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Small mammal populations often exhibit large-scale spatial synchrony, which is purportedly caused by stochastic weather-related
environmental perturbations, predation or dispersal. To elucidate the relative synchronizing effects of environmental perturbations
from those of dispersal movements of small mammalian prey or their predators, we investigated the spatial dynamics of Microtus vole populations in two differently structured landscapes which experience similar patterns of weather and climatic conditions.
Vole and predator abundances were monitored for three years on 28 agricultural field sites arranged into two 120-km-long transect
lines in western Finland. Sites on one transect were interconnected by continuous agricultural farmland (continuous landscape),
while sites on the other were isolated from one another to a varying degree by mainly forests (fragmented landscape). Vole
populations exhibited large-scale (>120 km) spatial synchrony in fluctuations, which did not differ in degree between the
landscapes or decline with increasing distance between trapping sites. However, spatial variation in vole population growth
rates was higher in the fragmented than in the continuous landscape. Although vole-eating predators were more numerous in
the continuous agricultural landscape than in the fragmented, our results suggest that predators do not exert a great influence
on the degree of spatial synchrony of vole population fluctuations, but they may contribute to bringing out-of-phase prey
patches towards a regional density level. The spatial dynamics of vole populations were similar in both fragmented and continuous
landscapes despite inter-landscape differences in both predator abundance and possibilities of vole dispersal. This implies
that the primary source of synchronization lies in a common weather-related environment. 相似文献
Liu Lin Limin Feng Wenjing Pan Xianming Guo Jianwei Zhao Aidong Luo Li Zhang 《Acta theriologica》2008,53(4):365-374
Elephants were confined to Mengyang Protected Area in China and their distribution range had reduced greatly compared to past
records. A preliminary study of habitat selection by Asian elephantsElephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758 and their distribution was conducted in Mengyang Protected Area and its surrounds using site visits and transect
surveys from July 2003 to December 2006. Although no variable significantly influenced their habitat selection, elephants
still showed preference for altitudes between 900 and 1200 m, gradients <30°, and orientations to the south-east, south and
south-west. Human activities, including habitat transformation and degradation, disturbance by large infrastructure and poaching
were considered to be the main factors inducing elephant distribution changes. 相似文献
Øystein Flagstad Narendra M.B. Pradhan Liv Guro Kvernstuen Per Wegge 《Journal for Nature Conservation》2012,20(3):181-190
The Terai is one of the world's most spectacular landscapes, encompassing parts of Nepal and northern India. This area used to harbour large and continuous populations of charismatic species like elephants, tigers and rhinoceros. However, recent habitat fragmentation reduced these populations into small, partially or completely isolated remnants. The largest of these fragments in Nepal is the Bardia National Park. Here, the elephant population was functionally extinct in the early 1970s and -80s, but was rescued by a considerable number of immigrants in 1994. In order to assess population size, sex ratio, age structure, and levels of genetic variation, we carried out non-invasive genetic sampling, using elephant dung as the source of DNA. A capture-mark-recapture estimate of population size suggested that there were 57 individuals in the study area, which agrees well with field observations. Notably, a strongly male-biased sex ratio was evident among sub-adult individuals. This observation suggests the presence of sub-adult immigrants in the population, which was supported by formal migrant detection analysis. Genetic variation was quite high and the evidence for male immigrants suggests that there are good prospects for maintenance of genetic diversity. A decade ago a large-scale project was initiated in the Terai region to link remaining populations of large mammals through dispersal corridors. The program is basically founded on the assumption that habitat fragments are isolated with little or no migration between them. Our results indicate that this may not be the case, at least not for the Asian elephant in western Nepal, which therefore reduces the alleged extinction risk from genetic erosion and stochastic demographic events. 相似文献
Hiebeler DE 《Journal of mathematical biology》2007,54(3):337-356
Interactions between two species competing for space were studied using stochastic spatially explicit lattice-based simulations
as well as pair approximations. The two species differed only in their dispersal strategies, which were characterized by the
proportion of reproductive effort allocated to long-distance (far) dispersal versus short-distance (near) dispersal to adjacent
sites. All population dynamics took place on landscapes with spatially clustered distributions of suitable habitat, described
by two parameters specifying the amount and the local spatial autocorrelation of suitable habitat. Whereas previous results
indicated that coexistence between pure near and far dispersers was very rare, taking place over only a very small region
of the landscape parameter space, when mixed strategies are allowed, multiple strategies can coexist over a much wider variety
of landscapes. On such spatially structured landscapes, the populations can partition the habitat according to local conditions,
with one species using pure near dispersal to exploit large contiguous patches of suitable habitat, and another species using
mixed dispersal to colonize isolated smaller patches (via far dispersal) and then rapidly exploit those patches (via near
dispersal). An improved mean-field approximation which incorporates the spatially clustered habitat distribution is developed
for modeling a single species on these landscapes, along with an improved Monte Carlo algorithm for generating spatially clustered
habitat distributions.
