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Competence for natural transformation extensively contributes to genome evolution and the rapid adaptability of bacteria dwelling in challenging environments. In most streptococci, this process is tightly controlled by the ComRS signaling system, which is activated through the direct interaction between the (R)RNPP-type ComR sensor and XIP pheromone (mature ComS). The overall mechanism of activation and the basis of pheromone selectivity have been previously reported in Gram-positive salivarius streptococci; however, detailed 3D-remodeling of ComR leading up to its activation remains only partially understood. Here, we identified using a semirational mutagenesis approach two residues in the pheromone XIP that bolster ComR sensor activation by interacting with two aromatic residues of its XIP-binding pocket. Random and targeted mutagenesis of ComR revealed that the interplay between these four residues remodels a network of aromatic–aromatic interactions involved in relaxing the sequestration of the DNA-binding domain. Based on these data, we propose a comprehensive model for ComR activation based on two major conformational changes of the XIP-binding domain. Notably, the stimulation of this newly identified trigger point by a single XIP substitution resulted in higher competence and enhanced transformability, suggesting that pheromone-sensor coevolution counter-selects for hyperactive systems in order to maintain a trade-off between competence and bacterial fitness. Overall, this study sheds new light on the ComRS activation mechanism and how it could be exploited for biotechnological and biomedical purposes.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is considered one of the main causative agents of human dental caries. Cell-cell communication through two-component signal transduction systems (TCSTS) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of S. mutans. One of the S. mutans TCSTS, ComDE, controls both competence development and biofilm formation. In this study, we showed that addition of exogenous competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) beyond the levels necessary for competence inhibited the growth of S. mutans in a ComDE-dependent manner. We also demonstrated that further increases of CSP stopped S. mutans cell division leading to cell death. Use of CSP as a possible therapeutic agent is discussed.  相似文献   

Type II chromosomal toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules consist of a pair of genes that encode two components: a stable toxin and a labile antitoxin interfering with the lethal action of the toxin through protein complex formation. Bioinformatic analysis of Streptococcus mutans UA159 genome identified a pair of linked genes encoding a MazEF-like TA. Our results show that S. mutans mazEF genes form a bicistronic operon that is cotranscribed from a σ70-like promoter. Overproduction of S. mutans MazF toxin had a toxic effect on S. mutans which can be neutralized by coexpression of its cognate antitoxin, S. mutans MazE. Although mazF expression inhibited cell growth, no cell lysis of S. mutans cultures was observed under the conditions tested. The MazEF TA is also functional in E. coli, where S. mutans MazF did not kill the cells but rather caused reversible cell growth arrest. Recombinant S. mutans MazE and MazF proteins were purified and were shown to interact with each other in vivo, confirming the nature of this TA as a type II addiction system. Our data indicate that MazF is a toxic nuclease arresting cell growth through the mechanism of RNA cleavage and that MazE inhibits the RNase activity of MazF by forming a complex. Our results suggest that the MazEF TA module might represent a cell growth modulator facilitating the persistence of S. mutans under the harsh conditions of the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Two extracellular polysaccharide mutants of Streptococcus mutans GS-5 were obtained and examined. The mutants were distinguished by colonial morphology and by growth on and adherence to hard surfaces. A technique was devised which allowed these bacteria to be studied as they appeared when grown on a hard surface in liquid medium which contained sucrose. Negative stains, replicas, and scanning electron micrography clearly revealed differences in cellular aggregation due to the various extracellular polysaccharides produced. Comparison of sections of the adherent parent strain (GS-5) with those of the nonadherent mutant (GS-511) allowed the extracellular polysaccharide(s) responsible for adhesion to be visually localized.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence (3,747 bp) of the dextranase gene (dexA) and flanking regions of the chromosome of Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt (serotype c) were determined. The open reading frame for dexA was 2,550 bp, ending with a stop codon TGA. A putative ribosome-binding site, promoter preceding the start codon, and potential stem-loop structure were identified. The presumed dextranase protein (DexA) consisting of 850 amino acids was estimated to have a molecular size of 94,536 Da and a pI of 4.79. The nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequences of S. mutans dexA exhibited homologies of 57.8% and 47.0%, respectively, to those of Streptococcus sobrinus dex. The homologous region of dex of S. sobrinus was in the N-terminal half. The C terminus of DexA consisted of a hexapeptide LPQTGD, followed by 7 charged amino acids, 21 amino acids with a strongly hydrophobic character, and a charged hexapeptide tail, which have been reported as a common structure of C termini of not only the surface-associated proteins of Gram-positive cocci but also the extracellular enzymes such as β-fructosidase of S. mutans and dextranase of S. sobrinus. The DexA protein had no significant homology with the glucosyltransferases, the glucan-binding protein, or the dextranase inhibitor of mutans streptococci.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans-derived exopolysaccharides are virulence determinants in the matrix of biofilms that cause caries. Extracellular DNA (eDNA) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) are found in cariogenic biofilms, but their functions are unclear. Therefore, strains of S. mutans carrying single deletions that would modulate matrix components were used: eDNA – ?lytS and ?lytT; LTA – ?dltA and ?dltD; and insoluble exopolysaccharide – ΔgtfB. Single-species (parental strain S. mutans UA159 or individual mutant strains) and mixed-species (UA159 or mutant strain, Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus gordonii) biofilms were evaluated. Distinct amounts of matrix components were detected, depending on the inactivated gene. eDNA was found to be cooperative with exopolysaccharide in early phases, while LTA played a larger role in the later phases of biofilm development. The architecture of mutant strains biofilms was distinct (vs UA159), demonstrating that eDNA and LTA influence exopolysaccharide distribution and microcolony organization. Thus, eDNA and LTA may shape exopolysaccharide structure, affecting strategies for controlling pathogenic biofilms.  相似文献   

