is an integral membrane component of the Salmonella type III flagellar protein export apparatus. It consists of 692 amino acid residues and has two domains: the N-terminal transmembrane domain consisting of the first 327 amino acid residues, and the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (FlhAC) comprising the remainder. Here, we have investigated the structure and function of FlhAC. DNA sequence analysis revealed that temperature-sensitive flhA mutations, which abolish flagellar protein export at the restrictive temperature, lie in FlhAC, indicating that FlhAC plays an important role in the protein export process. Limited proteolysis of purified His-FlhAC by trypsin and V8 showed that only a small part of FlhAC near its N terminus (residues 328-351) is sensitive to proteolysis. FlhAC38K, the smallest fragment produced by V8 proteolysis, is monomeric and has a spherical shape as judged by analytical gel filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation. The far-UV CD spectrum of FlhAC38K showed that it contains considerable amounts of secondary structure. FlhA(Delta328-351) missing residues 328-351 failed to complement the flhA mutant, indicating that the proteolytically sensitive region of FlhA is important for its function. FlhA(Delta328-351) was inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane, and exerted a strong dominant negative effect on wild-type cells, suggesting that it retains the ability to interact with other export components within the cytoplasmic membrane. Overproduced FlhAC38K inhibited both motility and flagellar protein export of wild-type cells to some degree, suggesting that FlhAC38K is directly involved in the translocation reaction. Amino acid residues 328-351 of FlhA appear to be a relatively flexible linker between the transmembrane domain and FlhAC38K.  相似文献   

The Type III flagellar protein export apparatus of bacteria consists of five or six membrane proteins, notably FlhA, which controls the export of other proteins and is homologous to the large family of FHIPEP export proteins. FHIPEP proteins contain a highly‐conserved cytoplasmic domain. We mutagenized the cloned Salmonella flhA gene for the 692 amino acid FlhA, changing a single, conserved amino acid in the 68‐amino acid FHIPEP region. Fifty‐two mutations at 30 positions mostly led to loss of motility and total disappearance of microscopically visible flagella, also Western blot protein/protein hybridization showed no detectable export of hook protein and flagellin. There were two exceptions: a D199A mutant strain, which produced short‐stubby flagella; and a V151L mutant strain, which did not produce flagella and excreted mainly un‐polymerized hook protein. The V151L mutant strain also exported a reduced amount of hook‐cap protein FlgD, but when grown with exogenous FlgD it produced polyhooks and polyhook‐filaments. A suppressor mutant in the cytoplasmic domain of the export apparatus membrane protein FlhB rescued export of hook‐length control protein FliK and facilitated growth of full‐length flagella. These results suggested that the FHIPEP region is part of the gate regulating substrate entry into the export apparatus pore.  相似文献   

Most flagellar proteins are exported via a type III export apparatus which, in part, consists of the membrane proteins FlhA, FlhB, FliO, FliP, FliQ, and FliR and is housed within the membrane-supramembrane ring formed by FliF subunits. Salmonella FlhA is a 692-residue integral membrane protein with eight predicted transmembrane spans. Its function is not understood, but it is necessary for flagellar export. We have created mutants in which potentially important sequences were deleted. FlhA lacking the amino-terminal sequence prior to the first transmembrane span failed to complement and was dominant negative, suggesting that the sequence is required for function. Similar effects were seen in a variant lacking a highly conserved domain (FHIPEP) within a putative cytoplasmic loop. Scanning deletion analysis of the cytoplasmic domain (FlhAc) demonstrated that substantially all of FlhAc is required for efficient function. Affinity blotting showed that FlhA interacts with several other export apparatus membrane proteins. The implications of these findings are discussed, and a model of FlhA within the export apparatus is presented.  相似文献   

The flagellar axial component proteins are exported to the distal end of the growing flagellum for self-assembly by the flagellar type III export apparatus. FlhA is a key membrane protein of the export apparatus, and its C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (FlhAC) is a part of an assembly platform for the three soluble export components, FliH, FliI, and FliJ, as well as export substrates and chaperone–substrate complexes. FlhAC is composed of a flexible linker region and four compact domains (ACD1–ACD4). At 42 °C, a temperature-sensitive (TS) G368C mutation in FlhAC blocks the export process after the FliH–FliI–FliJ–substrate complex binds to the assembly platform, but it remains unknown how it does so. In this study, we analyzed a TS mutant variant, FlhAC(G368C), and its pseudorevertant variants FlhAC(G368C/L359F), FlhAC(G368C/G364R), FlhAC(G368C/R370S), and FlhAC(G368C/P550S) using far-ultraviolet circular dichroism. Whereas the denaturation of the wild-type FlhAC occurs in a single step, FlhAC(G368C) and its pseudorevertant variants showed thermal transitions, at least, in two steps. The first transition of FlhAC(G368C) can further be divided into reversible and following irreversible transitions, which correspond to the denaturation of ACD2 and ACD1, respectively. We show the relation between the reversible transition and the TS defect in the exporting function of FlhAC(G368C) and that the loss of function is caused by denaturation of ACD2. We suggest that ACD2 is directly involved in the translocation of export substrates.  相似文献   