Community relaxation in fragmented landscapes: the relation between species richness, area and age 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A. Gonzalez 《Ecology letters》2000,3(5):441-448
Estimates of species loss due to habitat destruction are normally based on calculations employing the species–area relation, S = cA z . The validity of this approach is based on the assumption that the value of the exponent ( z ) defining the slope of the species–area relation in nonfragmented communities is at a steady state and that z is thus a constant. However, departure from such an assumption renders this approach unreliable. Here I report the results from a natural field experiment using "model" bryophyte-based microlandscapes designed to follow the species richness dynamics of microarthropod communities postfragmentation. Community isolation due to fragmentation initiated a delayed community relaxation process and resulted in substantial local extinction. Over the period of the experiment z declined in the control communities and yet remained fairly stable in the fragmented communities. I conclude that predictions of species loss due to habitat fragmentation that do not take into account the fact that often z may not be a constant may lead to error-prone predictions of future species loss. 相似文献
Related species utilising similar resources are often assumed to show similar spatial population structures and dynamics. This paper reports substantial ecological variation within a set of Aphodius dung beetles occurring in the same patchily distributed resource, livestock dung in pastures. We show how variation in habitat and resource selectivity, in the rate of movements between pastures, and in the distribution of local population sizes all contribute to interspecific differences in spatial population structures. Local dung beetle assemblages are compared between two landscapes with different densities of pastures. In one of the landscapes, we contrast the abundances and regional distributions of Aphodius before and after 15 years of rapid habitat loss. Different species show very dissimilar responses to changes in the structure of the landscape. Our results suggest that generalist Aphodius species, and specialist species with high dispersal powers, occur as large "patchy" populations in the landscape. In contrast, a strict pasture specialist species with limited dispersal powers (A. pusillus) forms classical metapopulations. At the community level, interspecific differences in spatial population structures make the local community composition a function of the structure of the surrounding landscape. 相似文献
D'iakov IuT 《Zhurnal obshche? biologii》2008,69(1):10-18
Under considerations are specific features of the fungal individuals associated with their mycelial life mode and affecting their population structure and speciation. Special attention is paid to the sympatric speciation which can be caused by trophic niche segregation, by use of different host plants, by invasion to the plants at different stage of their ontogeny, and by differences in the weather requirements. Decrease of genetic interchanges in subdivided populations promoting speciation without spatial isolation is achieved by homotallism and pseudohomotallism, by a cassette mechanism of switching among various breeding systems, and by complete lost of sexual process. Recombination reduction in agamic fungi is achieved by means of vegetative incompatibility. As the latter is similar functionally to the immune system (recognition of an alien culture and death of conjugated cells), it is possible that the fungi were the first to have developed mechanisms of sympatric speciation on the basis of the simpliest immune system. 相似文献
Summary We found several rare UK butterflies to be restricted to relatively large and non-isolated habitat patches, while small patches and those that are isolated from population sources remain vacant. These patterns of occurrence are generated by the dynamic processes of local extinction and colonization. Habitat patches act as terrestrial archipelagos in which long-term population persistence, and hence effective long-term conservation, rely on networks of suitable habitats, sufficiently close to allow natural dispersal.
