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Expression of the yeast galactokinase gene in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
B A Citron  M Feiss  J E Donelson 《Gene》1979,6(3):251-264
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the genes for three of the enzymes involved in galactose metabolism are tightly linked near the centromere of chromosome II (Douglas and Hawthorne, 1964). However, the molecular mechanisms which control the expression of these genes are not well understood. A DNA fragment containing at least one of these yeast genes, the galactokinase gene (gal1), has been joined to the bacterial plasmid pBR322 and maintained in an Escherichia coli strain that carries a deletion in its own galactokinase gene, galK. The presence of the yeast gene was demonstrated by (i) complementation of the E. coli galactokinase deletion, (ii) by hybridization of the cloned DNA fragment to restriction enzyme digests of total yeast DNA and (iii) by assaying for yeast galactokinase activity in bacterial cell extracts. The yeast DNA fragment is 4700 base pairs long, and enables the host E. coli K-12 strain to grow in minimal medium containing galactose as the sole carbon source with a generation time of 14.3 h. The yeast galactokinase activity in the bacterial extracts is 0.7% of the bacterial galactokinase activity found in wild-type E. coli fully induced with fucose.  相似文献   

W Schumann 《Gene》1979,5(4):275-290
The construction of three hybrid plasmids containing different parts of the left or immunity and end of phage Mu DNA is described. The recombinant plasmids pKN05 and pKN54 carry the HindIII.C and PstI.C fragments of Mu DNA, respectively. Neither of these plasmids expresses the killing function. Moreover, they do not allow plating of superinfecting Mu phages. Plasmid pKN62 harbors the fragment located in between the left PstI and EcoRI cleavage sites on Mu DNA, allows plating of superinfecting Mu phages, but does not express the killing function. These data suggest that the gene coding for the killing function is either positively regulated by a product from the EcoRI.C fragment, or the killing function requires a second product not coded for by pKN62. Mu Vir A- or Mu Vir B- phages are able to grow on bacteria harboring the recombinant plasmid pKN001 which carries the left and EcoRI-C fragment of Mu DNA. This indicates that the superinfecting phages can induce the corresponding gene functions from pKN001. No such induction could be detected in cells harboring the hybrid plasmids pKN05, pKN54 or pKN62.  相似文献   

Abstract A gene library of Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L2 (strain 434) was constructed in Escherichia coli using plasmid pBR322. Amongst 200 recombinants we have identified and characterized a recombinant E. coli that expresses a protein antigen of M r 74 000 similar in size to an outer membrane antigen produced by elementary bodies of C. trachomatis . Immunologically, the molecule synthesised by E. coli has the same specificity as the protein encoded by serovar L2. A 1.8 kb DNA fragment from the recombinant insert, used as a hybridization probe, confirmed the species specificity of this clone at the gene level.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability and the copy number of pBR322, pBR325 and pBR328 were studied during continous cultures of free and immobilized E. coli W3101 without selective pressure. In the free-cell system, it was found that pBR328 and pBR325-free E. coli cells appeared after a lag period. They rapidly overgrew the cultures and the plasmid copy number subsequently declined. On the other hand, an increase in the proportion of pBR322- carrying cells during a free continuous culture was observed. This increase correlated with that of plasmid copy number. By contrast, in the immobilized- cell system, plasmid free segregants were not detected in all the cases even after 250 generations. We have also shown that plasmid copy number remained constant and phenomena such as fluctuations or genetic modifications which occured after long term growth of bacteria in a free continuous culture could be avoided throughout cell immobilization.  相似文献   

