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记述了采自闽南-台湾浅滩渔场的鲷科鱼类1新种,单长棘犁齿鲷Evynnis mononematos sp.nov..新种的犁骨有数颗圆锥状小齿,为犁齿鲷属所特有的特征.其背鳍仅第3鳍棘末端呈显著的丝状延长这一特征可与本属已知种E.cardinalis和E.tumifrons相区别.  相似文献   

对采自海陵岛的6种鲷科鱼类(Sparidae)86个个体的线粒体COⅠ基因进行测序,结合Gen Bank上的17条同源序列,共7属11种103个个体进行系统进化分析。海陵岛11种鲷科鱼类COⅠ基因序列的T、C、A、G的平均含量分别为31.9%、27.6%、23.4%和17.1%,有保守位点359个,变异位点165个,简约信息位点162个,序列中转换大于颠换。Kimura 2-parameter种间遗传距离显示,真赤鲷和二长棘犁齿鲷的遗传距离小于前者与蓝点赤鲷的遗传距离。应用邻接法(NJ法)和最大似然法(ML法)对103条序列分别构建了鲷科鱼类的分子系统进化树。结果显示,鲷科鱼类分为两大类群,一类包括犁齿鲷属、赤鲷属、牙鲷属和四长棘鲷属,另一类包括平鲷属、棘鲷属和拟牛眼鲷属。根据种间遗传距离与系统发育树的结构特征推测,真赤鲷与二长棘犁齿鲷可能属于同一属,这与传统的形态分类学观点不完全相符。  相似文献   

为探讨髭鲷属鱼类的分类地位,克隆了两种髭鲷属鱼类(横带髭鲷和斜带髭鲷)的线粒体Cyt 6基因全长序列,并利用线粒体Cyt b基因序列分析了鲈总科6个科29种的分子系统进化关系.结果表明:髭鲷属与石鲈科的其他5个属的遗传距离超过了科问水平的遗传距离,存在较远的遗传分化.29种鲈总科鱼类分成了两大类群,石鲈科的矶鲈属、仿石鲈属、厚唇椒鲷属、异孔石鲈属和石鲈属的物种聚为一起形成石鲈科的一个独立分支,与亲缘关系较近的鲷科、梅鲷科和笛鲷科形成一个类群;而隶属于石鲈科的髭鲷属与石鲷科及雀鲷科形成另一个类群.髭鲷属与其他石鲈科鱼类的亲缘关系已经超过了科问的遗传分化水平,而在遗传距离及系统进化分析上髭鲷属仍然隶属于鲈总科.本研究支持将髭鲷属提升为髭鲷科的观点.  相似文献   

中国胡椒鲷属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡椒鲷属(Plectorhynchus LacéPède)广泛分布于热带和亚热带水域,为底栖性鱼类。产我国者现有6种,其中一种经研究,认为是一新种,定名为中华胡椒鲷Plectorhynchu sinensis Zhu,Wu et Jin sp.nov.,现叙述如下。 中华胡椒鲷(新种)Plectorhynchus sinensis Zhu,Wu et Jin sp.nov.(图1)  相似文献   

