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Important biochemical reactions in conventional tests were compared with counterpart reactions in two multiple test systems, API-20E (Analytab Products, Plainview, N.Y.) and Aeromonas hydrophila medium, to evaluate their accuracy for the identification of motile Aeromonas spp. isolated from fish. In a total of 49 Aeromonas spp. isolates and 10 A. hydrophila reference strains, false-negative or -positive reactions were detected in the Voges-Proskauer test, indole production, gelatinase activity, production of gas, fermentation of arabinose, and lysine decarboxylase reaction. A good correlation was found, among the three identification systems, for the fermentation of mannitol and inositol as well as for the arginine dihydrolase and ornithine decarboxylase tests. The failure of A. hydrophila medium in the detection of gas indicates that this medium is not entirely suitable for defining aerogenic or anaerogenic strains. From the results of the present study, we consider that of the identification method and taxonomic scheme to be adopted for environmental Aeromonas spp. must be standardized.  相似文献   

Y Li  W Wang  Q Wu  Y Li  M Tang  B Ye  D Wang 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44688
With growing concerns of the safety of nanotechnology, the in vivo toxicity of nanoparticles (NPs) at environmental relevant concentrations has drawn increasing attentions. We investigated the possible molecular mechanisms of titanium nanoparticles (Ti-NPs) in the induction of toxicity at predicted environmental relevant concentrations. In nematodes, small sizes (4 nm and 10 nm) of TiO(2)-NPs induced more severe toxicities than large sizes (60 nm and 90 nm) of TiO(2)-NPs on animals using lethality, growth, reproduction, locomotion behavior, intestinal autofluorescence, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production as endpoints. Locomotion behaviors could be significantly decreased by exposure to 4-nm and 10-nm TiO(2)-NPs at concentration of 1 ng/L in nematodes. Among genes required for the control of oxidative stress, only the expression patterns of sod-2 and sod-3 genes encoding Mn-SODs in animals exposed to small sizes of TiO(2)-NPs were significantly different from those in animals exposed to large sizes of TiO(2)-NPs. sod-2 and sod-3 gene expressions were closely correlated with lethality, growth, reproduction, locomotion behavior, intestinal autofluorescence, and ROS production in TiO(2)-NPs-exposed animals. Ectopically expression of human and nematode Mn-SODs genes effectively prevented the induction of ROS production and the development of toxicity of TiO(2)-NPs. Therefore, the altered expression patterns of Mn-SODs may explain the toxicity formation for different sizes of TiO(2)-NPs at predicted environmental relevant concentrations. In addition, we demonstrated here a strategy to investigate the toxicological effects of exposure to NPs upon humans by generating transgenic strains in nematodes for specific human genes.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been employed as a model organism to study human obesity due to the conservation of the pathways that regulate energy metabolism. To assay for fat storage in C. elegans, a number of fat-soluble dyes have been employed including BODIPY, Nile Red, Oil Red O, and Sudan Black. However, dye-labeled assays produce results that often do not correlate with fat stores in C. elegans. An alternative label-free approach to analyze fat storage in C. elegans has recently been described with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy. Here, we compare the performance of CARS microscopy with standard dye-labeled techniques and biochemical quantification to analyze fat storage in wild type C. elegans and with genetic mutations in the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway including the genes daf-2 (insulin/IGF-1 receptor), rict-1 (rictor) and sgk-1 (serum glucocorticoid kinase). CARS imaging provides a direct measure of fat storage with unprecedented details including total fat stores as well as the size, number, and lipid-chain unsaturation of individual lipid droplets. In addition, CARS/TPEF imaging reveals a neutral lipid species that resides in both the hypodermis and the intestinal cells and an autofluorescent organelle that resides exclusively in the intestinal cells. Importantly, coherent addition of the CARS fields from the C-H abundant neutral lipid permits selective CARS imaging of the fat store, and further coupling of spontaneous Raman analysis provides unprecedented details including lipid-chain unsaturation of individual lipid droplets. We observe that although daf-2, rict-1, and sgk-1 mutants affect insulin/IGF-1 signaling, they exhibit vastly different phenotypes in terms of neutral lipid and autofluorescent species. We find that CARS imaging gives quantification similar to standard biochemical triglyceride quantification. Further, we independently confirm that feeding worms with vital dyes does not lead to the staining of fat stores, but rather the sequestration of dyes in lysosome-related organelles. In contrast, fixative staining methods provide reproducible data but are prone to errors due to the interference of autofluorescent species and the non-specific staining of cellular structures other than fat stores. Importantly, both growth conditions and developmental stage should be considered when comparing methods of C. elegans lipid storage. Taken together, we confirm that CARS microscopy provides a direct, non-invasive, and label-free means to quantitatively analyze fat storage in living C. elegans.  相似文献   

