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Populations of the sea hare, Aplysia oculifera (Adams &Reeve, 1850) (Gastropoda: Opistho-branchia), were studied inthe northern coast of the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba) between April1988 and March 1992. Recruitment occurred from December to February,synchronized with the blooming of green algae (Enteromorphaintestinalis and Ulva sp.). A single recruitment event occurredeach year, while a secondary recruitment was rarely, observedand was related to acute catastrophic disturbance of the habitat.Adult sea hares inhabited the inter- and subtidal zones fromDecember-January to April-June, feeding on E. intestinalis andUlva sp. Populations disappeared in April-June which coincidedwith disappearance of these green algae. Mean maximum body livemass of adult sea hares (MMBLM, that is the highest mean bodymass recorded at specific site within the season) ranged from0.77 to 33 g MMBLM, varied significantly among populations inhabitingthe various study sites, and was significantly and inverselycorrelated with water movement intensity. Abundance of sea haresvaried among sites and among years and was related to the amountof green algae during the recruitment season. 2Present address: Department of Biology, University of Haifaat Oranim, Tivon 36006, Israel. E-mail: plaut{at}research.haifa.ac.il (Received 29 April 1997; accepted 26 July 1997)  相似文献   

Patterns of algal succession for a sewage-polluted and an unpolluted habitat near Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island, California, were studied from December 1974 to June 1977. Resident populations were analyzed for 56 fully denuded and 34 undisturbed control quadrats during 11 assessment periods. The denuded quadrats in the perturbated (polluted) habitat showed recovery within 1.0 mo as determined by cover, percent similarity and species diversity comparisons with control plots. The short recovery times of the algal populations dominating the perturbated habitat indicate that these species maintain relatively constant overall abundances due to their potential for rapid recruitment and growth. Denuded quadrats in the unpolluted habitat did not show recovery even after 30.0 mo. These quadrats were dominated during the first 1.3 mo by algae characteristic of the perturbated area, including filamentous Ectocarpaceae, colonial diatoms and bluegreen algae. Petalonia fascia (Müll.) Kuntze (1.3–3.0 mo), and Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngb.)J. Ag. and Colpomenia sinuosa (Roth) Derb. & Sol. (1.3–5.0 mo) were abundant shortly following plot denudation and provided thick growths that may have excluded other algae. The similarity between the species occupying the sterilized plots during the first few months and those that provide the majority of cover in the perturbated area supports the hypothesis that the dominant algae of the upper and midintertidal regions of this habitat consist largely of early successional or opportunistic species with high capacities for growth and reproduction. Additionally, these experiments suggest that algal populations described for other perturbated epilithic systems also represent resilient subclimax associations.  相似文献   

  • 1 Leaf folding is a common behaviour among caterpillars that has many potential benefits such as creation of a favourable microclimate and protection from predation or dislodgment.
  • 2 One cost of leaf folding which has not previously been quantified is the reduction in growth rate that might result from the energetic expenditures of producing silk and applying it to fold leaves.
  • 3 On caged goldenrods in field and forest habitats, early-instar Dichomeris leuconotella (Busck) caterpillars that were repeatedly forced to spin new leaf refuges (either folds or webs of silk) actually had higher growth rates than caterpillars left undisturbed.
  • 4 This surprising result apparently reflected the fact that disturbed caterpillars chose relatively young green leaves for new refuges, whereas undisturbed caterpillars tended to remain in their webs or folds on ageing leaves.
  • 5 In a glasshouse experiment using plants that underwent little senescence, growth rates were unaffected by the amout of refuge-making effort, indicating that the costs of such effort were either negligible or easily compensated for by these caterpillars.
  • 6 On glasshouse plants, caterpillars periodically forced to change refuges had higher disappearance rates than those left undisturbed, despite the absence of predators. Wandering or falling from plants is evidently a major hazard of frequent refuge changes.
  • 7 Thus, early-instar Dichomeris caterpillars face a trade-off in which risks of predation or loss of contact with the host favour the observed low rate of refuge changes, but in which growth rates could actually be improved with more refuge changes.

