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Temporal changes in morphometric features of human cranial remains from the late Jomon period (1500 B.C.–300 B.C.) to the Modern period (1900–1950 A.D.) in western Japan are examined. The results of univariate and multivariate analysis indicate that the Yayoi people (300 B.C.–300 A.D.), characterized by high faces and tall stature, show morphological discontinuity with the earlier Jomon people, who exhibit lower faces and shorter stature. This discontinuity contrasts with the relatively continuous changes among populations after the Yayoi. Comparing these changes with those documented in the Kanto region of eastern Japan indicates there are significant regional differences in the degree and rate of transformation in certain cranial features, especially facial height, between the two regions. Differences in cranial shape between the two regions become apparent during the Yayoi period and these differences tend to diminish thereafter. The most plausible explanation for these observed changes is the introduction of new genes, coinciding with the arrival of new immigrants from the Asian continent in the northern Kyushu-Yamaguchi region at the beginning of the Yayoi period. Further testing of this hypothesis will be necessary before definitive conclusions can be reached regarding the appearance of modern Japanese. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Throughout much of prehistory, humans practiced a hunting and gathering subsistence strategy. Elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility patterns are presumed consequences of this strategy, in which males are attributed greater robusticity and mobility than females. Much of the basis for these trends originates from populations where skeletal correlates of activity patterns are known (e.g., cross-sectional geometric properties of long bones), but in which activity patterns are inferred using evidence such as archaeological records (e.g., Pleistocene Europe). Australian hunter-gatherers provide an opportunity to critically assess these ideas since ethnographic documentation of their activity patterns is available. We address the following questions: do skeletal indicators of Australian hunter-gatherers express elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility relative to populations from similar latitudes, and do ethnographic accounts support these findings. Using computed tomography, cross-sectional images were obtained from 149 skeletal elements including humeri, radii, ulnae, femora, and tibiae. Cross-sectional geometric properties were calculated from image data and standardized for body size. Australian hunter-gatherers often have reduced robusticity at femoral and humeral midshafts relative to forager (Khoi-San), agricultural/industrialized (Zulu), and industrialized (African American) groups. Australian hunter-gatherers display more sexual dimorphism in upper limb robusticity than lower limb robusticity. Attributing specific behavioral causes to upper limb sexual dimorphism is premature, although ethnographic accounts support sex-specific differences in tool use. Virtually absent sexual dimorphism in lower limb robusticity is consistent with ethnographic accounts of equivalently high mobility among females and males. Thus, elevated postcranial robusticity and sexually dimorphic mobility do not always characterize hunter-gatherers.  相似文献   

Members of the leiognathid subfamily Gazzinae, comprising approximately two‐thirds of ponyfish species, are sexually dimorphic with regard to features of the light organ system (LOS). In Gazzinae, the circumesophageal light organ (LO) of males is enlarged and varies in shape compared with similarly sized conspecific females. In association with male species‐specific translucent external patches on the head and flank, these sexually dimorphic LO features are hypothesized to be correlated with species‐specific luminescence displays. Anatomical differences in LO shape, volume, and orientation, and its association with the gas bladder and other internal structures that function in light emission, are compared to observations of luminescence displays for every major lineage within Leiognathidae. We reconstruct the character evolution of both internal and external morphological features of the LOS to investigate the evolution of LO sexual dimorphism and morphology. Both internal and external sexual dimorphism in the ponyfish LOs were recovered as most likely to have evolved in the common ancestor of Leiognathidae, and likelihood‐based correlation analyses indicate that the evolution of internal and external dimorphism in males is statistically correlated. Magnetic resonance imaging technology was applied to examine the unique internal LOs of ponyfishes in situ, which provides a new metric (LO index) for comparison of LO structure across lineages. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many genes are expressed in mammalian liver in a sexually dimorphic manner. DNA microarray analysis has shown that growth hormone (GH) and its sex-dependent pattern of pituitary secretion play a major role in establishing the sexually dimorphic patterns of liver gene expression. However, GH may exert effects on protein post-translational modification and nuclear localization that are not reflected at the mRNA level. To investigate these potential effects of GH, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by LC-MS/MS to: 1) identify rat liver nuclear proteins whose abundance or state of post-translational modification displays sex-dependent differences; and 2) determine the role of the plasma GH profile in establishing these differences. Nuclear extracts prepared from livers of individual male (n=9) and female (n=5) adult rats, and from males given GH by continuous infusion for 7 days to feminize liver gene expression (n=5 rats), were resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Image analysis of SYPRO Ruby-stained gels revealed 165 sexually dimorphic protein spots that differ in normalized volume between male and female groups by >1.5-fold at p<0.05. Sixty of these proteins exhibited female-like changes in spot abundance following continuous GH treatment. Comparison of male and GH-treated male groups revealed 130 proteins that displayed >1.5-fold differences in abundance, with 60 of these GH-responsive spots being sexually dimorphic. Thus, GH plays an important role in establishing the sex-dependent differences in liver nuclear protein content. Twenty-eight of the sexually dimorphic and/or GH-regulated protein spots were identified by LC-MS/MS. Proteins identified include regucalcin, nuclear factor 45, and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A3, D-like, and K, in addition to proteins such as GST, normally associated with cytosolic extracts but also reported to be localized in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is responsible for a substantial part of human facial variability, the study of which is essential for many scientific fields ranging from evolution to special biomedical topics. Our aim was to analyse the relationship between size variability and shape facial variability of sexual traits in the young adult Central European population and to construct average surface models of adult males and females. The method of geometric morphometrics allowed not only the identification of dimorphic traits, but also the evaluation of static allometry and the visualisation of sexual facial differences.Facial variability in the studied sample was characterised by a strong relationship between facial size and shape of sexual dimorphic traits. Large size of face was associated with facial elongation and vice versa. Regarding shape sexual dimorphic traits, a wide, vaulted and high forehead in combination with a narrow and gracile lower face were typical for females. Variability in shape dimorphic traits was smaller in females compared to males. For female classification, shape sexual dimorphic traits are more important, while for males the stronger association is with face size.Males generally had a closer inter-orbital distance and a deeper position of the eyes in relation to the facial plane, a larger and wider straight nose and nostrils, and more massive lower face. Using pseudo-colour maps to provide a detailed schematic representation of the geometrical differences between the sexes, we attempted to clarify the reasons underlying the development of such differences.  相似文献   

