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The inflorescence of Hedychium coccineum Smith is thyrse, and the primary bracts are initiated in a spiral phyllotactic pattern on the sides of the inflorescence dome. Cincinnus primordia are initiated on the flank of the inflorescence apex, in the axils of primary bracts. This primordium subsequently develops a bract and a floral primordium. Then, the floral primordium enlarges, flattens apically, and becomes rounded. Sepals are initiated sequentially from the rounded corner of the primordium ring sepal initiation, and the floral primordium continues to enlarge and produces a ring primordium. Later, this ring primordium separates three common primordia surrounding a central cavity. The adaxial common primordium is the first separation. This primordium produces the posterior petal and the fertile stamen. The remaining two common primordia separate and produce respectively a petal and a petaloid, the inner androecial member. As the flower enlarges, the cavity of the floral cup becomes a rounded–triangular apex; these apices are the sites of outer androecial primordium initiation. The abaxial outer androecial member slightly forms before the two adaxial members develop. But this primordium ceases growth soon after initiation, while the two posterior primordia continue growth to produce the lateral petaloid staminodes. During this stage, gynoecial initiates in the floral cup and continues to grow until extending beyond the labellum.  相似文献   

马先蒿属花冠无喙类的花器官发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对花冠无喙类密穗马先蒿(Pedicularis densispica)和大王马先蒿(P.rex)的花器官电镜扫描发现,两种不同花冠型(无齿和具齿)的马先蒿花部器官发生和发育初期十分相似,表现为明显的单轴对称。2个萼片原基首先发生于花顶的近轴侧位,然后沿花顶边缘向远轴端发育形成--马蹄形结构。密穗马先蒿在近轴中部又出现1枚萼片原基,随后马蹄形结构分化出4枚萼片,并与近轴中部的原基愈合后构成5齿萼片;而大王马先蒿的2齿萼片直接由马蹄形结构发育而成。5枚独立的花瓣原基随后发生,但发育相对滞后;除近轴中部位置1枚空缺外,4枚雄蕊原基与花瓣原基位置呈交互发生;2个心皮原基同时在拱形花顶的近轴和远轴端发生,剩余的花顶形成中间的隔膜,并与2个心皮形成中轴胎座。对马先蒿与金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和毛地黄(Digitalis purpurea)花器官发生和发育初期的特征进行了比较,讨论了马先蒿属花冠对称性变化的意义。  相似文献   

The floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. was observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The floral buds are first initiated on the lower portion of inflorescence in alternating whorls of three. Each of the floral buds is subtended by a bract primordium during the early stages. The primordia of the floral appendages arise on the floral bud acropetally. Two lateral tepals are first initiated and then two median ones soon after. Stamens are normally initiated as elongate primordia opposite the tepals, with the two lateral stamens preceding the median ones. The two carpel primordia arise alternating with the stamens. In some flowers, one of the two gynoecial primordia becomes inactive soon after they are initiated, or only one carpel primordium is initiated. The present observation of the gynoecial development supports the viewpoint that the evolution of flower in Potamogeton involves a reduction in number of parts. The existence of bract primordium during the early stages in many species of Potamogeton indicates that the absence of bractin mature flowers should be the result of reduction.  相似文献   

Inflorescence of Globba barthei is a thyrse . Primary bracts are initiated in a spiral phyllotactic pattern on the inflorescence apex . Cincinnus primordia are initiated in the axils of primary bracts . These promordia develop secondarybracts and floral primordia . The floral primordium continues to enlarge and produce a ring primordium . Sepals are initiated sequentially from the rounded corner of the primordium . The ring primordium separates three common primordium surrounding a central cavity . The adaxial common primordium is the first to separate . This primordium divides transversely and producespetal and fertile stamen . The remaining two common primordium transversely separate and produce respectively a petal and a petaloid . As the flower developing , the cavity of the floral cup becomes triangular . The angles of this triangle are the sites of outer androecial primordium . The abaxial androecia forms slightly earlier than the two adaxial ones, and then this primordium ceases growth soon . The two posterior primordia continue growth to produce the lateral petaloid staminodes . During this stage , gynoecia initiate from the floral cup and continue to fuse and develop into style and stigma. In addition ,Initiation of the bulbil primordium is observed at base of inflorescence axis during the early floral development . The bulbil primordium initiates in the axil of primary bract . The evolutionary significance of six androecia is discussed .  相似文献   