Populations of L. cuprina collected from adjacent sheep-grazing areas and rubbish tips in Victoria (Mansfield and Warrnambool) and New South Wales (Lismore) were tested for resistance to the insecticides diazinon and dieldrin. Populations from sheep-grazing areas had a significantly higher diazinon Rop-1 allele frequency than those from adjacent tips with the Victorian populations being more resistant than those from Lismore. Victorian sheep and tip populations had similar gene frequencies at the dieldrin resistance locus, but the Rdl allele frequency was significantly greater in the population at the tip than in the population from the sheep-grazing area at Lismore. The Rdl allele is at a higher frequency in flies from the Lismore area than in Victorian populations. The results at both loci are explained by a balance of selection and gene flow between sheep and tip populations and by selective differences between geographical areas. The exceptionally high frequency of the dieldrin Rdl allele in populations at the Lismore tip may be partially explained by the use of dichlorvos for fly control. Dosage mortality curve and genetic analyses suggest that dichlorvos (an organophosphorus compound) may select at the dieldrin resistance locus. Possible mechanisms for this are discussed. The consequences of genetic differentiation between L. cuprina populations within a region for an autocidal control program are considered.  相似文献   

We observed colonization and mortality of plants in small (26 m2) artificial soil disturbances and undisturbed controls in a tall-grass prairie from 1977–1980. This paper examines the dynamics of colonists based on mode of origin (seedlings and shoots) and broad taxonomic affinity (forbs and graminoids). Few seedlings colonized either disturbances or controls the first year, probably due to a severe drought in 1976 when few seeds were produced. Graminoid shoots were more abundant in disturbed sites than in controls the first year, probably due to the “edge effect” of cutting roots and rhizomes and stimulating new growth. For each year following the first, the number of current residents peaked early in the season and then declined, with the decline more precipitous for seedlings than for shoots. The population fluctuations of seedlings were very predictable, and separate years resembled each other. In contrast to seedling populations, graminoid shoot populations generally were accumulating throughout the study. Populations of forb shoots rose and fell, but the years did not resemble each other. Neither seedlings nor forb shoots showed a response to the new uncolonized soil resource of the artificial disturbances compared to controls, but graminoid shoots were more common on disturbed sites. These results suggest a nonequilibrium dynamic among colonizers of small-scale microsites.  相似文献   

In many benthic organisms with a planktonic larval stage, local populations have different morphology. Such difference may arise from some of the following proximate mechanisms. "Local recruitment (LR)": no larvae move between local populations, and segregated populations possess alleles coding for locally adaptive morphology. "Intragenerational selection (IS)": larvae move between local populations, and individuals with alleles for locally adaptive morphology survive after recruitment. "Phenotypic plasticity (PP)": larvae move between local populations and show phenotypic plasticity to adapt to a locality after recruitment. We examined which mechanism explains our finding that a planktonic developer Turbo coronatus coronatus (Gastropoda) had significantly longer spines on its shell on more exposed shores at scales of < 2 km. Experiments at Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, showed the following results. (a) Shorter- and longer-spined populations occurring within 2 km showed non-significant low psi(ST) values (-0.0040 to 0.00095) for the mitochondrial DNA COI region. This suggests no segregation of the local populations, supporting the mechanisms IS and PP. (b) T. c. coronatus generated significantly longer spines 70 days after being transplanted to the habitat of a longer-spined population, supporting IS and PP. (c) Individuals caged in the sea for 79 days generated longer spines than individuals in the laboratory, supporting PP. In conclusion, shore-specific morphology of T. c. coronatus arises most likely from phenotypic plasticity and possibly from intragenerational selection.  相似文献   

Abstract Latitudinal populations of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia , show substantial genetic variation in rates of energy acquistion and allocation. Reared in common environments, silversides from northern latitudes consume more food, grow faster and more efficiently, store more energy, and produce greater quantities of eggs than their southern conspecifics. The persistence of seemingly inferior southern genotypes in the face of ostensibly superior northern genotypes suggest that there are hidden evolutionary trade-offs associated with these elevated acquisition and allocation rates. We tested the hypothesis that rapid growth and high levels of food consumption trade-off against locomotory performance in M. menidia . We compared both aerobic (prolonged and endurance) and anaerobic (burst) swimming capacities between intrinsically fast-growing fish from the north (Nova Scotia, NS) and intrinsically slow-growing fish from the south (South Carolina, SC) and between growth-manipulated phenotypes within each population. We also compared swimming speeds and endurance between fasted and recently fed fish within populations. Maximum prolonged and burst swimming speeds of NS fish were significantly lower than those of SC fish, and swimming speeds of fast-growing phenotypes were lower than those of slow-growing phenotypes within populations. Fed fish had lower burst speeds and less endurance than fasted fish from the same population. Thus, high rates of growth and the consumption of large meals clearly diminish swimming performance, which likely increases vulnerability to predation and decreases survival and relative fitness. The submaximal growth rate of southern M. menidia appears to be adaptive, resulting from balancing selection on rates of somatic growth.  相似文献   

Populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been selected for divergent rates of senescence were compared with respect to age-specific male mating ability. The competitive mating ability of males from populations with delayed senescence was inferior to that of males from populations with higher rates of senescence when males were young. This relationship was reversed when males were older. For noncompetitive mating ability and for recovery of fertility after an exhaustive mating bout, there was no difference between populations with different rates of senescence when males were young. However when males were older, flies from populations selected for delayed senescence again had superior mating ability. Thus, rates of male reproductive senescence can be altered in predictable ways by natural selection. The results for the competitive mating tests are consistent with the hypothesis that antagonistic gene action between early- and late-life fitness components influences the evolution of senescence in these populations.  相似文献   

The relationships between marine growth and survival, and smolt sizes were examined for white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) populations in the Nairo River, Rebun Island, off northern Hokkaido Island, and the Haraki River, southern Hokkaido Island, Japan. Smolts in the Haraki River were much larger in size than those in the Nairo River, despite being similar size among age cohorts and between the sexes in each population. From scale analyses, smolt size-specific growth rates and survival were estimated by utilizing both observed and back-calculated size-frequencies. Inverse correlations between specific growth rates at sea and smolt size were found in both populations. However, the expected size increments at a given size of smolts in the Haraki River were significantly larger than of those in the Nairo River. For both populations, there were no significant effects of smolt ages (2 to 5 or 6 years) on growth rates at sea. Larger smolts had a consistent survival advantage, although the degree of size-dependent survival function seemed to differ between populations. The results suggested that growth and survival of individuals at sea are determined ultimately by size-, rather than age-, dependent factors depending upon local environmental conditions, supporting the hypothesis of a threshold size for smolting within populations.  相似文献   

Blade elongation was compared in two populations of Laminaria longicruris de la Pylaie in Shag Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada; one population was exposed to and the other sheltered from high intensity water movement. The maximum and minimum elongation rates were similar for the two populations, but the sheltered coast plants grew more rapidly during 8 mo of the year. Measurements of internal inorganic nitrogen (NO3?+ NO2?) reserves and dry organic weight indicated that low concentrations of dissolved nutrients in summer and low levels of illumination in fall and winter were more limiting to growth at the exposed site than the sheltered site. Transplant experiments provided evidence that morphological differences between the exposed and sheltered coast plants accounted at least partially for their different responses to varying nutrient conditions and light levels. It is concluded that lower productivity of the exposed coast population is the result of adaptation to high intensity water movement.  相似文献   