Present address: School of Biological Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK 相似文献
Because spatial connectivity is critical to dispersal success and persistence of species in highly fragmented landscapes,
the way that we envision and measure connectivity is consequential for biodiversity conservation. Connectivity metrics used
for predictive modeling of spatial turnover and patch occupancy for metapopulations, such as with Incidence Function Models
(IFM), incorporate distances to and sizes of possible source populations. Here, our focus is on whether habitat quality of
source patches also is considered in these connectivity metrics. We propose that effective areas (weighted by habitat quality)
of source patches should be better surrogates for population size and dispersal potential compared to unadjusted patch areas.
Our review of a representative sample of the literature revealed that only 12.5% of studies incorporated habitat quality of
source patches into IFM-type connectivity metrics. Quality of source patches generally was not taken into account in studies
even if habitat quality of focal patches was included in analyses. We provide an empirical example for a metapopulation of
a rare wetland species, the round-tailed muskrat (Neofiber alleni), demonstrating that a connectivity metric based on effective areas of source patches better predicts patch colonization
and occupancy than a metric that used simple patch areas. The ongoing integration of landscape ecology and metapopulation
dynamics could be hastened by incorporating habitat quality of source patches into spatial connectivity metrics applied to
species conservation in fragmented landscapes. 相似文献
Beyond the fragmentation threshold hypothesis: regime shifts in biodiversity across fragmented landscapes 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Ecological systems are vulnerable to irreversible change when key system properties are pushed over thresholds, resulting in the loss of resilience and the precipitation of a regime shift. Perhaps the most important of such properties in human-modified landscapes is the total amount of remnant native vegetation. In a seminal study Andrén proposed the existence of a fragmentation threshold in the total amount of remnant vegetation, below which landscape-scale connectivity is eroded and local species richness and abundance become dependent on patch size. Despite the fact that species patch-area effects have been a mainstay of conservation science there has yet to be a robust empirical evaluation of this hypothesis. Here we present and test a new conceptual model describing the mechanisms and consequences of biodiversity change in fragmented landscapes, identifying the fragmentation threshold as a first step in a positive feedback mechanism that has the capacity to impair ecological resilience, and drive a regime shift in biodiversity. The model considers that local extinction risk is defined by patch size, and immigration rates by landscape vegetation cover, and that the recovery from local species losses depends upon the landscape species pool. Using a unique dataset on the distribution of non-volant small mammals across replicate landscapes in the Atlantic forest of Brazil, we found strong evidence for our model predictions--that patch-area effects are evident only at intermediate levels of total forest cover, where landscape diversity is still high and opportunities for enhancing biodiversity through local management are greatest. Furthermore, high levels of forest loss can push native biota through an extinction filter, and result in the abrupt, landscape-wide loss of forest-specialist taxa, ecological resilience and management effectiveness. The proposed model links hitherto distinct theoretical approaches within a single framework, providing a powerful tool for analysing the potential effectiveness of management interventions. 相似文献
F. Gilbert A. Gonzalez I. Evans-Freke 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》1998,265(1396):577
Theory predicts that species richness or single-species populations can be maintained, or at least extinctions minimized, by boosting rates of immigration. One possible way of achieving this is by establishing corridors of suitable habitat between reserves. Using moss patches as model microecosystems, we provide here probably the first field experimental test of the idea that corridors can reduce the rate of loss of species, and therefore help to maintain species richness. Connecting patches of habitat with corridors did indeed slow the rate of extinction of species, preserving species richness for longer periods of time than in disconnected habitat patches. The pattern of γ-diversity, the cumulative species richness of entire connected systems, is similarly higher than that of fragmented systems, despite the homogenizing effects of movement. Predators are predicted to be more susceptible to fragmentation because of their greater mobility and smaller population sizes. Our data are consistent with this prediction: the proportion of predator species declined significantly in disconnected as compared with connected treatments. 相似文献
