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  1. Recent hot droughts in California resulted in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) mortality attributed to drought and western pine beetle (WPB, Dendroctonus brevicomis). While drought alone can cause tree death, direct warming effects on WPB are a contributing factor. Research on WPB generation timing (voltinism), however, is lacking.
  2. We monitored WPB tree attacks and adult emergence timing at two California sites and developed a degree-day model from field-observed data. Historical, contemporary, and future temperatures for several California sites were used with the model to examine trends in WPB voltinism.
  3. Field data showed a single summer and an overwinter generation at a northern California site. As summer temperatures increased beyond 1900–1980 averages, the predicted number of full and partial WPB generations by 2021 had increased from ~2 annual (one summer and one overwinter) generations historically to ~2.3 at two northern California sites and from ~2.3 to ~3.2 at two warmer California sites.
  4. Historical and contemporary data suggest winter warming was not sufficient for an additional generation overwinter. Instead, increases in generations were driven by summer and fall temperatures.
  5. Unconstrained increases in the number of future annual generations will be limited by complex, but not well understood, WPB thermal adaptations. Increased knowledge of temperature-driven WPB population growth will improve forest vegetation models aimed at predicting ponderosa pine mortality in a changing climate.

  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.



Across the tropics, large‐bodied mammal species are threatened by rapid and widespread forest habitat conversion by either commercial logging or agricultural expansion. How such species use these habitats is an important area of research for guiding their future management. The tropical forest‐dwelling sun bear, Helarctos malayanus, is the least known of the eight bear species. Consequently, the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group ranks research on this species as a top priority. This study aims to investigate landscape variables that influence sun bear habitat use in forests under varying levels of degradation and protection.


A 20,998 km2 Sumatra forest landscape covering Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), Batang Hari Protection Forest (BHPF) and neighbouring logging and agricultural concessions.


An occupancy‐based sampling technique using detection/non‐detection data with 10 landscape covariates was applied in six study areas that operated a total of 125 camera traps. The potential differences between habitat use (ψ) of sun bears were first modelled with broad‐scale covariates of study area, land‐use types and forest type. Sun bear habitat use was then investigated with the finer‐scale landscape features associated within these areas.


From 10,935 trap nights, sun bears were recorded at altitudes ranging from 365 to 1791 m. At a broad‐scale, habitat use increased with protection status, being highest in KSNP (0.688 ± 0.092, ± SE) and BHPF (0.621 ± 0.110) compared to production (0.418 ± 0.121) and convertible (0.286 ± 0.122) forests. Within these areas, sun bears showed a preference for forest that was further from public roads and villages and at a lower elevation.

Main conclusions

The habitat suitability model identified several high‐quality habitat patches outside of the priority conservation areas for immediate protection. Consequently, conservation management strategies should emphasize the importance of high conservation value forests and prohibit further conversion of threatened lowland forests.

Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) have widely been used to assess biodiversity values of different habitats in cultivated landscapes, but rarely in the humid tropics. This study aimed to investigate effects of land use change on the carabid assemblages in a tributary valley of the Mekong River in tropical southern Yunnan, China. The study area includes habitats of traditional land use systems (rice production and shifting cultivation successions) and was dominated by natural forests until about 30?years ago. Since then, large areas of forest have been, and still are, successively transformed into commercial rubber monoculture plantations. In total, 102 species of Carabidae (including Cicindelinae) were recorded from 13 sites over different seasons, using pitfall traps, Malaise traps and aerial collectors in trees. Cluster analysis and indicator species analysis showed that three types of habitat (rice field fallows, early natural successions and natural forest) possess a degree of uniqueness in species composition. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed that the environmental factors explaining 80% of the total variation in carabid assemblage composition are the degree of vegetational openness of a habitat and its plant species diversity. Rice field fallows had significantly higher numbers of species and individuals than any other type of habitat and are probably dominated by species originating from other regions. Carabid assemblages of young rubber plantations (5 and 8?years) were quantitatively similar to those of forests, but without species of significant indicator value. With increasing plantation age (20 and 40?years), the number of carabid species decreased. Increasing age and a further spatial expansion of rubber plantations at the expense of forest areas will have negative impacts on the native forest carabid assemblages with strongest effects on forest specialists and rare species.  相似文献   