毛舞花姜花器官的发生与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜观察了毛舞花姜(Globba barthei Gagne p.)的花序及花器官的发生与发育。3枚萼片原基首先于花顶连续发生,随后花顶的中心凹陷形成环状原基,环状原基进一步分化形成三枚花瓣—雄蕊共同原基,并在花顶的中心形成花杯。共同原基分化形成花瓣和三枚内轮雄蕊,紧接着外轮雄蕊在花杯的顶点发生。远轴的两枚内轮雄蕊延伸生长并相互融合形成了唇瓣,近轴的一枚形成了可育雄蕊;近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊发育形成了成熟花结构中的侧生退化雄蕊,而远轴的一枚缺失。近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊原基起始的同时,3枚心皮原基也在中心花杯的内侧发生而后与外轮雄蕊相间排列。对毛舞花姜花序的发生和发育的观察发现,在花序轴的头几片初级苞片中产生的是珠芽原基而非蝎尾状小花序原基,其形态特征类似于早期的蝎尾状小花序原基,由此推测珠芽很可能是蝎尾状小花序的变异。  相似文献   

大戟科麻疯树属三种植物花器官发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜观察了大戟科Euphorbiaceae麻疯树属Jatropha麻疯树J. curcas L.、佛肚树J. podagrica Hook.和棉叶麻疯树J. gossypifolia L.花器官发生。结果表明: 麻疯树、佛肚树和棉叶麻疯树花萼原基均为2/5型螺旋发生。在同一个种不同的花蕾中, 花萼的发生有两种顺序: 逆时针方向和顺时针方向。远轴面非正中位的1枚先发生。5枚花瓣原基几乎同时发生。雄花中雄蕊两轮, 外轮对瓣, 内轮对萼。研究的3种麻疯树属植物雄蕊发生方式有两种类型: 麻疯树亚属麻疯树的5枚外轮雄蕊先同时发生, 5枚内轮雄蕊后同时发生, 佛肚树亚属佛肚树和棉叶麻疯树雄蕊8-9枚, 排成两轮, 内外轮雄蕊同时发生。雌花的3枚心皮原基为同时发生。麻疯树属单性花, 雌花的子房膨大而雄蕊退化, 雄花的雄蕊正常发育, 子房缺失。根据雄蕊发生方式, 支持将麻疯树属分为麻疯树亚属subgen. Jatropha和佛肚树亚属subgen. Curcas。  相似文献   

赵祥  苏雪  吴海燕  张辉  孙坤 《植物研究》2020,40(6):813-819
利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了突脉金丝桃(Hypericum przewalskii)(金丝桃科)的花部器官发生发育过程。结果表明,突脉金丝桃2枚苞片原基首先发生,花原基在苞片原基的包裹中完成发育。在苞片原基发生后,5枚萼片原基沿2/5圆周依次发生。萼片原基发生近完成时,5枚雄蕊—花瓣共同原基在萼片原基之间的角隅处近同时发生,此后,雄蕊—花瓣共同原基下部向外伸展形成花瓣原基,上部向上凸起形成与花瓣原基相对的雄蕊原基,之后雄蕊原基由内向外依次分化发育产生次生雄蕊原基,随着次生雄蕊原基的发育和数目的增多,形成了5束雄蕊。次生雄蕊原基发生的同时,5枚心皮原基近同时发生。突脉金丝桃雄蕊束的发生方式表明,金丝桃属的雄蕊束可能起源于5基数的单轮雄蕊。金丝桃科与藤黄科植物花瓣及雄蕊原基发生方式的显著不同,支持了APG Ⅲ系统将金丝桃亚科从藤黄科中独立为金丝桃科的观点。  相似文献   

