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Potato is the third most important food crop worldwide. However, genetic and genomic research of potato has lagged behind other major crops due to the autopolyploidy and highly heterozygous nature associated with the potato genome. Reliable and technically undemanding techniques are not available for functional gene assays in potato. Here we report the development of a transient gene expression and silencing system in potato. Gene expression or RNAi-based gene silencing constructs were delivered into potato leaf cells using Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration. Agroinfiltration of various gene constructs consistently resulted in potato cell transformation and spread of the transgenic cells around infiltration zones. The efficiency of agroinfiltration was affected by potato genotypes, concentration of Agrobacterium, and plant growth conditions. We demonstrated that the agroinfiltration-based transient gene expression can be used to detect potato proteins in sub-cellular compartments in living cells. We established a double agroinfiltration procedure that allows to test whether a specific gene is associated with potato late blight resistance pathway mediated by the resistance gene RB. This procedure provides a powerful approach for high throughput functional assay for a large number of candidate genes in potato late blight resistance.  相似文献   

解析基因的剪接加工机制是了解植物形态建成、生长发育和逆境胁迫应答的重要环节.与动物相比,植物中相应的研究进展较为缓慢.利用农杆菌介导的烟草瞬时表达系统,分别对单子叶植物水稻BADH2和双子叶植物拟南芥GR7基因片段在烟草叶片中的转录后剪接加工进行分析.结果表明,一些重要剪接调控元件在植物中保守存在,而烟草瞬时表达系统可以作为研究高等植物剪接调控的重要工具,快捷灵敏地检测基因的剪接加工方式.  相似文献   

We report here the construction, characterization, and application of a plasmid-based genetic system that reports the expression of a target promoter by effecting an irreversible, heritable change in a bacterial cell. This system confers strong repression of the reporter gene gfp in the absence of target promoter expression and utilizes the site-specific recombination machinery of bacteriophage P22 to trigger high-level reporter gene expression in the original cell and its progeny after target gene induction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this genetic system by tailoring it to indicate the availability of arabinose to the biological control agent Enterobacter cloacae JL1157 in culture and in the barley rhizosphere. The presence of bioavailable arabinose triggered the production of P22 excisionase and integrase from the reporter plasmid pAraLHB in JL1157, and this led to excision of the cI repressor gene, which is flanked by att sites, and the subsequent irreversible expression of gfp in the original cell and in its progeny. In culture, nearly 100% of an E. cloacae JL1157(pAraLHB) population expressed gfp after exposure to 6.5 to 65 μM arabinose for 3 h. We used this biosensor to demonstrate that arabinose was released from the seeds of several legumes and grass species during germination and from roots of barley seedlings grown hydroponically or in soil. When introduced into microcosms containing barley, the biosensor permitted the localization of arabinose along the roots. Arabinose was present near the root-seed junction and on the seminal roots but was not detected at the root tips. This recombination-based reporter system should be useful for monitoring bacterial exposure to transient or low levels of specific molecules directly in the environment.  相似文献   

With the recent availability of complete genomic sequences of many organisms, high-throughput and cost-efficient systems for gene cloning and functional analysis are in great demand. Although site-specific recombination-based cloning systems, such as Gateway cloning technology, are extremely useful for efficient transfer of DNA fragments into multiple destination vectors, the two-step cloning process is time consuming and expensive. Here, we report a zero background TA cloning system that provides simple and high-efficiency direct cloning of PCR-amplified DNA fragments with almost no self-ligation. The improved T-vector system takes advantage of the restriction enzyme XcmI to generate a T-overhang after digestion and the negative selection marker gene ccdB to eliminate the self-ligation background after transformation. We demonstrate the feasibility and flexibility of the technology by developing a set of transient and stable transformation vectors for constitutive gene expression, gene silencing, protein tagging, protein subcellular localization detection, and promoter fragment activity analysis in plants. Because the system can be easily adapted for developing specialized expression vectors for other organisms, zero background TA provides a general, cost-efficient, and high-throughput platform that complements the Gateway cloning system for gene cloning and functional genomics.  相似文献   



Translation is most often terminated when a ribosome encounters the first in-frame stop codon (UAA, UAG or UGA) in an mRNA. However, many viruses (and some cellular mRNAs) contain “stop” codons that cause a proportion of ribosomes to terminate and others to incorporate an amino acid and continue to synthesize a “readthrough”, or C-terminally extended, protein. This dynamic redefinition of codon meaning is dependent on specific sequence context.


