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周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)对椰子织蛾的寄生功能反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)是寄生椰子织蛾蛹期的本土天敌。研究周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)对椰子织蛾的功能反应,能为该蜂室内扩繁和室外控害利用提供基础。【方法】在室内观察周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)寄生行为基础上,研究了营养(10%蜂蜜)、寄主蛹(初、中、晚)期对周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)寄生功能反应的影响。【结果】镜下观察1头周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)可寄生多头椰子织蛾蛹,寄生量随寄主密度的增大而增加,但当寄主密度达到一定程度后,其增长率随寄主密度的增大逐渐减缓,属于HollingⅡ功能反应。在无营养条件下,周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)对椰子织蛾初、中、晚期蛹的理论最大寄生量分别为1.5、1.4、1.2头·d~(-1);在10%蜂蜜饲喂条件下,周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)对椰子织蛾初、中、晚期蛹的理论最大寄生量分别为1.8、1.7、1.3头·d~(-1)。【结论】HollingⅡ型拟合结果表明,椰子织蛾初期蛹是周氏啮小蜂(海南种群)寄生的最佳时期,补充营养能够提高椰子织蛾的寄生力。  相似文献   

椰子织蛾是新入侵我国的棕榈植物重要害虫,麦蛾柔茧蜂是寄生椰子织蛾的本土天敌。为了明确营养和温度对麦蛾柔茧蜂种群影响,本文研究了在不同营养和不同温度条件下麦蛾柔茧蜂的寄生率、羽化率及寿命等生物参数。蜂蜜、蔗糖、葡萄糖均能显著提高其寄生率、羽化率,延长其寿命,其中饲喂蜂蜜其寄生率、羽化率、雌雄蜂寿命最高,分别为82. 03%、92. 40%、25. 27 d、22. 40 d。寿命与温度负相关,28℃下其寄生率、羽化率最高,分别为82. 02%、92. 40%,各虫态的发育速率与温度的关系符合线性回归模型。该寄生蜂世代发育起点温度为13. 71℃,有效积温为143. 28日·度。本研究结果可为麦蛾柔茧蜂的繁殖及控害提供相关的理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】椰子织蛾是近期入侵中国的棕榈植物重要害虫,研究其天敌寄生蜂,能为椰子织蛾的进一步防控提供科学依据。【方法】在海南岛收集鉴定了椰子织蛾天敌寄生蜂,观察记录寄生蜂发育历期、雌雄性比、成虫寿命等基础生物学特性。【结果】经形态及分子鉴定,收集到的椰子织蛾寄生蜂有幼虫期寄生蜂麦蛾柔茧蜂、蛹期寄生蜂金刚钻大腿小蜂和周氏啮小蜂。在温度(26±2)℃、湿度(75±10)%RH、以椰子织蛾为寄主条件下,麦蛾柔茧蜂、金刚钻大腿小蜂和周氏啮小蜂发育历期分别为11.8、19.6和20.6 d;每头寄主的出蜂量分别为10.1、1.0和81.5头;雌蜂占比分别为26.6%、40.6%和89.8%;每种寄生蜂雌蜂寿命均长于雄蜂。【结论】保护和利用椰子织蛾的3种本地寄生蜂,将有助于椰子织蛾的防控。  相似文献   

枸杞木虱啮小蜂繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枸杞木虱啮小蜂Tamarixa lyciumiYang是枸杞木虱Paratrioza sinica Yang&Li若虫期的重要寄生性天敌。在实验室对其繁殖生物学特性进行了研究,结果如下:枸杞木虱啮小蜂大多进行两性生殖,孤雌生殖后代均为雄性,其自然性比为1.80:1。在15~35℃间,随温度升高,枸杞木虱啮小蜂发育历期缩短;从卵发育到成虫时需要8.22℃以上的有效积温217.21日·度。枸杞木虱啮小蜂在25℃恒温条件下繁殖力最高,35℃最低,寿命随温度的升高而缩短。在不同营养条件下,喂食20%蜂蜜的条件最适宜其繁殖,其次为20%蔗糖溶液,补充清水只可延长其寿命而不能提高繁殖力。5℃冷藏枸杞木虱啮小蜂蛹15d以内,不影响其正常羽化,冷藏20d或20d以上,羽化率显著降低;冷藏30d内对羽化后雌雄蜂寿命无明显影响,且从冷藏蛹中羽化的雌蜂寄生能力未受显著影响。  相似文献   

