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Using the crystal structure of Despentapeptide (B26-B30) insulin (DPI) as the search model, the crystal structure of DesBl-B2 Despentapeptide (B26-B30) insulin (DesBl-2 DPI) has been studied by the molecular replacement method. There is one DesBl-2 DPI molecule in each crystallographic asymmetric unit. The cross rotation function search and the translation function search show apparent peaks and thus determine the orientation and position of DesBl-2 DPI molecule in the cell respectively. The subsequent three-dimensional structural rebuilding and refine-ment of DesBl-2 DPI molecule confirm the results by molecular replacement method.  相似文献   

Using the crystal structure of Despentapeptide (B26-B30) insulin (DPI as the search model, the crystal structure of DesB1-B2 Despentapeptide (B26-B30) insulin (DesB1-2 DPI) has been studied by the molecular replacement method. There is one DesB1-2 DPI molecule in each crystallographic asymmetric unit. The cross rotation function search and the translation function search show apparent peaks and thus determine the orientation and position of DesB1-2 DPI molecule in the cell respectively. The subsequent three-dimensional structural rebuilding and refinement of DesB1-2 DPI molecule confirm the results by molecular replacement method.  相似文献   

Insulin hexamethyl ester was digested by trypsin. The resulting desoctapeptide-(B23 - 30)-insulin pentamethyl ester was purified. This compound was digested by carboxypeptidase B to remove the arginine residue B22 at the end of the B chain. Then the N-terminal amino groups of the remaining desnonapeptide-(B22 - 30)-insulin pentamethyl ester were protected with the Boc residue. The free carboxyl group of the glutamic acid residue B21 of this product was coupled to the following synthetic tetrapeptide esters: Arg-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe, Lys(Boc)-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe, Orn(Boc)-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe, Cit-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe, Ala-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe and Gly-Gly-Phe-Phe-OMe. The syntheses of these peptide esters are described. After removal of all protecting groups, despentapeptide-insulin (B22-Arg) and analogues of this product with variation in position B22 could be obtained. They were purified by column chromatography. The biological activities of these components were determined by the mouse fall test. In the case of despentapeptide insulin (C-terminus Arg-Gly-Phe-Phe), the activity rose to the expected value of 34%. The insulin variants with amino acid residues other than arginine in position B22 had much lower activities: with lysine 13%, with ornithine 12%, with citrulline 9%, with alanine 8% and with glycine 6%. Desnonapeptide-insulin by itself posses an activity of 3%. These results demonstrate once more the essential nature of arginine residue B22 for insulin activity.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of despentapeptide insulin, a monomeric insulin, has been refined at 1.3 Å spacing and subsequently used to predict and model the organization in the insulin fibril. The model makes use of the contacts in the densely packed despentapeptide insulin crystal, and takes into account other experimental evidence, including binding studies with Congo red. The dimensions of this model fibril correspond well with those measured experimentally, and the monomer–monomer contacts within the fibril are in accordance with the known physical chemistry of insulin fibrils. Using this model, it may be possible to predict mutations in insulin that might alleviate problems associated with fibril formation during insulin therapy. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Insulin was adsorbed to a strongly acidic ion exchanger and incubated with pepsin. The digestion of the matrix-bound insulin was found to be restricted to the cleavage of the peptide bond between phenylalanine-B25 and tyrosine-B26. Factionation of the reaction products was achieved by gel filtrationon Sephadex G-50 at pH 8 where des-pentapeptide(B26-30)-insulin does not aggregate. Another way to purify this compound was ion-exchange chromatography, which was easy due to the loss of one positive charge on the modified insulin. Crystallization could be achieved in a phenol-containing buffer. Des-pentapeptide(B26-30)-insulin was found to be molecularly uniform by electrophoresis at pH 2.2 and 8.6, thin-layer chromatography, performic acid oxidation, end group analysis and amino acid analysis. The CD-spectrum indicated conformational changes compared to insulin. The biological activity was considerably reduced: fat cell assay 20%, blood sugar depression 30%.  相似文献   

Enzymatic modification at the nonreducing end D-glucosyl residue of p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltopentaoside was developed by using the transglycosylation of beta-D-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans. The enzyme regioselectively synthesized p-nitrophenyl 4(5)-O-beta-D-galactosyl-alpha-maltopentaoside (a yield of 12.0% based on the amount of p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltopentaoside added) on a preparative scale from lactose as a donor and p-nitrophenyl alpha-maltopentaoside as an acceptor. It revealed that the nonreducing end galactosyl group of p-nitrophenyl 4(5)-O-beta-D-galactosyl-alpha-maltopentaoside did not prohibit the action of human salivary and pancreatic alpha-amylases. This derivative was shown to be very suitable as a novel substrate for analytical use of human alpha-amylase assay in serum through a conjugated reaction involving glucoamylase and alpha-D-glucosidase.  相似文献   