The distribution of polysaccharide-forming activity from sucrose was investigated in cultures of three strains of Streptococcus mutans by using an assay which conveniently determines total polysaccharide. The enzymatic activity for polysaccharide formation from sucrose is almost exclusively extracellular. The ratio of the fructan to glucan in the polysaccharide differs among the three strains investigated. The enzymatic activity for the formation of polysaccharide from sucrose has been shown to be bound to the cell-free polymer itself.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans serotype c produces several extracellular proteins which bind to affinity columns of immobilized glucans. The proteins are three distinct glucosyltransferases and another glucan-binding protein (molecular weight 74000) which is now shown to be a fructosyltransferase. This enzyme is antigenically distinct and genetically independent of two other fructosyltransferases produced by the same organism. A mutant is described which lacks the glucan binding fructosyltransferase and has defective ability to form adherent colonies in the presence of sucrose. Although the production of glucans from sucrose results in the glucan binding protein becoming bound to the bacterial surface, and hence perhaps contributing to adherence, the fructans synthesized by the enzyme do not appear to contribute to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Adhesion of dextran to Streptococcus mutans   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Here we present evidence that the cryptic 5.6-kb plasmid found in certain strains of Streptococcus mutans is not involved in mutacin production. This evidence comes from demonstrating similarities between a plasmid-less strain T8 and a group II plasmid strain UA96. Both produce what appears to be an identical mutacin based on spectrum of activity and physiological properties. Also, T8 and UA96 are members of the same immunity group (group II). Genotypically, both strains appear similar except for plasmid content based on DNA fingerprinting profiles. T8 and UA96 exhibit identical hybridization patterns following transformation of T8 with a mutacin-negative (bac-1::Tn916) sequence from a Tn916-insertionally inactivated mutant of UA96. This transformation also resulted in the mutacin-negative phenotype in T8 transformants, showing recombination between a mutacin-associated gene in UA96 and its apparent homologous sequence in T8. Moreover, when a plasmid containing a putative repeat element from UA96 (pPC264) was used as a probe, it hybridized to the same five EcoRI fragments in both T8 and UA96. Collectively, these data, coupled with data from other sources, indicate that the plasmid resident in mutacin II strains is not involved in mutacin production.  相似文献   

Nine strains of cariogenic Streptococcus mutans and two strains of Streptococcus sanguis were tested for their ability to form hydroxyapatite. The cells were examined by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy for apatite crystals after growth in a synthetic calcification medium. Each of the test isolates, except for one strain of S. sanguis, produced intracellular mineral. Two strains of S. mutans formed both intra- and extracellular crystals. There was no apparent relationship between calcifiability and serotype.  相似文献   

