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In many mammalian species, the progressive wearing down of the teeth that occurs over an individual's lifetime has the potential to change dental function, jaw movements, or even feeding habits. The orientation of phase-I wear facets on molars reveals the direction of jaw movement during the power stroke of mastication. We investigated if and how molar wear facets change with increasing wear and/or age by examining a mixed longitudinal dataset of mandibular tooth molds from wild Propithecus edwardsi (N = 32 individuals, 86 samples). Measurements of the verticality of wear facets were obtained from three-dimensional digital models generated from μCT scans. Results show that verticality decreases over the lifetime of P. edwardsi, a change that implies an increasingly lateral translation of the jaw as the teeth move into occlusion. A more transverse phase-I power stroke supports the hypothesis that these animals chew to maximize longevity and functionality of their teeth, minimizing the "waste" of enamel, while maintaining sharp shearing crests. Results of this study indicate that wear facet verticality is more closely correlated with age than overall amount of tooth wear, measured as area of exposed dentin, suggesting that age-related changes in cranial morphology may be more responsible for adjustments in jaw motion over the lifetimes of Propithecus than wear-related changes inthe shape of occluding teeth. Finally, the rate of decrease in wear facet verticality with age is greater in males than in females suggesting differences in development and/or access to resources between the sexes in this species.  相似文献   

Teeth have long been used as indicators of primate ecology. Early work focused on the links between dental morphology, diet, and behavior, with more recent years emphasizing dental wear, microstructure, development, and biogeochemistry, to understand primate ecology. Our study of Lemur catta at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar, has revealed an unusual pattern of severe tooth wear and frequent tooth loss, primarily the result of consuming a fallback food for which these primates are not dentally adapted. Interpreting these data was only possible by combining our areas of expertise (dental anatomy [FC] and primate ecology [MS]). By integrating theoretical, methodological, and applied aspects of both areas of research, we adopted the term "dental ecology"-defined as the broad study of how teeth respond to the environment. Specifically, we view dental ecology as an interpretive framework using teeth as a vehicle for understanding an organism's ecology, which builds upon earlier work, but creates a new synthesis of anatomy and ecology that is only possible with detailed knowledge of living primates. This framework includes (1) identifying patterns of dental pathology and tooth use-wear, within the context of feeding ecology, behavior, habitat variation, and anthropogenic change, (2) assessing ways in which dental development and biogeochemical signals can reflect habitat, environmental change and/or stress, and (3) how dental microstructure and macro-morphology are adapted to, and reflect feeding ecology. Here we define dental ecology, provide a short summary of the development of this perspective, and place our new work into this context.  相似文献   

The pattern of human tooth wear—the way it varies between teeth in the mouth—is crucial to our understanding of important questions in archeology and paleoanthropology, such as the contrasts in diet and behavior between Neanderthals and early modern humans in Europe and Asia, or with the adoption of agriculture in the Americas. Little is known, however, about the way in which wear patterns develop with increasing age or the way in which they differ between males and females. One explanation is that few living people show the high rates of tooth wear seen worldwide throughout the preindustrial archaeological record. The study described here investigates the macroscopic pattern of tooth wear in a unique group of known age and sex dental casts from living Canadian Inuit from Igloolik. The results show that the Igloolik people possessed a pattern of extremely heavy anterior tooth wear, relative to the first molar and the other posterior teeth, which is attributed to the use of the anterior teeth in cultural practices as well as the extreme and marginal environments in which they lived. Heavy anterior tooth wear was established at an early age and maintained throughout life; statistically significant differences were found between the wear patterns of males and females and are explained in terms of sexual division of labor within the community. This study highlights the need to understand both intra‐ and interpopulation variation in tooth wear patterns when interpreting patterns in past human groups. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are conspicuous components in most terrestrial ecosystems, performing important ecological functions and services. Being sensitive to several types of disturbance, they have been successfully used as indicators of habitat change. Dung beetle communities in tropical rainforests have been well studied, but considerably less information is available for tropical dry forests. In this study I sampled dung beetles in two undisturbed habitats, deciduous forest and semideciduous forest, and two disturbed habitats, secondary forest and open area habitat, in the Chamela-Cuixmala region of western Mexico. Dung beetle species with high indicator value for each habitat were identified. Beetle abundance, observed species richness and estimated species richness were similar in the three forest habitats, but significantly lower in the open area habitat. A more detailed analysis of species-specific abundances in the three forest habitats revealed some differences. Transects of one of the undisturbed habitats, the deciduous forest, were more similar to the non-adjacent transects of disturbed secondary forest, than to the adjacent undisturbed semideciduous forest transects. Unlike studies in other tropical sites that have found a decrease in equitability in Scarabaeinae assemblages between undisturbed forest and disturbed habitat (particularly open habitats), in the Chamela-Cuixmala region all four habitats showed similar low equitability in community structure, with two or three very dominant species.  相似文献   

