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The activities of choline acetyltransferase and ATP-citrate lyase were significantly correlated (r = 0.995) in fractions of small and large synaptosomes isolated from rat hippocampus and cerebellum. The activities of these two enzymes did not correlate with those of pyruvate dehydrogenase, carnitine acetyltransferase, citrate synthase, acetyl-CoA synthetase, lactate dehydrogenase, or with the rate of high-affinity glutamate uptake in the synaptosomal fractions. The results provide additional evidence linking ATP-citrate lyase to the cholinergic system in the brain.  相似文献   

The effect of undernutrition from the 16th day of pregnancy up to 70th day of life on blood glucose and ketone bodies and on several brain mitochondrial enzymes related to energy metabolism or biosynthetic function was investigated. Undernutrition in perinatal period was established by means of a food restriction to pregnant rats and, later, to the lactating mother; undernourished postweaned rats received half the diet consumed by the controls. Body and brain weight from undernourished rats was less than controls throughout the entire period studied. Glycemia and ketonemia were also always lower than controls. Cytochrome c oxidase, citrate synthase, 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, 3-oxoacid coenzyme A transferase, and acetoacetyl-coenzyme A thiolase activities during the suckling period were in most stages lower than controls; subsequently, activities in undernourished rats reached or surpassed the control values. These results could explain the "catch up" phenomenon in several ultrastructural parameters found by other authors in undernourished postweaned rats.  相似文献   

The activities of ATP-citrate lyase in frog, guinea pig, mouse, rat, and human brain vary from 18 to 30 μmol/h/g of tissue, being several times higher than choline acetyltransferase activity. Activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase and acetyl coenzyme A synthetase in rat brain are 206 and 18.4 μmol/h/g of tissue, respectively. Over 70% of the activities of both choline acetyltransferase and ATP-citrate lyase in secondary fractions are found in synaptosomes. Their preferential localization in synaptosomes and synaptoplasm is supported by RSA values above 2. Acetyl CoA synthetase activity is located mainly in whole brain mitochondria (RSA, 2.33) and its activity in synaptoplasm is low (RSA, 0.25). The activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and carnitine acetyltransferase are present mainly in fractions C and Bp. No pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is found in synaptoplasm. Striatum, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum contain similar activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, carnitine acetyltransferase, fatty acid synthetase, and acetyl-CoA hydrolase. Activities of acetyl CoA synthetase, choline acetyltransferase and ATP-citrate lyase in cerebellum are about 10 and 4 times lower, respectively, than in other parts of the brain. These data indicate preferential localization of ATP-citrate lyase in cholinergic nerve endings, and indicate that this enzyme is not a rate limiting step in the synthesis of the acetyl moiety of ACh in brain.  相似文献   

B. Liedvogel  R. Bäuerle 《Planta》1986,169(4):481-489
Chloroplasts from the cotyledons of mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings were isolated on Percoll gradients, and showed a high degree of intactness (92%) and purity as judged by electron microscopy and marker-enzyme analysis (cytoplasmic contamination lower than 0.4% on a protein basis). The chloroplasts synthesized longchain fatty acids from both precursors [1-14C] acetate and [2-14C]pyruvate; maximum incorporation rates were 96 nmol·(mg Chl)-1·h-1 for acetate and 213 nmol·(mg Chl)-1·h-1 for pyruvate. Acetyl-CoA-producing enzymatic activities, namely acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC and a pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, showed specific activities of 14.8 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1 and 18.2 nmol·(mg protein)-1·min-1, respectively. The glycolytic enzymes phosphoglyceromutase (EC phosphopyruvate hydratase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC were all found to be components of these chloroplasts, thus indicating a possible pathway for intraplastid acetyl-CoA formation.Abbreviations ACS acetyl coenzyme A synthetase - Chl chlorophyll - DTE 1,4-dithioerythritol - PDHC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   