We describe two versatile dual reporter systems which facilitate investigation of stop codon readthrough in vivo in intact plants, and identification of the amino acid incorporated at the decoded stop codon. The first is based on the reporter enzymes NAN and GUS for which sensitive fluorogenic and histochemical substrates are available; the second on GST and GFP.


We show that the NAN-GUS system can be used for direct in planta measurements of readthrough efficiency following transient expression of reporter constructs in leaves, and moreover, that the system is sufficiently sensitive to permit measurement of readthrough in stably transformed plants. We further show that the GST-GFP system can be used to affinity purify readthrough products for mass spectrometric analysis and provide the first definitive evidence that tyrosine alone is specified in vivo by a ‘leaky’ UAG codon, and tyrosine and tryptophan, respectively, at decoded UAA, and UGA codons in the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) readthrough context.  相似文献   

A Unified Law of Spatial Allometry for Woody and Herbaceous Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The objective of the present paper is to provide both proof and theoretical deduction of an overlapping, valid law of allometry for woody and herbaceous plants used in agriculture and forestry. In his attempt to find an adequate expression for stand density, independent of site quality and age, Reineke (1933[281]) developed the following equation for even‐aged and fully stocked forest stands in the northwest of the USA: ln(N) = a ‐ 1.605 . ln(dg), based on the relationship between the average diameter dg and the number N of trees per unit area. With no knowledge of these results, Kira et al. (1953[281]) and Yoda et al. (1957[281] and 1963[281]) found the boundary line ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) in their study of herbaceous plants. This self‐thinning rule ‐ also called the ‐ 3/2‐power rule ‐ describes the relationship between the average weight m of a plant and the density N in even‐aged herbaceous plant populations growing under natural development conditions. It is possible to make a transition from Yoda's rule to Reineke's stand density rule if mass m in the former rule is substituted by the diameter dg. From biomass analyses for the tree species spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), allometric relationships between biomass m and diameter d are derived. Using the latter in the equation ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) leads to allometric coefficients for spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), that come very close to the Reineke coefficient. Thus Reineke's rule (1933[281]) proves to be a special case of Yoda's rule. Both rules are based on the simple allometric law governing the volume of a sphere v and its surface of projection s: v = c1 . s3/2. If the surface of projection s, is substituted by the reciprocal value of the number of stems s = 1/N and the isometric relationship between volume v and biomass m is considered v = c2 . m1.0 we come to Yoda's rule m = c3 . N‐3/2 or, in logarithmic terms, ln(m) = ln c3 ‐ 3/2 . ln(N).  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana histone H2A-1 is important for Agrobacterium tumefaciens–mediated plant transformation. Mutation of HTA1, the gene encoding histone H2A-1, results in decreased T-DNA integration into the genome of Arabidopsis roots, whereas overexpression of HTA1 increases transformation frequency. To understand the mechanism by which HTA1 enhances transformation, we investigated the effects of overexpression of numerous Arabidopsis histones on transformation and transgene expression. Transgenic Arabidopsis containing cDNAs encoding histone H2A (HTA), histone H4 (HFO), and histone H3-11 (HTR11) displayed increased transformation susceptibility, whereas histone H2B (HTB) and most histone H3 (HTR) cDNAs did not increase transformation. A parallel increase in transient gene expression was observed when histone HTA, HFO, or HTR11 overexpression constructs were cotransfected with double- or single-stranded forms of a gusA gene into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplasts. However, these cDNAs did not increase expression of a previously integrated transgene. We identified the N-terminal 39 amino acids of H2A-1 as sufficient to increase transient transgene expression in plants. After transfection, transgene DNA accumulates more rapidly in the presence of HTA1 than with a control construction. Our results suggest that certain histones enhance transgene expression, protect incoming transgene DNA during the initial stages of transformation, and subsequently increase the efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins in plants is of increasing importance for practical applications. However, the production of stable transformed transgenic plants is a lengthy procedure. Transient expression, on the other hand, can deliver recombinant proteins within a week, and many viral vectors have been constructed for that purpose. Each of them is reported to be highly efficient, robust and cost-effective. Here, a variety of expression vectors which were designed for transient and stable plant transformation, including pPZP3425, pPZP5025, pPZPTRBO, pJLTRBO, pEAQ-HT and pBY030-2R, was compared for the expression of green fluorescent protein and β-glucuronidase in Nicotiana benthamiana by Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression. Our results show that pPZPTRBO, pJLTRBO and pEAQ-HT had comparable expression levels without co-infiltration of a RNA-silencing inhibitor. The other vectors, including the non-viral vectors pPZP5025 and pPZP3425, needed co-infiltration of the RNA-silencing inhibitor P19 to give good expression levels.  相似文献   

