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Monthly species diversity and other components of diversity of diatom samples collected over a period of one year at eight stations in the Linggi River Basin, Malaysia were analysed. Species diversity ranged between 0.52–3.62 bits individua–1. Among the four stations located in the Linggi River (sensu stricto), highest diversity values were recorded at a station polluted by rubber effluent, followed by the stations unpolluted from point sources. Lowest diversity was recorded at a station polluted with urban sewage. At Kundor River, highest diversity was recorded at stations located downstream of rubber and palm oil waste discharges. On the whole, diversity values at unpolluted stations were always lower than at mildly polluted stations. Severe organic loadings caused low diversity by reducing the number of species (species richness) but did not increase the evenness (equitability) as expected when compared with unpolluted or mildly polluted stations. The changes in species diversity can be related to changes in diatom community structure and thereby changes in water quality, but cannot be used as an index of water quality.  相似文献   

1. Diatoms were sampled in the spring of 1994 and the autumn of 1995 at 137 pristine or near-pristine reference sites on large and small streams at various altitudes in eastern New South Wales and Victoria. Scrapings were taken from five firm substrata across a range of microhabitat conditions at each site on each occasion. For each substratum, 100 valves were identified to genus level. 2. Multivariate statistical models were constructed to predict the probability of occurrence of each genus at a given site under near-pristine conditions on the basis of physical features of the site that are not affected by human activity. Model predictions were compared with the flora observed at the reference sites and at 55 test sites affected by varying degrees of human disturbance. 3. Test sites were characterized more by the presence of genera not predicted by the model than by the absence of predicted genera. The degree of departure from model predictions was related mainly to increasing alkalinity, electrical conductivity, hardness and pH of river water. We therefore conclude that the main effect of human activity on the composition of diatom communities in the rivers of coastal south-eastern Australia has been to increase genus richness through enrichment with alkaline salts. 4. The models did not perform as well as similar models applied to river macroinvertebrates at the family level, perhaps because of greater temporal variability in diatom communities and differences in the environmental variables to which diatoms and macroinvertebrates respond. Means of improving the current models are discussed.  相似文献   

The succession of attached algal communities was studied in Lake Biwa and the Omiya River. After the ‘climax’ which was characterized by large numbers of Cymbella turgidula Grunow and Gomphoneis quadripunctatum (Østrup) P. Dawson, the community was dominated by species attached directly to stalks or tangled among stalks. Stalks produced by species of the previous phase are important as secondary substrata. The dominant species of the new phase were ‘loosely attached species’, as defined by Hudon and Bourget (1983). I propose a new model consisting of phase 1, characterized by the first colonizers, including large rosette‐type species and motile type species; phase 2, characterized by the stalk‐producing species; and phase 3, characterized by the growth of loosely attached species.  相似文献   

河南南湾水库浮游硅藻的种群结构与水质污染评价初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
辛晓云 《生态学杂志》2003,22(5):125-126
通过对南湾水库6个采样点浮游硅藻分析,该水库硅藻61个种及种下分类单元。用多样性指数(H′)、均匀性指数(E)及硅藻优势种生态谱分析,对水质进行了初步评价。结果表明,南湾水库水质属清洁-轻污染等级。  相似文献   

Many assessments of water pollution in aquatic ecosystem have focused mainly on physical and chemical characteristics. However, until recently, biological aspects have been given little attention. Although physical and chemical methods of assessing water pollution are relatively simple to interpret, biological assessments have many strong merits. Therefore an attempt was made to use periphyton productivity (in terms of biomass ash‐free dry weight, AFDW) and chlorophyll‐a content (measured from periphyton colonized on glass microscope slides) to assess water pollution in the Linggi river. The Linggi River is a tropical lotic system in the country of Malaysia. As a result of increased nutrient enrichment due to sewage and agro‐industrial wastes, analyses of accumulated periphyton on glass slides showed increased biomass AFDW from an unpolluted upstream reach to the highly polluted downstream reach of the river. In contrast to biomass, the chlorophyll‐a content of the accumulated periphyton was not always directly related to the AFDW of the biomass. Though the highly polluted Station 4 showed high biomass AFDW and chlorophyll‐a, due to increased nutrient enrichment. The chlorophyll‐a values at slightly polluted Station 2 were lower than at the unpolluted Station 1. Meanwhile, the mean chlorophyll‐a content observed in Linggi river was relatively high as compared to previous studies carried out in Malaysia. When the Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated using key chemical parameters linked to organic pollution, there was a significant correlation between chemical parameters, biomass AFDW, and chorophyll‐a. Though the chlorophyll‐a content increased with decreases in the WQI, similar to the biomass AFDW, the chlorophyll‐a values were found to be lower in slightly polluted Station 2 than unpolluted Station 1. Therefore it was not necessary that an increase in the biomass AFDW, due to nutrient enrichment, would always increase the chlorophyll‐a in accumulated periphyton (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A study on biological assessment of water pollution using diatom community structure and species distribution was carried out in the Linggi River Basin, Malaysia which was polluted by various urban, industrial and agricultural wastes. A total of 86 diatom taxa belonging to 21 genera were recorded from all eight sampling stations located in the basin, of which 70 species were found on artificial substrates; the remaining 16 species were recorded exclusively on natural substrates. The number of diatom species observed between the stations varied from 22-47 species. The dominant diatom species in decreasing order of abundance were Eunotia vanheurckii, Nitzschia palea, Achnanthes saxonica, Gomphonema parvulum and Achnanthes minutissima. The most common clean water species were Achnanthes minutissima, A. linearis and Synedra rumpens. The most tolerant species were Nitzschia palea followed by Gomphonema parvulum and Pinnularia braunii. Eunotia vanheurckii and Navicula cryptocephala occurred in high densities at both unpolluted and polluted stations and can be considered as the common facultative or indifferent species. Although a large number of species were recorded at the unpolluted stations, equivalent number of species were also found at the moderately polluted stations. However, the number of species was reduced at grossly polluted stations. Nevertheless, a marked variation in species association exists between the unpolluted and polluted stations, but not among the polluted stations to distinguish the type and degree of pollution.  相似文献   