Flowers of Potamogeton normally have a completely tetramerous plan. Deviations from this norm occur quite commonly in the uppermost flowers of the inflorescence; these variations have been reported before and usually involve a reduction in number of parts. Cases have now been found where the gynoecium of all or many flowers differs from the normal tetracarpellate arrangement; some species regularly have fewer and others more than four carpels. The developmental bases of meristic variation have been explored and quantitative studies of gynoecia and developing gynoecia have been undertaken. The data are used to evaluate the control and correlation of floral development in Potamogeton in general, and in particular the relationship between the gynoecium and the rest of the flower. The developing flower passes through two successive phases of organ initiation: one in which the perianth and stamen primordia arise, and one in which the gynoecial primordia arise. There seems to be little developmental relationship between the two phases except phyllotactic continuity. During the perianth/stamen phase each stamen primordium arises directly above a perianth member, and the presence of a perianth member seems to be a prerequisite for initiation of the stamen. The perianth/stamen phase seems to be rather stable so that normally four perianth/stamen associations are initiated, except in flowers at the tip of the inflorescence. In the gynoecial phase the number of carpel primordia initiated seems to depend on the relative size of carpel primordia and floral apex, and on whether or not the floral apex continues to grow while initiating carpel primordia.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral ontogeny are described in the mimosoid Acacia baileyana F. Muell., using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The panicle includes first-order and second-order inflorescences. The first-order inflorescence meristem produces first-order bracts in acropetal order; these bracts each subtend a second-order inflorescence meristem, commonly called a head. Each second-order inflorescence meristem initiates an acropetally sequential series of second-order bracts. After all bracts are formed, their subtended floral meristems are initiated synchronously. The sepals and petals of the radially symmetrical flowers are arranged in alternating pentamerous whorls. There are 30–40 stamens and a unicarpellate gynoecium. In most flowers, the sepals are initiated helically, with the first-formed sepal varying in position. Petal primordia are initiated simultaneously, alternate to the sepals. Three to five individual stamen primordia are initiated in each of five altemipetalous sectorial clusters. Additional stamen primordia are initiated between adjacent clusters, followed by other stamens initiated basipetally as well as centripetally. The apical configuration shifts from a tunica-corpus cellular arrangement before organogenesis to a mantle-core arrangement at sepal initiation. All floral organs are initiated by periclinal divisions of the subsurface mantle cells. The receptacle expands radially by numerous anticlinal divisions in the mantle at the summit, concurrently with proliferation of stamen primordia. The carpel primordium develops in terminal position by conversion of the floral apex.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜首次观察了山茶科极濒危植物猪血木(Euryodendron excelsum)的花器官发生过程。猪血木的花为两性完全花,萼片和花瓣均为2/5螺旋向心发生,单轮排列,且有逆时针和顺时针两种方式。雄蕊的形成是先形成一个环形分生组织,然后在环形分生组织上以2/5螺旋产生5束雄蕊原基,每一束雄蕊原基的第一雄蕊原基都是在对萼的位置产生,其它的雄蕊原基在其两侧产生。3心皮顺序发生,愈合成3室单子房,柱头平截不裂。猪血木与山茶亚科的花器官发生明显不同。  相似文献   

The floral development of a critically endangered plant Euryodendron excelsum from Ternstroemioideae (Theaceae) has been observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the first time . The flower of E. excelsum is bisexual and teleianthous . Five sepal primordia are initiated 2􊄯5 spirally and arranged in one whorl when mature , and so are petals. Sepals and petals are initiated in the same order either clockwise or counterclockwise in the same flower . The androecial part is a ring primordium in the beginning . The first five stamen primordia are initiated on this ring primordium at antisepalous positions and then other stamen primordia appear on two sides of each of the first five primordia . Finally a total of 25 stamen primordia are initiated from the ring primordium and arranged in one whorl but could be grouped into 5 fascicles. Three sequentially initiated carpels compose an ovary which has an axile- central placenta with three locules and a truncateand indehiscent stigma . The floral development of E. excelsum is distinctly different from plants in Theoideae .  相似文献   

