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In pneumococcal transformation the frequency of recombinants between point mutations is generally proportional to distance. We have recently described an aberrant marker in the amiA locus that appeared to enhance recombination frequency when crossed with any other allele of this gene. The hyperrecombination that we have observed in two-point crosses could be explained by two hypotheses: the aberrant marker induces frequent crossovers in its vicinity or the mutant is converted to wild type. In this report we present evidence showing that, in suitable three-point crosses, this hyperrecombination does not modify the recombination frequency between outside markers, suggesting that a conversion occurs at the site of this mutation. To estimate the length over which this event occurs, we isolated very closely linked markers and used them in two-point crosses. It appears that the conversion system removes only a few base pairs (from three to 27) around the aberrant marker. This conversion process is quite different from the mismatch-repair system controlled by hex genes in pneumococcus, which involves several thousand base pairs. Moreover, we have constructed artificial heteroduplexes using separated DNA strands. It appears that only one of the two heteroduplexes is specifically converted. The conversion system acts upon 5'..ATTAAT..3'/3'..TAAGTA..5'. A possible role of the palindrome resulting from the mutation is discussed.  相似文献   

Manganese is growth inhibitory for Escherichia coli. The manganese concentration required for inhibition is dependent upon the magnesium concentration of the medium. Mutants have been isolated which are partially resistant to manganese inhibition in both liquid and solid media. From conjugation experiments, the genetic locus for manganese-resistance, mng, appears to be between 34 and 37 min on the E. coli genetic map. Experiments with radioactive (28)Mg lead to the tentative conclusion that the mng mutants are altered in the inhibition constant for manganese as a competitive inhibitor for the mangnesium accumulation system. Once high manganese enters the cells, it displaces internal magnesium and leads to a net cellular loss and hence growth inhibition. The mng mutants are somewhat less subject to manganese-induced magnesium loss under comparable conditions than are manganese-sensitive wild-type cells.  相似文献   

M. Sundaram  I. Greenwald 《Genetics》1993,135(3):755-763
The lin-12 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans is thought to encode a receptor for intercellular signals that specify certain cell fates during development. We describe several alleles of lin-12 that reduce but do not eliminate lin-12 activity (hypomorphic alleles). These alleles cause a novel egg-laying defective (Egl) phenotype in hermaphrodites as well as incompletely penetrant cell fate transformations seen with high penetrance in lin-12 null mutants. Characterization of the Egl phenotype revealed additional roles of lin-12 in the development of the egg-laying system that were not apparent from studying lin-12 null mutants: lin-12 activity is required for proper early vulval morphogenesis as well as for some unknown later aspect of egg-laying system development. Reversion of the Egl phenotype caused by one lin-12 hypomorphic allele was used to identify potential interacting genes as described in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Approximately 20% of the tryptophan synthetase mutants (tr(5)) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae retain activity in one of the half reactions catalyzed by this enzyme and have been identified as indole-accumulating or indole-utilizing tr(5) mutants by complementation tests. Ten indole-accumulating and six indole-utilizing mutants have been studied. For the half reactions they catalyze, these partially active mutants have from about one-half to twice the specific activities of the wild-type enzyme. Indole-accumulating mutant enzymes showed varying responses to pyridoxal phosphate and serine in the assay mixture. The partially active mutants were further characterized by their patterns of allelic complementation and their distribution on the fine-structure map of the locus. It was concluded that these mutants define two distinct functional regions of the tr(5) locus, corresponding to the two half reactions.  相似文献   

A gene for the constitutive ribosephosphate isomerase (rpiA) is highly cotransducible with serA at 56.2 min on the genetic linkage map of Escherichia coli K-12. Suppression of ribosephosphate isomerase A-negative mutants can occur by a regulator gene mutation permitting constitutive synthesis of the normally inducible ribosephosphate isomerase B.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of Flagellar Mutants in Escherichia coli   总被引:37,自引:29,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Flagellar mutants in Escherichia coli were obtained by selection for resistance to the flagellotropic phage chi. F elements covering various regions of the E. coli genome were then constructed, and, on the basis of the ability of these elements to restore flagellar function, the mutations were assigned to three regions of the E. coli chromosome. Region I is between trp and gal; region II is between uvrC and aroD; and region III is between his and uvrC. F elements carrying flagellar mutations were constructed. Stable merodiploid strains with a flagellar defect on the exogenote and another on the endogenote were then prepared. These merodiploids yielded information on the complementation behavior of mutations in a given region. Region III was shown to include at least six cistrons, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Region II was shown to include at least four cistrons, G, H, I, and J. Examination of the phenotypes of the mutants revealed that those with lesions in cistron E of region III produce "polyhooks" and lesions in cistron F of region III result in loss of ability to produce flagellin. Mutants with lesions in cistron J of region II were entirely paralyzed (mot) mutants. Genetic analysis of flagellar mutations in region III suggested that the mutations located in cistrons A, B, C, and E are closely linked and mutations in cistrons D and F are closely linked.  相似文献   