Fallback foods are often viewed as central in shaping primate morphology, and influencing adaptive shifts in hominin and other primate evolution. Here we argue that fruit of the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) qualifies as a fallback food of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), Madagascar. Contrary to predictions that fallback foods may select for dental and masticatory morphologies adapted to processing these foods, consumption of tamarind fruit by these lemurs leaves a distinct pattern of dental pathology among ring-tailed lemurs at BMSR. Specifically, the physical and mechanical properties of tamarind fruit likely result in a high frequency of severe tooth wear, and subsequent antemortem tooth loss, in this lemur population. This pattern of dental pathology is amplified among lemurs living in disturbed areas at Beza Mahafaly, resulting from a disproportionate emphasis on challenging tamarind fruit, due to few other fruits being available. This is in part caused by a reduction in ground cover and other plants due to livestock grazing. As such, tamarind trees remain one of the few food resources in many areas. Dental pathologies are also associated with the use of a nonendemic leaf resource Argemone mexicana, an important food during the latter part of the dry season when overall food availability is reduced. Such dental pathologies at Beza Mahafaly, resulting from the use or overemphasis of fallback foods for which they are not biologically adapted, indicate that anthropogenic factors must be considered when examining fallback foods. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:671–686, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tooth wear is generally an age‐related phenomenon, often assumed to occur at similar rates within populations of primates and other mammals, and has been suggested as a correlate of reduced offspring survival among wild lemurs. Few long‐term wild studies have combined detailed study of primate behavior and ecology with dental analyses. Here, we present data on dental wear and tooth loss in older (>10 years old) wild and captive ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Among older ring‐tailed lemurs at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), Madagascar (n=6), the percentage of severe dental wear and tooth loss ranges from 6 to 50%. Among these six individuals, the oldest (19 years old) exhibits the second lowest frequency of tooth loss (14%). The majority of captive lemurs at the Indianapolis Zoo (n=7) are older than the oldest BMSR lemur, yet display significantly less overall tooth wear for 19 of 36 tooth positions, with only two individuals exhibiting antemortem tooth loss. Among the captive lemurs, only one lemur (a nearly 29 year old male) has lost more than one tooth. This individual is only missing anterior teeth, in contrast to lemurs at BMSR, where the majority of lost teeth are postcanine teeth associated with processing specific fallback foods. Postcanine teeth also show significantly more overall wear at BMSR than in the captive sample. At BMSR, degree of severe wear and tooth loss varies in same aged, older individuals, likely reflecting differences in microhabitat, and thus the availability and use of different foods. This pattern becomes apparent before “old age,” as seen in individuals as young as 7 years. Among the four “older” female lemurs at BMSR, severe wear and/or tooth loss do not predict offspring survival. Am. J. Primatol. 72:1026–1037, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

对汪沟遗址出土的174例仰韶文化居民的2816枚牙齿进行统计与分析,计算出牙齿的平均磨耗等级和前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数,统计特殊磨耗、龋齿、骨质隆起在样本中的出现率.结果显示,汪沟组牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.403262级,男性牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.63级,女性为3.61级;男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不显著(p>0.05);前后部...  相似文献   

1. Molar tooth wear is considered an important proximate mechanism driving patterns of senescence in ungulates but few studies have investigated the causes of variation in molar wear or their consequences for reproductive success. 2. In this study, we assessed molar tooth wear at death among red deer Cervus elaphus of known age on the Isle of Rum, Scotland. 3. First molar height showed a decelerating decline with age. In females, the rates of molar wear with age varied with location of home range and individuals experiencing low resource competition showed reduced molar wear. We suggest that this spatial variation in molar wear is related to differences in the availability of high-quality grazing habitat and levels of resource competition. 4. There was no evidence that females with more heavily worn molars had reduced reproductive performance late in life or that first molar height was associated with reproductive senescence.  相似文献   