Energy-Metabolising Enzymes in Brain Regions of Adult and Aging Rats   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
Abstract: The regional enzyme activities of glucose metabolism in the rat brain were investigated. Hexokinase (EC and pyruvate dehydrogenase (EC, key enzymes for glucose metabolism, showed no changes in activity in all the regions studied of the aging brain as compared with the adult brain. However, the activity of d -3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC is low throughout the adult brain and, in contrast with hexokinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, its activity decreases significantly during aging. Other enzymes that showed significant decreases during aging are aldolase (EC, lactate dehydrogenase (EC, citrate synthase (EC, and NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC The catabolic enzyme in cholinergic metabolism, acetylcholinesterase (EC, selected as an example of a non-energy-metabolising enzyme, also showed significant decreases in all regions of the brain in aging, although its highest activity remained in the striatum. These results are discussed with respect to the energy metabolism in various brain regions and their status with aging.  相似文献   

衰老大鼠的某些脑区组织中游离氨基酸水平的改变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用D 半乳糖建立衰老大鼠模型组与同龄、同饲的正常对照组大鼠的某些脑区游离氨基酸 (FAA)水平的比较发现 :( 1 )衰老模型组的海马、纹状体以及皮层等脑区中谷氨酸 (Glu)、天门冬氨酸 (Asp)水平明显降低 ;( 2 )γ 氨基丁酸 (GABA)水平在衰老模型组大鼠的海马 ,纹状体以及小脑等脑区中明显升高 ;( 3)衰老模型组的皮层、小脑、海马、纹状体等脑区的牛磺酸 (Tau)水平明显下降。以此探讨动物衰老与脑区游离氨基酸水平的关系  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of (-)-hydroxycitrate (OHC) and citrate on the concentration of acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and acetylcholine (ACh) in the tissue and on the release of ACh into the medium were investigated in experiments on slices of rat caudate nuclei incubated in media with 6.2 or 31.2 m M K+, 0 or 2.5 mM Ca2+, and 0, 1, or 10 m M EGTA. OHC diminished the concentration of acetyl-CoA in the slices under all conditions used: in experiments with 2.5 m M OHC, the concentration of acetyl-CoA was lowered by 25-38%. Citrate, in contrast, had no effect on the level of acetyl-CoA in the tissue. Although both OHC and citrate lowered the concentration of ACh in the slices during incubations with 6.2 m M K+ and 1 m M EGTA, they had different effects on the content of ACh during incubations in the presence of Ca2+. The concentration of ACh in the slices was increased by citrate during incubations with 2.5 mM Ca2+ and 31.2 or 6.2 m M K+, but it was lowered or unchanged by OHC under the same conditions. The release of ACh into the medium was lowered or unchanged by OHC and lowered, unchanged, or increased by citrate. It is concluded that most effects of OHC on the metabolism of ACh can be explained by the inhibition of ATP-citrate lyase; with glucose as the main metabolic substrate, ATP-citrate lyase appears to provide about one-third of the acetyl-CoA used for the synthesis of ACh. Experiments with citrate indicate that an increased supply of citrate may increase the synthesis of ACh. The inhibitory effect of citrate on the synthesis of ACh, observed during incubations without Ca+2, is interpreted to be a consequence of the chelation of intracellular Ca2+; this interpretation is supported by the observation of a similar effect caused by 10 m M EGTA.  相似文献   

将反义Wx基因转入水稻,导致Wx蛋白不同程度减少,颖果中的直链淀粉含量不同程度下降,总淀粉含量显著降低,直链淀粉与总淀粉的比值极显著降低。在水稻颖果发育过程中,ADPG-PPase、GBSS、SSS和SBE的活性在灌浆前期迅速升高,达最大值后很快下降,在灌浆中后期下降趋缓。Wx蛋白减少后的转基因水稻颖果中的GBSS活性明显下降,下降幅度与直链淀粉含量相一致,而且活性高峰期比其亲本有所提前。转基因水稻颖果中ADPG-PPase和SSS的活性在颖果发育的前中期,SBE则在中后期高于相应的亲本。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, a salicylate derived from Acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) and vitamin A (vit A) on Na+, K+ ATPase enzyme and GSH levels in brain of rats exposed to hyperoxia (Hyp) as oxidant protocol. Rats were treated as follow: group I (control), group II (Hyp), group III (Hyp, ASA), group IV (vit A), group V (Hyp, vit A), group VI (Hyp, vit A, ASA). Vit A was given 5 days before and during Hyp, aspirin at the end of Hyp. Na+,K+ ATPase and total ATPase activity was significantly increased in group V. Levels of GSH showed a significant increase in group III, besides, levels of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid as salicylate in plasma were significantly increased in group II. These results elucidate differences in the biochemical response of animal towards intake of various types of antioxidant substances, with increased GSH and salicylate in hyperoxia.  相似文献   

