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Both top-down and bottom-up processes are common in terrestrial ecosystems, but how these opposing forces interact and vary over time is poorly understood. We tested the variation of these processes over seasonal time in a natural temperate zone grassland, a field site characterized by strong seasonal changes in abiotic and biotic conditions. Separate factorial experiments manipulating nutrients and cursorial spiders were performed in the wet and dry seasons. We also performed a water-addition experiment during the summer (dry season) to determine the degree of water limitation during this time. In the spring, nutrient addition increased plant growth and carnivore abundance, indicating a bottom-up control process. Among herbivores, sap-feeders were significantly enhanced while grazers significantly declined resulting in no net change in herbivore abundance. In the summer, water limitation was predominant increasing plants and all herbivores while nutrient (N) effects were non-significant. Top-down processes were present only in the spring season and only impacted the guild of grazing herbivores. These results show that bottom-up limitation is present throughout the season in this grassland, although the specific limiting resource changes as the season progresses. Bottom-up processes affected all trophic levels and many different guilds, while top-down effects were limited to a select group of herbivores and did not extend to the plant trophic level. Our results show that the relative strengths of top-down and bottom-up processes can shift over relatively short periods of time in habitats with a strong seasonal component.  相似文献   

In both flowering plants and mammals, DNA methylation is involved in silencing alleles of imprinted genes, but surprising differences in imprinting control are emerging between the two taxa which may be traced to differences in their life cycles. Imprinted gene expression in plants occurs in the endosperm, a separate fertilisation product which transmits nutrients to the embryo and does not contribute a genome to the next generation. Regulation of expression of the known imprinted genes in Arabidopsis involves a cascade of gene expression beginning in the gametophyte, a haploid life phase interposed between the meiotic products and the gametes, which evolved from free-living organisms that constitute the dominant life phase of lower plants. Although the gametophytes of flowering plants are highly reduced they still express large numbers of genes, perhaps reflecting their evolutionary legacy, and which may now be recruited for control of imprinting. Strikingly, the genes at the top of the expression cascade appear to be specifically activated by demethylation, rather than targeted for silencing. Unlike in mammals, there is no evidence for global resetting of methylation in plants, and although imprinting involves the activity of a maintenance methyltransferase, de novo methyltransferases do not appear to be required. Plants do not set aside a germline; instead the cells that undergo meiosis to produce gametophytes differentiate in the adult plant during flower development. Both the late differentiation of the lineage producing germ cells, and the extent of gene expression during the haploid phase, may be incompatible with global resetting of methylation. Resetting may be unnecessary in any case because the adult plant expresses imprinted loci either biallelically or not at all, suggesting there is no chromosomal memory of parent-of-origin in the lineage that produces the gametophytes. Thus several features of the plant life cycle may account for the different strategies used by plants and animals to regulate parent-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Maximum lifespan in birds and mammals varies strongly with body mass such that large species tend to live longer than smaller species. However, many species live far longer than expected given their body mass. This may reflect interspecific variation in extrinsic mortality, as life-history theory predicts investment in long-term survival is under positive selection when extrinsic mortality is reduced. Here, we investigate how multiple ecological and mode-of-life traits that should reduce extrinsic mortality (including volancy (flight capability), activity period, foraging environment and fossoriality), simultaneously influence lifespan across endotherms. Using novel phylogenetic comparative analyses and to our knowledge, the most species analysed to date (n = 1368), we show that, over and above the effect of body mass, the most important factor enabling longer lifespan is the ability to fly. Within volant species, lifespan depended upon when (day, night, dusk or dawn), but not where (in the air, in trees or on the ground), species are active. However, the opposite was true for non-volant species, where lifespan correlated positively with both arboreality and fossoriality. Our results highlight that when studying the molecular basis behind cellular processes such as those underlying lifespan, it is important to consider the ecological selection pressures that shaped them over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Sutherland S 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):24-39
I compared ten life history traits (vegetative reproduction, breeding system, compatibility, pollination system, shade tolerance, habitat, life span, life form, morphology, and toxicity) from two existing databases for the 19,960 plant species that occur in the USA. I used two-way tests of independence to determine if there were significant life history traits that distinguish weeds from non-weeds, exotic weeds from native weeds, and invasive exotic weeds from non-invasive exotic weeds. Life span was the most significant life history trait for weeds in general; weeds were more likely to be annuals and biennials and less likely to perennials than non-weeds. In addition, vegetative reproduction, breeding system, compatibility, shade tolerance, and life form were related to life span. Annual and biennial weeds (whether native, exotic, or exotic invasives) were more likely to be wetland adapted, armed, and toxic than annual or biennial non-weeds. Perennial weeds (whether native, exotic, or exotic invasives) were less likely to be forbs or subshrubs, and more likely to be wetland adapted, toxic, shade intolerant, grasses, vines and trees than perennial non-weeds. Exotic annual and perennial weeds were less likely to be wetland species than native weeds, but more likely to be wetland species than non-weeds. Invasive exotic weeds, in contrast, were less likely to be forbs and more likely to be perennial, monoecious, self-incompatible, and trees and than non-invasive exotics.  相似文献   

