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Extrachromosomal DNAs from TK+ transformant clones of A238 Chinese hamster cells isolated after the treatment with plasmid pST826 containing thymidine kinase gene (TK-gene) of Herpes simplex virus (HSV1) and 1.8 kb insert of human satellite III DNA (HSIII) were studied by hybridization technique. In two TK+-clones (2T301 and 2T16) large quantities of rearranged plasmid DNA molecules were found. Electron microscopy show in clone 2T301 the presence of circular DNAs with average length being 4.64 +/- 0.27 kb. These molecules were rescued by retransformation into E. coli and analysed by restriction mapping and hybridization. All of them contain deletions spanning the entire TK gene of HSV1 and pBR325 sequences situated just downstream from the ORI of replication. The origin of extra-replicating circular DNA in 2T301 clone is discussed.  相似文献   

Neurospora mtDNA contains a repetitive, 18 nucleotide palindromic sequence (5'-CCCTGCAGTACTGCAGGG-3') that contains two closely spaced PstI sites (CTGCAG) in the arms of the palindrome (Yin, S., Heckman, J., and RajBhandary, U. L. (1981) Cell 26, 325-332). In the present study, DNA sequence analysis was carried out to determine whether PstI palindromes are present in an apparently distinct genetic element, the 3.6-kilobase mitochondrial plasmid from Neurospora crassa strain Mauriceville-1c (FGSC 2225). The plasmid contains a cluster of closely spaced PstI sites extending over a 0.4-kilobase region (Collins, R. A., Stohl, L. L., Cole, M. D., and Lambowitz, A. M. (1981) Cell 24, 443-452). The DNA sequence shows that the cluster consists of eight PstI sites organized in five palindromic elements. Two of the elements are identical with the canonical sequence found in mtDNA, whereas the remaining three elements differ from the canonical sequence by a few nucleotides. The occurrence of the PstI palindromes in two otherwise unrelated DNA species is consistent with the hypothesis that they are related to mobile DNA sequences that either propagate or were once capable of propagating within mitochondria.  相似文献   

During senescence in Podospora anserina, specific gene regions of the mitochondrial genome are excised and amplified. The most prevalent, termed alpha-event senDNA, is a 2600 bp circular molecule which is excised from the contiguous Hae III fragments 23,14 region of the mitochondrial DNA restriction map. We have cloned alpha-DNA plasmid from races s+ and A+ as well as the genomic fragments Hae III 23,14 and have sequenced those regions which constitute the alpha-junction sites. We have found that one excision site (J1) is located 24 bp from the proximal Hae III 23 restriction site and the other (J2) 172 bp from the distal Hae III 14 site. Flanking the alpha-DNA sequences on the mitochondrial genome, there are 10 bp palindromic sequences: CAATATATTG, ending 3 bases from the J1 site, and ATTATATAAT which starts 8 bases from the J2 site. Neither of these 10 bp palindromes are present on the alpha-DNA plasmid. Abutting the J1 site on the alpha-DNA there is a 5 bp sequence (GTGCT) which is repeated 8 bp downstream. In joining the two distal J1 and J2 sites, a 7 bp repeat (ACGTGCG) is produced. These results are discussed within the context of site-specific recombination.  相似文献   

A nuclear integration of a mitochondrial control region sequence on human chromosome 9 has been isolated. PCR analyses with primers specific for the respective insertion-flanking nuclear regions showed that the insertion took place on the lineage leading to Hominoidea (gibbon, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and human) after the Old World monkey-Hominoidea split. The sequences of the control region integrations were determined for humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and siamangs. These sequences were then used to construct phylogenetic trees with different methods, relating them with several hominoid, Old Work monkey, and New World monkey mitochondrial control region sequences. Applying maximum-likelihood, neighbor-joining, and parsimony algorithms, the insertion clade was attached to the branch leading to the hominoid mitochondrial sequences as expected from the PCR-determined presence/absence of this integration. An unexpected long branch leading to the internal node that connects all insertion sequences was observed for the different phylogeny reconstruction procedures. This finding is not totally compatible with the lower evolutionary rate in the nucleus than in the mitochondrial compartment. We determined the unambiguous substitutions on the branch leading to the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of the mitochondrial inserts according to the parsimony criterium. We propose that they are unlikely to have been caused by damage of the transposing nucleic acid and that they are probably due to a change in the evolutionary mode after the transposition.   相似文献   

