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东方次睾吸虫电镜研究(吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东方次睾吸虫雌性生殖器官(卵巢、输卵管、卵黄-输卵管、卵模、梅氏腺和子宫)透射电镜 观察。卵巢内有不同成熟期的生殖细胞,成熟初级卵母细胞有几个靠近核的核仁样小聚体和许多沿 质膜的皮质颗粒。首次发现并描述卵巢和输卵管接合处(卵巢壶腹)的超微结构。输卵管上皮为纤 毛状。梅氏腺仅一种类型膜状小体细胞,经有微管支持的细小管道穿过卵模将膜状小体排入卵模腔 内。在卵黄-输卵管和卵模中有精子,卵模和子宫中有受精卵、虫卵(扫描电镜):大小 26. 05× 11.46-13.55μm,卵盖直径6.26-6. 89μp,卵壳表面布满膜状隆起。文中对卵巢和梅氏腺的超微 结构特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国蛀果蛾科分类学整理及新种记述(鳞翅目:粪蛾总科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记载中国蛀果蛾科昆虫8属23种(亚种),其中有中国2新纪录:断斑洁蛀果蛾Meridarchis excisa Walsingham和日本拟蛀果蛾Alexotypa japonica (Walsingham)及2新种:天目坚蛀果蛾Archostola tianmushana sp.nov.和五峰洁蛀果蛾Meridarchis wufengensis sp.nov.。文中给出了中国蛀果蛾科分种检索表和中国新纪录及新种的特征图。  相似文献   

鹧鸪菜[Caloglossa leprieurii(Mont)J.Ag.]细胞含多核。在生殖季节,孢子体、雌、雄配子体在外形上有明显的差异:四分孢子体大而平展,分枝的上部肉眼可见有红色小斑点,即为四分孢子囊群。雌配子体顶部略蜷曲,分枝密,囊果呈球状,多位于分枝上部分枝点的腹面。雄配子体个体较小,枝顶蜷曲,颜色淡,特别生有精子囊的部分更淡。每种藻体的营养细胞的纹孔连结非常发达,每个细胞都具有4-5条,多者达7-8条。果胞枝由四个细胞组成,一般由围轴细胞分裂形成,果胞受精后,由支持细胞分裂形成辅助细胞,一个生育小枝上,可以连续形成5-7个甚至10个以上幼果胞系,但多数仅有一个果胞受精发育成囊果。当一个果胞受精时,其他果胞系就停止发育。精于囊位于分枝上部中肋的两侧,背腹面均有分布。一个营养细胞沿着叶面平行方向平周分裂成三个细胞,在两个外侧细胞各形成3-4个精子囊母细胞,每个精子囊母细胞斜壁分裂产生2-4个精子囊,放散后,余下的精子囊母细胞仍留在中间盘状细胞上。  相似文献   

羽祝蛾属Philoptila Meyrick 1918是祝蛾亚科中的一个小属,世界已知3种,羽祝蛾Philoptila effrenata Meyrick,灯羽祝蛾Ph. metalychna Meyrick与窗羽祝蛾Ph. fenestrata Gozm?ny,其中前一种仅分布在印度,舌两种只分布在中国。本文记述中国两新种,长刺羽祝蛾Ph. dolichina sp. nov. 和短刺羽祝蛾Ph. minutispina sp. nov. ,使该属达5种。文中编有已知种类的分种检索表。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

一、引言和历史萞麻蚕(Attacus ricini)已在我国试养成功,而且已在各省从事推广。在推广过程中,主要的困难是大量制种问题。多年以来实验的结果(朱洗等,1953;蒋天骥和王幽兰,1954;蒋天骥和王幽兰,1956;张果,1956)证明:环境温度倘使超出30℃以上,连续  相似文献   

Abstract  In this paper, 2 new species, Philoptila dolichina and Ph. minutispina are described. The female genitalia are illustrated. Key is provided for all the known 5 species in the world, among them 4 species are only recorded in China and 1 in India.  相似文献   

Prefertilization and immediate postfertilization development in the female reproductive branch of Polysiphonia harveyi (Bailey) was studied with the electron microscope. Results pertaining to prefertilization morphology and development are consistent with those established in earlier light microscopic studies, but several unexpected ultrastructural characteristics were discovered. The mature carpogonium was found to have double membrane-bound vacuoles of nuclear origin and the carpogonial nucleus contained a nucleolus with a distinctive crystalline lattice. Trichogynes lacked a nucleus. Of particular interest was the discovery of a highly structured channel of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) which extended uninterrupted, except for pit connections, through the carpogonial branch. It is suggested that the message of fertilization is conducted through the SER channel from the carpogonium to the support cell. Few observations were made on postfertilization branches, but evidence of direct fusion between the carpogonium and auxiliary cell was fairly conclusive. Pit plugs in the female branch were found to be of three morphological types differing by the presence and number of pit membranes. We have designated these plugs Type I–III since differential functioning was not fully ascertained. Our data suggest that pit membranes may serve to stabilize the plug and that those plugs without membranes are more readily dismantled to allow cytoplasmic continuity between cells.  相似文献   

A capture-recapture experiment on wanderer butterflies was conducted during summer, 1984 at 4 milkweed patches where nectar resources were abundant. The recapture rate was higher in males than in females in all the patches, indicating dispersal by females. Dispersal of females was facilitated by removing males in the study areas. Spermatophore counts showed that females mated up to 10 times. These results suggest that nutrients transferred from males during copulation are important resources for females.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with four species of the genus Neopodocinumoff scarabaeid beetles in China, among them Neopodocinum sinicum and N.gunnanense are new to science, the deutonymph of N. dehongense is descri-bed for the first time, and N. vanderhammeni is collected in southwestChina for the first time. The type materials are deposited in the Depart-ment of Parasitology, Guiyang Medical College.Keys to the females and malesof 6 known Chinese species of the genus Neopodocinum are appended.  相似文献   

The development of the female gametophytes of Epipactis atrorubens, E. helleborine, and E. palustris have been investigated using confocal scanning laser microscopy. These species have T-tetrads and eight-nucleate female gametophytes in common. The development of the female gametophyte is monosporic in accordance with the Polygonum type. Furthermore, the outer integument grows slowly and reaches to the middle of the inner integument, when the female gametophyte is mature. In the first two species, T-tetrads develop prior to anthesis, which may be correlated with autogamy. The development of the female gametophyte of E. palustris appears to be similar in plants from different localities.  相似文献   

蝎蛉科Panorpidae6种蝎蛉的雌性生殖系统间存在显著差异,尤其是卵巢管数目、受精囊包膜颜色、附腺大小、及各部分相互间位置。卵巢管为多滋式,每个卵巢所含卵巢管数目在长瓣蝎蛉Panorpa longihypovalva Hua et Cai和路氏新蝎蛉Neopanorpa lui Chou et Ran中为10根,在大蝎蛉P.magna Chou中为16根,在太白蝎蛉P.obtusa Cheng中为18根,在染翅蝎蛉P.tincta Navas中有28根,在长白山蝎蛉P.changbaishana nom.nov.中,一个卵巢一般由8根卵巢管组成,而另一个经常为10根,表明在同一个体中有不对称性。长白山蝎蛉的受精囊包膜为红色,而其它种类透明。大蝎蛉附腺在6种蝎蛉中最大,几乎与卵巢等粗。表明雌性生殖系统可用于蝎蛉科的种类鉴别,并简要讨论了长翅目Mecoptera的系统发育关系。此外,长白山蝎蛉Panorpa changbaishana Hua是为Panorpa choui Hua,1998所提订的新名。  相似文献   

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