The ability to express or deplete proteins in living cells is crucial for the study of biological processes. Viral vectors are often useful to deliver DNA constructs to cells that are difficult to transfect by other methods. Lentiviruses have the additional advantage of being able to integrate into the genomes of non-dividing mammalian cells. However, existing viral expression systems generally require different vector backbones for expression of cDNA, small hairpin RNA (shRNA) or microRNA (miRNA) and provide limited drug selection markers. Furthermore, viral backbones are often recombinogenic in bacteria, complicating the generation and maintenance of desired clones. Here, we describe a collection of 59 vectors that comprise an integrated system for constitutive or inducible expression of cDNAs, shRNAs or miRNAs, and use a wide variety of drug selection markers. These vectors are based on the Gateway technology (Invitrogen) whereby the cDNA, shRNA or miRNA of interest is cloned into an Entry vector and then recombined into a Destination vector that carries the chosen viral backbone and drug selection marker. This recombination reaction generates the desired product with >95% efficiency and greatly reduces the frequency of unwanted recombination in bacteria. We generated Destination vectors for the production of both retroviruses and lentiviruses. Further, we characterized each vector for its viral titer production as well as its efficiency in expressing or depleting proteins of interest. We also generated multiple types of vectors for the production of fusion proteins and confirmed expression of each. We demonstrated the utility of these vectors in a variety of functional studies. First, we show that the FKBP12 Destabilization Domain system can be used to either express or deplete the protein of interest in mitotically-arrested cells. Also, we generate primary fibroblasts that can be induced to senesce in the presence or absence of DNA damage. Finally, we determined that both isoforms of the AT-Rich Interacting Domain 4B (ARID4B) protein could induce G1 arrest when overexpressed. As new technologies emerge, the vectors in this collection can be easily modified and adapted without the need for extensive recloning.  相似文献   

Referee: Dr. E. Charles Brummer, Forage Breeding and Genetics, 1204 Agromonomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Much of the research on the genetic modification of herbaceous plant cell walls has been conducted to improve the utilization of forages by ruminant livestock. The rumen of these animals is basically an anaerobic fermentation vat in which the micro flora break down the complex polysaccharides of plant cell walls into simpler compounds that can be further digested and absorbed by the mammalian digestive system. Research on improving the forage digestibility of switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L., and other herbaceous species has demonstrated that genetic improvements can be made in forage quality that can have significant economic value. To meet future energy needs, herbaceous biomass will need to be converted into a liquid fuel, probably ethanol, via conversion technologies still under development. If feedstock quality can be genetically improved, the economics and efficiency of the conversion processes could be significantly enhanced. Improving an agricultural product for improved end product use via genetic modification requires knowledge of desired quality attributes, the relative economic value of the quality parameters in relation to yield, genetic variation for the desired traits, or for molecular breeding, knowledge of genes to suppress or add, and knowledge of any associated negative consequences of genetic manipulation. Because conversion technology is still under development, desirable plant feedstock characteristics have not been completely delineated. Some traits such as cellulose and lignin concentration will undoubtably be important. Once traits that affect biomass feedstock conversion are identified, it will be highly feasible to genetically modify the feedstock quality of herbaceous plants using both conventional and molecular breeding techniques. The use of molecular markers and transformation technology will greatly enhance the capability of breeders to modify the morphologic structure and cell walls of herbaceous species. It will be necessary to monitor gene flow to remnant wild populations of biomass plants and have strategies available to curtail gene flow if it becomes a potential problem. It will also be necessary to monitor plant survival and long-term productivity as affected by these genetic changes to herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Forty-four independent transformed tobacco plants were obtained from a cocultivation experiment with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carrying modified Ti-plasmids. The transformed plants were either self-fertilized or crossed with nontransformed plants or with other transformed plants. The segregation of a phenotypic marker (kanamycin resistance) in the progenies of these plants was determined. In 40 cases out of 44, the segregation of the kanamycin resistance marker is consistent with Mendelian genetics. Among these 40 clones, 35 contain a single kanamycin resistance locus. The five others segregate two independent resistance loci. In two of the single insert clones, the segregation ratio after selfing indicates that the T-DNA insertion may have caused a recessive lethal mutation.  相似文献   

