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Objective and Methods Endothelium produces oxygen-derived free radicals which play a major role in vessel wall physiology and pathology. Whereas NO· production from endothelium has been extensively characterized, little is known about endothelium-derived O2. In the present study, we determined the O2 production of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1 pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy.

Results An ESR adduct DMPO-OH detected in the supernatant of BAEC after stimulation with the calcium ionophore A23187 originated from the trapping of extracellular O2, because coincubation with superoxide dismutase (30 U/ml) completely suppressed the ESR signal, whereas catalase (2000 U/ml) had no effect. A23187 stimulated extracellular O2 production in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The coenzymes NADH and NADPH both increased the ESR signal, whereas a flavin antagonist, diphenylene iodonium, abolished the ESR signal. Phorbol myristate acetate potentiated, whereas bisindolylmaleimide I inhibited the A23187-stimulated O2 production, suggesting the involvement of protein kinase C. These signals were not altered L-NAME, a NO-synthase inhibitor, suggesting that the endogenous production of NO· did not alter O2 production. Finally, the amount of O2 generated by A23187-stimulated post-confluent BAEC was one order of magnitude higher than that evoked by rat aortic smooth muscle cells stimulated under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Objective and Methods Endothelium produces oxygen-derived free radicals which play a major role in vessel wall physiology and pathology. Whereas NO· production from endothelium has been extensively characterized, little is known about endothelium-derived O2. In the present study, we determined the O2 production of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1 pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy.

Results An ESR adduct DMPO-OH detected in the supernatant of BAEC after stimulation with the calcium ionophore A23187 originated from the trapping of extracellular O2, because coincubation with superoxide dismutase (30 U/ml) completely suppressed the ESR signal, whereas catalase (2000 U/ml) had no effect. A23187 stimulated extracellular O2 production in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The coenzymes NADH and NADPH both increased the ESR signal, whereas a flavin antagonist, diphenylene iodonium, abolished the ESR signal. Phorbol myristate acetate potentiated, whereas bisindolylmaleimide I inhibited the A23187-stimulated O2 production, suggesting the involvement of protein kinase C. These signals were not altered L-NAME, a NO-synthase inhibitor, suggesting that the endogenous production of NO· did not alter O2 production. Finally, the amount of O2 generated by A23187-stimulated post-confluent BAEC was one order of magnitude higher than that evoked by rat aortic smooth muscle cells stimulated under the same conditions.  相似文献   

1. At neutral pH ferricytochrome c is reduced by the superoxide anion radical (O2-), without loss of enzymatic activity, by a second order process in which no intermediates are observed. The yield of ferrocytochrome c (82-104%), as related to the amount of O2- produced, is slightly dependent on the concentration of sodium formate in the matrix solution. 2. The reaction (k1 equals (1.1+/-0.1) - 10(6) M-1 - s-1 at pH 7.2, I equals 4 mM and 21 degrees C) can be inhibited by superoxide dismutase and trace amounts of copper ions. The inhibition by copper ions is removed by EDTA without interference in the O2- reduction reaction. 3. The second-order rate constant for the reaction of O2- with ferricytochrome c depends on the pH of the matrix solution, decreasing rapidly at pH greater than 8. The dependence of the rate constant on the pH can be explained by assuming that only the neutral form of ferricytochrome c reacts with O2- and that the alkaline form of the hemoprotein is unreactive. From studies at pH 8.9, the rate for the transition from the alkaline to the neutral form of ferricytochrome c can be estimated to be 0.3 s-1 (at 21 degrees C and I equals 4 mM). 4. The second-order rate constant for the reaction of O2- with ferricytochrome c is also dependent on the ionic strength of the medium. From a plot of log k1 versus I1/2-(I + alphaI1/2)-1 we determined the effective charge on the ferricytochrome c molecule as +6.3 and the rate constant at I equals 0 as (3.1+/-0.1) - 10(6) M-1 - s-1 (pH 7.1, 21 degrees C). 5. The possibility that singlet oxygen is formed as a product of the reaction of O2- with ferricytochrome c can be ruled out on thermodynamic grounds.  相似文献   

