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Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was found to be an effective fusion-inducing agent for early mouse embryo blastomeres. A brief exposure of zona-intact 2-cell embryos to 40% PEG induced fusion of blastomeres in > 80% of embryos, and the treatment did not interfere with subsequent development of embryos to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

C.A. Ziomek  M.H. Johnson 《Cell》1980,21(3):935-942
The development of the polarized surface binding of the fluoresceinated ligand concanavalin A (FITC-Con A) was studied in blastomeres of the early mouse embryo. Single 8-cell blastomeres, natural 8-cell couplets derived from the in vitro division of individual 4-cell blastomeres, and reaggregated couplets made from dissociated 8-cells were cultured for varying periods of time and on a variety of substrata. The development of surface polarity was found to be highly dependent upon cell contact. Over 50% of the cells in couplets were polarized after 4–5 hr in culture, with the smaller cell in the couplet usually more advanced in its polarization than the larger cell. The orientation of the poles of FITC-Con A binding was opposite the point of contact between cells in the couplets regardless of their previous orientation within the embryo or the plane of cleavage.  相似文献   

Polarization of blastomeres in the cleaving rabbit embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cellular polarization is believed to be a crucial event in the differentiative divergence of the two cell lineages leading to the blastocyst in rodent embryos. This study was undertaken to determine if rabbit embryos exhibited cellular polarization prior to blastocyst formation and to define the embryonic stage at which polarization was first apparent. Polarity was assayed by observation of the pattern of binding of FITC-Con A to dissociated blastomeres from three stages of rabbit embryos. Scanning electron microscopy on the dissociated cells confirmed the fluorescence results. Fifty-one percent of blastomeres in 38- to 66-cell rabbit embryos exhibited an intense pole of FITC-Con A binding and a single pole of microvilli. Only 2% of blastomeres at the 17- to 34-cell stage were similarly polarized and none were polarized at the 8- to 16-cell stage. In addition, during attempts to remove the mucin coat and zona pellucida from the rabbit embryos prior to their dissociation, it was found that the protease sensitivity of these coats also changed at the 38- to 66-cell stage. Prior to this time, although the mucin coat disappeared after 30 min in 0.5% pronase, the zona required approximately 1.5-2.5 hr in pronase for even partial removal. At the 38- to 66-cell stage, pronase dissolved the mucin coat within 10 min and the zona pellucida within 20 min. The zona was resistant to 0.1% proteinase K at all stages examined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate how many blastomeres of the 4-cell mouse embryo contribute cells to the embryo proper and finally to the animal. To this end, 4-cell embryos of pigmented and albino genotypes were disaggregated and single blastomeres (henceforth called '1/4' or 'quarter' blastomeres) were reaggregated in the following combinations: one 'pigmented' blastomere + three 'albino' blastomeres or vice versa (henceforth called '1+3') and two pigmented blastomeres + two albino blastomeres (henceforth called '2+2'). The aggregations were cultured in vitro and transferred as blastocysts either to the oviduct or uterus of pseudopregnant females. Recipients were allowed to litter naturally, or the foetuses were removed by Caesarian section and raised by lactating foster mothers. Chimaerism was assessed on the basis of coat (adults) or eye pigmentation (dead neonates). Among 28 '1+3' animals, there were 13 chimaeric and 15 non-chimaeric individuals. The pigmentation of non-chimaeras was always concordant with the genotype of the three 1/4 blastomeres and not with the genotype of the single blastomere in the given aggregation. These results make rather unlikely the possibility that the mouse is built of cells derived either from one or all four 1/4 blastomeres. Both two remaining options (2 or 3 1/4 blastomeres) are conceivable but the observed ratio of chimaeras to non-chimaeras among '1+3' animals (13:15) fits better the assumption of two 1/4 blastomeres contributing cells to the animal body. This assumption finds additional support in the observation that among '2+2' animals there were non-chimaeras (5 out of 7) and these would not have been expected should three 1/4 blastomeres contribute cells to the mouse body.  相似文献   