Different aspects of the interaction of apocytochrome c and model membranes composed of negatively charged lipids, were studied in order to get insight into the nature of this interaction. The effect of the protein on the lipid packing properties are revealed by DSC, ESR and monolayer techniques. These experiments clearly demonstrate that upon electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged phospholipids, apocytochrome c is able to penetrate into the hydrophobic region of the model membrane. In the case of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol, this results in a perturbation of 160 lipid molecules per apocytochrome c molecule. Most likely, apocytochrome c disrupts the formation of the gel phase and restricts the lipid chain motion above the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition. Tryptophan fluorescence measurements confirm that at least a part of the protein penetrates into the bilayer, and suggest that after this penetration, the tryptophan (residue no. 59) is located in the glycerol backbone region of the phospholipids. Although the secondary structure of apocytochrome c is predicted to contain about 35% of alpha-helical structure, the CD pattern of an aqueous solution of the protein is featureless. However, negatively charged lipids are able to express this alpha-helical potency in the apocytochrome c, which might be important for the insertion of the protein into lipid membranes.  相似文献   

Barry EG 《Genetics》1972,71(1):53-62
Cytological study of meiotic chromosomes heterozygous for the T(I-->II)39311 translocation confirm genetic evidence (Perkins 1972) that a section of linkage group I including the mating type locus has been inserted into linkage group II. Pachytene chromosomes when fully paired show that a segment from chromosome 1 has been inserted into chromosome 6. When pairing fails between the translocated segment in 6 and its homologous region in chromosome 1, buckles or loops are formed at pachynema in the deletion or insertion areas of the bivalents.-Acentric fragments and anaphase bridges occur at both meiotic divisions and in the subsequent two mitotic divisions in the ascus. These provide supporting evidence that the translocated segment is inverted with respect to centromere in its new location.-Unexpectedly the acentric fragment, formed by crossing over in the inverted translocated segment, persists without degradation in a micronucleus, and it replicates and divides in synchrony with the centric chromosomes in adjacent nuclei.  相似文献   

Animesh Ray  Ron Skurray 《Plasmid》1984,11(3):272-275
The leading region of the F plasmid is, by definition, the first part of the plasmid DNA to be transferred to the recipient cell during conjugation. Restriction fragments of the leading region, when cloned into the plasmid vector pACYC184, extended the maintenance of the normally unstable p15A-derived vector replicon in rec+ Escherichia coli K-12 cells. Mutations in the host's general recombination systems were found to influence the maintenance of these hybrid plasmids.  相似文献   

The integrative vectors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells were constructed on the basis of the plasmid pSUP202. To construct the integrative vectors the fragments of chromosomal DNA mediating the homologous recombination were cloned in the plasmid. The possibility of cloning of different genes in the chromosomes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells was illustrated by KmR gene cloning.  相似文献   

Apart from the ability to nodulate legumes, fast-and slow-growing rhizobia have few bacteriological traits in common. Given that there is only one pathway to nodulation, DNA sequences conserved in fast- and slow-growing organisms that nodulate the same host should be strongly enriched in infectivity genes. We tested this hypothesis with seven fast-growing and five slow-growing strains that produced responses varying from fully effective nodulation through various ineffective associations to non-nodulation on four different hosts (Lotus pedunculatus, Lupinus nanus, Macroptilium atropurpureum, and Vigna unguiculata). When restriction enzyme digested total DNA from 10 of the strains was separately hybridized with nick-translated plasmid DNA isolated from 4 fast-growing strains, variable but significant homologies were found with all 10 strains. Part of this homology was shown to be associated with the nifKDH genes for nitrogenase and part with putative nodulation genes carried on pC2, a cosmid clone containing a 37 kbp region of the large sym plasmid present in the fast-growing broad-host range Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. Analysis of the extent of homology between the plasmids of 3 fastgrowing strains (NGR234, TAL 996 and UMKL 19) able to effectively nodulate Vigna unguiculata showed them to have homologous DNA fragments totalling 47 kbp. This core homology represents less than 12% of the total coding capacity of the sym plasmid present in each of these strains.Abbreviations Sym symbiotic sequences/plasmids - nod genes required for nodulation - nod putative nod genes - nif genes required for the synthesis of the enzyme nitrogenase  相似文献   

Summary The linear autonomous form of kalilo DNA (previously called AR-kalDNA) is shown to be resident within mitochondria rather than nuclei, as had been suggested by previous experiments. This form has been renamed mtAR-kalDNA, to signify its mitochondrial location. Experiments are described that illustrate the inheritance and somatic transmission patterns of the mitochondrial kalilo plasmid and the mitochondrial inserted form of kalilo DNA (mtlS-kalDNA). Progeny of a cross with a pre-senescent subculture as the female parent inherited mtAR-ka1DNA only; mtIS-kalDNA was not transmitted sexually. During somatic propagation of the ascospore cultures, novel kalilo DNA inserts appeared and most of them persisted until death. We propose that these inserts originated from de novo integration of mtAR-kalDNA into the mitochondrial DNA. In two of the ascopore-derived series analyzed, the first inserts detected were seen only transiently and inserts appearing subsequent to the transient inserts were retained until death. We propose that these enduring inserts originated either from rearrangements of the transient inserts or from novel integration events, either from mtAR-kalDNA or from transposition of the transient inserts.  相似文献   