For construction of the bacterial flagellum, which is responsible for bacterial motility, the flagellar type III export apparatus utilizes both ATP and proton motive force across the cytoplasmic membrane and exports flagellar proteins from the cytoplasm to the distal end of the nascent structure. The export apparatus consists of a membrane-embedded export gate made of FlhA, FlhB, FliO, FliP, FliQ, and FliR and a water-soluble ATPase ring complex consisting of FliH, FliI, and FliJ. FlgN, FliS, and FliT act as substrate-specific chaperones that do not only protect their cognate substrates from degradation and aggregation in the cytoplasm but also efficiently transfer the substrates to the export apparatus. The ATPase ring complex facilitates the initial entry of the substrates into the narrow pore of the export gate. The export gate by itself is a proton-protein antiporter that uses the two components of proton motive force, the electric potential difference and the proton concentration difference, for different steps of the export process. A specific interaction of FlhA with FliJ located in the center of the ATPase ring complex allows the export gate to efficiently use proton motive force to drive protein export. The ATPase ring complex couples ATP binding and hydrolysis to its assembly–disassembly cycle for rapid and efficient protein export cycle. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, a gram-negative motile bacterium, secretes a set of proteins termed the Campylobacter invasion antigens (Cia proteins). The purpose of this study was to determine whether the flagellar apparatus serves as the export apparatus for the Cia proteins. Mutations were generated in five genes encoding three structural components of the flagella, the flagellar basal body (flgB and flgC), hook (flgE2), and filament (flaA and flaB) genes, as well as in genes whose products are essential for flagellar protein export (flhB and fliI). While mutations that affected filament assembly were found to be nonmotile (Mot-) and did not secrete Cia proteins (S-), a flaA (flaB+) filament mutant was found to be nonmotile but Cia protein secretion competent (Mot-, S+). Complementation of a flaA flaB double mutant with a shuttle plasmid harboring either the flaA or flaB gene restored Cia protein secretion, suggesting that Cia export requires at least one of the two filament proteins. Infection of INT 407 human intestinal cells with the C. jejuni mutants revealed that maximal invasion of the epithelial cells required motile bacteria that are secretion competent. Collectively, these data suggest that the C. jejuni Cia proteins are secreted from the flagellar export apparatus.  相似文献   

FliI is a key component of the flagellar export apparatus in Salmonella typhimurium. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP which is necessary for flagellar assembly. Affinity blotting experiments showed that purified flagellin and hook protein, two flagellar axial proteins, interact specifically with FliI. The interaction of either of the two proteins with FliI, increases the intrinsic ATPase activity. The presence of either flagellin or hook protein stimulates ATPase activity in a specific and reversible manner. A Vmax of 0.12 nmol Pi min-1 microgram-1 and a Km for MgATP of 0.35 mM was determined for the unstimulated FliI; the presence of flagellin increased the Vmax to 0.35 nmol Pi min-1 microgram-1 and the Km for MgATP to 1.1 mM. The stimulation induced by the axial proteins was fully reversible suggesting a direct link between the catalytic activity of FliI and the export process.  相似文献   

We have investigated the properties of the cytoplasmic domain (FlhB(C)) of the 383-amino-acid Salmonella membrane protein FlhB, a component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. FlhB, along with the hook-length control protein FliK, mediates the switching of export specificity from rod- and hook-type substrates to filament-type substrates during flagellar morphogenesis. Wild-type FlhB(C) was unstable (half-life, ca. 5 min), being specifically cleaved at Pro-270 into two polypeptides, FlhB(CN) and FlhB(CC), which retained the ability to interact with each other after cleavage. Full-length wild-type FlhB was also subject to cleavage. Coproduction of the cleavage products, FlhB(delta CC) (i.e., the N-terminal transmembrane domain FlhB(TM) plus FlhB(CN)) and FlhB(CC), resulted in restoration of both motility and flagellar protein export to an flhB mutant host, indicating that the two polypeptides were capable of productive association. Mutant FlhB proteins that can undergo switching of substrate specificity even in the absence of FliK were much more resistant to cleavage (half-lives, 20 to 60 min). The cleavage products of wild-type FlhB(C), existing as a FlhB(CN)-FlhB(CC) complex on an affinity blot membrane, bound the rod- and hook-type substrate FlgD more strongly than the filament-type substrate FliC. In contrast, the intact form of FlhB(C) (mutant or wild type) or the FlhB(CC) polypeptide alone bound FlgD and FliC to about the same extent. FlhB(CN) by itself did not bind substrates appreciably. We propose that FlhB(C) has two substrate specificity states and that a conformational change, mediated by the interaction between FlhB(CN) and FlhB(CC), is responsible for the specificity switching process. FliK itself is an export substrate; its binding properties for FlhB(C) resemble those of FlgD and do not provide any evidence for a physical interaction beyond that of the export process.  相似文献   

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