Studies of exotic plant demography among habitats within its novel range may elucidate mechanisms of competitive dominance at local scales and invasive spread at landscape scales. We compared demographic trends of Anthriscus caucalis, an exotic herbaceous annual, across several plant communities within canyon grasslands of the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Greater observed survival and fecundity vital rates, as well as less spatial or temporal variability of vital rates, were considered indicators of greater plant community susceptibility to A. caucalis invasion. In addition, we investigated the role of differing habitat suitability across plant community types on potential landscape-level dispersal processes. To accomplish this objective, population matrix models were utilized to simulate stochastic transient (5 years) population growth rates (log λt) of A. caucalis under different net dispersal rate scenarios among the selected plant communities. We observed aboveground demography for 4 years within two bunchgrass community types and two shrub community types within a study area where livestock grazing occurred and within another study area that was not subjected to livestock grazing. Our results indicated that juvenile survival did not differ among communities, but the spatial variance of juvenile survival was significantly lower in shrub communities. Mean fecundity was significantly higher in high shrub (Celtis reticulata) communities compared to others, whereas spatial and temporal variances were significantly lower in high shrub communities compared to others. Within high shrub communities, total seed production was lower at the grazed site, which likely results from frequent livestock trampling within these refuge habitats. Under assumptions of no net seed dispersal, two of four bunchgrass sites maintained positive growth rates (log λt > 0; 95 % CI) whereas growth rates were positive in each shrub community. Notably, high shrub communities maintained positive growth rates under assumptions of 60 % net seed dispersal, while population growth rates in other communities declined with increasing net seed dispersal. In summary, our study suggests that high shrub communities are comparatively greater suitable habitat for A. caucalis growth and development and may act as source populations for invasive spread at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Toxicant bioaccumulation poses a risk to many marine mammal populations. Although individual-level toxicology has been the subject of considerable research in several species, we lack a theoretical framework to generalize the results across environments and life histories. Here we formulate a dynamic energy budget model to predict the effects of intra- and interspecific life history variation on toxicant dynamics in marine mammals. Dynamic energy budget theory attempts to describe the most general processes of energy acquisition and utilization in heterotrophs. We tailor the basic model to represent the marine mammal reproductive cycle, and we add a model of toxicant uptake and partitioning to describe vertical transfer of toxicants from mother to offspring during gestation and lactation. We first show that the model predictions are consistent with qualitative patterns reported in empirical studies and previous species-specific modeling studies. Next, we use this model to examine the dependence of offspring toxicant load on birth order, food density, and interspecific life history variation.  相似文献   

Jan Lep&#; 《Oikos》2004,107(1):64-71
Temporal variability of the biomass of individual populations and total community biomass were studied in a species rich meadow (35–40 species 0.25 m−2 plot). Communities were experimentally subjected to fertilization and removal of the dominant Molinia caerulea in a factorial design. The typical dominance structure, with few dominants and many subordinate species, developed in all the treatments. Variability was measured by the coefficient of variation between years, from the fifth to the eighth year of the experiment (to avoid the initial response to the manipulations). Dominant removal increased the diversity measured by the reciprocal of the Simpson index, while fertilization decreased both species number and diversity and also caused a shift in community composition. The variability of both the total community and of individual species was higher in the fertilized plots. The coefficient of variation decreased with species mean biomass in all the plots. In non-fertilized plots, the dominant species had lower variability than total biomass. The biomass values of individual species fluctuated in a concordant manner over the years (i.e. were positively correlated). All of these factors will decrease the strength of the expected portfolio effect. It is argued that the effect of environmental productivity on variability is more pronounced than the effect of diversity.  相似文献   