Summary Salmonella ordonez strain BM2000 carries kanamycin (Km), ampicillin (Ap), spectinomycin (Sp), chloramphenicol (Cm), tetracyline (Tc), and sulfonamide (Su) resistance and production of colicin Ib (Cib). The Km and Cib characters were carried by a 97kb IncI1 plasmid (pIP565). In addition to the Km and Cib traits, all or part of the other antibiotic resistance (R) determinants could be transferred by conjugation from S. ordonez to Escherichia coli where all the acquired characters are borne by an IncI1 plasmid, designated complete or partial composite plasmid respectively. DNA from pIP565 and composite plasmids and total DNA from strain BM2000 were studied by agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following digestion with restriction endonucleases, and by Southern hybridization. These comparative analyses enabled us a) to show that acquisition by pIP565 of resistance to all or some of the antibiotics was due to the insertion of a single DNA fragment into the receptor plasmid; b) to detect two types of composite plasmids with regard to the specificity of insertion into pIP565 and the mapping of the inserts; c) to demonstrate that the ApCmSpSuTc resistance determinants were integrated into S. ordonez BM2000 chromosomal DNA; d) to map the restriction fragments of the translocatable sequence integrated into strain BM2000 chromosome or into pIP565.The results obtained suggest that two distinct mechanisms for the translocation of the R determinants coexist in S. ordonez BM2000. Recombination between two of the four directly repeated copies of the IS-like sequence (IS1522) present in S. ordonez chromosome leads to the circularisation of all or part of the AmCmSpSuTc R determinants and is followed by either 1) a second recombination with the copy of IS1522 in pIP565 (Type I composite plasmids), or 2) transposition of precise groups of characters in various sites of pIP565 (Type II composite plasmids).  相似文献   

Hair has become a widely used source of DNA in population genetics, forensics, and conservation biology. Here we report that PCR primers that amplify a segment of the mitochondrial control region from blood DNA amplify primarily integrated nuclear copies of mitochondrial DNA from hair DNA. Thus, in some species, and under some circumstances, DNA from hair may yield unreliable results.  相似文献   

Localization of RNA replication to intracellular membranes is a universal feature of positive-strand RNA viruses. Replication complexes of flock house virus (FHV), the best-studied alphanodavirus, are located on outer mitochondrial membranes in infected Drosophila melanogaster cells and are associated with the formation of membrane-bound spherules, similar to structures found for many other positive-strand RNA viruses. To further study FHV replication complex formation, we investigated the subcellular localization, membrane association, and membrane topology of protein A, the FHV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a host able to support full FHV RNA replication and virion formation. Confocal immunofluorescence revealed that protein A localized to mitochondria in yeast, as in Drosophila cells, and that this mitochondrial localization was independent of viral RNA synthesis. Nycodenz gradient flotation and dissociation assays showed that protein A behaved as an integral membrane protein, a finding consistent with a predicted N-proximal transmembrane domain. Protease digestion and selective permeabilization after differential epitope tagging demonstrated that protein A was inserted into the outer mitochondrial membrane with the N terminus in the inner membrane space or matrix and that the C terminus was exposed to the cytoplasm. Flotation and immunofluorescence studies with deletion mutants indicated that the N-proximal region of protein A was important for both membrane association and mitochondrial localization. Gain-of-function studies with green fluorescent protein fusions demonstrated that the N-terminal 46 amino acids of protein A were sufficient for mitochondrial localization and membrane insertion. We conclude that protein A targets and anchors FHV RNA replication complexes to outer mitochondrial membranes, in part through an N-proximal mitochondrial localization signal and transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

