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1. Ganglioside patterns were analyzed from four neural tissues (medulla, midbrain, forebrain and retina) in a representative from each of the four tetrapod classes. 2. Regional variations in ganglioside patterns were noted within some species, but differences were greater across phylogenetic lines. 3. These results suggest that evolutionary history plays a greater role than neural differentiation in the expression of brain ganglioside patterns.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the phases and amplitude of the endogenous circadian pacemaker from constant-routine core-temperature series is crucial for making inferences about the properties of the human biological clock from data collected under this protocol. This paper presents a set of statistical methods based on a harmonic-regression-plus-correlated-noise model for estimating the phases and the amplitude of the endogenous circadian pacemaker from constant-routine core-temperature data. The methods include a Bayesian Monte Carlo procedure for computing the uncertainty in these circadian functions. We illustrate the techniques with a detailed study of a single subject's core-temperature series and describe their relationship to other statistical methods for circadian data analysis. In our laboratory, these methods have been successfully used to analyze more than 300 constant routines and provide a highly reliable means of extracting phase and amplitude information from core-temperature data.  相似文献   

We studied lung mechanics and regional lung function in five young men during restrictive chest strapping. The effects on lung mechanics were similar to those noted by others in that lung elastic recoil increased as did maximum expiratory flow at low lung volumes. Chest strapping reduced the maximum expiratory flow observed at a given elastic recoil pressure. Breathing helium increased maximum expiratory flow less when subjects were strapped than when they were not. These findings indicated that strapping decreased the caliber of airways upstream from the equal pressure point. Regional lung volumes from apex to base were measured with xenon 133 while subjects were seated. The distribution of regional volumes was measured at RV, and at volumes equal to strapped FRC and strapped TLC; no change due to chest strapping was observed. Similarly, the regional distribution of 133Xe boluses inhaled at RV and strapped TLC was unaffected by chest strapping. Closing capacity decreased with chest strapping. We concluded that airway closure decreased during chest strapping and that airway closure was not the cause of the observed increase in elastic recoil of the lung. The combination of decreased slope of the static pressure-volume curve and unchanged regional volumes suggested that strapping increased the apex-to-base pleural pressure gradient.  相似文献   

Regional lung emptying was simulated by means of a bialveolar lung model. The influence of bronchial asymmetry and the vertical pleural pressure gradient was evaluated. The model suggests that 1) in vivo the influence of the pleural pressure gradient prevails over that of the bronchial asymmetry; 2) in the presence of this gradient, the shape of phases III and IV of the single-breath washout curves obtained following inspiration of a tracer gas bolus at residual volume is determined by the recoil pressure-volume curve of the lung, by the vertical displacements of the alveoli, and,, at higher flow rates, by the elastic characteristics of the airways; 3) if the pleural pressure gradient is independent of lung volume and of flow rate, the factors mentioned in 2 suffice to produce single-breath washout curves (phases III and IV) and regional vs. overall lung volume relationships corresponding to those observed in vivo; 4) the configuration of the maximal expiratory flow-volume curve is relatively insensitive to pulmonary and bronchial asymmetry, at least in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

The ability to evaluate direction of amplitude changes in sound stimuli was studied in adults and in the 11–12- and 15–16-year-old teenagers. The stimuli representing sequences of fragments of the tone of 1 kHz, whose amplitude is changing with time, are used as a model of approach and withdrawal of the sound source. The 11–12-year-old teenagers when estimating direction of amplitude changes were found to make significantly more errors than two other studied age groups, including those in repeated experiments. The structure of errors-the ratio of the portion of errors at estimation of increasing and decreasing by amplitude stimulus-turned out to differ in teenagers and in adults. There is discussed the problem of effect of unspecific activation of the large hemisphere cortex in teenagers on processes of taking solution about the complex sound stimulus, including the possibility of approach and withdrawal of the sound source.  相似文献   