The floral organogenesis and development of Delavaya toxocarpa Franch. (Sapindaceae) were studied under scanning electron microscope and light microscope to determine its systematic position within Sapindaceae. Flowers arise in terminal thyrses. The sepal primordia initiate in a spiral (2/5) sequence, which are not synchronous. The five petal primordia initiate almost synchronously and alternate with sepal primordia. Eight stamens initiate almost simultaneously and their differentiation precedes that of the petals. The last formed petal and one stamen initiate from a common primordium. Mature stamens curve inwards and cover the ovary in bud. The gynoecium begins as a hemispheric primordium on which two carpellary lobes arise simultaneously. Later in development a single gynocium is formed with two locules and two ovules per locule. Floral morphology suggests a closer affinity with Sapindaceae, although certain features of floral ontogenesis are similar to those observed in certain members of the former Hippocastanaceae, such as Handeliodendron.  相似文献   

Floral development in Piper was compared between four-staminate species (P. aduncum and P. marginatum) and six-staminate species (P. amalago). All Piper species have a syncarpous gynoecium composed of three or four carpels. The floral apex is initiated by a periclinal division in the subsurface layer in the axil of a bract 40-55 μm high; initiation of the bracts occurs separately and considerably earlier. The floral primordium widens and the first pair of stamens are initiated at either side. The median anterior stamen forms next, and the median posterior later. This sequence is common to all species studied. In the six-staminate P. amalago, the last two stamens form simultaneously in lateral-anterior positions. The stamens hence arise as pairs, and symmetry is bilateral or dorsiventral. The three or four carpels arise simultaneously; they are soon elevated on a gynoecial ring by growth of the receptacle below the level of attachment of the carpels to produce a syncarpous gynoecium. The floral apex lastly produces the solitary basal ovule and is used up in its formation.  相似文献   

The initiation and development of the floral organs of Brassica napus L. (cv. Westar) were examined using the scanning electron microscope. After transition of the vegetative apex into an inflorescence apex, flower primordia were initiated in a helical phyllotactic pattern. The sequence of initiation of the floral organs in a flower bud was that of sepals, stamens, petals and gynoecium. Of the four sepal primordia, the abaxial was initiated first, followed by the two lateral and finally the adaxial primordium. The four long stamens were initiated simultaneously in positions alternating with the sepals. The two short stamens were initiated basipetal to and outside the long stamens, and opposite the lateral sepals. The petals arose on either side of the two short stamens and the gynoecium was produced from the remainder of the apex. During development, the sepal primordia curved sharply at the tips and tightly enclosed the other organs. Stamen primordia developed tetralobed anthers at an early stage while filament elongation occurred just prior to anthesis. A unique pattern of bulbous cells was present on the abaxial surface of the anther. Growth of petal primordia lagged relative to the other floral organs but expansion was rapid prior to anthesis. The gynoecium primordium was characterized by an invagination early in development. At maturity, there was differentiation of a papillate stigma, an elongated style and a long ovary marked externally by sutures and divided internally by a septum. Distinct patterns of cuticular thickenings were observed on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the petals and stamens and on the surface of the style. The patterns were less obvious on the sepals and ovary. Stomata were present on both surfaces of the mature sepals, on the style and restricted areas on the abaxial surface of the anthers and nectaries but were absent from the petals, the adaxial surface of the stamens and the ovary. No hairs were present on any of the floral organs.  相似文献   

