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Sequence data from internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA and data from morphology, cytology and wood anatomy are used to study phylogenetic relationships inPseudopanax. The molecular and non-molecular data are analysed as independent data sets and in combination using parsimony. Results supported the conclusion that the genusPseudopanax is polyphyletic.Pseudopanax species emerge in two major monophyletic groups. The Anomalus group containsPseudopanax anomalus, P. edgerleyi, andP. simplex; these species share a common ancestor withCheirodendron trigynum and more distantly withPseudopanax gunnii. The second major group consists of two smaller groups: the Arboreus group, includingPseudopanax arboreus, P. colensoi, P. kermadecensis, P. laetus, andP. macintyrei, and the Crassifolius/Discolor group, includingP. chathamicus, P. crassifolius, P. discolor, P. ferox, P. gilliesii, P. lessonii, andP. linearis. Meryta species are close relatives of thePseudopanax Arboreus and Crassifolius/Discolor groups.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic study of the genusCyclamen L. (Primulaceae) has been undertaken, based on sequence data from the 5.8S gene in the ribosomal nuclear DNA and its flanking internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2. Sequence data from 15 species ofCyclamen and seven outgroup taxa selected from Primulaceae and Myrsinaceae were analyzed phylogenetically. A second analysis based on a combined morphological and molecular dataset was performed to evaluate earlier hypotheses of character evolution in the genus. The results indicate that four monophyletic subgroups may be recognized in the genus, viz.Cyclamen, Psilanthum Schwarz,Eucosme Schwarz andGyrophoebe Schwarz. Each of the four subgenera is diagnosed by distinct basic chromosome number, as well as by morphological and molecular characteristics.  相似文献   

We analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of 49 specimens comprising 14 morphologically similar species of Pucciniastrum distributed in Japan based on the sequence data of the large subunit rDNA (D1/D2), 5.8S rDNA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Neighbor-joining and parsimony analyses generated six major groups for both the D1/D2 and ITS regions. Pucciniastrum circaeae and P. epilobii formed a single group. P. hydrangeae-petiolaris, P. coryli, P. fagi, P. hikosanense, P. tiliae, and P. boehmeriae were each a distinct clade, and P. fagi formed a close relationship with P. hikosanense. However, these analyses did not support the monophyly of the following species: P. kusanoi, P. actinidiae, P. corni, P. styracinum, P. yoshinagai, and P. miyabeanum. Contribution no. 201, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

Historically, Pappophoreae included the genera Cottea, Enneapogon, Kaokochloa, Pappophorum and Schmidtia. Some authors consider this tribe as a well-supported monophyletic group; while other evidences reveals Pappophoreae as polyphyletic, with Pappophorum separated from the rest of the tribe. When the latter happens, it can form a clade with Tridens flavus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the subfamily Chloridoideae have included few species of Pappophoreae; therefore, further research involving more representatives of this tribe is needed. With the aim of providing new evidence to help clarify the phylogenetic position of Pappophorum and its relationships with other genera of the tribe and the subfamily Chloridoideae, eight new sequences of ITS and trnL-F regions of Pappophoreae species were generated. These sequences were analyzed together with other available sequence data obtained from GenBank, using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference, for individual (trnL-F or ITS) or combined trnL-F/ITS data sets. All analyses reveal that Pappophoreae is polyphyletic, with Pappophorum separated from the rest of the tribe forming a well-supported clade sister to Tridens flavus.  相似文献   

The sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) within the genes coding for cytoplasmic ribosomal (r) RNAs on the A chromosome complement of 34 members of the higher plant genus Brachycome (synonym Brachyscome) have been compared. The ITS1 sequence of species within the B. lineariloba complex contains a 56 bp tract that is absent from at least 12 Brachycome species but is present in other species within Brachycome as well as other Asteraceae. Phylogenetic data support the suggestion that the number of chromosomes reduced in several independent Brachycome lineages during speciation. Comparisons with the B chromosome ITS2 of B. dichromosomatica cytodeme A1 suggests an origin of the B chromosome at a time prior to the divergence of the four cytodemes of B. dichromosomatica.  相似文献   