Glial cells play a pivotal role in brain fatty acid metabolism and membrane biogenesis. However, the potential regulation of lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis by fatty acids in glial cells has been barely investigated. Here, we show that physiologically relevant concentrations of various saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly reduce [1-(14)C]acetate incorporation into fatty acids and cholesterol in C6 cells. Oleic acid was the most effective at depressing lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis; a decreased label incorporation into cellular palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids was detected, suggesting that an enzymatic step(s) of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis was affected. To clarify this issue, the activities of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) and FAS were determined with an in situ digitonin-permeabilized cell assay after incubation of C6 cells with fatty acids. ACC activity was strongly reduced ( approximately 80%) by oleic acid, whereas no significant change in FAS activity was observed. Oleic acid also reduced the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR). The inhibition of ACC and HMGCR activities is corroborated by the decreases in ACC and HMGCR mRNA abundance and protein levels. The downregulation of ACC and HMGCR activities and expression by oleic acid could contribute to the reduced lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been proposed that hyperammonemia may be associated with valproate therapy. As astrocytes are the primary site of ammonia detoxification in brain, the effects of valproate on glutamate and glutamine metabolism in astrocytes were studied. It is well established that, because of compartmentation of glutamine synthetase, astrocytes are the site of synthesis of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. The reverse reaction is catalyzed by the ubiquitous enzyme glutaminase, which is present in both neurons and astrocytes. In astrocytes exposed to 1.2 mM valproate, glutaminase activity increased 80% by day 2 and remained elevated at day 4; glutamine synthetase activity was decreased 30%. Direct addition of valproate to assay tubes with enzyme extracts from untreated astrocytes had significant effects only at concentrations of 10 and 20 mM, When astrocytes were exposed for 4 days to 0.3, 0.6, or 1.2 mM valproate and subsequently incubated with l -[U-14C]glutamate, label incorporation into [14C]glutamine was decreased by 11, 25, and 48%, respectively, and is consistent with a reduction in glutamine synthetase activity. Label incorporation from l -[U-14C]glutamate into [14C]aspartate also decreased with increasing concentrations of valproate. Following a 4-day exposure to 0.6 mM valproate, the glutamine levels increased 40% and the glutamate levels 100%. These effects were not directly proportional to valproate concentration, because exposure to 1.2 mM valproate resulted in a 15% decrease in glutamine levels and a 25% increase in glutamate levels compared with control cultures. Intracellular aspartate was inversely proportional to all concentrations of extracellular valproate, decreasing 60% with exposure to 1.2 mM valproate. These results indicate that valproate increases glutaminase activity, decreases glutamine synthetase activity, and alters Krebs-cycle activity in astrocytes, suggesting a possible mechanism for hyperammonemia in brain during valproate therapy.  相似文献   

The effect of 6-aminonicotinamide (6AN) treatment on the activities of alternative pathways of glucose metabolism in 20-day-old rat brain was evaluated by measurements of yields of 14CO2 from glucose labeled with 14C on carbons 1, 2, 3 + 4, or 6 and uniformly labeled glucose, and from the incorporation of 14C from specifically labeled glucose into lipids by brain slices from cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum. At the highest dose of 6AN used (35 mg/kg body weight) there was a significant decrease in the 14CO2 yields via the pentose phosphate pathway, the glycolytic route, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and via the glutamate-gamma-aminobutyric acid pathway. Giving a graded series of doses (20-35 mg 6AN/kg body weight) revealed a hierarchy of responses in which the pentose phosphate pathway, lactate, glyceride-glycerol, and fatty acid formation were most sensitive, followed, in sequence, by the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction, the glutamate-gamma-aminobutyrate route and, finally, the TCA cycle. The nature of the blocks in the various pathways was examined by the use of metabolite profiles.  相似文献   