The bill is a sexually dimorphic structure in many bird species and implicated in numerous functions. Sexual differences may arise from sexual selection or ecological divergence. Here, we examined differences in bill size and shape between males and females and explored to what extent these relate to feeding ecology of each sex in Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). We applied linear measurements and geometric morphometric methods to examine sexual differences in bill size and shape. We investigated feeding ecology by tracking foraging movements during the breeding period and by analysing stable isotope signatures in blood during the breeding period and in feathers grown during the non-breeding period. Bill traits were all sexually dimorphic, both in absolute and relative terms, and scaled hypermetrically with body mass in several characters in males. However, males and females did not differ in their feeding areas or isotopic signatures and no significant correlation was observed between these traits and bill dimorphism. Therefore, we discard the foraging-niche divergence hypothesis, and suggest that sexual dimorphism in bill size in this species is more likely driven by sexual selection related to antagonistic interactions.  相似文献   

The South American weakly-electric knifefish (Apteronotidae) produce highly diverse and readily quantifiable electrocommunication signals. The electric organ discharge frequency (EODf), and EOD modulations (chirps and gradual frequency rises (GFRs)), vary dramatically across sexes and species, presenting an ideal opportunity to examine the proximate and ultimate bases of sexually dimorphic behavior. We complemented previous studies on the sexual dimorphism of apteronotid communication signals by investigating electric signal features and their hormonal correlates in Apteronotus bonapartii, a species which exhibits strong sexual dimorphism in snout morphology. Electrocommunication signals were evoked and recorded using a playback paradigm, and were analyzed for signal features including EOD frequency and the structure of EOD modulations. To investigate the androgenic correlates of sexually dimorphic EOD signals, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. A. bonapartii responded robustly to stimulus playbacks. EODf was sexually monomorphic, and males and females produced chirps with similar durations and amounts of frequency modulation. However, males were more likely than females to produce chirps with multiple frequency peaks. Sexual dimorphism in apteronotid electrocommunication signals appears to be highly evolutionarily labile. Extensive interspecific variation in the magnitude and direction of sex differences in EODf and in different aspects of chirp structure suggest that chirp signals may be an important locus of evolutionary change within the clade. The weakly-electric fish represent a rich source of data for understanding the selective pressures that shape, and the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie, diversity in the sexual dimorphism of behavior.  相似文献   