Sixteen inner or outer blastomeres from 16-cell embryos and 32 inner or outer blastomeres from 32-cell embryos (nascent blastocysts) were reaggregated and cultured in vitro. In 24 h old blastocysts developed from blastomeres derived from 16-cell embryos the expression of Cdx2 protein was upregulated in outer cells (new trophectoderm) of the inner cells-derived aggregates and downregulated in inner cells (new inner cell mass) of the external cells-derived aggregates. After transfer to pseudopregnant recipients blastocysts originating from both inner and outer blastomeres of 16-cell embryo developed into normal, fertile mice, but the implantation rate of embryos formed from inner cell aggregates was lower. The aggregates of external blastomeres derived from 32 cell embryo usually formed trophoblastic vesicles accompanied by vacuolated cells. In contrast, the aggregates of inner blastomeres quickly compacted but cavitation was delayed. Although in the latter embryos the Cdx2 protein appeared in the new trophectoderm within 24 h of in vitro culture, these embryos formed only very small outgrowths of Troma1-positive giant trophoblastic cells and none of these embryos was able to implant in recipient females. In separate experiment we have produced normal and fertile mice from 16- and 32-cell embryos that were first disaggregated, and then the sister outer and inner blastomeres were reaggregated at random. In blastocysts developed from aggregates, within 24 h of in vitro culture, the majority of inner and outer blastomeres located themselves in their original position (internally and externally), which implies that in these embryos development was regulated mainly by cell sorting.  相似文献   

Accurate and rapid sex determination of preimplantation embryos has great potential both in animal breeding and in human pathology. In the past, sex determination has been accomplished by cytogenetic or immunologic means and by polymerase chain reaction amplification of Y-chromosome-specific repetitive sequences. More recently, amplification of the Y-specific single-copy ZFY gene has been used in humans for sex determination of preimplantation embryos. The experiments reported here indicate that another Y-chromosome-specific single-copy gene, the sex-determining region gene (sry) can be successfully amplified from single mouse blastomeres. Blastocysts positive for sry amplification were reimplanted to foster mothers, and six of six newborns were male. We conclude that sry gene amplification can represent a good marker for embryo sex determination.  相似文献   

Half embryos produced from 8-cell or compacted stages were cultured in vitro for 1-2 days and transferred to oviducts or uteri of recipients at different stages of pseudopregnancy. The proportion of live fetuses was low (8-12%), except for one group (27%) in which half embryos were cultured in vitro for 1 day and transferred into oviducts on the 1st day of pregnancy. Monozygotic twin production rate, however, was low (1 out of 10) even in this group. Fetal weight on the 18th day of gestation was significantly lower after transfer of half embryos than after transfer of similarly treated but undivided embryos. Half embryos produced from the 2-cell stage were inserted into empty zonae, embedded in agar, cultured in ligated mouse oviducts for 2-4 days and transferred to oviducts of recipient females on the 1st day of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. When twin embryos cultured for 2-3 days were transferred to pseudopregnant recipients together with control embryos, 4 sets of monozygotic twins and 5 singletons out of 10 sets of twin embryos were obtained on Days 18-19 of gestation, giving a survival rate of 65%.  相似文献   

Fates of the blastomeres of the 32-cell-stage Xenopus embryo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A detailed fate map of all of the progeny derived from each of the blastomeres of the 32-cell-stage South African clawed frog embryo (Xenopus laevis), which were selected for stereotypic cleavages, is presented. Individual blastomeres were injected with horseradish peroxidase and all of their descendants in the late tailbud embryo (stages 32 to 34) were identified after histochemical processing of serial tissue sections and whole-mount preparations. The progeny of each blastomere were distributed characteristically, both in phenotype and location. Most organs were populated largely by the descendants of particular sets of blastomeres, the progeny of each often being restricted to defined spatial addresses. Thus, the descendants of any one blastomere were distinct and predictable when embryos were preselected for stereotypic cleavages. However, variations among embryos were common and the frequencies with which one may expect organs to contain progeny from any particular blastomere are reported. The differences in the fates of the 16-cell-stage blastomeres and their 32-cell-stage daughter blastomeres are outlined and can be grouped into three general categories. The two daughter cells may give rise to equal numbers of cells in a particular organ, one daughter cell may give rise to many more of the cells in an organ derived from the mother blastomere, or one daughter cell may give rise to all of the progeny in an organ derived from the mother blastomere. Thus, cell fates are segregated during cleavage stages in both symmetric and asymmetric manners, and the lineages exhibit a diversification mode (G. S. Stent, 1985, Philos. Trans R. Soc. London Ser. B 312, 3-19) of cell division.  相似文献   

Fates of the blastomeres of the 16-cell stage Xenopus embryo   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The fate of each of the blastomeres in the 16-cell stage Xenopus embryo which had been carefully selected for stereotypic cleavages was determined by intracellularly marking a single blastomere with horseradish peroxidase and identifying the labeled progeny in the tailbud embryo by histochemistry. Each blastomere populated all three primary germ layers. The progeny of each blastomere were distributed characteristically both in phenotype and in location. For example, most organs were populated by the descendants of particular sets of blastomeres. Furthermore, within an organ the progeny of a single blastomere were restricted to defined spatial addresses. This study describes the fates of identified 16-cell stage blastomeres and demonstrates that they are distinct and predictable if embryos are preselected for stereotypic cleavages.  相似文献   