小河墓地是新疆罗布泊地区一处重要的早期青铜时代墓地。本文主要对该墓地出土颅骨所附牙齿的磨耗程度及牙结石沉积状况进行了观察、量化统计和分析,同时也对该人群其他的口腔疾病如根尖脓肿、颞下颌关节病变、生前牙齿脱落等做了简单的统计,以期从古病理学的角度获取当时居民的口腔健康、食物类型和饮食习惯等信息。本研究发现:1)小河人群的牙齿磨耗程度远远高于对比组的古代居民,其上腭圆枕及颞下颌关节炎出现率较高,存在牙齿崩裂现象,且其前后部牙齿磨耗差异不大。这一方面说明其食物加工技术比较落后,食物粗糙坚硬;另一方面小河居民的经济生活方式和食物构成都比较复杂,不同的食物对前部和后部牙齿磨耗的程度造成了不同的影响;此外,小河人群风沙肆虐的生活环境也对其严重牙齿磨耗的形成产生了一定影响。2)小河人群异常严重的牙结石沉积归功于其高蛋白质和碳水化合物的饮食,以及生活用水的水质。3)统计分析发现两性存在上、下颌犬齿的磨耗差异,而这一情况可能暗示了在家庭手工业方面存在男女分工的现象。  相似文献   

The dental casts made from Aboriginal children during the course of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia provided material for analyzing tooth wear under known environmental conditions. The wear facets produced on the occlusal surfaces were clearly preserved on the dental stone casts and recorded the progress of enamel attrition from ages 6 to 18. These casts were photographed and traced by electronic planimetric methods that automatically recorded the location and size of wear facets on the first and second permanent molars. These areas of worn tooth surface were compared to the total tooth surface. The worn surface was regressed on age to calculate wear rates of each tooth. Discriminant analyses were also performed to determine the significance of dental attrition differences between the sexes at each age group. The total wear on each tooth was highly correlated with age as expected but females wore their teeth at a significantly higher rate than males. The mandibular molars wore more rapidly than maxillary teeth in both sexes. The discriminant analysis successfully grouped 91% of the cases according to age and sex. Pattern of wear, the location, and size of wear facets also differed between age groups and sex. The questions of why there is a difference between male and female wear or why there is greater wear on one arch or arch region have no ready answers. The differing rates and pattern of dental wear do suggest that arch shape and growth rates may be the answer though it has yet to be tested. However, the occlusal surface wear is useful for age estimation in a population and provides a record of shifting masticatory forces during growth.  相似文献   

Differences in body size and diet type (browser–grazer continuum) have formed functional traits of ruminants, including tooth design. Grazers and mixed-feeders eat a more fibrous diet than browsers, which arguably increase tooth wear. Tooth wear has also been suggested to increase with body size. Moreover, for species with large distribution ranges, different populations may be exposed to very different ecological factors affecting diet and thus tooth wear rates. Therefore, evolutionary history and contemporary ecological conditions, both operating through diet, may be important for patterns of tooth wear. Here, we compare inter- and intraspecific rates of tooth wear in multiple populations of one large browser (moose Alces alces ) and one mixed-feeder (red deer Cervus elaphus ) covering the main distribution range of each species in Norway. We found that the mixed-feeding red deer wore teeth faster than the larger and browsing moose, suggesting that feeding-type was more important than body size for patterns of wear. There was substantial spatial variation in tooth wear rates, but the inter-specific difference in wear was consistent. Molar wear rates, but not incisors wear rates, in the browser were less variable between populations than in the mixed-feeder. There was no close link between incisor and molar wear rates at the population level. Our findings are consistent with the view that both evolution related to diet type and current ecological conditions (being proxies for within-species variation in diet quality) are important for patterns of tooth wear.  相似文献   

