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The lipophosphoglycan (LPG) of Leishmania major has a major role in the attachment to Phlebotomus papatasi midgut. Here, we investigated the comparative structural features of LPG of L. turanica, another species transmitted by P. papatasi. The mAb WIC 79.3, specific for terminal Gal(β1,3) side-chains, strongly reacted with L. turanica LPG. In contrast, L. turanica LPG was not recognized by arabinose-specific mAb 3F12. In conclusion, LPGs from L. major and L. turanica are similar, with the latter being less arabinosylated than L. major's. The high galactose content in L. turanica LPG is consistent with its predicted recognition by P. papatasi lectin PpGalec.  相似文献   

Bloodfeeding arthropods transmit many of the world's most serious infectious diseases. Leishmania are transmitted to their mammalian hosts when an infected sandfly probes in the skin for a bloodmeal and injects the parasite mixed with its saliva. Arthropod saliva contains molecules that affect blood flow and modulate the immune response of the host. Indeed, sandfly saliva markedly enhances the infectivity of L. major for its host. If the salivary molecule(s) responsible for this phenomenon was identified, it might be possible to vaccinate the host against this molecule and thereby protect the host against infection with Leishmania. Such an approach represents a novel means of controlling arthropod-borne disease transmission. Here, we report that a single molecule, maxadilan, in sandfly saliva can exacerbate infection with L. major to the same degree as whole saliva, and that vaccinating against maxadilan protects mice against infection with L. major.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour of males of the Afrotropical sandfly Phlebotomus duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire (Diptera: Psychodidae) involved mounting the female and clasping her 'waist' with the male coxites placed between the female's thorax and abdomen. This behaviour, which we call 'piggy-backing', was preceded by male wing beating, perhaps involving mate recognition and contact pheromones. It did not seem to be pre- or postcopulatory mate guarding. Piggy-backing was attempted by P. duboscqi males on females of other species (P. papatasi and P. perniciosus) and even on other male P. duboscqi. The majority of female P. duboscqi piggy-backed by males were already inseminated, and most of the courting did not lead to copulation. This, coupled with the presence of a mating plug (semen) in each spermatheca of inseminated females, suggests that female P. duboscqi are monogamous for at least the first gonotrophic cycle. Male courtship with piggy-backing was more intense when females could feed on a hamster than when a hamster was present but the females were denied access to the host. It is suggested that, when a hamster was available to the females, the conditions in the laboratory are similar to those in rodent holes, the natural habitat of P. duboscqi.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum nicotinamidase, encoded by the Lipnc1 gene, converts nicotinamide into nicotinicacid to ensure Nicotinamide–Adenine–Dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthesis. We were curious to explore the role of this enzyme during L. infantum development in its natural sand fly vector, Phlebotomus perniciosus (Diptera, Phlebotominae), using null mutants with a deleted Lipnc1 gene. The null mutants developed as well as the wild type L. infantum at the early time points post their ingestion within the bloodmeal. In contrast, once the blood meal digestion was completed, the null mutants were unable to develop further and establish late-stage infections. Data highlight the importance of the nicotinamide degradation pathway for Leishmania development in sand flies. They indicate that the endogenous nicotinamidase is essential for Leishmania development in the sand fly after the blood meal has been digested and the remnants defecated.  相似文献   

