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2017年8月,在新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州露地鲜食番茄上发现一种鳞翅目害虫,以幼虫潜食叶肉、蛀食果实,经鉴定为南美番茄潜叶蛾。该害虫原产南美洲的秘鲁,2006年入侵欧洲的西班牙,截至2017年5月,已在南美洲、欧洲、非洲、中美洲和亚洲的80多个国家和地区发生,严重危害鲜食番茄、加工番茄和樱桃番茄/圣女果,产量损失最高可达80%~100%。本文提供了南美番茄潜叶蛾的危害情况及主要形态鉴定特征,提出了防范其进一步扩散危害的措施建议以及今后应开展的主要研究方向,包括植物检疫、发生分布调查、生物学生态学特性研究、天敌资源挖掘利用等,以为积极应对南美番茄潜叶蛾对我国农业生产安全的威胁提供参考。  相似文献   

温度对番茄潜叶蛾生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta是一种对番茄具有毁灭性危害的世界性入侵害虫,本研究旨在探索温度对入侵番茄潜叶蛾种群生长发育和繁殖的影响,为预测番茄潜叶蛾的分布区域、田间发生动态提供基础。【方法】在室内测定了番茄叶片上番茄潜叶蛾在15, 20, 25, 30和35℃ 5个恒定温度条件下各虫态的发育历期和存活率、繁殖力和种群增长参数,并应用不同模型分析发育速率、内禀增长率和净生殖率与温度的关系,估计发育起点温度、发育极限温度、发育最适温度、有效积温和年发生代数。【结果】在恒温15~30℃范围内,番茄潜叶蛾各虫态的发育历期随温度升高而逐渐缩短。25℃下幼虫期存活率、成虫前期存活率、雌虫总产卵量、净生殖率、内禀增长率和周限增长率均最大。在35℃下,卵的存活率骤降至11%,孵化的幼虫无法正常发育。卵期、幼虫期、蛹期、成虫前期、全世代的有效积温分别为104.17, 232.59, 129.87, 434.78和526.32日·度,该虫在新疆伊宁县和察布查尔锡伯自治县的理论发生代数为4~5代。基于发育速率与温度关系的模型与基于种群增长参数与温度关系的模型所计算的积温需求参数不同,基于内禀增长率求得的番茄潜叶蛾的发育起点温度、发育极限高温和发育最适温度分别为12.46, 30.40和27.36℃。【结论】入侵我国新疆地区的番茄潜叶蛾适温范围广泛,在我国大部分地区具有极高的扩散风险。  相似文献   

明确昆虫求偶及交配等生殖行为的节律,对于性信息素引诱剂的研发与田间合理应用具有重要的指导意义。本研究对番茄潜叶蛾雌虫的求偶行为和雌雄成虫的交配行为节律进行了探究。结果表明,番茄潜叶蛾雌虫主要在亮期进行求偶,亮期开始前少数个体出现求偶现象,亮期开始求偶率迅速增加,在0.5 h内达到高峰期,高峰期平均求偶率达80%以上。不同日龄求偶率不同,2~3日龄为该虫求偶最活跃龄期。番茄潜叶蛾雌雄间交配主要发生在亮期,亮期0.5 h到达高峰期,交配率达90%,与雌虫求偶高峰期吻合。番茄潜叶蛾雌、雄虫一生均可进行多次交配,雌虫7 d内最高交配4次。相对于雌雄比1∶1,雌雄比1∶2的交配率有所降低,而雌雄比2∶1的交配率和平均交配时长均有所上升。本研究证实了番茄潜叶蛾主要在亮期进行求偶和交配,且求偶和交配行为存在明显的节律性,雌、雄蛾一生均可进行多次交配。  相似文献   

[目的]新发恶性外来入侵物种番茄潜叶蛾的入侵对我国番茄产业的安全生产造成了极大威胁。本文利用@RISK模型对化学防治、生物防治和理化诱控3种不同防治场景下我国番茄产业的潜在经济损失和投入防治后可挽回的经济损失进行综合评估,结果可为我国番茄潜叶蛾综合防治体系的构建提供参考。[方法]基于国内外文献收集到的番茄潜叶蛾危害数据(危害率、番茄产量损失率、防治成本和防治效果),结合全国农产品商务信息公共服务平台、FAO获得我国番茄的种植面积、产量及价格等相关数据,利用@RISK模型对不防治场景和3种不同防治场景下的番茄产业的经济损失进行评估。[结果]番茄潜叶蛾在不防治场景下每年给我国番茄产业造成的经济损失总量在(8226165.67~41903398.26)万元,在化学防治(使用合成杀虫剂)、生物防治(释放天敌昆虫和微生物制剂)和理化诱控(基于灯光和合成性信息素的诱杀产品)3种不同防治场景下能有效挽回经济损失,分别为89.83%、87.90%和89.19%。[结论]基于不同的防治场景能够有效挽回番茄潜叶蛾造成的经济损失,面对该害虫在我国的严峻扩散形势,建议各级政府和行业部门应高度重视并进一步加强番茄潜叶蛾的防控,保障我国番茄产业的安全生产。  相似文献   