To assess the colonization success of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus on the Iberian Peninsula, life-history attributes of pumpkinseed populations from Spanish water bodies were compared to populations in the northern and southern parts of its native range, as well as to those of English water bodies where introduced populations have shown minimal natural range expansion. Discriminate function analysis using five population characteristics [mean age at maturity, mean total length ( L T) at maturity, gonado-somatic index ( I G), mean L T at age 2 years as an indication of juvenile growth rate and relative body condition] strongly differentiated populations from the four regional study areas. Spanish populations were early maturing, showed moderate juvenile growth rate and L T at maturity and high I G relative to the other population groups. Spanish populations matured significantly earlier than Canadian and English populations, but not southern U.S.A. populations. Spanish populations, however, had a significantly higher I G than southern U.S.A. populations, suggesting greater reproductive output. Considering these differences in the context of the Winemiller and Rose triangular life-history strategy model, the pumpkinseed exhibits 'equilibrium' life-history traits that have made other non-native fishes successful invaders in areas where habitat alteration has resulted in more predictable discharge regimes and water levels. Populations in Iberia, however, appear to have achieved their success by adopting a more 'opportunistic' life-history strategy than their native counterparts. High levels of life-history plasticity appear to contribute to the success of this species on the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is predicted to evolve in more variable environments, conferring an advantage on individual lifetime fitness. It is less clear what the potential consequences of that plasticity will have on ecological population dynamics. Here, we use an invertebrate model system to examine the effects of environmental variation (resource availability) on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in two life history traits—age and size at maturation—in long‐running, experimental density‐dependent environments. Specifically, we then explore the feedback from evolution of life history plasticity to subsequent ecological dynamics in novel conditions. Plasticity in both traits initially declined in all microcosm environments, but then evolved increased plasticity for age‐at‐maturation, significantly so in more environmentally variable environments. We also demonstrate how plasticity affects ecological dynamics by creating founder populations of different plastic phenotypes into new microcosms that had either familiar or novel environments. Populations originating from periodically variable environments that had evolved greatest plasticity had lowest variability in population size when introduced to novel environments than those from constant or random environments. This suggests that while plasticity may be costly it can confer benefits by reducing the likelihood that offspring will experience low survival through competitive bottlenecks in variable environments. In this study, we demonstrate how plasticity evolves in response to environmental variation and can alter population dynamics—demonstrating an eco‐evolutionary feedback loop in a complex animal moderated by plasticity in growth.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and loss affect population stability and demographic processes, increasing the extinction risk of species. We studied Anolis heterodermus populations inhabiting large and small Andean scrubland patches in three fragmented landscapes in the Sabana de Bogotá (Colombia) to determine the effect of habitat fragmentation and loss on population dynamics. We used the capture‐mark‐recapture method and multistate models to estimate vital rates for each population. We estimated growth population rate and the most important processes that affect λ by elasticity analysis of vital rates. We tested the effects of habitat fragmentation and loss on vital rates of lizard populations. All six isolated populations showed a positive or an equilibrium growth rate (λ = 1), and the most important demographic process affecting λ was the growth to first reproduction. Populations from landscapes with less scrubland natural cover showed higher stasis of young adults. Populations in highly fragmented landscapes showed highest juvenile survival and growth population rates. Independent of the landscape's habitat configuration and connectivity, populations from larger scrubland patches showed low adult survivorship, but high transition rates. Populations varied from a slow strategy with low growth and delayed maturation in smaller patches to a fast strategy with high growth and early maturation in large patches. This variation was congruent with the fast‐slow continuum hypothesis and has serious implications for Andean lizard conservation and management strategies. We suggest that more stable lizard populations will be maintained if different management strategies are adopted according to patch area and habitat structure.  相似文献   

Barbara J. Downes 《Oecologia》1995,102(4):501-510
Variation in recruitment rates of parasites to hosts possibly contributes significantly to fluctuations in parasite numbers, yet is almost never measured directly in the field. I measured the variation in recruitment rates of three species of parasitic mites living in two species of freshwater mussels over several spatial and temporal scales. I also examined separately the effect of spatial dispersion of hosts on mite recruitment. Uninfected hosts of both species were placed out each month, for a period of a month, for 2 years at one site and 12 months at another. Mussels of both species were collected simultaneously each month so that abundance of recruiting mites could be compared to mean abundances of mites in hosts at that time. To test the effect of host dispersion on recruitment rates, mussels were set out in clumped and regular patterns in a separate experiment. Overall, recruitment rates were often high but also varied substantially between sites, seasons, years and months. The likely impacts differed between mite species with one probably affected strongly by recruitment variation, while abundances of the other two were not. Populations of the latter two species are probably regulated by intraspecific competition for mates and egg-laying sites. Sampling data are often used to estimate recruitment rates but the latter should be measured, if possible, by exposing uninfected hosts for a known period of time. This direct method reveals patterns of recruitment that cannot be deduced from sampling data. The lack of information on recruitment variation represents a major gap in our knowledge of parasite populations.  相似文献   

Populations of European hare (Lepus europaeus) are in decline in Europe, and populations in Australia remain at low densities. Populations are sensitive to size of the breeding stock, which is influenced by fertility in the females. From 1996 to 1999, a total of 272 adult female hares from three Australian populations were dissected and their reproductive systems examined for abnormalities. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia was relatively common and often accompanied by hydrosalpinx. Extrauterine fetuses, neoplasms, pseudopregnancies, and resorptions also were found. However, although pseudopregnancies and resorptions were found in young adults (<12 mo) as well as older hares, conditions possibly causing infertility were almost always in older hares with prevalences up to 46.2%. Only hares with access to known sources of estrogens exhibited pathologic conditions, but sympatric European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) did not, which is consistent with known difference in responses between the corpora lutea of the two species to exogenous estrogen. Infertility at such a high prevalence could compound and extend the impact of years of low juvenile survival on recruitment.  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is a stoloniferous clonal legume. Dynamics of white clover populations are controlled by the recruitment of both seedlings (genets) and node production (ramets). To understand the role of seedling dynamics in natural populations of white clover, the recruitment and mortality of seedlings in a lawn and pasture clover population were followed and the roles of biotic and abiotic factors in seedling recruitment and survival were assessed. Seedling recruitment was several orders of magnitude less than vegetative recruitment in both lawn and pasture populations. However, at least several new genets are added to these populations on a yearly basis. In both locations, physical disturbances may open sites for seed germination, as disturbed sites had higher seed germination rates than undisturbed sites. However, these sites were not favorable for long-term establishment due to such factors as frost upheaval. Therefore, there are trade-offs in safe site attributes for seed germination and establishment that strongly limit recruitment in natural populations of white clover.  相似文献   