The distribution of carabid and cicindelid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) beetles in five distinct habitats (riparian, mature orchard, pine windbreak, young orchard, natural veld), within Tambuti Citrus Estate (Swaziland) was examined by pitfall trapping over 18 months. Habitats with high vegetation and litter cover had the highest species diversity and larger specimens, e.g. riparian border and pine windbreak, while the lowest diversity was observed in intensively managed mature citrus orchards. While species such as Tefflus delagorguei Guérin occurred in all the habitats sampled, certain species illustrated habitat specificity; e.g. Dromica ambitiosa Péringuey was observed only in the pine windbreaks while Haplotrachelus sp. Chaudoir occurred mainly in the vegetated riparian and natural veld habitats. Four unidentified carabid beetles were exclusive to the riparian border habitat. This habitat was the only one with a distinct assemblage of species in the agricultural mosaic studied. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the role of soil and environmental variables in relation to the ground beetle diversity within the agricultural mosaic studied.  相似文献   

本文以宁夏白芨滩国家级自然保护区两种典型的边缘类型:荒漠草原-人工固沙柠条林(边缘类型Ⅰ)和荒漠草原-固定半固定沙地(边缘类型Ⅱ)作为研究对象,以距离梯度(25 m)的形式设置样点,主要采用巴氏罐诱法探讨边缘效应对其地表甲虫群落多样性的影响。本研究共采集到地表甲虫标本6 760头,分属于19科68种,其中样地Ⅰ采集到2 045头,样地Ⅱ采集到4 715头。统计发现,拟步甲科昆虫占样地Ⅰ的70.46%、样地Ⅱ的81.91%,是该地区地表甲虫中的绝对优势类群。边缘类型Ⅰ中,边缘生境地表甲虫的物种数、优势度指数以及丰富度指数均高于相邻生境内部核心区域,而其均匀度指数和多样性指数则低于人工固沙柠条林核心生境。边缘类型Ⅱ中,边缘生境地表甲虫的物种数、丰富度指数以及多样性指数均高于相邻生境的内部核心区域。边缘效应强度分析表明,边缘类型Ⅰ的E H'=0.9958,E C=1.1391,呈负的边缘效应,但负效应很弱,边缘类型Ⅱ的E H'=1.1394,E C=0.5994,呈正的边缘效应,这一结果与边缘地带的环境复杂性和生境异质性有关。  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that the fundamental capacity to undergo conformational change in response to ligand binding is intrinsic to proteins. This property confers on proteins the ability to be allosterically modulated in order to shift substrate binding affinities, alter enzymatic activity or regulate protein-protein interaction. How this allosteric modulation occurs--the pathways of communication, the shifting of conformational ensembles and the altered molecular dynamics--has received considerable attention during the past two years. Recent progress has helped outline the molecular origins of allostery in proteins as diverse as Hsp70 molecular chaperones and signal integrating proteins, such as WASP. In addition, allosteric properties have been successfully engineered into proteins for drug design or the development of novel biosensors. Methodological advances have provided exciting prospects for new insights and new biological roles of allosteric systems have been uncovered.  相似文献   

Ecological networks provide an operational methodology for the implementation of regional conservation strategy and planning that goes beyond protected area designation to integrate the spatial scale of ecological processes and social issues. However, the pertinence of ecological networks as a conservation strategy has recently provoked debate. In this paper we present a discussion of the conceptual limits of ecological network implementation in order to identify the issues which underlie the transition of models and knowledge from science to action. Our examination illustrates how a more collective and explicit management of complexity and uncertainty concerning the ecological processes which such networks supposedly integrate could greatly strengthen the links between science and policy and thereby provide for more effective spatial landscape planning. In this way, the ecological action network could be reframed not as a simple objective but rather as a means for integrated conservation policy.  相似文献   