Single blastomeres from four- and eight-cell mouse embryos were fused into the enucleated halves of two-cell embryos, and the ability of these reconstituted embryos to develop in vitro and in vivo was examined. The proportion of these reconstituted embryos developing to blastocysts was 74% (60/81) when four-cell embryo blastomeres were used as nuclei donors and 31% (57/182) when eight-cell embryo blastomeres were used. Eight complete sets of the quadruplet-reconstituted embryos developed to blastocysts, and five live young (9%, 5/57) were obtained after transfer; however, none of the live young were clones. Although when using blastomeres from eight-cell embryos no complete set of eight developed to blastocysts, sextuplets were obtained. The blastocysts, however, failed to produce live young after transfer. In assessing the outgrowths, it was found that 43% of those derived from reconstituted embryos using blastomeres from four-cell embryos had an inner cell mass (ICM); however, outgrowths derived from reconstituted embryos using blastomeres from eight-cell embryos lacked an ICM. These results suggest that the genomes of four- and eight-cell nuclei introduced into the enucleated halves of two-cell embryos are reversed to support the development of the reconstituted embryo.  相似文献   

Mouse blastomeres in metaphase and in early and mid-cytokinesis were extracted with 50% glycerol, then deglycerinated and thin sectioned. A continuous layer of microfilaments was found in association with the plasma membrane. A loose network constitutes this layer during metaphase, whereas in early cytokinesis filaments tend to be packed more tightly and oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell. During mid-cytokinesis this arrangement is similar, except in the contractile ring which consists mainly of circumferentially arranged filaments.  相似文献   

During the course of preimplantation development, the cells of the mouse embryo undergo both a major subcellular reorganization (at the time of compaction) and, subsequently, a process of differentiation as the phenotypes of trophectoderm and inner cell mass cell types diverge. We have used antibodies specific for tyrosinated (Kilmartin, J. V., B. Wright, and C. Milstein. 1982. J. Cell Biol. 93:576-582) and acetylated (Piperno, G., and M. T. Fuller. 1985. J. Cell Biol. 101:2085-2094) alpha-tubulin in immunofluorescence studies and found that subsets of microtubules can be distinguished within and between cells during the course of these events. Whereas all microtubules contained tyrosinated alpha-tubulin, acetylated alpha-tubulin was detected only in a subpopulation, located predominantly in the cell cortices. Striking differences developed between the distribution of the two populations during the course of development. Firstly, whereas the microtubule population as a whole tends to redistribute towards the apical domain of cells as they polarize during compaction (Houliston, E., S. J. Pickering, and B. Maro. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 104:1299-1308), the microtubules recognized by the antiacetylated alpha-tubulin antibody became enriched in the basal part of the cell cortex. After asymmetric division of polarized cells to generate two distinct cell types (termed inside and outside cells) we found that, despite the relative abundance of microtubules in outside cells, acetylated microtubules accumulated preferentially in inside cells. Treatment with nocodazole demonstrated that within each cell type acetylated microtubules were the more stable ones; however, the difference in composition of the microtubule network between cell types was not accompanied by a greater stability of the microtubule network in inside cells.  相似文献   



Apoptosis occurs frequently for blastocysts cultured in vitro, where conditions are suboptimal to those found in the natural environment. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) plays an important role in preventing apoptosis in the early development of the embryo, as well as in the progressive regulation of organ development. We hypothesize that IGF-1 and its dephosphorylated binding protein (IGFBP-1) may be able to improve embryo culture with an associated reduced cell death, and that the resultant increase in the total cell number of the embryo could increase the chances of establishing an embryonic stem-cell line.  相似文献   

In a normal, intact sea urchin embryo blastomeres are structurally polarized so that all microvilli and cortical "pigment granules" are situated at the apical surfaces facing the hyaline layer and are absent from basolateral surfaces facing adjacent blastomeres and the internal embryonic cavity. To test the roles of intercellular contacts and the hyaline layer in the process of establishing this blastomere polarity, these two factors were experimentally eliminated; sea urchin eggs of four species were denuded of the nascent hyaline layer soon after fertilization and then cultured in calcium-free artificial seawater to prevent subsequent intercellular adhesion and contact. Such free blastomeres divided normally and still developed polarized distributions of microvilli and pigment granules resembling those of the corresponding blastomeres in intact embryos. These results indicate that the process of polarization is intrinsic to individual blastomeres (self-polarization) and that neither intercellular contacts nor adhesion of microvilli to the hyaline layer is necessary. The precise temporal and spatial coincidence of the patterns of polarization and the division cycles further suggests that a mechanistic link is maintained among cell division, blastomere polarization, and probably also a heritable component of the animal-vegetal axis.  相似文献   

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