Yu Y W  Nan Z B  Hou F J 《农业工程》2008,28(5):2022-2030
The effects of sheep urine deposition volume (0, 1, 2 or 4 L/m2) and deposition stage of plant growth (vegetative or reproductive) on the number and size of tillers/branches and the biomass of Stipa bungeana, Artemisia capillaries and Lespedeza davurica in a Chinese steppe grassland were determined. The results indicate that the response of the three plant species to sheep urine deposition differs, and is influenced by both urine deposition volume and deposition stage of plant growth. Urine deposition had a short-term scorch effect on grassland plants, which mainly occurred in the inner zone of urine patches. Urine application had a long-term positive effect on S. bungeana and a long-term negative effect on A. capillaries and L. davurica, which lasted at least two years and decreased with decrease in urine deposition volume. All species growing in the inner zone of urine patches were scorched by sheep urine deposition, some species in the marginal zone of patches were also scorched, while no species were scorched in the outer zones. The reproductive and vegetative stages of A. capillaries and the reproductive stages of S. bungeana and L. davurica were sensitive to sheep urine deposition.  相似文献   

The consequences of warming for Antarctic long‐lived organisms depend on their ability to survive changing patterns of climate and environmental variation. Among birds and mammals of different Antarctic regions, including emperor penguins, snow petrels, southern fulmars, Antarctic fur seals and Weddell seals, we found strong support for selection of life history traits that reduce interannual variation in fitness. These species maximize fitness by keeping a low interannual variance in the survival of adults and in their propensity to breed annually, which are the vital rates that influence most the variability in population growth rate (λ). All these species have been able to buffer these rates against the effects of recent climate‐driven habitat changes except for Antarctic fur seals, in the Southwest Atlantic. In this region of the Southern Ocean, the rapid increase in ecosystem fluctuation, associated with increasing climate variability observed since 1990, has limited and rendered less predictable the main fur seal food supply, Antarctic krill. This has increased the fitness costs of breeding for females, causing significant short‐term changes in population structure through mortality and low breeding output. Changes occur now with a frequency higher than the mean female fur seal generation time, and therefore are likely to limit their adaptive response. Fur seals are more likely to rely on phenotypic plasticity to cope with short‐term changes in order to maximize individual fitness. With more frequent extreme climatic events driving more frequent ecosystem fluctuation, the repercussions for life histories in many Antarctic birds and mammals are likely to increase, particularly at regional scales. In species with less flexible life histories that are more constrained by fluctuation in their critical habitats, like sea‐ice, this may cause demographic changes, population compensation and changes in distribution, as already observed in penguin species living in the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands.  相似文献   

The effects of sheep urine deposition volume (0, 1, 2 or 4 L/m2) and deposition stage of plant growth (vegetative or reproductive) on the number and size of tillers/branches and the biomass of Stipa bungeana, Artemisia capillaries and Lespedeza davurica in a Chinese steppe grassland were determined. The results indicate that the response of the three plant species to sheep urine deposition differs, and is influenced by both urine deposition volume and deposition stage of plant growth. Urine deposition had a short-term scorch effect on grassland plants, which mainly occurred in the inner zone of urine patches. Urine application had a long-term positive effect on S. bungeana and a long-term negative effect on A. capillaries and L. davurica, which lasted at least two years and decreased with decrease in urine deposition volume. All species growing in the inner zone of urine patches were scorched by sheep urine deposition, some species in the marginal zone of patches were also scorched, while no species were scorched in the outer zones. The reproductive and vegetative stages of A. capillaries and the reproductive stages of S. bungeana and L. davurica were sensitive to sheep urine deposition.  相似文献   

Size, life history and ecology in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The relationship between invasions by two exotic fishes (Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus) and species diversity in native fish communities was studied in 14 Japanese farm ponds. We found that mean number of species in native fish communities was three times higher in the ponds without the exotic fish than in the ponds with them. Further, negative relationships were observed between abundance of the two exotic fish and the total abundance of native fish communities. Our results suggest that invasions by the two exotic fish caused serious depletion of native fish communities, although another process can also be considered , that is, that ponds with poor native fish communities were prone to colonization by these exotic fish.  相似文献   