As a first step towards a broader floral ontogenetic study on Cornales, the flowers of four species of Hydrangeaceae (Deutzia corymbosa, Kirengeshoma palmata, Philadelphus purpurascens and Hydrangea petiolaris) were studied. In Deutzia and Kirengeshoma five sepal primordia are generally initiated, in Philadelphus only four. Sepal initiation in Kirengeshoma shows a tendency to tetramony. Deutzia has a variable sepal initiation. Petal growth was never retarded in the studied species. Initiation of the androecium in Kirengeshoma, Philadelphus and Hydrangea starts with antesepalous primary primordia, on which secondary primordia are soon formed, leading ultimately to the formation of polystaminate androecia. In Deutzia a diplostemonous androecium is formed, starting with the initiation of the antesepalous stamen primordia. Gynoecium development is similar in all species studied: on a concave floral apex, a ring meristem is initiated; it develops into a variable number of continuous carpel primordia, while the centripetally growing common margins form the septa. Initiation of the ovule primordia starts halfway up each placenta and extends in an apical, basal and lateral direction. A number of morphological problems are discussed, such as the derivation of tetramery, and evolutionary and developmental trends in the androecium and gynoecium. Kirengeshoma is well settled in Hydrangeaceae, although its exact position within the family remains uncertain. A sistergroup relationship of Hydrangeaceae with Loasaceae is supported. However, Hydrangeaceae also share features with Saxifragaceae (e.g. similar gynoecium development).  相似文献   

为进一步研究商陆科的系统位置提供花器官发生和发育的证据,在扫描电子显微镜下观察了商陆Phytolacca acinosa、多雄蕊商陆P. polyandra和垂序商陆P. americana的花器官发生.结果表明: 商陆属植物花被的发生均为2/5型螺旋发生.在同一个种不同的花蕾中,花被的发生有两种顺序:逆时针方向和顺时针方向.远轴侧非正中位的1枚先发生.雄蕊发生于环状分生组织.在单轮雄蕊的种中8-10枚雄蕊为近同时发生;两轮雄蕊的种8枚内轮雄蕊先发生,6-8枚外轮雄蕊随后发生,内轮雄蕊为同时发生,外轮雄蕊发生次序不规则.心皮原基也发生于环状分生组织,8-10枚心皮原基为同时发生.在后来的发育过程中,商陆的心皮发育成近离生心皮雌蕊;其他2种心皮侧壁联合发育成合生心皮雌蕊.对商陆属植物花器官发生的类型及发育形态学做了分析,结果支持商陆科在石竹目系统发育中处于原始地位的观点.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜观察了宽叶泽苔草Caldesia grandisSamuel.的花器官发生。宽叶泽苔草 的萼片3枚,逆时针螺旋向心发生 ;花瓣3枚,呈一轮近同时发生,未观察到花瓣_雄蕊复合原基;雄蕊、心皮原基皆轮状向心 发生,最先近同时发生的6枚原基全部发育成雄蕊,随后发生的6枚原基早期并无差别,在发 育过程中逐渐出现形态差异,直至其中1-4枚发育成心皮,其余的发育成雄蕊;而后的几轮 心皮原基,6枚一轮,陆续向心相间发生。本文揭示了3枚萼片螺旋状的发生方式,并推测这种螺旋方式是泽泻科植物进化过程中保留下来  相似文献   

In Nolana humifusa (Gouan) Johnst. and N. paradoxa Lindl, five carpel primordia unite by their thin margins to form the gynoecium wall. An ovule primordium is initiated in each of a maximum of six depressions, formed in the adaxial surface of each carpel primordium. The depressions become deeper, each developing into a duct that ends in an ovule chamber, which is a uniovulate locellus. The locellus is delimited by a ventral carpellary epidermis except at its lower adaxial part, where the ovule is invaginated on a short funicle from its own placenta.
Periclinal cell divisions in the subsurface layers of the floral apex form a receptacular column, which grows in continuity with the lower adaxial parts of the carpel primordia; the upper parts of the carpel primordia face the five-radiate "common cavity" inside the gynoecium wall. At anthesis this cavity is filled with stylar and ovarian transmitting tissue. The latter forms five "wings" that downward are continuous with wings of the receptacular column and which together with them radiate between the five carpels. True septa are not formed.
In N. humifusa a plurilocellate mericarp originates from each carpel primordium. In N. paradoxa longitudinal unilocellate portions of each plurilocellate carpel primordium develop independently into "carpel-lobes", the bulging lower parts of which mature into unilocellate mericarps. In both species the funicle develops into a germination plug.
The locellar organization described is a common feature of the Nolanaceae. The formation of invariably uniovulate placentae in pluriovulate carpels is the basic innovation of the family.  相似文献   