Structural insights into the stability and flexibility of unusual erythroid spectrin repeats 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Erythroid spectrin, a major component of the cytoskeletal network of the red cell which contributes to both the stability and the elasticity of the red cell membrane, is composed of two subunits, alpha and beta, each formed by 16-20 tandem repeats. The properties of the repeats and their relative arrangement are thought to be key determinants of spectrin flexibility. Here we report a 2.4 A resolution crystal structure of human erythroid beta-spectrin repeats 8 and 9. This two-repeat fragment is unusual as it exhibits low stability of folding and one of its repeats lacks two tryptophans highly conserved among spectrin repeats. Two key factors responsible for the lower stability and, possibly, its flexibility, are revealed by the structure. A third novel feature of the structure is the relative orientation of the two repeats, which increases the range of possible conformations and provides new insights into atomic models of spectrin flexibility. 相似文献
We formulated a mathematical model in order to study the joint influence of demographic and genetic processes on metapopulation viability. Moreover, we explored the influence of habitat structure, matrix quality and disturbance on the interplay of these processes. We showed that the conditions that allow metapopulation persistence under the synergistic action of genetic and demographic processes depart significantly from predictions based on a mere superposition of the effects of each process separately. Moreover, an optimal dispersal rate exists that maximizes the range of survival rates of dispersers under which metapopulation persists and at the same time allows the largest sustainable patch removal and patch‐size reduction. The relative impact of patch removal and patch‐size reduction depends both on matrix quality and the dispersal strategy of the species: metapopulation persistence is more affected by patch‐size reduction (patch removal) for low (high)‐dispersing species, in presence of a low (high) quality matrix. Avoidance of inbreeding, through increased dispersal when the rate of inbreeding in a population is large, has positive effects on low‐dispersing species, but impairs the persistence of high‐dispersing species. Finally, size heterogeneity between patches largely influences metapopulation dynamics; the presence of large patches, even at the expense of other patches being smaller, can have positive effects on persistence in particular for species of low dispersing ability. 相似文献
The management of remnant populations in highly fragmented landscapes requires a thorough understanding of the processes shaping
population persistence. We investigated relationships between population characteristics (i.e. size, density and pollinator
abundance), offspring performance, genetic diversity and differentiation in Trollius
europaeus, a plant with a nursery pollination system. In 19 populations of different sizes and located in north-east Switzerland, an
area which has undergone widespread land use changes over the last decades, we assessed neutral genetic diversity (N
total = 383) using AFLPs and plant performance in a greenhouse experiment (N
total = 584) using competition and control treatments. Overall genetic differentiation was low (F
ST = 0.033) with a marginal significant isolation by distance effect (P = 0.06) indicating (historical) genetic connectivity among the populations. Mean expected heterozygosity was H
E of 0.309 (0.0257–0.393) while inbreeding coefficients (F
IS) were significant in only three populations. Genetic diversity was not related to population size, plant density or pollinator
abundance. Plant performance was reduced under competition (P < 0.001) but the severity of competition was independent of genetic diversity and population size. In summary, remnant populations
of T. europaeus retain genetic diversity and seem capable of persisting under the present conditions within an agricultural matrix. T. europaeus is a perennial herb, thus it may require several generations for the negative effects of fragmentation and isolation to manifest.
Our findings indicate that small populations are as important as large populations for the conservation and management of
genetic resources. 相似文献
Justin J. Meager Anders Fernö Jon Egil Skjæraasen 《Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries》2018,28(1):153-176
Cod (Gadus morhua) are an iconic fish species of cultural, historical and economical significance across the Atlantic and adjacent seas. Among many scholarly investigations, this interest has prompted behavioural research, rendering cod one of the few commercially harvested marine fishes for which behaviour has been studied in a comprehensive manner. In our review of this behavioural work, we examine the variability in cod behaviour across five functional domains: foraging, predation, social interactions, migration and reproduction. Research to date suggests a high level of behavioural sophistication in cod that is underpinned by complex learning strategies and long-term memory. Cod also demonstrate substantial variability in how they respond to different ecological circumstances. Considerable variation is evident both within and between individuals, and in some instances, between populations. There are a number of pathways from which this variation appears to arise, such as asocial and social learning, environmental control of phenotypic plasticity and genetic control, but there are no known examples of behaviours that are purely the result of one of these mechanisms. Behavioural variation is therefore likely to result from a combination of these factors, underscoring the need for a quantitative, multivariate approach to understand behavioural variation in cod. 相似文献