We examined auditory tuning and the morphology of the anatomical structures underlying acoustic communication in female Hyla microcephala and H. ebraccata and compared our findings to data from a previous study (Wilczynski et al. 1993) in which we showed species differences in the traits that in males relate to differences in the species-typical calls. Female species differences in the best excitatory frequency (BEF) of the basilar papilla (BP) were similar to the differences seen in males, and females had a significantly lower BEF in H. ebraccata, but not H. microcephala. In both species, females had lower BP thresholds. Snout-vent length, head width, and tympanic membrane diameters were sexually dimorphic in both species and larger in females, whereas laryngeal components were sexually dimorphic and larger in males. Middle and inner ear volumes were not sexually dimorphic. Despite the significant species differences in laryngeal morphology seen in males, female larynges are not significantly different. Furthermore, the interaction of species and sex differences resulted in significantly different degrees of sex dimorphism in the species, particularly for the larynx, which is more sexually dimorphic in H. microcephala, and measures of body size, which are more dimorphic in H. ebraccata. Accepted: 6 December 1996  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether the human mandible is sexually dimorphic during early postnatal development and whether early dimorphic features persist during subsequent ontogeny. We also examine whether mandibular dimorphism is linked to dimorphism of dental development. Dense CT-derived mandibular meshes of 84 females and 75 males, ranging from birth to adulthood, were analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. On the basis of the specimen's chronological ages and mineralization stages of the deciduous and permanent teeth, we compute dental age as proxy for dental development by the additive conjoint measurement method. By birth, males have, on average, more advanced age-specific shapes than females. However, sex differences decrease quickly as females catch up via a different association between shape and size. This leads to an almost complete reduction of sexual dimorphism between the ages of 4 and 14. From puberty to adulthood, males are characterized by allometric shape changes while the shape of the female mandible continues to change even after size has ceased to increase. Dimorphism of dental maturation becomes visible only at puberty. Sexual dimorphism, concentrated at the ramus and the mental region during the earliest ontogenetic stages and again at adulthood, is not associated with the development of the teeth. At puberty there is a simultaneous peak in size increase, shape development, and dental maturation likely controlled by the surge of sex hormones with a dimorphic onset age. We argue that the infant and adult dimorphism of the mental region may be associated with the development of supralaryngeal structures.  相似文献   

Sex differences in children's toy preferences are thought by many to arise from gender socialization. However, evidence from patients with endocrine disorders suggests that biological factors during early development (e.g., levels of androgens) are influential. In this study, we found that vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) show sex differences in toy preferences similar to those documented previously in children. The percent of contact time with toys typically preferred by boys (a car and a ball) was greater in male vervets (n=33) than in female vervets (n=30) (P<.05), whereas the percent of contact time with toys typically preferred by girls (a doll and a pot) was greater in female vervets than in male vervets (P<.01). In contrast, contact time with toys preferred equally by boys and girls (a picture book and a stuffed dog) was comparable in male and female vervets. The results suggest that sexually differentiated object preferences arose early in human evolution, prior to the emergence of a distinct hominid lineage. This implies that sexually dimorphic preferences for features (e.g., color, shape, movement) may have evolved from differential selection pressures based on the different behavioral roles of males and females, and that evolved object feature preferences may contribute to present day sexually dimorphic toy preferences in children.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may facilitate genetic isolation among populations and result in increased rates of diversification. As a mechanism driving diversification, sexual selection has been invoked and upheld in numerous empirical studies across disparate taxa, including birds, plants and spiders. In this study, we investigate the potential impact of sexual selection on the tempo and mode of ponyfish evolution. Ponyfishes (Leiognathidae) are bioluminescent marine fishes that exhibit sexually dimorphic features of their unique light-organ system (LOS). Although sexual selection is widely considered to be the driving force behind ponyfish speciation, this hypothesis has never been formally tested. Given that some leiognathid species have a sexually dimorphic LOS, whereas others do not, this family provides an excellent system within which to study the potential role of sexual selection in diversification and morphological differentiation. In this study, we estimate the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for Leiognathidae, investigate the tempo and mode of ponyfish diversification, and explore morphological shape disparity among leiognathid clades. We recover strong support for a monophyletic Leiognathidae and estimate that all major ponyfish lineages evolved during the Paleogene. Our studies of ponyfish diversification demonstrate that there is no conclusive evidence that sexually dimorphic clades are significantly more species rich than nonsexually dimorphic lineages and that evidence is lacking to support any significant diversification rate increases within ponyfishes. Further, we detected a lineage-through-time signal indicating that ponyfishes have continuously diversified through time, which is in contrast to many recent diversification studies that identify lineage-through-time patterns that support mechanisms of density-dependent speciation. Additionally, there is no evidence of sexual selection hindering morphological diversity, as sexually dimorphic taxa are shown to be more disparate in overall shape morphology than nonsexually dimorphic taxa. Our results suggest that if sexual selection is occurring in ponyfish evolution, it is likely acting only as a genetic isolating mechanism that has allowed ponyfishes to continuously diversify over time, with no overall impact on increases in diversification rate or morphological disparity.  相似文献   