At the subcellular level, the synthesis of ceramide from free lignoceric acid and sphingosine in brain required reconstituted enzyme system (particulate fraction, heat-stable and heat-labile factors) and pyridine nucleotide (NADPH). The mitochondrial electron transfer inhibitors (KCN and antimycin A), energy uncouplers (oligomycin and 2,4-dinitrophenol), and carboxyatractyloside, which prevents the transport of ATP and ADP through the mitochondrial wall, inhibit the synthesis of ceramide in the presence of NADPH but have very little effect in the presence of ATP. Similar to the synthesis of ceramide, the synthesis of ATP from NADPH and NADH by the particulate fraction also required cytoplasmic factors (heat-stable and heat-labile factors). Moreover, ATP, but not its analog (AMP-CH2-P-O-P), can replace NADPH, thus suggesting that the function of the pyridine nucleotide is to provide ATP for the synthesis of ceramide. The cytoplasmic factors were not required for the synthesis of ceramide in the presence of ATP. The maximum velocity for synthesis of ceramide from free fatty acids of different chain lengths (C16-C26) was bimodal, with maxima around stearic acid (C18) and behenic acid (C22). The relative rate of synthesis of ceramide parallels the relative distribution of these fatty acids in brain cerebrosides and sulfatides.  相似文献   

The efficacy of fenofibrate in the treatment of hepatic steatosis has not been clearly demonstrated. In this study, we investigated the effects of fenofibrate and silymarin, administered as monotherapy and in combination to existing hepatic steatosis in a unique strain of hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats (HHTg), a non-obese model of metabolic syndrome. HHTg rats were fed a standard diet without or with fenofibrate (100 mg/kg b.wt./day) or with silymarin (1%) or with a combination of fenofibrate with silymarin for four weeks. Fenofibrate alone and in combination with silymarin decreased serum and liver triglycerides and cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol. These effects were associated with the decreased gene expression of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis and transport, while enzymes of lipid conversion were upregulated. The combination treatment had a beneficial effect on the gene expression of hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes. The expression of the CYP2E1 enzyme, which is source of hepatic reactive oxygen species, was reduced. In addition, fenofibrate-induced increased CYP4A1 expression was decreased, suggesting a reduction in the pro-inflammatory effects of fenofibrate. These results show high efficacy and mechanisms of action of the combination of fenofibrate with silymarin in treating hepatic steatosis and indicate the possibility of protection against disorders in which oxidative stress and inflammation are involved.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stable isotopes were used to measure both the rate of GABA formation by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and the rate of utilization by GABA-transaminase (GABA-T). The initial rate of GABA accumulation, determined with either [2-15N]glutamine or [2H5]glutamine as precursor, was 0.3–0.4 nmol/min/mg of protein. Addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 enhanced GAD activity, whereas changes in levels of inorganic phosphate and H+ were without influence. Flux through GABA-T (GABA → glutamate), measured with [15N]GABA as precursor, was 0.82 nmol/min/mg of protein, whereas the reamination of succinic acid semialdehyde (reverse flux through GABA-T) was almost sixfold faster, 4.8 nmol/min/mg of protein. The rate of GABA metabolism via the tricarboxylic acid cycle was very slow, with the upper limit on flux being 0.03 nmol/min/mg of protein. Addition of either acetoacetate or β-hydroxybutyrate raised the internal content of glutamate and reduced that of aspartate; the GABA concentration and the rate of its formation increased. It is concluded that in synaptosomes (a) GABA-T is a primary factor in regulating the turnover of GABA, (b) a major regulator of GAD activity is the concentration of internal calcium, (c) GAD in nerve endings may not be saturated with its substrate, glutamate, and the concentration of the latter is a determinant of flux through this pathway, and (d) levels of ketone bodies increase, and maintain at a higher value, the synaptosomal content of GABA, a phenomenon that may contribute to the beneficial effect of a ketogenic diet in the treatment of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Abstract: The enzyme complement of two different mitochondrial preparations from adult rat brain has been studied. One population of mitochondria (synaptic) is prepared by the lysis of synaptosomes, the other (nonsynaptic or free) by separation from homogenates. These populations have been prepared from distinct regions of the brain: cortex, striatum, and pons and medulla oblongata. The following enzymes have been measured: pyruvate dehydrogenase (EC, citrate synthase (EC, NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC, NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC, fumarase (EC, NAD-linked malate dehydrogenase (EC, D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC, and mitochondrially bound hexokinase (EC and creatine kinase (EC The nonsynaptic (free) mitochondria show higher enzyme specific activities in the regions studied than the corresponding values recorded for the synaptic mitochondria. The significance of these observations is discussed in the light of the different metabolic activities of the two populations of mitochondria and the compartmentation of the metabolic activities of the brain.  相似文献   

