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A study of the steady-state kinetics of the crystalline brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces carlsbergensis) nucleoside diphosphokinase, with the magnesium complexes of the adenine and thymidine nucleotides as reactants, has led to a postulated kinetic mechanism which proceeds through a substituted enzyme. This agrees with the earlier conclusions of Garces and Cleland [Biochemistry 1969; 8:633-640] who characterized a reaction between the magnesium complexes of the adenine and uridine nucleotides. An advantage of using thymidine nucleotides as reactants is that they permit accurate, rapid and continuous assays of the enzymatic activity in coupled-enzymatic tests. Through measurements of the initial velocities and product inhibition studies, the Michaelis constants, maximum velocities, and inhibition constants could be evaluated for the individual substrates. Competitive substrate inhibition was encountered at relatively high substrate concentrations, which also permitted an evaluation of their ability to act as 'dead-end' inhibitors. The Michaelis constants for the 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AzT) analogues were also evaluated and, although these values were only somewhat higher than those of their natural substrates, the Km's for the adenine nucleotides as paired substrates were lower and the Vmax's were drastically reduced. The pharmacological implications of these observations are touched upon and extrapolated to the cases where therapeutic doses of AzT may be employed.  相似文献   

Regulation of dynamin by nucleoside diphosphate kinase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase is required for multiple cellular functions, including cell growth, motility, and differentiation, and its loss is associated with pathologies including tumor metastasis. A recent study has revealed a previously unknown function for NDP kinase as positive regulator of dynamin, a GTPase essential for endocytosis. In this review we describe the evidence that NDP kinase function is essential for endocytosis and also elaborate on a mechanism for NDP kinase regulation of dynamin. Recently documented interactions between endocytosis and cell signaling have revealed new insights into potential mechanisms of cancer. In this context, we discuss the possible relevance of NDP kinase and dynamin interaction for tumor suppression.  相似文献   

The reaction of NDP kinase with antiviral nucleoside triphosphates used in antiviral therapies was studied at the presteady state by fluorescence stopped-flow and compared with the steady-state parameters. The affinity of the analogs was determined by fluorescence titration of a mutated enzyme with an inserted Trp in the binding site. The lack of the 3' hydroxyl in analogs is shown to decrease the kcat more than the KD.  相似文献   

Activity of nucleoside di- and nucleoside triphosphates metabolism enzymes in tissues of rats gamma-irradiated by a dose of 30 Gy was studied 0.5, 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after the radiation effect. It is shown that the nucleoside monophosphate kinase activity of the liver and brain is enhanced almost at all stages of the studies and the nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity is inhibited. A significant but reversible decrease of the nucleoside monophosphate kinase activity is observed in the liver 3 h later. By an end of the first day after irradiation the nucleoside mono- and nucleoside diphosphate kinase activities increase significantly both in the liver and brain.  相似文献   

New 5'-alkyl ethoxy- and aminocarbonylphosphonates of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) were synthesized, and their antiviral properties in HIV-1-infected cell cultures and stability to chemical hydrolysis were studied. The AZT 5'-aminocarbonylphosphonates were shown to be significantly more stable in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) than the corresponding ethoxycarbonylphosphonates. The therapeutic (selectivity) index of some of the compounds exceeded that of the parent AZT due to their higher antiviral activity. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004, vol. 30, no. 3; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   

The release of the 5'-monophosphates of the antiretroviral nucleoside analogs 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine, 3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine from the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate diglycerides as a result of rat liver mitochondrial enzymatic activity is shown. The three analogs appeared to be about equally active as substrate for this pyrophosphatase activity which showed maximum conversion rates of 3-6 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 at substrate concentrations between 500 to 800 microM. These results may contribute to the biochemical explanation for the observed anti-HIV activity of this type of phospholipid conjugates in vitro.  相似文献   

The methods of synthesis of the derivatives of nucleoside analogues esterified with various aliphatic, aromatic, and heteroaromatic acids and the construction from them of molecular transport systems that involve lipids, carbohydrates, peptides, and amino acids are discussed. The characteristics of the biological activity of a number of such systems are described.  相似文献   

