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Formal, quantitative approaches are now widely used to make predictions about the likelihood of an infectious disease outbreak, how the disease will spread, and how to control it. Several well-established methodologies are available, including risk factor analysis, risk modelling and dynamic modelling. Even so, predictive modelling is very much the 'art of the possible', which tends to drive research effort towards some areas and away from others which may be at least as important. Building on the undoubted success of quantitative modelling of the epidemiology and control of human and animal diseases such as AIDS, influenza, foot-and-mouth disease and BSE, attention needs to be paid to developing a more holistic framework that captures the role of the underlying drivers of disease risks, from demography and behaviour to land use and climate change. At the same time, there is still considerable room for improvement in how quantitative analyses and their outputs are communicated to policy makers and other stakeholders. A starting point would be generally accepted guidelines for 'good practice' for the development and the use of predictive models.  相似文献   

How to make a biological switch   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Some biological regulatory systems must "remember" a state for long periods of time. A simple type of system that can accomplish this task is one in which two regulatory elements negatively regulate one another. For example, two repressor proteins might control one another's synthesis. Qualitative reasoning suggests that such a system will have two stable states, one in which the first element is "on" and the second "off", and another in which these states are reversed. Quantitative analysis shows that the existence of two stable steady states depends on the details of the system. Among other things, the shapes of functions describing the effect of one regulatory element on the other must meet certain criteria in order for two steady states to exist. Many biologically reasonable functions do not meet these criteria. In particular, repression that is well described by a Michaelis-Menten-type equation cannot lead to a working switch. However, functions describing positive cooperativity of binding, non-additive effects of multiple operator sites, or depletion of free repressor can lead to working switches.  相似文献   

The use of monoclonal antibodies produced by the hybridoma technique has had a profound impact on the biological and medical sciences. While the general technique for the production of monoclonal antibodies is available from the numerous papers which report their use, there is a need for a source which describes the procedure and its pitfalls in detail so that an investigator who decides to make hybridomas can do so quickly and easily. This guide provides such a source.  相似文献   

The motility of some kinds of bacteria depends on their spiral form, as does the virulence of certain pathogenic species. We propose a novel mechanism for the development of spiral shape in bacteria and the supercoiling of chains ('filaments') of many cells. Recently discovered actin-like proteins lying just under the cell wall form fibers that play a role in maintaining cell shape. Some species have a single actin-like fiber helically wrapped around the cell, while others have two fibers wrapped in the same direction. Here, we show that if these fibers elongate more slowly than growth lengthens the cell, the cell both twists and bends, taking on a spiral shape. We tested this mechanism using a mathematical model of expanding fiber-wound structures and via experiments that measure the shape changes of elongating physical models. Comparison of the model with in vivo experiments on stationary phase Caulobacter crescentus filaments provide the first evidence that mechanical stretching of cytoskeletal fibers influences cell morphology. Any hydraulic cylinder can spiral by this mechanism if it is reinforced by stretch-resistant fibers wrapped helically in the same direction, or shortened by contractile elements. This might be useful in the design of man-made actuators.  相似文献   

The sterile worker castes found in the colonies of social insects are often cited as archetypal examples of altruism in nature. The challenge is to explain why losing the ability to mate has evolved as a superior strategy for transmitting genes into future generations. We propose that two conditions are necessary for the evolution of sterility: completely overlapping generations and monogamy. A review of the literature indicates that when these two conditions are met we consistently observe the evolution of sterile helpers. We explain the theory and evidence behind these ideas, and discuss the importance of ecology in predicting whether sterility will evolve using examples from social birds, mammals, and insects. In doing so, we offer an explanation for the extraordinary lifespans of some cooperative species which hint at ways in which we can unlock the secrets of long life.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic neurons located in the ventral mesodiencephalon are essential for the control of voluntary movement and the regulation of emotion, and are severely affected in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Recent advances in molecular biology and mouse genetics have helped to unravel the mechanisms involved in the development of mesodiencephalic dopaminergic (mdDA) neurons, including their specification, migration and differentiation, as well as the processes that govern axonal pathfinding and their specific patterns of connectivity and maintenance. Here, we follow the developmental path of these neurons with the goal of generating a molecular code that could be exploited in cell-replacement strategies to treat diseases such as Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Essentially all eukaryotic cells express proteins on their surface that are anchored by a glycoinositol phospholipid. This anchor moiety may endow such proteins with unusual properties. The definition of the biosynthetic path that constructs these anchors is now in its final stages. Mutations that interrupt this path are, remarkably, compatible with survival of cells in culture, but are associated with at least one human disease.  相似文献   

How plants make tubes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The plant body requires the transport of various materials over large distances. Two cell types that bear a striking resemblance morphologically are the cells specialized for water transport and those responsible for the transport of oxygen: xylem and lysigenous aerenchyma, respectively. Each of these cell types undergoes programmed cell death and cellular autolysis, resulting in the production of a functional space within the plant body. The major morphological difference observed is the presence of the lignified secondary wall in water-conducting tissues. The prevalence of tubular structures in other plant tissues suggests that the ability to form spaces through cellular autolysis is a fundamental paradigm in plant development and evolution.  相似文献   

The technical factors in microangiography were studied, and we found that the main limiting factor in resolution was film grain size. Ultrafine grain films exist, but they are very slow, necessitating exposures of several hours at conventional settings. Using a modern beryllium window x-ray unit, equally good images can be made in 2 to 5 minutes by using the minimum tube-to-film distance (32 cm) and the maximum kilovoltage (110 kV).  相似文献   

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