The present study quantifies the amplitude and phase variability of steady-state VEPs (S-VEPs) and compares this variability between subjects and between individual runs. The S-VEPs were recorded repeatedly in 14 normal subjects with varying spatial and temporal frequencies of sinusoidal gratings; 6 spatial frequencies (range 0.5–8.0 c/deg) with 3 temporal frequencies (4, 6 and 8 Hz) were used. A total of 75 responses were averaged and analyzed by the Fourier method. Four recordings were obtained in each spatio-temporal combination.In general, the phase data showed small inter- and intrasubject variability. As anticipated, the amplitude data showed a large degree of intersubject variability, although the intrasubject variability was very small. In addition, in some stimulus conditions the inter- and intrasubject variability increased, which thus suggested the existence of an optimal spatio-temporal combination. Therefore, these stimulus parameters should be taken into consideration when S-VEPs are applied in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and temperature changes on circadian clocks in cyanobacteria, unicellular algae, and plants, as well as fungi, arthropods, and vertebrates are reviewed. Periodic temperature with periods around 24 h even in the low range of 1-2 degrees C (strong Zeitgeber effect) can entrain all ectothermic (poikilothermic) organisms. This is also reflected by the phase shifts-recorded by phase response curves (PRCs)-that are elicited by step- or pulsewise changes in the temperature. The amount of phase shift (weak or strong type of PRC) depends on the amplitude of the temperature change and on its duration when applied as a pulse. Form and position of the PRC to temperature pulses are similar to those of the PRC to light pulses. A combined high/low temperature and light/dark cycle leads to a stabile phase and maximal amplitude of the circadian rhythm-when applied in phase (i.e., warm/light and cold/dark). When the two Zeitgeber cycles are phase-shifted against each other the phase of the circadian rhythm is determined by either Zeitgeber or by both, depending on the relative strength (amplitude) of both Zeitgeber signals and the sensitivity of the species/individual toward them. A phase jump of the circadian rhythm has been observed in several organisms at a certain phase relationship of the two Zeitgeber cycles. Ectothermic organisms show inter- and intraspecies plus seasonal variations in the temperature limits for the expression of the clock, either of the basic molecular mechanism, and/or the dependent variables. A step-down from higher temperatures or a step-up from lower temperatures to moderate temperatures often results in initiation of oscillations from phase positions that are about 180 degrees different. This may be explained by holding the clock at different phase positions (maximum or minimum of a clock component) or by significantly different levels of clock components at the higher or lower temperatures. Different permissive temperatures result in different circadian amplitudes, that usually show a species-specific optimum. In endothermic (homeothermic) organisms periodic temperature changes of about 24 h often cause entrainment, although with considerable individual differences, only if they are of rather high amplitudes (weak Zeitgeber effects). The same applies to the phase-shifting effects of temperature pulses. Isolated bird pineals and rat suprachiasmatic nuclei tissues on the other hand, respond to medium high temperature pulses and reveal PRCs similar to that of light signals. Therefore, one may speculate that the self-selected circadian rhythm of body temperature in reptiles or the endogenously controlled body temperature in homeotherms (some of which show temperature differences of more than 2 degrees C) may, in itself, serve as an internal entraining system. The so-called heterothermic mammals (undergoing low body temperature states in a daily or seasonal pattern) may be more sensitive to temperature changes. Effects of temperature elevation on the molecular clock mechanisms have been shown in Neurospora (induction of the frequency (FRQ) protein) and in Drosophila (degradation of the period (PER) and timeless (TIM) protein) and can explain observed phase shifts of rhythms in conidiation and locomotor activity, respectively. Temperature changes probably act directly on all processes of the clock mechanism some being more sensitive than the others. Temperature changes affect membrane properties, ion homeostasis, calcium influx, and other signal cascades (cAMP, cGMP, and the protein kinases A and C) (indirect effects) and may thus influence, in particular, protein phosphorylation processes of the clock mechanism. The temperature effects resemble to some degree those induced by light or by light-transducing neurons and their transmitters. In ectothermic vertebrates temperature changes significantly affect the melatonin rhythm, which in turn exerts entraining (phase shifting) functions.  相似文献   

Human stratum corneum lipids: characterization and regional variations   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The lipids of mammalian stratum corneum are known to be important regulators of skin permeability. Since the human stratum corneum displays remarkable regional variations in skin permeability, we assessed the total lipid concentration, the distribution of all major lipid species, and the fatty acid composition in Bligh-Dyer extracts from four skin sites (abdomen, leg, face, and sole) that are known to display widely disparate permeability. Statistically significant differences in lipid weight were found at the four sites that were inversely proportional to their known permeability. In all four sites, among the polar lipids, the stratum corneum contained negligible phospholipids, but substantially more cholesterol sulfate (1-7%) than previously appreciated. As in the stratum corneum from other mammals, the bulk of the lipids consisted of neutral (60-80%) and sphingolipids (15-35%). Of the neutral lipids, free sterols (4- to 5-times greater than esterified sterols), free fatty acids, triglycerides, and highly nonpolar species (n-alkanes and squalene) predominated. n-Alkanes, which were present in greater quantities than previously appreciated, comprised a homologous series of odd- and even-chained compounds ranging from C19 to C34. The sphingolipids comprised over 80% ceramides vs. lesser quantities of glycosphingolipids. In all four sites, the sphingolipids were the major repository of long-chain, saturated fatty acids. The neutral lipid:sphingolipid ratio generally was proportional to the known permeability of each site: higher neutral lipids and lower sphingolipids generally were associated with superior barrier properties. These studies provide: 1) the first detailed, quantitative analysis of human stratum corneum lipids and 2) information about the variability in lipid composition at four skin sites with known differences in permeability. The latter results suggest that variations in neutral lipids, rather than sphingolipids, may underlie local variations in skin permeability.  相似文献   

Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) inhabit coastal regions because they feed on the aquatic vegetation that grows in shallow waters, which are the same areas where human activities are greatest. Noise produced from anthropogenic and natural sources has the potential to affect these animals by eliciting responses ranging from mild behavioral changes to extreme aversion. Sound levels were calculated from recordings made throughout behavioral observation periods. An information theoretic approach was used to investigate the relationship between behavior patterns and sound level. Results indicated that elevated sound levels affect manatee activity and are a function of behavioral state. The proportion of time manatees spent feeding and milling changed in response to sound level. When ambient sound levels were highest, more time was spent in the directed, goal‐oriented behavior of feeding, whereas less time was spent engaged in undirected behavior such as milling. This work illustrates how shifts in activity of individual manatees may be useful parameters for identifying impacts of noise on manatees and might inform population level effects.  相似文献   

Both the constant routine (CR) and the dim light melatonin onset have been suggested as reliable methods to determine circadian phase from a single circadian cycle. However, both techniques lack published studies quantifying the intercycle variability in their phase resolution. To address this question eight healthy male subjects participated in two CRs, 7 days apart. Circadian phase was determined using 3-min samples of core body temperature and two hourly urinary sulphatoxy melatonin excretion rates. Phase and amplitude were estimated using simple (24 h) and complex (24 + 12 h) cosinor models of temperature data and the onset, offset, and a distance-weighted-least-squares (DWLS) fitted acrophase for the melatonin metabolite. The variability in phase estimates was measured using the mean absolute difference between successive CRs. Using the simple 24 h model of temperature data, the mean absolute phase difference was 51 min (SD = 35 min). Using the complex model, the mean absolute phase difference was 62 min (SD = 35 min). Using the DWLS fitted acrophase for the melatonin metabolite, the mean absolute phase difference between CR1 and CR2 was 40 min (SD = 26 min). The results indicate that for CRs a week apart, the mean absolute difference in an individual's phase estimate can vary by 40-60 min depending on the choice of dependent measure and analytic technique. In contrast to the intraindividual variability, the group results showed considerably less variability. The mean algebraic difference between CRs, using temperature- or melatonin-derived estimates, was less than 5 min, and well within the range of normal measurement error.  相似文献   

Sensors used for lung sound research are generally designed by the investigators or adapted from devices used in related fields. Their relative characteristics have never been defined. We employed an artificial chest wall with a viscoelastic surface and a white noise signal generator as a stable source of sound to compare the frequency response and pulse waveform reproduction of a selection of devices used for lung sound research. We used spectral estimation techniques to determine frequency response and cross-correlation of pulses to determine pulse shape fidelity. The sensors evaluated were the Siemens EMT 25 C accelerometer (Siemens); PPG 201 accelerometer (PPG); Sony ECM-T150 electret condenser microphone with air coupler (air coupler; with cylindrical air chambers of 5-, 10-, and 15-mm diameter and conical air chamber of 10-mm diameter); Littman classic stethoscope head (Littman) connected to an electret condenser microphone; and the Andries Tek (Andries) electronic stethoscope. We found that the size and shape of the air coupler chamber to have no important effect on the detected sound. The Siemens, air coupler, and Littman performed similarly with relatively flat frequency responses from 200 to 1,200 Hz. The PPG had the broadest frequency response, with useful sensitivity extending to 4,000 Hz. The Andries' frequency response was the poorest above 1,000 Hz. Accuracy in reproducing pulses roughly corresponded with the high-frequency sensitivity of the sensors. We conclude that there are important differences among commonly used lung sound sensors that have to be defined to allow the comparison of data from different laboratories.  相似文献   

We measured regional lung volumes from apex to base in humans during changes in thoracoabdominal shape which we monitored with magnetometers. In erect subjects, voluntary changes of shape at FRC did not change regional volume distribution. In supine subjects, the effect of negative pressure applied to the abdomen and a similar thoracoabdominal configuration achieved by voluntary means were studied. The distribution of regional volumes in both situations was the same as that measured during relaxation at the same overall lung volumes. We concluded that neither voluntary changes in shape nor negative abdominal pressure influenced the human pleural pressure gradient. This result, which differed from findings in animals, was probably because the human chest was relatively stiff and behaved with one degree of freedom; all parts of the human rib cage changed dimensions proportionally while negative abdominal pressure distorted the rib cage of animals.  相似文献   

