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Ponies reared with minimal or no exposure to anthelmintics were surveyed for intestinal helminths in order to estimate prevalence and intensity of parasite populations unaltered by frequent exposure to anthelmintics. Thirty-seven mixed breed ponies of varying ages were examined. Thirty-four species of nematodes and 2 species of cestodes were found. Twenty-four of the nematode species (including 1 new species) were in the subfamily Cyathostominae (small strongyles). Eighty-seven percent of the total burden of adult small strongyles in the large intestine was composed of 10 species. By comparing the results of the present survey with those of recent surveys of horses from herds which had been subjected to treatments with anthelmintics, the effect of prolonged usage of anthelmintic treatment on the prevalence of individual species possibly can be estimated. The general ranking of the 10 most common cyathostome species was similar to those described in recent surveys of horses, suggesting that anthelmintic pressure does not affect the prevalence of most cyathostome species. The lack of anthelmintic treatment appeared not to affect prevalence rates for Anoplocephala perfoliata and Anoplocephala magna when compared to other studies. Conversely, prevalence rates for Strongylus spp., Triodontophorus spp., Craterostomum acuticaudatum, Oxyuris equi, and Parascaris equorum were higher than those reported for these species in recent studies of horses.  相似文献   

The chemical structures of polysaccharides present in aposymbiotically cultured myco- and photobionts of the lichen Teloschistes flavicans were determined, in order to compare them with those previously found in the intact thallus. The mycobiont was cultured on a solid Lilly and Barnett medium and the resulting colonies were freeze dried, defatted, and their polysaccharides were extracted successively with 2%, 10% and 30% aq. KOH, each at 100 degrees C. The extracts were neutralized (HOAc) and fractionated, giving rise to three homogeneous fractions, PFSK2 from 2% KOH, which contained a (1-->4),(1-->6)-linked alpha-glucan (1:1 ratio, pullulan), fraction PK10 from 10% KOH extraction, which was a linear (1-->3)-linked linear beta-glucan (laminaran), and fraction PK30 from 30% KOH extraction, being a branched (1-->3),(1-->6)-linked beta-glucan. The photobiont (Trebouxia sp. de Puymaly) was cultured in liquid nutrient medium, and after purification, a linear (1-->5)-linked beta-galactofuranan was characterized. The galactofuranan and the laminaran were not present in the symbiotic thallus, in contrast to the glucans, showing that the mycobiont alone produces them without participation of the photobiont.  相似文献   

We collected 153 northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) over a 10-mo period from Tall Timbers Research Station near Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Five species of gastrointestinal helminths were encountered commonly (greater than 30% prevalence): Cyrnea colini, Raillietina cesticillus, R. colinia, Heterakis isolonche, and Trichostrongylus tenuis. Other helminths included Brachylaima sp., Rhabdometra odiosa, Mediorhynchus papillosis, Cheilospirura spinosa, Dispharynx nasuta, Gongylonema ingluvicola, and Tetrameres pattersoni. During the intervening 15 yr since the last year-round study of this population of birds, C. spinosa and T. pattersoni have declined markedly, and Strongyloides sp. probably has become extinct locally. Prevalence and intensity seem more likely to fluctuate in parasite species that have complex life cycles.  相似文献   

