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The effect of slightly lowered body temperature on endurance time and possibly related physiological factors was studied in seven male volunteers exercising on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 18 degrees C. Work load was increased to 40% in a stepwise manner (phase I, min 0-16) followed by a period at 80% of peak oxygen consumption (VO2) sustained to exhaustion. On one day, exercise was preceded by a double cold exposure (precooling test, PRET), resulting in a 204-kJ/m2 negative heat storage and a 4 and 0.2 degrees C lower mean skin and core temperature at the start of exercise compared with the control test (CONT). Core temperature dropped further during exercise in PRET. Endurance time at 80% of peak VO2 was increased by 12% (P less than 0.05) in PRET. Heart rate (HR) was decreased throughout PRET (P less than 0.05); oxygen pulse and arteriovenous O2 difference were significantly increased in phase I of PRET, whereas the PRET-CONT differences in stroke volume and cardiac output were not significant. In phase II of PRET (min 16-28, heavy exercise) sweat rate (SR) and heat conductivity, indicating forearm blood flow, were lower (-39%, P less than 0.001; -37%). Pedal rate (PR) was 9% lower (P less than 0.01) in phase II of PRET. At the termination of exercise, PRET-CONT differences in HR, SR, and PR had disappeared.  相似文献   


1. 1. Thermoregulatory respones to gradual rise and fall in the ambient temperature (Ta) were compared between 8 old (68–78 years) and 8 younger (20–25 years) male subjects.

2. 2. Starting at Ta of 31.5°C (r.h. 40%), Ta was raised to 39.5°C, then lowered to 21.5°C, and raised back to 31.5°C at a constant rate of 0.3°C/min.

3. 3. Noticeable differences in responses between the age groups were as follows: decline of sweating rate and reduction of acral blood flow during room cooling were retarded in the aged group, with wider variations among individuals, compared with those in the younger group; the tympanic and oesophageal temperatures fell considerably during cooling in the elderly group, failing to return to the level at start during the rewarming of the room, in contrast to the younger group.

4. 4. Such sluggish responses may be attributed largely to reduced cutaneous thermal perception with advancing age.

Author Keywords: Ageing; thermoregulation; sweating; skin blood flow; thermal perception  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare thermoregulatory responses between upper body and lower body exercise. Nine male subjects performed 60 min of arm crank (AC) and cycle (CY) exercise at the same absolute intensity (oxygen uptake = 1.61 X min-1) and at the same relative intensity (60% of ergometer specific peak oxygen uptake) in a temperate (24 degrees C, 20% rh) environment. During the absolute intensity experiments, rectal temperature and sweating rate responses were essentially the same for both modes of exercise. In addition, no differences were found for chest, back, arm, or thigh skin temperatures, but calf skin temperature was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. During the relative intensity experiments, thermoregulatory responses were lower during arm crank than cycle exercise. In addition, we found no difference between esophageal and rectal temperature values elicited by arm crank exercise. These results indicate that the examined thermoregulatory responses are independent of the skeletal muscle mass employed and dependent upon the absolute metabolic intensity.  相似文献   