应用悬滴气相扩散法在含6%氯化纳和12.5%丙酮的柠檬酸缓冲体系中,获得可供X射线结构分析用的B链氨端去一肽(B1)羧端去五肽(B26—30)猪胰岛素(DesB1-DPI)单晶体。晶体属四方晶系,空间群为P4122或P4322,晶胞参数为:a=b=36.0A,c=120.0A,a=β=γ=90°。单位晶胞中每个结晶学不对称单位含有2个DesB1—DPI分子。  相似文献   

应用悬滴气相扩散法在含6%氯化钠和12.5%丙酮的柠檬酸缓冲体系中,获得可供X射线结构分析用的B链氨端去-肽(B1)羧端去五肽(B26-30)猪胰岛素单晶体。晶体属四方晶系,空间群为P4122或P4322,晶胞参数为:a=b=36.0A,c=120.0A,α=β=γ=90度。单位晶胞中每个结晶学不对称单位含有2个DesB1-DPI分子。  相似文献   

Single chain des-(B30) insulin (SCI) has been synthesized from porcine insulin by trypsin in a medium with a low content of water. Trypsin catalyzes an intramolecular transpeptidation reaction in which the glycineA1 residue substitutes the alanineB30 residue, rendering a LysB29 -GlyA1 peptide link between the A- and B-chains of insulin. The insulin derivative has been purified by column chromatography and appears to be homogeneous in HPLC and disc electrophoresis. The structure was proven to be B(1-29)-A(1-21) insulin by proteolysis with Armilliaria mellea protease followed by a few steps of Edman degradation. The electrophoretic mobility indicates that SCI has a more condensed structure than that of insulin. Perfect rhombohedral crystals were obtained under conditions resembling those under which insulin crystallizes in the same form. SCI was devoid of effect in the blood sugar lowering assay in mice, the estimated potency being less than 0.1% of that of insulin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the C-terminal nonapeptide of bovine insulin B-chain is described. 4-(Bromomethyl)-3-nitrobenzoylglycyl-poly(ethylene glycol) Mr = 15,000) was used as soluble support. The C-terminal alanine was first converted to Boc-Ala-O-(2-nitro-4-carboxy) benzyl ester which was then coupled to Gly-PEG via DCC activation. The synthesis was performed using the in situ symmetrical anhydride coupling method. Cleavage of the protected peptide from the polymeric support was achieved by photolysis. The product was then chromatographed on a column of Sephadex LH-20. All the protecting groups of a sample were removed with liquid HF and the unprotected crude peptide was purified by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex to obtain an electrophoretically and chromatographically pure peptide. The identity of this peptide was confirmed by field desorption mass spectrometry and amino acid analysis. Circular dichroism measurement suggests that the free nonapeptide possesses a disordered conformation. The nonapeptide was tested for the racemization of the individual amino acids by gas chromatography and the results showed that no residue was significantly racemized.  相似文献   

Des-pentapeptide-insulin (DPI), a monomeric analogue which lacks the C-terminal five residues of the B-chain, provides a tractable model for 2D-NMR studies of insulin under a variety of solvent conditions. In this paper we present the sequential assignment of DPI at pH 1.8 and 25 degrees C in 10% deuterated DMSO/90% H2O; the chemical shifts are in general similar to those recently described in the absence of an organic cosolvent [1], in 20% acetic acid [2] and (for intact insulin) in 35% acetonitrile [3]. Under each of these solvent conditions qualitative analysis of the 2D-NMR data indicates that the major elements of secondary structure observed in the crystal state (three alpha-helices and B-chain beta-turn) are retained in solution. However, there is disagreement in the literature regarding the stability of the insulin fold, as monitored by amide-proton exchange rates and long-range nuclear Overhauser enhancements [1-3]. In contrast to a previous study [1], we observe slowly exchanging amide resonances (in freshly prepared D2O solutions) and nonlocal NOEs under each of the solvent conditions described, implying the existence of a stably folded secondary structure and hydrophobic core. The slowly-exchanging resonances are assigned to the central alpha-helix of the B-chain, the ends of the adjoining beta-turn, and the two A-chain alpha-helices. Qualitative analysis of long-range NOEs indicates that the major features of the crystal state are retained under these solvent conditions.  相似文献   