A hundred years ago, in January 1904, E.B. Poulton gave an address entitled ‘What is a species?’ The resulting article, published in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, is perhaps the first paper ever devoted entirely to a discussion of species concepts, and the first to elaborate what became known as the ‘biological species concept’. Poulton argued that species were syngamic (i.e. formed reproductive communities), the individual members of which were united by synepigony (common descent). Poulton's species concept was informed by his knowledge of polymorphic mimicry in Papilio butterflies: male and female forms were members of the same species, in spite of being quite distinct morphologically, because they belonged to syngamic communities. It is almost certainly not a coincidence that Alfred Russel Wallace had just given Poulton a book on mimicry in December 1903. This volume contained key reprints from the 1860s including the first mimicry papers, by Henry Walter Bates, Wallace himself and Roland Trimen. All these papers deal with species concepts and speciation as well as mimicry, and the last two contain the initial discoveries about mimetic polymorphism in Papilio: strongly divergent female morphs must belong to the same species as non‐mimetic males, because they can be observed in copula in nature. Poulton, together with his contemporaries Karl Jordan and Walter Rothschild, who had monographed world Papilionidae, were strongly influential on the evolutionary synthesis 40 years later. Ernst Mayr, in particular, had collected birds and butterflies for Walter Rothschild, and had visited Tring, where Jordan worked, in the 1920s. The recognition of different kinds of reproductive and geographic isolation, the classification of isolating mechanisms, the use of the term sympatry, and the biological species concept all trace back to Poulton's 1904 paper. Poulton's paper, in turn, inherits much from Wallace's 1865 paper on Asian Papilio contained in the very book Wallace gave Poulton a month earlier. Wallace's gift, and Poulton's subsequent New Year address are thus key events in the history of species concepts, systematics and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Keratinization and pigmentation in Crocodilus niloticus skin were compared with the conditions in the lizards Lacerta viridis and Anolis carolinensis. The epidermis, both in the crocodile and in lizards, is arranged to form a surface pattern of scales and narrower intervening hinge regions. Similar keratin-bound substances were found in the crocodile and lizard stratum corneum. Nevertheless, the greater uniformity in histological structure and in distribution of chemical substances throughout the depth of the crocodile stratum corneum was in marked contrast to the lizards, which showed morphological differences, and differences in intensities of chemical reactions in the horny cells laid down early and late in each keratinization cycle. In the crocodile, keratin-bound S-S and SH are uniformly distributed in the horny scales, but in the lizards the superficial cells have most S-S and the lowermost keratinized cells most SH. The loosely arranged horny cells in the crocodile are shed in small flakes as in mammals, in contrast to lizards which undergo periodic sloughs of a compact stratum corneum. In the lizards, the intermediate layer between two horny layer generations contains no detectable S-S and is probably unkeratinized, so that when these cells die a fission zone is formed. The crocodile scales each contain a raised pigmented papule in which melanin is introduced into the epidermal cells, and keratinization is also different from the neighbouring area. Guanophores and lipophores are absent in the crocodile, although present in the lizards. All contain prominent dermal melanophores.  相似文献   

Previous X-ray studies (2.8-A resolution) on the crystals of tobacco mosaic virus protein (TMVP) grown from solutions containing high salt have characterized the structure of the protein aggregate as a bilayered cylindrical disk formed by 34 identical subunits [Bloomer, A.C., Champness, J.N., Bricogne, G., Staden, R., & Klug, A. (1978) Nature (London) 276, 362-368]. Under low-salt conditions, 20S aggregates are in equilibrium with 4S species and involved in the efficient nucleation of TMV assembly in vitro [Butler, P.J.G. (1984) J. Gen. Virol. 65, 253-279]. We have investigated by sedimentation velocity and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) measurements the structure of 20S aggregates in low salt (I = 0.1 potassium phosphate at pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C) and the aggregates in high salt [0.2 M (NH4)2SO4 in I = 0.1 tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride at pH 8.0 and 20 degrees C, close to the conditions under which TMVP crystallizes as disk aggregates]. At high salt, we observe structures (presumably stacks of disks) having s20,w values around 40, 45, and 50 S, but not the 20S species present in low-salt buffers. The near-UV CD spectrum of 20S aggregates has been obtained for the first time, using computer techniques, from the spectra of the 4S-20S equilibrium mixture and the 4S species. This spectrum of 20S aggregates differs dramatically from that of the stacks of disks examined at both high and low salt (into which the stacks can be returned by dialysis), indicating that the difference is not a solvent effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Genes encoding extracellular beta-lactamases of Streptomyces badius, Streptomyces cacaoi, Streptomyces fradiae and Streptomyces lavendulae were cloned and mapped in Streptomyces lividans. DNA sequence analysis of the beta-lactamase genes revealed a high overall G + C content, ranging from 71 to 75 mol%, with a G + C content of 95 mol% at the third position of the codons for all four genes. The primary structure of the beta-lactamases including their signal peptides was deduced. The four beta-lactamases exhibited homology to each other and to class A beta-lactamases from other bacterial genera. We suggest that Streptomyces beta-lactamases are representatives of a superfamily of genes, from which class A beta-lactamases of Gram-negative bacteria may have evolved.  相似文献   