The demonstrated in vitro and in vivo activity of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (N3dThd) against the infectivity and the cytopathic effect of human immunodeficiency virus has prompted an investigation of the mechanism by which this nucleoside analogue permeates the cell membrane. As with the transport of thymidine, the influx of N3dThd into human erythrocytes and lymphocytes was nonconcentrative during short incubation times (less than 5 min) which did not allow significant metabolism of this nucleoside. However, in contrast with thymidine transport, the initial velocity of N3dThd influx was strictly a linear function of nucleoside concentration (0.5-10 mM), without evidence of saturability; insensitive to micromolar concentrations of potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport (dipyridamole, 6-[(4-nitrobenzyl)thio]-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine, and dilazep); insensitive to a 1000-fold excess of other nucleosides (thymidine, uridine, 2-chloroadenosine); and relatively insensitive to temperature, with Q10 values (37-27 degrees C) of 1.4 and 2.7 for N3dThd and thymidine, respectively, determined in erythrocytes. Although the above results indicate that N3dThd permeates the cell membrane chiefly by nonfacilitated diffusion and not via the nucleoside transporter, millimolar concentrations of this nucleoside analogue were observed to inhibit both zero-trans influx of thymidine and efflux of thymidine from [3H]thymidine-loaded erythrocytes. The partition coefficients (1-octanol:0.1 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.0) of N3dThd and thymidine were determined to be 1.26 and 0.064, respectively. The unusual ability of N3dThd to diffuse across cell membranes independently of the nucleoside transport system may be attributed to the considerable lipophilicity imparted to this molecule by the replacement of the 3'-hydroxyl group of thymidine with an azido moiety.  相似文献   

The molecular form of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase involved in the catalysis of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT)-5'-O-glucuronide was characterized in human liver microsomes. The specific activity (1.3 nmol/min per mg protein) in transplantable liver was more than 2-times higher than in post-mortem fragments. Liver microsomes from patients suffering Crigler-Najjar syndrome, who are genetically deficient in bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, could also glucuronidate AZT to a similar extent, thus indicating that this protein was not involved in that process. A genetically engineered V79 cell line stably expressing a cDNA which encodes a human isozyme active towards 1-naphthol was unable to glucuronidate AZT. Clinically used drugs, most of them being glucuronidated, were tested as potential inhibitors of the glucuronidation of AZT in human liver microsomes. The drugs chemically related to 2-phenylpropionic acid, naproxen and flurbiprofen, and the steroid compounds testosterone, estrone and ethynylestradiol strongly inhibited AZT glucuronidation. Codeine and morphine also decreased the reaction rate although to a lower extent. Except estrone which elicited a partial competitive inhibition, ethynylestradiol, flurbiprofen naproxen and testosterone could competitively inhibit AZT glucuronidation with an apparent Ki of 38, 50, 172 and 250 microM, respectively. The results suggest that these drugs were substrates of the same isozyme(s) involved in AZT glucuronidation. Probenecid was a weak inhibitor of the reaction (Ki 900 microM), only when non-disrupted microsomes were used. This drug may compete with the anion carrier system involved in the microsomal uptake of UDP-glucuronic acid.  相似文献   

The methods of synthesis of conjugates of anti-HIV nucleosides with various compounds, such as protease inhibitors, peptides, polysaccharides, and bicyclames, are considered; they are designated for the combined therapy of HIV.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) was purified from Drosophila melanogaster by a combination of anion-exchange, hydroxyapatite, and reversed-phase chromatography. The identity of the purified enzyme was confirmed by sequencing internal peptides (the N-terminus appeared to be blocked). Post-translational modifications were investigated by using protein chemical and mass spectrometric methods. Analysis by nanoelectrospray ionization-mass spectrometry revealed that the mass of the enzyme was considerably smaller than that predicted from its amino acid sequence. Although its open-reading frame predicts a 153-residue polypeptide, the mature enzyme was found to comprise 152 amino acids, being modified by proteolytic removal of the initiator Met and N-acetylation of Ala2. This explains why the observed pI of the Drosophila enzyme is more acidic than that predicted from its amino acid sequence. No additional post-translational modifications such as glycosylation or O-phosphorylation, which have been identified on homologous NDPKs from other organisms, were detected on the Drosophila enzyme.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of yeast nucleoside diphosphate kinase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

X-ray structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The X-ray structure of a point mutant of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDP kinase) from Dictyostelium discoideum has been determined to 2.2 A resolution. The enzyme is a hexamer made of identical subunits with a novel mononucleotide binding fold. Each subunit contains an alpha/beta domain with a four stranded, antiparallel beta-sheet. The topology is different from adenylate kinase, but identical to the allosteric domain of Escherichia coli ATCase regulatory subunits, which bind mononucleotides at an equivalent position. Dimer contacts between NDP kinase subunits within the hexamer are similar to those in ATCase. Trimer contacts involve a large loop of polypeptide chain that bears the site of the Pro----Ser substitution in Killer of prune (K-pn) mutants of the highly homologous Drosophila enzyme. Properties of Drosophila NDP kinase, the product of the awd developmental gene, and of the human enzyme, the product of the nm23 genes in tumorigenesis, are discussed in view of the three-dimensional structure and of possible interactions of NDP kinase with other nucleotide binding proteins.  相似文献   

