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Neural crest cells are multipotent progenitors, capable of producing diverse cell types upon differentiation. Recent studies have identified significant heterogeneity in both the fates produced and genes expressed by different premigratory crest cells. While these cells may be specified toward particular fates prior to migration, transplant studies show that some may still be capable of respecification at this time. Here we summarize evidence that extracellular signals in the local environment may act to specify premigratory crest and thus generate diversity in the population. Three main classes of signals-Wnts, BMP2/BMP4 and TGFbeta1,2,3-have been shown to directly influence the production of particular neural crest cell fates, and all are expressed near the premigratory crest. This system may therefore provide a good model for integration of multiple signaling pathways during embryonic cell fate specification.  相似文献   

Neural crest (NC) induction is a long process that continues through gastrula and neurula stages. In order to reveal additional stages of NC induction we performed a series of explants where different known inducing tissues were taken along with the prospective NC. Interestingly the dorso-lateral marginal zone (DLMZ) is only able to promote the expression of a subset of neural plate border (NPB) makers without the presence of specific NC markers. We then analysed the temporal requirement for BMP and Wnt signals for the NPB genes Hairy2a and Dlx5, compared to the expression of neural plate (NP) and NC genes. Although the NP is sensitive to BMP levels at early gastrula stages, Hairy2a/Dlx5 expression is unaffected. Later, the NP becomes insensitive to BMP levels at late gastrulation when NC markers require an inhibition. The NP requires an inhibition of Wnt signals prior to gastrulation, but becomes insensitive during early gastrula stages when Hairy2a/Dlx5 requires an inhibition of Wnt signalling. An increase in Wnt signalling is then important for the switch from NPB to NC at late gastrula stages. In addition to revealing an additional distinct signalling event in NC induction, this work emphasizes the importance of integrating both timing and levels of signalling activity during the patterning of complex tissues such as the vertebrate ectoderm.  相似文献   

Formation of the thickened apical ectodermal ridge of developing vertebrate limbs appears to be a complex process. Direct connections to molecular controls of cell migratory machinery have been shown for first time in neural crest migration. New unsuspected roles are emerging for ephrin ligand/Eph receptor signalling in vascular morphogenesis.  相似文献   


The neural crest (NC) is a population of migratory stem/progenitor cells that is found in early vertebrate embryos. NC cells are induced during gastrulation, and later migrate to multiple destinations and contribute to many types of cells and tissues, such as craniofacial structures, cardiac tissues, pigment cells and the peripheral nervous system. Recently, accumulating evidence suggests that many extracellular metalloproteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), and ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs), play important roles in various stages of NC development. Interference with metalloproteinase functions often causes defects in craniofacial structures, as well as in other cells and tissues that are contributed by NC cells, in humans and other vertebrates. In this review, we summarize the current state of the field concerning the roles of these three families of metalloproteinases in NC development and related tissue morphogenesis, with a special emphasis on craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The neural crest is an embryonic cell population that originates at the border between the neural plate and the prospective epidermis. Around the time of neural tube closure, neural crest cells emigrate from the neural tube, migrate along defined paths in the embryo and differentiate into a wealth of derivatives. Most of the craniofacial skeleton, the peripheral nervous system, and the pigment cells of the body originate from neural crest cells. This cell type has important clinical relevance, since many of the most common craniofacial birth defects are a consequence of abnormal neural crest development. Whereas the migration and differentiation of the neural crest have been extensively studied, we are just beginning to understand how this tissue originates. The formation of the neural crest has been described as a classic example of embryonic induction, in which specific tissue interactions and the concerted action of signaling pathways converge to induce a multipotent population of neural crest precursor cells. In this review, we summarize the current status of knowledge on neural crest induction. We place particular emphasis on the signaling molecules and tissue interactions involved, and the relationship between neural crest induction, the formation of the neural plate and neural plate border, and the genes that are upregulated as a consequence of the inductive events.  相似文献   

Genomic analysis of neural crest induction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The vertebrate neural crest is a migratory stem cell population that arises within the central nervous system. Here, we combine embryological techniques with array technology to describe 83 genes that provide the first gene expression profile of a newly induced neural crest cell. This profile contains numerous novel markers of neural crest precursors and reveals previously unrecognized similarities between neural crest cells and endothelial cells, another migratory cell population. We have performed a secondary screen using in situ hybridization that allows us to extract temporal information and reconstruct the progression of neural crest gene expression as these cells become different from their neighbors and migrate. Our results reveal a sequential 'migration activation' process that reflects stages in the transition to a migratory neural crest cell and suggests that migratory potential is established in a pool of cells from which a subset are activated to migrate.  相似文献   

Common signaling pathways such as those for Wnts and BMPs are used many times during embryogenesis. During the development of the neural crest, Wnt and BMP signals are used repeatedly at different stages to influence initial induction, segregation from the neuroepithelium and cell fate determination. This review considers how specificity is generated within the neural crest for these reiterated signals, discussing examples of how the outcomes of signaling events are modulated by context.  相似文献   