小叶榕Ficus microcarpa是一种广泛分布于亚洲热带和亚热带地区的雌雄同株榕树,在它的隐头果中,除了专一性传粉的榕小蜂外,还寄生着多种非传粉小蜂,这些非传粉小蜂在榕果发育的不同时期来到果外产卵,对榕树和传粉榕小蜂繁衍后代产生不同的影响。加利里金小蜂Odontofroggatia galili是寄生于小叶榕雌花子房里的主要非传粉小蜂。本文在2012~2013年对该种小蜂的发生规律进行了研究,结果表明:该种小蜂雌雄蜂有翅,雄蜂二型,个体大小有显著差异。加利里金小蜂在榕果的雌花前期产卵,能独立造瘿;在西双版纳地区,干热季和雨季从卵发育到成虫羽化需31~38 d,雾凉季则长达58~72 d。成虫在榕果雄花期羽化出蜂,大多数雄蜂在苞片口等待羽化出果的雌蜂交配,雌雄蜂通常仅交配一次;为争夺交配机会,雄蜂间存在激烈打斗,且个体大者获交配机会多。成虫期雌蜂寿命2 d,雄蜂寿命仅1 d。小叶榕40%的树上隐头果内有加利里金小蜂寄生,但不同地区寄生率和单果内加利里金小蜂雌雄蜂数量树间均存在显著差异。在原生地西双版纳地区加利里金小蜂种群小,传粉榕小蜂种群占主导地位;而在引入地昆明地区,加利里金小蜂发生频率高,种群显著较大;随着纬度北移和海拔升高,在榕果内罕见有传粉榕小蜂传粉和繁殖,而加利里金小蜂种群则不断升高。说明小叶榕在海拔较高和纬度偏北地区栽种,不适宜传粉榕小蜂繁殖,而非传粉的加利里金小蜂则较为适应,获得成功繁殖及种群扩张。  相似文献   

椰心叶甲蛹寄生蜂——椰心叶甲啮小蜂的生物学特性   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
椰心叶甲啮小蜂Tetrastichus brontispae Ferrière是椰心叶甲Brontispa longissima(Gestro)蛹的重要内寄生蜂,2004年从台湾引入到海南。在实验室条件下,对椰心叶甲啮小蜂的形态、行为、发育、存活、繁殖等生物学特性进行了观察研究。结果表明,雌蜂个体比雄蜂大,腹部明显可见产卵器。每头寄主蛹出蜂量平均为21.5头,其中雌蜂约占77.4%。椰心叶甲啮小蜂羽化不久即能交配,交配时间约为1~2 min。椰心叶甲啮小蜂的产卵高峰期在交配后的24 h内,且产卵量受温度的影响较大; 蜂蜜、蔗糖、葡萄糖均能有效地延长其成虫的寿命,并能提高其怀卵量和寄生率,其中以取食蜂蜜的效果最好。该蜂发育、存活和繁殖的适宜温度为20℃~28℃,低于16℃或高于30℃对其存活不利。利用16℃、20℃、24℃、28℃、30℃下的发育历期和有效积温公式计算出椰心叶甲啮小蜂的发育起点温度(C)为9.6℃,有效积温(K)为324.9日·度。  相似文献   

【背景】蝇蛹俑小蜂是蝇类害虫蛹期重要的寄生蜂,该蜂可寄生家蝇、瓜实蝇、橘小实蝇和南瓜实蝇等多种蝇类害虫。研究蝇蛹俑小蜂对寄主的选择性及在不同寄主上的发育情况有助于该寄生蜂的扩繁和利用。【方法】在温度(26±1)℃、相对湿度(70±5)%,光周期L∶D=14 h∶10 h的条件下,研究了蝇蛹俑小蜂对瓜实蝇蛹、南瓜实蝇蛹和橘小实蝇蛹的寄生率及子代蜂发育、寿命的影响。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂在瓜实蝇蛹、橘小实蝇蛹和南瓜实蝇蛹上均能产卵并发育至成虫,其对瓜实蝇蛹的选择系数和寄生率分别为0.37和55.33%,显著高于其对另外2种实蝇蛹。在非选择条件下,蝇蛹俑小蜂在瓜实蝇蛹上的出蜂量最高,发育历期最短。在同一寄主条件下,蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂的发育历期、寿命显著较雄蜂的长,雌蜂的质量显著大于雄蜂。【结论与意义】蝇蛹俑小蜂可用于瓜实蝇的防治,瓜实蝇蛹是扩繁蝇蛹俑小蜂的理想寄主。  相似文献   