Abstract Multi‐locus microsatellite typing (MLMT) has been employed to infer the population structure of Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) (Diptera: Psychodidae) sandflies and assign individuals to populations. Phlebotomus papatasi sandflies were collected from 35 sites in 15 countries. A total of 188 P. papatasi individuals were typed using five microsatellite loci, resulting in 113 different genotypes. Unique microsatellite signatures were observed for some of the populations analysed. Comparable results were obtained when the data were analysed with Bayesian model and distance‐based methods. Bayesian statistic‐based analyses split the dataset into two distinct genetic clusters, A and B, with further substructuring within each. Population A consisted of five subpopulations representing large numbers of alleles that were correlated with the geographical origins of the sandflies. Cluster B comprised individuals collected in the Middle East and the northern Mediterranean area. The subpopulations B1 and B2 did not, however, show any further correlation to geographical origin. The genetic differentiation between subpopulations was supported by F statistics showing statistically significant (Bonferroni‐corrected P < 0.005) values of 0.221 between B2 and B1 and 0.816 between A5 and A4. Identification of the genetic structure of P. papatasi populations is important for understanding the patterns of dispersal of this species and to developing strategies for sandfly control.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recently the sandfly Phlebotomus guggisbergi was found to be a vector of Leishmania tropica causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Laikipia focus, Kenya, but extensive searches have shed no light on the identity of the rural reservoir host(s). In order to discover more about the biology of the vector, a host feeding preference study was conducted on wild sandflies in their natural cave environment over a 6-month period. Solid state Army miniature (SSAM) traps, without light bulb, were suspended over cages with potential hosts or an empty cage control. The animals tested included sheep, goat, dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus), crested rat (Lophiomys imhausi) and rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), all of which (except hamsters) are normally found in the vicinity of the study site. Sandfly collections from traps baited with goat, sheep, cat, dog, rabbit, or wild rodent species were significantly higher than the control, whereas trap collections with hamster and rock hyrax were not significantly different from the control. Numbers of sandflies collected from the goat, sheep and cat were significantly greater than from the rabbit and rodents. The sex ratio also varied between collections: larger animals attracted a higher proportion of female P.guggisbergi than did the smaller animals (P>0.05). Therefore greater emphasis should be placed on surveying larger animals to assess their status as reservoir hosts for L.tropica in Kenya.  相似文献   

Phlebotomus papatasi is susceptible to Leishmania major which it transmits in nature, but is resistant to L. donovani. The present study compares the effect of L. major and L. donovani on the proteolytic activity of P. papatasi gut enzymes. The experiments measured digestion of C14-labeled globin by gut homogenates of flies. Homogenates were prepared from flies fed on serum only (controls) or from flies fed serum containing promastigotes or their dried culture overlayer. In other experiments, the promastigotes or dried culture overlayers were added in vitro to the gut homogenate of control flies. Proteolytic activity of gut homogenate from flies infected with L. major was about one-third less than that of controls, while that from flies infected with L. donovani was one-third greater. Ingestion of L. major dried culture overlayer had an effect on flies similar to that of the promastigotes, while L. donovani dried culture overlayer produced no significant effect. When added to gut homogenate in vitro, promastigotes of both species promoted proteolysis as did dried culture overlayer of L. major. Dried culture overlayer of L. donovani, however, had an opposite effect. It is suggested that the observed reduction in proteolytic activity caused by L. major infection may result from inhibition of enzyme production.  相似文献   

Human infection by the vector-borne protozoan Leishmania is responsible for substantial worldwide morbidity and mortality. The surface-metalloprotease (leishmanolysin) of Leishmania is a virulence factor which contributes to a variety of functions including evasion of complement-mediated parasite-killing and host intramacrophage survival. We tested the hypothesis that leishmanolysin serves to protect parasites from the cytolytic effects of various antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) which are important components of the innate immune system. We found that members of the alpha- and theta-defensins, magainins and cathelicidins had substantially higher leishmanicidal activity against leishmanolysin-knock out mutants of L. major. Using the magainin analogue, pexiganan, as a model peptide we show that AMP evasion is due to rapid and extensive peptide degradation by wild-type parasites. Pexiganan-treatment of knock out mutants induced disruption of surface-membrane permeability and expression of features of apoptosis including smaller cell size, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, exposure of surface phosphatidyl serine as well as induction of caspase 3/7 activity. These results demonstrate leishmanolysin as a virulence factor preventing AMP-mediated apoptotic killing. This study serves as a platform for the dissection of the AMP-mediated death pathways of Leishmania and demonstrates the potential that AMP evasion plays during host infection by this parasite.  相似文献   



