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d-Desthiobiotin synthetase, an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of d-desthiobiotin from dl-7,8-diaminopelargonic acid and HCO(3) (-), was purified 100-fold from cells of a biotin mutant strain of Escherichia coli. Adenosine triphosphate and Mg(2+) were shown, especially in purified extracts, to be obligatory for enzyme activity, although concentrations higher than 5 mm caused severe inhibition of the reaction with unpurified cell-free extracts. Adenosine diphosphate and adenosine monophosphate were shown to inhibit the reaction, but fluoride (up to 50 mm) had no detectable effect. The product of the enzyme reaction was identical to d-desthiobiotin on the basis of biological activity and chromatography. Furthermore, when H(14)CO(3) (-) was used as a substrate, the radioactive product was shown to be (14)C-desthiobiotin labeled exclusively in the ureido carbon.  相似文献   

C E Caban  A Ginsburg 《Biochemistry》1976,15(7):1569-1580
The glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase (EC, WHIch catalyzes the adenylylation and deadenylylation of glutamine synthetase in E. coli, has been stabilized and purified 2200-fold to apparent homogeneity. Sedimentation and electrophoresis studies show that the native enzyme is a single polypeptide chain of 115,000 +/- 5000 molecular weight with an isoelectric pH (PL) OF 4.98, a sedimentation coefficient (S20.w0) of 5.6S, and a molar frictional coefficient (f/f0) of 1.52. An alpha-helical content of approximately equal to 25% and approximately equal to 28% beta-pleated sheet and approximately equal to 47% random coil structures were estimated from circular dichroism measurements. The amino acid composition of the protein has been determined. The intrinsic tryptophanyl residue flourescence of adenylyltransferase is two fold greater than that of L-tryptophan; this property has been used to monitor ligand-induced conformational changes in the enzyme. Activators of the adenylylation reaction (ATP, L-glutamine, or the E. coli PII regulatory protein) produced an enhancement of fluorescence; alpha-ketoglutarate, an inhibitor of adenylylation and an activator of deadenulylation, caused a net decrease in fluorescence. The adenylytransferase has separate interaction sites for L-glutamine and the regulatory PII protein.  相似文献   

S X Lin  J P Shi  X D Cheng  Y L Wang 《Biochemistry》1988,27(17):6343-6348
A Blue Sephadex G-150 affinity column adsorbs the arginyl-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli K12 and purifies it with high efficiency. The relatively low enzyme content was conveniently purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, affinity chromatography, and fast protein liquid chromatography to a preparation with high activity capable of catalyzing the esterification of about 23,000 nmol of arginine to the cognate tRNA per milligram of enzyme within 1 min, at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4. The turnover number is about 27 s-1. The purification was about 1200-fold, and the overall yield was more than 30%. The enzyme has a single polypeptide chain of about Mr 70,000 and binds arginine and tRNA with 1:1 stoichiometry. For the aminoacylation reaction, the Km values at pH 7.4, 37 degrees C, for various substrates were determined: 12 microM, 0.9 mM, and 2.5 microM for arginine, ATP, and tRNA, respectively. The Km value for cognate tRNA is higher than those of most of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase systems so far reported. The ATP-PPi exchange reaction proceeds only in the presence of arginine-specific tRNA. The Km values of the exchange at pH 7.2, 37 degrees C, are 0.11 mM, 2.9 mM, and 0.5 mM for arginine, ATP, and PPi, respectively, with a turnover number of 40 s-1. The pH dependence shows that the reaction is favored toward slightly acidic conditions where the aminoacylation is relatively depressed.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate synthetase, encoded by the purA gene of Escherichia coli, catalyzes the first committed step toward AMP in the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway and plays an important role in the interconversion of purines. A 3.2-kb DNA fragment, which carries the purA gene, was cloned into the temperature-inducible, high-copy-number plasmid vector, pMOB45. Upon temperature induction, cells containing this plasmid produce adenylosuccinate synthetase at approximately 40 times the wild-type level. A scheme is presented for the purification of the overproduced adenylosuccinate synthetase to homogeneity in amounts sufficient for studies of its structure and mechanism. The wild-type and the overproduced adenylosuccinate synthetase enzyme preparations were judged to be identical by the following criteria. The amino acid sequence at the N-terminus of the overproduced enzyme proved identical to the corresponding sequence of the wild-type enzyme. Michaelis constants for both the wild-type and overproduced enzyme preparations were the same. And (iii) both proteins shared similar chromatographic behavior and the same mobility during sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results from size-exclusion chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggest that adenylosuccinate synthetase exists as a dimer of identical, 48,000-Da, subunits.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the asnA gene from Escherichia coli K-12 coding for asparagine synthetase (EC was achieved with a plasmid, pUNAd37, a derivative of pUC18, in E. coli. The plasmid was constructed by optimizing a DNA sequence between the promoter and the ribosome binding region. The enzyme, comprising ca. 15% of the total soluble protein in the E. coli cell, was readily purified to apparent homogeneity by DEAE-Cellulofine and Blue-Cellulofine column chromatographies. The amino-terminal sequence, amino acid composition, and molecular weight of the purified protein agreed with the predicted values based on the DNA sequence of the gene. Furthermore the native molecular weight measured by gel filtration confirmed that asparagine synthetase exists as a dimer of identical subunits.  相似文献   