Teeth are central for the study of ecology, as teeth are at the direct interface between an organism and its environment. Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in the use of teeth to understand a broad range of topics in living and fossil primate biology. This in part reflects new techniques for assessing ways in which teeth respond to, and interact with, an organism's environment. Long-term studies of wild primate populations that integrate dental analyses have also provided a new context for understanding primate interactions with their environments. These new techniques and long-term field studies have allowed the development of a new perspective-dental ecology. We define dental ecology as the broad study of how teeth respond to, or interact with, the environment. This includes identifying patterns of dental pathology and tooth use-wear, as they reflect feeding ecology, behavior, and habitat variation, including areas impacted by anthropogenic disturbance, and how dental development can reflect environmental change and/or stress. The dental ecology approach, built on collaboration between dental experts and ecologists, holds the potential to provide an important theoretical and practical framework for inferring ecology and behavior of fossil forms, for assessing environmental change in living populations, and for understanding ways in which habitat impacts primate growth and development. This symposium issue brings together experts on dental morphology, growth and development, tooth wear and health, primate ecology, and paleontology, to explore the broad application of dental ecology to questions of how living and fossil primates interact with their environments.  相似文献   

The microscopic traces of use wear on teeth have been extensively studied to provide information that will assist in elucidating the dietary habits of extinct hominin species. 1 - 13 It has been amply documented that dental microwear provides information pertaining to diet for living animals, where there is a strong and consistent association between dental microwear patterns and different types of foods that are chewed. The details of occlusal surface wear patterns are capable of distinguishing among diets when the constituent food items differ in their fracture properties. 14 - 20 For example, the microwear traces left on the teeth of mammals that crush hard, brittle foods such as nuts are generally dominated by pits, whereas traces left on the teeth of mammals that shear tough items such as leaves tend to be characterized by scratches. These microwear features result from and thus record actual chewing events. As such, microwear patterns are expected to be variably ephemeral, as individual features are worn away and replaced or overprinted by others as the tooth wears down in subsequent bouts of mastication. Indeed, it has been demonstrated, both in the laboratory and the wild, that short‐term dietary variation can result in the turnover of microwear. 17 , 21 - 23 Because occlusal microwear potentially reflects an individual's diet for a short time (days, weeks, or months, depending on the nature of the foods being masticated), tooth surfaces sampled at different times will display differences that relate to temporal (for example, seasonal) differences in diet. 24  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance has potential consequences for ant communities. However, there is limited information on the effects of ant responses on associated ecological processes such as seed dispersal. We investigated the effect of disturbance on the abundance, richness, and composition of ant communities and the resulting seed‐dispersal services for a herbaceous myrmecochore, Corydalis giraldii (Papaveraceae), in an undisturbed habitat (forest understory), moderately disturbed habitat (abandoned arable field), and highly disturbed habitat (road verge) on Qinling Mountains, China. In total, we recorded 13 ant species, and five out of these were observed to transport seeds. The community composition of dispersers was significantly different amongst habitats. The richness of the dispersers did not differ among the habitats, but their total abundance varied significantly across habitats and was 21% lower in the road verge than in the abandoned arable fields. The major seed‐dispersing ant species in both the forest understory and the abandoned arable field were large‐bodied (Myrmica sp. and Formica fusca, respectively), whereas the major seed‐dispersing ants found in the road verge were the small‐bodied Lasius alienus. This difference resulted in lower seed removal rates and dispersal distances in the road verge than in the other two habitats. The different dispersal patterns were attributed primarily to differences in dispersing ant abundance and identity, most likely in response to habitats with different degree of anthropogenic disturbance. The possible influence of disturbance on the ecological specialization of ant‐seed dispersal interaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

The study of teeth is very important in archaeoanthropology for reconstruction of the nutritional habits and living conditions of past populations. We have analysed dental lesions of pathological (caries, abscesses and ante mortem tooth loss) and non-pathological origin (calculus), linear enamel hypoplasia and tooth wear in 67 adults from the Roman Imperial age necropolis (1st-4th c. AD) of Quadrella (Molise, Italy). The high frequency of caries (likely giving rise to the abscesses and ante mortem tooth loss), the abundant calculus and the low frequency of heavy wear are probably due to a limited use of hard fibrous foods and a high consumption of carbohydrates. The high frequency of linear enamel hypoplasia suggests metabolic problems during growth. Comparison of these data with those for two coeval Italian necropoleis near Rome (Latium), Isola Sacra and Lucus Feroniae, indicates poorer living conditions in the Quadrella population.  相似文献   