The mode of insertion of the broad-host-range plasmid RP4 into the chromosome of Myxococcus xanthus strain DZ1 has been analyzed. The plasmid integrated in numerous sites of the chromosome and generated insertional mutations. There is a hot spot of integration located between 31.5 and 34.5 kb clockwise from the EcoRI site of the plasmid. In the absence of this segment the insertion can, however, take place, but much less efficiently. The presence of transposable elements on the plasmid decreases severely the insertion frequency. Once integrated, RP4 could be transferred back to Escherichia coli, either by precise excision or with a segment of the Myxococcus chromosome. The role of site-specific recombination in RP4 integration is discussed.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between identical stretches of DNA depends on the coordinated action of many tightly regulated proteins. Cellular defects in homologous recombination are strongly associated with increased genomic instability and tumorigenesis. In cells of the cancer-prone syndrome ataxia telangiectasia (A-T), increased intrachromosomal recombination has been demonstrated, while extrachromosomal recombination has been discussed controversially. We constructed a novel, episomally replicating pGrec recombination vector containing two mutated alleles of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene. Homologous recombination can reconstitute functional wildtype eGFP, thus allowing detection of recombination events based on cellular eGFP fluorescence. Using an isogenic cell pair of A-T fibroblasts and derivatives complemented by an ATM expression vector, we were able to demonstrate in A-T cells high extrachromosomal recombination rates, which are suppressed upon ectopic ATM expression. We thus found that ATM deficiency increases spontaneous recombination not only in intrachromosomal but also in extrachromosomal substrates, suggesting that lack of ATM increases homologous recombination independent of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Unusual chloroplast transformants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that contain 2000 copies of a mutant version of the chloroplast atpB gene, maintained as an extrachromosomal tandem repeat, have recently been described. In this paper studies have been undertaken to (i) address possible mechanisms for generating and maintaining the amplified DNA and (ii) determine whether it is possible to use chloroplast gene amplification to overexpress chloroplast or foreign genes. Data presented here indicate that high copy number transformants harbor characteristic rearrangements in both copies of the chloroplast genome large inverted repeat. These rearrangements appear to be a consequence of, or required for, maintenance of the amplified DNA. In an attempt to mimic the apparently autonomous replication of extrachromosomal DNA in the chloroplast, transformation was carried out with a plasmid that lacked homology with the chloroplast genome or with the same plasmid carrying a putative chloroplast DNA replication origin ( oriA ). Transformants were recovered only with the plasmid containing oriA , and all transformants contained an integrated plasmid copy at oriA , suggesting that establishment or maintenance of the extrachromosomal tandem repeat requires conditions that were not replicated in this experiment. To determine whether other genes could be maintained at high copy number in the chloroplast, plasmids carrying the wild-type atpB gene or the bacterial aadA gene were introduced into a high copy number transformant. Surprisingly, the copy number of the plasmid tandem repeat declined rapidly after the secondary transformation events, even when strong selective pressure for the introduced gene was applied. Thus, chloroplast transformation can either create or destabilize high copy number tandem repeats.  相似文献   

Tom20 and Tom34 are mammalian liver proteins previously identified by others to be components of the mitochondrial import translocation apparatus. It has been shown that Tom20 interacts with the leader sequence of nuclear coded matrix space precursor proteins. Here we show with recombinantly expressed Tom proteins that Tom34 binds the mature portion of the precursor and not the leader. Both these Tom proteins inhibited the import of newly translated precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase in an in vitro assay. Only Tom20 inhibited the import of a fusion protein of the leader of aldehyde dehydrogenase attached to dihydrofolate reductase. Antibodies against Tom20 coprecipitated both the precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (pALDH) and of dihydrofolate reductase (pA-DHFR). Antibodies against Tom34 interacted only when the mature portion of aldehyde dehydrogenase was present. Similar import inhibition patterns were found when other precursor and chimeric constructs we investigated. When Tom34-green fluorescence protein was transfected to HeLa cells it was observed that Tom34 was found through out the cell. It is concluded from our observation that Tom34 is a cytosolic protein, whose role appeared to be to interact with mature portion of some preproteins and may keep them in an unfolded, import compatible state.  相似文献   

In China, Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain 56601 (str.56601) is one of main pathogenic strains that cause severe leptospirosis in both human and animals. The genome of this organism was completely sequenced in 2003. However, in 2011, we identified and corrected some assembly errors in the str.56601 genome due to the repeat sequences widely distributed in the Leptospira genome. In this study, we re-analyzed the previously reported mobile, phage-related genomic island in the chromosome and rectified detailed sequence information in both the plasmid and chromosome using various experimental methods. The presence of a separate circular extrachromosomal plasmid was also confirmed, and its location in the genomi~ region was determined relative to the genomic island reported in L. interrogans serovar Lai by a combination of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis -based and plasmid extraction-based Southern blot analysis. This report confirmed that the sep arate extrachromosomal circular plasmid is not integrated into the chromosome of. interrogans str.56601 and markedly improved our understanding of the genomic organization, evolution, and pathogenesis of L. interrogans. In particular, characterization of this extrachromosomal cir cular plasmid will contribute to the development of genetic manipulation systems in pathogenic Leptospira species.  相似文献   

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