在28℃下,以小菜蛾3龄幼虫作寄主,研究了菜蛾绒茧蜂与菜蛾啮小蜂间的相互关系.当寄主供2种蜂同时产卵寄生时,与只供1种蜂时相比。绒茧蜂的寄生率无显著变化,而啮小蜂的寄生率则显著下降;2种蜂的合计寄生率与任一种蜂单独存在时相比无显著差异.当寄主先供绒茧蜂寄生,再供啮小蜂寄生时,绒茧蜂的成功寄生率不受影响,而啮小蜂的寄生率仅为8%~13%;啮小蜂能寄生在寄主体内的绒茧蜂高龄幼虫.绒茧蜂能寄生已被啮小蜂寄生的寄主幼虫,其子代部分个体能正常发育至成虫羽化.当已被绒茧蜂寄生和未被寄生的寄主同时存在时,啮小蜂主要寄生未被寄生的寄主.表明绒茧蜂具有竞争优势。但这种优势可因啮小蜂的寄生而被削弱.  相似文献   

椰心叶甲啮小蜂的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对椰心叶甲啮小蜂羽化、求偶、交配、产卵、繁殖现象进行了观察研究。结果表明,补充营养对雌蜂的寿命和繁殖力均有影响。没有补充营养的情况下,雌蜂的平均寿命为2.48 d,一生可产21.43粒卵;每天补充10%蜜糖水,且雌蜂与寄主(椰心叶甲初蛹)比例为1:3时,雌蜂平均寿命为13.43 d,一生可产53.6粒卵;每天补充10%蜜糖水,且雌蜂与寄主(椰心叶甲初蛹)比例为1:1时,雌蜂平均寿命为14.78 d,一生可产42.5粒卵。椰心叶甲啮小蜂对水椰八角铁甲蛹的寄生率为82.25%,平均每寄主出蜂量为12.24头。  相似文献   

黄俊  智伏英  吕要斌 《昆虫学报》2019,62(12):1427-1434
【目的】班氏跳小蜂Aenasius bambawalei是扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的伴迁性天敌,迄今已知该寄生蜂只能寄生扶桑绵粉蚧,但是我们发现该寄生蜂还能成功寄生另一种外来有害生物——石蒜绵粉蚧P. solani。本研究旨在明确班氏跳小蜂对该新寄主资源的寄生适合度,为今后充分开发、利用该寄生蜂提供科学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下,以马铃薯Solanum tuberosum块茎作为粉蚧的寄主植物,测定了班氏跳小蜂对不同龄期石蒜绵粉蚧的寄生适合度,并在非选择条件下测定了上述两种寄主上僵蚧形成时间以及该寄生蜂羽化时间、寿命、后足胫节长度、寄生率、羽化率及子代性比。【结果】班氏跳小蜂可寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌成虫及2龄和3龄若虫,但只有寄生雌成虫才能正常羽化出蜂。分别以石蒜绵粉蚧与扶桑绵粉蚧为寄主时,最适合的蜂蚧比分别为2∶15和2∶20。不同寄主对僵蚧形成时间及班氏跳小蜂的羽化时间无显著影响,但显著影响班氏跳小蜂的寿命以及雌蜂后足胫节长度,尤其是扶桑绵粉蚧上羽化的寄生蜂的寿命比以石蒜绵粉蚧上的长约20 d。而且,班氏跳小蜂对扶桑绵粉蚧的寄生率(54.0%)显著高于对石蒜绵粉蚧的(25.3%),但班氏跳小蜂在这两种寄主上的羽化率均在90%以上,差异不显著;寄生扶桑绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例高于寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例。【结论】班氏跳小蜂能寄生石蒜绵粉蚧,且只在雌成虫上完成世代发育;与在更适寄主扶桑绵粉蚧上比较,石蒜绵粉蚧上羽化的班氏跳小蜂在寿命及雌蜂个体大小上有劣势。  相似文献   