Time course of incorporation and the effect of 5'-triphosphate of the selective antiherpetic agent (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (bv5dUTP) on the incorporation of dTTP and dATP into template-primers of different structure were studied in E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment enzyme-catalyzed reactions. bv5dUTP could substitute for dTTP depending on the structure of template-primer. E.g. into calf thymus DNA incorporation of bv5dUMP was around 80% of that of dTMP at 30 minutes of incubation. The analog has also inhibited dTMP incorporation, net DNA synthesis, however, was hardly affected. The substrate properties of the analog were studied with [2-14C]-labelled bv5dUTP.  相似文献   

The structure of desheptapeptide (B24-B30) insulin (DHPI) in a new crystal form (form B) has been determined and refined to 0.2 nm resolution. The crystals were obtained under the same crystallization condition as previously reported crystal form (form A). The overall structures of the two crystal forms are similar but obvious differences can be observed in crystal packing and local conformation. The crystal structures of the two forms show that the two independent molecules in an asymmetric unit from a DHPI dimer, and the dimer formation buries more than 18.20 and 16.95 nm~2 of solvent accessible surfaces for form A and form B DHPI, respectively, the largest among insulin and insulin analogs ever reported. Close examination at crystal packing shows that the dimer-forming surface of DHPI, namely Surface Ⅱ, is normally present in the association of insulin and insulin analogs in their crystal structures. The results demonstrate that Surface Ⅱ is crucially important for the formation of two crystal form  相似文献   

Destripeptide (B28-B30) insulin (DTRI) is an insulin analogue that has much weaker association ability than native insulin but keeps most of its biological activity. It can be crystallized from a solution containing zinc ions at near-neutral pH. Its crystal structure has been determined by molecular replacement and refined at 1.9 A resolution. DTRI in the crystal exists as a loose hexamer compared with 2Zn insulin. The hexamer only contains one zinc ion that coordinates to the B10 His residues of three monomers. Although residues B28-B30 are located in the monomer-monomer interface within a dimer, the removal of them can simultaneously weaken both the interactions between monomers within the dimer and the interactions between dimers. Because the B-chain C-terminus of insulin is very flexible, we take the DTRI hexamer as a transition state in the native insulin dissociation process and suggest a possible dissociation process of the insulin hexamer based on the DTRI structure.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates are water-insoluble, hydrophobic polymers and can be degraded by microorganisms that produce extracellular PHA depolymerase. The present work was aimed to evaluate the degradability of Polyhydroxyalkanoate film produced by Halomonas hydrothermalis using Jatropha biodiesel byproduct as a substrate. PHB films were subjected to degradation in soil and compared with the synthetic polymer (acrylate) and blend prepared using the synthetic polymer (acrylate) and PHB. After 50 days, 60% of weight loss in PHB film and after 180 days 10% of blended film was degraded while no degradation was found in the synthetic film. Scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy revealed that after 50 days the PHB film and the blended film became more porous after degradation while synthetic film was not porous. The degradative process was biologically mediated which was evident by the control in which the PHB films were kept in sterile soil and the films showed inherent integrity over time. The TGA and DSC analysis shows that the melting temperatures were changed after degradation indicating physical changes in the polymer during degradation.  相似文献   

Olsen HB  Kaarsholm NC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(39):11893-11900
Intracellular proteins are frequently modified by covalent addition of lipid moieties such as myristate. Although a functional role of protein lipidation is implicated in diverse biological processes, only a few examples exist where the structural basis for the phenomena is known. We employ the insulin molecule as a model to evaluate the detailed structural effects induced by myristoylation. Several lines of investigation are used to characterize the solution properties of Lys(B29)(N(epsilon)-myristoyl) des(B30) insulin. The structure of the polypeptide chains remains essentially unchanged by the modification. However, the flexible positions taken up by the hydrocarbon chain selectively modify key structural properties. In the insulin monomer, the myristoyl moiety binds in the dimer interface and modulates protein-protein recognition events involved in insulin dimer formation and receptor binding. Myristoylation also contributes stability expressed as an 30% increase in the free energy of unfolding of the protein. Addition of two Zn(2+)/hexamer and phenol results in the displacement of the myristoyl moiety from the dimer interface and formation of stable R(6) hexamers similar to those formed by human insulin. However, in its new position on the surface of the hexamer, the fatty acid chain affects the equilibria of the phenol-induced interconversions between the T(6), T(3)R(3), and R(6) allosteric states of the insulin hexamer. We conclude that insulin is an attractive model system for analyzing the diverse structural effects induced by lipidation of a compact globular protein.  相似文献   

A new method to cyclize unprotected peptides is presented. The method involves the use of a 1-phenyl-2-mercaptoethyl derivative on the N-terminal glycine. This template acts as an auxiliary thiol-containing group in order to drive cyclization with a counterpart thioester moiety on the same molecule. Subsequent facile removal of the derivative generates products with only native peptide structure. The successful, high-yield cyclization of the peptide GSPYSSDTTPA is described.  相似文献   

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