Glucuronidation by liver microsomes of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) was characterized in human and in various animal species. The glucuronide isolated by HPLC, was identified by mass spectrometry (fast atom bombardment, desorption in chemical ionization), and beta-glucuronidase hydrolysis. AZT glucuronidation reaction in liver microsomes of human and monkey proceeded similarly with an apparent Vmax of 0.98 nmol/min/mg protein and apparent Km of 13 mM. Oleoyl lysophosphatidylcholine activated more than twofold the formation of the glucuronide. Human kidney microsomes could also biosynthesize AZT glucuronide, although to a lower extent (six times less than the corresponding liver). Probenecid, which is administered to AIDS patients, decreased hepatic AZT glucuronidation in vitro (I50 = 1.5 mM), whereas paracetamol did not exert any effect at concentrations up to 21.5 mM. Morphine also inhibited the reaction (I50 = 2.7 mM). AZT glucuronidation presented the highest rate in human and in monkey (0.50 nmol/min/mg protein); pig and rat glucuronidated the drug two and three times less, respectively. In Gunn rat, the specific activity in liver microsomes was similar (0.18 nmol/min/mg protein) to that of the congenic normal strain; this suggests that an isozyme other than bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase catalyzed the reaction. In rats, AZT glucuronidation was stimulated fourfold by phenobarbital; 3-methylcholanthrene or clofibrate failed to increase this activity. This result was consistent with the bulkiness of the AZT molecule (thickness 6.7 A), which is a critical structural factor for glucuronidation of the drug by phenobarbital-induced isozymes. Altogether, the results strongly indicate that UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (phenobarbital inducible forms) is responsible for AZT glucuronidation.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for cytosolic nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase was isolated from a cDNA library of rat skeletal muscle using synthetic oligonucleotides as probes. The clone constitutes a 621-base pair cDNA sequence including the 456-base pair coding region and 137-base pair 3'-untranslated one with polyadenylation site. The complete primary structure of NDP kinase was deduced from the coding sequence. An NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis suggested that the translated enzyme protein suffered proteolytic cleavage followed by modification at the alpha-NH2 group of the newly produced NH2-terminal amino acid residue. Taking this into account, it was tentatively concluded that the mature NDP kinase consists of 147 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 16,724. Northern blot hybridization analysis showed that NDP kinase mRNA could be detected in total RNA fractions of brain, spleen, heart, lung, liver, kidney, testis as well as skeletal muscle, and that there was no difference in the size of mRNAs from these tissues. Tissue distribution of the mRNA nearly paralleled those of protein moiety and activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have proposed that membrane-associated nucleoside diphosphate kinase (m-NDP kinase) may play a role in regulation of adenylate cyclase by channeling GTP, an essential cofactor of adenylate cyclase regulation, into GTP-binding protein (Gs) in a hormone-dependent manner. To understand the true role of m-NDP kinase, in the present study, the m-NDP kinase was solubilized and purified to apparent homogeneity from rat liver purified plasma membranes and characterized in comparison with the cytosolic enzyme purified from the same tissue (s-NDP kinase). Some physical properties determined were: molecular weight (monomer), 18,300; sedimentation coefficient (s20,w), 6.2 S; isoelectric point (pI), 6.0. These values and kinetic parameters of the m-NDP kinase were almost identical to those of the s-NDP kinase whose characteristics were more extensively studied. A peptide mapping study of the 125I-labeled m- and s-NDP kinases gave essentially identical patterns. Polyclonal antibodies against the s-NDP kinase, which also cross-reacted with the m-NDP kinase, were prepared. Immunoblotting studies with the affinity-purified antibodies revealed that the monomer molecular weight of the purified m- and s-NDP kinases was identical to the values of unpurified enzymes present in membranes and crude extract. These results demonstrate that the purified m-NDP kinase underwent no remarkable modification during solubilization and purification, and that the m- and s-NDP kinases are quite similar in protein structure, if at all different. The physiological relevance of the m-NDP kinase in relation to the adenylate cyclase system is discussed.  相似文献   

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