Jackson  T. A.  Parks  J. W.  Jones  P. D.  Woychuk  R. N.  Sutton  J. A.  Hollinger  J. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):473-487
Seasonal and regional variations in the speciation, sediment-water partitioning, and dynamics of mercury (Hg) were studied at selected sites along the Hg-polluted Wabigoon River, and at unpolluted headwater and tributary sites, during April–September, 1979. ‘Dissolved’ and ‘particulate’ forms of Hg in the water were separated by continuous-flow centrifugation in the field. The Hg and other pollutants such as wood chips and salt had been discharged from a chlor-alkali plant and paper mill at Dryden, Ontario. Concentrations and loadings of particulate methyl mercury (CH3Hg+) and total particulate Hg (and loadings of total ‘dissolved’ Hg) were greatest during the spring flood (April-May) owing to accelerated resuspension and transport of sediments. Concentrations of ‘dissolved’ CH3Hg+, however, were highest in the summer (July–September), probably reflecting stimulation of microbial methylating activity by elevated temperatures, together with factors such as reduced levels of metal-scavenging particulates and minimal dilution by runoff. Total dissolved Hg concentrations were relatively high in September at polluted sites only, possibly because of desorption from sediments due to elevated concentrations of Cl ions. Loadings of dissolved CH3Hg+ tended to be high in the summer but were generally depressed (suggesting sorption by suspended particles) during the major spring-flood episode in May. During July–August dissolved CH3Hg+ was a function of total dissolved Hg, suggesting rapid biomethylation of desorbed inorganic Hg; but in general dissolved and suspended CH3Hg+ levels depended on environmental variables and were unrelated to total Hg concentrations. In the summer only, total dissolved Hg was a function of dissolved Cl. Hg species in particulates were associated with sulfides, hydrated Fe and Mn oxides, organic matter (notably high molecular weight humic and humic-Fe components), and selenium (Se); but CH3Hg+ and total Hg differed in their specific preferences for binding agents, implying that binding sites discriminate between CH3Hg+ and Hg2+ ions. CH3Hg+ was associated with sulfide and (in the spring only) with Fe oxides, whereas total Hg was associated with organic matter and Se and with DTPA- and NaOH-extractable Fe in the spring but with Mn oxide and NaOH-extractable organics in the summer. Sulfides were most abundant in May, indicating that they were eroded from bottom sediments, but Fe and Mn oxides were most abundant in the summer, probably owing to activities of filamentous iron bacteria and other micro-organisms. Particulate Hg was 98–100% nonextractable by mild solvents such as Ca acetate, CaCl2, dilute acetic acid, and (at polluted sites only) DTPA solutions, suggesting that the particulate Hg mobilized in the spring may not be readily available to organisms; association with Se and high molecular weight humic matter also supports this hypothesis. Hg probably becomes more bio-available in the summer, as suggested by the upsurge in dissolved CH3Hg+ and total dissolved Hg levels, and by increases in the solubility of particulate Hg in acetic acid, DTPA, H2O2, and NaOH solutions, as well as an increase in the relative importance of lower molecular weight fractions of NaOH-extractable Hg (in September). Regional variations in Hg speciation and partitioning reflected a gradient in sediment composition from wood chips near Dryden to silt-clay mud further downstream. Hg in silt-clay mud relatively far (> 35 km) downstream from the source of pollution or in unpolluted areas appeared to be more readily solubilized by Cl ions or chelators such as DTPA, more readily methylated (as indicated by downstream increases in dissolved CH3Hg+ levels and CH3Hg+/total Hg ratios), and was to a greater degree organically bound (H2O2-extractable), and thus was probably more bio-available, than Hg in wood-chip deposits. Possible explanations include weaker binding of Hg by the mud, the more finely divided state of the mud, and improved microbial growth at lower concentrations of toxic pollutants. Owing to enrichment in sulfides and Fe oxides, resuspended wood-chip sediments were especially efficient scavengers of CH3Hg+. The results indicate that in any pollution abatement plan aimed at lowering the Hg levels in the biota of lakes fed by the Wabigoon River, immobilization, removal, or detoxification of dissolved as well as particulate forms of Hg in the river would probably have to be considered. Possibly, Hg species could be ‘scrubbed’ from the river water by increasing the suspended load and by sedimentation and treatment with Hg-binding agents in special receiving basins.  相似文献   

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