M A Schell  D B Wilson 《Gene》1979,5(4):291-303
This report describes the construction and isolation of a plasmid, derived from pBR322, which carries a BglII restriction fragment of DNA containing the galactokinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This was accomplished by the following procedure: (1) Purified galactokinase mRNA, labelled with 125I, was hybridized to BglII digests of yeast DNA employing Southern's filter transfer technique to identify a restriction fragment containing the galactokinase gene. (2) This fragment was partially purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, ligated into the BamHI site of pBR322 and transformed into Escherichia coli to generate a clone bank containing the galactokinase gene. (3) This bank was screened by in situ colony hybridization with galactokinase mRNA resulting in the identification of a plasmid carrying this gene. This plasmid DNA hybridized with the galactokinase mRNA to the same extent in the presence of absence of a large excess of unlabelled mRNA from cells that were not induced for galactokinase synthesis, while the same amount of unlabelled galactose-induced mRNA reduced the hybridization by 95%. When this plasmid was introduced into an E. coli strain deleted for the galactose operon it caused the synthesis of low levels of yeast galactokinase activity.  相似文献   

M Crabeel  D Charlier  R Cunin  N Glansdorff 《Gene》1979,5(3):207-231
A 1.8 kb DNA fragment, liberated by endonuclease HindIII, contains the control region of the argECBH bipolar operon near one end and the weak secondary promoter of argH at the other extremity; it has been cloned in plasmid pBR322. The same plasmid vector has been used to clone the argF gene liberated from the chromosome by endonuclease BamHI. Restriction patterns for the two hybrid plasmids have been determined, using enzymes AluI, BglI, EcoRI, HaeIII, HincII, HindIII, HpaI and II, PstI and SalI. Two AluI sites situated on either side of and close to a HincII target delineate two short fragments covering the whole of the argECBH control region. The argF control elements are located in a region accessible to further dissection by BamHI, EcoRI, PstI and HindIII. Carriers of the argF plasmid produce extremely high amounts of ornithine carbamoyltransferase, a feature useful for purification of this enzyme.  相似文献   

E Szomolányi  A Kiss  P Venetianer 《Gene》1980,10(3):219-225
The gene coding for the sequence-specific modification methylase methM . BspI of Bacillus sphaericus R has been cloned in Escherichia coli by means of plasmid pBR322. The selection was based on the expression of the cloned gene which rendered the recombinant plasmid resistant to BspI restriction endonuclease cleavage. The gene is carried by a 9 kb BamHI fragment and by a smaller 2.5 kb EcoRI fragment derived from the BamHI fragment. The Bsp-specific methylase level was found to be higher in the recombinant clones than in the parental strain. The methylase gene is probably located on the Bacillus sphaericus chromosome, and not on a plasmid known to be carried by this strain. The recombinant clones do not exhibit an BspI restriction endonuclease activity.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pJSF6, a derivative of pBR327, could be maintained at 30° C in strains of Escherichia coli containing the strong rho mutation, rho-15. Plasmids extracted from rho-15 cells were always less negatively supercoiled than plasmids from rho + cells. Transduction experiments designed to separate the rho gene from possible extragenic suppressors showed that the rho allele consistently determined the degree of plasmid superhelicity. Comparison of the superhelicity of plasmids extracted from the rho-15 and from a gyrB mutant showed that at 30° C the negative supercoiling was reduced by the amounts W rho=4.0±0.3 and W gyr=6.0±0.3 turns; the effect of the rho-15 mutation on supercoiling was thus comparable to that of the gyrB mutation. A similar effect of the rho-15 mutation on the superhelicity of pBR329 was observed. The observation that the Rho protein has a role in determining DNA superhelicity (though not necessarily a direct role) provides a new point of view for studying the pleiotropic properties of rho mutants.We dedicate this paper to the cherished memory of Ethel S. Tessman, who died May 10, 1986. She encouraged and advised and stimulated each of us in the development of our careers  相似文献   