Cahoon  Cori K.  Libuda  Diana E. 《Chromosoma》2019,128(3):199-214

Meiosis is a conserved cell division process that is used by sexually reproducing organisms to generate haploid gametes. Males and females produce different end products of meiosis: eggs (females) and sperm (males). In addition, these unique end products demonstrate sex-specific differences that occur throughout meiosis to produce the final genetic material that is packaged into distinct gametes with unique extracellular morphologies and nuclear sizes. These sexually dimorphic features of meiosis include the meiotic chromosome architecture, in which both the lengths of the chromosomes and the requirement for specific meiotic axis proteins being different between the sexes. Moreover, these changes likely cause sex-specific changes in the recombination landscape with the sex that has the longer chromosomes usually obtaining more crossovers. Additionally, epigenetic regulation of meiosis may contribute to sexually dimorphic recombination landscapes. Here we explore the sexually dimorphic features of both the chromosome axis and crossing over for each stage of meiotic prophase I in Mus musculus, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, we consider how sex-specific changes in the meiotic chromosome axes and the epigenetic landscape may function together to regulate crossing over in each sex, indicating that the mechanisms controlling crossing over may be different in oogenesis and spermatogenesis.


Evolutionary theories suggest that humans prefer sexual dimorphism in faces because masculinity in men and femininity in women may be an indicator of immune function during development. In particular, the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis proposes that sexual dimorphism indicates good immune function during development because the sex hormones, particularly testosterone in men, required for the development of sexually dimorphic facial features also taxes the immune system. Therefore, only healthy males can afford the high level of testosterone for the development of sexually dimorphic traits without compromising their survival. Researchers have suggested that a similar mechanism via the effects of oestrogen might also explain male preferences for female femininity. Despite the prominence of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis, no studies have tested whether immune function during development predicts adult facial sexual dimorphism. Here, using data from a longitudinal public health dataset, the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study (Generation 2), we show that some aspects of immune function during early adolescence (14 years) positively predict sexually dimorphic 3D face shape in both men and women. Our results support a fundamental assumption that facial sexual dimorphism is an indicator of immune function during the development of facial sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Beaked whales of the genus Mesoplodon are characterized by the presence of a single pair of sexually dimorphic tusks. Variation in the position and shape of these tusks was examined in four sympatric species and was found to be consistent with the hypothesis that these differences may have evolved to aid species recognition between sympatric and otherwise morphologically similar species of this genus.  相似文献   

P.E. Lestrel  F. Ohtsuki 《HOMO》2010,61(5):287-313
Two major views of human evolution have elicited considerable controversy. These are: [1] the “out of Africa” hypothesis and [2] the “multiregional” hypothesis. This paper is an attempt to try to reconcile these two scenarios using hominid cranial vault data. Elliptical Fourier functions (EFFs) were used to describe, in visual and numerical terms, the shape of the human cranial vault in norma lateralis.Using jpeg images, contours of the cranial vault of a large sample of hominid specimens were pre-processed in Photoshop CS and rotated in 2D space (positional-orientation) so that a line drawn from nasion to porion was horizontal. The cranial vault image was then digitized with 72 closely-spaced points and submitted to a specially written routine that computed EFFs normalized by scaling (size-standardization). This ensured that the representation was invariant with respect to starting point, size and orientation.Statistically significant differences were found between the H. sapiens sample and both the H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis samples. In contrast, there were no statistically significant differences between the H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis groups, leading to three conclusions: [1] the similarity in cranial vault shape between H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis suggests a single gradually evolving lineage; [2] The taxon H. heidelbergensis can be embedded into the H. erectus → H. neanderthalensis line; and [3] H. sapiens seems to be a separate evolutionary development and is considered here either as a separate species or as a possible example of an allopatric semispecies (Grant, 1977). The results here suggest that human evolution over the last 2 Ma may turn out to be neither totally multiregional or simply out of Africa but rather represents a considerably more complicated picture.  相似文献   

Play behavior in juvenile primates, rats and other species is sexually dimorphic, with males showing more play than females. In mice, sex differences in juvenile play have only been examined in out-bred CD-1 mice. In this strain, contrary to other animals, male mice display less play soliciting than females. Using an established same-sex dyadic interaction test, we examined play in in-bred C57BL/6J (B6) 21-day-old mice. When paired with non-siblings, males tended to be more social than females, spending more time exploring the test cage. Females displayed significantly more anogenital sniffing and solicited play more frequently than did males. To determine if the origin of the sex difference was sex chromosome genes or gonadal sex, next we used the four core genotype mouse. We found significant interactions between gonadal sex and genotype for several behaviors. Finally, we asked if sibling pairs (as compared to non-siblings) would display qualitatively or quantitatively different behavior. In fact, XX females paired with a sibling were more social and less exploratory or investigative, whereas XY males exhibited less investigative and play soliciting behaviors in tests with siblings. Many neurobehavioral disorders, like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are sexually dimorphic in incidence and patients interact less than normal with other children. Our results suggest that sex chromosome genes interact with gonadal hormones to shape the development of juvenile social behavior, and that social context can drastically alter sex differences. These data may have relevance for understanding the etiology of sexually dimorphic disorders such as ASD.  相似文献   