【目的】紫茎泽兰是我国重要的入侵杂草,对我国生态环境和农、林、牧业造成重大危害。本研究通过比较紫茎泽兰原产地与入侵地种群地上部抗虫物质含量的差异及其对泽兰实蝇寄生的响应,为探明紫茎泽兰入侵种群持续扩张的化学生态机制提供依据。【方法】选取5个紫茎泽兰种群(3个中国云南种群:C1,C2,C3;2个墨西哥种群:M1,M2),比较原产地和入侵地种群地上部分碳氮比、单宁类(单宁酸、儿茶素、鞣花酸)和类黄酮物质(槲皮素、异槲皮素、山奈酚)含量差异,以及泽兰实蝇寄生前后这些抗虫物质的含量变化。【结果】入侵地种群地上部分碳氮比不同程度地低于原产地种群,茎秆部位差异最明显。紫茎泽兰入侵地种群的单宁类和类黄酮物质含量亦低于原产地种群,其中,芽尖部位单宁酸和儿茶素含量差异尤为明显,分别比原产地种群低26.4%和32.3%。泽兰实蝇寄生后,原产地和入侵地种群单宁类和类黄酮物质含量基本呈上升趋势,其中,M1种群寄生植株在虫瘿破膜前,儿茶素含量比未寄生植株升高了163.2%。【结论】紫茎泽兰入侵种群在抗虫特性方面产生了资源再分配的适应性变化,有利于其在新生境天敌缺乏条件下的持续扩张。虽然泽兰实蝇寄生会诱导紫茎泽兰原产地种群和入侵地种群抗虫物质的增加,但原产地种群增加的幅度更大,表明紫茎泽兰入侵后对专食性天敌胁迫的适应性明显下降。  相似文献   

The fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea Drury, is an economically important introduced pest in China. A native pupal endoparasitoid, Chouioia cunea Yang (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae) causes considerable mortality of H. cunea pupae in some areas of China. Alternative hosts of C. cunea were tested to find potential substitute hosts for mass rearing the parasitoid. Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was chosen as a surrogate host as a single pupa produced an average of 6552 wasps and a maximum of 11,256 per pupa. A mass-rearing technique and successful release program of this parasitoid is described. Parasitism by C. cunea in the areas where it was released averaged 67.74% and was usually over 80%. Other native parasitoids, such as Coccygomimus disparis (Viereck), C. parnasae (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Exorita japonica Townes (Diptera: Tachnidae), caused the total average parasitism to exceed 90% on average, reaching a maximum of 96.28% in the release areas. These successful releases indicate that an introduced pest species can also be controlled by the mass-rearing and release of native parasitoids in the country of introduction.  相似文献   

At 21 °C,Spalangia nigra Latreille (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) averaged 29.3 days between exposure and emergence of 1st progeny from host house flies,Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). At 27 °C, the average developmental time to 1st emergence was reduced to 26.6 days, and a majority of adult wasps emerged from host house fly puparia between 29 and 40 days postoviposition. The sex ratio of progeny ranged from 1.4 to 1.8 female-to-male, but all progeny of virgin females were male. Male wasps lived from 6.8–15 and females 11–17.8 days at 27 °C; honey as a food source increased longevity. No significant differences in parasitism byS. nigra were associated with host house fly pupal densities ranging from 1 to 200 pupae per female-male pair of wasps, but average percent parasitism decreased at host densities greater than 50. House fly pupae exposed to parasitism at ages ranging from 4 to 96 h did not differ in subsequent production of adult flies.S. nigra did not demonstrate preference for house flies or stable flies,Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) as hosts. The results of these studies indicate thatS. nigra may contribute significantly to previously unexplained mortality of house flies and stable flies.   相似文献   

为了解海南岛油茶(Camellia oleifera)种质资源的遗传多样性,采用SRAP分子标记,对海南岛油茶主要分布区的31个居群进行了遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析。结果表明,海南岛油茶资源的遗传多样性低,物种水平的多态性百分率(PPB)为98.30%,Nei’s基因多样性(H)为0.222 8,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.353 8;居群水平的PPB=40.96%,观测等位基因数(Na)为1.409 6,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.237 1, H=0.138 5, I=0.208 3,这与海南岛油茶丰富的表型多样性水平不一致。海南岛油茶资源遗传分化较大,居群间基因交流有限,不同居群间的遗传分化指数(Gst)为0.380,基因流(Nm)为0.813 91。遗传变异主要发生在居群内,有38.05%的变异存在居群间,61.95%存在于居群内。遗传距离为0.022 6~0.276 4,平均为0.107 7,居群间的亲缘关系较近。UPGMA聚类分析表明,在遗传距离为0.11处,可将31个油茶居群聚为6类,表现出明显的行政区域性,而与地理距离关系不大。因此,海南岛油茶资源遗传多样性低,亲缘关系近可能导致自交或近交不亲和,可能是海南油茶林分花量大而结实低的主要内在原因。  相似文献   