G A Klevazel' 《Ontogenez》2001,32(6):477-480
Analysis of the recording structures in mammals, such as dentine, cementum, or bone tissue, makes it possible to estimate the parameters of individual history of life: age at the moment of death, seasons of death and birth, growth rate, age of sexual maturation, etc. Using the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) as an example, it has been shown what specific life features essential for population studies may be estimated when only mandibles with teeth are available.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in life history traits has important consequences for life-history evolution. Here we report the results of a greenhouse experiment investigating the broad sense genetic basis of variation in life history traits within and among five populations of Campanula americana distributed along a latitudinal gradient. The populations exhibit differentiation for a number of morphological traits (seed weight, number of branches, final plant size, number of capsules) and the phenological traits, days to emergence, days to bolting, the onset of flowering, and the duration of flowering. Families within populations differed only in days to emergence and seed weight. These results suggest that the life history differences among populations are genetically based. In addition, two life history types—winter annuals and biennials—have previously been reported from natural populations of Campanula americana. This experiment identified a third type—summer annuals from the Florida population.  相似文献   

羊尿对典型草原不同生活型草地植物生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
于应文  南志标  侯扶江 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2022-2022~2030
连续2a研究了施尿量(4,2,1L/m2和0 L/m2)和施尿期(营养期和生殖期)对典型草原多年生密丛型禾本科植物长芒草(Stipa bungeana)、多年生轴根型菊科植物茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaries)和多年生半灌木豆科植物胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)生长特性的影响.结果表明,不同植物对畜尿沉积的响应不同,并受施尿量和施尿时期的作用.畜尿对草地植物具短期(4周内)灼烧作用,灼烧主要发生于尿斑中心;畜尿对长芒草生长具长期正效应(4周后),对茵陈蒿和胡枝子生长具持续负效应,此效应持续至少2a且随施尿量降低而降低.一般尿斑中心(4 L/m2)所有植物伤害,尿斑中心至边缘圈植物局部器官(嫩枝叶)伤害(2~4 L/m2),尿斑外渗区域(1~2 L/m2)所有植物无显著伤害.高施尿量(2~4 L/m2)下,长芒草具较高的年均分蘖数和地上生物量,而胡枝子和茵陈蒿与之相反.尿斑处3种植物具较高的分蘖(枝)死亡率和死物质率.茵陈蒿对各时期施尿均反应敏感,胡枝子和长芒草对生殖期施尿更敏感.尿斑处禾草枯黄期延迟,返青期提前.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the establishment success of reintroducing Microlaena stipoides (pātītī, weeping rice grass) into existing high‐fertility grassland on the volcanic cones of the Auckland Isthmus. The first experiment monitored the survival and development of juveniles planted in a factorial design including two planting densities, two slope classes and two aspects across three cones. Plant survival during establishment was consistently over 90%. Maximum M. stipoides cover after 2 years (>80%) was achieved on north‐facing steep slopes (>25°) at the greater planting density (40 plants/m2). However, results were particularly idiosyncratic to specific cone/topographical combinations. The second experiment, on a flat site on one cone, monitored the survival and development of juveniles planted across four post‐planting treatments designed to suppress resident vegetation recovery. Plant survival after 6 months was relatively low (50%), and none of the treatments achieved greater than 5% cover of M. stipoides after 1 year. The chosen post‐planting treatments were unable to suppress vigorous recovery of competitive exotic grasses on a moist fertile site. Overall, juvenile planting was shown to be a potentially successful method of Microlaena establishment and could restore indigenous dominance to exotic grassland in this environment, but individual site factors and the high cost of establishment must be considered.  相似文献   

为进一步了解氮添加条件下群落功能多样性如何驱动生物量变化, 该研究在位于天山山脉的巴音布鲁克高寒草地开展氮添加实验, 通过连续两年调查群落物种组成并测量常见物种的功能性状, 分析物种多样性、功能多样性及群落水平功能性状的响应模式及其在驱动生物量变化中的相对贡献。结果表明, 短期氮添加同时增加群落地上和地下生物量, 且地上生物量的增加比例高于地下生物量, 氮添加导致功能多样性降低但是物种多样性未发生显著变化; 氮添加增加群落水平上的植株高度和叶片碳含量, 但导致比叶面积、种子质量及叶片磷含量下降; 物种多样性对生物量变化解释非常有限, 而功能多样性与群落水平功能性状可以很好地解释生物量变化, 以上研究结果支持质量比假说。综上, 该研究表明功能多样性与群落水平功能性状比物种多样性对短期氮添加的响应更加迅速, 且两者在解释高寒草地群落生物量对氮添加的响应中起到关键作用。  相似文献   