Reactions of superoxide anion, catechols, and cytochrome c   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The interaction of polyamines with enzymatically generated free radicals was investigated. The superoxide anion (O-2) was generated in vitro using the xanthine oxidase-hypoxanthine system. Our results show that spermidine or spermine at different concentrations (20-200 mM) inhibit the reduction of cytochrome c; the highest levels of inhibition were obtained adding 200 mM spermidine or spermine. Putrescine (200 mM) affected the reduction of cytochrome c very little.  相似文献   

The temperature and pH dependence of the reaction of the superoxide radical anion with ferricytochrome c have been measured using the pulse-radiolysis technique. The temperature dependence of the reaction at low ionic strength yields an activation energy of 31 +/- 5 kJ/mol as compared to 14 +/- 3 kJ/mol for the reaction of CO2.(-) under the same conditions. The pH dependence fits the single pK'a of ferricytochrome c of 9.1. The bimolecular rate constant for the reaction of the superoxide anion with ferricytochrome c at pH 7.8, 21 +/- 2 degrees C, in the presence of 50 mM phosphate and 0.1 mM EDTA is (2.6 +/- 0.1) X 10(5) M-1 s-1. Using this value, 1 unit of superoxide dismutase activity (McCord, J. M., and Fridovich, I. (1969) J. Biol. Chem. 244, 6049-6055) is calculated to be 3.6 +/- 0.3 pmol of enzyme if the assay is performed in a total volume of 3.0 ml. Copper ions reduce the yield of the reaction of ferricytochrome c with CO2.(-). The reactivities of native and singly modified 4-carboxy-2,4-dinitrophenyllysine cytochromes c towards the superoxide anion radical are in the order native greater than 4-carboxy-2,4-dinitrophenyllysine 60 greater than lysine 13 greater than lysine 87 greater than lysine 27 greater than lysine 86 greater than lysine 72, indicating that electron transfer takes place at or close to the solvent accessible heme edge. The mechanism of the reaction is discussed in terms of the approach of superoxide anion radicals to the heme edge and the available molecular orbitals of both heme and free radicals.  相似文献   

1. The superoxide anion radical (O2-) reacts with ferricytochrome c to form ferrocytochrome c. No intermediate complexes are observable. No reaction could be detected between O2- and ferrocytochrome c. 2. At 20 degrees C the rate constant for the reaction at pH 4.7 to 6.7 is 1.4-10(6) M-1. S -1 and as the pH increases above 6.7 the rate constant steadily decreases. The dependence on pH is the same for tuna heart and horse heart cytochrome c. No reaction could be demonstrated between O2- and the form of cytochrome c which exists above pH approximately 9.2. The dependence of the rate constant on pH can be explained if cytochrome c has pKs of 7.45 and 9.2, and O2- reacts with the form present below pH 7.45 with k = 1.4-10(6) M-1 - S-1, the form above pH 7.45 with k = 3.0- 10(5) M-1 - S-1, and the form present above pH 9.2 with k = 0. 3. The reaction has an activation energy of 20 kJ mol-1 and an enthalpy of activation at 25 degrees C of 18 kJ mol-1 both above and below pH 7.45. It is suggested that O2- may reduce cytochrome c through a track composed of aromatic amino acids, and that little protein rearrangement is required for the formation of the activated complex. 4. No reduction of ferricytochrome c by HO2 radicals could be demonstrated at pH 1.2-6.2 but at pH 5.3, HO2 radicals oxidize ferrocytochrome c with a rate constant of about 5-10(5)-5-10(6) M-1 - S-1.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (superoxide: superoxide oxidoreductase, EC (SOD) and ferricytochrome c are used to check the effects on luminol chemiluminescence induced by a xanthine or hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase/oxygen system. Luminol chemiluminescence has been attributed to superoxide anion radical (O2.-) in this system. From kinetic studies on the light intensity vs. time curves it is demonstrated that addition of SOD into the system does not affect the mechanism of O2.- generation, whilst ferricytochrome c dramatically alters the time-course of the reaction. This is interpreted as the effect of cytochrome c redox cycling by reaction with H2O2, modifying oxy-radical generation in the reaction medium. Also, an alternative mechanism for luminol chemiexcitation is proposed under certain experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear phagocytes have been shown to undergo marked alteration in oxidative metabolism during phagocytosis. These alterations, collectively known as the "respiratory burst", include increased glucose oxidation through the hexose monophosphate shunt (1), increased oxygen consumption (1), and increased superoxide (O-2)3 (2) and H2O2 production (3). Similar metabolic events have also been shown to occur in the rabbit alveolar macrophage (AM). There is consistent evidence that the macrophage undergoes increased oxygen consumption (4-6) and hexose monophosphate shunt activity (4-9) upon phagocytosis. There are conflicting data, however, concerning the ability of the macrophage to produce O-2. Some studies suggest that macrophages are incapable of producing measurable amounts of O-2 upon phagocytosis (7, 10-12). Other studies, however, suggest that macrophages are indeed capable of producing substantial amounts of O-2 during phagocytosis (8, 13-15). This study was designed to resolve the discrepancies in the literature concerning O-2 production in macrophages.  相似文献   