石鲈科鱼类的系统发育分析兼论髭鲷属的分类地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任岗  章群 《动物分类学报》2007,32(4):835-841
通过线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列分子标记,分析了石鲈科7属15种鱼的分子系统发育关系,并通过对部分种类16S rRNA基因片段的RNA二级结构的分析,对髭鲷属分类地位进行了探讨.结果表明:15种石鲈科鱼类分为3个类群,石鲈属Haemulon、Xenistius和Anisotremus属组成类群1,矶鲈属和胡椒鲷属组成类群2,髭鲷属组成类群3;在亲缘关系上类群1和类群2较近,它们与类群3相对较远;在遗传差异上,髭鲷属与其它6个属的遗传差异接近甚至超过其与外类群笛鲷科、鲷科和隆头鱼科种类的遗传差异.在NJ和MP系统发育树中,髭鲷属与外类群笛鲷科、鲷科和隆头鱼科种类聚集在一起,石鲈科鱼类未能构成单一分支类群;同时,横带髭鲷为代表的髭鲷属鱼类16S rRNA基因长度74bp的基因片段的RNA二级结构与其余石鲈科种类存在明显的结构差异.因此,研究结果支持将髭鲷属从石鲈科中独立出来形成髭鲷科Haplogeniidae的观点.  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因序列探讨笛鲷属的分子系统发生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了9种中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类的细胞色素b基因的部分序列,结合来自GenBank中1种分布于菲律宾和9种分布于美国大西洋的笛鲷属鱼类的相应同源序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建分子系统树。结果显示:红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanuserythropterus)与红笛鲷(L.sanguineus)之间的同源序列碱基差异百分率只有0.32%,支持二者是同种异名的观点;中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类间的平均碱基差异要高于美国大西洋笛鲷属鱼类。在MP和NJ树中,美国大西洋笛鲷表现为亲缘关系较近,来源于中国南海的笛鲷鱼类相对集中在树的基部,分歧较大。这与所研究的笛鲷地理分布和地理隔离基本相一致,同时也说明中国南海笛鲷分化较早并且分歧较大。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(4):766-773
为探讨COⅠ基因作为条形码在胡椒鲷亚科鱼类物种鉴定的可行性, 研究测定了胡椒鲷亚科8种鱼类51个个体线粒体COⅠ基因长度为651 bp的序列, 利用MEGA 5.0计算胡椒鲷亚科种内与种间的遗传距离, 基于最大似然法与贝叶斯法构建了系统进化树。结果显示: 胡椒鲷亚科鱼类种间平均遗传距离(0.142)显著大于种内平均遗传距离(0.003), 物种间遗传距离均大于Hebert推荐的物种鉴定最小种间遗传距离0.020(2%)。系统进化树上, 同一物种不同个体间均能形成独立的单系分支, 表明COⅠ基因可作为胡椒鲷亚科物种鉴定的有效条形码基因。研究同时揭示, 在形态分类上被认为是同种异名的两种胡椒鲷(条纹胡椒鲷与东方胡椒鲷)的COⅠ基因序列差异达到0.070, 有可能是两个独立的物种。此外, 在属级水平, 少棘胡椒鲷属与胡椒鲷属种类之间的平均遗传距离小于胡椒鲷属内部种间的遗传距离, 支持少棘胡椒鲷归属于胡椒鲷属的观点。    相似文献   

本研究检视了采自中国沿海的银口天竺鲷属标本314尾, 形态学鉴定为8种: 斑鳍银口天竺鲷(Jaydia carinata (Cuvier, 1828))、细条银口天竺鲷(J. lineata (Temminck & Schlege, 1842))、新几内亚银口天竺鲷(J. novaeguineae (Valenciennes, 1832))、黑鳃银口天竺鲷(J. poeciloptera (Cuvier, 1828))、史密斯氏银口天竺鲷(J. smithi Kotthaus 1970)、横带银口天竺鲷(J. striata (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912))、印度洋银口天竺鲷(J. striatodes (Gon, 1997))和黑边银口天竺鲷(J. truncata (Bleeker, 1854))。结合GenBank中的同种序列, 对史密斯氏银口天竺鲷进行DNA条形码分析, 发现中国群体和地中海群体分为两个组群, 两者平均组间遗传距离为0.044, 表明其中存在隐存种。因该种模式产地为亚丁湾, 推测中国种群为隐存种Jaydia sp.。结合标本和文献考证, 我们认为中国已知有银口天竺鲷属鱼类9种, 未采集到的烟台银口天竺鲷J. tchefouensis (Fang, 1942)可能为J. lineata次定同种异名。我们整理了各种的同种异名、形态特征和地理分布, 编制了检索表, 探讨了分类问题, 修订了错误。中国已记录物种J. elliotiJ. arafuraeJ. albomarginata实际为J. truncataJ. poecilopteraJ. novaeguineae。  相似文献   

卢学峰  郑光荣 《植物研究》1996,16(3):286-288
紫草科Boraginaceae青海齿缘草属(Eritrichjum)新种,互助齿缘草E.huzhuense.  相似文献   

孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组序列结构及其进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Long-PCR扩增线粒体全基因组方法得到了孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组全序列.序列分析结果表明,孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组序列全长16 511 bp,共有13个编码蛋白质基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个D-loop区.在编码蛋白质基因中,除COⅠ是以GTG作为起始密码子外,其它均是以ATG起始,NDⅠ、COⅡ、ND3以TAG作为终止密码子,而ND4、Cyt b则以不完全的T为终止密码子,其余8个蛋白质基因的终止密码子均为TAA.孟加拉笛鲷线粒体基因组各基因长度、位置与典型的脊椎动物相似,其编码蛋白质基因和rRNA基因与其它硬骨鱼类具有很高的同源性.基于14种笛鲷线粒体区段COⅠ、COⅡ和Cyt b基因的全序列合并成的一个组合数据集构建系统进化树,显示孟加拉笛鲷与四带笛鲷关系最为密切.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA typing of 52 fish eggs collected in Sendai Bay and off Johban revealed ten haplotypes of the 225–251 bp region of 16S ribosomal DNA. Comparing with known sequences of fishes, we identified them as Trachurus japonicus (Carangidae), Pagrus major, Evynnis japonica (Sparidae), Paralichthys olivaceus, Pseudorhombus sp. (Paralichthidae), Pennahia argentata (Sciaenidae) and Platycephalus sp. (Platycephalidae). The occurrence of Trachurus japonicus and sparid eggs in the study area indicates significant extensions to the ranges of their spawning sites northward. Our method is useful for identifying fish eggs that are difficult to diagnose by morphology, and to uncover cryptic fish egg assemblages in the field.  相似文献   

根据2018年8月大亚湾海域底拖网鱼类资源调查数据,分析了大亚湾夏季鱼类群落结构特征。结果表明:2018年大亚湾夏季渔获鱼类56种,隶属9目、34科、47属。其中,鲈形目(Perciformes)最多(39种,69.64%);物种组成以短吻鲾(Leiognathus brevirostris)、黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)、拟矛尾鰕虎鱼(Parachaeturichthys polynema)、六指马鲅(Polynemus sextarius)和二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinali)等小型低值鱼类为主;鱼类物种多样性存在明显的空间差异,表现为湾口海域最大,沿岸海域次之,湾中部海域最小。鱼类群落结构大体分为咸淡水湾内和海水广布湾口两个鱼类群组;对比1985—2017年夏季调查资料可知,30多年来大亚湾夏季鱼类群落物种多样性减小;优势种组成更替显著,由以大型中上层的经济鱼类为主演变为以小型底层、近底层的低值鱼类为主,其主要原因是人类活动对大亚湾生态系统的干扰,尤其是捕捞致使鱼类群落结构发生改变、趋向简单化。  相似文献   

Threadfin porgy Evynnis cardinalis is both a dominant fish species and an important fishing target in bottom trawl fisheries in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. It was listed as endangered (EN) in a recent International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. Despite its economic importance and endangered status, limited research on its biological characteristics and spatial–temporal distribution has been undertaken this last decade, creating uncertainty in current conservation and management. We analyse this species' spatial distribution characteristics using data from four seasonal bottom trawl surveys in 2014–2015, and report average catch per unit effort to vary seasonally, from 49.1 to 594.5 ind h−1. Growth, mortality and sexual maturity are reported for four time periods based on data from bottom trawl fishery surveys over 1961–1962, 1998–1999, 2006, and 2014–2015. Length frequency distributions changed from bimodal to unimodal, and the female-to-male ratio increased. Mean body length and length at first maturity decreased, whereas the growth coefficient increased, indicating miniaturization, early sexual maturity and accelerated growth, respectively. We report sparid catch to have first exceeded maximum sustainable yield in 2001, and to have remained overfished from 2010 to 2015. Since the 1980s, low-trophic-level fishes such as E. cardinalis have replaced high-trophic-level fishes such as Crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus to become dominant species. As catches have increased substantially, these species have been faced with overfishing, driving the ecosystem into an unstable state.  相似文献   

