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The scattering density of the virus is represented as a truncated weighted sum of orthonormal basis functions in spherical coordinates, where the angular dependence of each basis function has icosahedral symmetry. A statistical model of the image formation process is proposed and the maximum likelihood estimation method computed by an expectation-maximization algorithm is used to estimate the weights in the sum and thereby compute a 3-D reconstruction of the virus particle. If multiple types of virus particle are represented in the boxed images then multiple 3-D reconstructions are computed simultaneously without first requiring that the type of particle shown in each boxed image be determined. Examples of the procedure are described for viruses with known structure: (1). 3-D reconstruction of Flockhouse Virus from experimental images, (2). 3-D reconstruction of the capsid of Nudaurelia Omega Capensis Virus from synthetic images, and (3). 3-D reconstruction of both the capsid and the procapsid of Nudaurelia Omega Capensis Virus from a mixture of unclassified synthetic images.  相似文献   

This work emphasizes new algorithms for 3D edge and corner detection used in surface extraction and new concept of image segmentation in neuroimaging based on multidimensional shape analysis and classification. We propose using of NifTI standard for describing input data which enables interoperability and enhancement of existing computing tools used widely in neuroimaging research. In methods section we present our newly developed algorithm for 3D edge and corner detection, together with the algorithm for estimating local 3D shape. Surface of estimated shape is analyzed and segmented according to kernel shapes.  相似文献   



In this paper a novel method for prostate segmentation in transrectal ultrasound images is presented.  相似文献   

The limitation of using low electron doses in non-destructive cryo-electron tomography of biological specimens can be partially offset via averaging of aligned and structurally homogeneous subsets present in tomograms. This type of sub-volume averaging is especially challenging when multiple species are present. Here, we tackle the problem of conformational separation and alignment with a “collaborative” approach designed to reduce the effect of the “curse of dimensionality” encountered in standard pair-wise comparisons. Our new approach is based on using the nuclear norm as a collaborative similarity measure for alignment of sub-volumes, and by exploiting the presence of symmetry early in the processing. We provide a strict validation of this method by analyzing mixtures of intact simian immunodeficiency viruses SIV mac239 and SIV CP-MAC. Electron microscopic images of these two virus preparations are indistinguishable except for subtle differences in conformation of the envelope glycoproteins displayed on the surface of each virus particle. By using the nuclear norm-based, collaborative alignment method presented here, we demonstrate that the genetic identity of each virus particle present in the mixture can be assigned based solely on the structural information derived from single envelope glycoproteins displayed on the virus surface.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a need for integrative and quantitative methods to investigate the structural and functional relations among elements of complex systems, such as the neurovascular unit (NVU), that involve multiple cell types, microvasculatures, and various genomic/proteomic/ionic functional entities. METHODS: Vascular casting and selective labeling enabled simultaneous three-dimensional imaging of the microvasculature, cell nuclei, and cytoplasmic stains. Multidimensional segmentation was achieved by (i) bleed-through removal and attenuation correction; (ii) independent segmentation and morphometry for each corrected channel; and (iii) spatially associative feature computation across channels. The combined measurements enabled cell classification based on nuclear morphometry, cytoplasmic signals, and distance from vascular elements. Specific spatial relations among the NVU elements could be quantified. RESULTS: A software system combining nuclear and vessel segmentation codes and associative features was constructed and validated. Biological variability contributed to misidentified nuclei (9.3%), undersegmentation of nuclei (3.7%), hypersegmentation of nuclei (14%), and missed nuclei (4.7%). Microvessel segmentation errors occurred rarely, mainly due to nonuniform lumen staining. CONCLUSIONS: Associative features across fluorescence channels, in combination with standard features, enable integrative structural and functional analysis of the NVU. By labeling additional structural and functional entities, this method can be scaled up to larger-scale systems biology studies that integrate spatial and molecular information.  相似文献   