The reduction of cytochrome c by glycine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The intrinsic fluorescence of lauryl maltoside solubilized bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase has been determined to arise from tryptophan residues of the oxidase complex. The magnitude of the fluorescence is approximately 34% of that from n-acetyltryptophanamide (NATA). This level of fluorescence is consistent with an average heme to tryptophan distance of 30 A. The majority of the fluorescent tryptophan residues are in a hydrophobic environment as indicated by the fluorescence emission maximum at 328 nm and the differing effectiveness of the quenching agents: Cs+, I-, and acrylamide. Cesium was ineffective up to a concentration of 0.7 M, whereas quenching by the other surface quenching agent, iodide, was complex. Below 0.2 M, KI was ineffective whereas between 0.2 and 0.7 M 15% of the tryptophan fluorescence was found to be accessible to iodide. This pattern indicates that protein structural changes were induced by iodide and may be related to the chaotropic character of KI. Acrylamide was moderately effective as a quenching agent of the oxidase fluorescence with a Stern-Volmer constant of 2 M-1 compared with acrylamide quenching of NATA and the water-soluble enzyme aldolase having Stern-Volmer constants of 12 M-1 and 0.3 M-1, respectively. There was no effect of cytochrome c on the tryptophan emission intensity from cytochrome c oxidase under conditions where the two proteins form a tight, 1:1 complex, implying that the tryptophan residues near the cytochrome c binding site are already quenched by energy transfer to the homes of the oxidase. The lauryl maltoside concentration used to solubilize the enzyme did not affect the fluorescence of NATA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Generation of superoxide anion by brain endothelial cell xanthine oxidase.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bovine brain endothelial cells (EC) that were isolated and propagated in pure culture had increased (greater than 20-fold) levels of xanthine oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase activity compared to whole brain homogenate. Brain EC also released superoxide anion (O2-) into the extracellular medium. Treatment of EC with tungsten decreased (P less than 0.05) both XO activity and O2- release. XO appears to be highly concentrated in cerebral vascular endothelium and may be an important source of O2-.  相似文献   