【目的】松花江流域是中国最早的工业基地之一,其水生态环境遭到严重破坏,环境保护工作面临巨大挑战。开展松花江流域水质评价及典型生物类群多样性状况调查,可为松花江流域生态系统的保护和修复提供依据。【方法】于2016年7月调查整个松花江流域近岸的大型底栖动物群落组成和测定水质理化指标,开展其水质理化特征评价和生物指数评价,并探讨底栖动物群落分布与水环境因子间的关系。【结果】理化指标评价结果显示,南源松花江水质状况最差,处于中度污染;北源松花江处于轻度污染;梧桐河水质最好,处于良好状态。松花江流域3个河段的底栖动物群落结构存在空间差异性。另外,梧桐河的物种多样性最高,北源松花江次之,南源松花江最低。溶解氧和营养元素K的浓度是驱动底栖动物群落组成发生显著性差异的主要环境因子。生物指数评价结果显示,3个河段水质均处于轻度污染状态。【结论】松花江流域水质处于轻度到中度污染状态。有机污染是松花江流域面临的主要水质环境问题,对松花江流域底栖动物群落结构产生了显著影响。因此,控制有机质的输入是维持松花江流域水生态系统平衡的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

硅藻在河流健康评价中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国忱  刘录三  汪星  李黎 《生态学杂志》2012,23(9):2617-2624
Diatom, as a kind of autotrophic photosynthetic eukaryotic algae, is an important primary producer in aquatic ecosystem, and can reflect the average status of water environment. As the bio-indicators of the environment, Nitzschia communis, Navicula minuscula, and Gomphonema parvulum can indicate the eutrophication of waters, whereas Gomphonema angustum, Epithemia adnata, and Diatoma moniliformis can indicate the oligotrophication of waters. Cyclotella bodanica, Neidium affine, and Eunotia exigua are all the eosinophilic species that can indicate waters acidity, Aminutissimum nodusa can indicate water’s Cu concentration, and Synedra ulna can indicate the Zn concentration in waters. Some other diatoms can also indicate water’s contamination. This paper reviewed the research progress on the applications of diatom and diatom indices in river health assessment, pointed out the related existing problems, and put forward some future research directions, e.g., further perfect the classification and identification of diatoms, broadly carry out the researches of diatom indices upon different areas and conditions, pay more attention to the screening of diatom bio integrality indices, and establish a benchmark which suits for the assessment of water quality.  相似文献   

硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硅藻是水生生态系统健康的指示生物之一,对环境变化极为敏感,某些典型硅藻已应用于指示水体重金属污染.本文围绕地表水重金属污染,从毒性效应、生物吸附和累积、生态适应机制及生物指示与生态修复作用等方面,综述了硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展,阐述重金属污染下硅藻的生长趋势和硅壳形态的变化,硅藻对重金属生物吸附和生物累积的差别,硅藻对重金属的表面络合和离子交换等生态适应机制,以及硅藻对水体重金属污染的指示作用和生态修复作用,为水生生态系统的重金属污染防治与预警技术提供科学依据.  相似文献   