Leishmania transmission occurs in the presence of insect saliva. Immunity to Phlebotomus papatasi or Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva or salivary components confers protection against an infection by Leishmania in the presence of the homologous saliva. However, immunization with Lutzomyia intermedia saliva did not protect mice against Leishmania braziliensis plus Lu. intermedia saliva. In the present study, we have studied whether the immunization with Lu. longipalpis saliva or a DNA plasmid coding for LJM19 salivary protein would be protective against L. braziliensis infection in the presence of Lu. intermedia saliva, the natural vector for L. braziliensis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Immunization with Lu. longipalpis saliva or with LJM19 DNA plasmid induced a Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) response against Lu. longipalpis as well as against a Lu. intermedia saliva challenge. Immunized and unimmunized control hamsters were then intradermally infected in the ears with L. braziliensis in the presence of Lu. longipalpis or Lu. intermedia saliva. Animals immunized with Lu. longipalpis saliva exhibited smaller lesion sizes as well as reduced disease burdens both at lesion site and in the draining lymph nodes. These alterations were associated with a significant decrease in the expression levels of IL-10 and TGF-β. Animals immunized with LJM19 DNA plasmid presented similar findings in protection and immune response and additionally increased IFN-γ expression.


Immunization with Lu. longipalpis saliva or with a DNA plasmid coding LJM19 salivary protein induced protection in hamsters challenged with L. braziliensis plus Lu. intermedia saliva. These findings point out an important role of immune response against saliva components, suggesting the possibility to develop a vaccine using a single component of Lu. longipalpis saliva to generate protection against different species of Leishmania, even those transmitted by a different vector.  相似文献   

The acquisition of immunity following subclinical or resolved infection with the intracellular parasite Leishmania donovani suggests that vaccination could prevent visceral leishmaniasis. The characteristics and in vitro stimulating capability of the recombinant proteins expressed by previously identified clones on the basis of their capacity to stimulate an indigenously established Leishmania-specific cell line leading to high level of IFN-γ suggested these to be potential candidates for immunoprophylaxis against leishmaniasis. In this study, we investigated the protective efficacy of purified recombinant proteins from two of the identified cDNA clones along with the adjuvant MPL, in a hamster model of experimental leishmaniasis. We demonstrate here that the immunization of animals with one of the recombinant proteins (rF14) having 97% similarity to C1 clone of L. chagasi ribosomal protein gene P0 (rLiP0) along with MPL provided partial protection against the virulent challenge of L. donovani. The absence of antigen-specific lymphoproliferative responses in these immunized animals may be responsible for the lack of complete and long-lasting protection.  相似文献   

The stage‐regulated HASPB and SHERP proteins of Leishmania major are predominantly expressed in cultured metacyclic parasites that are competent for macrophage uptake and survival. The role of these proteins in parasite development in the sand fly vector has not been explored, however. Here, we confirm that expression of HASPB is detected only in vector metacyclic stages, correlating with the expression of metacyclic‐specific lipophosphoglycan and providing the first definitive protein marker for this infective sand fly stage. Similarly, SHERP is expressed in vector metacyclics but is also detected at low levels in the preceding short promastigote stage. Using genetically modified parasites lacking or complemented for the LmcDNA16 locus on chromosome 23 that contains the HASP and SHERP genes, we further show that the presence of this locus is essential for parasite differentiation to the metacyclic stage in Phlebotomus papatasi. While wild‐type and complemented parasites transform normally in late‐stage infections, generating metacyclic promastigotes and colonizing the sand fly stomodeal valve, null parasites accumulate at the earlier elongated nectomonad stage of development within the abdominal and thoracic midgut of the sand fly. Complementation with HASPB or SHERP alone suggests that HASPB is the dominant effector molecule in this process.  相似文献   

