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RNA编辑是DNA转录为RNA后遗传信息发生改变的一种方式.A-to-IRNA编辑酶ADAR1(adenosinedeaminasethatactsonRNA1)具有将pre-mRNA中特定的腺嘌呤核苷转变为次黄嘌呤核苷的功能.通过RT-PCR技术从小鼠肝脏组织中克隆了小鼠A-to-IRNA编辑酶ADAR1的4种剪切体,采用荧光示踪技术研究其在细胞内定位,利用Bac-to-Bac杆状病毒表达系统构建了ADAR1重组杆状病毒并在sf9昆虫细胞内将其进行了表达,最后对表达产物进行了活性鉴定.结果发现,小鼠ADAR1在小鼠肝脏组织中主要以4种剪切方式存在,分别命名为ADAR1-La\Lb和ADAR1-Sa\Sb.这4种ADAR1剪切体在细胞内分布有着明显的区别,ADAR1-La\Lb主要分布于胞浆,而ADAR1-Sa\Sb主要分布于细胞核及核仁.Bac-to-Bac杆状病毒表达系统表达的4种ADAR1剪切体蛋白的双链RNA编辑活性明显不同,提示各个ADAR1剪切体的底物识别和特异性RNA编辑功能可能有所不同.ADAR1剪切体的克隆和表达以及它们在细胞内定位和编辑活性的差异的发现为进一步研究其结构和功能的关系及寻找它们的新底物奠定了基础.  相似文献   

TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) and fused in sarcoma (FUS) are two highly conserved ribonucleoproteins. Pathogenic mutations of the TDP-43 or the FUS gene are all linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that is characterized by progressive degeneration of motor neurons. To better understand the correlation of ALS disease genes with the selectivity of chronic motor neuron degeneration, we examined the longitudinal expression of the TDP-43 and the FUS genes in C57BL6 mice and in Sprague-Dawley rats. TDP-43 and FUS were robustly and ubiquitously expressed in the postnatal mice and rats, but were markedly decreased in the adult rodents. In adulthood, TDP-43 and FUS proteins were even undetectable in peripheral organs including skeletal muscles, liver, and kidney, but were constantly expressed at substantial levels in the central nervous system. Motor neurons expressed the TDP-43 and the FUS genes at robust levels throughout rodent''s lifetime. Moreover, TDP-43 and FUS were accumulated in the cytoplasm of motor neurons in aged animals. Our findings suggest that TDP-43 and FUS play an important role in development and that constant and robust expression of the genes in motor neurons may render the neurons vulnerable to pathogenic mutation of the TDP-43 or the FUS gene. To faithfully model the pathology of TDP-43- or FUS gene mutations in rodents, we must replicate the expression patterns of the TDP-43 and the FUS gene in animals.  相似文献   

Transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is a major pathological protein in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). There are many disease-associated mutations in TDP-43, and several cellular and animal models with ectopic overexpression of mutant TDP-43 have been established. Here we sought to study altered molecular events in FTD and ALS by using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived patient neurons. We generated multiple iPSC lines from an FTD/ALS patient with the TARDBP A90V mutation and from an unaffected family member who lacked the mutation. After extensive characterization, two to three iPSC lines from each subject were selected, differentiated into postmitotic neurons, and screened for relevant cell-autonomous phenotypes. Patient-derived neurons were more sensitive than control neurons to 100 nM straurosporine but not to other inducers of cellular stress. Three disease-relevant cellular phenotypes were revealed under staurosporine-induced stress. First, TDP-43 was localized in the cytoplasm of a higher percentage of patient neurons than control neurons. Second, the total TDP-43 level was lower in patient neurons with the A90V mutation. Third, the levels of microRNA-9 (miR-9) and its precursor pri-miR-9-2 decreased in patient neurons but not in control neurons. The latter is likely because of reduced TDP-43, as shRNA-mediated TDP-43 knockdown in rodent primary neurons also decreased the pri-miR-9-2 level. The reduction in miR-9 expression was confirmed in human neurons derived from iPSC lines containing the more pathogenic TARDBP M337V mutation, suggesting miR-9 downregulation might be a common pathogenic event in FTD/ALS. These results show that iPSC models of FTD/ALS are useful for revealing stress-dependent cellular defects of human patient neurons containing rare TDP-43 mutations in their native genetic contexts.  相似文献   

ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive and fatal motor neuron disease with no effective medicine. Importantly, the majority of the ALS cases are with TDP-43 proteinopathies characterized with TDP-43-positive, ubiquitin-positive inclusions (UBIs) in the cytosol. However, the role of the mismetabolism of TDP-43 in the pathogenesis of ALS with TDP-43 proteinopathies is unclear. Using the conditional mouse gene targeting approach, we show that mice with inactivation of the Tardbp gene in the spinal cord motor neurons (HB9:Cre-Tardbp(lx/-)) exhibit progressive and male-dominant development of ALS-related phenotypes including kyphosis, motor dysfunctions, muscle weakness/atrophy, motor neuron loss, and astrocytosis in the spinal cord. Significantly, ubiquitinated proteins accumulate in the TDP-43-depleted motor neurons of the spinal cords of HB9:Cre-Tardbp(lx/-) mice with the ALS phenotypes. This study not only establishes an important role of TDP-43 in the long term survival and functioning of the mammalian spinal cord motor neurons, but also establishes that loss of TDP-43 function could be one major cause for neurodegeneration in ALS with TDP-43 proteinopathies.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated and truncated TAR DNA-binding protein-43 (TDP-43) is a major component of ubiquitinated cytoplasmic inclusions in neuronal and glial cells of two TDP-43 proteinopathies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Modifications of TDP-43 are thus considered to play an important role in the pathogenesis of TDP-43 proteinopathies. However, both the initial cause of these abnormal modifications and the TDP-43 region responsible for its aggregation remain uncertain. Here we report that the 32 kDa C-terminal fragment of TDP-43, which lacks the RNP2 motif of RNA binding motif 1 (RRM1), formed aggregates in cultured cells, and that similar phenotypes were obtained when the RNP2 motif was either deleted from or mutated in full-length TDP-43. These aggregations were ubiquitinated, phosphorylated and truncated, and sequestered the 25 kDa C-terminal TDP-43 fragment seen in the neurons of TDP-43 proteinopathy patients. In addition, incubation with RNase decreased the solubility of TDP-43 in cell lysates. These findings suggest that the RNP2 motif of RRM1 plays a substantial role in pathological TDP-43 modifications and that it is possible that disruption of RNA binding may underlie the process of TDP-43 aggregation.  相似文献   

S. Merkle  W. Pretsch 《Genetics》1989,123(4):837-844
Four heterozygous triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) mutants with approximately 50% reduced activity in blood compared to wild type were detected in offspring of 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea treated male mice. Breeding experiments displayed an autosomal, dominant mode of inheritance for the mutations. All mutations were found to be homozygous lethal at an early postimplantation stage of embryonic development, probably due to a total lack of TPI activity and consequently to the inability to utilize glucose as a source of metabolic energy. Although activity alteration was also found in liver, lung, kidney, spleen, heart, brain and muscle the TPI deficiency in heterozygotes has no influence on the following physiological traits: hematological parameters, plasma glucose, glucose consumption of blood cells, body weight and organo-somatic indices of liver, spleen, heart, kidney and lung. Biochemical investigations of TPI in the four mutant lines indicated no difference of physicochemical properties compared to the wild type. Results from immunoinactivation assays indicate that the decrease of enzyme activity corresponds to a decrease in the level of an immunologically active moiety. It is suggested that the mutations have affected the Tpi-1 structural locus and resulted in alleles which produce no detectable enzyme activity and no immunologically cross-reacting material. The study furthermore suggests one functional TPI gene per haploid genome in the erythrocyte and seven other tested organs of the mouse.  相似文献   