基于2016年4月和10月闽南渔场渔业资源的专项调查数据,运用相对性重要指数、平均拥挤度指数、聚块指数、Cassie指标、Mrisita指数等方法分析闽南渔场游泳动物优势种组成及其种群聚集特性,比较不同的季节、类群和种类及其相互间的聚集状态,探究种群聚集驱动因子,旨在发现闽南渔场游泳动物优势种种群聚集的特征、内在规律和形成机制。结果表明,闽南渔场游泳动物优势种共17种,其中鱼类6种、虾类3种、蟹类4种、头足类4种;鱼类中六指马鲅(Polydactylus se-xfilis)聚集强度最强,头足类中火枪乌贼(Loligo beka)聚集强度最强;虾类和蟹类中春季以哈氏仿对虾(Parapenaeopsis hardwickii)和拥剑梭子蟹(Portunus gladiator)的聚集强度最强,而秋季以鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)和日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)的聚集强度最强;鱼类、虾类、蟹类和头足类中春季分别以二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinali)、鹰爪虾、三疣梭子蟹(P. trituberculatus)和火枪乌贼的平均拥挤度最高,而秋季分别以带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)、鹰爪虾、拥剑梭子蟹和杜氏枪乌贼(Loligo duvaucelii)的平均拥挤度最高;闽南渔场游泳动物优势种的平均拥挤度呈现出秋季高于春季,虾类、蟹类种群聚集强度大于鱼类、头足类的特点。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of three commercially significant seabream species (family: Sparidae) Acanthopagrus schlegelii, Evynnis cardinalis and Pagrus major, taken from Hong Kong and adjacent northern South China Sea (SCS) waters, were investigated for their sexual patterns, spawning seasons, length at maturity and exploitation in relation to their conservation and management status. Histological analysis showed E. cardinalis and P. major to be functionally gonochoristic, the latter having a bisexual juvenile stage and being a rudimentary hermaphrodite. Acanthopagrus schlegelii is a protandric hermaphrodite. Standard length (LS) at 50% sex change for A. schlegelii is 291 mm. LS at 50% female maturity for E. cardinalis and P. major are 117 and 332 mm, respectively. For all three species, the spawning period falls between November and March. The study highlights geographical differences in reproductive biology among the species and a paucity of fishery or other population‐related data. While heavy fishing pressure, life‐history characteristics and absence of effective management throughout the geographic ranges of these species make them susceptible to overfishing, they nonetheless appear to be generally more resilient than many other taxa that comprise the multi‐species fisheries of the region, possibly due to their relatively rapid sexual maturation and spatial movement patterns. Overall, however, little is known of the biology, fishing history and current fishery status of sparids in general in the northern SCS and the current study is one of the first to examine such aspects of this family in the region and to consider appropriate management options.  相似文献   

The present paper is part of taxonomic study on Chinese Phyllanthoideae. Included in it are two new varieties, Leptopus esquirolii var. villosus and Drypetes hainanensis var. longistipitata, one new combination, Glochidion triandrum var. siamense, and seven new records in China: Drypetes salicifolia, D. hoaensis. Actephila subsessilis, Glochidion khasicum, G. nubigennum, Bridelia spiosa and B. poilanei. In addition, seventeen taxon names are newly reduced: Liodendron formosanum = Drypetes formosana, Liodendron matsumurae = Drypetes matsumurae, D. longipes = D. indica, Antidesma paxii = A. acidum, A. hiiranense, A. filipes and A. pentandrum var. hiiranense = A. japonicum, A. calvescens = A. montanum, A. microphyllum = A. venosum, Breynia stipitata var. formosana and B. jormosana = B. vitis-idaea, Glochidion zeylanicum var. tomentosum = G. hirsutum, G. rubidulum = G. thomsonii, G. acuminatum = G. triandrum, G. fagifolium and Phyllanthus fagifolius = Glochidion sphaerogynum, Bridelia penangiena = B. insulana, B. henryana = B. tomentosa. All the types are kept in SCBl and PE.  相似文献   