A new versatile mammalian vector system for protein production, cell biology analyses, and cell factory engineering was developed. The vector system applies the ligation-free uracil-excision based technique – USER cloning – to rapidly construct mammalian expression vectors of multiple DNA fragments and with maximum flexibility, both for choice of vector backbone and cargo. The vector system includes a set of basic vectors and a toolbox containing a multitude of DNA building blocks including promoters, terminators, selectable marker- and reporter genes, and sequences encoding an internal ribosome entry site, cellular localization signals and epitope- and purification tags. Building blocks in the toolbox can be easily combined as they contain defined and tested Flexible Assembly Sequence Tags, FASTs. USER cloning with FASTs allows rapid swaps of gene, promoter or selection marker in existing plasmids and simple construction of vectors encoding proteins, which are fused to fluorescence-, purification-, localization-, or epitope tags. The mammalian expression vector assembly platform currently allows for the assembly of up to seven fragments in a single cloning step with correct directionality and with a cloning efficiency above 90%. The functionality of basic vectors for FAST assembly was tested and validated by transient expression of fluorescent model proteins in CHO, U-2-OS and HEK293 cell lines. In this test, we included many of the most common vector elements for heterologous gene expression in mammalian cells, in addition the system is fully extendable by other users. The vector system is designed to facilitate high-throughput genome-scale studies of mammalian cells, such as the newly sequenced CHO cell lines, through the ability to rapidly generate high-fidelity assembly of customizable gene expression vectors.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of viral sequences to plant cells (agroinfection) was applied to study the susceptibility of immature maize embryos to the pathogen. The shoot apical meristem of immature embryos 10 to 20 days after pollination from four different maize genotypes was investigated for competence for agroinfection. There was a direct correlation between different morphological stages of the unwounded immature embryos and their competence for agroinfection. Agroinfection frequency was highest in the embryogenic line A188. All developmental stages tested showed Agrobacterium virulence gene-inducing activity, whereas bacteriocidal substances were produced at stages of the immature embryos competent for agroinfection. The results suggested that Agrobacterium may require differentiated tissue in the maize shoot apical meristem before wounding for successful T-DNA transfer. This requirement for the young maize embryo has implications for the possible use of Agrobacterium for maize transformation.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell culture is the major platform for commercial production of human vaccines and therapeutic proteins. However, it cannot meet the increasing worldwide demand for pharmaceuticals due to its limited scalability and high cost. Plants have shown to be one of the most promising alternative pharmaceutical production platforms that are robust, scalable, low-cost and safe. The recent development of virus-based vectors has allowed rapid and high-level transient expression of recombinant proteins in plants. To further optimize the utility of the transient expression system, we demonstrate a simple, efficient and scalable methodology to introduce target-gene containing Agrobacterium into plant tissue in this study. Our results indicate that agroinfiltration with both syringe and vacuum methods have resulted in the efficient introduction of Agrobacterium into leaves and robust production of two fluorescent proteins; GFP and DsRed. Furthermore, we demonstrate the unique advantages offered by both methods. Syringe infiltration is simple and does not need expensive equipment. It also allows the flexibility to either infiltrate the entire leave with one target gene, or to introduce genes of multiple targets on one leaf. Thus, it can be used for laboratory scale expression of recombinant proteins as well as for comparing different proteins or vectors for yield or expression kinetics. The simplicity of syringe infiltration also suggests its utility in high school and college education for the subject of biotechnology. In contrast, vacuum infiltration is more robust and can be scaled-up for commercial manufacture of pharmaceutical proteins. It also offers the advantage of being able to agroinfiltrate plant species that are not amenable for syringe infiltration such as lettuce and Arabidopsis. Overall, the combination of syringe and vacuum agroinfiltration provides researchers and educators a simple, efficient, and robust methodology for transient protein expression. It will greatly facilitate the development of pharmaceutical proteins and promote science education.  相似文献   

Three new plant expression vectors were constructed by cloning three synthetic linkers carrying several multi-cloning sites with three different reading frames into pBl121 plant vector. The vectors contained CaMV 35S promoter and NOSter terminator.  相似文献   

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