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The dense-core vesicle is a secretory organelle that mediates the regulated release of peptide hormones, growth factors, and biogenic amines. Dense-core vesicles originate from the trans-Golgi of neurons and neuroendocrine cells, but it is unclear how this specialized organelle is formed and acquires its specific cargos. To identify proteins that act in dense-core vesicle biogenesis, we performed a forward genetic screen in Caenorhabditis elegans for mutants defective in dense-core vesicle function. We previously reported the identification of two conserved proteins that interact with the small GTPase RAB-2 to control normal dense-core vesicle cargo-sorting. Here we identify several additional conserved factors important for dense-core vesicle cargo sorting: the WD40 domain protein EIPR-1 and the endosome-associated recycling protein (EARP) complex. By assaying behavior and the trafficking of dense-core vesicle cargos, we show that mutants that lack EIPR-1 or EARP have defects in dense-core vesicle cargo-sorting similar to those of mutants in the RAB-2 pathway. Genetic epistasis data indicate that RAB-2, EIPR-1 and EARP function in a common pathway. In addition, using a proteomic approach in rat insulinoma cells, we show that EIPR-1 physically interacts with the EARP complex. Our data suggest that EIPR-1 is a new interactor of the EARP complex and that dense-core vesicle cargo sorting depends on the EARP-dependent trafficking of cargo through an endosomal sorting compartment.  相似文献   

Several receptors are downregulated by internalization after ligand binding. Regulation of T cell receptor (TCR) expression is an important step in T cell activation, desensitization, and tolerance induction. One way T cells regulate TCR expression is by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the TCR subunit clusters of differentiation (CD)3γ. Thus, phosphorylation of CD3γ serine 126 (S126) causes a downregulation of the TCR. In this study, we have analyzed the CD3γ internalization motif in three different systems in parallel: in the context of the complete multimeric TCR; in monomeric CD4/CD3γ chimeras; and in vitro by binding CD3γ peptides to clathrin-coated vesicle adaptor proteins (APs). We find that the CD3γ D127xxxLL131/132 sequence represents one united motif for binding of both AP-1 and AP-2, and that this motif functions as an active sorting motif in monomeric CD4/ CD3γ molecules independently of S126. An acidic amino acid is required at position 127 and a leucine (L) is required at position 131, whereas the requirements for position 132 are more relaxed. The spacing between aspartic acid 127 (D127) and L131 is crucial for the function of the motif in vivo and for AP binding in vitro. Furthermore, we provide evidence indicating that phosphorylation of CD3γ S126 in the context of the complete TCR induces a conformational change that exposes the DxxxLL sequence for AP binding. Exposure of the DxxxLL motif causes an increase in the TCR internalization rate and we demonstrate that this leads to an impairment of TCR signaling. On the basis of the present results, we propose the existence of at least three different types of L-based receptor sorting motifs.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein (AP)-3 complex is a component of the cellular machinery that controls protein sorting from endosomes to lysosomes and specialized related organelles such as melanosomes. Mutations in an AP-3 subunit underlie a form of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS), a disorder characterized by abnormalities in lysosome-related organelles. HPS in humans can also be caused by mutations in genes encoding subunits of three complexes of unclear function, named biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex (BLOC)-1, -2, and -3. Here, we report that BLOC-1 interacts physically and functionally with AP-3 to facilitate the trafficking of a known AP-3 cargo, CD63, and of tyrosinase-related protein 1 (Tyrp1), a melanosomal membrane protein previously thought to traffic only independently of AP-3. BLOC-1 also interacts with BLOC-2 to facilitate Tyrp1 trafficking by a mechanism apparently independent of AP-3 function. Both BLOC-1 and -2 localize mainly to early endosome-associated tubules as determined by immunoelectron microscopy. These findings support the idea that BLOC-1 and -2 represent hitherto unknown components of the endosomal protein trafficking machinery.