Measurements of rectal temperature (Tre), water lost by evaporation (Eresp) and drooling, cardiac output (CO), and common carotid blood flow (CCBF) were made in dogs (mean hydrated wt 31.0 +/- 1.5 kg) running for 1 h on a level treadmill at 7.5 km/h at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees C. Each animal was studied when it was hydrated ad libitum and when it had been dehydrated by removal of drinking water until 9-10% of the initial body weight had been lost. Dehydrated exercising animals had significantly higher Tre and lower rates of Eresp, CO, and CCBF. Tre and Eresp were measured in seven animals. Average Tre during running was 39.11 +/- 0.10 degrees C in hydrated and 39.80 +/- 0.25 degrees C in dehydrated animals (P less than 0.01). Average Eresp during running was 3.9 +/- 0.3 g/min in hydrated animals and 2.3 +/- 0.3 g/min in dehydrated animals (P less than 0.01). Average CO during exercise, measured in five animals, was 11.1 +/- 0.7 1/min in the hydrated state and 8.6 +/- 0.5 1/min in the dehydrated state (P less than 0.01). Unilateral CCBF during exercise, measured in four animals, was 602 +/- 40 ml/min in the hydrated state and 418 +/- 22 ml/min in the dehydrated state (P less than 0.01). Water lost by drooling in seven exercising animals was 41.5 +/- 11 g/h when they were hydrated and 0.6 +/- 0.4 g/h when they were dehydrated. It is concluded that dehydrated dogs doing mild exercise can save water by reducing Eresp and regulating body temperature above hydrated levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Most published studies of thermoregulatory responses of mice to LPS involved a stressful injection of LPS, were run at a poorly controlled and often subneutral ambient temperature (T(a)), and paid little attention to the dependence of the response on the LPS dose. These pitfalls have been overcome in the present study. Male C57BL/6 mice implanted with jugular vein catheters were kept in an environmental chamber at a tightly controlled T(a). The relationship between the T(a)s used and the thermoneutral zone of the mice was verified by measuring tail skin temperature, either by infrared thermography or thermocouple thermometry. Escherichia coli LPS in a wide dose range (10(0)-10(4) microg/kg) was administered through an extension of the jugular catheter from outside the chamber. The responses observed were dose dependent. At a neutral T(a), low (just suprathreshold) doses of LPS (10(0)-10(1) microg/kg) caused a monophasic fever. To a slightly higher dose (10(1.5) microg/kg), the mice responded with a biphasic fever. To even higher doses (10(1.75)-10(4) microg/kg), they responded with a polyphasic fever, of which three distinct phases were identified. The dose dependence and dynamics of LPS fever in the mouse appeared to be remarkably similar to those seen in the rat. However, the thermoregulatory response of mice to LPS in a subthermoneutral environment is remarkably different from that of rats. Although very high doses of LPS (10(4) microg/kg) did cause a late (latency, approximately 3 h) hypothermic response in mice, the typical early (latency, 10-30 min) hypothermic response seen in rats did not occur. The present investigation identifies experimental conditions to study LPS-induced mono-, bi-, and polyphasic fevers and late hypothermia in mice and provides detailed characteristics of these responses.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of graded hypohydration levels on thermoregulatory and blood responses during exercise in the heat. Eight heat-acclimated male subjects attempted four heat-stress tests (HSTs). One HST was attempted during euhydration, and three HSTs were attempted while the subjects were hypohydrated by 3, 5, and 7% of their body weight. Hypohydration was achieved by an exercise-heat regimen on the day prior to each HST. After 30 min of rest in a 20 degrees C antechamber the HST consisted of a 140-min exposure (4 repeats of 10 min rest and 25 min treadmill walking) in a hot-dry (49 degrees C, 20% relative humidity) environment. The following observations were made: 1) a low-to-moderate hypohydration level primarily reduced plasma volume with little effect on plasma osmolality, whereas a more severe hypohydration level resulted in no further plasma volume reduction but a large increment in plasma osmolality; 2) core temperature and heart rate responses increased with severity of hypohydration; 3) sweating rate responses for a given rectal temperature were systematically decreased with severity of hypohydration; and 4) the reduction in sweating rate was more strongly associated with plasma hyperosmolality than hypovolemia. In conclusion, an individual's thermal strain increases linearly with the severity of hypohydration during exercise in the heat, and plasma hyperosmolality influences the reduction in sweating more profoundly than hypovolemia.  相似文献   

Local cooling or heating of the hypothalamus of yellow bellied marmots elicited appropriate thermoregulatory responses to maintain body temperature. Increases in EMG, heart rate, and oxygen consumption were observed during hypothalamic cooling. Conversely, hypothalamic heating generally decreased thermogenic parameters toward minimal levels. Normothermic marmots retained thermoregulatory heat production throughout the year although loss of vasomotor regulation seemed to occur as they prepared for hibernation. The relationship between manipulated changes in hypothalamic temperature and induced changes in oxygen consumption was linear. This proportional relationship at one air temperature (15 °C) was parallel and displaced to the right of that relationship obtained at a lower air temperature (10 °C). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that hypothalamic regulation of body temperature in normothermic marmots is similar to that of nonhibernating mammals, although vasomotor regulation may differ.  相似文献   

The ability of dystrophic hamsters to maintain their body temperature despite abnormal muscle and brown adipose tissue, two organs involved in thermoregulation, was evaluated. Dystrophic hamsters (CHF 146) between the ages of 30 and 160 days kept at 21 degrees C had core (rectal) temperatures (TR) that were 0.5-1.5 degrees C lower than Golden Syrian controls. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters were unlikely the result of an incapacity to generate heat since the dystrophic hamsters were able to maintain their TRs during 3 h of acute cold stress (4 degrees C) and to adapt to prolonged cold exposure. However, TRs of cold-acclimated dystrophic hamsters were still 1 degree C below TRs of cold-acclimated control animals. By contrast, increasing the ambient temperature raised TRs of both normal and dystrophic hamsters. When kept at 32 degrees C overnight, the TRs of dystrophic hamsters remained significantly below those of control animals. When heat-exposed dystrophic hamsters were returned to 21 degrees C, their TRs returned to values significantly lower than those of control hamsters. Thus, dystrophic hamsters showed a capacity to thermoregulate, like control hamsters, but appeared to do so at a lower temperature. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters kept at 21 degrees C cannot be explained by a reduction in metabolic activity since newborns and 30- and 140-day-old dystrophic hamsters had rates of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) that were similar to those of controls. These results suggest that the thermoregulatory set point may be altered in dystrophic hamsters.  相似文献   