番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta ( Meyrick) 属鳞翅目Lepidoptera麦蛾科Gelechiidae, 经不断传播扩散入侵, 已经成为世界上番茄的主要害虫 ( Biondi et al. , 2018).该虫于1917 年在秘鲁被发现并定名, 1960年代中期到1990年代扩散蔓延到几乎所有南美洲国家, 1950 年代以来一直是南美洲多个国家番茄上重要害虫; 2006 年在西班牙发现其发生危害后, 该虫在欧洲迅速传播 ( Garzia et al. , 2012;Biondi et al. , 2018 ) , 并快速入侵至亚洲、非洲 ( Biondi et al. , 2018 ) , 截至 2021 年 2 月11日已经分布于105个国家 (南美洲10个, 北美洲3 个, 欧洲 31 个, 非洲 35 个, 亚洲 26 个) (CABI, 2021), 成为了世界性番茄重要害虫, 对全球番茄产业构成严重威胁.2017 年8 月, 我国在新疆伊犁露地鲜食番茄上发现番茄潜叶蛾 (张桂芬等, 2019 ) , 2018年3月在云南临沧发现其危害 (张桂芬等, 2020 ) , 其后贵州、四川、重庆、广西、湖南、江西等地也相继发现.今后一定时期内该虫入侵的国家和地区将不断增多, 发生危害的范围将继续扩大, 所造成的经济影响将日趋严重.  相似文献   

【目的】明确番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta(Meyrick)对四唑虫酰胺的抗药性发展趋势及对7种杀虫剂的交互抗性,为四唑虫酰胺的田间应用提供理论依据。【方法】采用浸叶法,在室内用四唑虫酰胺对番茄潜叶蛾进行抗性选育汰选,评估了抗性发展趋势并研究了交互抗性。【结果】在室内经过14代11次汰选后,获得了抗性倍数为18.67倍的番茄潜叶蛾四唑虫酰胺抗性品系。番茄潜叶蛾对四唑虫酰胺抗性现实遗传力h2为0.1885,在致死率为50%-90%选择压力下,预计番茄潜叶蛾对四唑虫酰胺抗性增长10倍需要3.59-8.00代。番茄潜叶蛾抗四唑虫酰胺品系对茚虫威存在明显的交互抗性,抗性倍数为8.89;对甲维盐、苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)存在负交互抗性,抗性倍数分别为0.80和0.25;对氯虫苯甲酰胺、多杀菌素、毒死蜱和高效氯氟氰菊酯不存在交互抗性,抗性倍数分别为3.58、2.39、1.80和1.73。【结论】用四唑虫酰胺防治番茄潜叶蛾存在抗性风险,番茄潜叶蛾四唑虫酰胺抗性品系会与其他药剂产生交互抗性,以上结果可为田间科学使用四唑虫酰胺和合理轮换用药提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>番茄潜麦蛾隶属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)麦蛾科(Gelechiidae),原产南美洲。该虫2006年入侵西班牙,随后迅速扩散到北非和欧洲许多国家。番茄潜叶蛾严重危害温室和露天的番茄,受害的番茄果实会丧失经济价值,经济损失可达50%-100%,国际马铃薯中心认为番茄潜叶蛾是威胁全球番茄  相似文献   

<正>番茄潜麦蛾隶属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)麦蛾科(Gelechiidae),原产南美洲。该虫2006年入侵西班牙,随后迅速扩散到北非和欧洲许多国家。番茄潜叶蛾严重危害温室和露天的番茄,受害的番茄果实会丧失经济价值,经济损失可达50%-100%,国际马铃薯中心认为番茄潜叶蛾是威胁全球番茄生产的最严重害虫之一。番茄潜麦蛾在叶子表面、土壤中或者虫道内化蛹,可以以蛹或者成虫越冬。  相似文献   

<正>番茄潜麦蛾隶属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)麦蛾科(Gelechiidae),原产南美洲。该虫2006年入侵西班牙,随后迅速扩散到北非和欧洲许多国家。番茄潜叶蛾严重危害温室和露天的番茄,受害的番茄果实会丧失经济价值,经济损失可达50%-100%,国际马铃薯中心认为番茄潜叶蛾是威胁全球番茄生产的最严重害虫之一。  相似文献   

