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一个46,XY"女性"不育症家系的遗传学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用常规的染色体G带分析和基因分析技术对-46,XY男性女性化家系进行遗传学分析,发现:先证者及其妹妹的染色体核型为46,XY,其母亲和父亲的核型正常;对睾丸决定基因(SRY)和雄激素受体基因(AR)进行突变检测,在SRY基因的整个编码区中没有发现突变,而AR基因的第7个外显子的第840个密码子由CGT(编码精氨酸)变为CAT(编码组氨酸),这一改变可能是导致核型为46,XY女性化而发生不育。  相似文献   

我科发现了一例核型为46,XY,t(4;2111)之易位携带者,这种易位国内外文献尚未见报道,本文参阅有关文献并略加讨论。 一、病例摘要 患者吕×,30岁,男性,结婚4年余,因其妻连续自然流产3次而就诊。患者父母健在,母生育4个子女,无流产史。患者姐姐已生育  相似文献   

染色体的相互易位导致不良孕育原因及自发性流产已得到学者们的共识。作者发现一例t(9;13)(p24;q12)相互易位致产后婴儿死亡的女性,并对其家系进行了染色体检查。该核型经湖南医科大学医学细胞遗传学国家培训中心鉴定,为世界首报核型。1病例及家系分析...  相似文献   

我科发现了一例核型为46, XY, t(4;21; 11)之易位携带者,这种易位国内外文献尚未见 报道,本文参阅有关文献并略加讨论。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of a family with 46, XY “female” associated with infertility was performed using the conventional G-banding and gene mutation screening. The karyotypes of the two female patients were 46, XY and those of their parents were normal. The mutation screenings in sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene and androgen receptor (AR) gene were carried out. No mutation has been found in the whole coding sequence of SRY gene. The mutation of codon 840 CGT (arginine) to CAT (histidine) of AR gene led to the infertility in the patients. The patients showed androgen insensitivity. The clinical phenotype of theirs presented more deleteriously than and different from the one reported before, though they had the same mutation of codon 840 CGT (arginine) to CAT (histidine) of AR gene, which was very different from the mutation of 840 CGT (arginine) to TGT (cysteine) at the same codon.  相似文献   

A surface-spreading synaptonemal complex (SC) technique was employed to analyze spermatocytes and oocytes of stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, in order to visualize the process of chromosome synapsis. The mean SC length was 150±18m in three males and 143±12m in one female analyzed. A representative SC karyotype with 21bivalents was also presented. Each SC had lateral elements of equal length. No bivalent displaying the atypical synaptic behaviour which is often associated with heteromorphic sex chromosomes was observed neither in males nor in the female analyzed.  相似文献   

侯南英  杨建华 《遗传》2000,22(5):292-292
1病例报告  患者女性,农民,4次反复自然流产,流产时间特殊。第一胎与第二胎均在60天左右不明原因的阴道流血,流血7到8天时自然流产,未去医院进行任何治疗。在怀孕第三胎时曾服中药治疗,怀孕10个月零20天时自然分娩一死胎女婴。第四胎怀孕时曾保胎治疗,11个月时自然分娩一死胎女婴。患者第三胎与第四胎均为过期妊娠死胎,但也未去任何医院检查。患者平时体弱易感冒,未曾接触任何有害物质,非近亲结婚,夫妇表型均正常,智力正常,患者身高1.60米,体重55公斤。  对夫妇双方取外周血作细胞遗传学检查,常规培养,染色体制片,G显…  相似文献   

石玉平  马绍武 《遗传学报》1993,20(6):488-492
本文对一便生育过先天愚型儿的个体刊进行了细胞与分子遗传学研究。发现先证者拥有t(14;21)用一个短臂增大变异为15号标记染色体。通过G-显带、C-显带、Q-显带、硝酸银染色及Y染色体长臂异染色质区特异控针pY3.4对先证者基因组DNA的斑点杂交和中期染色体的原位杂交,证实变异部分由Y染色体长臂异染色质区易位所形成,从而排除了巨大随体的存在或其他染色体参与重排形成变的可能性,结果表明,常规显带与染  相似文献   