The genus Hesperodiaptomus Light, 1938, one of the most diverse groups of freshwater copepods that occur in North and Central America, plays a major role in the food webs of the alpine freshwater communities. Phylogenetic relationships of these taxa remain poorly understood due to difficulties in obtaining reliable morphological characters for phylogenetic analyses. To understand the phylogenetic relationships within this group, we reconstructed a partial phylogeny of the genus Hesperodiaptomus based on nuclear ribosomal gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses based upon the taxa examined supported the monophyly the genus and revealed two clades. The eiseni clade comprised species that are morphologically similar to Hesperodiaptomus eiseni (Lilljeborg, 1889), and the shoshone clade included species morphologically similar to Hesperodiaptomus shoshone (S.A. Forbes, 1882). The two groups can be distinguished by a modification of the right basis, the arrangement of spinules on the distal pad of the second exopod, and the degree of presence the inner lamellar expansion of the right coxa. Handling editor: P. Spaak  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Alisma (Alismataceae), a genus of approximately nine species of aquatic plants mainly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, was reconstructed with parsimony analysis on RAPD data and sequences of the nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL regions, and with MDS on RAPD data. Separate analyses were performed on each data set. Butomus umbellatus was used as outgroup in the analysis of sequence data, and Luronium and Baldellia in the analyses of RAPD data. Among diploid Alisma, two major groups were found: (i) the gramineum group consisting of A. gramineum and A. wahlenbergii, and (ii) the plantago-aquatica group with A. plantago-aquatica, A. orientale, A. subcordatum, A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum'. Taxa within the groups were poorly separated. The Baltic endemics A. wahlenbergii, A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum' have probably originated relatively recently from local populations of A. gramineum (i.e. A. wahlenbergii) and A. plantago-aquatica (i.e. A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum'). The exact origin of the polyploid taxa, i.e. A. lanceolatum, A. triviale, A. canaliculatum and A. rariflorum, is still unclear.  相似文献   

SEM examination of the epidermis of mature leaves of 37 species in the ten sections of Jatropha (Euphoi-biaceae) has provided information consistent with an earlier revision of the genuS. All species examined show basic paracyic stomata, excluding J.fremontioides which has anisocytic stomata. Subgenera are well demarcated by presence of true paracytic stomata in subgenus Curcas and hrachyparacytic stomata in subgenus Jatropha. The two subgenera can also be distinguished by the presence of smooth hairs in subgenusJatropha and verrucose hairs in subgenus Curcas (except in section Curcas).Uniseriate, inulticellular hairs occur only in the three most advanced.closely related.sections (Jatropha, Collenucia and Spinosae) in subgenus Jatropha.Similarities and dissimilarities of cuticular ornamentations, shape of the epidermal and vein cells and direction of anticlinal walls can be used as distinguishing characters, usually significant at the species level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve our knowledge about the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family Saprolegniaceae, a group of water molds including several pathogens of plants, fish and crustacea. ITS and LSU rDNA were sequenced for representatives of forty species corresponding to ten genera (Achlya, Aphanomyces, Brevilegnia, Dictyuchus, Leptolegenia, Plectospira, Pythiopsis, Saprolegnia, Thraustotheca). Phenetic and cladistic analyses were then carried out. The species Brevilegnia bispora does not appear to belong to the family Saprolegniaceae. Plectospira myrianda clusters with Aphanomyces spp. and they constitute an ancestral group. (Thraustotheca clavata is closely related to the eccentric species of the genus Achlya. The genus Achlya appears polyphyletic, corroborating more or less the three known subgroups, defined by their sexual spore type (eccentric, centric and subcentric). The achlyoid type of spore dehiscence, shared by Aphanomyces and Achlya genera, is shown to be an ancestral character. The saprolegnioid, dictyoid and thraustothecoid types of spore dehiscence are derived characters but their relative evolutionary positions are not resolved.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Oedogoniales was investigated by using nuclear 18S rDNA sequences. Results showed that the genus Oedocladium, as a separated clade, was clustered within the clade of Oedogonium; whereas the genus Bulbochaete was in a comparatively divergent position to the other two genera. The relationship among the species of Oedogonium was discussed, focusing on ITS-2 phylogeny analyzed combining with some morphological characteristics. Our results showed that all the dioecious nannandrous taxa involved in this study were resolved into one clade, while all the monocious taxa were clustered into another clade as a sister group to the former. The report also suggests that the dioecious macrandrous taxa form a paraphyly and could be more basally situated than the dioecious nannandrous and the monoecious taxa by means of molecular phylogeny and morphotype investigations.  相似文献   