The 1,2-fucosyltransferase family (1,2FT) is the largest familyof glycosyltransferases in the genome of the free-living nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans, and early evidence suggests that eachmember may have a unique activity. Here we describe a C. elegansgene (designated CE2FT-2) encoding an 1,2FT that has the potentialto generate the sequence Fuc1-2Galβ1-3GalNAc-R, which isthe H-type 3 blood group structure. The CE2FT-2 cDNA encodesa putative transmembrane protein that shows 42% amino acid identityto a previously cloned C. elegans 1,2FT (termed CE2FT-1), buthas a very low identity (16–20%) to 1,2FT sequences inhumans, rabbits, and mice. A recombinant form of CE2FT-2 expressedin human 293T cells has a high 1,2FT activity toward Galβ1-3GalNAc-O-pNP,but unexpectedly, the enzyme is inactive toward the acceptorGalβ-O-phenyl. Thus, CE2FT-2 differs from all other 1,2FTspreviously described from animals that all utilize Galβ-O-phenyl.CE2FT-2 is expressed at all stages of worm development, butremarkably, promoter analysis of the CE2FT-2 gene using greenfluorescent protein reporter constructs indicates that the CE2FT-2is expressed exclusively in pharyngeal cells of the worm fromembryo to an adult stage. Because pharyngeal cells are knownto secrete their glycoconjugates to the nematode surface, theseresults may indicate that products of CE2FT-2 contribute tointeractions of the nematode with its environment or are usedas ligands for bacterial attachment. These findings, along withthose on other 1,2FTs in C. elegans, suggest that each 1,2FTin this organism may have a unique acceptor specificity, expressionpattern, and biological function.  相似文献   

A wealth of studies has investigated how chemical sensitivity is affected by temperature, however, almost always under different constant rather than more realistic fluctuating regimes. Here we compared how the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans responds to copper at constant temperatures (8–24°C) and under fluctuation conditions of low (±4°C) and high (±8°C) amplitude (averages of 12, 16, 20°C and 16°C respectively). The DEBkiss model was used to interpret effects on energy budgets. Increasing constant temperature from 12–24°C reduced time to first egg, life-span and population growth rates consistent with temperature driven metabolic rate change. Responses at 8°C did not, however, accord with this pattern (including a deviation from the Temperature Size Rule), identifying a cold stress effect. High amplitude variation and low amplitude variation around a mean temperature of 12°C impacted reproduction and body size compared to nematodes kept at the matching average constant temperatures. Copper exposure affected reproduction, body size and life-span and consequently population growth. Sensitivity to copper (EC50 values), was similar at intermediate temperatures (12, 16, 20°C) and higher at 24°C and especially the innately stressful 8°C condition. Temperature variation did not increase copper sensitivity. Indeed under variable conditions including time at the stressful 8°C condition, sensitivity was reduced. DEBkiss identified increased maintenance costs and increased assimilation as possible mechanisms for cold and higher copper concentration effects. Model analysis of combined variable temperature effects, however, demonstrated no additional joint stressor response. Hence, concerns that exposure to temperature fluctuations may sensitise species to co-stressor effects seem unfounded in this case.  相似文献   