Analysis of preferential localization of certain genes within the cell nuclei is emerging as a new technique for the diagnosis of breast cancer. Quantitation requires accurate segmentation of 100-200 cell nuclei in each tissue section to draw a statistically significant result. Thus, for large-scale analysis, manual processing is too time consuming and subjective. Fortuitously, acquired images generally contain many more nuclei than are needed for analysis. Therefore, we developed an integrated workflow that selects, following automatic segmentation, a subpopulation of accurately delineated nuclei for positioning of fluorescence in situ hybridization-labeled genes of interest. Segmentation was performed by a multistage watershed-based algorithm and screening by an artificial neural network-based pattern recognition engine. The performance of the workflow was quantified in terms of the fraction of automatically selected nuclei that were visually confirmed as well segmented and by the boundary accuracy of the well-segmented nuclei relative to a 2D dynamic programming-based reference segmentation method. Application of the method was demonstrated for discriminating normal and cancerous breast tissue sections based on the differential positioning of the HES5 gene. Automatic results agreed with manual analysis in 11 out of 14 cancers, all four normal cases, and all five noncancerous breast disease cases, thus showing the accuracy and robustness of the proposed approach. ? Published 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An algorithm (3Dlabel-1) for labeling three dimensional binary data sets has been developed. Serial optical sections are acquired using a confocal laser scanning microscope. After filtering and thresholding operations, contiguous elements in the three dimensional data sets are identified and labeled. The results are used to calculate the number and size of objects. Additionally, the labeled data are displayed by applying an algorithm (3Ddisp-1) to generate stereo pairs, in which label numbers are color coded and depth is cued by intensity. These procedures have been applied in investigations of the temporal and spatial distribution of replication centers throughout S phase in BrdUrd pulse labeled mouse fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The atherosclerosis disease is one of the major causes of the death in the world. Atherosclerosis refers to the hardening and narrowing of the arteries by plaques. Carotid stenosis is a narrowing or constriction of carotid artery lumen usually caused by atherosclerosis. Carotid artery stenosis can increase risk of brain stroke. Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is a minimally invasive method for imaging and quantification of the carotid plaques. Manual segmentation of carotid lumen in CTA images is a tedious and time consuming procedure which is subjected to observer variability. As a result, there is a strong and growing demand for developing computer-aided carotid segmentation procedures. In this study, a novel method is presented for carotid artery lumen segmentation in CTA data. First, the mean shift smoothing is used for uniformity enhancement of gray levels. Then with the help of three seed points, the centerlines of the arteries are extracted by a 3D Hessian based fast marching shortest path algorithm. Finally, a 3D Level set function is performed for segmentation. Results on 14 CTA volumes data show 85% of Dice similarity and 0.42 mm of mean absolute surface distance measures. Evaluation shows that the proposed method requires minimal user intervention, low dependence to gray levels changes in artery path, resistance to extreme changes in carotid diameter and carotid branch locations. The proposed method has high accuracy and can be used in qualitative and quantitative evaluation.  相似文献   

Automatic alignment (registration) of 3D images of adult fruit fly brains is often influenced by the significant displacement of the relative locations of the two optic lobes (OLs) and the center brain (CB). In one of our ongoing efforts to produce a better image alignment pipeline of adult fruit fly brains, we consider separating CB and OLs and align them independently. This paper reports our automatic method to segregate CB and OLs, in particular under conditions where the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is low, the variation of the image intensity is big, and the relative displacement of OLs and CB is substantial.We design an algorithm to find a minimum-cost 3D surface in a 3D image stack to best separate an OL (of one side, either left or right) from CB. This surface is defined as an aggregation of the respective minimum-cost curves detected in each individual 2D image slice. Each curve is defined by a list of control points that best segregate OL and CB. To obtain the locations of these control points, we derive an energy function that includes an image energy term defined by local pixel intensities and two internal energy terms that constrain the curve’s smoothness and length. Gradient descent method is used to optimize this energy function. To improve both the speed and robustness of the method, for each stack, the locations of optimized control points in a slice are taken as the initialization prior for the next slice. We have tested this approach on simulated and real 3D fly brain image stacks and demonstrated that this method can reasonably segregate OLs from CBs despite the aforementioned difficulties.  相似文献   

An approach to the statistical testing of differences between two cell populations the elements of which are characterized by multivariate data is described. The approach is based on the Fisher discriminant and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The method, which is sufficient but not necessary, makes no assumptions about the normality of the data or about the equality of the covariance matrices for each population.  相似文献   