<正>番茄潜麦蛾隶属于鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)麦蛾科(Gelechiidae),原产南美洲。该虫2006年入侵西班牙,随后迅速扩散到北非和欧洲许多国家。番茄潜叶蛾严重危害温室和露天的番茄,受害的番茄果实会丧失经济价值,经济损失可达50%-100%,国际马铃薯中心认为番茄潜叶蛾是威胁全球番茄生产的最严重害虫之一。  相似文献   

The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), is one of the major pests of tomato crop. Since its detection in the Mediterranean basin, it has been commonly controlled using chemical insecticides. However, inoculation and conservation of predatory mirids, integrated with sprays of selective insecticides, has been demonstrated to be a cost‐effective strategy for controlling this pest. In this work, we tested the efficacy of two sulphur formulations, dustable and wettable powder, for controlling T. absoluta on tomato under greenhouse and open‐field conditions. In addition, the side effects of both sulphur formulations on the predator, Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter), were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Dustable sulphur, applied weekly on tomato seedlings artificially infested with T. absoluta in greenhouse conditions, significantly reduced the infestation levels and was demonstrated to have a repellent effect on oviposition. Wettable sulphur was not effective for controlling T. absoluta populations in both greenhouse and open‐field experiments. In the side effect trials conducted with N. tenuis, only dustable sulphur resulted in being moderately harmful as a fresh residue and slightly harmful as a 7‐day‐old residue; no effects were recorded exposing the predator to 14‐day‐old sulphur residues. In contrast, wettable sulphur was classified as harmless to N. tenuis. Our results suggest that the use of sulphur, especially as dustable powder, could be considered as a tool in T. absoluta management strategies, although its side effects on Ntenuis should be taken into account. The implications of these results for the use of sulphur formulations in pest and disease management programmes in tomato crops are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]番茄潜叶蛾已成为世界性番茄的重要害虫,对番茄产业的发展造成了严重的威胁,研究其遗传多样性有利于揭示不同地理种群的遗传变异结构。[方法]采用ISSR分子标记技术分析了20个地理种群番茄潜叶蛾的遗传多样性和遗传结构特征。[结果]15条引物扩增出137条ISSR条带,其中多态性条带占96.35%,所有个体显示了各自独特的ISSR图谱。ISSR的标记遗传多样性结果表明,20个番茄潜叶蛾地理种群遗传距离大小范围为0.0065~0.1623,遗传一致度范围为0.8502~0.9935。种群变异来源分析表明,25.36%的遗传变异来自种群间,74.64%的变异来源于种群内部。UPGMA系统发育分析结果表明,各地理种群的聚类与地理位置无较强的关联性。[结论]番茄潜叶蛾尚处在入侵早期阶段,且具备频繁入侵和多点的特征。防控上要注意加强检疫,阻绝多点入侵来源。  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) represents a global threat to commercial tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production, both in open field and greenhouse. Native to South America, it spread over the Mediterranean Basin, Europe, Africa and part of Asia in only 12 years, and currently it is reported in over 80 countries. Biological control is one of the options for its control and a large number of natural enemies has been reported in association with the pest, both in the areas of origin and of introduction. The egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, in South America, and the mirid predators Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, are used as commercial biocontrol agents. Even if several natural enemies might be promising candidates for biocontrol, their potential role in quantitative pest reduction has been seldom established under practical tomato production conditions.

Since climatic suitability indices predict a high probability for continued invasion by T. absoluta, mainly in China and the USA, there is an urgent need for new control options. In order to minimise the use of broad spectrum insecticides, biocontrol techniques should be considered. As tomato is produced seasonally, augmentative biocontrol seems to be the most effective control option, but pest reduction might be optimised by adding conservation biocontrol, and by combining biocontrol within IPM programmes.

Here, an overview of predators and parasitoids of T. absoluta in South American and Euro-Mediterranean regions, and their biological control efficacy under laboratory, semi-field and field conditions is provided.  相似文献   

The tomato borer Tuta absoluta, native to western South America, is an extremely devastating pest in tomato crops in most of South America, Europe and Africa North of the Sahel, causes yield losses up to 100% and decreases fruit quality in open field and greenhouse crops if control methods are not applied. In Brazil two other important lepidopteran pests – Neoleucinodes elegantalis and Helicoverpa zea – occur in tomato, as well as thrips, whiteflies and aphids. For control of these pests, frequent applications of pesticides of up to 5 times per week are needed, and these resulted in the appearance of resistant populations to a number of active ingredients and decimation of natural enemies. Biological control may offer a better, safer and more sustainable opportunity for pest management. Mirid predatory bugs are currently used with success in southern Europe to control T. absoluta and other pests. In Brazil, four Hemipteran predatory bugs, not yet known to attack T. absoluta, were found to successfully prey on eggs and larvae of this pest. The first results on their predation capacity, development, survival and reproduction on T. absoluta on tomato plants are presented.  相似文献   