The effects after exposure to two different light intensities (dim, 50 lx and bright, 5000 lx) on thermoregulatory responses during exercise in a climatic chamber (27 degrees C, 60% relative humidity) were studied in nine untrained female subjects, aged 19-22 years. The subjects were in either the dim or bright light intensities from 0600 hours to 1200 hours. They were then instructed to exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 60% maximal oxygen uptake from 1200 hours to 1300 hours in a light intensity of 500 Ix. The main results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, exercise-induced increases of core temperature were significantly smaller, after exposure to the bright than after the dim light intensities, although both tests were performed in the same light intensity. Secondly, body mass loss after exercise was significantly greater after exposure to the bright light intensity. Thirdly, an increase in salivary lactic acid during exercise was significantly lower after the bright intensity. Fourthly although the salivary melatonin level was not different between the two light intensities both before and after the exercise, it increased significantly during exercise only after the bright intensity. These results are discussed in terms of the establishment of a lower set-point in the core temperature after exposure to a bright light intensity.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses of firemen to exercise in the heat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve volunteer (VF) and 12 professional firemen (PF) wearing only brief trunks exercised on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer at three-five exercise intensities. After 45 min of exercise at 75 W, the exercise intensity was elevated in steps of 25 W every 15 min until the subject was exhausted. Air temperature was regulated to equal skin temperature (36 degrees-38 degrees C) and relative humidity was regulated at 52%. The two groups of firemen were comparable in terms of body mass, age and maximum oxygen consumption. Their oxygen consumption, rectal and skin temperatures, sweating and heart rate were measured during the tests. Blood lactate concentration was measured before, during and after the test. The physiological strain was higher in VF as indicated by higher heat storage, heart rate, skin and rectal temperatures. Sweat rate tended to be lower in VF than PF. The results indicated a better adaptation of the professional compared to the volunteer firemen to work in the heat, although the degree of heat acclimatization was considered to be equally minimal in both groups.  相似文献   

In six male subjects the sweating thresholds, heart rate (fc), as well as the metabolic responses to exercise of different intensities [40%, 60% and 80% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)], were compared at ambient temperatures (Ta) of 5 degrees C (LT) and 24 degrees C (MT). Each period of exercise was preceded by a rest period at the same temperature. In LT experiments, the subjects rested until shivering occurred and in MT experiments the rest period was made to be of exactly equivalent length. Oxygen uptake (VO2) at the end of each rest period was higher in LT than MT (P less than 0.05). During 20-min exercise at 40% VO2max performed in the cold no sweating was recorded, while at higher exercise intensities sweating occurred at similar rectal temperatures (Tre) but at lower mean skin (Tsk) and mean body temperatures (Tb) in LT than MT experiments (P less than 0.001). The exercise induced VO2 increase was greater only at the end of the light (40% VO2max) exercise in the cold in comparison with MT (P less than 0.001). Both fc and blood lactate concentration [1a]b were lower at the end of LT than MT for moderate (60% VO2max) and heavy (80% VO2max) exercises. It was concluded that the sweating threshold during exercise in the cold environment had shifted towards lower Tb and Tsk. It was also found that subjects exposed to cold possessed a potentially greater ability to exercise at moderate and high intensities than those at 24 degrees C since the increases in Tre, fc and [1a]b were lower at the lower Ta.  相似文献   