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a major form of post-translational modification of synaptic vesicle membrane proteins. For example, the three major synaptic vesicle glycoproteins, synaptotagmin 1, synaptophysin, and SV2, represent ∼30% of the total copy number of vesicle proteins. Previous studies suggested that glycosylation is required for the vesicular targeting of synaptotagmin 1, but the role of glycosylation of synaptophysin and SV2 has not been explored in detail. In this study, we analyzed all glycosylation sites on synaptotagmin 1, synaptophysin, and SV2A via mutagenesis and optical imaging of pHluorin-tagged proteins in cultured neurons from knock-out mice lacking each protein. Surprisingly, these experiments revealed that glycosylation is completely dispensable for the sorting of synaptotagmin 1 to SVs whereas the N-glycans on SV2A are only partially dispensable. In contrast, N-glycan addition is essential for the synaptic localization and function of synaptophysin. Thus, glycosylation plays distinct roles in the trafficking of each of the three major synaptic vesicle glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Thy-1, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked integral membrane protein of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is a component of both large dense-core and small clear vesicles in PC12 cells. A majority of this protein, formerly recognized only on the plasma membrane of neurons, is localized to regulated secretory vesicles. Thy-1 is also present in synaptic vesicles in rat central nervous system. Experiments on permeabilized PC12 cells demonstrate that antibodies against Thy-1 inhibit the regulated release of neurotransmitter; this inhibition appears to be independent of any effect on the Ca2+ channel. These findings suggest Thy-1 is an integral component of many types of regulated secretory vesicles, and plays an important role in the regulated vesicular release of neurotransmitter at the synapse.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(7):2444-2459.e7
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Abstract: o-rab3 is an electric ray homologue of low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins thought to be involved in targeting of secretory vesicles to sites of exocytosis. The stimulation-dependent association of o-rab3 with synaptic vesicles was compared with that of the membrane-integral synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2). On application of immunoelectron microscopy and the colloidal gold technique, antibodies against either protein labeled the synaptic vesicle membrane compartment. Synaptic vesicles recycled under conditions of low frequency stimulation (0.1 Hz) retained their complement of both SV2 and o-rab3. Isolation of synaptic vesicles by density-gradient centrifugation and subsequent column chromatography yielded no indication of a stimulation-dependent release of o-rab3 from synaptic vesicles. In contrast, multivesicular bodies and vacuoles occasionally observed in the nerve terminals contained SV2 but little if any o-rab3. It is concluded that o-rab3 remains associated with the synaptic vesicle membrane compartment during stimulation-induced cycles of repeated exo- and endocytosis. o-rab3 may be lost once the vesicle enters the prelysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