Xu X  Lee D  Shih HY  Seo S  Ahn J  Lee M 《FEBS letters》2005,579(2):549-553
Signals from germ and myoepithelial sheath cells initiate ovulation in Caenorhabditis elegans. The coordinated dilation and contraction of spermatheca lead to subsequent fertilization of oocyte. Either the dominant negative mutant pat-3 beta integrin or disruption of talin expression block ovulation. Talin loss-of-function uncovers roles in cell contractility and migration in C. elegans. Role of beta pat-3 integrins in development and function of Caenorhabditis elegans muscles and gonads, suggesting that the interaction between the cell and the extracellular matrix (ECM) is also important for ovulation. Here, we report that integrin plays an essential role in fertility via IP(3) signaling. Sterility caused by RNAi of pat-3 and ECM molecules was suppressed by increased IP(3) signaling. Our data suggest that the cell-ECM interaction controls ovulation via IP(3) signaling.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress, caused by free radicals within the body, has been associated with the process of aging and many human diseases. Because free radicals, in particular superoxide, are difficult to measure, an alternative indirect method for measuring oxidative stress levels has been used successfully in Escherichia coli and yeast. This method is based on a proposed connection between elevated superoxide levels and release of iron from solvent-exposed [4Fe-4S] enzyme clusters that eventually leads to an increase in hydroxyl radical production. In past studies using bacteria and yeast, a positive correlation was found between superoxide production or oxidative stress due to superoxide within the organism and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detectable "free" iron levels. In the current study, we have developed a reliable and efficient method for measuring "free" iron levels in Caenorhabditis elegans using low-temperature Fe(III) EPR at g=4.3. This method uses synchronized worm cultures grown on plates that are homogenized and treated with desferrioxamine, an Fe(III) chelator, prior to packing the EPR tube. Homogenization was found not to alter "free" iron levels, whereas desferrioxamine treatment significantly raised these levels, indicating the presence of both Fe(II) and Fe(III) in the "free" iron pool. The correlation between free radical levels and the observed "free" iron levels was examined by using heat stress and paraquat treatment. The intensity of the Fe(III) EPR signal, and thus the concentration of the "free" iron pool, varied with the treatments that altered radical levels without changing the total iron levels. This study provides the groundwork needed to uncover the correlation among oxidative stress, "free" iron levels, and longevity in C. elegans.  相似文献   

A Caenorhabditis elegans lambda ZAP cDNA library was screened using a fragment amplified from highly conserved regions of the mammalian and Drosophila elongation factor 2 (EF-2). Two types of cDNA clones were obtained, corresponding to two mRNA species with 3'-untranslated regions of 60 and 115 nucleotides, both encoding identical polypeptides. Sequence analysis of these clones and comparisons with hamster and Drosophila EF-2 sequences suggests that they encode C. elegans EF-2. Clone pCef6A, encoding the entire C. elegans EF-2 mRNA sequence including 45 nucleotides of 5'-untranslated region, contains a 2,556-bp open reading frame which predicts a polypeptide of 852 amino acid residues (Mr 94,564). The deduced amino acid sequence is greater than 80% identical to that of mammalian and Drosophila EF-2. Conserved sequence segments shared among a variety of GTP-binding proteins are found in the amino-terminal region. The carboxy-terminal half contains segments unique to EF-2 and its prokaryotic homolog, EF-G, as well as the histidyl residue which is ADP-ribosylated by diphtheria toxin. The C. elegans protein contains a 12-amino-acid insertion between positions 90 and 100, and a 13-amino-acid deletion between positions 237 and 260, relative to hamster EF-2. Partial sequencing of a genomic clone encoding the entire C. elegans EF-2 gene (named eft-2) has so far revealed two introns of 48 and 44 bp following codons Gln-191 and Gln-250, respectively. Southern and Northern blot analyses indicate that eft-2 is a single-copy gene and encodes a 3-kb mRNA species which is present throughout nematode development.  相似文献   