Buratti E  Baralle FE 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(19):3530-3538
The maintenance of correct protein homeostasis ('proteostasis') is an essential activity of mammalian cells to preserve their vital properties and functions. Because of its importance, correct proteostasis is achieved by the cell in several ways and at several levels of each gene expression pathway. In many cases, mRNA-autoregulatory pathways based on a variety of feedback mechanisms have been observed to play a major role in keeping their concentration under control. This is especially true for RNA binding proteins because of their potential ability to bind their own pre-mRNA molecules, and in particular for two subsets of nuclear factors that are commonly referred to as heterogeneous ribonucleoproteins and serine-arginine-rich proteins. Regarding the mechanism, nonsense-mediated RNA degradation triggered by alternative splicing of their own messenger RNA is a very common autoregulation pathway to maintain constant expression levels within the cellular environment. Recently, however, alternative mechanisms other than nonsense-mediated decay have also been described to play a role for other RNA binding protein factors: serine-arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1) and transactive response DNA binding protein 43 kDa (TDP-43). The aim of this minireview will be to discuss these old and new autoregulatory processes and their implication in disease development.  相似文献   

Translation elongation factor isoform eEF1A2 is expressed in muscle and neurons. Deletion of eEF1A2 in mice gives rise to the neurodegenerative phenotype "wasted" (wst). Mice homozygous for the wasted mutation die of muscle wasting and neurodegeneration at four weeks post-natal. Although the mutation is said to be recessive, aged heterozygous mice have never been examined in detail; a number of other mouse models of motor neuron degeneration have recently been shown to have similar, albeit less severe, phenotypic abnormalities in the heterozygous state. We therefore examined the effects of ageing on a cohort of heterozygous +/wst mice and control mice, in order to establish whether a presumed 50% reduction in eEF1A2 expression was compatible with normal function. We evaluated the grip strength assay as a way of distinguishing between wasted and wild-type mice at 3-4 weeks, and then performed the same assay in older +/wst and wild-type mice. We also used rotarod performance and immunohistochemistry of spinal cord sections to evaluate the phenotype of aged heterozygous mice. Heterozygous mutant mice showed no deficit in neuromuscular function or signs of spinal cord pathology, in spite of the low levels of eEF1A2.  相似文献   

Restorative/protective therapies to restore dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) are greatly needed to effectively change the debilitating course of Parkinson''s disease. In this study, we tested the therapeutic potential of a neurogenic neurosteroid, allopregnanolone, in the restoration of the components of the nigrostriatal pathway in MPTP-lesioned mice by measuring striatal dopamine levels, total and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neuron numbers and BrdU-positive cells in the SNpc. An acute treatment (once/week for two weeks) with allopregnanolone restored the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive and total cell numbers in the SNpc of MPTP-lesioned mice, even though this did not increase striatal dopamine. It was also noted that MPTP treated mice to which allopregnanolone was administered had an increase in BrdU-positive cells in the SNpc. The effects of allopregnanolone in MPTP-lesioned mice were more apparent in mice that underwent behavioral tests. Interestingly, mice treated with allopregnanolone after MPTP lesion were able to perform at levels similar to that of non-lesioned control mice in a rotarod test. These data demonstrate that allopregnanolone promotes the restoration of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons and total cells in the nigrostriatal tract, improves the motor performance in MPTP-treated mice, and may serve as a therapeutic strategy for Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   

(1) Pre-mRNA editing of serotonin 2C (5-HT2C) and glutamate (Glu) receptors (R) influences higher brain functions and pathological states such as epilepsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and depression. Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR1–3) convert adenosine to inosine on synthetic RNAs, analogous to 5-HT2cR and GluR. The order of editing as well as mechanisms controlling editing in native neurons is unknown. (2) With single-cell RT-PCR we investigated the co-expression of ADAR genes with GluR and 5-HT2CR and determined the editing status at known sites in the hypothalamic tuberomamillary nucleus, a major center for wakefulness and arousal. (3) The most frequently expressed enzymes were ADAR1, followed by ADAR2. The Q/R site of GluR2 was always fully edited. Editing at the R/G site in the GluR2 (but not GluR4) subunit was co-ordinated with ADAR expression: maximal editing was found in neurons expressing both ADAR2 splice variants of the deaminase domain and lacking ADAR3. (4) Editing of the 5-HT2CR did not correlate with ADAR expression. The 5-HT2CR mRNA was always edited at A, in the majority of cells at B sites and variably edited at E, C and D sites. A negative correlation was found between editing of C and D sites. The GluR4 R/G site editing was homogeneous within individuals: it was fully edited in all neurons obtained from 12 rats and under-edited in six neurons obtained from three rats. (5) We conclude that GluR2 R/G editing is controlled at the level of ADAR2 and therefore this enzyme may be a target for pharmacotherapy. On the other hand, further factors/enzymes besides ADAR must control or influence 5-HT2CR and GluR pre-mRNA editing in native neurons; our data indicate that these factors vary between individuals and could be predictors of psychiatric disease.  相似文献   