Anagrus epos Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is a natural enemy candidate for a classical biological control program targeting the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS), Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in California. Little is known about the biology or ecology of A. epos when it utilizes GWSS eggs as a host. Here, we report the results of laboratory studies that describe the host age preference for oviposition, longevity of A. epos adults provided with different food sources, and developmental rates at six different constant temperature regimes. Anagrus epos is a gregarious parasitoid in GWSS eggs with up to 14 adults emerging from each GWSS egg. In choice and no-choice tests for oviposition, A. epos females successfully parasitized all developmental ages of GWSS eggs (1–8 days old). In choice tests, parasitism rates were significantly higher in 1-, 3-, 4-, and 5-day-old GWSS eggs than in 2-, 6-, 7-, and 8-day-old eggs. If provided with honey and water, honey only, water only, or no food or water, A. epos females lived on average 8.2, 4.7, 2.6, and 1.6 days, respectively. Anagrus epos required 294.1 degree-days above a lower temperature threshold of 12.4 °C to develop from egg to adult (eclosion). Our results provide baseline information useful in the development of an efficient parasitoid mass rearing program for A. epos release and evaluation in California.  相似文献   

杜晶晶  张越  潘彦平  周晓然  张学武  石娟 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5480-5490
美国白蛾是我国农林对外重大检疫对象之一,已经对我国的生态和经济造成了巨大损失,且十分难以防治。基于地统计学和地理信息系统原理,通过半变异函数分析,选取最优拟合模型,利用克里金插值法对2008-2016年北京地区美国白蛾的种群时空分布特征进行制图,并结合气象数据,运用冗余分析探究了美国白蛾种群动态变化与气候因子的关系。结果表明:(1)空间特征上,美国白蛾种群呈现聚集分布,分布趋势为东部、南部高,西部、北部少,主要集中在海拔400m以下的地区;(2)时间特征上,北京地区的美国白蛾种群一年3代,单年内越冬代数量远大于第一代和第二代,第一代和第二代种群数量相近,到次年越冬代种群数量回升,依此呈现周期性变化;(3)冗余分析结果显示影响北京地区美国白蛾种群变化与3月份平均相对湿度、7月份平均气温、上一年8月份最高温度呈正相关关系,与2月份日照时数、4月份最高温度、上一年9月份最低温度呈负相关关系;(4)插值结果表明在北京东部和南部边界与河北省交界处分布有一个较大的美国白蛾种群,能够影响该地区的美国白蛾种群数量。  相似文献   

Coccidoxenoides perminutus achieves only low levels of parasitism of its host Planococcus citri in southeast Queensland citrus. Two possible causes were investigated. Adult survival under natural conditions was assessed to determine whether providing adult food sources could enhance survival. Behavioural changes of hosts, induced by C. perminutus parasitism, was also investigated to establish if parasitised P. citri move from their feeding site to seek protected shelters some distance away and are thus not accounted for in field assessments of parasitism rates. Unparasitised mealybugs placed in the field for two periods were retrieved before the effects of parasitism were manifested and parasitism rates were still low (0.3% at 5 days and 1.2% at 10 days). Levels of locomotion of P. citri exposed to C. perminutus were compared with those of “unexposed” ones. Parasitised mealybugs, regardless of instar, undergo behavioural changes. In comparison to unparasitised controls, the mealybugs become highly active 7–14 days after exposure to wasps. All parasitised mealybugs undergo physical changes, their body becomes cylindrical, their legs go so rigid that the mealybugs become immobile, and this signifies the typical mummy appearance. All mealybugs that became mummies eventually fell from the host lemon fruit because of impaired locomotion and were caught on sticky traps that had been placed beneath the lemons. Consequently, their final site of mummification was not established. C. perminutus adults provided with nectar or honey survived longer (about 5 days) in the field than those without food (about a day). Nectar from two plant species, Alpinia zerumbet and Datura candida, proved to be good sources of food for the adult wasps, and were comparable in quality to honey. The low level of parasitism achieved by C. perminutus in southeast Queensland citrus thus appears to be a consequence of the short adult life and the negative effects of a harsh environment. Provision of a suitable food source (e.g., nectar) may well enhance levels of parasitism in the field.  相似文献   