The reduction of cytochrome c by xanthine oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The reduction of cytochrome c by thioglycolic acid was found to be extremely sensitive to metal catalysis. The rate of the uncatalyzed reaction was negligible in comparison with rates obtained from reactions supplemented with catalytic amounts of copper or iron. Both the catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions were independent of pH (near neutrality) but when o-phenanthroline was included in the reaction mixture, a pH dependence was induced. This pH dependence is the result of an interference of oxygen with the metal complexes. A comparison of the rate constants at zero ionic strenght, which were obtained from the application of the Debye-Hückel theory for the ionic strength dependence, demonstrated that copper complexes are superior catalysts as compared with iron complexes. Our results suggest that in the copper-mediated reaction, the catalyst is a cupric thioglycolate complex with a net charge of ?2. The addition of o-phenanthroline to the reaction mixture results in a tenfold decrease in the catalytic activity and in a change in the net charge of the catalyst to ?1. At pH 8 the iron-mediated reduction is catalyzed by a ferric thioglycolate complex, whereas at pH 7 a ferrothioglycolate complex provides the catalytic activity. Both complexes have a net negative charge of ?2. At both pH's the catalytic activity is completely abolished by the addition of o-phenanthroline. The results demonstrate the effectiveness by which metal-sulfur complexes can facilitate one-electron transfer reactions and could there-fore serve as a model in the study of various biological oxidations.  相似文献   

A peroxide-dependent reduction of cytochrome c by NADH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The detergent-induced amplification of lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence of O2-, generated by xanthine oxidase or microsomal NADPH oxidase was studied. An assay system is described which is at least 10 times more sensitive than normal lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence due to the amplification by high concentrations of octylphenylpolyethylene glycol (Triton X-100). Compared to the superoxide dismutase-sensitive reduction of acetylated cytochrome c, a 3750-fold lower amount of microsomal protein was necessary to produce an O2- signal 10-fold above the background. In contrast to cytochrome c reduction, detergent-amplified chemiluminescence of lucigenin was completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase and therefore more selective for O2-. The membrane-bound and Triton X-100-solubilized NADPH oxidase from microsomes of macrophages was activated by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid and inhibited by Ca2+ and sodium dodecyl sulfate. The membrane-bound enzyme showed a Km value of 1.35 microM, which decreased to 0.95 microM after the addition of 12% (g/g) Triton X-100. The Km and Vmax values of soluble xanthine oxidase were not influenced by Triton X-100, indicating that the enzyme activities were not impaired by the high concentrations of detergent.  相似文献   

Recently, it was demonstrated that superoxide oxidizes dihydroethidium to a specific fluorescent product (oxyethidium) that differs from ethidium by the presence of an additional oxygen atom in its molecular structure (Zhao H, Kalivendi S, Zhang H, Joseph J, Nithipatikom K, Vásquez-Vivar J, and Kalyanaraman B. Free Radic Biol Med 34: 1359–1368, 2003). We have adapted this new HPLC-based assay to quantify this product as a tool to estimate intracellular superoxide in intact tissues. Ethidium and oxyethidium were separated using a C-18 column and quantified using fluorescence detection. Initial cell-free experiments with potassium superoxide and xanthine oxidase confirmed the formation of oxyethidium from dihydroethidium. The formation of oxyethidium was inhibited by superoxide dismutase but not catalase and did not occur upon the addition of H2O2, peroxynitrite, or hypochlorous acid. In bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) and murine aortas, the redox cycling drug menadione increased the formation of oxyethidium from dihydroethidium ninefold (0.4 nmol/mg in control vs. 3.6 nmol/mg with 20 µM menadione), and polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase (PEG-SOD) significantly inhibited this effect. Treatment of BAEC with angiotensin II caused a twofold increase in oxyethidium formation, and this effect also was reduced by PEG-SOD (0.5 nmol/mg). In addition, in the aortas of mice with angiotensin II-induced hypertension and DOCA-salt hypertension, the formation of oxyethidium was increased in a manner corresponding to superoxide production estimated on the basis of cytochrome c reduction. Detection of oxyethidium using HPLC represents a new, convenient, quantitative method for the detection of superoxide in intact cells and tissues. oxyethidium; hypertension; menadione; angiotensin II; endothelium  相似文献   

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