In 66 Norwegian lakes with allopatric populations of brown trout Salmo trutta that ranged from highly acidified to non-acid (pH 4·7–6·6) there was a significant inverse correlation between mean age and relative abundance (CPUE). As mean annual survival rates were not significantly related to CPUE, this population response may indicate that recruitment was lower in low-density lakes. Age-specific masses were significantly higher in populations that had declined in abundance than in unaffected populations. Mean body mass at sexual maturity in both males and females was inversely correlated with CPUE. Between populations, high age at maturity was associated with high survival rates in both sexes. Age at maturity correlated positively with specific growth rate between the ages of 1 and 2 years in females only.  相似文献   

The loss of traits that no longer increase fitness is a pervasive feature of evolution, although detailed studies of the genetic, developmental, and evolutionary factors involved are few. Most perennial plants practice both sexual and clonal reproduction, and it has been hypothesized that populations with little sexual recruitment may lose the capacity for sexual reproduction by fixing mutations that disable one or more of the many processes involved in sex. The clonal, tristylous aquatic plant, Decodon verticillatus, exhibits marked geographical variation in sexual recruitment. Populations at the northern limit of the range are usually monomorphic for style length consist of single genotypes, and produce almost no seed, due, in part, to environmental conditions that inhibit pollination, fertilization, and seed maturation. Controlled crosses in a greenhouse provided evidence for greatly reduced sexual capacity in an exclusively clonal, monomorphic population. Plants from this infertile population produced only 3–18% as many seeds per pollination as fertile populations. Observations of pollen tube growth indicated that infertility is due to severe reductions in pollen tube numbers both early after pollination and later when pollen tubes were traversing the ovary, due primarily to the inability of pistils to support normal tube growth. A three-year greenhouse experiment comparing fertility, survival, and growth of F1 progenies produced from reciprocal crosses between plants from the infertile population and those from nearby fertile populations suggested that the genetic basis for infertility is simple and may involve a single recessive mutation. In addition, the results did not reveal any association between infertility and other aspects of survival and vegetative vigor. The infertile genotype was likely fixed in the population through founder effect rather than indirect selection resulting from antagonistic pleiotropy or direct selection of advantages associated with reduced investment in sexual reproduction. A broader comparison of sexual fertility in 15 clonal, monomorphic populations and five genotypically diverse, trimorphic populations under greenhouse conditions revealed substantial infertility in all but one monomorphic population. Populations varied somewhat in the stage at which infertility was expressed, however, pollen tube growth was impaired in all populations. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that complex traits like sex are degraded by mutation when they no longer increase fitness.  相似文献   

Ang  P.O. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):2-3
Populations S. henslowianum dominate the shallow subtidal waters of Ping Chau Island, Hong Kong. A study was carried out to evaluate the relative importance of recruitment vs regeneration from the holdfast in the maintenance of these populations. The number of recruits on clearings, artificial and natural substrata as well as the density of the natural populations were evaluated on a periodic basis from March 1998 to March 2000. The results indicated that although up to 85 to 100% of the individuals of this species may be reproductive during the winter reproductive season (Nov to Feb), only up to a maximum mean density of 17 recruits 0.25 m−2 were found in the cleared areas or artificial substrata provided. Less than 10% of these eventually survived the following growth season. In the natural stands, new individuals (recruits) constituted only less than 15% of the mean density. The number of new recruits was particularly low around older individuals. Thus, these populations were mainly made up of older individuals regenerating from their perennating holdfasts. It appears that regeneration from the holdfast is a far more important strategy than recruitment in the maintenance of these populations.  相似文献   

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