The biological function of a cell-type-specific glycosylation of an adhesion molecule belonging to the L1CAM immunoglobulin superfamily was previously determined in the nervous system of the embryonic leech, Hirudo medicinalis. The Lan3-2 glycoepitope is a surface marker of sensory afferent neurons and is required for their appropriate developmental collateral branching and synaptogenesis in the CNS. The chemical structure of the Lan3-2 glycoepitope consists of β-(1,4)-linked mannopyranose. Here, we show the conservation of the cell-type-specific expression of this mannose polymer in Caenorhabditis elegans. The Lan3-2 glycoepitope is expressed on the cell surface of a subset of dissociated embryonic neurons and, in the adult worm, by the pharyngeal motor neuron, M5, and the chemosensory afferents, the amphids. Additionally, the vulval epithelium expresses the Lan3-2 glycoepitope in late L4 larvae and in adult hermaphrodites. To investigate proteins carrying this restrictively expressed glycoepitope, worm extract was immunoaffinity purified with Lan3-2 monoclonal antibody and Western blotted. A polyclonal antibody reactive with the cytoplasmic tail of LAD-1/SAX-7, a C. elegans member of the L1CAM family, recognizes a 270 kDa protein band while Lan3-2 antibody also recognizes a 190 kDa glycoform, its putative Lan3-2 ectodomain. Thus, in C. elegans, as in leech, the Lan3-2 epitope is located on a L1CAM homologue. The cell-type-specific expression of the Lan3-2 glycoepitope shared by leech and C. elegans will be useful for understanding how cell-type-specific glycoepitopes mediate cell–cell interactions during development.  相似文献   

Since epidemiological studies have firmly implied the co-exposition between iron oxides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as potential etiological factor involved in the excess of mortality by lung cancer in miners, experimental studies have been performed to investigate the role of iron particles on benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-induced lung pathogenesis. In the present study, the alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE; Comet Assay) was used to measure DNA single-strand breaks in four cell types (alveolar macrophages, lung cells, peripheral lymphocytes and hepatocytes) of OFA Sprague-Dawley rats 24h after endotracheal administration of a single dose of an iron oxide (hematite; Fe(2)O(3)) (0.75mg) or B[a]P (0.75mg) or B[a]P (0.75mg) coated onto hematite particles (0.75mg). No damage was observed in cell from the four investigated organs in rats treated with iron oxide alone, while a statistically significant increase in DNA damage was observed compared with control animals in all tested cell types of rats treated with B[a]P alone or in association with hematite. The highest levels of damage were observed in lung cells and peripheral lymphocytes; the levels of damage in alveolar macrophages and hepatocytes were increased, but to a lesser extent compared with the first two cell types.The main finding was to notice a statistically significant increase of the damage in all organs of rats treated with B[a]P coated onto hematite (approximately two-fold increases; P<0.001), versus B[a]P alone. The current study shows that iron particles increase the genotoxic properties of B[a]P in the respiratory tract of endotracheally treated OFA Sprague-Dawley rats. Hence, our data may contribute to explain the excess mortality by lung cancer in epidemiological studies and overall why exposures to B[a]P coated onto Fe(2)O(3) particles resulted in higher toxicity in rodents compared with exposure to B[a]P alone.  相似文献   