P. K. Darcy  Z. Wilczynska    P. R. Fisher 《Genetics》1994,137(4):977-985
Mapping and complementation analysis with 17 phototaxis mutations has established 11 complementation groups phoA-phoK distributed over six linkage groups. Statistical calculations from the complementation data yielded 17 as the maximum likelihood estimate of the number of pho genes assuming all loci are equally mutable. Most of the phototaxis mutants were found to exhibit bimodal phototaxis and all were found to be impaired in positive thermotaxis supporting convergence of the photosensory and thermosensory pathways. The thermotaxis mutant HPF228 was unaltered in phototaxis suggesting that the mutation in this strain affects a gene product whose site of action is before the convergence of the two pathways. Other phenotypes such as multiple tip formation by aggregates, stumpy fruiting bodies with short or absent stalks and short migration were associated with some pho alleles suggesting multiple biological roles for some gene products important in phototransduction.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 strains tested so far (approximately 20) can be separated into three groups on the basis of their abilities to form colonies on nutrient agar supplemented with nalidixic acid (NAL): (i) Nal(s) or wild type (no growth at 1 to 2 mug/ml); (ii) NalA(r) (growth at 40 mug/ml or higher); and (iii) NalB(r) (growth at 4 mug/ml, but no growth at 10 mug/ml). The NalA(r) group has a spectrum of sensitivity ranging from 60 to over 100 mug/ml. All Hfr strains of the NalA(r) and NalB(r) groups transfer NAL resistance to recipient cells at genetic loci which are at 42.5 +/- 0.5 and 51 +/- 1 min, respectively, on the Taylor-Trotter map. Some members of the NalA(r) group also have the genetic locus for NalB(r). The nalA(s) allele is completely dominant to nalA(r) in a partial diploid configuration. In haploids, nalA(r)-nalB(r) is phenotypically NalA(r); nalA(r)-nalB(s) is NalA(r); and nalA(s)-nalB(r) is NalB(r). The map location of nalA and the easy differentiation between NalA(r) and NalA(s) allow this marker to be used as a counterselector in bacterial conjugation experiments.  相似文献   

Two mannose-negative mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 have been isolated. These mutants are deficient in the ability to synthesize phosphomannose isomerase and capsular polysaccharide when grown on glucose-containing media. Interrupted mating experiments to determine the kinetics of genetic transfer show that the two mannose-negative mutations map together between the histidine and tryptophan regions of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of Aromatic Mutants of SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Y. Nishioka  M. Demerec    A. Eisenstark 《Genetics》1967,56(2):341-351

The length of the flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells is tightly regulated; both short-flagella and long-flagella mutants have been described. This report characterizes ten long-flagella mutants, including five newly isolated mutants, to determine the number of different loci conferring this phenotype, and to study interactions of mutants at different loci. The mutants, each of which was recessive in heterozygous diploids with wild type, fall into three unlinked complementation groups. One of these defines a new gene, lf3, which maps near the centromere of linkage group I. The flagellar length distributions in populations of each mutant were broad, with the longest flagella measuring four times the length of the longest flagella seen on wild-type cells. Each of the ten mutants had defective flagellar regrowth after amputation. Some of the mutants showed no regrowth within the time required for wild-type cells to regenerate flagella completely. Other mutants had subpopulations with rapid regeneration kinetics, and subpopulations with no observable regeneration. The mutants were each crossed to wild type to form temporary quadriflagellate, dikaryon cells; in each case the long flagella were rapidly shortened in the presence of the wild-type cytoplasm, demonstrating that the mutants were recessive, and that length control could be exerted on already assembled flagella.  相似文献   

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