Plasmids are common vectors to genetically manipulate Escherichia coli or other microorganisms. They are easy to use and considerable experience has accumulated on their application in heterologous protein production. However, plasmids can be lost during cell growth, if no selection pressure like, e.g., antibiotics is used, hampering the production of the desired protein and endangering the economic success of a biotechnological production process. Thus, in this study the Continuously Operated Shaken BIOreactor System (COSBIOS) is applied as a tool for fast parallel testing of strain stability and operation conditions and to evaluate measures to counter such plasmid loss. In specific, by applying various ampicillin concentrations, the lowest effective ampicillin dosage is investigated to secure plasmid stability while lowering adverse ecological effects. A significant difference was found in the growth rates of plasmid‐bearing and plasmid‐free cells. The undesired plasmid‐free cells grew 30% faster than the desired plasmid‐bearing cells. During the testing of plasmid stability without antibiotics, the population fraction of plasmid‐bearing cells rapidly decreased in continuous culture to zero within the first 48 h. An initial single dosage of ampicillin did not prevent plasmid loss. By contrast, a continuous application of a low dosage of 10 µg/mL ampicillin in the feed medium maintained plasmid stability in the culture. Consequently, the COSBIOS is an apt reactor system for measuring plasmid stability and evaluating methods to enhance this stability. Hence, decreased production of heterologous protein can be prevented. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1418–1425, 2016  相似文献   

A filtration technique is described to purify Escherichia coli chi 1488 minicells much more rapidly than the usual method involving sucrose gradient centrifugation, and to produce minicells that have not been subjected to osmotic stress. The minicells so prepared are metabolically active as indicated by the in vivo incorporation of [35S]methionine into plasmid-coded polypeptides.  相似文献   

J A Engler  R A Forgie  M M Howe 《Gene》1980,10(1):79-83
We have cleaved phage Mu DNA with restriction endonucleases EcoRI and BamHI and have cloned three specific DNA fragments from the middle of the Mu genome into vector plasmid pBR322. By marker rescue experiments, we have determined that the two BamHI cleavage sites in Mu DNA occur within cistrons E and F.  相似文献   

S K Moore  E James  P M James  G Fareed 《Gene》1978,4(3):261-278
A 1650 base pair (BP) fragment carrying the entire argF structural gene with its associated control regions was isolated from an EcoRI/BamHI digest of phi80argFilambda cI857 DNA. This segment was cloned using the EcoRI and BamHI cleavage sites in the plasmid pBR322. A preliminary restriction map of the argF region was prepared. RNA polymerase binding studies indicated that the argF promoter is located approx. 30 base pairs from the EcoRI terminus of the cloned DNA segment.  相似文献   

We have constructed a restriction map of the maxicircle component of the kinetoplast DNA of Leishmania tarentolae for the enzymes EcoRI, Bam HI, HaeIII, HpaII, SalI, BglII and HindIII. The 9 and 12S kinetoplast RNAs were localized on this map. Two fragments of this maxicircle molecule were cloned in the bacterial plasmid, pBR322, including a 4.4 . 10(6) dalton EcoRI/BamHI fragment which contains the 9 and 12S RNA genes.  相似文献   

R N Rao  S G Rogers 《Gene》1978,3(3):247-263
Two segments of lambda have been cloned into the multicopy plasmid pBR322. One extends from N through cII (NcII segment, from 71.3 to 81.0% on the physical map) and the other from N through P (NOP segment, from 71.3 to 86.5% on the physical map). Cells carrying these recombinant plasmids express lambda immunity (cIts) and Rex function. In addition, they decrease the efficiency of plating at 32 degrees C of lambdavir and lambdaimm434, but not that of lambdaimm21. Recombinant plasmids with lambdaNOP segments (pKC14, pKC16) differ from recombinant plasmid with labmdaNcII segment (pKC10) in two respects: (i) strains carrying pKC14 or pKC16 are killed at 42 degrees C, and (ii) these strains are thermally inducible for plasmid DNA synthesis, resulting in increase of plasmid copy number from an uninduced level of 50 to more than 130 per chromosome. It was suggested that both these differences are related to functions contained in the lambda DNA segment extending from 81.0 to 86.5%. The usefulness of plasmid pKC16 for overproduction of gene products from cloned DNA segments was demonstrated by cloning the E. coli exonuclease III gene (xth) in pKC16. Thermal induction of this xth plasmid (pSGr) results in a 125-fold increase in exonuclease III activity over that of a control strain lacking the xth gene insert. The extent of exonuclease III overproduction obtained by cloning xth gene in a lambda vector was similar to that obtained with pSGR3.  相似文献   

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