Quinolinate synthetase catalyzes the second step of the de novo biosynthetic pathway of pyridine nucleotide formation. In particular, quinolinate synthetase is involved in the condensation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate and iminoaspartate to form quinolinic acid. To study the mechanism of action, the specificity of the enzyme and the interaction with l-aspartate oxidase, the other component of the so-called "quinolinate synthetase complex," the cloning, the overexpression, and the purification to homogeneity of Escherichia coli quinolinate synthetase were undertaken. The results are presented in this paper. Since the overexpression of the enzyme resulted in the formation of inclusion bodies, a procedure of renaturation and refolding had to be set up. The overexpression and purification procedure reported in this paper allowed the isolation of 12 mg of electrophoretically homogeneous quinolinate synthetase from 1 liter of E. coli culture. A new, continuous, method for the evaluation of quinolinate synthetase activity was also devised and is presented. Finally, our data definitely exclude the possibility that other enzymes are involved in the biosynthesis of quinolinic acid in E. coli, since it is possible to synthesize quinolinic acid from l-aspartate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, and O(2) by using only nadA and nadB gene overexpressed products.  相似文献   

A T7 promoter-based His6-tagging vector has been constructed that directs the synthesis in Escherichia coli of fusion proteins containing a stretch of six histidine residues at the N terminus. The vector allows overproduction and single-step purification of His6-fusion protein by immobilized metal (Ni2+) chelate affinity chromatography. The gene encoding leucyl-tRNA synthetase (leuS) was cloned into this vector and expressed in high level. The specific activity of the synthetase in the crude extract of E. coli JM109(DE3) transformant containing the His6-tagging vector with the gene leuS was approximately 110 times that of JM109(DE3) (the host strain without the vector). The overproduced His6-fusion leucyl-tRNA synthetase can be purified to homogeneity under native conditions within 2 h by one-step affinity chromatography with an overall yield of 55%. The His6-tag at the N terminus of leucyl-tRNA synthetase did not affect its aminoacylation activity or the secondary structure.  相似文献   

N-Acetylneuraminic acid cytidylyltransferase (EC (CMP-NeuAc synthetase) catalyzes the formation of cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid. We have purified CMP-NeuAc synthetase from an Escherichia coli O18:K1 cytoplasmic fraction to apparent homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on CDP-ethanolamine linked to agarose. The enzyme has a specific activity of 2.1 mumol/mg/min and migrates as a single protein and activity band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme has a requirement for Mg2+ or Mn2+ and exhibits optimal activity between pH 9.0 and 10. The apparent Michaelis constants for the CTP and NeuAc are 0.31 and 4 mM, respectively. The CTP analogues 5-mercuri-CTP and CTP-2',3'-dialdehyde are inhibitors. The purified CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase has a molecular weight of approximately 50,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The gene encoding CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase is located on a 3.3-kilobase HindIII fragment. The purified enzyme appears to be identical to the 50,000 Mr polypeptide encoded by this gene based on insertion mutations that result in the loss of detectable enzymatic activity. The amino-terminal sequence of the purified protein was used to locate the start codon for the CMP-NeuAc synthetase gene. Both the enzyme and the 50,000 Mr polypeptide have the same NH2-terminal amino acid sequence. Antibodies prepared to a peptide derived from the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence bind to purified CMP-NeuAc synthetase.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (L-glutamate:NADP+ oxidoreductase [deaminating], EC has been purified from Escherichia coli B/r. The purity of the enzyme preparation has been established by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, and gel filtration. A molecular weight of 300,000 +/- 20,000 has been calculated for the enzyme from sedimentation equilibrium measurements. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate and sedimentation equilibrium measurements in guanidine hydrochloride have revealed that glutamate dehydrogenase consists of polypeptide chains with the identical molecular weight of 50,000 +/- 5,000. The results of molecular weight determination lead us to propose that glutamate dehydrogenase is a hexamer of subunits with identical molecular weight. We also have studied the stability and kinetics of purified glutamate dehydrogenase. The enzyme remains active when heat treated or when left at room temperature for several months but is inactivated by freezing. The Michaelis constants of glutamate dehydrogenase are 1,100,640, and 40 muM for ammonia, 2-oxoglutarate, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, respectively.  相似文献   

Serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme was a homodimer of identical subunits with a molecular weight of 95,000. The amino acid sequence of the amino and carboxy-terminal ends and the amino acid composition of cysteine-containing tryptic peptides were in agreement with the primary structure proposed for this enzyme from the structure of the glyA gene (M. Plamann, L. Stauffer, M. Urbanowski, and G. Stauffer, Nucleic Acids Res. 11:2065-2074, 1983). The enzyme contained no disulfide bonds but had one sulfhydryl group on the surface of the protein. Several sulfhydryl reagents reacted with this exposed group and inactivated the enzyme. Spectra of the enzyme in the presence of substrates and substrate analogs showed that the enzyme formed the same complexes and in similar relative concentrations as previously observed with the cytosolic and mitochondrial rabbit liver isoenzymes. Kinetic studies with substrates showed that the affinity and synergistic binding of the amino acid and folate substrates were similar to those obtained with the rabbit liver isoenzymes. The enzyme catalyzed the cleavage of threonine, allothreonine, and 3-phenylserine to glycine and the corresponding aldehyde in the absence of tetrahydrofolate. The enzyme was also inactivated by D-alanine caused by the transamination of the active site pyridoxal phosphate to pyridoxamine phosphate. This substrate specificity was also observed with the rabbit liver isoenzymes. We conclude that the reaction mechanism and the active site structure of E. coli serine hydroxymethyltransferase are very similar to the mechanism and structure of the rabbit liver isoenzymes.  相似文献   

The coenzyme A (CoA)- and ATP-dependent conversion of o-succinylbenzoic acid [OSB; 4-(2'-carboxyphenyl)-4-oxobutyric acid], to o-succinylbenzoyl-CoA is carried out by the enzyme o-succinylbenzoyl-CoA synthetase. o-Succinylbenzoyl-CoA is a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of menaquinone (vitamin K2) in both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The enzyme has been overexpressed and purified to homogeneity. The purified enzyme was found to have a native molecular mass of 185 kDa as determined by gel filtration column chromatography on Sephacryl S-200. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis established a subunit molecular mass of 49 kDa. Thus, the enzyme is a homotetramer. The enzyme showed a pH optimum of 7.5 to 8.0 and a temperature optimum of 30 to 40 degrees C. The Km values for OSB, ATP, and CoA were 16, 73.5, and 360 microM, respectively. Of the various metal ions tested, Mg2+ was found to be the most effective in stimulating the enzyme activity. Studies with substrate analogs showed that neither benzoic acid nor benzoylpropionic acid (succinylbenzene) is a substrate for the enzyme. Thus, it appears that both the benzoyl carboxyl group and the succinyl side chain are required for activation of the aliphatic carboxyl group.  相似文献   

1. Methionyl-t-RNA synthetase (where t-RNA denotes ;soluble' or transfer RNA) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from a ribonuclease I-free strain of Escherichia coli. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the final product revealed a single band. The purified enzyme catalyses the exchange of 450mumoles of pyrophosphate into ATP/mg. in 15min. at 37 degrees . 2. Methionyl-t-RNA synthetase is specific for the l-isomer of methionine, but appears to catalyse the methionylation of two distinct species of t-RNA, both of which are specific for methionine, but only one of which may be subsequently formylated. 3. The Michaelis constant for l-methionine is 2x10(-4)m in the ATP-PP(i) exchange assay and 2x10(-5)m for the acylation of t-RNA. 4. Gel filtration of both crude and highly purified preparations of methionyl-t-RNA synthetase on Sephadex G-200 indicates that the active species of enzyme has a molecular weight of about 190000. The amino acid composition of the enzyme is similar to those reported for the isoleucine and tyrosine enzymes from E. coli.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli photoreactivating enzyme: purification and properties   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R M Snapka  B M Sutherland 《Biochemistry》1980,19(18):4201-4208
We have purified large quantities of Escherichia coli photoreactivating enzyme (EC to apparent homogeneity and have studied its physical and chemical properties. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 36 800 and a S020,W of 3.72 S. Amino acid analysis revealed an apparent absence of tryptophan, a low content of aromatic residues, and the presence of no unusual amino acids. The N terminus is arginine. The purified enzyme contained up to 13% carbohydrate by weight. The carbohydrate was composed of mannose, galactose, glucose, and N-acetylglucosamine. The enzyme is also associated with RNA (approximately 10 nucleotides/enzyme molecule) containing uracil, adenine, guanine, and cytosine with no unusual bases detected.  相似文献   

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