To investigate whether changes in land use and associated forest patch turnover affected genetic diversity and structure of the forest herb Primula elatior, historical data on landscape changes were combined with a population genetic analysis using dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Based on nine topographic maps, landscape history was reconstructed and forest patches were assigned to two age classes: young (less than 35 years) and old (more than 35 years). The level of differentiation among Primula populations in recently established patches was compared with the level of differentiation among populations in older patches. Genetic diversity was independent of population size (P > 0.05). Most genetic variation was present within populations. Within-population diversity levels tended to be higher for populations located in older forests compared with those for populations located in young forests (Hj = 0.297 and 0.285, respectively). Total gene diversity was also higher for old than for young populations (Ht = 0.2987 and 0.2828, respectively). The global fixation index FST averaged over loci was low, but significant. Populations in older patches were significantly more differentiated from each other than were populations in recently established patches and they showed significant isolation by distance. In contrast, no significant correlations between pairwise geographical distance and FST were found for populations in recently established patches. The location of young and old populations in the studied system and altered gene flow because of increased population density and decreased inter-patch distances between extant populations may explain the observed lower genetic differentiation in the younger populations. This study exemplifies the importance of incorporating data on historical landscape changes in population genetic research at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The larvae of mayflies (Baetis thermicus) that inhabited a metal-contaminated river (the river Mazawa in Yamagata, Japan) were collected and the concentrations of several heavy metals in mayflies were compared with those inhabiting a river not contaminated with metals.
  • 2.2. Cadmium, copper and zinc in mayflies of the contaminated river were 13.4, 18.4 and 15.6 times higher in concentration than those in the non-contaminated river.
  • 3.3. Distributions of the three metals in the supernatants of the larvae collected from the contaminated and non-contaminated rivers were determined by HPLC-atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma.
  • 4.4. Cadmium and copper in the supernatant of the larvae collected from the contaminated river were sequestered by metal-binding components induced for the respective metals, while zinc seemed to be bound loosely to native components.

The habitat template concept applied to a freshwater system indicates that lotic species, or those which occupy permanent habitats along stream courses, are less dispersive than lentic species, or those that occur in more ephemeral aquatic habitats. Thus, populations of lotic species will be more structured than those of lentic species. Stream courses include both flowing water and small, stagnant microhabitats that can provide refuge when streams are low. Many species occur in these microhabitats but remain poorly studied. Here, we present population genetic data for one such species, the tropical diving beetle Exocelina manokwariensis (Dytiscidae), sampled from six localities along a ~300 km transect across the Birds Head Peninsula of New Guinea. Molecular data from both mitochondrial (CO1 sequences) and nuclear (ddRAD loci) regions document fine‐scale population structure across populations that are ~45 km apart. Our results are concordant with previous phylogenetic and macroecological studies that applied the habitat template concept to aquatic systems. This study also illustrates that these diverse but mostly overlooked microhabitats are promising study systems in freshwater ecology and evolutionary biology. With the advent of next‐generation sequencing, fine‐scale population genomic studies are feasible for small nonmodel organisms to help illuminate the effect of habitat stability on species’ natural history, population structure and geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Secondary clines level down in the course of time if the gene flow is not interrupted. Temporally repeated sampling of populations in a cline allows the investigation not only of its occurrence but also of the estimation of the amount of ongoing gene flow. We reinvestigated an allozyme gradient in Carabus auronitens populations in the Westphalian Lowlands (northwestern Germany) 15 to 20 years after it had originally been recorded. A total of 977 individuals of this flightless woodland species from 29 sample sites were genotyped at the diallelic Est-1 locus in 2005-2006 and compared to former findings, collected in 1985-1994 from the same populations. Both data sets showed clinal variation. Pairwise differences between the samples of both data sets indicated significant decrease in the steepness of the cline during the past 15 to 20 years. The estimated average gene flow per generation is 0.6% of each beetle population. Ongoing gene flow in the flightless ground beetle C. auronitens led to a less pronounced cline despite a stable degree of fragmentation (and connectivity) of the landscape. Migration and gene flow were obviously enabled by the numerous hedgerows. The corridors are seen to be a prerequisite for migration between populations and for possible future range shifts of forest insect species.  相似文献   

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