We report on a Yq/15p translocation in a 23-year-old infertile male referred for Klinefelter Syndrome testing, who had azoospermia and bilateral small testes. Hormonal studies revealed hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Conventional cytogenetic procedures giemsa trypsin giemsa (GTG) and high resolution banding (HRB) and molecular cytogenetic techniques Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) performed on high-resolution lymphocyte chromosomes revealed the karyotype 46,XX, t(Y;15)(q12;p11). SRY-gene was confirmed to be present by classical Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methods. His father carried de novo derivative chromosome 15 [45,X, t(Y;15)(q12;p11)] and was fertile; the karyotype of the father using G-band technique confirmed a reciprocal balanced translocation between chromosome Y and 15. In the proband, the der (15) has been inherited from the father because the mother had a normal karyotype (46,XX). In the proband, the der (15) could have produced genetic imbalance leading to unbalanced robertson translocation between chromosome Y and 15, which might have resulted in azoospermia and infertility in the proband. The paternal translocation might have lead to formation of imbalanced ova, which might be resulted infertility in the proband. Sister''s karyotypes was normal (46,XX) while his brother was not analyzed.  相似文献   

通过DNA序列测定在一名46,XY女性性反转患者SRY基因启动子区发现了一个新的突变:nt.-81G→A.该突变不见于正常男性,因此不是DNA多态性.为了检测这一点突变对SRY基因表达功能的影响,构建了分别由正常或突变的人SRY基因启动子区片段调控氯霉素乙酰转移酶(CAT)报告基因表达的两个质粒,寡核苷酸探针杂交证实该启动子片段正常或携带有G→A突变.这两个质粒分别与pSV-β-半乳糖苷酶内对照质粒共转染HeLa细胞后,瞬间表达分析显示这一突变对CAT酶活性水平无显著影响(0.50>P>0.20).上述正常和突变的SRY基因启动子片段与K562细胞核抽提物的凝胶阻滞实验也表明,突变对K562细胞核蛋白与SRY基因启动子区的结合影响不大.研究SRY基因的表达调控对阐明人的性别决定机制及性反转的病理机制具有重要意义  相似文献   

G Gradl  H Tesch  G Schwieder  T Wagner  C Fonatsch 《Blut》1989,58(6):279-285
In a case of CML with a variant Philadelphia translocation (Ph1 or Ph) t(22;22) (q11;q13) in bone marrow cells and unstimulated peripheral blood cells, no cytogenetically detectable involvement of chromosome 9 was observed. Southern blot experiments using probes specific for bcr and c-sis however revealed rearrangement of the bcr, but not of PDGFB (c-sis) gene. Northern blot analysis of bone marrow RNA showed a very weak signal with the c-sis probe, while in a lymph-node biopsy PDGFB m-RNA could not be detected. Chromosomal in situ hybridization gave evidence for translocation of c-abl from chromosome 9 to Ph and of PDGFB from chromosome 22 to chromosome 9, as the result of a threefold translocation t(9;22;22).  相似文献   

A dysmorphic male child of 8 months age presented with microphthalmia, micrognathia, hypertelorism, wide anterior fontanelles, large forehead, short neck, prominent ears, macrotestis and delayed developmental milestones. The patient presented with generalised seizures hydrocephalaus and Coarctation of aorta (Pre subclavian). He also had mild hypocalcaemia with normal renal function. Cytogenetic study revealed 18p(-) picture due to translocation between 14 p & 18q. Since the spectrum of clinical expression is similar to that is seen in 18p(-) syndrome it is suggested that not only whole of 18p but part of chromosome no. 18 proximal to 18 q 11.2 may also be involved in this phenotype.  相似文献   

Chromosomal translocations t(4;11) are based on illegitimate recombinations between the human MLL and AF4 genes, and are associated with high-risk acute leukemias of infants and young children. Here, the question was asked, whether a correlation exists between the location of translocation breakpoints within both genes and the location of S/MARs. In "halo mapping experiments" (to define SARs), about 20 kb of MLL DNA was found to be attached to the nuclear matrix. Similar experiments performed for the translocation partner gene AF4 revealed that SARs are spanning nearly the complete breakpoint cluster region of the AF4 gene. By using short DNA fragments in "scaffold reassociation experiments" (to define MARs), similar results were obtained for both genes. However, Distamycin A competition experiments in combination with "scaffold reassociation experiments" revealed specific differences in the affinity of each tested DNA fragment to bind the isolated nuclear matrix proteins. When the latter data were compared with the known location of chromosomal breakpoints for both genes, an unexpected correlation was observed. DNA areas with strong MAR affinity contained fewer translocation breakpoints, while areas with weak or absent MAR affinity showed a higher density of chromosomal breakpoints.  相似文献   

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