Recently, it was reported that mutations in the ubiquitin-like protein ubiquilin-2 (UBQLN2) are associated with X-linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and that both wild-type and mutant UBQLN2 can co-localize with aggregates of C-terminal fragments of TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43). Here, we describe a high affinity interaction between UBQLN2 and TDP-43 and demonstrate that overexpression of both UBQLN2 and TDP-43 reduces levels of both exogenous and endogenous TDP-43 in human H4 cells. UBQLN2 bound with high affinity to both full length TDP-43 and a C-terminal TDP-43 fragment (261–414 aa) with KD values of 6.2 nM and 8.7 nM, respectively. Both DNA oligonucleotides and 4-aminoquinolines, which bind to TDP-43, also inhibited UBQLN2 binding to TDP-43 with similar rank order affinities compared to inhibition of oligonucleotide binding to TDP-43. Inhibitor characterization experiments demonstrated that the DNA oligonucleotides noncompetitively inhibited UBQLN2 binding to TDP-43, which is consistent with UBQLN2 binding to the C-terminal region of TDP-43. Interestingly, the 4-aminoquinolines were competitive inhibitors of UBQLN2 binding to TDP-43, suggesting that these compounds also bind to the C-terminal region of TDP-43. In support of the biochemical data, co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that both TDP-43 and UBQLN2 interact in human neuroglioma H4 cells. Finally, overexpression of UBQLN2 in the presence of overexpressed full length TDP-43 or C-terminal TDP-43 (170–414) dramatically lowered levels of both full length TDP-43 and C-terminal TDP-43 fragments (CTFs). Consequently, these data suggest that UBQLN2 enhances the clearance of TDP-43 and TDP-43 CTFs and therefore may play a role in the development of TDP-43 associated neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Characterization of the genetic defects causing gonadotropic deficiency has made a major contribution to elucidation of the fundamental role of Kisspeptins and Neurokinin B in puberty onset and reproduction. The absence of puberty may also reveal neurodevelopmental disorders caused by molecular defects in various cellular pathways. Investigations of these neurodevelopmental disorders may provide information about the neuronal processes controlling puberty onset and reproductive capacity. We describe here a new syndrome observed in three brothers, which involves gonadotropic axis deficiency, central hypothyroidism, peripheral demyelinating sensorimotor polyneuropathy, mental retardation, and profound hypoglycemia, progressing to nonautoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. High-throughput sequencing revealed a homozygous in-frame deletion of 15 nucleotides in DMXL2 in all three affected patients. This homozygous deletion was associated with lower DMXL2 mRNA levels in the blood lymphocytes of the patients. DMXL2 encodes the synaptic protein rabconnectin-3α, which has been identified as a putative scaffold protein for Rab3-GAP and Rab3-GEP, two regulators of the GTPase Rab3a. We found that rabconnectin-3α was expressed in exocytosis vesicles in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) axonal extremities in the median eminence of the hypothalamus. It was also specifically expressed in cells expressing luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) within the pituitary. The conditional heterozygous deletion of Dmxl2 from mouse neurons delayed puberty and resulted in very low fertility. This reproductive phenotype was associated with a lower number of GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus of adult mice. Finally, Dmxl2 knockdown in an insulin-secreting cell line showed that rabconnectin-3α controlled the constitutive and glucose-induced secretion of insulin. In conclusion, this study shows that low levels of DMXL2 expression cause a complex neurological phenotype, with abnormal glucose metabolism and gonadotropic axis deficiency due to a loss of GnRH neurons. Our findings identify rabconectin-3α as a key controller of neuronal and endocrine homeostatic processes.  相似文献   