The inflorescence and floral development of Caldesia grandis Samuel is reported for the first time in this paper. The basic units of the large cymo‐thyrsus inflorescence are short panicles that are arranged in a pseudowhorl. Each panicle gives rise spirally to three bract primordia also arranged in a pseudowhorl. The branch primordia arise at the axils of the bracts. Each panicle produces spirally three bract primordia with triradiate symmetry (or in a pseudowhorl) and three floral primordia in the axils of the bract primordia. The apex of the panicle becomes a terminal floral primordium after the initiations of lateral bract primordia and floral primordia. Three sepal primordia are initiated approximately in a single whorl from the floral primordium. Three petal primordia are initiated alternate to the sepal primordia, but their subsequent development is much delayed. The first six stamen primordia are initiated as three pairs in a single whorl and each pair appears to be antipetalous as in other genera of the Alismataceae. The stamen primordia of the second whorl are initiated trimerously and opposite to the petals. Usually, 9–12 stamens are initiated in a flower. There is successive transition between the initiation of stamen and carpel primordia. The six first‐initiated carpel primordia rise simultaneously in a whorl and alternate with the trimerous stamens, but the succeeding ones are initiated in irregular spirals, and there are 15–21 carpels developed in a flower. Petals begin to enlarge and expand when anthers of stamens have differentiated microsporangia. Such features do not occur in C. parnassifolia. In the latter, six stamen primordia are initiated in two whorls of three, carpel primordia are initiated in 1–3 whorls, and there is no delay in the development of petals. C. grandis is thus considered more primitive and C. parnassifolia more derived. C. grandis shares more similarities in features of floral development with Alsma, Echinodorus, Luronium and Sagittaria. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 140 , 39–47.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Members of Rubiaceae are generally characterized by an inferior ovary. However, Mitrasacmopsis is cited in the literature as having a semi-inferior to superior ovary. It has previously been hypothesized that the gynoecial development of Rubiaceae with semi-inferior to superior ovaries takes place in the same way as in Gaertnera, one of the most commonly cited rubiaceous genera with a superior ovary. To test this hypothesis, a floral ontogenetic study of Mitrasacmopsis was carried out with special attention paid to the gynoecial development. METHODS: Floral ontogeny and anatomy of Mitrasacmopsis were examined using scanning electron and light microscopy. KEY RESULTS: At an early developmental stage, a concavity becomes visible in the centre of the floral apex simultaneously with the perianth initiation. A ring primordium surrounding this concavity expands vertically forming the corolla tube (early sympetaly). Stamen primordia develop inside the corolla. From the bicarpellate gynoecium only two carpel tips are visible because the ovary is formed by a gynoecial hypanthium. In the basal part of each carpel, a placenta primordium is initiated. Two septa divide the ovary into two locules. In each locule, the placenta becomes mushroom shaped and distinctly stalked. Eventually, the inferior ovary of Mitrasacmopsis develops into a beaked capsule. Only very late in the fruiting stage, the continuously expanding ovary is raised above the insertion point of the persistent calyx, changing the ovary position of Mitrasacmopsis from basically inferior to secondarily semi-inferior. CONCLUSIONS: Mitrasacmopsis follows an epigynous pattern of floral development. However, the presence of a prominent beak in the fruiting stage gives the whole ovary a semi-inferior appearance. This kind of secondarily semi-inferior ovary is shown to be different from the secondarily superior ovary observed in Gaertnera.  相似文献   

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