The peritrophic matrix (PM) plays a key role in compartmentalization of the blood meal and as barrier to pathogens in many disease vectors. To establish an infection in sand flies, Leishmania must escape from the endoperitrophic space to prevent excretion with remnants of the blood meal digestion. In spite of the role played regarding Leishmania survival, little is known about sand fly PM molecular components and structural organization. We characterized three peritrophins (PpPer1, PpPer2, and PpPer3) from Phlebotomus papatasi. PpPer1 and PpPer2 display, respectively, four and one chitin-binding domains (CBDs). PpPer3 on the other hand has two CBDs, one mucin-like domain, and a putative domain with hallmarks of a CBD, but with changes in key amino acids. Temporal and spatial expression analyses show that PpPer1 is expressed specifically in the female midgut after blood feeding. PpPer2 and PpPer3 mRNAs were constitutively expressed in midgut and hindgut, with PpPer3 also being expressed in Malpighian tubules. PpPer2 was the only gene expressed in developmental stages. Interestingly, PpPer1 and PpPer3 expression are regulated by Le. major infection. Recombinant PpPer1, PpPer2 and PpPer3 were obtained and shown to display similar biochemical profiles as the native; we also show that PpPer1 and PpPer2 are able to bind chitin. Knockdown of PpPer1 led to a 44% reduction in protein, which in spite of producing an effect on the percentage of infected sand flies, resulted in a 39% increase of parasite load at 48 h. Our data suggest that PpPer1 is a component for the P. papatasi PM and likely involved in the PM role as barrier against Le. major infection.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an important health problem in Ardebil, where it borders Azerbaijan in the northwestern Iran. In spite of the presence of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis (CL and VL) in northwestern Iran, previous researches have consistently revealed the etiologic agent of VL in the region to be Leishmania infantum. This is the first report of natural infection of Phlebotomus tobbi with L. infantum in Bilesavar district in the northern part of Ardebil province bordering Azerbaijan. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of kDNA, ITS1-rDNA, and CPB genes of the parasite followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and gene sequencing analyses revealed presence of L. infantum in six out of 433 tested female sand fly specimens. Although sand flies of P. tobbi were infrequent, two out of 32 (6.25%) females captured in the area were found infected with the parasite. Phlebotomus perfiliewi transcaucasicus, the known vector of VL in the area, were the most dominant species but only four out of 273 (1.47%) tested were infected with L. infantum. This study showed that P. tobbi similar to P. perfiliewi transcaucasicus could play a significant role in the transmission of the L. infantum. However more investigations are needed to demonstrate that L. infantum is the only species circulating in the focus.  相似文献   

Feeding of Phlebotomus papatasi Scopoli on nectar and honeydew was investigated in Neot Hakikar, an oasis in the southern Jordan Valley. Sand flies were caught with miniature light traps in cleared areas with large Tamarix nilotica Bunge bushes, in colonies of the sandrat Psammomys obesus Cretzschmar. Fly series were trapped and compared according to the condition of T. nilotica bushes: with flowers, soiled with honeydew excreted by cicadas, or without flowers. Near flowering bushes the catch was five times greater (7.9: 1.6 flies/trap) and the proportion of sugar-positive flies was also much greater (49.9:17.3%) than near bushes without flowers. The catch was three times greater (6.6:2.2 flies/trap) near cicada- infested than near uninfested bushes. Color markers within the gut, obtained from infested or uninfested bushes that had been sprayed with food dye, indicated feeding of 33.2% and 4.5% of these series, respectively. Sand flies were strongly attracted to flowers of T. nilotica. In similar trap series, those baited with flowering branches caught 231 flies, whereas with baits of honeydew- soiled branches, control regular branches or wet filter paper, the catch ranged between 11 to 15 flies. This study is the first evidence of nectar feeding by sand flies in the field and it indicates that nectar may be an important and an attractive source of sugar.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA characterization of the sandfly Phlebotomus perniciosus has not resolved the population structure of its Iberian lineage. For this purpose, four AGC‐ and seven AGG‐class microsatellite loci were characterized, after their isolation using Biotin‐Avidin enrichment and the screening of plasmid libraries by polymerase chain reaction. Of the five polymorphic loci analysed in four Spanish populations, four showed patterns of allele diversity consistent with migration from a southern Ice Age refuge. Estimates of the historical migration rates of P. perniciosus will help to predict the effects of global warming on its range and that of Leishmania infantum, the parasitic protozoan it transmits.  相似文献   