The Yayoi period represents the earliest point of agricultural dependence in Japan, dating from approximately 2500 BP to AD 300. Yayoi period people consumed wet-rice as a primary subsistence base. This article uses dental caries prevalence to interpret the biocultural implications of agriculture among these people by testing the following hypotheses: 1) Yayoi period agriculturalists had greater frequencies of carious teeth than Jomon period foragers, 2) regional variation in carious tooth frequencies will be observed among Yayoi period agriculturalists, while 3) variation in carious tooth frequencies will be observed between male and female agriculturalists. Statistically significant differences in carious teeth were observed between the agriculturalists from Southern Honshu and all other samples. These differences suggest greater reliance on cariogenic plants among farmers from Southern Honshu and are consistent with an agricultural economy. The people of the Yayoi period from Tanegashima Island and Northern Kyushu did not have significantly different carious tooth frequencies compared to Jomon period foragers. This suggests that rice alone was not a more cariogenic dietary substance than those consumed by Jomon period foragers but a cariogenic food nonetheless. Dietary heterogeneity between the prehistoric people of the Yayoi period from Southern Honshu and those from Northern Kyushu and Tanegashima Island is also inferred from these differences. Significantly greater frequencies of carious teeth among older aged Yayoi period females compared with males suggest dietary differences between the sexes.  相似文献   

The hand is not only one of the principal structures related to motor function but is also essential for tactile sensations. The genetic endowment of an individual plays an important role in the development and differentiation of the hands. Certain features of hands are known to be sexually dimorphic and body morphology may also affect hand morphology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric aspects of the hand in terms of its overall morphology and shape in relation to sex.  相似文献   

This study characterizes for the first time the distribution and coexistence patterns of calbindin (CB), calretinin (CR), and parvalbumin (PV) in the female and male guinea pig preoptic area (POA) during brain development, using immunohistochemistry and quantitative real‐time PCR techniques. The results show that the prenatal development of the guinea pig POA takes place in elevated levels of CB and CR immunoreactivity with the peak at embryonic day 50 (E50) and generally in newborns both these proteins reach an adult‐like pattern of immunoreactivity, contrary to PV which appears later, peaks at postnatal day (PND) 10 (P10), and stabilizes at P20. CB and CR have also overlapping distributions which differed from that of PV, and much higher expressions at mRNA and protein levels. However, CB‐positive (+), CR+ and PV+ neurons create in the guinea pig POA separate populations as CB and CR coexisted only in a small number of neurons and CB+ cells never coexpressed PV. Moreover, the density of CB+ neurons, contrary to CR+ and PV+ cells, is sexually dimorphic favoring males at all the examined stages. In conclusion, elevated levels of CR and CB at the time of intense cell migration, differentiation, myelination, and synaptogenesis in the guinea pig brain suggest that these proteins may be engaged in similar processes in the POA, while late onset of PV may be rather linked with POA maturation. As the population of CB+ cells in the POA is very large, its dimorphic development may have huge impact on the sexual differentiation of this brain region.  相似文献   

Coefficients of variation were used to examine the variability of bill, wing and foot measurements of 11 sexually size dimorphic and seven monomorphic shearwater ( Puffinus ) species, and to investigate the selective regimes that may be acting on these traits. The effects of phylogeny can lead to a lack of statistical independence among interspecies data, so randomization tests were performed in addition to standard statistical approaches, which assume independence. However, the results obtained from the two approaches always agreed. Among the 18 species, bill measurements were significantly more variable than those of the wing or foot; furthermore, bill depth dimensions exhibited the greatest amount of phenotypic variation. Both sexually monomorphic and sexually dimorphic species exhibited the same patterns of phenotypic variation. In the sexually dimorphic species, patterns of trait variation did not differ significantly between sexes. The findings suggest that variation in the bill of dimorphic Puffinus species is not due to sexual selection. More probably, variability among the traits is due to differences in the strength of natural selection, with those traits under strong stabilizing selection (e.g. wing, tarsus and mid-toe) exhibiting reduced variability, as optimum physical dimensions are being selected for.  相似文献   

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