山西桑干河流域湿地植被物种多样性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贾燕春  张峰 《植物研究》2006,26(3):364-369
以109个样方调查数据为基础,采用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对山西桑干河流域湿地植物群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并用方差分析和多重比较的方法研究了各群落之间多样性指数的差异程度。研究结果表明:各植被类型的物种多样性指数大小排列依次为:柽柳—委陵菜群落>柽柳+沙棘—鹅观草群落>柽柳—鹅绒委陵菜群落>柽柳—芦苇群落>芦苇+水蓼+莎草群落>芦苇+苔草群落>百里香+铁杆蒿群落>香蒲+水蓼群落>水葱+轮藻+眼子菜群落>藨草+莎草+泽泻群落>水葱+藨草+芦苇群落>狐尾藻+香蒲群落>慈姑+芦苇群落>水蓼+慈姑群落>水莎草+水稗群落。对12种多样性指数进行比较后发现,R0、H′和E4优于其他指数。  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used in stream quality assessment due to their response to the local environment. Diatoms are also influenced by many large-scale processes and so the diatom communities of boreal streams incorporate a strong spatial component at a regional level. What is not properly known yet is whether the variation in diatom communities between regions is larger than the variation in measured environmental variables. We studied the roles of environment and space in accounting for variability in stream diatom communities across four regions in Finland. According to canonical correspondence analysis, geographical coordinates, nutrient concentrations (total N and P), and water conductivity were the most important factors affecting variation in diatom community composition. Of physical factors, depth and current velocity were also significant. According to Mantel tests, both environmental and geographical distances were related to dissimilarity in diatom community composition. Analysis of Similarities indicated that the regional differences in diatom community composition were larger than the regional differences in environmental variables. We also found many indicator species confined to certain regions. Our results suggest that the four study regions differ in their diatom species composition more than in their environmental features and that diatoms are structured not only by the local environment but also by large-scale processes, possibly related to history, climate and dispersal. These results imply that, while diatom species composition reflects well the environmental differences between regions, future bioassessments would benefit from regional stratification. Otherwise, relationships with environmental variables may be masked by trans-regional differences in species pools caused by the large-scale processes.  相似文献   

Benthic diatom communities were collected seasonally from silty and rocky substrates to survey the water quality of the Sandusky River. Even though species composition was highly variable along the river, recurrent changes in relative abundance of specific diatom taxa and changes in overall community composition delineated areas where discharge of treated sewage affected water quality of the river. Changes in species diversity (Shannon formula), not decreases in diversity, marked the site where greatest pollution had occurred. Problems with using species diversity indices to indicate pollution tend to be related to predicting decreases in diversity in response to decreases in water quality. Evidence in the Sandusky River and the theories of diatom community dynamics suggest that species diversity can be greater in polluted areas than less polluted areas.  相似文献   

Periphytic diatom communities’ colonization patterns were studied at three sampling stations of the Red–Nhue–Tolich hydrosystem presenting different urban pollution levels by using artificial substrates for 6 weeks in dry season 2005. Structural characteristics of periphytic diatoms developed on glass substrates at each sampling site were followed and compared. This experiment showed, through various general criteria (total diatom density, dry weight biomass) and specific criteria (relative diatom abundances, indices) that the structure of benthic diatoms developed on these substrates was strongly affected by pollution as early as the second week of colonization. Communities exposed to heavily and moderately polluted sites contained species which are known to be saprophilous or tolerant to organic pollution such as Nitzschia umbonata, Nitzschia palea, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Eolimna minima. Growth inhibition of diatom communities at the heavily polluted site was mostly related to a strong increase of organic load rather than to low metallic input, though metallic (Cd and Zn) burdens have been successfully quantified in the biofilms developed at the three studied sites. Nevertheless, no significant difference in species richness and diversity index between colonization duration times was observed. Based on values of diatom indices Indice de Polluosensibilité (IPS) and diatom assemblage index to organic water pollution (DAIPo), water quality could be classified as medium quality at Red site, polluted at NT2 and heavily polluted at TL. Thus, the use of diatoms as a tool for water assessment appears suitable for monitoring rivers in Vietnam, as it is in several other countries.  相似文献   