The oral microbial flora consists of many beneficial species of bacteria that are associated with a healthy condition and control the progression of oral disease. Cooperative interactions between oral streptococci and the pathogens play important roles in the development of dental biofilms in the oral cavity. To determine the roles of oral streptococci in multispecies biofilm development and the effects of the streptococci in biofilm formation, the active substances inhibiting Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation were purified from Streptococcus salivarius ATCC 9759 and HT9R culture supernatants using ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis was performed, and the results were compared to databases. The S. salivarius HT9R genome sequence was determined and used to indentify candidate proteins for inhibition. The candidates inhibiting biofilms were identified as S. salivarius fructosyltransferase (FTF) and exo-beta-d-fructosidase (FruA). The activity of the inhibitors was elevated in the presence of sucrose, and the inhibitory effects were dependent on the sucrose concentration in the biofilm formation assay medium. Purified and commercial FruA from Aspergillus niger (31.6% identity and 59.6% similarity to the amino acid sequence of FruA from S. salivarius HT9R) completely inhibited S. mutans GS-5 biofilm formation on saliva-coated polystyrene and hydroxyapatite surfaces. Inhibition was induced by decreasing polysaccharide production, which is dependent on sucrose digestion rather than fructan digestion. The data indicate that S. salivarius produces large quantities of FruA and that FruA alone may play an important role in multispecies microbial interactions for sucrose-dependent biofilm formation in the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Mutacin II, elaborated by group II Streptococcus mutans, is a ribosomally synthesized and posttranslationally modified polypeptide antibiotic containing unusual thioether and didehydro amino acids. To ascertain the role of specific amino acid residues in mutacin II antimicrobial activity, we developed a streptococcal expression system that facilitates the replacement of the mutA gene with a single copy of a mutated variant gene. As a result, variants of mutacin II can be designed and expressed. The system was tested by constructing the following mutant peptides: ΔN1, V7A, P9A, T10A, T10S, C15A, C26A, and C27A. All of these mutacin II variants except ΔN1 and T10A, which were not secreted, were isolated, and their identities were verified by mass spectrometry. Variants P9A, C15A, C26A, and C27A failed to exert antimicrobial activity. Because the P9A and T10A variants comprise the “hinge” region of mutacin II, these observations suggest that in addition to the thioether and didehydro amino acids, the hinge region is essential for biological activity and biosynthesis or export of the peptide. Tandem mass spectrometry of the N-terminal part of the wild-type molecule and its C15A variant confirmed that the threonine at position 10 is dehydrated and present as a didehydrobutyrine residue. This analysis of the active T10S variant further suggested that a didehydro amino acid at this position is specific for antimicrobial activity and that the biosynthetic machinery does not discriminate between threonine and serine. In contrast, the lack of production of mutacin variants with alanine substituted for threonine at position 10, as well as the deletion of asparagine at the N terminus (ΔN1), indicates that specific residues in the propeptide may be crucial for certain steps in the biosynthetic pathway of this lantibiotic.  相似文献   

AIMS: A nonthermal atmospheric plasma, designed for biomedical applications, was tested for its antimicrobial activity against biofilm cultures of a key cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans. METHODS AND RESULTS: The Strep. mutans biofilms were grown with and without 0.15% sucrose. A chlorhexidine digluconate rinse (0.2%) was used as a positive antimicrobial reference. The presence of sucrose and the frequency of plasma application during growth were shown to have a significant effect on the response to treatment and antibacterial activity. CONCLUSIONS: A single plasma treatment for 1 min on biofilms cultured without sucrose caused no re-growth within the observation period. However, with either single or repeated plasma treatments of 1 min, on biofilms cultured with 0.15% sucrose, growth was only reduced. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In summary, there may be a role for nonthermal plasma therapies in dental procedures. Sucrose and associated growth conditions may be a factor in the survival of oral biofilms after treatment.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is an important pathogen in coronal caries and is implicated in dental root decay by its ability to bind collagen from various sources. In the present study, electron microscopic analysis demonstrated the ability of S. mutans to bind and to disrupt collagen fibrils of the amniotic membrane. The synthetic peptide FALGPA, which is similar in structure to collagen, was degraded by S. mutans, with a lower level of FALGPA hydrolytic activity observed in sucrose-grown cells compared with cells grown in the absence of sucrose. Inhibition studies of FALGPA hydrolytic activity showed a pattern characteristic of collagenase activity, with inhibition by 1,10-phenanthroline and EDTA, but not by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Additionally, immunological cross-reactivity was observed between proteins from disrupted cells of S. mutans and antiserum to collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum. Gelatinolytic activity was demonstrated by gelatin zymogram analysis. These findings suggest that collagenolytic activity by S. mutans may be an important virulence factor in dental root decay. Received: 8 April 1996 / Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

Fatty acid fingerprints of Streptococcus mutans grown in a chemostat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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