The efficacy of light traps for collecting sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) varies both inter-specifically and intra-specifically (by gender and physiological status) as a result of significant differences in phototropic and other behavioural characteristics. The efficacy of miniature CDC light traps for collecting Phlebotomus argentipes Annandale & Brunetti, a vector of Leishmania donovani Laveran & Mesnil (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), was assessed in the Indian state of Bihar. Sandflies were collected during the night from 16 houses in each of three villages over 3 months (four times at fortnightly intervals) using CDC light traps indoors, and by aspirator collection (carried out by one person for 30 min/house) from the walls of the same houses the following morning. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) between CDC light trap collections and aspirator collections were obtained through a negative binomial regression with household as random effect. CDC light traps were especially effective in catching males (IRR 3.08, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.12-4.46) and unfed females (IRR 3.50, 95% CI 2.37-5.16) of P. argentipes, and to a lesser extent gravids (IRR 1.77, 95% CI 1.07-2.93). However, only a relatively small proportion of all blood-fed P. argentipes were collected by light trap (IRR 0.45, 95% CI 0.28-0.73). Despite its limitations in collecting blood-fed female sandflies, the CDC light trap appears to trap a sufficient proportion of the indoor population of sandflies for sampling purposes, and as this light trap is also more convenient and more easily standardized than the aspirator method, we conclude that it is the most efficient method for monitoring P. argentipes populations in the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Efficacy of vaccination against cutaneous leishmaniasis in highly susceptible BALB/c mice was assessed comparatively by using radiation-attenuated promastigotes and colloidal Ag mixtures generated from a mixed Leishmania major (LV39) isolate (SLV39) and from a virulent cloned line (SVJ2) derived from the Jericho 2 L. major isolate. Dehydration-rehydration vesicle (DRV) liposomes were used as adjuvants. In optimization experiments phospholipid composition of DRV was varied, and the distearoyl derivative (DSPC) (liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (Tc) 54 degrees C) of egg lecithin L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine was found to be superior to the dipalmitoyl derivative (DPPC, Tc 41.5 degrees C) and underivatized L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (Tc -10 degrees C). The criteria studied were in vivo priming for a secondary in vitro proliferative response and the prepatency of lesion onset after L. major challenge of mice immunized once i.v. A single s.c. immunization with SLV39 either free or entrapped within DSPC liposomes primed spleen cells to produce significant levels of IL-3 when stimulated with SLV39 in vitro. In contrast, the i.v. route of immunization with the same Ag preparations led to little or no IL-3 production by the spleen cells. Despite development of significant T cell activation, both SLV39 and SVJ2 administered s.c., either free or entrapped within liposomes, were not protective. However, i.v. immunization four times with SVJ2 entrapped within DSPC liposomes induced a level of resistance comparable with that of 2 x 10(7) gamma-irradiated promastigotes in the stringent BALB/c L. major model. Although significant, protection conferred after i.v. immunization with SLV39/DSPC liposomes was less effective. These data therefore show that DSPC/DRV liposomes, although a good adjuvant for inducing protective immunity to cutaneous leishmaniasis, are not able to overcome the requirement for an i.v. route of immunization with the leishmanial Ag preparation. Additionally, they demonstrate a correlation between IL-3 secretion and non-protection. They also suggest that SVJ2 represents a better source of protective Ag than SLV39.  相似文献   

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