There are only a few recent studies that have demonstrated senescence in ungulates and nothing is known regarding how patterns of senescence may vary as a function of density Senescence in general is linked to the cost of reproduction, which probably increases with density in ungulates and may differ between the sexes. Further, senescence in ungulates is also regarded to be a function of tooth wear rates. As density dependence and sexual differences in food choice have been well documented, this may lead to different tooth wear rates and, thus, possibly density-dependent and sex-specific patterns of senescence. We therefore investigated the effects of age, sex, density and their possible interactions on the variability of body weight in 29,047 red deer harvested during 1965-1998 from Norway, out of which 380 males and 1452 females were eight years or older. There was clear evidence that spatio-temporal variation in density correlated negatively with body weights. In addition, there was evidence of senescence in both male and female red deer. Age at onset of senescence in females was after 20 years of age and independent of population density. In males, the onset and rate of senescence increased with increasing population density. The onset of senescence for males was at ca. 12 years of age at low density, but decreased to approximately ten years of age at high density. The pattern of density-dependent senescence in males, but not that in females, can be explained if (i) the cost of reproduction increases with density more strongly in male than in female red deer, and/or (ii) tooth wear rates are density dependent in males, but not in females. We discuss the ability of these two different, not mutually exclusive hypotheses in explaining the observed pattern of senescence.  相似文献   

The role of tooth wear as a proximate cause of senescence in ruminants has recently been highlighted. There are two competing hypotheses to explain variation in tooth height and wear; the diet-quality hypothesis predicting increased wear in low-quality habitats, and the life-history hypothesis predicting molar height to be related to expected longevity. We compared tooth height and wear from roe deer of known age from two contrasting populations of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in France: Trois Fontaines (TF) with good habitat and shorter animal life expectancy and Chizé (CH) with poor habitat and longer animal life expectancy. There was no population difference in tooth wear, leading to rejection of the diet-quality hypothesis. However, despite their smaller body size, initial molar height for animals from CH was larger than for animals from TF. This provides the first evidence that variation in longevity between populations can lead to differences in molar height within a species.  相似文献   

The propensity of males to behave territorially may be greatly affected by the perceived quality of the habitat. In suboptimal habitats, the cost of defence may be prohibitively large compared to the associated benefits, and territorial behaviour may be expected to decline. We tested this hypothesis in a population of black-capped chickadees breeding in adjacent habitats: one habitat consisted of an 85-ha patch of early seral forests regenerating after clear-cut logging (disturbed site), and the other consisted of an 85-ha patch of mature mixed-wood forests (undisturbed site). Breeding success of pairs in the disturbed site was significantly lower than in the undisturbed site, suggesting a difference in the relative quality of the two habitats. During the spring of 2000 and 2001, we mapped the actively defended areas and song posts of colour-marked chickadees and found that pairs occupying the disturbed site were subject to more territorial intrusions than pairs in the undisturbed mature woodlands. Five pairs of chickadees in the disturbed habitat and five pairs in the undisturbed habitat were radiotagged and we conducted repeated focal observations on the movement patterns of the birds. All five pairs in the disturbed habitat regularly intruded into areas actively defended by neighbouring birds; only one of the five pairs in the undisturbed habitat ever intruded onto the known territory of another pair during an observation period. Our results suggest that the quality of the disturbed habitat may have been sufficiently low so as to make normal levels of exclusive defence cost inefficient. Conversely, birds in disturbed habitat may have intruded more frequently into neighbouring territories because resource levels in their own exclusively defended territory were insufficient to meet energetic requirements during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The Lampropholis delicata complex consists of three closely related species, which have very different habitat requirements and geographic distributions. Percentage polymorphism and average heterozygosity per population are lowest in the species with the narrowest habitat requirements. Genetic differentiation between populations is also lowest in this species, which had a very limited and almost continuous distribution. For one species, which occurs in a very wide range of habitats, both natural and disturbed, genetic variability is compared between samples from disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Average heterozygosity is significantly lower in samples from disturbed than in those from undisturbed sites.  相似文献   

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