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PBOND is a web server that predicts the conformation of the peptide bond between any two amino acids. PBOND classifies the peptide bonds into one out of four classes, namely cis imide (cis-Pro), cis amide (cis-nonPro), trans imide (trans-Pro) and trans amide (trans-nonPro). Moreover, for every prediction a reliability index is computed. The underlying structure of the server consists of three stages: (1) feature extraction, (2) feature selection and (3) peptide bond clas- sification. PBOND can handle both s...  相似文献   

A conserved cis proline residue located in the active site of Thermotoga maritima acetyl esterase (TmAcE) from the carbohydrate esterase family 7 (CE7) has been substituted by alanine. The residue was known to play a crucial role in determining the catalytic properties of the enzyme. To elucidate the structural role of the residue, the crystal structure of the Pro228Ala variant (TmAcEP228A) was determined at 2.1 Å resolution. The replacement does not affect the overall secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures and moderately decreases the thermal stability. However, the wild type cis conformation of the 227–228 peptide bond adopts a trans conformation in the variant. Other conformational changes in the tertiary structure are restricted to residues 222–226, preceding this peptide bond and are located away from the active site. Overall, the results suggest that the conserved proline residue is responsible for the cis conformation of the peptide and shapes the geometry of the active site. Elimination of the pyrrolidine ring results in the loss of van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions with both the alcohol and acyl moeities of the ester substrate, leading to significant impairment of the activity and perturbation of substrate specificity. Furthermore, a cis‐to‐trans conformational change arising out of residue changes at this position may be associated with the evolution of divergent activity, specificity, and stability properties of members constituting the CE7 family. Proteins 2017; 85:694–708. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammalian amylases harbor a flexible, glycine-rich loop 304GHGAGGA(310), which becomes ordered upon oligosaccharide binding and moves in toward the substrate. In order to probe the role of this loop in catalysis, a deletion mutant lacking residues 306-310 (Delta306) was generated. Kinetic studies showed that Delta306 exhibited: (1) a reduction (>200-fold) in the specific activity using starch as a substrate; (2) a reduction in k(cat) for maltopentaose and maltoheptaose as substrates; and (3) a twofold increase in K(m) (maltopentaose as substrate) compared to the wild-type (rHSAmy). More cleavage sites were observed for the mutant than for rHSAmy, suggesting that the mutant exhibits additional productive binding modes. Further insight into its role is obtained from the crystal structures of the two enzymes soaked with acarbose, a transition-state analog. Both enzymes modify acarbose upon binding through hydrolysis, condensation or transglycosylation reactions. Electron density corresponding to six and seven fully occupied subsites in the active site of rHSAmy and Delta306, respectively, were observed. Comparison of the crystal structures showed that: (1) the hydrophobic cover provided by the mobile loop for the subsites at the reducing end of the rHSAmy complex is notably absent in the mutant; (2) minimal changes in the protein-ligand interactions around subsites S1 and S1', where the cleavage would occur; (3) a well-positioned water molecule in the mutant provides a hydrogen bond interaction similar to that provided by the His305 in rHSAmy complex; (4) the active site-bound oligosaccharides exhibit minimal conformational differences between the two enzymes. Collectively, while the kinetic data suggest that the mobile loop may be involved in assisting the catalysis during the transition state, crystallographic data suggest that the loop may play a role in the release of the product(s) from the active site.  相似文献   

The obligate methylotroph Methylomonas sp. strain J produces two azurins (Az-iso1 and Az-iso2) as candidates for electron acceptor from methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH) in the electron-transfer process involving the oxidation of methylamine to formaldehyde and ammonia. The X-ray crystallographic study indicated that Az-iso2 gives two types of crystals (form I and form II) with polyethylene glycol (PEG4000) and ammonium sulfate as the precipitants, respectively. Comparison between the two Az-iso2 structures in forms I and II reveals the remarkable structural changes at the top surface of the molecule around the copper atom. Az-iso2 possesses Gly43 instead of Val43 or Ala43, which is unique among all other azurins around the copper ligand His46, inducing the remarkable structural change in the loop region from Gly37 to Gly43. When the structure of Az-iso2 is superimposed on that of amicyanin in the ternary complex composed of MADH, amicyanin, and cytochrome c(551), the loop of Az-iso2 deeply overlaps with the light subunit of MADH. However, the Az-iso2 molecule is probably able to avoid any steric hindrance with the cognate MADH to form the complex for intermolecular electron-transfer reaction, since the loop containing Gly43 is flexible. We discuss why the electron-transfer activity of Az-iso2 is fivefold higher than that of Az-iso1.  相似文献   