Knowledge of the subcellular location of a protein is critical to understanding how that protein works in a cell. This location is frequently determined by the interpretation of fluorescence microscope images. In recent years, automated systems have been developed for consistent and objective interpretation of such images so that the protein pattern in a single cell can be assigned to a known location category. While these systems perform with nearly perfect accuracy for single cell images of all major subcellular structures, their ability to distinguish subpatterns of an organelle (such as two Golgi proteins) is not perfect. Our goal in the work described here was to improve the ability of an automated system to decide which of two similar patterns is present in a field of cells by considering more than one cell at a time. Since cells displaying the same location pattern are often clustered together, considering multiple cells may be expected to improve discrimination between similar patterns.  相似文献   



The ability to detect nuclei in embryos is essential for studying the development of multicellular organisms. A system of automated nuclear detection has already been tested on a set of four-dimensional (4D) Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope images of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. However, the system needed laborious hand-tuning of its parameters every time a new image set was used. It could not detect nuclei in the process of cell division, and could detect nuclei only from the two- to eight-cell stages.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating changes in cell cycle times during periods of rapid change in proliferation rate. This method, which depends upon the interpretation of pre- and post-velocity sedimentation fractionation continuous thymidine labelling patterns, exploits the relationship between sedimentation rate and cell cycle location. By this means, cycle times can be estimated under conditions that are difficult (if not impossible) to analyse by FLM methods.  相似文献   

In many biomedical applications, it is desirable to estimate the three-dimensional (3D) position and orientation (pose) of a metallic rigid object (such as a knee or hip implant) from its projection in a two-dimensional (2D) X-ray image. If the geometry of the object is known, as well as the details of the image formation process, then the pose of the object with respect to the sensor can be determined. A common method for 3D-to-2D registration is to first segment the silhouette contour from the X-ray image; that is, identify all points in the image that belong to the 2D silhouette and not to the background. This segmentation step is then followed by a search for the 3D pose that will best match the observed contour with a predicted contour. Although the silhouette of a metallic object is often clearly visible in an X-ray image, adjacent tissue and occlusions can make the exact location of the silhouette contour difficult to determine in places. Occlusion can occur when another object (such as another implant component) partially blocks the view of the object of interest. In this paper, we argue that common methods for segmentation can produce errors in the location of the 2D contour, and hence errors in the resulting 3D estimate of the pose. We show, on a typical fluoroscopy image of a knee implant component, that interactive and automatic methods for segmentation result in segmented contours that vary significantly. We show how the variability in the 2D contours (quantified by two different metrics) corresponds to variability in the 3D poses. Finally, we illustrate how traditional segmentation methods can fail completely in the (not uncommon) cases of images with occlusion.  相似文献   

Digital image analysis of cell nuclei is useful to obtain quantitative information for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. However, the lack of a reliable automatic nuclear segmentation is a limiting factor for high-throughput nuclear image analysis. We have developed a method for automatic segmentation of nuclei in Feulgen-stained histological sections of prostate cancer. A local adaptive thresholding with an object perimeter gradient verification step detected the nuclei and was combined with an active contour model that featured an optimized initialization and worked within a restricted region to improve convergence of the segmentation of each nucleus. The method was tested on 30 randomly selected image frames from three cases, comparing the results from the automatic algorithm to a manual delineation of 924 nuclei. The automatic method segmented a few more nuclei compared to the manual method, and about 73% of the manually segmented nuclei were also segmented by the automatic method. For each nucleus segmented both manually and automatically, the accuracy (i.e., agreement with manual delineation) was estimated. The mean segmentation sensitivity/specificity were 95%/96%. The results from the automatic method were not significantly different from the ground truth provided by manual segmentation. This opens the possibility for large-scale nuclear analysis based on automatic segmentation of nuclei in Feulgen-stained histological sections.  相似文献   

There are two main approaches to unraveling the mechanisms involved in the regulation of collective cell movement. On the one hand, “in vitro” tests try to represent “in vivo” conditions. On the other hand, “in silico” tests aim to model this movement through the use of complex numerically implemented mathematical methods. This paper presents a simple cell-based mathematical model to represent the collective movement phenomena. This approach is used to better understand the different interactive forces which guide cell movement, focusing mainly on the role of the cell propulsion force with the substrate. Different applications are simulated for 2D cell cultures, wound healing, and collective cell movement in substrates with different degrees of stiffness. The model provides a plausible explanation of how cells work together in order to regulate their movement, showing the significant influence of the propulsive force exerted by the cell to the substrate on guiding the collective cell movement and its interplay with other cell forces.  相似文献   

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