A long standing question in synaptic physiology is how neurotransmitter-filled vesicles are rebuilt after exocytosis. Among the first steps in this process is the endocytic retrieval of the transmembrane proteins that are enriched in synaptic vesicles (SVs). At least six types of transmembrane proteins must be recovered, but the rules for how this multiple cargo selection is accomplished are poorly understood. Among these SV cargos is the vesicular glutamate transporter (vGlut). We show here that vGlut1 has a strong influence on the kinetics of retrieval of half of the known SV cargos and that specifically impairing the endocytosis of vGlut1 in turn slows down other SV cargos, demonstrating that cargo retrieval is a collective cargo-driven process. Finally, we demonstrate that different cargos can be retrieved in the same synapse with different kinetics, suggesting that additional post-endocytic sorting steps likely occur in the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Crk是一种重要的细胞内信号接头蛋白,含有SH2和SH3结构域,在信号传递过程中不仅承上启下,对信号强度还有着调控作用.迄今主要发现了4种Crk分子,即v Crk、CrkⅠ、CrkⅡ和CrkL(Crk Like).CrkⅡ和CrkL在分子结构上具有高度同源性,但对信号分子却具有不同的偏好性,从而体现出功能差异.本文就接头蛋白Crk的结构、Crk与相互作用蛋白质的作用机制以及与肿瘤的发生发展关系进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1) is a G protein-coupled receptor for the coagulant protease thrombin. Thrombin binds to and cleaves the N terminus of PAR1, generating a new N terminus that functions as a tethered ligand that cannot diffuse away. In addition to rapid desensitization, PAR1 trafficking is critical for the regulation of cellular responses. PAR1 displays constitutive and agonist-induced internalization. Constitutive internalization of unactivated PAR1 is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex-2 (AP-2), which binds to a distal tyrosine-based motif localized within the C-terminal tail (C-tail) domain. Once internalized, PAR1 is sorted from endosomes to lysosomes via AP-3 interaction with a second C-tail tyrosine motif proximal to the transmembrane domain. However, the regulatory processes that control adaptor protein recognition of PAR1 C-tail tyrosine-based motifs are not known. Here, we report that palmitoylation of PAR1 is critical for regulating proper utilization of tyrosine-based motifs and endocytic sorting. We show that PAR1 is basally palmitoylated at highly conserved C-tail cysteines. A palmitoylation-deficient PAR1 mutant is competent to signal and exhibits a marked increase in constitutive internalization and lysosomal degradation compared with wild type receptor. Intriguingly, enhanced constitutive internalization of PAR1 is mediated by AP-2 and requires the proximal tyrosine-based motif rather than the distal tyrosine motif used by wild type receptor. Moreover, palmitoylation-deficient PAR1 displays increased degradation that is mediated by AP-3. These findings suggest that palmitoylation of PAR1 regulates appropriate utilization of tyrosine-based motifs by adaptor proteins and endocytic trafficking, processes that are critical for maintaining appropriate expression of PAR1 at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Eps15 has been identified as a substrate of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase. In this report, we show that activation of the EGF receptor by either EGF or TGF-α results in phosphorylation of Eps15. Stimulation of cells with PDGF or insulin did not lead to Eps15 phosphorylation, suggesting that phosphorylation of Eps15 is a receptor-specific process. We demonstrate that Eps15 is constitutively associated with both α-adaptin and clathrin. Upon EGF stimulation, Eps15 and α-adaptin are recruited to the EGF receptor. Using a truncated EGF receptor mutant, we demonstrate that the regulatory domain of the cytoplasmic tail of the EGF receptor is essential for the binding of Eps15. Fractionation studies reveal that Eps15 is present in cell fractions enriched for plasma membrane and endosomal membranes. Immunofluorescence studies show that Eps15 colocalizes with adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) and partially with clathrin. No colocalization of Eps15 was observed with the early endosomal markers rab4 and rab5. These observations indicate that Eps15 is present in coated pits and coated vesicles of the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway, but not in early endosomes. Neither AP-2 nor clathrin are required for the binding of Eps15 to coated pits or coated vesicles, since in membranes lacking AP-2 and clathrin, Eps15 still shows the same staining pattern. These findings suggest that Eps15 may play a critical role in the recruitment of active EGF receptors into coated pit regions before endocytosis of ligand-occupied EGF receptors.  相似文献   