Old and unneeded intracellular macromolecules are delivered through autophagy to lysosomes that degrade macromolecules into bioactive monomers such as amino acids. Autophagy is conserved in eukaryotes and is essential for the maintenance of cellular metabolism. Currently, more than 30 autophagy-related genes (Atgs) have been identified in yeast. Of these genes, the18 that are essential for autophagosome formation are also conserved in mammalian cells. Atg9 is the only transmembrane Atg protein required for autophagosome formation. Although the subcellular localization of the Atg9A protein (Atg9Ap) has been examined, little is known about its precise cell and tissue distribution. To determine this, we produced an antibody specific to mouse Atg9Ap. The antibody recognized both non-glycosylated and glycosylated Atg9Ap, which have molecular masses of ∼94 kDa and 105 kDa, respectively. Although Atg9Ap was ubiquitously detected, it was highly expressed in neurons of the central nervous system. In Purkinje cells, Atg9Ap immunoreactivity was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), trans-Golgi network (TGN), lysosomes/late endosomes, and in axon terminals. These results suggest that Atg9Ap may be involved in autophagosome formation in the ER and axon terminals of neurons, the TGN, and lysosomes/late endosomes. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:443–453, 2010)  相似文献   

In neurons, specific RNAs are assembled into granules, which are translated in dendrites, however the functional consequences of granule assembly are not known. Tumor overexpressed gene (TOG) is a granule-associated protein containing multiple binding sites for heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, another granule component that recognizes cis-acting sequences called hnRNP A2 response elements (A2REs) present in several granule RNAs. Translation in granules is sporadic, which is believed to reflect monosomal translation, with occasional bursts, which are believed to reflect polysomal translation. In this study, TOG expression was conditionally knocked out (TOG cKO) in mouse hippocampal neurons using cre/lox technology. In TOG cKO cultured neurons granule assembly and bursty translation of activity-regulated cytoskeletal associated (ARC) mRNA, an A2RE RNA, are disrupted. In TOG cKO brain slices synaptic sensitivity and long term potentiation (LTP) are reduced. TOG cKO mice exhibit hyperactivity, perseveration and impaired short term habituation. These results suggest that in hippocampal neurons TOG is required for granule assembly, granule translation and synaptic plasticity, and affects behavior.  相似文献   

Both the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depend on separate balanced pools of dNTPs for correct function of DNA replication and repair of DNA damage. Import of dNTPs from the cytosolic compartment to the mitochondria has been suggested to have the potential of rectifying a mitochondrial dNTP imbalance. Reduced TK2 activity has been demonstrated to result in mitochondrial dNTP imbalance and consequently mutations of mtDNA in non-dividing cells. In this study, the consequences of a reduced thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) activity were measured in proliferating HeLa cells, on both whole-cell as well as mitochondrial dNTP levels. With the exception of increased mitochondrial dCTP level no significant difference was found in cells with reduced TK2 activity. Our results suggest that import of cytosolic dNTPs in mitochondria of proliferating cells can compensate a TK2 induced imbalance of the mitochondrial dNTP pool.  相似文献   

Anesthesia affects brain activity at the molecular, neuronal and network level, but it is not well-understood how tuning properties of sensory neurons and network connectivity change under its influence. Using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging we matched neuron identity across episodes of wakefulness and anesthesia in the same mouse and recorded spontaneous and visually evoked activity patterns of neuronal ensembles in these two states. Correlations in spontaneous patterns of calcium activity between pairs of neurons were increased under anesthesia. While orientation selectivity remained unaffected by anesthesia, this treatment reduced direction selectivity, which was attributable to an increased response to the null-direction. As compared to anesthesia, populations of V1 neurons coded more mutual information on opposite stimulus directions during wakefulness, whereas information on stimulus orientation differences was lower. Increases in correlations of calcium activity during visual stimulation were correlated with poorer population coding, which raised the hypothesis that the anesthesia-induced increase in correlations may be causal to degrading directional coding. Visual stimulation under anesthesia, however, decorrelated ongoing activity patterns to a level comparable to wakefulness. Because visual stimulation thus appears to ‘break’ the strength of pairwise correlations normally found in spontaneous activity under anesthesia, the changes in correlational structure cannot explain the awake-anesthesia difference in direction coding. The population-wide decrease in coding for stimulus direction thus occurs independently of anesthesia-induced increments in correlations of spontaneous activity.  相似文献   

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