Shiu JH  Chen CY  Chang LS  Chen YC  Chen YC  Lo YH  Liu YC  Chuang WJ 《Proteins》2004,57(4):839-849
Gamma-bungarotoxin, a snake venom protein isolated from Bungarus multicinctus, contains 68 amino acids, including 10 cysteine residues and a TAVRGDGP sequence at positions 30-37. The solution structure of gamma-bungarotoxin has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The structure is similar to that of the short-chain neurotoxins that contain three loops extending from a disulfide-bridged core. The tripeptide Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence is located at the apex of the flexible loop and is similar to that of other RGD-containing proteins. However, gamma-bungarotoxin only inhibits platelet aggregations with an IC50 of 34 microM. To understand its weak activity in inhibiting platelet aggregation, we mutated the RGD loop sequences of rhodostomin, a potent platelet aggregation inhibitor, from RIPRGDMP to TAVRGDGP, resulting in a 196-fold decrease in activity. In addition, the average Calpha-to-Calpha distance between R33 and G36 of gamma-bungarotoxin is 6.02 A, i.e., shorter than that of other RGD-containing proteins that range from 6.55 to 7.46 A. These results suggested that the amino acid residues flanking the RGD motif might control the width of the RGD loop. This structural difference may be responsible for its decrease in platelet aggregation inhibition compared with other RGD-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Hu H  Elstner M  Hermans J 《Proteins》2003,50(3):451-463
We compare the conformational distributions of Ace-Ala-Nme and Ace-Gly-Nme sampled in long simulations with several molecular mechanics (MM) force fields and with a fast combined quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) force field, in which the solute's intramolecular energy and forces are calculated with the self-consistent charge density functional tight binding method (SCCDFTB), and the solvent is represented by either one of the well-known SPC and TIP3P models. All MM force fields give two main states for Ace-Ala-Nme, beta and alpha separated by free energy barriers, but the ratio in which these are sampled varies by a factor of 30, from a high in favor of beta of 6 to a low of 1/5. The frequency of transitions between states is particularly low with the amber and charmm force fields, for which the distributions are noticeably narrower, and the energy barriers between states higher. The lower of the two barriers lies between alpha and beta at values of psi near 0 for all MM simulations except for charmm22. The results of the QM/MM simulations vary less with the choice of MM force field; the ratio beta/alpha varies between 1.5 and 2.2, the easy pass lies at psi near 0, and transitions between states are more frequent than for amber and charmm, but less frequent than for cedar. For Ace-Gly-Nme, all force fields locate a diffuse stable region around phi = pi and psi = pi, whereas the amber force field gives two additional densely sampled states near phi = +/-100 degrees and psi = 0, which are also found with the QM/MM force field. For both solutes, the distribution from the QM/MM simulation shows greater similarity with the distribution in high-resolution protein structures than is the case for any of the MM simulations.  相似文献   

The Tn10 derived Tet repressor contains an amino acid segment with high homology to the alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix motif (HTH) of other DNA binding proteins. The five most conserved amino acids in HTH are probably involved in structural formation of the motif. Their functional role was probed by saturation mutagenesis yielding 95 single amino acid replacement mutants of Tet repressor. Their binding efficiencies to tet operator were quantitatively determined in vivo. All functional mutants contain amino acid substitutions consistent with their proposed role in a HTH. In particular, only the two smallest amino acids (serine, glycine) can substitute a conserved alanine in the proposed first alpha-helix without loss of activity. The last position of the first alpha-helix, the second position in the turn, and the fourth position in the second alpha-helix require mostly hydrophobic residues. The proposed C-terminus of the first alpha-helix is supported by a more active asparagine compared to glutamine replacement mutant of the wt leucine residue. The turn is located close to the protein surface as indicated by functional lysine and arginine replacements for valine. A glycine residue at the first position in the turn can be replaced by any amino acid yielding mutants with at least residual tet operator affinity. A structural model of the HTH of Tet repressor is presented.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis, the environment-specific swimming behavior of a bacterial cell is controlled by flagellar rotation. The steady-state level of the phosphorylated or activated form of the response regulator CheY dictates the direction of flagellar rotation. CheY phosphorylation is regulated by a fine equilibrium of three phosphotransfer activities: phosphorylation by the kinase CheA, its auto-dephosphorylation and dephosphorylation by its phosphatase CheZ. Efficient dephosphorylation of CheY by CheZ requires two spatially distinct protein-protein contacts: tethering of the two proteins to each other and formation of an active site for dephosphorylation. The former involves interaction of phosphorylated CheY with the small highly conserved C-terminal helix of CheZ (CheZ(C)), an indispensable structural component of the functional CheZ protein. To understand how the CheZ(C) helix, representing less than 10% of the full-length protein, ascertains molecular specificity of binding to CheY, we have determined crystal structures of CheY in complex with a synthetic peptide corresponding to 15 C-terminal residues of CheZ (CheZ(200-214)) at resolutions ranging from 2.0 A to 2.3A. These structures provide a detailed view of the CheZ(C) peptide interaction both in the presence and absence of the phosphoryl analog, BeF3-. Our studies reveal that two different modes of binding the CheZ(200-214) peptide are dictated by the conformational state of CheY in the complex. Our structures suggest that the CheZ(C) helix binds to a "meta-active" conformation of inactive CheY and it does so in an orientation that is distinct from the one in which it binds activated CheY. Our dual binding mode hypothesis provides implications for reverse information flow in CheY and extends previous observations on inherent resilience in CheY-like signaling domains.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) is the main entrance for electrons into the respiratory chain of many marine and pathogenic bacteria. The enzyme accepts electrons from NADH and donates them to ubiquinone, and the free energy released by this redox reaction is used to create an electrochemical gradient of sodium across the cell membrane. Here we report the role of glycine 140 and glycine 141 of the NqrB subunit in the functional binding of ubiquinone. Mutations at these residues altered the affinity of the enzyme for ubiquinol. Moreover, mutations in residue NqrB-G140 almost completely abolished the electron transfer to ubiquinone. Thus, NqrB-G140 and -G141 are critical for the binding and reaction of Na(+)-NQR with its electron acceptor, ubiquinone.  相似文献   