DNA损伤修复是维持细胞基因组稳定性和完整性的基础,越来越多的研究发现,E3泛素连接酶在DNA损伤修复中起着重要的作用.该文将介绍DNA损伤修复的机制、DNA损伤修复与疾病的关系、及E3泛素连接酶接头蛋白MDM2和SPOP在DNA损伤修复中的作用.重点围绕DNA损伤修复的两条通路:E3泛素连接酶接头蛋白SPOP与ATM...  相似文献   

Newborn or adult rats were pretreated with 50 mg kg-1 capsaicin. At the age of 2 to 4 months, binding of 125I-labelled Tyr8-substance P to synaptic vesicles prepared from different regions of the nervous system was examined. In both groups, capsaicin pretreatment led to a significant decrease in the number of binding sites in dorsal roots and spinal cord without having an effect on affinity. This decrease parallels the depletion of the substance P content (Gamse et al., 1980) and can be explained by degeneration of primary sensory neurons in newborn treated rats and by depletion of vesicles in adult treated rats.  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein frequenin (Frq), discovered in the fruit fly Drosophila, and its mammalian homologue neuronal calcium sensor 1 (NCS-1) have been reported to affect several aspects of synaptic transmission, including basal levels of neurotransmission and short- and long-term synaptic plasticities. However, discrepant reports leave doubts about the functional roles of these conserved proteins. In this review, we attempt to resolve some of these seemingly contradictory reports. We discuss how stimulation protocols, sources of calcium (voltage-gated channels versus internal stores), and expression patterns (presynaptic versus postsynaptic) of Frq may result in the activation of various protein targets, leading to different synaptic effects. In addition, the potential interactions of Frq's C-terminal and N-terminal domains with other proteins are discussed. Frq also has a role in regulating neurite outgrowth, axonal regeneration, and synaptic development. We examine whether the effects of Frq on neurotransmitter release and neurite outgrowth are distinct or interrelated through homeostatic mechanisms. Learning and memory are affected by manipulations of Frq probably through changes in synaptic transmission and neurite outgrowth, raising the possibility that Frq may be implicated in human pathological conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and X-linked mental retardation.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(4):967-979
First proposed as a specialized mode of release at sensory neurons possessing ribbon synapses, multivesicular release has since been described throughout the central nervous system. Many aspects of multivesicular release remain poorly understood. We explored mechanisms underlying simultaneous multivesicular release at ribbon synapses in salamander retinal rod photoreceptors. We assessed spontaneous release presynaptically by recording glutamate transporter anion currents (IA(glu)) in rods. Spontaneous IA(glu) events were correlated in amplitude and kinetics with simultaneously measured miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents in horizontal cells. Both measures indicated that a significant fraction of events is multiquantal, with an analysis of IA(glu) revealing that multivesicular release constitutes ∼30% of spontaneous release events. IA(glu) charge transfer increased linearly with event amplitude showing that larger events involve greater glutamate release. The kinetics of large and small IA(glu) events were identical as were rise times of large and small miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents, indicating that the release of multiple vesicles during large events is highly synchronized. Effects of exogenous Ca2+ buffers suggested that multiquantal, but not uniquantal, release occurs preferentially near Ca2+ channels clustered beneath synaptic ribbons. Photoinactivation of ribbons reduced the frequency of spontaneous multiquantal events without affecting uniquantal release frequency, showing that spontaneous multiquantal release requires functional ribbons. Although both occur at ribbon-style active zones, the absence of cross-depletion indicates that evoked and spontaneous multiquantal release from ribbons involve different vesicle pools. Introducing an inhibitory peptide into rods to interfere with the SNARE protein, syntaxin 3B, selectively reduced multiquantal event frequency. These results support the hypothesis that simultaneous multiquantal release from rods arises from homotypic fusion among neighboring vesicles on ribbons and involves syntaxin 3B.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(22):4399-4412.e7
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The incorporation of human APOBEC3G (hA3G) into HIV is required for exerting its antiviral activity, therefore the mechanism underlying hA3G virion encapsidation has been investigated extensively. hA3G was shown to form low-molecular-mass (LMM) and high-molecular-mass (HMM) complexes. The function of different forms of hA3G in its viral incorporation remains unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we investigated the subcellular distribution and lipid raft association of hA3G using subcellular fractionation, membrane floatation assay and pulse-chase radiolabeling experiments respectively, and studied the correlation between the ability of hA3G to form the different complex and its viral incorporation. Our work herein provides evidence that the majority of newly-synthesized hA3G interacts with membrane lipid raft domains to form Lipid raft-associated hA3G (RA hA3G), which serve as the precursor of mature HMM hA3G complex, while a minority of newly-synthesized hA3G remains in the cytoplasm as a soluble LMM form. The distribution of hA3G among the soluble LMM form, the RA LMM form and the mature forms of HMM is regulated by a mechanism involving the N-terminal part of the linker region and the C-terminus of hA3G. Mutagenesis studies reveal a direct correlation between the ability of hA3G to form the RA LMM complex and its viral incorporation.


Together these data suggest that the Lipid raft-associated LMM A3G complex functions as the cellular source of viral hA3G.  相似文献   

Vesicular neurotransmitter transporters must localize to synaptic vesicles (SVs) to allow regulated neurotransmitter release at the synapse. However, the signals required to localize vesicular proteins to SVs in vivo remain unclear. To address this question we have tested the effects of mutating proposed trafficking domains in Drosophila orthologs of the vesicular monoamine and glutamate transporters, DVMAT-A and DVGLUT. We show that a tyrosine-based motif (YXXY) is important both for DVMAT-A internalization from the cell surface in vitro, and localization to SVs in vivo. In contrast, DVGLUT deletion mutants that lack a putative C-terminal trafficking domain show more modest defects in both internalization in vitro and trafficking to SVs in vivo. Our data show for the first time that mutation of a specific trafficking motif can disrupt localization to SVs in vivo and suggest possible differences in the sorting of VMATs versus VGLUTs to SVs at the synapse.  相似文献   

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