Neil A.  Croll  James M.  Smith 《Journal of Zoology》1978,184(4):507-517
Caenorhabditis elegans spends most of its life feeding. When feeding, it moves only short distances but intestinal contents are moved to and fro and thus mixed. The nematodes also defaecate and lay eggs during the feeding phase in bacterial culture. Defaecation is one of a series of events which causes the forward and backward movement of intestinal contents. These rhythmic movements, once initiated, appear to be controlled by a pacemaker and are unrelated to feeding rates. Oviposition is associated with movements of the genital tract and it can occur at any posture and does not influence the rate of other activities. After food-deprivation, C. elegans shows no measureable hunger response on being returned to bacteria. Experiments with excised parts of worms showed that isolated anterior ends will feed both in and out of bacteria and move forward and backward. Isolated posterior halves without a pharynx or circumpharyngeal commissure will lay eggs and defaecate.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) are key regulators of signal transduction that specifically phosphorylate activated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to terminate signaling. Biochemical and crystallographic studies have provided great insight into mammalian GRK2/3 interactions and structure. However, despite extensive in vitro characterization, little is known about the in vivo contribution of these described GRK structural domains and interactions to proper GRK function in signal regulation. We took advantage of the disrupted chemosensory behavior characteristic of Caenorhabditis elegans grk-2 mutants to discern the interactions required for proper in vivo Ce-GRK-2 function. Informed by mammalian crystallographic and biochemical data, we introduced amino acid substitutions into the Ce-grk-2 coding sequence that are predicted to selectively disrupt GPCR phosphorylation, Gα(q/11) binding, Gβγ binding, or phospholipid binding. Changing the most amino-terminal residues, which have been shown in mammalian systems to be required specifically for GPCR phosphorylation but not phosphorylation of alternative substrates or recruitment to activated GPCRs, eliminated the ability of Ce-GRK-2 to restore chemosensory signaling. Disrupting interaction between the predicted Ce-GRK-2 amino-terminal α-helix and kinase domain, posited to stabilize GRKs in their active ATP- and GPCR-bound conformation, also eliminated Ce-GRK-2 chemosensory function. Finally, although changing residues within the RH domain, predicted to disrupt interaction with Gα(q/11), did not affect Ce-GRK-2 chemosensory function, disruption of the predicted PH domain-mediated interactions with Gβγ and phospholipids revealed that both contribute to Ce-GRK-2 function in vivo. Combined, we have demonstrated functional roles for broadly conserved GRK2/3 structural domains in the in vivo regulation of organismal behavior.  相似文献   

Seasonal and local chl a fluctuations were examined at two depth ranges in Shoal Lake, a productive Precambrian Shield system. Water residence time in the study area was short, without permanent summer stratification. Chl a fluctuations were significantly correlated with total molybdenum reactive phosphorus (MRP) and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), but the types of relationships were different for the two nutrients. Chl a was also significantly positively correlated with total alkalinity and temperature, and inversely correlated with oxygen and light. MRP and dissolved organic matter appeared to be more important for near-bottom chl than for surface chl. Principal component analysis identified 4 major dimensions in which the different locations could be compared in terms of seasonal chl a fluctuations.  相似文献   

L J Harris  A M Rose 《Plasmid》1989,22(1):10-21
The transposable element Tc1 in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans var. Bristol strain N2 is very stable. In order to investigate possible causes of Tc1 immobility in this strain 17 individual isolates have been cloned and characterized with regard to their structure and genomic environment. Ten of 16 elements examined had identical restriction maps, and at least 1 of these (#7) showed a high level of somatic excision. Two of the elements had altered restriction sites, 2 had different internal deletions of about 700 bp, 1 had an 89-bp terminal deletion, and 1 a 54-bp insertion. When DNA sequences flanking the N2 Tc1 elements were used as probes in genomic hybridizations, it was found that most N2 elements are located in regions of repetitive DNA. Furthermore when hybridizations to DNA from N2 and var. Bergerac strain B0 were performed, a major band of the same size was observed in both strains. Two flanking sequences identified strain polymorphic sites hP2(IV) and hP3(IV). In at least one of these cases, a rearranged Tc1 was present in the B0 strain at the same location. The fact that all or most of the Tc1 elements are in the same location in N2 and B0 adds support to the hypothesis that the high copy number B0 strain arose from amplification of Tc1 copies in a N2-like strain. The N2 Tc1 elements are highly conserved; however, intact elements had fewer nucleotide changes than the rearranged elements. These results may indicate that the intact Tc1 elements in N2 are functionally active and subject to selective pressure.  相似文献   