At one spectrum extreme, Astrobiology conjectures that for exoplanets with Goldilocks conditions, terrestrial-like life is inevitable. Moreover, it is envisaged that via panspermia, terrestrial-like life and its precursors are transferred among galaxies, stars, and within solar systems via transiting comets, asteroids, and planetoids. In addition, expelled stars, which have solar systems, it is inferred, transfer life as well. However, at the other extreme, we propose a paradigm shift that on some planets, subject to non- Goldilocks conditions, metal machine life could arise, ab initio, and evolve viruses, intelligence, and civilizations, conjointly. Accordingly, intelligent mechanized civilizations could readily and efficiently commence space exploration. Furthermore, as a counter paradigm shift, such civilizations could experiment and produce non-metallic life, based on carbon and other non-metal elements, under suitable conditions, related to Goldilocks life. Even a single example of validated interstellar or intergalactic communication received on the Earth would support the existence of life elsewhere. However, the communication platform should not be restricted to electromagnetic radiation. Other platforms should be included as well - one such example, which would require sophisticated technology, is neutrino communication. This is the case for any advanced civilization, be it metal-machine based, biological-based, and carbon-based. In sum, civilizations based on machine life, would be highly productive due to the longevity and hardiness of machine life. However, significant caveats are raised in this brief report, because possibly dissimilar psychologies and intelligence may lead to conflicts between metal machine life and biological life, inter-paradigm conflict.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of groups within Gobioidei is examined with molecular sequence data. Gobioidei is a speciose, morphologically diverse group of teleost fishes, most of which are small, benthic, and marine. Efforts to hypothesize relationships among the gobioid groups have been hampered by the prevalence of reductive evolution among goby species; such reduction can make identification of informative morphological characters particularly difficult. Gobies have been variously grouped into two to nine families, several with included subfamilies, but most existing taxonomies are not phylogenetic and few cladistic hypotheses of relationships among goby groups have been advanced. In this study, representatives of eight of the nine gobioid familes (Eleotridae, Odontobutidae, Xenisthmidae, Gobiidae, Kraemeriidae, Schindleriidae, Microdesmidae, and Ptereleotridae), selected to sample broadly from the range of goby diversity, were examined. Complete sequence from the mitochondrial ND1, ND2, and COI genes (3573 bp) was used in a cladistic parsimony analysis to hypothesize relationships among the gobioid groups. A single most parsimonious topology was obtained, with decay indices indicating strong support for most nodes. Major phylogenetic conclusions include that Xenisthmidae is part of Eleotridae, and Eleotridae is paraphyletic with respect to a clade composed of Gobiidae, Microdesmidae, Ptereleotridae, Kraemeriidae, and Schindleriidae. Within this five-family clade, two clades are recovered. One includes Gobionellinae, which is paraphyletic with respect to Kraemeriidae, Sicydiinae, Oxudercinae, and Amblyopinae. The other contains Gobiinae, also paraphyletic, and including Microdesmidae, Ptereleotridae, and Schindleriidae. Previous morphological evidence for goby groupings is discussed; the phylogenetic hypothesis indicates that the morphological reduction observed in many goby species has been derived several times independently.  相似文献   

This study describes a method for predicting and classifying oxygen-binding pro- teins. Firstly, support vector machine (SVM) modules were developed using amino acid composition and dipeptide composition for predicting oxygen-binding pro- teins, and achieved maximum accuracy of 85.5% and 87.8%, respectively. Sec- ondly, an SVM module was developed based on amino acid composition, classify- ing the predicted oxygen-binding proteins into six classes with accuracy of 95.8%, 97.5%, 97.5%, 96.9%, 99.4%, and 96.0% for erythrocruorin, hemerythrin, hemo- cyanin, hemoglobin, leghemoglobin, and myoglobin proteins, respectively. Finally, an SVM module was developed using dipeptide composition for classifying the oxygen-binding proteins, and achieved maximum accuracy of 96.1%, 98.7%, 98.7%, 85.6%, 99.6%, and 93.3% for the above six classes, respectively. All modules were trained and tested by five-fold cross validation. Based on the above approach, a web server Oxypred was developed for predicting and classifying oxygen-binding proteins(available from http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/oxypred/).  相似文献   

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