The astigmatid mite Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce is mainly considered a pest of ornamental and horticultural crops. However, this mite has been found infesting Cabrales cheese in Spain, though its population density is low compared to Acarus farris, the prevalent species of astigmatid mite encountered in Cabrales cheese maturing caves. One of the factors that might be influencing this differential abundance is temperature. In the present study the effect of temperature on reproductive parameters and longevity of T. neiswanderi was examined at six constant temperatures, ranging from 10 to 31°C, and a relative humidity of 90 ± 5%. Preoviposition period, fecundity and daily fecundity were adversely affected by extreme temperatures while the oviposition period increased as temperature was reduced. Male and female longevity increased as temperature decreased, but males showed significantly greater longevity than females. Additionally, this difference was greater as temperature decreased. The effect of temperature on the intrinsic rate of natural increase of T. neiswanderi populations was described by the non-linear Lactin model. The optimum temperature for development was predicted at 26.6°C. At this temperature, the population doubling time is 2.8 days. The lower and upper thresholds for T. neiswanderi populations were calculated at 7.4 and 31.7°C, respectively. According to these results, the influence of temperature on the low population density of this mite found in Cabrales maturing caves compared with A. farris is discussed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of inundative releases of the parasitoidEncarsia formosafor control ofBemisia argentifoliion poinsettia was determined in replicated experimental greenhouses. We evaluated two release rates ofE. formosa:a low release rate (1 wasp/plant/week, released in two greenhouses, in spring 1995) and a high release rate (3 wasps/plant/week, released in two greenhouses, in fall 1993), each over a 14-week growing season. Each release trial had one or two control greenhouses in whichB. argentifoliideveloped on poinsettia in the absence ofE. formosa.Life-tables were constructed forB. argentifoliiin the presence and absence ofE. formosaby using a photographic technique to follow cohorts of whiteflies on poinsettia leaves. Weekly population counts of the whitefly were also made. In the absence ofE. formosa,egg to adult survivorship ofB. argentifoliion poinsettia was 75–81%. At the low release rate, egg to survivorship ofB. argentifoliiwas 5% and parasitism was 13%. At the high release rate, egg to adult survivorship forB. argentifoliiwas 8% and parasitism was 23%. The net reproductive rates (R0) forB. argentifoliipopulations in the absence ofE. formosaranged from 18.01–26.12, indicating a rapidly increasing population. Net reproductive rates for whitefly populations subject to wasp releases were 1.54 for the low release rate greenhouses and 2.11 for the high release rate greenhouses, indicating substantially reducedB. argentifoliipopulation growth. The low release rate provided better control ofB. argentifoliithan the high release rate. This difference was attributed to higher levels of mortality of whiteflies at the low release rate in the first 5–6 weeks of the growing period. We suggest that mutual interference may also have affected observed levels of mortality and parasitism.  相似文献   

【目的】木薯单爪螨是新入侵我国的重要检疫性害螨,主要危害木薯,也可危害橡胶。近年来,该螨种群数量迅速增多,扩散范围不断增大,目前已在海南、云南、广西、广东等重要木薯产区发生并加重危害,危害严重时可导致木薯减产40%~60%。湿度是影响木薯单爪螨发育和繁殖的重要因素之一,但有关该方面的研究较少。【方法】通过室内饲养,观察比较了不同湿度条件下木薯单爪螨发育及繁殖情况。【结果】当湿度为75%和85%时,卵孵化率均达100%,平均每雌产卵量分别达49.22和43.67粒,雌成螨寿命分别为21.00和22.00 d;当湿度为55%和95%时,卵孵化率和后代产卵量显著降低,雌成螨寿命显著缩短;当湿度为65%时,卵孵化率、平均每雌产卵量以及成螨寿命均与75%和85%湿度处理无显著差异,但其发育历期显著延长。【结论】75%和85%是木薯单爪螨发育与繁殖的适宜湿度条件。  相似文献   

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