The major function of the skin is to form a barrier between the internal milieu and the hostile external environment. A permeability barrier that prevents the loss of water and electrolytes is essential for life on land. The permeability barrier is mediated primarily by lipid enriched lamellar membranes that are localized to the extracellular spaces of the stratum corneum. These lipid enriched membranes have a unique structure and contain approximately 50% ceramides, 25% cholesterol, and 15% free fatty acids with very little phospholipid. Lamellar bodies, which are formed during the differentiation of keratinocytes, play a key role in delivering the lipids from the stratum granulosum cells into the extracellular spaces of the stratum corneum. Lamellar bodies contain predominantly glucosylceramides, phospholipids, and cholesterol and following the exocytosis of lamellar lipids into the extracellular space of the stratum corneum these precursor lipids are converted by beta glucocerebrosidase and phospholipases into the ceramides and fatty acids, which comprise the lamellar membranes. The lipids required for lamellar body formation are derived from de novo synthesis by keratinocytes and from extra-cutaneous sources. The lipid synthetic pathways and the regulation of these pathways are described in this review. In addition, the pathways for the uptake of extra-cutaneous lipids into keratinocytes are discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled The Important Role of Lipids in the Epidermis and their Role in the Formation and Maintenance of the Cutaneous Barrier. Guest Editors: Kenneth R. Feingold and Peter Elias.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of chronic intraperitoneal administration of chlorpromazine (5 and 10 mg/kg) on the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CA), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione peroxidase (GP); lipid peroxidation; and lipofuscin accumulation in the brains of rats ages 6, 9, and 12 months was studied. Chlorpromazine increased the activities of SOD, GR, and GP in particulate fraction from cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem in a dose-dependent manner. While GR and SOD associated with soluble fraction increased, GP associated with soluble fraction was not affected. CA did not change after chlorpromazine administration in any regions of the brain of rats from all age groups. Chlorpromazine, thus, had a somewhat different action on antioxidant enzymes in different subcellular fractions. Chlorpromazine inhibited lipid peroxidation, both in vivo and in vitro, and it also inhibited accumulation of lipid peroxidation fluorescent products (lipofuscin), which was studied histochemically and biochemically as well. The data indicate that chlorpromazine inhibition of lipid peroxidation and of accumulation of lipofuscin can result from elevation of the activity of brain antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

The possibilities of interference by glycerophosphoryl ethanolamine (GPE) in the estimation of taurine levels in cerebral cortex, midbrain, cerebellum, medullapons, and spinal cord of developing human fetal brain regions were eliminated by hydrolyzing tissue extracts with 6 M HCl. Cysteic acid thus produced was separated from taurine by ion-exchange chromatography using Biorad-AG resin. Fluorescamine was used as fluorogen. Data reveal that the estimation of taurine in human fetal brain regions is affected if GPE is present as a contaminant in the assay system. Cysteic acid decarboxylase activity was measured using cysteic acid as the substrate. Higher enzymic activity was recorded with increased fetal body weight, but the reverse was true for taurine level.  相似文献   

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