RNA helicase A regulates a variety of RNA metabolism processes including HIV-1 replication and contains two double-stranded RNA binding domains (dsRBD1 and dsRBD2) at the N-terminus. Each dsRBD contains two invariant lysine residues critical for the binding of isolated dsRBDs to RNA. However, the role of these conserved lysine residues was not tested in the context of enzymatically active full-length RNA helicase A either in vitro or in the cells.


The conserved lysine residues in each or both of dsRBDs were substituted by alanine in the context of full-length RNA helicase A. The mutant RNA helicase A was purified from mammalian cells. The effects of these mutations were assessed either in vitro upon RNA binding and unwinding or in the cell during HIV-1 production upon RNA helicase A–RNA interaction and RNA helicase A-stimulated viral RNA processes.


Unexpectedly, the substitution of the lysine residues by alanine in either or both of dsRBDs does not prevent purified full-length RNA helicase A from binding and unwinding duplex RNA in vitro. However, these mutations efficiently inhibit RNA helicase A-stimulated HIV-1 RNA metabolism including the accumulation of viral mRNA and tRNALys3 annealing to viral RNA. Furthermore, these mutations do not prevent RNA helicase A from binding to HIV-1 RNA in vitro as well, but dramatically reduce RNA helicase A–HIV-1 RNA interaction in the cells.


The conserved lysine residues of dsRBDs play critical roles in the promotion of HIV-1 production by RNA helicase A.

General significance

The conserved lysine residues of dsRBDs are key to the interaction of RNA helicase A with substrate RNA in the cell, but not in vitro.  相似文献   

The heart‐specific isoform of 6‐phosphofructo‐2‐kinase/fructose‐2,6‐bisphosphatase (PFKFB2) is an important regulator of glycolytic flux in cardiac cells. Here, we present the crystal structures of two PFKFB2 orthologues, human and bovine, at resolutions of 2.0 and 1.8 Å, respectively. Citrate, a TCA cycle intermediate and well‐known inhibitor of PFKFB2, co‐crystallized in the 2‐kinase domains of both orthologues, occupying the fructose‐6‐phosphate binding‐site and extending into the γ‐phosphate binding pocket of ATP. This steric and electrostatic occlusion of the γ‐phosphate site by citrate proved highly consequential to the binding of co‐complexed ATP analogues. The bovine structure, which co‐crystallized with ADP, closely resembled the overall structure of other PFKFB isoforms, with ADP mimicking the catalytic binding mode of ATP. The human structure, on the other hand, co‐complexed with AMPPNP, which, unlike ADP, contains a γ‐phosphate. The presence of this γ‐phosphate made adoption of the catalytic ATP binding mode impossible for AMPPNP, forcing the analogue to bind atypically with concomitant conformational changes to the ATP binding‐pocket. Inhibition kinetics were used to validate the structural observations, confirming citrate's inhibition mechanism as competitive for F6P and noncompetitive for ATP. Together, these structural and kinetic data establish a molecular basis for citrate's negative feed‐back loop of the glycolytic pathway via PFKFB2. Proteins 2016; 85:117–124. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes the conversion of 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-diphosphate (PRPP) and uracil to uridine monophosphate (UMP) and diphosphate (PPi). The tetrameric enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus has a unique type of allosteric regulation by cytidine triphosphate (CTP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Here we report two structures of the activated state in complex with GTP. One structure (refined at 2.8-Å resolution) contains PRPP in all active sites, while the other structure (refined at 2.9-Å resolution) has PRPP in two sites and the hydrolysis products, ribose-5-phosphate and PPi, in the other sites. Combined with three existing structures of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with UMP and the allosteric inhibitor cytidine triphosphate (CTP), these structures provide valuable insight into the mechanism of allosteric transition from inhibited to active enzyme. The regulatory triphosphates bind at a site in the center of the tetramer in a different manner and change the quaternary arrangement. Both effectors contact Pro94 at the beginning of a long β-strand in the dimer interface, which extends into a flexible loop over the active site. In the GTP-bound state, two flexible loop residues, Tyr123 and Lys125, bind the PPi moiety of PRPP in the neighboring subunit and contribute to catalysis, while in the inhibited state, they contribute to the configuration of the active site for UMP rather than PRPP binding. The C-terminal Gly216 participates in a hydrogen-bond network in the dimer interface that stabilizes the inhibited, but not the activated, state. Tagging the C-terminus with additional amino acids generates an endogenously activated enzyme that binds GTP without effects on activity.  相似文献   

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