Hybridization and polyploidization are important evolutionary processes in higher plants and have greatly enriched the diversity of the genus Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). To study the phylogenetic relationships and hybrid origin of Potamogeton species, 35 accessions representing 20 species, including diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids, and three hybrids were collected in China and their ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) were cloned, sequenced and statistically analyzed. The data showed that ITS sequences were informative to analyze the phylogeny of Potamogeton, and the phylogenetic tree revealed that Potamogeton species examined could be mainly divided into two groups (Group I and II), corresponding to subgenus Potamogeton and subgenus Coleogeton, respectively. Then, the evolutionary mechanism on the polyploidy of Potamogeton species was discussed. P. natans probably was an allotetraploid and one of its parent might result from aneuploidy change of species with 2n=28. P. hubeiensis might be derived from the hybridization between P. octandrus and P. cristatus. We suggested that both P. lucens and P. maackianus probably were allotetraploids, and P. obtusifolius might be a diploid hybrid between P. compressus and P. pusillus. Moreover, P. malainoides might have undergone biased concerted evolution toward one of its parent P. wrightii, and P. intortusifolius might be a synonymy of P. × anguillanus.  相似文献   

Alnicola (=Naucoria, pro parte) is a mushroom genus of strictly temperate, obligately ectomycorrhizal species, traditionally included in the family Cortinariaceae. Most Alnicola spp. are primarily host specific on Alnus, although a few are mycobionts of Salix or other hosts. The different species of Alnicola exhibit unique morphological (cystidia, pileipellis) and cytological (dikaryotic or monokaryotic hyphae) characters. This makes the genus Alnicola of particular interest for studying the evolution of host specificity and morphological characters in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. We used a combination of classical morphological and phylogenetic methods (rDNA ITS and LSU sequences) to address the following questions: (i) Is Alnicola monophyletic? And (ii) Are characters like host specificity or microscopical structures synapomorphic for certain clades? The study included nearly all currently known European Alnicola sp. Our results demonstrated that, on one hand, the genus Alnicola is polyphyletic, with sistergroup relationships to Hebeloma, Anamika or the clades /Hymenogaster I and /Hymenogaster II. On the other hand, Alnicola splits into three well-supported clades corresponding to the sections Alnicola, Submelinoides, and Salicicolae. The strict host-specificity to Alnus is a derived character and has occurred at least twice. The following morphological characters are synapomorphic for defined clades: the spindle-shaped hymenial cystidia for sect. Alnicola, the hymeniform pileipellis for sect. Submelinoides, and monocaryotic/clampless hyphae for sect. Salicicolae and its sistergroup /Hymenogaster II. As a taxonomical consequence, polyphyly of Alnicola implies that the sects. Submelinoides and Salicicolae need to be segregated from Alnicola.  相似文献   

Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 & 2 (nrDNA ITS) including the intervening 5.8S region were analyzed cladistically for 43 individuals of 35 species ofScaphyglottis s.l. plus two outgroup taxa. Low levels of sequence divergence do not allow estimation of relationships among most clades, but the analyses indicate that four segregate genera (Hexisea Lindl.,Reichenbachanthus Barb. Rodr.,Hexadesmia Brogn., andPlatyglottis coriacea L.O. Williams) are embedded within a broad paraphyleticScaphyglottis. This broadly definedScaphyglottis sensu Dressler is characterized within Laeliinae by the usual presence of superposed growth habit and the presence of a column foot. In order to accommodate species formerly placed inPlatyglottis andReichenbachanthus, three new combinations are made inScaphyglottis:Scaphyglottis brasiliensis (Schltr.) Dressler,S. coriacea (L. O. Williams) Dressier, andS. emarginata (Garay) Dressler.  相似文献   

Cladistic relationships of epacrids and vaccinioids (Ericaceae) are investigated using nucleotide sequence data from the chloroplast encodedmatK gene. Sequences of 56 taxa were aligned and analyzed using parsimony methods. Results show thatVaccinioideae as currently recognized are not monophyletic. The epacrids are sister to a clade that includes theLyonia group, theGaultheria group, and theVaccinieae. Arbutus andPyrola branch early inEricaceae, before the rhododendroid group.Enkianthus is sister to the remainingEricaceae (includingEpacridaceae).Vaccinieae are strongly supported as monophyletic, butVaccinium andAgapetes are polyphyletic.  相似文献   

There have been few DNA sequencebased studies of phylogenetic relationships within theFestuca-Lolium complex. Here we infer the phylogeny of 31Festuca-Lolium taxa with a dataset of 116 ITS sequences. The results are consistent with previous studies that resolved two majorFestuca clades: one clade of fine fescues and another clade that containsLolium and associatedFestuca species. This study is unique in suggesting a third, basalFestuca clade, but support for the basal position of this group is low. Extensive sampling permitted investigation of the effects of lineage sorting and reticulate events on the evolution of the complex. Roughly half of the taxa show evidence of lineage sorting or reticulation, and the monophyly ofLolium has likely been obscured by reticulate events. Overall, polyploid species harbor higher levels of ITS sequence diversity than diploids; ITS sequence variants may provide clues to the identity of allopolyploid parents.  相似文献   

Seeds of 30 species of Moehringia and 12 representatives of the Caryophyllaceae were examined with the Scanning Electron Microscope. High diversity was found in seed coat micromorphology, and a number of novel morphological features have been observed. Comparison with other representatives of the Caryophyllaceae has provided new insight into the potential taxonomic value of discrete morphological characters. Though many characters appear informative within Moehringia, they are affected by a high level of homoplasy when considered in a wider phylogenetic context. Smooth seed is the common condition in Moehringia, except for Eastern Balkan and Iberian species that maintain a secondary ornamentation of the testa cells resembling the plesiomorphic Caryophyllaceae-type. Five types of strophioles were recognized, in accordance with previous literature. Among these, the strophiole of the Iberian species appears very distinctive and a proper strophiole could not be verified in M. glochidisperma and M. fontqueri.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Antirrhineae (Scrophulariaceae) are analysed and discussed on the basis of parsimony analyses of morphological andndhF gene sequence data. The results indicate that the tribe Antirrhineae consists of four major groups of genera, theAnarrhinum clade, theGambelia clade, theMaurandya clade, and theAntirrhinum clade. TheAnarrhinum clade, consisting of the Old World bee-pollinated generaAnarrhinum andKickxia, is sister to the rest of the tribe. TheGambelia clade consists of the New World generaGambelia andGalvezia, which are very closely related and pollinated by hummingbirds. TheMaurandya clade consists of one subclade includingMaurandya and a number of related bee- or hummingbird-pollinated New World genera and another subclade with the Old World bee-pollinated generaAsarina andCymbalaria. TheAntirrhinum clade consists mainly of bee-pollinated Old World genera, such asAntirrhinum, Linaria, Chaenorhinum, and their segregates, but also includes the New World generaMohavea andHowelliella, of which the latter is known to be partly pollinated by hummingbirds. It is concluded that hummingbirdpollination has evolved independently within Antirrhineae at least three times from bee-pollinated ancestors.  相似文献   

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