Responses to heat and exercise were studied in 9 male Japanese subjects who walked on a treadmill at a speed of 4.4 – 4.8 km/h at 0 grade for 2 hours in a climatic chamber in July 1973, in Nagoya Japan. The results were compared with those obtained in a similar study made in July 1966 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following results were obtained: (1) Japanese showed a 1.8 times higher rate of sweating than Caucasians. Total sweat from the whole body during 2 hours walk was also higher in Japanese. (2) Japanese exhibited lower chloride concentration in local sweat than Caucasians in spite of their higher dietary salt intake, higher serum chloride concentration and higher rate of sweating. While in Caucasians the sweat chloride concentration showed a tendency to continue to rise during the later period of the walk in spite of decreasing sweat rate after sweat suppression occurred, in Japanese it tended to fall in parallel with the sweat rate. No difference was observed in the length of the latent time of sweat suppression. (3) There were no differences in rectal temperature or heart rate, both at the period of equilibrium rectal temperature and at the end of the walk. (4) Mean skin temperature during the walk was significantly higher in Japanese than in Caucasians. It was concluded that the Japanese group was better heat acclimatized than Caucasians, though the two groups were considered to have been naturally heat exposed by season to the same extent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of knit structure in underwear on thermoregulatory responses. Underwear manufactured from 100% polypropylene fibres in five different knit structures (1-by-1 rib, fleece, fishnet, interlock, double-layer rib) was evaluated. All five underwear prototypes were tested as part of a prototype clothing system. Measured on a thermal manikin these clothing systems had total thermal resistances of 0.243, 0.268, 0.256, 0.248 and 0.250 m2.K.W-1, respectively (including a value for the thermal resistance of the ambient environment of 0.104 m2.K.W-1). Human testing was done on eight male subjects and took place at ambient temperature (Ta) = 5 degrees C, dew point temperature (Tdp) = -3.5 degrees C and air velocity (Va) = 0.32 m.s-1. The test comprised a repeated bout of 40-min cycle exercise (315 W.m-2; 52%, SD 4.9% maximal oxygen uptake) followed by 20 min of rest (62 W.m-2). The oxygen uptake, heart rate, oesophageal temperature, skin temperature, Ta, Tdp at the skin and in the ambient air, onset of sweating, evaporation rate, non-evaporated sweat accumulated in the clothing and total evaporative loss of mass were measured. Skin wettedness was calculated. The differences in knit structure of the underwear in the clothing systems resulted in significant differences in mean skin temperature, local and average skin wettedness, non-evaporated and evaporated sweat during the course of the intermittent exercise test. No differences were observed over this period in the core temperature measurements.  相似文献   

A seven- to eightfold increment in hepatic glucose production (endogenous R(a)) occurs in postabsorptive (PA) intense exercise (IE). A similar response is likely present in the postprandial (PP) state, when most such exercise is performed, because 1) little evidence for increased intestinal absorption of glucose during exercise exists, and 2) intravenous glucose does not prevent it. We investigated IE in 10 PA and 8 PP fit, lean, young males who had exercised for 15 min at >84% maximum O(2) uptake, starting 3 h after a 412-kcal mixed meal. The meal induced a small rise in glycemia with sustained insulin and glucagon increases. Preexercise glucose total R(a) and utilization (R(d)) were equal and approximately 130% of the PA level. Exercise hyperglycemia in PP was delayed and diminished and, in early recovery, was of shorter duration and lesser magnitude (P = 0.042). Peak catecholamine (12- to 16-fold increase) and R(a) (PP: 11.5 +/- 1.4, PA: 13.8 +/- 1.4 mg. kg(-1). min(-1)) responses did not differ, and their responses during exercise were significantly correlated. Exercise glucagon, insulin, and glucagon-to-insulin responses were small or not significant. R(d) reached the same peak (PP: 8.0 +/- 0.6, PA: 9.3 +/- 0.8 mg. kg(-1). min(-1)) but was greater at 20-120 min of recovery in PP (P = 0.001). Therefore, the total R(a) response to IE is preserved despite the possibility of prior PP suppression of endogenous R(a) and is consistent with catecholamine mediation. Post-IE hyperglycemia is reduced in the postprandial state.  相似文献   

Changes in body temperature, oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), sweating rate and plasma osmolarity were examined in 10 human subjects, performing four successive 30 min exercise-bouts of the same intensity (50% VO2 max) separated by 30 min rest periods. In spite of the rest intervals and replacement of body fluid loss there was a progressive increase in VO2. HR, rectal (Tre) and mean body (Tb) temperatures in consecutive exercise bouts. The thermoregulatory efficiency showed an increasing tendency, and a delay in the sweating response at the beginning of each exercise was shortened. It is concluded that a drift in metabolic and temperature responses to exercise, reported throughout a long-term continuous work, occurs also in the euhydrated subjects performing a prolonged intermittent exercise. It is not caused by an impaired thermoregulation during exercise but rather by insufficient restitution of metabolic processes during rest intervals.  相似文献   

Yellow-bellied marmots (M. flaviventris) acclimated to Ta = 20 °C were implanted with U-shaped polyethylene thermodes in the peridural space of the spinal cord. Decreasing the temperature of the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar areas of the cord increased heart rate, electromyographic activity, and oxygen consumption in the animals. These responses differed qualitatively from those elicited by heating the same cord areas, indicating specificity of the response to the temperature change.Increases in heat production were proportional to the amount of cooling of the cord. The thoracic area was found to be more thermosensitive than the lumbar area. No behavioral or physical thermoregulation was apparent when the spinal cord temperature was changed in these animals.In addition to the conclusion that regulation of spinal cord temperature may be important in the euthermic marmot, it was postulated that the temperature receptors located in the thoracic cord of the marmot may be important in maintaining shivering thermogenesis during arousal from hibernation.  相似文献   

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