The parasite communities of fish in three reservoirs (Temengor, Kenering and Cenderuh) along the Perak River, as well as in the lower Perak, are compared. A total of 36 species, 51 species, 61 species and 58 species of metazoan parasites from six types of fishes common in all studied locations, were obtained in Temengor, Kenering, Cenderuh Reservoirs, and downstream Perak River, respectively. The various criteria (prevalence, mean intensity, diversity index, similarity index and evenness) of the parasite community were highest at the Cenderuh Reservoir, followed by the downstream river, Kenering, and Temengor Reservoirs. Monogeneans were the most common parasites in all species of fish examined from all study sites. Fish of the same species showed a high degree of similarity of its parasite fauna regardless of study site, but different hosts had a low similarity of their parasite fauna, even within the same study site. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘麟菲  谭冰冰  殷旭旺  张远  孟伟 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6613-6621
2009年8—9月,对辽宁省太子河流域67个点位进行采样调查,以硅藻群落为研究对象,比较硅藻属级水平与种级水平相对多度、物种丰富度以及生物多样性指数间的相关性,并比较硅藻属级与种级属性与环境因子的相关性。实验结果表明,太子河流域硅藻属级水平的相对多度、丰富度和多样性指数与硅藻种级水平都极显著相关。Pearson相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的丰富度与环境显著相关的因子与种级水平丰富度与环境显著相关的因子相一致。Mantel-Test相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的相对多度与环境因子的相关性弱于种级水平与环境因子相关性。典范对应分析结果显示,影响硅藻属级和种级群落结构分布的主要环境因子均为悬浮物。基于硅藻生物评价指数的流域健康评价结果表明,应用硅藻属级和种级属性对太子河流域进行健康评价,其评价结果相一致。  相似文献   

Diatoms are important components of the marine food web and one of the most species-rich groups of phytoplankton. The diversity and composition of diatoms in eutrophic nearshore habitats have been well documented due to the outsized influence of diatoms on coastal ecosystem functioning. In contrast, patterns of both diatom diversity and community composition in offshore oligotrophic regions where diatom biomass is low have been poorly resolved. To compare the diatom diversity and community composition in oligotrophic and eutrophic waters, diatom communities were sampled along a 1,250 km transect from the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea to the coastal waters of the northeast US shelf. Diatom community composition was determined by amplifying and sequencing the 18S rDNA V4 region. Of the 301 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) identified along the transect, the majority (70%) were sampled exclusively from oligotrophic waters of the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea and included the genera Bacteriastrum, Haslea, Hemiaulus, Pseudo-nitzschia, and Nitzschia. Diatom ASV richness did not vary along the transect, indicating that the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream are occupied by a diverse diatom community. Although ASV richness was similar between oligotrophic and coastal waters, diatom community composition in these regions differed significantly and was correlated with temperature and phosphate, two environmental variables known to influence diatom metabolism and geographic distribution. In sum, oligotrophic waters of the western North Atlantic harbor diverse diatom assemblages that are distinct from coastal regions, and these open ocean diatoms warrant additional study, as they may play critical roles in oligotrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Metal pollution in the fluvial sediments of the rivers has become a severe problem throughout the world. Lower valleys with agricultural land are usually receiving diverse contaminants from various sources that are characterized by constant, bioaccumulative and harmful contaminants. One example is of the Beas river (India) which shows the distribution, contamination, and pollution status of metals in the sediments. In the present study, a cluster analysis and principal component analysis were conducted to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities in sediment metals. Results of contamination factor indicate that there is low contamination, whereas enrichment factor showed that 28.5% metals showed significant pollution during pre-monsoon season, 42.8% metals showed moderate to high pollution during post-monsoon season, and 42.8% metals showed moderate to extreme pollution during the winter season. Pollution index and modified pollution index showed that sediments in the winter season are slightly and critically polluted. The ecological risk factors indicate that 23.8% metals posed moderate to high ecological risk in the sediments.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of selective timber extraction on fish communities in Sabah, Malaysia, quantitative samples of fishes were taken from thirteen streams running through undisturbed rainforest or through forest that had been selectively logged 3–18 years previously. Multivariate analysis (canonical discriminant analysis and cluster analysis) indicated that mesohabitats within streams (riffles and pools) and differences in stream size were more important in determining community structure than logging history. Riffles in streams running through logged or undisturbed forest were indistinguishable using relative biomass or abundance data, as were pools from small streams (approximate order 2). Fish communities from pools in larger streams showed some separation in multivariate space corresponding to a complex set of relative changes in abundance and/or biomass between species. However it was difficult to unambiguously assign such changes to logging regime alone. There appeared to be some differences in fish communities between streams in recently-logged (3–7 years) and old-logged (17–18 years) areas related to abundance or biomass of three cyprinids (Garra borneensis, Lobocheilos bo and Osteochilus chini). Only one species, Pangio mariarum, was not found in streams in logged forest, but it was only found at one location in undisturbed forest. A number of other species showed significant differences in abundance or biomass between sites but most of these were only present at some sites and in low abundance. Principal components analysis of habitat data showed that riffle sites were homogeneous whatever their logging history as were pools in unlogged large streams. Pools in logged large streams were significantly more heterogeneous but in a random rather than systematic manner. It is concluded that the type of selective logging practices used locally have low impact on fish communities through mechanisms of persistence and/or rapid recolonisation.  相似文献   

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