A fundamental goal in biology is to achieve a mechanistic understanding of how and to what extent ecological variation imposes selection for distinct traits and favors the fixation of specific genetic variants. Key to such an understanding is the detailed mapping of the natural genomic and phenomic space and a bridging of the gap that separates these worlds. Here we chart a high-resolution map of natural trait variation in one of the most important genetic model organisms, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its closest wild relatives and trace the genetic basis and timing of major phenotype changing events in its recent history. We show that natural trait variation in S. cerevisiae exceeds that of its relatives, despite limited genetic variation, and follows the population history rather than the source environment. In particular, the West African population is phenotypically unique, with an extreme abundance of low-performance alleles, notably a premature translational termination signal in GAL3 that cause inability to utilize galactose. Our observations suggest that many S. cerevisiae traits may be the consequence of genetic drift rather than selection, in line with the assumption that natural yeast lineages are remnants of recent population bottlenecks. Disconcertingly, the universal type strain S288C was found to be highly atypical, highlighting the danger of extrapolating gene-trait connections obtained in mosaic, lab-domesticated lineages to the species as a whole. Overall, this study represents a step towards an in-depth understanding of the causal relationship between co-variation in ecology, selection pressure, natural traits, molecular mechanism, and alleles in a key model organism.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence for genetically determined life history variability within a population or a species is rare. In this three year experimental examination of a parthenogenetically reproducing population of the planktonic crustacean Daphnia parvula, we found evidence for a succession of clones or groups of clones that exhibited distinctive body size and reproductive differences that were maintained after numerous generations under standardized conditions in the laboratory. The D. parvula population reached maximum density in the fall and maintained relatively high densities through the winter and spring. Isolates from this fall-winter-spring period all had a larger body size at death and higher fecundity when compared with summer isolates under natural food and temperature conditions. These differences could not be accounted for by differences in temperature and food abundance among the seasons. An additional difference in these experiments was a shift in reproductive effort by the summer isolate which produced a higher proportion of its offspring in the first two broods. The shift in life history characteristics and a summer decline of the Daphnia parvula population was correlated with both an increase in inedible and perhaps toxic blue-green algae and an increase in a dipteran predator Chaoborus. Comparison of the survivorship curves for all of the seasonal life history experiments indicated that D. parvula survivorship was not lower during the summer discounting a toxic effect from blue-green algae. Positive population growth on natural food in the laboratory at this time indicated food was not limiting and that predation was the probable cause of the population decline.Laboratory life history experiments under standardized food and temperature conditions were run with D. parvula isolates from the spring and summer plankton. Genetically based differences as determined in these experiments were smaller body size, lower fecundity, smaller brood size, and shorter life span for the summer animals relative to spring animals. Thirty seven percent of the summer animals also reproduced at an earlier age under standardized conditions. The shift in reproductive effort to earlier broods by summer animals rnder natural conditions appeared to be a phenotypic response as the summer isolate did not produce a higher proportion of its offspring in early broods under standardized conditions.When estimates of predatory mortality were added to the life tables of the standardized experiments, the earlier reproduction of some of the summer animals allowed a population increase under a regime of intense predation. Life tables for the spring animals predicted a population decline under these circumstances. Predictable seasonal changes in biotic factors such as predation suggest a mechanism whereby diverse life history patterns with corresponding differences in r may be maintained within a population.  相似文献   

Population matters. Demographic patterns are both a cause and a consequence of human behaviour in other important domains, such as subsistence, cooperation, politics and culture. Demographers interested in contemporary and recent historical populations have rich data at their fingertips; the importance of demography means many interested parties have gathered demographic data, much of which is now readily available for all to explore. Those interested in the demography of the distant past are not so fortunate, given the lack of written records. Nevertheless, the emergence in recent years of a new interest in the demography of ancient populations has seen the development of a range of new methods for piecing together archaeological, skeletal and DNA evidence to reconstruct past population patterns. These efforts have found evidence in support of the view that the relatively low long-term population growth rates of prehistoric human populations, albeit ultimately conditioned by carrying capacities, may have been owing to ‘boom–bust’ cycles at the regional level; rapid population growth, followed by population decline. In fact, this archaeological research may have come to the same conclusion as some contemporary demographers: that demography can be remarkably hard to predict, at least in the short term. It also fits with evidence from biology that primates, and particularly humans, may be adapted to environmental variability, leading to associated demographic stochasticity. This evidence of the fluctuating nature of human demographic patterns may be of considerable significance in understanding our species'' evolution, and of understanding what our species future demographic trajectories might be.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Cross-disciplinary approaches to prehistoric demography’.  相似文献   

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