Specifying the relationship between pests and their host plants in terms of damage is one of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. The crop loss and economic injury level (EIL) of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were determined on different tomato cultivars using gain threshold (field experiment) and regression (semi‐field experiment) methods. By assessing the crop loss in 2015 and 2016, four out of seven infested tomato cultivars had a significant yield loss in terms of weight of total fruits versus the control under the open‐field conditions. However, the total number of tomato cultivars had no significant difference to control treatment. The semi‐field experiment included six treatments (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 gravid females/plant) and examined two tomato cultivars. The tomato cages with between 6 and 10 gravid females/plant showed the highest number and weight of damaged fruits. Based on pesticide control costs, the market value of tomato and the control efficacy, we determined the EIL for T. absoluta. In the field experiment, the EIL value for T. absoluta on “Petomech,” “Cal JN3,” “Rio Grande” and “Early Urbana Y” cultivars was 4.15, 4.47, 4.70 and 5.04 larvae per plant, respectively. Based on regression equations, we calculated the EIL values for T. absoluta on “Cal JN3” and “Early Urbana Y” to be 4.75 and 5.44 larvae/plant, respectively. Crop loss assessment and EIL are necessary components of cost‐effective IPM programs and can be effective tools for making decisions about the application of pesticides against T. absoluta.  相似文献   

The tomato borer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lep.: Gelechiidae), is an important tomato pest native to South America, which appeared in eastern Spain at the end of 2006. Prey suitability of T. absoluta eggs and larval instars was examined under laboratory conditions to evaluate whether two indigenous predators, Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) and Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Hem.: Miridae), can adapt to this invasive pest. Both predators preyed actively on T. absoluta eggs and all larval stages, although they preferred first‐instar larvae. Our results demonstrate that both mirids can adapt to this invasive pest, contributing to their value as biological control agents in tomato crops.  相似文献   

Insect pest populations exhibit seasonal dynamics in response to changes in resource availability or other environmental factors such as climatic conditions, natural enemies, and intra‐ or interspecific competition. Understanding such dynamics is critical for developing effective integrated pest management strategies. The objective of the present study was to identify factors driving the seasonal decline of the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in the shifting landscape of a vegetable‐growing area in Senegal. A set of 42 tomato fields was monitored for the number of T. absoluta adults caught in pheromone traps and for the incidence of larvae, during 5 months from June to November 2016 in the Niayes area (Senegal). The surface of solanaceous host crops, climatic conditions, and abundance of natural enemies were also monitored. A drastic decline in T. absoluta abundance was observed during the rainy season. The decrease in resource availability, especially tomato crops, in the surrounding landscape of monitored fields was the main factor affecting the population dynamics during the rainy season. However, alternative host crops such as eggplant and Ethiopian eggplant, can provide ‘reservoirs’ for residual populations of the pest. For applied purpose, it would be interesting to focus the management efforts on residual populations during the rainy season, to make more difficult the reconstitution of populations during the dry season.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, is one of the most destructive pests of tomato worldwide. Management of the pest is mainly based on chemical insecticides. Reliance on insecticides is difficult to sustain because of unintended long‐term adverse effects on the environment and human health. Consequently, there is a need to develop pest management strategies that ensure the production of high‐quality products, while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability and maximum consumer protection. We evaluated the efficacy the biopesticides: Azadirachtin, Bacillus thuringiensis, Steinernema feltiae and Beauveria bassiana individually and in combination against T. absoluta under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. When second instar larvae were exposed to tomato leaf discs treated with Azadirachtin (3 g / L), B. thuringiensis (0.5 g/L) or B. bassiana (1.5 g/L), 70%–86%, 55%–65%, and 45.5%–58.5% mortality was observed, respectively. Steinernema feltiae (1,000 IJs/ml) was the least effective biopesticide, with 26%–42% mortality. In the greenhouse trials on tomato, pest infestation (mines/10 leaves/plant) and fruits damaged were significantly lower on plants treated with Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis or Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana compared to plants treated with Azadirachtin, B. thuringiensi, B. bassiana or S. feltiae alone. Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis and Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana resulted in 90% and 81% reduction in fruits damaged in the summer experiments, respectively, and 96% and 91% in winter. The most severe pest infestation was observed on plants treated with S. feltia. The results indicate that the biopesticides, except S. feltia, can contribute to T. absoluta control in greenhouse tomato crops. In particular, the combined use of Azadirachtin with B. thuringiensis or B. bassiana provided the highest level of control of the pest. The potential for including these biopesticides in an overall sustainable integrated pest management programme for T. absoluta is discussed.  相似文献   

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