J P Sine  B Colas 《Biochimie》1987,69(1):75-80
A soluble form of acetylcholinesterase was shown to be present in rabbit enterocytes. The enzyme was obtained from a high-speed supernatant (105,000 X g centrifugation) after homogenization of intestinal mucosa without detergent. It was shown to possess no obvious hydrophobic character and could be classified as a low-salt-soluble (LSS) acetylcholinesterase. Sucrose gradient centrifugation revealed a single enzyme species with a sedimentation coefficient of 3.9 +/- 0.2S. By gel filtration performed in HPLC the enzyme was eluted as a protein corresponding to an Mr of 72,000 +/- 3,000. It could be precipitated with concanavalin A by affinoelectrophoresis, but the catalytic activity was not affected by the lectin. Our results are consistent with a G1 globular form for this soluble acetylcholinesterase which differs very clearly from detergent-soluble forms also found recently in the plasma membranes of rabbit enterocytes.  相似文献   

The most common cause of sudden cardiac death is ventricular fibrillation (VF). In addition to the status, size and location of the ventricular focus, a major pathogenic mechanism triggering VF is autonomic dysbalance (disturbance). This term refers to a wide range of reflex changes in the ratio of sympathetic to vagal ventricular activation over time, occurring immediately after coronary artery occlusion at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Another trigger of VF is autonomic disturbance due to emotional stress. Experimental and clinical research into autonomic disturbances associated with coronary artery occlusion and emotional stress was given considerable attention as early as some 30 years ago when researchers were already searching for ways of inhibiting autonomic disturbances using predominant sympathetic and vagal activation by beta-blockers (BB) and atropine, respectively. The aim of our paper is to compare results obtained 30 years ago with current status of experimental and clinical research into SCD prevention. Another aim is to identify questions that have remained unanswered to date; answers to these outstanding questions could help further reduce the risk of SCD.  相似文献   

Bronchoconstriction is a characteristic symptom of various chronic obstructive respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. Precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) are a suitable ex vivo model to study physiological mechanisms of bronchoconstriction in different species. In the present study, we established an ex vivo model of bronchoconstriction in nonhuman primates (NHPs). PCLS prepared from common marmosets, cynomolgus macaques, rhesus macaques, and anubis baboons were stimulated with increasing concentrations of representative bronchoconstrictors: methacholine, histamine, serotonin, leukotriene D? (LTD?), U46619, and endothelin-1. Alterations in the airway caliber were measured and compared with previously published data from rodents, guinea pigs, and humans. Methacholine induced maximal airway constriction, varying between 74 and 88% in all NHP species, whereas serotonin was ineffective. Histamine induced maximal bronchoconstriction of 77 to 90% in rhesus macaques, cynomolgus macaques, and baboons and a lesser constriction of 53% in marmosets. LTD? was ineffective in marmosets and rhesus macaques but induced a maximum constriction of 44 to 49% in cynomolgus macaques and baboons. U46619 and endothelin-1 caused airway constriction in all NHP species, with maximum constrictions of 65 to 91% and 70 to 81%, respectively. In conclusion, PCLS from NHPs represent a valuable ex vivo model for studying bronchoconstriction. All NHPs respond to mediators relevant to human airway disorders such as methacholine, histamine, U46619, and endothelin-1 and are insensitive to the rodent mast cell product serotonin. Only PCLS from cynomolgus macaques and baboons, however, responded also to leukotrienes, suggesting that among all compared species, these two NHPs resemble the human airway mechanisms best.  相似文献   

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