Heterozygous loss of function mutations in CHD7 (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7) lead to CHARGE syndrome, a complex developmental disorder affecting craniofacial structures, cranial nerves and several organ systems. Recently, it was demonstrated that CHD7 is essential for the formation of multipotent migratory neural crest cells, which migrate from the neural tube to many regions of the embryo, where they differentiate into various tissues including craniofacial and heart structures. So far, only few CHD7 target genes involved in neural crest cell development have been identified and the role of CHD7 in neural crest cell guidance and the regulation of mesenchymal-epithelial transition are unknown. Therefore, we undertook a genome-wide microarray expression analysis on wild-type and CHD7 deficient (Chd7 Whi/+ and Chd7 Whi/Whi ) mouse embryos at day 9.5, a time point of neural crest cell migration. We identified 98 differentially expressed genes between wild-type and Chd7 Whi/Whi embryos. Interestingly, many misregulated genes are involved in neural crest cell and axon guidance such as semaphorins and ephrin receptors. By performing knockdown experiments for Chd7 in Xenopus laevis embryos, we found abnormalities in the expression pattern of Sema3a, a protein involved in the pathogenesis of Kallmann syndrome, in vivo. In addition, we detected non-synonymous SEMA3A variations in 3 out of 45 CHD7-negative CHARGE patients. In summary, we discovered for the first time that Chd7 regulates genes involved in neural crest cell guidance, demonstrating a new aspect in the pathogenesis of CHARGE syndrome. Furthermore, we showed for Sema3a a conserved regulatory mechanism across different species, highlighting its significance during development. Although we postulated that the non-synonymous SEMA3A variants which we found in CHD7-negative CHARGE patients alone are not sufficient to produce the phenotype, we suggest an important modifier role for SEMA3A in the pathogenesis of this multiple malformation syndrome.  相似文献   

Previous studies on neural induction have identified regionally localized inducing activities, signaling molecules, potential competence factors and various other features of this important, early differentiation event. In this paper, we have developed an improved model system for analyzing neural induction and patterning using transverse blastoderm isolates obtained from gastrulating chick embryos. We use this model to establish the timing of neural specification and the spatial distribution of perinodal cells having organizer activity. We show that a tissue that acts either as an organizer or as an inducer of an organizer is spatially co-localized with the prospective neuroectoderm immediately rostral to the primitive streak in the early gastrula. As the primitive streak elongates, this tissue with organizing activity and the prospective neuroectoderm rostral to the streak separate. Furthermore, we show that up to and through the mid-primitive streak stage (i.e., stage 3c/3+), the prospective neuroectoderm cannot self-differentiate (i.e. , express neural markers and acquire neural plate morphology) in isolation from tissue with organizer activity. Signals from the organizer and from other more caudal regions of the primitive streak act on the rostral prospective neuroectoderm and the latter gains potency (i.e., is specified) by the fully elongated primitive streak stage (i.e., stage 3d). Transverse blastoderm isolates containing non-specified, prospective neuroectoderm provide an improved model system for analyzing early signaling events involved in neuraxis initiation and patterning.  相似文献   

Gene-regulatory interactions in neural crest evolution and development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this review, we outline the gene-regulatory interactions driving neural crest development and compare these to a hypothetical network operating in the embryonic ectoderm of the cephalochordate amphioxus. While the early stages of ectodermal patterning appear conserved between amphioxus and vertebrates, later activation of neural crest-specific factors at the neural plate border appears to be a vertebrate novelty. This difference may reflect co-option of genetic pathways which conferred novel properties upon the evolving vertebrate neural plate border, potentiating the evolution of definitive neural crest.  相似文献   

The identification of genes in Xenopus, chick and zebrafish expressed early in prospective neural crest (NC) cells has challenged the previous view that the NC is induced during the closure of the neural tube. We compare here the early inductive molecular mechanisms in different organisms and, despite observed differences, propose a general common model for NC induction.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors arising at the lateral edge of the neural plate in vertebrate embryos. After delamination and migration from the neuroepithelium, these cells contribute to a diverse array of tissues including neurons, smooth muscle, craniofacial cartilage, bone cells, endocrine cells and pigment cells. Considerable progress in recent years has furthered our understanding at a molecular level of how this important group of cells is generated and how they are assigned to specific lineages. Here we review a number of recent studies supporting a role for Wnt signaling in neural crest induction, differentiation, and apoptosis. We also summarize the timing of expression of a number of Wnt ligands and receptors with respect to neural crest induction.  相似文献   

In the avian embryo, cranial neural crest (NC) cells migrate extensively throughout the head region and give rise to most of the cranial skeleton (Le Lievre, C. S. (1978). J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol.47, 17–37). To investigate the skeletogenic differentiation of these cells, NC explants from the mesencephalic level of st. 9+ embryos were grown in standard organ culture on Millipore filter substrates either in isolation or in combination with those tissues with which the cells normally associate during their in vivo migration and at their final tissue sites. The results demonstrate that interaction between premigratory NC and cranial ectoderm leads to chondrogenic differentiation of NC cells. Combination of premigratory NC with presumptive site tissues led to a pattern of NC cell differentiation normally expressed after in vivo migration: Combinations of NC with retinal pigmented epithelia gave cartilage, whereas NC with maxillary ectoderm formed cartilage and membrane bone. Both resulting skeletal tissues possessed their characteristic collagen types (II in cartilage and I in bone) as shown by indirect immunofluorescence using antibodies raised against specific types of collagen. It is concluded that avian cephalic NC cells require tissue interactions if chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation is to ensue, but that migration per se is not an absolute prerequisite for these types of differentiation. The degree of specificity underlying such interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

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