Background and aimWhen exceeding the homeostatic range, manganese (Mn) might cause neurotoxicity, characteristic of the pathophysiology of several neurological diseases. Although the underlying mechanism of its neurotoxicity remains unclear, Mn-induced oxidative stress contributes to disease etiology. DNA damage caused by oxidative stress may further trigger dysregulation of DNA-damage-induced poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation), which is of central importance especially for neuronal homeostasis. Accordingly, this study was designed to assess in the genetically traceable in vivo model Caenorhabditis elegans the role of PARylation as well as the consequences of loss of pme-1 or pme-2 (orthologues of PARP1 and PARP2) in Mn-induced toxicity.MethodsA specific and sensitive isotope-dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method was developed to quantify PARylation in worms. Next to monitoring the PAR level, pme-1 and pme-2 gene expression as well as Mn-induced oxidative stress was studied in wildtype worms and the pme deletion mutants.Results and conclusionWhile Mn failed to induce PARylation in wildtype worms, toxic doses of Mn led to PAR-induction in pme-1-deficient worms, due to an increased gene expression of pme-2 in the pme-1 deletion mutants. However, this effect could not be observed at sub-toxic Mn doses as well as upon longer incubation times. Regarding Mn-induced oxidative stress, the deletion mutants did not show hypersensitivity. Taken together, this study characterizes worms to model PAR inhibition and addresses the consequences for Mn-induced oxidative stress in genetically manipulated worms.  相似文献   

A two-stage bioreduction system containing magnetic-microsphere-immobilized denitrifying bacteria and iron-reducing bacteria was developed for the regeneration of scrubbing solutions for NO x removal. In this process, a higher bioreduction rate and a better tolerance of inhibition of bacteria were achieved with immobilized bacteria than with free bacteria. This work focused on evaluation of the effects of the main components in the scrubbing solution on Fe(III)EDTA (EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetate) and Fe(II)EDTA-NO reduction, with an emphasis on mass transfer and the kinetic model of Fe(III)EDTA and Fe(II)EDTA-NO reduction by immobilized bacteria. It was found that Fe(II)EDTA-NO had a strong inhibiting effect, but Fe(II)EDTA had no effect, on Fe(III)EDTA reduction. Fe(II)EDTA accelerated Fe(II)EDTA-NO reduction, whereas Fe(III)EDTA had no effect. This showed that the use of the two stages of regeneration was necessary. Moreover, the effect of internal diffusion on Fe(III)EDTA and Fe(II)EDTANO reduction could be neglected, and the rate-limiting step was the bioreduction process. The reduction of Fe(III)EDTA and Fe(II)EDTA-NO using immobilized bacteria was described by a first-order kinetic model. Bioreduction can therefore be enhanced by increasing the cell density in the magnetic chitosan microspheres.  相似文献   

Protein interactions are essential components of signal transduction in cells. With the progress in genome-wide yeast two hybrid screens and proteomics analyses, many protein interaction networks have been generated. These analyses have identified hundreds and thousands of interactions in cells and organisms, creating a challenge for further validation under physiological conditions. The bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay is such an assay that meets this need. The BiFC assay is based on the principle of protein fragment complementation, in which two non-fluorescent fragments derived from a fluorescent protein are fused to a pair of interacting partners. When the two partners interact, the two non-fluorescent fragments are brought into proximity and an intact fluorescent protein is reconstituted. Hence, the reconstituted fluorescent signals reflect the interaction of two proteins under study. Over the past six years, the BiFC assay has been used for visualization of protein interactions in living cells and organisms, including our application of the BiFC assay to the transparent nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We have demonstrated that BiFC analysis in C. elegans provides a direct means to identify and validate protein interactions in living worms and allows visualization of temporal and spatial interactions. Here, we provide a guideline for the implementation of BiFC analysis in living worms and discuss the factors that are critical for BiFC analysis.  相似文献   

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